Lutheran Life Lent 2017

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the congregational newsletter of

St John‘s Lutheran Church

St John’s Lutheran Church



We are the



he location is in what many folks consider “the mission district”. The pews are not comfortable. The “neighbors” who attend are welcomed by pastors and police, ushers and greeters, and a whole host of people who take God’s “love thy neighbor” suggestion seriously. Yes, life and ministry at Saint John’s Lutheran is more than alive and well… it is authentic and challenging and transformational and very inclusive. Some congregations like to appeal to certain segments of the population by being cool with the latest technology and some of the very best coffee. We are technologically challenged and we serve plain old Lutheran coffee, but for some reason, people of all ages just keep showing up. And age diversity is just the beginning of what is finally becoming a genuinely inclusive community. Yes, all are welcomed in this place! When so many congregations have experienced people dropping out, at Saint John’s we are thankful for the number of people that are continuing to drop in and are becoming active participants in this life changing ministry. In a day and age where “market share” and “branding” are signs of growth and recognition, we have been blessed and grateful to be known simply as the baptized.


The season of Lent is filled with scripture that reminds us of the meaning and significance of our baptism. We belong to Christ and one another through water and the Word. We are a faith community that wants to be evangelical and a missionary outpost; a place of healing, transformation and new life; a welcoming and renewing and richly diverse place of grace. We hope and pray the 40 days of Lent will produce a deeper understanding of our purpose in this neighborhood and our mission to the world as we continue to take God’s “love thy neighbor” as more than a suggestion, but rather as a way of abundant life in Christ. After all, we are the baptized. In Christ,

Pastor Steve


MOUNTAIN VESPERS A Quiet, Open Space for Prayer

Wednesday Evening Worship by Candlelight Join us Wednesday evenings in Lent for Mountain Vespers: Worship by Candlelight, March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5 beginning at 6:30pm.

the promise, “for you.” Renewed in God’s light, we go to share the light with the world, led by another ancient hymn.

Somewhere between the high lonesome of bluegrass and whisper-like vocals in the style of Sufjan Stevens, the acoustic instruments and close harmony of Mountain Vespers open a space for memory, reflection, and prayer. As sun sets & darkness falls, we light the evening candle, together with Christians across centuries, and we look to God’s light, Jesus Christ, to see us through.

“O God you have called us to ventures where we cannot see the end, By paths never yet taken, through perils unknown. Give us good courage, not knowing where we go, To know that your hand is leading us wherever we might go. Amen.”

“Joyous Light, glorious God, heavenly holy Jesus Christ We have come to the setting of the sun, and we look to the evening Light We sing to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, our voices pure together O precious God, giver of Light, we sing your praises forever.” Gentle singing and prayer lead to scripture, and our gospels teach the basics of faith: our need to be born anew, from above, from heaven (a struggle for Nicodemus, a religious leader of Jesus’s day, and for everyone since); our need for living water, flowing from deeper than the deepest well, again, from heaven (and again, a struggle for the Samaritan woman, and for all of us); on and on, week by week, scripture turns us to our need for God and God’s mysterious meeting of our need in Christ. Our Wednesday worship opens the gospel for the coming Sunday, using Lectio Divina, a Benedictine practice of listening together, noticing what lights up or stands out in the text, as a way to know our hearts, in light of God’s love. In communion, the light of God is given to each of us, through bread and wine and

As days lengthen (the meaning of Lent) and light returns, may our trust in God’s love grow and strengthen, and may Mountain Vespers be a help along the way.

Here’s the schedule ... We will begin with fellowship and dinner prepared by Tender Lovin' Cookin' (TLC) at 5:30 PM followed by Worship at 6:30 PM. Here are the dates & lessons … > March 8 (John 3:1-17 ... Mission of Christ to save the world), > March 15 (John 4:5-42 ... baptismal image of the woman at the well), > March 22 (John 9:1-42 ... baptismal image of the man born blind), > March 29 (John 11:1-45 ... baptismal image of the raising of Lazarus), > April 5 (Matthew 26:14-27:66 ... the passion)




FAITH FORMATION of FAITH Sunday morning Faith Formation continues during the Lenten season, beginning at 10:10 and wrapping up at 10:50. Check out the options: NURSERY Our littlest ones gather for an age-appropriate Bible story, creative prayer, and group play.

