Lutheran life Pentecost II

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the congregational newsletter of

St John‘s Lutheran Church

2016 Pentecost II issue


Ruthless Trust …


ver the centuries, living through times of joy and times of sorrow, the church has encouraged people to place their trust in God. Trusting God in 1996, Amy Figg accepted a position as a Youth Minister at Saint John’s. Four years later, Amy Figg became Pastor Amy Figg upon her ordination and installation on December 17, 2000. On Sunday, August 28, 2016 we will celebrate Amy’s 20th Anniversary in ministry at Saint John’s! This will be a joyful celebration of a faithful life of trust in ministry. The first year of Pastor Amy’s ordained ministry included our experience of September 11, 2001. Not to be discouraged, Saint John’s entered a visioning process that year that led us to a deeper trust in God establishing two new ministries in 2003: WOW Urban Mission Ministry and the Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at Tyson House. These ministries are now well developed after 13 years. In God we trust! Thanks be to God! Back in August of 2004, John Tirro gave me a book entitled “Ruthless Trust” by Brennan Manning. Two years later, in 2006, John Tirro entered seminary and was ordained in 2010, becoming the Pastor for campus ministry at Tyson House. Trusting God’s guidance, Pastor John continues in this unique ecumenical ministry raising up leaders for the church.

With all that has happened in the church and throughout the world over the past decade, we have all needed to rely on our trust in God to provide the people and the resources for life and ministry. We all have so many examples of God’s abundant provision throughout out faith journeys. Ruthless trust reminds us we don’t need any more insights into the faith as much as we need to trust what we have already received. The challenge to trust God forces us to examine what we are afraid of losing and what personal investment we are making in our relationship with Jesus Christ. How are we exercising our spiritual muscles by loving God with all of our heart, soul, strength and mind and how are we loving our neighbors as ourselves? The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio will bring the world together in one place for a beautiful display of God’s amazing imagination and creativity as he shaped and formed all of humanity. Each athlete is physically unique and created in the image of God. We believe and trust the image of God is best described as the capacity to love. God is love. “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.”


LUTHERAN LIFE This summer will be remembered for so many expressions of trusting God’s love in the midst of the brokenness and suffering of humanity. One of those experiences of God’s love becoming flesh to dwell among us was our community worship on July 12, “Love. After Orlando.” One of the people who attended had discussed with a Saint John’s member her concerns about racism, homophobia and the divisive impact of social media, and most especially, the heaviness and weariness we feel from the continual barrage of news about the shootings and violence. This sweet young woman said that “LOVE. After Orlando” gave her an incredible sense of peace and she got her first good night’s sleep in a long while after the event. Yes, peace is a good thing! We pray for peace. In God we trust. May our life and ministry together continue to express our ruthless trust! Peace,

Pastor Steve From “Ruthless Trust” The film “Chariots of Fire” won the Oscar in 1981 as the best movie of the year. It dramatized the story of two British runners, Eric Liddell and Harold Abrahams, who captured the gold medals in the 1924 Olympics. Heavy underdogs, the pair triumphed through a remarkable display of character, discipline, and courage. One scene in the film included the following: Liddell, an uncompromising Scottish Congregationalist, has been called by God to serve as a missionary in China at the conclusion of the games. However, his deeply religious sister fears that if her brother wins the gold, he will be so enamored of the fame and glory of an Olympic victory that he will opt out of his missionary vocation. On the eve of the race, she pleads fervently with him not to run. He looks at her with great affection and says, “But God made me fast, and when I run I feel his pleasure.” The underlying premise of the book, “Ruthless Trust”: the splendor of a human heart which trusts that it is loved gives God more pleasure than Westminster Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”, the sight of ten thousand butterflies in flight, or the scent of a million orchids in bloom. Trust is our gift back to God, and he finds it so enchanting that Jesus died for love of it. Brennan Manning

MARK YOUR CALENDAR Pastor Amy Figg has been serving at St. John’s Lutheran for 20 years! We will host a celebration to honor her on August 28th immediately following worship. 3


What happens when you combine curious children, faithful adults, a new curriculum known as SPARKHOUSE, classroom renovations, technology, exciting songs, and creative art opportunities? You find yourself in the middle of the Children’s Christian Education Reboot! Here’s a look:

Classroom renovations. Sheetrock, new colors, laminate flooring, new cabinetry, electronics, and a keyboard will create a new environment for learning. For more details, please see the article on page 5.

