Pentecost II 2018 Newsletter

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Youth Ministry Update …………… 6 Raising The Roof Update ………….page 8 Faith Formation …………………… 10 Birthdays ………………………………page 15 PENTECOST II 2018


The Future Forecast ...


he weather in August is usually hot in Knoxville. The summer of 1988 was the hottest in more than a century. How hot? Well, there was scorching heat throughout the country and deaths by the hundreds. The weather included catastrophic droughts and raging forest fires. Livestock were dying in the fields and shallow rivers produced dead fish. The scene may sound like a future globalapocalypse, but it actually happened 30 years ago in 1988! That was the year I began my ministry at Saint John’s on Monday, August 15, 1988. It sure was hot in Knoxville! Was this really where God wanted me to be for the next three to five years? I remember being asked to offer prayers for rain and cooler weather. I was also called on and expected to pray for and cheer to victory the Tennessee Vols football team. In 1988 the Vols began their season by losing the first five games. With a record of 0-5, people at Saint John’s were beginning to question the prayer life of their newly called pastor. I was on the “hot seat” along with Coach Johnny Majors. Fortunately, the football team concluded the season with a 6-5 record and the year 1988 concluded with Saint John’s celebrating our 100th Anniversary on Sunday, December 18th. Pastor Lem Sparks, anniversary preacher and former Senior Pastor of Saint John’s from 1954-1966, announced from the pulpit he and his wife, Betty, were returning to Knoxville. Pastor Sparks would be serving Saint John’s once again in a part-time staff position working


with us and our Senior Adult Ministry. So delighted with the return of “Sparky” and Betty, the congregation never seriously questioned my prayer life “connections” and pastoral leadership again. The weather was changing and so was our ministry! The New Year of 1989 produced a new parish staff and a new vision for mission and ministry we called “A Second Century of Service”, which was the first of our six capital campaigns over the next thirty years. The long hot summer of 1988 has become a distant memory now as we celebrate Saint John’s 130th Anniversary this year and conclude our “Raising the Roof!” capital campaign. However, in the midst of all of our life transitions, we continue to trust and believe in a generous God of grace who walks with us through the challenging “weather” of summer, fall, winter and spring, promising to make all things new. As I celebrate my 30th anniversary of ministry at Saint John’s, I know my prayers don’t control the weather or the final score of a football game. I do believe, however, our journey and our prayers together are significant and will make a difference as we approach a seasonal ministry transition for the Saint John’s congregation and staff in December. Season after season, year after year, God continues to be faithful in all kinds of weather! God’s forecast for the future is always faithful! In Christ,



fter thirty (30!) years, Pastor Steve will be retiring at the end of December. His last Sunday at St. John’s is December 2. Between now and then, we have A LOT of celebrating to enjoy. Please put these dates on your calendar:

Sunday, August 12th at 10:00 AM … we will honor Steve’s anniversary with a festive gathering in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Our program will be “Steve Misenheimer, This Is Your Ministry!” Friday, November 30th at 2:00 PM … we will host a drop-in reception in the Welcome Center for local ministry partners and friends from near and far to congratulate Pastor Steve. Saturday, December 1st at 6:30 PM … we will gather at Kitchen 919 at 5448 Homberg Drive for a retirement dinner. Tickets will be $50.00 per person; interested participants can purchase tickets by calling the church office at 523.3330, beginning Monday, October15. Sunday, December 2nd … we will celebrate Pastor Steve’s ministry and wish the entire Miseneheimer family well with Festival Worship at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM; Bishop Julian Gordy will preach and preside. Between services, we will gather in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for a joyous First Sunday Brunch and additional programming. Please direct questions to Church Council President John Rice at, Church Council Vice President Lauren Kimzey at, or Pastor Amy at




ow is it only at this monastery, in this refectory, looking out at this garden, that I notice how good toast and butter are?