PRE-SCHOOL thru ELEMENTARY Our children participating in creative group opening in the Kindergarten Room, complete with songs with Ms. Debby Sousa, and a devotional thought to center minds and hearts. Then it is off to classes for Pre-Schoolers and Kindergartners, First and Second Graders, and Third through Fifth Graders. Each class led by a team of faithful adults who share responsibility for teaching. Our curriculum is Spark. MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL Our teenagers gather at Remedy Coffee House, just around the corner from the church at 800 Tyson Street, for yummy treats, warm beverages, and significant conversation. Pastor John and Isaac meet with the senior high youth, and our newly formed team of faithful adults meet with our middle school youth ADULTS “We are saved by grace, through faith, apart from works of the Law.” What in the world does that mean? Adults are encouraged to discover the answers in a new series entitled, “Lutheranism 101.” Over the six week session, John Rice and Robin Lovett will guide our conversation. The suggested text is “Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life” by Daniel Erlander; we will provide copies for purchase for $10.00.


“Stepping Stones” is a faith formation program based on the intentional invitation on specific Sundays throughout the year for families to regularly revisit the promises of the baptismal covenant. What happens when the church family celebrates a Stepping Stone of Faith? Each child or youth participant receives a gift, one of the pastors speaks to the importance of family faith formation, and the congregation shares a dedicatory prayer for the participating families. What are the expressed purposes of Stepping Stones? Those who participate are encouraged to: Remember the baptismal covenant Nurture lifelong family faith formation practices Celebrate significant milestones Support parents with faith formation resources Encourage families in the congregation through prayer What Stepping Stone of Faith will we celebrate during Lent? On March 5, those children and youth who are interested in serving as acolytes and crucifers will be honored with a pectoral cross. We will provide worship leadership training on the following dates: Sunday, March 5 at 10:00 AM, Wednesday, March 8 at 5:30 PM, Sunday, March 12 at 12:15 PM New acolytes and crucifers will begin serving in worship during the Easter season. Questions? Please contact Pastor Amy at



Throughout the Gospel, women meet Jesus in a variety of settings and come away transformed. For the six weeks of Lent, we will be looking at six of these encounters - seeking to understand the women, their needs and desires, what they asked of Jesus, and how Jesus responded. We will also look at how these encounters apply to our lives in the 21st century. In an attempt to provide opportunities

for as many as possible, sessions will be offered both Tuesday evenings at 7pm and Thursday mornings at 9am. This study will be facilitated by Deanna Lloyd. Dates & Topics as follows: Thurs, March 2/Tues, March 7: Thurs, March 9/Tues, March 14: Thurs, March 16/Tues, March 21: Thurs, March 23/Tues, March 28: Thurs, March 30/Tues, April 4: Thurs, April 6/Tues, April 11:

The Faith of the Syrophoenician Woman The Woman at the Well The Woman Caught in Adultery The Woman Who Bled Jesus Anointed Mary Magdalene at the Tomb

Mark 7:24-30 John 4:4-42 John 8:1-9 Mark 5:21-43 Luke 7:36-50 John 20:1-18

Lenten Communion Instruction

Your Lenten Discipline - 8 Questions …

Children and families are invited to participate in this annual celebration which addresses God’s meal of Love; instruction will include three group sessions with Pastor Amy and family faith activities. Instruction is scheduled for March 22 at 4:30 P.M., March 28 at 4:30 P.M., and April 2 at 12:30 P.M. in Sparks Fellowship Hall


When I wake up on Resurrection Sunday morning, what growth do I hope to celebrate?


Is there a habit or sin in my life that repeatedly gets in the way of loving God with my whole heart or loving my neighbor as myself? How do I address that habit over the next 40 days?


Is there anyone in my life from whom I need to ask forgiveness or pursue reconciliation?