Curious Children St. John’s has 24 children who are 0-5 years old and 21 children who are 6 to 11 years old. Imagine the atmosphere when all of these children and adults gather for intentional faith formation and relationship building!

Songs. Musical offerings with Debby Sousa will everyone to share the gift of music.

Faithful Adults David and Jessica Bocangel, Calvin and Anna Chappelle, Mary Cole, Pastor Amy Figg, Kevin and Lauren Kimzey, Lee Ley, John and Karalyne Ley, Sarah Marriott, Pastor Steve and Jeanne Misenheimer, David and Debby Sweany and Chris and Toni Wise are providing leadership as we dream of new expressions of Christian Education. Sparkhouse Throughout the fall, our children will consider the following Bible stories that complement the lessons from Genesis and Luke we will hear in weekly worship: The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin, Two Masters, The Parable of the Rich Man, A Seed of Faith, Ten Men Healed, Jacob Wrestles, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Zaccheus, The Sadducees’ Question, God’s Love is Forever, and The Day Jesus Died.


Technology. A HD flat-screen monitor and high-speed internet will provide incredible teaching options for all ages.

Art. Weekly art projects will nurture creative spirits! To learn more about all the possibilities, families with children—preschoolers, kindergartners, elementary students, parents, and grandparents—are invited to these events at 10:00 AM in Sparks Fellowship Hall during August: Sunday, August 7 … First Sunday Brunch. We will debut our new format for children’s Christian Education. Sunday, August 14 … Music w/ Debby Sousa Sunday, August 21 … Bible Adventures Sunday, August 28 … Artistic Expressions


Stepping Stones of Faith Stepping Stones of Faith is a program that extends intentional invitations on specific Sundays throughout the year for families to regularly revisit the promises of the baptismal covenant. In doing so, the St. John’s family offers a gift for the child, highlights a family faith formation experience, and supports families through prayer. By doing so, together we:     

Remember the baptismal covenant in which we are each claimed as God’s beloved Develop lifelong family faith formation practices Celebrate each child in the congregation at significant milestones Equip parents with faith formation resources Pray for one another

The Stepping Stones we will celebrate next include starting Kindergarten on Sunday July 31st during which families will receive a wall cross for their children’s’ bedrooms and learn about family devotions; College Send-Off on Sunday, August 7 during which our college students receive a hand cross and a blessing for their school year; and Confirmation Kick-Off on Sunday, August 28 during which families of middle schoolers entering the Confirmation program receive a framed family photo and celebrate the faith journey. To learn more or sign up to participate, please contact Pastor Amy at

Children’s Ministry: Making All Things New! A new curriculum and a transformed kindergarten classroom reveal our new Children’s Ministry Team plans for our next ministry investment. It’s been almost 50 years since construction - so the time has come to renovate our classrooms into a creative gathering place for Sunday morning faith formation. Pre-school & elementary age children will celebrate the many ways Jesus blesses children with the weekly experience of music, devotion and a curriculum focused on the Sunday lectionary. Throughout the month of August, the kindergarten room will be transformed. We’ll cover cement block walls with painted sheet rock. We will install new cabinetry, new flooring, new window treatment and new technology. As the renovation takes place during August, children & adults will gather in the Sparks Fellowship Hall to preview the fall Children’s Ministry plans and activities. We hope to dedicate the new space on Sunday, September 11. Plans are also in the works for upstairs classroom renovations! The Kindergarten classroom improvements are being made through a generous gift from the Hairston family in loving memory of Peyton Hairston, Jr.