Hardly a work of art, just a snippet of poem I wrote on retreat at Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky, but it captures something I’ve come to believe is true. Gratitude requires pause. Sure, we can enjoy work and play while working and playing, but to give joy its place, to take it in, requires a moment’s rest, to notice and appreciate. I think of a pianist, seated at the piano, ready to play. Before even putting her hands on the keys, there’s a moment’s pause. Then fingers touch ivory and she plays. The pause gives the piece fullness, before it begins. I think even more of God, after creating the heavens and the earth, resting on the seventh day. As my friend Kyle Matthews once said, “Why? Because creation wasn’t complete until it was appreciated!” What would it be like, to pause regularly throughout the day, to give thanks? How much more fullness might there be? It’s a strange gift, gratitude. Everything it touches turns to blessing. The circumstances of our lives don’t have to change for this to happen. All that changes is we become grateful. I’ve been approaching this lately through appreciation poems, not aiming for greatness, just using words to capture moments when I feel grateful. Matter of fact, here’s another, from a recent trip to Mt. Mitchell. The canvas flap of the camp pavilion snorts like a lip-flapping horse, each time the wind hits it right. The fire whirs, cracks, and sizzles, sending smoke down the mountain. Coffee, sweet like I never make it at home, pressed by my tongue, warms throat, then chest within. Teeth fuzzy from no brushing, a smile lifts the lower corners of my mouth, eyes smile too. My boy, nearly a man, sleeps in the tent. Scrub trees dance around us, here on this peak. Clouds hurry by the neighboring slope like concert-goers, eager to see the show in the next valley. I could write more, but I’d rather invite you and me both, as we put this column down, to give ourselves a moment to be grateful – for family, for health, for air-conditioning – whatever’s meaningful to you. I’ll start. I’m grateful for the time you’ve given to read this. I hope it blesses you, as it has me. P. S. I highly recommend Gethsemani Abbey ( The brothers know something about rest and gratitude, their hospitality is supreme, and their toast really is outstanding. I also recommend Mt. Mitchell ( It’s a great place to hit your reset button, with a lookout tower and a snack stand at the top, and it’s a beautiful drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway.




ello St. John's Family,

As you know, my time as the Youth Ministry Associate Minister at St. John's is coming to a close. I will be heading out to do my Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) work in Australia on August 14th. I will be working with aboriginal middle school and high school age kids at a boarding school called Yirara College in Alice Springs, Australia, which is in the middle of the Outback . It has been an honor and a pleasure for me to serve the St. John's family and community for the last 3 years, and I want to thank you all for allowing me to do so faithfully. I have learned many lessons and grown quite a bit as a person over my time at St. John's, and I have the love and support of this community to thank for that. I will miss you all very much as I take the next step on the path of ministry that God has placed before my feet. As part of my time in Australia, I will be posting as much as I can on my Facebook and Instagram. So if you want to see me having a barbecue for Christmas, fighting a kangaroo, and spending many faithful hours with God's people find me on those social media sites. Peace & Love,

Join us Sunday, August 5th for First Sunday Brunch and a SEND-OFF CELEBRATION for Isaac Taylor. 10am in Sparks Fellowship Hall




adia Bolz-Weber writes: “Baptism feels like the kind of love that heaven can’t contain. A love that is yours quite apart from what you do or don’t do. The kind of love that breaks your heart and then makes it bigger, a love that creates belovedness in the one it rests upon.” St. John’s celebrates baptism day in, day out because it focuses on the loving relationship God initiates with each of us, a relationship that that defines and shapes and beckons. One expression of this focus is Stepping Stones of Faith, a faith formation opportunity through which

families are invited to consider the baptismal promises at pivotal developmental milestones. In worship, the families are recognized, the child is gifted, and the congregation is called to invest again in the shared role of nurturing all of God’s children. Check out these upcoming events which will take place at both services: Sunday, July 29 … Send Off for Our College Freshmen Sunday, August 5 … Celebration of Kindergarten Parents, Pastor Amy will send out e-mails with all of the details and an invitation to RSVP.


