Lutheran Life Lent 2018

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the congregational newsletter of

St John’s Lutheran Church




ent is a dusty time, where “Remember you are dust, and to dust, you shall return” can sound ominous … or hopeful … or both. I think how we hear the words depends how we see God using said dust.

Within the realm of the cosmos, God used dust to create the world. In the Garden of Eden, God used dust to fashion humankind. In the manger, God nestled in the dust of a manger. With the woman caught in adultery, God wrote in the dust to convict those with stones in their hands. With the blind man, God mixed spit and dust to heal. On the way to the cross, God fell in the dust, journeying to redeem humankind. As God is apt to do, God will do amazing things with dust as we share the Lenten journey, meeting us. Consider these words from Jan Richardson: Will you meet us in the ashes, will you meet us in the ache, and show your face within our sorrow and offer us your word of grace: That you are life within the dying, that you abide within the dust, that you are what survives the burning, that you arise to make us new? And in our aching, you are breathing. And in our weeping, you are here, within the hands that bear your blessing, enfolding us within your love. May we meet God, and doing so, experience a dusty Love!




oly Week, together with Easter, forms a time of deep contrast, an entry into the experience of what it is to be human, with its extreme highs and lows. Even more, it's an entry into the gift that God enters and redeems our experience in Christ.

Palm Sunday: March 25; Worship 9:00 and 11:00 AM On Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and into our lives, with children parading in procession, waving palms as we sing celebratory hymns. Then the cheers turn to shouts of "Crucify him!" as the crowds in Jerusalem turn against Jesus and we recall the ways we turn against God in our lives as well. It's a very somber turn, and a jarring contrast, as we shift our focus to Jesus's passion, the story of his trial and crucifixion. At St. John's, on Palm Sunday we don't receive communion. After the reading of the passion, we leave in silence. Our worship continues with the next service of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday: March 29; Worship 7:30PM Maundy Thursday, the night Jesus gave us the holy meal known as the Lord's Supper, we do receive communion. Then the altar is stripped, all the beauty of cloths and candles and scripture taken away. This is symbolic of Jesus' captors attempting to strip him of his divine power. Again, we enter deeply into the human experience of loss, and again we leave in silence. Good Friday: March 30; Worship 7:30PM Good Friday, as we follow Jesus through the 14 stations of the cross to his crucifixion and burial, is the most somber worship of the church year. The experience reminds us that God in Jesus would go to such depths of sacrifice and suffering out of love for each of us. Easter: April 1; Worship 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00AM On Easter we celebrate the resurrection, in Christ as he rose from the grave and in the new life we experience as we come to believe we are so fully loved by God. The 7:00am Sunrise Service begins in Old Gray Cemetery and we process to the sanctuary. With choirs and bells and anthems and hymns, we celebrate with all the beauty God gives! An Easter brunch and flowering of the courtyard cross takes place at 10:00 AM.

HOLY WEEK & EASTER SCHEDULE MAUNDY THURSDAY ……………………………………….. March 29th at 7:30pm GOOD FRIDAY …………………………………………………March 30th at 7:30pm EASTER SERVICES ………………………………………….. April 1st at 7am, 9am & 11am EASTER BRUNCH / FLOWERING THE CROSS …………..April 1st at 10am



We’ve also got a great toolbox and cleaning supplies (love and forgiveness, plus a whole lot of parables and wisdom and examples of faithfulness —as well as some teaching by negative example! — in scripture). Finally, we don’t do this alone: God gives us each other. When my light’s out of batteries, your light can take over, and vice verse.


ent — from the Old English word, lengten, meaning spring, when days lengthen as the sun’s light falls on the northern hemisphere for longer periods of time and earth comes back to life — often feels like it’s more from the Italian word, Lento (not to be confused with MentosTM!), meaning slow. Think of a Chopin Nocturne, played delicately and slooooowly. Lent is a time of preparation for Easter, a time to give attention to parts of our hearts and relationships in need of light —to linger in the languorous latitudes of lassitude — and we tend to use language from scripture like “wandering in the wilderness,” “journey to the cross,” and “entering the tomb.” What if, this Lent, we aimed for a Lighter, Brighter Lent? Think, dark basement or attic or closet of the soul, inner workings that keep the house working, broken stuff that needs repair or cleaning or giving away or attention or maybe just appreciation. It can be daunting, and if you wander around in there without light and proper tools, you could do damage, and someone could get hurt. But here’s the thing: we have an excellent shop light (the light of Christ, shining from the cross and beyond to Word and Sacrament: baptism, communion, and the witness of saints through love and service).