What practical steps can I take to carve out time for daily contemplation?


What spiritual discipline do I need to improve upon or want to try?


What are some things in my life that I tell myself I need but I don’t? Can I give one or two of them up for 40 days?


Why am I giving this particular thing up? How does giving it up draw me closer to God and prepare me for Easter?


Is it necessary/helpful for me to share the nature my fast with others, or should I keep it private?

Our Family Communion Celebration will be Sunday, April 30 at the 11:00 service. Please contact Pastor Amy at to express interest in your family participation, to coordinate shared meals, and to prepare for your family’s faith activities at home.

~Adapted from a Rachel Held Evans blog~





The St. John’s family is EXTREMELY EXCITED to introduce you to new members of our church council (below), as well as new members of our church family (following pages).

Jackie Tucker has been a member of St. John's for ten years and a resident of North Knoxville for the past twenty years. Jackie believes St John's has a most effective church membership and is blessed with vital effective ministries that serve God and humanity. She looks forward to serving on church council, thereby assuring these ministries remain vigilant and current for the growing needs of our community.

David Maples has been a member of St. John’s for 53 years. He & his wife Lynda were married at St. John’s in July of 1964. Lynda was a member for 65 years before her passing in September of 2015. David’s daughter, Laura Morgan and her family are also members of St. John’s. David has served on council in the passed and is currently an active member of the Senior Adult Ministry (SAMs).

Lauren Kimzey and her family have been members of St. Johnʼs for eight years. Lauren attended the University of Tennessee, where she graduated with her Masters in Child Development and Early Childhood Education. Lauren has loved teaching the Pre-K & Kindergarten Sunday school class and is looking forward to many more opportunities to work with the young children at St. Johnʼs.

David Bocangel and his wife Jessica have been members of St John’s since 2006. Together they welcomed their son, Joaquin, to the world in 2011 and their daughter, Lola, in 2014. And in 2015, their teenage niece, Paola, came to live with them while she’s finishing high school. David is also passionate about community service and giving back. He’s served on the Board of Directors of WOW and is active in St. John’s Men’s B.E.E.R group.

Caleb Warren has been a member of St. John’s Lutheran church for 4 years. Caleb and his his wife Danielle were married 3 years ago. Caleb has mentored a “little brother” for the last 3 years through Kids Hope, and is very active in the Men’s Group at St. John’s. Caleb and Dani were touched by and drawn to St. John’s by the palpable feeling of the Holy Spirit that exists in the community that is St. John’s, and he hopes to continue to work to foster that experience. He feels fortunate to be asked to help guide the church to actively be the hands of God in our community and world.

Karen & Jack Wells, Carter, Nolan & Alana Jack and Karen Wells with their children Carter, Nolan and Alana Wells are happy to join St. John’s Lutheran Church. They have been members at First United Methodist Church in Knoxville since 2000. Jack is a physicist and works as the Director of Science at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s National Center for Computational Sciences, and Karen is an Internal Medicine physician working in primary care at the VA Outpatient Clinic in Knoxville. Carter and Nolan are Freshmen at West High School and enjoy Boy Scouts, violin and are both history buffs. Alana is in the eighth grade at Nature’s Way Montessori and enjoys dance and piano. As a family, they enjoy travelling, hiking, and their dog Roscoe. They have been active in church youth group, choir and handbells and each hope to find a place to serve, worship and join in community at St John’s.

Anna Brownlee, Kayleigh & Cameron Anna is married to Derek Brownlee and they have 2 children, Kayleigh and Cameron. Anna is joining St. John’s after attending for about a year and feeling at home and drawn to the diversity and ministries of St. John’s. Anna is in her 10th year as a school counselor at West High School. Derek is a Web Manager at ORNL, and enjoys coaching Kayleigh’s softball team. Kayleigh is in 4th grade at Cedar Bluff Elementary and loves art and science and enjoys playing on a travel softball team. Cameron is in 1st grade at Cedar Bluff. He loves being active and plays soccer, basketball, and baseball.