ith Isaac’s departure to Australia and lots of transition with Pastor Steve’s retirement, Pastor Amy decided to approach youth ministry a bit differently for the 2018-2019 academic year. No doubt, it will be an exciting time to evaluate our youth ministry opportunities, develop our student leaders, and learn a lot from our adult volunteers. Check out these students who have stepped up to serve on the newly formed Youth Council: Chloe Gibson, rising senior at L&N Stem Academy Anna Beth Lee, rising sophomore at Webb School Sarah Morgan, rising junior at Bearden High Fred Perkinson, rising senior at Webb School Katherine Perkinson, rising freshman at Webb School Kylie Shattuck, rising senior at West High Trevor Tirro, rising junior at West High Maddie Trout, rising sophomore at L&N Stem Academy Ethan Zinser, rising junior at L&N Stem Academy Additionally, we are seeking some faithful adults who are interested in leading from behind, as well as provide an adult presence and support the ministry plans the folks above make. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Amy at or 865.805.9805. We will use the month of August to transition back to school and establish plans through May 2019. Our inaugural event will be held on Sunday, September 9; please circle that date in red on your family calendars!




OW 2018 is a wrap and our hearts will never be the same. We served beside one another, laughed, loved and learned that there is ALWAYS enough with God. We continue to celebrate the gifts of youth leadership and our mission partners on the WOW journey. Many joined together to bring Draw the Circle Wide to life: 6 paid staff members, 7 adults leaders , 23 Peer Leaders, 8 Team Members and many faithful, adult volunteers from SJLC. We were blessed to host 119 guests from Georgia, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee from the following congregations including Trinity Lutheran (Tullahoma, TN), Peace Lutheran (Knoxville, TN), Gloria Dei (Crestwood Hills, KY), Westminster Presbyterian (Knoxville, TN), St. Andrews Lutheran Church (Columbia, South Carolina), Lutheran Church of the Resurrection (Marietta, Georgia), St. John’s Lutheran Church (Salisbury, NC), First Presbyterian Church (Knoxville, Tennessee), Lutheran Church (Gastonia, North Carolina), First Lutheran Church (DeKalb, Illinois) and Wittenberg Lutheran Church (Granite Falls, NC) During WOW 2018 summer camp, a total of 4,085 volunteer hours were served at the following community locations: Christenberry, Beardsley Farm, ETTAC, Family Justice Center, Guy B. Love, KARM, KARM Thrift, Ladies of Charity, Minvilla, Mobile Meals, Park Place, Random Acts of Flowers, Salvation Army, Serene Manor, St. John’s Lutheran, VMC, Wesley House and Serene Manor. Enjoy these highlights shared by our guests: KARM concessions were such a meaningful experience! The group this week drew the circle wide as we had long conversations and met so many of our neighbors. The circle was widened as we went out into the community, spent time and formed meaningful connections with our neighbors and those all around us. The circle widened through an expanding group of friends that came together to serve and worship. I grew as I reached out of my comfort zone by talking to homeless people. During Water Wagon we got to experience what it was really like to, physically help someone by handing them a cup of water. I loved doing Mobile Meals because I loved the smiles from the people as we would deliver their meals. My favorite memory was hanging out at ETTAC with all my friends and sharing the love of God. Serene Manor and Wesley House were really eye opening and touched my heart. I was so inspired by so many amazing, youth leaders in WOW and how GOD is working through them.




ith four months remaining in our three year capital campaign, we have raised the roof with gifts and offerings of $580,931. Our campaign priorities have included capital improvements, endowment, debt reduction and benevolence. We are thankful to report the first priority of Sanctuary roof replacement and waterproofing the exterior stone of our sanctuary was completed under budget. The actual expense of $190,205 was $16,795 under the original estimate of $207,000. With stone work and waterproofing completed, and a new clay tile roof installed, our sanctuary interior was addressed as the second campaign priority. Plaster repair and painting the sanctuary and the Fireside Room was a beautiful and much needed restoration. New carpet, pew cushions and kneelers, technology upgrades with new lighting and audio visual equipment have all greatly enhanced our worship space experience. Also, protective window-well grates were installed around the exterior of our sanctuary to protect the foundation from water damage, to eliminate window-well trash and improve our property security. Painting and plaster work with both the courtyard wall and our educational building have given Saint John’s a new look on the Broadway side of our facility. We also invested in classroom renovations for our educational building and a new pastoral staff office. And then there is the NEW KITCHEN! This long anticipated improvement became a reality last fall as we witnessed the expansion and complete remodel of our fifty year old kitchen. The kitchen size was doubled; new equipment purchased and installed new cabinets and countertops, new floor and ceiling, new lighting and new HVAC. With twice the space and new commercial equipment, we continue to celebrate this amazing kitchen transformation. The total cost of $94,520 was under our original estimate of $100,000 and we have a brand new kitchen! Preparing three meals a day this summer for the WOW ministry was a brand new experience and the larger TLC teams for food preparation and clean-up gives us so many more opportunities for growing relationships!