All during Lent, God takes care of us, teaches and heals and leads us to joy, as we worship, learn, give, serve, and grow in relationship together. This Lent, let’s give ourselves wholeheartedly to the heart-warming, new-life-bringing process of Lent, as the light of Christ lengthens: a Lighter, Brighter Lent!


For the Good of All: A Service of Evensong at St. John’s Lutheran Church


vensong is a beautiful service, largely from Episcopal and Catholic traditions, most often offered as Choral Evensong, a time when the congregational choir or a guest choir performs the prayer hour of Vespers, or Evening Prayer, as the congregation prays silently. Our Evensong will be similar, but also a little different, partially because I wrote it (and that’s always a little different!), but more, because I wanted to see if it was possible, to compose a service of Evensong, with all the beautiful arc of experience in a Choral Evensong, but where a congregation, never having heard the music before, could be the choir.

On December 1, 2017, we had Tyson House packed, with 90+ high school juniors and seniors, young adults, various bishops, and one soon-to-be bishop, singing and worshiping beautifully. My favorite part was when Adie Brown, one of our residents at Tyson House, sang the part of Mary for the Magnificat. As Bishop Curry said afterward, “That Magnificat was magnificent!” I blame Adie. And God. They make quite a pair! This Lent, on Wednesday evenings at St. John’s, in our beautiful, candle-lit sanctuary, I look forward to hearing the part sung by Debbie Sousa, our choir director and an angelic soprano. Please come at 5:30pm for dinner in Sparks fellowship hall, then we will worship in the sanctuary at 6:30pm. I think it will be beautiful and restful, tender and appropriate for addressing our places of deepest need, but hopeful, lighter and brighter than Lent tends to be.

Last December, the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee ordained a new bishop, Bishop Brian Cole, who turns out to be a friend of Pastor Amy’s from Baptist seminary, back in the day. Apparently, both of them were on quite a journey! The Presiding Bishop of the national Episcopal Church, Bishop Michael Curry, was in town for the ordination, as were many others. One of our students at Tyson House, William Simerly, suggested they should do something to engage young adults and rising college students, and they agreed!




ere’s a look at St. John’s Faith Formation offerings for LENT:

Infants and Toddlers in the Nursery Under the watchful eye of Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton, and Bailey Morgan, our little ones enjoy Scripture stories, creative prayer, and free play. Preschoolers through Fifth Graders begin in the Kindergarten Room Combining music with Ms. Debby Sousa and Augsburg Fortress’ Sparkhouse curriculum, our children explore biblical truth via each week’s worship lessons, selected from the Revised Common Lectionary. Our teaching team includes Lauren Kimzey, Marjorie Hansen, Chrystal Brewer, Amy Hamer, and Sarah Mariott. February 11 … The Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-9) February 18 … Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9) February 25 … Abraham and Sarah’s Visitors (Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7) March 4 … The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) March 11 … The Light of the World (John 3:14-21) March 18 … Serve and Follow (John 12:20-33) March 25 … Holy Week (Mark 11:1-11, 14:1-15:47) Middler Schoolers and High Schoolers in the Sharp Youth Room Our middle schoolers meet with Liz Gibson and Sam and Chelsea Pressley; our high schoolers meet with Isaac Taylor. Adult Faith Formation in Sparks Fellowship Hall Life Keys: Discover Who You Are is a comprehensive guide that helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Discover Who You Are a one-of-a-kind tool. It will help those longing to find or deepen meaning in life, considering volunteer opportunities, contemplating career changes, or desiring to become more useful to God. February 11 … Spiritual Gifts: God’s Special Instruments led by Neil Fischer February 18 … Personality Types: Melodies for Life led by Monica Krogmann February 25 … Values: Chords that Touch Your Soul led by Angie Hamstead March 4 … Passions: What God Puts in Your Heart led by Chris Wise March 11 … Life Choices: Orchestrating Your Priorities led by Clarke Hinkle March 18 … Service: For Whom Shall You Play? led by Pastor Amy March 25 … Translating Everything into Ministry led by Pastor Amy and Jessica Bocangel To purchase the accompanying book, please check out In the upcoming Easter season, the adults will explore Luther’s small catechism, using By Heart, a resource published by Augsburg Fortress.