Elizabeth & Nathan McCollom, Ryan, Logan & Lydia Nathan and Elizabeth McCollom were drawn to St. John's because Elizabeth's mother grew up attending church here and Elizabeth was baptized here as well. She grew up attending St. Paul's in Vonore. Nathan grew up attending Meadowbrook Christian Church, but has always enjoyed attending Lutheran services with Elizabeth. Nathan and Elizabeth have three children, Ryan, 13, Logan, 11, and Lydia, 5 months. Ryan is in 7th grade at West Valley Middle and plays the trumpet, enjoys going hunting with his granddaddy, baseball, and video games. Logan is in 6th grade at West Valley Middle School and plays the trombone, enjoys hunting, soccer, and of course, loves playing video games too. Lydia is the newest addition to the McCollom family, she was born September 15, 2016. Nathan works for Denso Manufacturing in Maryville as a Logistics Section Leader. He loves all sports, but is most passionate about football. lizabeth recently left her job at Louisville Tile as an Interior Designer to be a stay at home momma. She is an avid reader, enjoys the performing arts, and likes to repurpose furniture and other items from trash to treasure. The McColloms are excited to become a part of the St. John's family and raise their children in God's home.

Ashly & Thomas McDermott, Annie Rose Ashley and Thomas McDermott have been members of First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas since 2013. They moved to Knoxville in 2015 to be closer to family, enjoy the simpler things in life, and begin raising their own family. They welcomed their bright eyed and sweet daughter, Annie Rose to their family on November 23rd. Thomas grew up in Sevierville, TN., went to Rice University in Houston and was an investment banker for 5 years. He now works for LHP Capital as a financial analyst. Ashley grew up in Mansfield, TX, graduated from the University of Texas at Austin (the REAL UT :) ) and obtained her doctorate in audiology at LSU. She currently works as an audiologist at The Family Hearing Center. Thomas served on the property committee at their previous church, and Ashley is involved in medical mission work through Faith in Practice. She travels to Guatemala annually to serve in a mobile medical clinic in the most remote and forgotten parts of Guatemala. She would love to speak with any members here with medical backgrounds that may be interested in getting involved . In their spare time, Thomas and Ashley enjoy hiking in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains, home brewing, traveling, reading, and playing with their giant fluffy Goldendoodle, Davy Crockett.

Jill Rosberg & ChangSheng Lu, Maya Jill is originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa and has lived in Knoxville for ten years. Lu is originally from China and moved to Knoxville over twenty years ago to pursue his Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Tennessee. Their daughter, Maya, was born in September 2016. Jill is the Commission Liaison and Coordinator for the Knox County Law Director’s Office and Lu is a Hydro-Geologist at Jacobs Engineering in Oak Ridge. Jill and Lu enjoy outdoor activities and travel and Lu is a ski instructor at Ober Gatlinburg. Jill, Lu and Maya live in the Old North Knoxville neighborhood. They are delighted to make St. John’s their spiritual home and are especially looking forward to becoming involved in St. John’s outreach ministries.

Gabe Dusing Gabriel John Dusing is joining St. John's after a year of visiting and finding kinship with the mission and spirit of the congregation. Gabriel is a graduate student at the University of Tennessee, pursuing a degree in Mathematics. He works as a graduate student at UT's Center for International Education. Being a new but avid coder, Gabriel is eager to use his skills to help foster effective communication within the congregation and the wider community.

Noel Kuck & Kaye Bultemeier Noel and Kaye are both natives of the mid-west; Noel was born in Michigan and Kaye in Indiana. Noel and Kaye will celebrate their 38th wedding anniversary in February. Noel is retired and Kaye teaches online courses at Georgetown University. Noel enjoys electronics, computers and wood working crafts, and Kaye likes to bike, hike and travel. Noel and Kaye are transferring their membership from Faith Lutheran church in Oak Ridge where both were active in ministry. Noel was a trustee and Kaye taught Sunday School.

Deb Applegate Deb is originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana. She’s a Real Estate/Mortgage professional and enjoys sports and a competitive game of billiards in her spare time.