FAITH FORMATION Currently, Our Saint John’s Mission Outreach Endowment balance is $53,274. However, the Church Council recently appropriated funds from “Raising the Roof” in the amounts of: $20,000 to the Endowment Fund, $50,000 to debt reduction, and an additional $10,000 to the ELCA Southeastern Synod for benevolence. We have made previous contributions of $22,500 to local and synodical benevolence through the campaign. Our endowment, debt reduction and benevolence are the remaining “Raising the Roof!” priorities now that our major capital improvements have been completed.

Thanks for your generous gifts and continuing contributions to “Raising the Roof!” We anticipate a strong and faithful conclusion between now and November to this successful campaign! To God be the glory! With gratitude,

PS: Also noteworthy regarding stewardship and giving opportunities is our Saint John’s Fund for Leaders in Mission which has provided financial scholarship support for our Saint John’s seminarians over the past ten years. Established in 2008, this seminarian endowment fund now has a balance of $186,786. Thanks for including Saint John’s in your future planned giving.




ere is our schedule for the Faith Formation Hour through November:


5 12 19 26

Celebration Send-Off for Isaac Taylor This is Your Ministry, Steve Misenheimer Cross-Generational Bible Study Cross-Generational Ministry Project


2 9 16 23 30

Fellowship in the Welcome Center Rally Day Brunch Faith Formation for All Ages Faith Formation for All Ages Faith Formation for All Ages

7 14 21 28

First Sunday Brunch Faith Formation for All Ages Faith Formation for All Ages Faith Formation for All Ages



Our children (Pre-K through Fifth Grade) will study each week’s worship lesson, using an Augsburg Fortress curriculum. Church Council President John Rice has requested Faith Formation time with St. John’s adults and teens, working with a small team of facilitators to continue our ongoing discussion about life and ministry at St. John’s. These gatherings will prepare the church family for our next steps following Pastor Steve’s retirement in early December. Check out the series overview: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

What is the church? How do you know when you have found the church? Why is the church important? What were the struggles and triumphs of the early church and lessons for today? What is Lutheran polity and how we organize the church? How can you tell if a church is healthy? How should we think about church growth? What are the common issues churches confront? What is the challenge of developing a framework for talking about them? How can a church define its vision and live into an understanding of proclaiming the gospel? How can we be church for the sake of the world?

And finally, please mark your calendar for upcoming events in November and December: November December


4 2 9 16

First Sunday Brunch Retirement Celebration Brunch for Pastor Steve Children’s Pageant Rehearsal Children’s Pageant



nna dreams of being a teacher … Isabel has a gift for math ... Aura loves to sing and aspires to own her own business … Yolanda hopes to be a pastor ...

Help us make these hopes and dreams a reality by providing an education, training, and resourcesfor these young, rural Guatemalan women at MILAGRO. Our synod is partnered with the Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala to assist and there are many needs, but specifically we want to support MILAGRO, the Women’s Education Center where young rural women develop their God-given talents and enter adulthood prepared for economic stability and a stronger family life. To raise funds, the Southeastern Synod Guatemala Team is sponsoring a Gala. Here’s the info: GALA 2018 - Saturday, September 8th 6:00 – 9:00 pm at the Downtown Hilton, Atlanta Tickets: $50 The event will absolutely be fun-filled including : Great food, fellowship and conversation, and an auction. Our bishop, Rev. Julian Gordy, will be in attendance and the wonderful Pastor of ILAG, Rev. Karen Castillo. She will share with us the unfolding miracle of MILAGRO. Jim and I are excited about this event and encourage you to join us! Questions? Interested? Want to find out how you can be part of the shared ministry with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Guatemala? Contact Nancy Friedrich via email at or call 865-659-0161.