Lenten Communion Instruction Here’s a look at the schedule for our Family Communion Instruction: March 7 at 4:30 PM in Sparks Fellowship Hall. March 21 at 4:30 PM in Sparks Fellowship Hall. March 28 at 4:30 PM at Liza Moz Pottery Studio in Downtown West. Children and families are invited to participate in this annual celebration which addresses God’s meal of Love; instruction will include three group sessions with Pastor Amy and family faith activities. Our Family Communion Celebration will be Sunday, April 8 at the 11:00AM service. Please contact Pastor Amy at to express interest in your family participation, to coordinate shared meals, and to prepare for your family’s faith activities at home.


aptism is always the 1st Stepping Stone of Faith! Throughout the year, we invite families to participate in a celebration of the baptismal promises, gifting the child and praying for the family. February 11 Confirmation Kick-Off for Middle Schoolers(6th Stepping Stone … Family Pic in Frame) March 4

Worship Leadership for older Elementary Students and Teenagers (5th Stepping Stone … Pectoral Cross)

April 8

Holy Communion for Elementary Students (4th Stepping Stone … Hand-Painted Pottery Plate)

May 13

Graduation for High School Seniors (8th Stepping Stone … Palm Crosses)

July 29

College Send-Off for rising collegiate Freshmen (9th Stepping Stone … Quillow)

Aug 5

Beginning Kindergarten for rising Kindergartners (3rd Stepping Stone … Wall Cross)

Oct 7

Bible for first and second graders (3rd Stepping Stone … Spark Bible)

Dec 19

Return from College for college students (10th Stepping Stone … Reunion Dinner)




he staff has been chosen! Guests are registering! The summer is filling up! WOW Summer 2018 is on it’s way!

All youth, who have completed 6th grade, are welcome and encouraged to participate in this program of faith formation, leadership development, and urban ministry. Mark these dates on your calendar. Leadership Academy (LA) - Choose one date that best fits your schedule LA#1 - March 24 - 25 & LA#2 - April 7 - 8 Registration is now available on the WOW website. Log on and sign up today. Team Retreat (at the beach - yay!) Dates: Monday, May 28 - Friday, June 1 Location: Isle of Palms, SC Register online WOW Weeks for 2018 Week 1 - June 3 - 8 Week 2 - June 10 - 15 Week 3 - June 17 - 22 Week 4 - July 8 - 13 Week 5 - July 15 - 20 If you are wondering, what is WOW, ask any SJLC teenager. If you want to know how you can support WOW, talk to Angie Hamstead (, Nancy Friedrich, or Pastor Amy. We’re looking forward to a summer of sharing and growing in God’s love through this beautiful ministry called WOW.

Meet the WOW 2018 Staff

Kylie Shattuck


Fred Perkinson

Chloe Gibson

Rendon Overcash

Lacy Ott



ello St. John's! We have already had 1 youth event for this semester, and it was a great success! We held a joint lock-in with Peace Lutheran Church in the middle of January where we made birthday and Valentine's cards for kids living at KARM and walked in the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade with 30 youth! Here is what we have for youth activities on the upcoming schedule: February 10th - Movie and Reflection night at the church We will watch the Lion King and discuss its deeper meanings February 23rd-25th - All-GA Youth Retreat Check for more infformation March 4th - Lunch Bunch at O’Charley’s We’ll meet at O'Charley's on Kingston Pike to eat, followed by LazerQuest Please let me know if you are planning to attend these events so I can make appropriate reservations. We also have other regular events -- Sunday School for high school and middle school youth every Sunday at 10am in the youth room. Reach out to Isaac Taylor for details at


in Our World Urban Ministry (WOW) is preparing to host its Annual Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, February 13th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. This is more than a pre-Lenten is the official kick-off to the WOW 2018 season. Mardi Gras, which is French for “Fat Tuesday,” is the last day of a season called “Carnival.” Mardi Gras is the culmination of festivities and features parades and masquerades. The day after Fat Tuesday is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Lent is a time of fasting and penance in preparation for Easter. Carnival, then, can rightly be seen as the indulgence before the fast. It is one last “binge” before the 40 days of Lent. Over the course of the seven camp weeks last summer, WOW youth and faithful adults supported our neighbors through 5,000+ hours of community service. The ripple effect of this ministry is monumental. You’re invited to gather with our community for a festive WOW 2018 kick-off and a yummy “last splurge” meal. Where: St. John’s Lutheran Church (Fellowship Hall) When: Tuesday, February 13, anytime between 5:30-7:30 Cost: $5.00 per person (all you can eat); $20.00 max per family All proceeds from ticket sales will directly benefit WOW.