Karen Bertollini Karen Bertollini, and her husband Barry, relocated to Knoxville nearly ten years ago. Barry & Karen share life with their two rescue loves, Khalessi, a golden retriever/ malamute mix, and JoJo, a terrier/daschund mix. Karen is an art teacher at Rocky Hill Elementary. Some of Karen's favorite things are reading, experimenting with and creating art, Tennessee waters in the summer and traveling to visit family. Before Tennessee, Karen spent her first 25 years in Wisconsin, and the next 25 in Colorado. Her oldest son, Ben, lives in Portland, Oregon, and is married to Samantha. They have an 11-month old daughter, Tycho. Her youngest son, Phil, lives in Denver, and is married to Relissa. They have two children, Drake and Emory. In addition, Karen has a stepson, Ryan, married to Mechelle and they have two children, Damian and Dominique.

We are extremely excited to welcome our new members into this family of faith and this place of grace called St. John’s. So then we are no longer strangers and aliens, but we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him we also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22


2017 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY March 25-26, April 1-2


Summer is fast approaching … and that means our WOW Urban Ministry is gearing up for its AWESOME work in the community. Let’s take a look at some important dates you need to know about: Leadership Academy March 25 - 26 & April 1 - 2 Choose one of these to attend and learn more about WOW Urban Ministry and being a youth leader. You can register online at Team (aka Beach!) Retreat May 29 - June 2 at Lutheran Retreat Center at Isle of Palms, SC. Two main focuses: 1) We prepare for the summer by planning Bible Studies, writing sermons, practicing music, etc. 2) WE HAVE FUN! So, don’t miss out. If you are a rising seventh grader, you need to be a part of this. Adults interested in supporting WOW will have many opportunities during the summer. Keep an eye on the WOW bulletin board outside Pastor Amy’s office for updates. Questions? Contact Angie Hamstead or Nancy Friedrich.

Annual WOW Urban Ministry Pancake Dinner February 28th is Fat Tuesday. Make sure you take time to CELEBRATE before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Mark your calendar and join us for the Annual WOW Urban Ministry Pancake Dinner.

Meet the WOW Staff

All-you-can-eat pancakes and the fixings will fill your tummy. Beautiful conversation and good times will fill your soul! $5 for individual. $20 max per family. Tickets will be sold at the door. WOW teenagers will be fixing and serving. You are welcome to leave generous tips! All proceeds go toward WOW and its ministry. See you there!


Left to right: Spencer Koeneman, Victoria Schwahn, McKenzie Minard, Rendan Overcash, Will Trout, Ilsa Ott and Will Boyd.



have had the privilege of mentoring at Christenberry Elementary School this year as a part of Kids Hope USA!

It began with Big Brother, Big Sisters as they worked as a team to match me as a mentor with an "at risk" student at an inner city school. The whole process was so worth the time and waiting to be matched with my 'Little’. My ‘Little’, Scarlett, is 9 years old and in the 4th grade. She is working on various social and emotional issues so at first I wasn't sure what we would work on together. Our relationship began to develop by simply having lunch with her. She began to ask me to stay and do other things with her in the classroom and around school. Now it seems there is just not enough time to do all the things Scarlett wants to do when I go to see her. What I have learned spending time in the role of mentor is that it's my job to simply show up when I say that I will show up, be in good spirits and be there for just Scarlett. Giving encouragement and being someone that kids can rely on goes a long way. Consistency is key! There are many students like Scarlett at Christenberry, and there are many people praying for them and for their mentors. This is by far one of the best opportunities one could offer, to truly make a difference in the life of one of these students. Peace!