n the fall, the Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) of St. John’s begins it’s 8th year of this viable, small group ministry for God’s older children. We meet the first Wednesday of each month (Sept. to May) at 11:30 am in the Spark’s Fellowship Hall. It is an opportunity to get to know each other and to share fellowship, prayer, laughter, a delicious lunch, and a good program. Mark your calendar and join us. If you would like to be on the e-mail invitation list, please contact Mary Cole at Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018 - Robin Goddard will share the history and story of Little Greenbrier School—1882-1936 (National Register of Historical Places). It is located 2 miles south of Wears Valley in the GSMNP. For the last 28 years Robin has greeted over 700 people every Tuesday at Little Greenbrier dressed as the school teacher and sharing the story of the school. Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - Pastor Steve will share memories of his ministry as he prepares and we prepare for his retirement December 2, 2018. Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - Flag lady, Rochelle Clayton-Cordova, will show flags of the United States and tell the story that goes with each of them. This is in honor of Veterans Day November 11th. The Flag Lady works for Woodman Life — non-profit insurance. Wednesday, December 5, 2018 - Christmas Music in the Sanctuary with music from Rachelle Hawkey—soprano and Danny Brian—pianist.


hanks for the interest you have shown in the life and ministry of Saint John's. We are pleased you have continued to participate in worship and we hope you are beginning to discover new relationships and opportunities to serve in this community of faith. Our hope is to deepen our relationship with you and to encourage your spiritual journey. Inquirer’s Luncheon An "Inquirers" luncheon is scheduled for Sunday, August 19 in Sparks Fellowship Hall at 12:00 noon. You are invited to hear from Saint John’s pastors and leaders regarding our Christian faith, Lutheran traditions, and the mission and ministry of our faith community. In addition to these topics of discussion, we hope to answer any questions you may have regarding the meaning and significance of membership at Saint John's. We will be receiving New Members at Saint John's on Sunday, September 9, 2018. We encourage you to prayerfully consider joining this congregation and becoming an active member in these Christ centered relationships of faith, hope and love. Please receive this invitation to attend the Inquirer’s luncheon as an expression of our joy in meeting you and our desire to experience a faithful relationship with you. The favor of replying to our invitation will help us in planning for lunch. Please contact Toni in the church office (865523-3330). Thanks!




6 Trained Stephen Leaders: these are the folks who spend a week at a specialized training conference, learning content and program management. Our Stephen Leaders are Jessica Bocangel, Pastor Amy Figg, Michael Holtz, Peter Keyes, Pat Krogamann, and Martha Nelson

51 Care Receivers: these are folks who have experienced Stephen Ministry care

Trained Stephen Ministers: these are folks who have invested time to read and role play and pray and learn about the distinctively Christian caregiving known as Stephen Ministry

50 Hours of initial training: this is the first step in Stephen Ministry training. Over a four month period, folks learn about reflective listening, the theology of accompaniment, crisis counseling, and significant life transitions.

20 18 Services of Remembrance: Stephen Ministers host an annual gathering for those who are mourning during the holidays, holding space for those who need to cherish relationships and honor transitions.

Hours of yearly ongoing training and peer supervision: this is the second step in Stephen Ministry training. Folks hone their skills throughout their tenure.