Cranking It Back Up After a summer break, we will be inviting children, youth, and adults back into Faith Formation activities each Sunday morning! Check out these kick-off events: Sunday, August 7


Sunday, September 4

First Sunday Brunch with Fall Christian Education Celebration

Sunday, September 11

Christian Education Opportunities for folks of ALL ages. Class descriptions and facilitators to be announced at First Sunday Brunch!


LUTHERAN LIFE It's FIRST FRIDAY time again at St. John's. Our first FIRST FRIDAY of the season is on August 5th. We would love to have you join us and bring friends for good food, wine (byob) and great fellowship and conversation! We’ll gather around 5:30pm in the Sparks Fellowship Hall and you can plan to stay for as long as you like. Some folks enjoy an appetizer at St. John’s, then head downtown for dinner or a gallery (or two). Others meet friends here and head to other venues while still others stay and chat for a while and enjoy each other's company.. it's up to you but, we always have a GREAT time! So, plan to join us for First Friday at St. John's on Friday, August 5th at 5:30. Any questions -- contact Clarke Hinkle at 865-455-9748.



veryone is invited to join us and celebrate the completion of our roof repair on Sunday, August 7th at 10:00 for a Celebration Brunch. The first project for our Raising the Roof Campaign was to repair and replace our roof. We would like to celebrate the completion of this project with the team of workers and our congregation, who, together, made the new roof a reality. Join us for brunch at 10:00 on Sunday, August 7th in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.

Did you know you can arrange to give your pledges and offerings to St. John’s electronically? It is an extremely convenient and secure way to ensure your offerings/ pledges stay consistent and fulfilled with no checks to write or things to remember. And your giving continues even when you’re away on vacation. If you interested in learning more, contact Toni in the church office at 865-523-3330 and she can get you set up TODAY!


LUTHERAN LIFE SAM Members - Mark Your Calendar Our next gathering is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7th, beginning at 11:30am. Lunch will be a salad and dessert potluck so bring a salad and/or dessert to share. Our speaker will be retired National Park Ranger Warren Bielenberg. Warren is now an active volunteer for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and he will share a slide presentation showing backyard birds of East Tennessee as well as slides of birds from his recent trip to the Atlantic and Pacific Rainforest in Costa Rico. Warren is an excellent photographer and very knowledgeable of our feathered friends. Needless to say we are in for a treat.

SAMs VISITED DOGWOOD ELEMENTARY SAMs provided a Book Party in May for 4th graders at Dogwood Elementary in south Knoxville. Due to the generosity of SAM’s members, we purchased TWO books for each child. With the help of Dogwood 4th grade teacher Nancy Freidrich, the books were hand selected for each child according to their interest and reading skill. At our SAMs luncheon in May, we gift wrapped and tagged the book gifts by name, and included a darling book worm made by SAM’s member Kaye Williams. On Tuesday, May 10th, Phyllis Collins, Mary Eikenberry, Alice Garrison, Deanna Lloyd, Nancy O’Callaghan, Kaye Williams Mary Cole, Ruth Crowley and daughters Leah and Sarah made our way to Dogwood where we put up Dr. Seuss decorations (Ruth thanks for sharing your creativity) and set up the snack tables. We introduced ourselves, then sat at separate tables and students joined each of us to share poetry they had written. What a treat for us! The party was a success and the children enjoyed our visit. Here are some sentences from the many thank you notes we received from the children:

I loved the “snickoll doodle” cookies, Miss Kaye. They were delicious. Mary, thank you so much for the books and also for letting me read my poems to you. Tell all the other workers thank you for me. It was so fun because I got to get different snacks. My favorite was the crackers and cheese and the grapes. (Herta they loved your grapes.) The Dr. Seuss decorations were fun. Thank you for the books. So happy you came to visit us. You are the best people in the world. Thank you for the books. I will read them over my summer break. Thank you for coming to my school and listening to me read my poems. Thank you SAM for letting us share our poetry. Thank you for the snacks and the books. I loved the books you gave me. The conversations with Miss K and Alice and Nancy were great. Thank you for the books. I love those books a lot. Thank you for the food, grapes, cookies, crackers and cheese. I love the lemonade. I didn’t know it could be pink. I love you all. You guys are nice. I hope you will come back soon. Your friends, 4TH Graders from Dogwood Elementary




n Sunday, August 7 we will dedicate our new sanctuary clay tile roof to the Glory of God as we honor the gifts of our contractors and roofers and members of Saint John’s who contributed to “Raising the Roof!” This first priority of our capital campaign has been paid in full with the generous offerings we received this year. The roofing project began on March 28 and was completed in June. In addition, we were able to re-construct the courtyard wall with new stucco during the month of May as well as paint the wall and the exterior of our educational building and Welcome Center. As a result, we look brand new on Broadway! The cost of the painting was paid for by the Hepler Memorial to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jim and Nancy Hepler. As we have continued to receive gifts and pledges to Raising the Roof, we have also continued planning our next capital improvements which will include cleaning all the wood from floor to ceiling in the sanctuary as well as plaster repair and painting in the sanctuary and the Fireside room. Plans are also being shaped and formed for the kitchen renovation and expansion. The additional work in the sanctuary will cost $28,000 and we are continuing to estimate the cost for our new kitchen. These projects will take place as we have money available to pay contractors. With these goals before us, please consider your pledge to our “Raising the Roof!” campaign and provide your financial support as soon as possible. As of July, $246,663 has been contributed toward our “Raising the Roof!” goals. In addition to capital improvements, we were also able to reduce our line of credit debt by $15,000. Debt reduction, Endowment Fund, Ministry Benevolence, and continued Capital Improvements continue to be the priorities of our ongoing campaign. We celebrate the faithfulness of God’s people in this place of grace!

The website is NEW but the address is the same!




e are so excited that the remodel of our St. John’s kitchen is the next project for our Raising the Roof Campaign. As you recall, ideas and input was gathered in a called meeting on June 26th. (If you were unable to attend that meeting and you have ideas for the remodel of our kitchen, PLEASE email your ideas to Nancy Maland at Currently, we are gathering quotes/bids for the project and will update the congregation with the progress. We have already made a couple purchases for the remodel. We were able to purchase a 3-year-old convection oven and 3-year-old prep-station with three under-mount refrigerators from an apartment complex that was unexpectedly going out of business. Both pieces of equipment are in WONDERFUL condition and we got an INCREDIBLE price for them. Stay tuned for updates to come! Here are some images of the improvements to our courtyard wall, welcome center and educational wing.

We are thankful for the huge property improvement that has resulted from the new stucco wall around our courtyard. In addition to the new stucco wall, all of the exterior walls on the Broadway side of our facility were painted a sandstone color to match the sanctuary stone. The result is a beautiful new look for our ministry facility. Our thanks to Ron and Mary Rimer and Chris Hepler for the designation of the Hepler Memorial Fund for this project. The painting was provided to the glory of God and in loving memory of Jim and Nancy Hepler.



This year, St. John’s will be very intentional about increasing our support of students, teachers, and staff at Christenberry. We will start with a school supply gathering from the teacher’s wish list. On Sundays July 24 and 31, there will be plastic totes in the nook in the Welcome Center. We will deliver these items to the teachers on their first day back to school. On Monday, August 1, we will treat the staff and teachers to a Welcome Back to School luncheon. Every six weeks, we have planned something special for the staff and teachers to show them our support. On Sunday afternoon, September 11, St. John’s will participate in our ELCA Day of Service – God’s Work Our Hands - by taking care of needs on the Christenberry campus. We hope you will put this on your calendar and plan to join us. At Christmas, many of the names on our Dove Tree belong to Christenberry students. Our generosity helps these little ones to have a great Christmas. At the end of school, we will help needy students, who have been on the Safety Patrol make the trip to Washington DC. For many of the students, this will be their first time outside of Knoxville and possibly their only trip to our nation’s capital. For the teachers and staff, we provide the desserts for their end of school celebration. Our biggest need is for mentors. If you are feeling that you could spend one hour a week offering support, encouragement and academic help to a student in need, please contact Thea Peterson at or 591-4803. I would love to talk to you about this opportunity to make a difference in the life of an inner city child.