n "Inquirers" luncheon is scheduled for Sunday, February 18 in the Sparks Fellowship Hall at 12:30 PM. You are invited to hear from Saint John’s pastors and leaders regarding our Christian faith, Lutheran traditions, and the mission and ministry of our faith community. In addition to these topics of discussion, we also hope to answer any questions you may have regarding the meaning and significance of membership at Saint John's We will be receiving New Members at Saint John's on Sunday, March 4, 2018 and encourage Inquirers to prayerfully consider joining this congregation and becoming an active member in these Christ centered relationships of faith, hope and love. Please receive this newsletter invitation to attend the Inquirer’s luncheon as an expression of our joy in worshipping with you and our desire to experience a faithful relationship with you. The favor of replying to our invitation will help us in planning for lunch. You can RSVP to Toni in the church office at 523-3330 or

“A Wing and a Prayer: Discovering and Deepening a Life of Prayer”


n February 23-24, 2018 the St. John’s Annual Men’s Retreat will be at Eagle Rock. We will have a wonderful time gathering, sharing, growing, laughing, and getting to know each other with the wonderful view as a backdrop. The cost is $50 which covers 3 great meals, snacks, and your bed. Sign up sheets will be out soon, with full information and details to follow. Please don’t hesitate to contact Caleb Warren at 865-607-9350 if you have any questions.


BREAKING FREE: A Retreat for Women of All Ages Katie’s Sisters Women’s Ministry invites you to their women’s retreat, Friday, March 2 & Saturday, March 3. Cost is $50. Sign up in the Welcome Center in January and February!



s we embark on our 9th Habitat Home Build this Spring, it is a wonderful way to involve many members of our St. John’s Family in several ways. There are Many opportunities to become involved!

Leadership Team We are forming a great team so get involved. The Habitat core team roles are: Project Coordinators Volunteer Coordinator / Registrar Building Buddy for Family Food / Refreshment Coordinator Fund Raising Coordinator Publicity Coordinator Reflection Leader Volunteers > We will need 30 volunteers for the Blitz on Saturday, April 28th: * April 28th - Blitz Day Involves starting with a floor, building the exterior walls, setting the trusses, and decking the roof - the house will be “in the dry” at the end of the day. > We will need 10-15 volunteers for four more Saturdays in May and June. Here are the work plans for each day. * May 5th - Interior Walls Consists of building and setting walls and installing top-plate, deadwood, and cabinet blocking. Volunteers will work most of the day. Completion of the roof should be early-to-mid afternoon. * May 12th - Siding Work begins on the ground and finishes on scaffolding or ladders. * June 2nd - Paint Interior Walls Houses are typically already cut-in, and work consists of rolling 2 coats of paint on all of the walls. * June 9th – Trim and Cabinets Install - Measuring, cutting, and installing baseboards, door trim and cabinets. Fundraising We have also launched our fundraising goal of $15,000. Thanks to a partnership with Bearden Central Baptist and David and Sandy Martin, they will be providing the other 2/3 of the funds or $30,000. Plan to consider your participation with financial support as well! Become involved! Contact: ; 865-567-3845

LUTHERAN LIFE Another important little fact you may remember is that the counting of the forty days does not include Sundays. Why? Because Sundays are always days of celebration in the Christian church and are not included in the forty fasting days of Lent. Sundays commemorate the Resurrection!

We are now approaching the Lenten season which begins with Ash Wednesday on February 14th. As altar guild members, this means it is a time of preparation of the sanctuary and a time of introspection in anticipation of the celebration of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday The season of Lent originated in the fourth century and spans 40 days (excluding Sundays), beginning on Ash Wednesday and culminating in Holy Week with Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Week preceeding Easter. Originally, Lent was the time of preparation for those who were to be baptized, a time of study and prayer. Have you ever wondered why Lent is 40 days? > Luke’s Gospel says “Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, where for 40 days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. > The rain lasted 40 days in the mighty flood (according to Noah). > Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days (Exodus 24:18) > Jonah gave the people of Nineveh 40 days to repent. (Jonah 3-4)


As the Altar Guild prepares the altar for Lent, may we embrace those forty days of introspection and self examination in preparation for Easter. As with all ministries the work of the Altar Guild is a labor of love. The people of the Altar Guild serve God by preparing the Altar for all services. Members change the candles, wash and iron the linens, arrange flowers, polish silver and vest the altar for the occasion. If you’re interested in being a member of SJLC Altar Guild please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Tucker at or call the St John’s office at 865-523-3330 for information. Blessings and wishes for a Holy Lent and a glorious Alleluia Easter!