To learn more about our Stephen Ministry, contact the church office.




ere are some upcoming opportunities for involvement and support for KIDS HOPE USA and Christenberry Elementary School:

August 1st - Welcome Back to School Luncheon for the teachers and staff at Christenberry August 5th – Blessing of the Back Packs with teachers and staff from Christenberry invited to join us at the 11 am Worship Service September 16th – Bake Sale to support special projects at Christenberry Elementary By far the biggest need at Christenberry is for mentors. This inner city school has a high population of free and reduced cost lunch students as well as many who come from single parent homes. The need is great! If you have one hour a week that you could spend with a student, I would love to talk with you further. Please give me a phone call 865-591-4803 or email me at


ennessee Via de Cristo will celebrate a 20th Anniversary of this retreat ministry on Saturday, August 11, 2018. The celebration gathering at Saint John’s will begin at 10:00AM with worship at 10:30AM in the sanctuary. Worship will be followed with fellowship and a 12:00 noon lunch in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. A program will include reflections of the early ministry investment with the Western North Carolina Via de Cristo and our partnership with so many brothers and sisters in Christ to begin the East Tennessee Via de Cristo in the fall of 1998. Via de Cristo is a grace filled four day retreat held twice a year for spiritual growth, continuing education, and gifts discernment for ministry. This is a joyful experience of Christ in community through music, worship, fellowship and conversation. We celebrate the way so many lives have been touched and transformed by this Spirit-filled ministry. For more information about Via de Cristo please contact one of the pastors or Jon Efteland.


e will need 10-15 volunteers for two Saturdays in August and two in September. Here are the work plans for each day.

All shifts are mornings only. Here’s what's happening on each day: August 11th - Interior Walls and Roof, August 18th – Vinyl Siding, September 8th – Interior Painting, September 15th – Vinyl Siding Matt Whitehead @ is our Volunteer Coordinator. Please consider your participation with financial support as well! A great team is in place and more assistance is needed, so get involved. Habitat team members are: Project Coordinators: Neil Fischer, David Bocangel & Jeff Welch, Volunteer Coordinator: Matt Whitehead, Building Buddy: Dale Teague, Food / Refreshment Coordinator: Nancy Maland Fund Raising Coordinator: Jim Ley, Publicity Coordinator: Chris Clay , Reflection Leader: John Tirro Plan to become involved! Contact: or David Bocangel or Jeff Welch for more information.


LUTHERAN LIFE 10 14 2 4 6 7

8 9

1 2 3

4 6 7 9 10 11 13

Konnie Anderson Garry Menendez Deborah Sousa Brady Hopkins David Jagels Marjorie Hansen Michael McWilliams Natalie Throckmorton Robert Throckmorton David Cash Christopher Hegseth Shannon O’Hatnick Deanna Lloyd Christine Oehler

Tia Kalmon Norma Bradley Phyllis Collins Eunice Carlson Aubrey Metelka Nathanial Kimzey Linda Cash Josh Misenheimer Matthew Long David Maples Sylvia Countess Keith Eichenberg Lynn Menendez Laura Cash Frank Metelka Gary Anderson Jean Smith Preston Fields


16 17 18 19 20 21 22


15 16 18 19 20 21

Ann Crytser Marva Solt Tom Wainner Lars Cooter Ryan Cooter Nancy Wolfe Karen Robbins Sharon Stancher Ella Kate Smith Kim Shock Betty Kyle Katherine Perkinson Anna Brownlee Jackie Tucker Lisa Minton Madeleine Trout Ron Rimer Dexter LaBrooy Darrell Murrell


Odessa Clark Carolyn Ray Jessica Bocangel Morgan Hancock David Lynn Linda McCollom Cami Brewer Sara Griswold Jennifer Rieger Isaac Griswold Simon Griswold Carter Wells Karen Wells Nolen Wells Cindy Krusenklaus Pam Lawhon Chuck Maland Grace Shattuck

22 24 25

24 25 27 28 30 31

26 27 28 29 30

Aaron Delgado Emilie Casey Lakiea Chapman Mary Eikenberry Jeanne Misenheimer David Trout Holden Giesecke Kay Burnette Olga Eisenhower August Warren Joaquin Bocangel Renee Busse LaWanda Dugger Thomas Westphal

Peter Keyes Peter Crowley Lola Bocangel Mary Rimer Benson Hopkins J.T. Maland Maya Rose Lu Brittney Greene Emlyn Cobble Pam Shealy Lee Ley Louise Hegseth Hailey Hudson


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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