St. John’s is making a difference at Christenberry, and we would like to make a bigger impact by mentoring more children. Would you consider being a mentor to an elementary age child? If you have one hour a week, and are interested in finding out more, please give Thea Peterson a call at 591-4803 or email her at

Prior to the Prayers of Intercession we here at St. John’s have recently been singing, “Let justice roll, roll down like water, and righteousness like a flowing stream.” This is our call “to be light to the nations” . . . praying for “God’s justice, peace, and healing” In that call our congregation has joined with other Knoxville churches in the JUSTICE KNOX effort. Two separate studies are being done: One in the area of education and another in mental health. Dianne Eichenberg is serving on one of the mental health teams addressing the criminalization of mental health in the justice system. Sixteen area churches are participating and many team members have been working tirelessly in that effort. We hope to effect some change in mental health awareness as it pertains to many mentally ill people who often become incarcerated without any attention being paid to their mental illness. Thea Peterson is focusing on the Education Committee of JUSTICE KNOX. The committee has held several research visits with educators, teachers, and the UT Law Practicum to become informed about the issues pertaining to students in the Knox County School system. The committee will focus on disparities in discipline and best practices for addressing these issues. JUSTICE KNOX is asking each church’s membership to engage in their efforts via their presence on Nehemiah Action Day, Monday, April 24, 2017 at 6:15 p.m. (Location at a later date). Your support is vital to a positive outcome for Justice Knox. We ask that you pray for the Justice Knox teams continuing research and plan now to attend.




SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY SAMs meets the first Wednesday of each month, September through May, at 11:30 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Mark your calendars and make reservations. Here’s what’s coming up for spring: Wednesday, March 1, 11:00 am (earlier than usual). Join us for fellowship and lunch, then we will go into the sanctuary for Ash Wednesday Service at 12noon. Lunch is $5/person. Wednesday, April 5, 11:30 am Join us for fellowship and lunch, and we will enjoy a presentation from Dr. Bill Bass. Dr. Bass is the world renowned forensic anthropologist who founded the University of TN Body Farm. His books will be for sale. Call early for reservations. Lunch is $5/person. Contact Mary Cole at for additional information.


ou are invited to join Katie’s Sisters as we take to the mountains for our Women’s Retreat to explore our own “Seasons” in life. Join us March 3 – 4 at the Tuckaleechee Retreat Center, 160 Bear Lodge Drive, Townsend, TN 37882. We will be led by Renee Willingham, Director of Chaplain Services at Shannondale Continuing Care Community. She has been in full-time Christian ministry for 23 years, serving as a hospice chaplain, hospital chaplain, and an associate pastor in the local church We will learn, grow, laugh, eat and share with each other. The cost for the retreat is $50, but if finances are an issue, please come anyway. As a group we will share the responsibility for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast and lunch. If duties at home are pressing, and you are only able to sneak away on Saturday, I assure you the companionship and comradery will make it worth your effort.

Mark Your Calendars … Youth Ministry Progressive Dinner Sunday, March 26, 5:00-7:30 PM 6th – 12th Graders * Appetizers at One Home * Main Course at Another Home * Dessert & Ministry Project at Another Home

Stations of Love Labyrinth Sunday, April 9, 12:00 – 2:30 PM 6th-12th Graders Providing Leadership * St. John’s Family Participating

Contact Isaac Taylor at for details.




t. John’s involvement with Knoxville Habitat is an ongoing ministry which we support in several ways. Our own Dale Teague has taught the required Budgeting Class to prospective homeowners for over 10 years. Pastor Steve Misenheimer and Neil Fischer serve on the Habitat Board of Directors. Neil works regularly on the electrical crew which always has several St. John’s members participate. And of special note, Don McWilliams has lead the paint crews for nearly 20 years! Since 1985, Knoxville Habitat for Humanity has been creating affordable housing in Knox County. In the last 30 years, we have partnered with individuals, corporations, and faith groups to build over 500 simple, decent and affordable homes in our community. Knoxville Habitat for Humanity homes remain affordable because they are: > Built by volunteers working with future homebuyers > Sold at no profit > Financed with a 25- to 30-year, 0% interest mortgage Last year we partnered with Church Street Methodist Church and David and Sandy Martin to build a home for Yalanda McDaniel and her daughter Yalana and are proud to say we had one of the best donor and volunteer responses in recent years. It was an enriching experience for everyone! We hope to build another home in the next year or two and duplicate that great way of giving back to our community. The ReStore is also a great success story combining construction products and thrift store into a new location last year in Downtown West Shopping Center. There are many great values to be had there. If you want to be part of Habitat even in a year when we not building a home, you can still get involved. Log on to the Knoxville Habitat website for additional information. Contact Neil Fisher or Pastor Steve if you’d like to learn more about Habitat for Humanity here at St. John’s.

The Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS) is sending seven students to St. John’s Knoxville. They will be our guests from March 16-20. We’re excited to welcome these future church leaders as they journey through their process.




here is something very special about St. John’s Lutheran Church. You know it, I know it and every person crossing the threshold knows it. Many can’t articulate it, but they know it, too.

From the desk of the

Do you know what it is? It’s the incredible presence of the Holy Spirit moving in and through the body of believers - the presence being nurtured and fed by the incredible vision and prayer-led direction of our pastoral staff.

Council President

Throughout 2016, we have been part of a tremendous effort to make sure the congregation is unencumbered by issues with the building so, for decades ahead, we can focus on ministry – on God’s people. Members of St. John’s have stepped forward in response to the call to “raise the roof”. We have a new roof, repaired plaster and fresh paint, new lighting, a fabulous remodeled gathering space for our youngest members to learn about Christ, updated flooring in the Christian Education classrooms, new sound system and more. These reflect just the beginning of God’s work being accomplished in response to the Spirit.

and we should all be looking ahead with reinvigorated hope as we are positioned well to do his work. Grasp the word. Grasp the opportunity. Share this place of grace. Yours in Christ,

President, Congregational Council

What a blessing to move in, through and with the people of St. John’s Lutheran. The presence of the Spirit is fully alive and well in this place. We are at a good place. Our hearts are open, love flowing, as we begin new ministries allowing people to hear and experience anew the true love of God. Thank you to the visionaries, thank you to the supporters and thank you to the workers. It takes all of us with our unique God-given talents to do the work of the Lord. It has been a transformative year,

Saturday, April 1st is “APRIL FOOLS WORKDAY at St. John’s … NO FOOLIN’ -- we’re CLEANING! Breakfast at 8:30am and then the CLEANING BEGINS!


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Kris Hepler Jason Jennings Elissa Glibbery Jim Ley Jane French Joel Forker Angela Long Virginia Shaffer Amy O’Hatnick Connie Burkhalter Angie Hamstead Frederick Perkinson III Kylie Shattuck Karen Rieger Kaye Bultemeier Cora Lynn Bamberg Kelley Westphal Elizabeth Menendez LaReau Carlson Mary Kline Ryan Sweany Linda Godden Rob Rieger Kristen McFarland Asha Warren Jared Eisenhower Bob Metelka Ella Gibson Michael Holtz Brad Gibson Lucy Page Emily Sousa John Jessel Emily Bast Anna Elizabeth Lee Karen Bertollini Katha O’Hatnick Beverly Martin Blair Demmink Larry Seivers Katie Brooks Matthew Glibbery Graham Ley

1 2 5 6 7 9 10 14 15


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Ron Woodward Tony Brewer Nancy O’Callaghan Adam Schultz Kira Ellis Katherine Pellek Elizabeth Gibson Herm Gerbig Penelope Leatherwood Chris Brooks Susie Hansen Kurt Zinser Landry Thrasher Sandy Cantrell Andrew Ley ChaiNa-Jade Parton JD Chapman Bill Wittenberg Sydney Parman RuthAnn Henry Martha Nelson Laura Morgan Ragan Holloway Kristin Williamson Debbie Sweany Marcia Power Jennifer Aiken Trevor Tirro Ethan Zinser David Chapman Ray Collins Calvin Chappelle Sandy Bender Jeffrey Welch Jody Freeman Taylor Fields Daniel Rieger Andrew Glibbery Andrew Cooter Rob Walker Bob Bast Matthew Callo Jonathan Burkhalter

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


Wednesday, March 1st at 12noon & 6:30pm

CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications

Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Petersen Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Petersen & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell Facility Staff Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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