Meet the newest members of our


Sally Robinette


Jeff Welch

Stan Leib

Matt Whitehead

ave you heard of WINE (Women In Narrative Exploration?) This new small group ministry gathers women for wine and conversation; at the inaugural event, 23 folks showed up!

Mark your calendar for the next gatherings: March 6, April 3, and May 1. Look for details in the Katie’s Sisters FB group, in the weekly E-News, and via personal e-mails.


heopub! is a unique opportunity to explore the role of faith in our daily lives, through informative and enlightening conversation over a pint with good friends. Join us for thought provoking readings, speakers and discussions. Contact John Rice for dates and details.


ou’re invited to the next SAMs event on Wednesday, March 7, 2018, 11:30 am. Please join us for lunch of soup, salad, bread and dessert. Your cost $5.00

Our program will be presented by Marleitta Cooper, a volunteer at the Sam Houston Historic School House in Maryville, TN. She will be speaking about the life of Sam Houston, an American soldier and politician. Contact Mary Cole 584-3153; for RSVP. All are welcome.




he mission of Family Promise is to help homeless and low -imcome families achieve sustainable independence and is a national, non-profit organization funded by contributions, grant, etc. They recognize that poverty is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-faceted response. They respond to integrating educational outreach, smart programming, effective policies and the hands-on work of thousands of volunteers. They provide food, shelter, and support services for homeless families. They provide advice and advocacy for at-risk families to prevent their becoming homeless and educate people about poverty and the means to combat it. Family Promise works community-by-community, guided by experts … the people who live there and know it best. Today they mobilize more than 160,000 volunteers from coast to coast in their commitment to building communities and strengthening lives. Their proven approach has helped nearly 80 percent of clients secure housing, a job, and the chance to build a better future together. In Knoxville there are many communities of faith who house four families for a year and other churches who provide meals for those families four times a year while they are at church. currently, St. John’s provides meals twice a week four times a year for the families housed at First Presbyterian Church, 620 State Street, in downtown Knoxville. We provide the evening meal for he families and volunteers (approximately 20 people) We need a team of volunteers to provide food, cook meals, serve meals, and other ways to serve and support this extraordinary mission for homeless families in order to keep children and parents together. Please consider joining an organizational team at St. John’s to facilitate this mission Co-coordinators: Alice Garrison 865-256-4440 and Phyllis Collins 320-493-1130


t’s time for our Annual Spring Cleaning for 2018. We need your help on Saturday March 24. Please come early and fellowship over a continental style breakfast from 8:30am til 9:00am. Cleaning will begin at 9:30 and will conclude by 11:30am Here’s what we’re doing: Inside Work ... Choice of...Condition the beautiful woodwork of Welcome Center and Sanctuary, clean church windows (inside and outside), clean church window blinds, clean wax from sanctuary floors and pews, or arrange archive room upstairs. Please bring gloves if you can; tools will be provided. Outside Work … Trim tree limbs, repair Courtyard Fountain for springtime operation, waterproof cement wall caps, and other outside beautifications. Contact the church office at 523-3330 for further information.


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Marilyn Fahringer Jean Dasher Gary Morgan Sonya McWilliams Jill Rosberg Laura Trout Brad Parman Erin Ramsey Kelly Parman Parker Hamer Adam Krogmann Bailey Morgan John Lawhon Ruth Petersen Robin Leib Sandra Jessel Amy Figg Ashton Roberts Michael Grider Alexandra Bernard Julie Glibbery Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee Heidi Mathews Skip Wells

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Jessi Grieser Kris Hepler Jason Jennings Elissa Glibbery Jim Ley Jane French Joel Forker Angela Long Virginia Shaffer Amy O’Hatnick Sonja Krautner Connie Burkhalter Angie Hamstead Frederick Perkinson III Kylie Shattuck Karen Rieger Kaye Bultemeier Kelley Westphal Elizabeth Menendez LaReau Carlson Mary Kline Ryan Sweany Linda Godden Rob Rieger Kristen McFarland Asha Warren Jared Eisenhower Bob Metelka Ella Gibson Michael Holtz Brad Gibson Lucy Page Emily Sousa John Jessel Emily Bast Anna Elizabeth Lee Karen Bertollini Katha O’Hatnick Beverly Martin Blair Demmink Larry Seivers Katie Brooks Matthew Glibbery Graham Ley

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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