Baby Wipes Binders Books (used) Borders Card Stock Clorox Wipes Colored Pencils Composition Books Copy Paper Crayons Dry Erase Boards, small Dry Erase Markers Dry Erase Board Erasers

(Old wash rags/old socks)

Eraser Caps Erasers Erasers, Pink Pearl Folders Glue Sticks Hand Sanitizer Headsets Notebook Paper Pencils


Pencils Plastic Crayon Boxes Printer Ink Scissors Scissors, Fiskar Scotch Tape, colored Scotch Tape, double sided Spiral Notebooks Stickers Thumb Drives Timers Tissues *Underpants, new size 5-7 White Out

*Desperately needed by the clinic


Mark Your Calendar ...


Sunday, August 7th 9am & 11am worship

Summer Worship Music Series Sunday, August 13th, 9 & 11am

Plan to attend our Inquirer’s Session on Sunday, September 25th following 11am worship. Lunch will be served.

Volunteer opportunities are plentiful at St. John’s. Volunteering is a great way to get to know people and make a valuable contribution to the life and ministry of our church as you share your gifts and faith. Contact Toni in the church office to learn more about volunteering. - 865-523-3330


LUTHERAN LIFE EMORY PLACE BLOCK PARTY - Saturday, August 20th, 2pm-9pm You’re invited to the Emory Place Block Party. Come out and meet our church neighbors and see what’s going on at EMORY PLACE. Explore the Emory Place Historic District located just north of downtown. As you know, Emory Place is home to several business, residences, public and historic buildings and landmarks … and of course ST. JOHN’S! The Block Party happens Saturday, August 20th from 2pm-9pm. There will be food trucks, vendors, activities for the entire family and LIVE MUSIC including our own Chris Clay playing live jazz from 4:30pm-5:30pm. St. John’s will have a booth at the Block Party to introduce ourselves to our friends in this neighborhood. We will also offer brief tours of our historic building and sanctuary. Interested in helping man our booth or give tours? Contact Chris Clay or Pastor Steve.

The Men’s Ministry of St. John’s known as “BANDED BROTHERS” are meeting for B.E.E.R. So, let me explain … The acronym stands for Brothers Engaged in Enriching Relationship. The next two B.E.E.R. gatherings are schedule for Tuesday, August 23rd and Tuesday, September 20th. Contact Caleb Warren for locations & times.

Search for St John’s Lutheran Knoxville in the Google Play store or the iTunes store.


We are a faith-based fellowship for the women of our church. We are guided by the Holy Spirit in search of ways to connect to with one another as well as helping others. Some of our activities for the year include: Student Care Packages – 5 times a year VBS w/ WOW students Field Trip to Thistle Farm in September “Race for the Cure” in October Trunk or Treat in October Advent by Candlelight in November Women’s Retreat to Bear Lodge in March Women’s Bible Study during the Lenten season We encourage the women of the church to join us on these exciting events and help make them special for others. We are always looking for those who feel led to lead any event. Contact Ruthie Kuhlman at or at 865-850-4955.



OW! What a summer. Successful week after successful week of WOW Urban Mission Ministry, all kinds of camps & trips, and don’t forget a little time off here and there for vacation. Pastor Amy and I have been praying for all of our youth and their families during such an exciting and eventful time of year. Now it’s time to look forward to the upcoming semester … and we have a couple of events lined up that we’d like for ya’ll to put on your calendars. First, we’re having a special NEW MEMBER WELCOME to 6th graders into the youth group on Sunday August 7th. Details to come.

Next we’ve planned a trip to ESCAPE GAME KNOXVILLE on Sunday, August 21st. We’ll need to get a count so we can plan so I’m gonna ask you to RSVP via email.

On September 11th, we’ll participate in a “GOD’S WORK, OUR HANDS” service project (along with Lutheran youth groups and churches from all over the country). Details to come! Please put these events on your calendar and make it a priority to try and fit them into your busy fall schedules. I know, not being too far from kid-hood myself, that demands on youth these days are much greater than they used to be, and cutting things out of schedules is a must BUT, Pastor Amy and I would encourage everyone to make church and the church community a priority, and to MAKE time for spiritual learning and interaction. I don't know any other youth activity out there will love you and your kids unconditionally like we will! As always, feel free to contact me for any reason. My cell phone number is 865-705-4381 and my email is Peace and love y'all!

Isaac Taylor SJLC Youth Associate Minister


EVENTS Quarterly Ministry events will supplement Christian Education offerings by supporting relationship building among St. John’s families, nurturing faith formation, and providing ministry opportunities. Please put these dates on your family’s calendar so you don’t miss any of the fun! Sunday, August 28, 4pm

Back-To-School Pool Party Pastor Steve and Jeanne’s Neighborhood Pool (Rain Location: St. John’s in Sparks Fellowship Hall)

Sunday, October 23, 12:30pm

Reformation Family Photo Scavenger Hunt Lunch on Market Square and Photo Hunting in the downtown area

Sunday, December 11, 12:30pm Christmas Caroling to St. John’s Members Lunch at St. John’s, then Caroling Sunday, February 12, 2017

Project Love (Valentine’s Day Party) at Guy B. Love Towers

Friday, April 21, 2017

Dinner and Sparks Fellowship Hall and Drive-In Movie

December 11th August 28th

February 12th

April 21

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Konnie Anderson Garry Menendez Deborah Sousa Turner Rogers Brady Hopkins Karalyne Ley David Jagels Marjorie Hansen Michael McWilliams David Cash Christopher Hegseth Deanna Lloyd Christine Oehler Ann Crytser Marva Solt Toni Denton Bill Fogarty Nancy Wolfe Tom Wainner Lars Cooter Ryan Cooter Brandon Ladage Karen Robbins Sharon Stancher Ella Kate Smith Betty Kyle Katherine Perkinson Jackie Tucker Lisa Minton Madeleine Trout Loudon Rogers Ron Rimer Dexter LaBrooy Darrell Murrell Aaron Delgado Emilie Casey Lakiea Chapman Mary Eikenberry Jeanne Misenheimer David Trout Victoria Schwahn Mary Constantine Holden Giesecke Kay Burnette Olga Eisenhower August Warren Joaquin Bocangel Renee Busse Thomas Westphal

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Tia Kalmon Norma Bradley Phyllis Collins Eunice Carlson Aubrey Metelka Nathanial Kimzey Linda Cash Josh Misenheimer Matthew Long Katherine Rutherford David Maples Sylvia Countess Keith Eichenberg Lynn Menendez Laura Cash Frank Metelka Gary Anderson Jean Smith Preston Fields Odessa Clark Carolyn Ray Jessica Bocangel Morgan Hancock David Lynn Scott Rogers Cami Brewer Sara Griswold Jennifer Rieger Isaac Griswold Simon Griswold Cindy Krusenklaus Pam Lawhon Chuck Maland Grace Shattuck Peter Keyes Tim Schalk Peter Crowley Lola Bocangel Mary Rimer Scott Schwahnn Shaunta Ray Benson Hopkins J.T. Maland Brittney Greene Don Hansen Emlyn Cobble Pam Shealy Lee Ley Louise Hegseth Daniel Booher

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications

Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Petersen Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Petersen & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell Facility Staff Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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