Lutheran Life Newsletter Pentecost II

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Pastoral Transition Update ………..……………….. page 4 Fall Faith Formation Preview ……………………….. page 8 Tyson House ………..…………………………………. page 12 Birthdays ………………………………………………. page 15 PENTECOST II 2019



am wowed by your commitment and enthusiasm for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for St John’s. The Look Back Look Forward event is testimony for your love of St John’s. The transition process is going very well. I know many of you ask how soon will we be done, how soon will we start interviewing? I ask your patience and understanding in the process. I have four teams working very diligently on major transitional areas: > The Transition team is responsible for updating documents like the constitution and bylaws, community assessment, video book, and the mission site profile. > The Finance Team is responsible for best accounting practice review in accordance with the ELCA and the IRS 501c3 regulations. > The Personnel Team is responsible for documents related to personnel, accountability, and job descriptions etc. > The Property Team is establishing a Safety Team to review the synod’s risk management and safe church practices. These all take time. It is a lot of information to digest, to process, and to act upon. Your teams are diligent and faithful and putting in hours and hours of work so that the transition process keeps moving along. Another dynamic piece of the process is to gather in small groups and vision and think about where we want to be in 5 years. We started that process at “a look back a look forward". Now we will look at it more intentionally and begin talk about the kind of staff needed to meet the vision. If you would like to be part of a smaller group to talk about visioning, please let me know. Again, I thank you for your dedication and your commitment.


CONNECT When I walked out of the fellowship hall, Sunday, the summary of the entire afternoon seemed to be summed up, for me, in the words: commit to the gospel connect to the world. If we commit to discipleship, if we follow Jesus teachings, if we live by his example then we will connect to our world. And our world is our urban setting, it is people who are so very different from us, it is as diverse as our community and world. To connect to such a place is to welcome and to share the gospel to all. Why? because in Jesus Christ we are all one. And all ought to know Jesus and his love.



hese were just a few of the words used to describe St. John’s at our “Look Back…Look Forward” event. The Sparks fellowship hall was at full capacity as the faithful people of St. John’s showed up to share memories, high points, low points, dreams, and visions. It was a productive and exciting afternoon. The Holy Spirit was present! I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness of my church family. Thank you for showing up and participating in this event. I am certain that the Transition team will put together an excellent Ministry Site Profile that will be used for calling a new senior pastor. It is exciting to see how we are intentionally, patiently, and faithfully moving along in the transition process. The church council and transition team have been working diligently to prepare for a new senior pastor. The church constitution has been examined and is in the process of being updated. We have moved to a team model of ministry. The personnel team is working towards putting procedures in place that will better protect our staff. The finance team is looking at the bigger picture of our financial situation so that we might work towards greater financial health before our new senior pastor is called. The transition team, council, and various teams are working with sharp focus on the tasks before them, which is moving us closer and closer towards calling our new senior pastor. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for stepping up. I am so proud to be a member of a church that is thriving and growing during a transition. I ask for you to continue to be faithful. I pray that you continue to remain hopeful. God is with us and working in us as we run this race together.

“God is there! Not for what we are or do, Not for what we’ve journeyed through, But for all you call us to, God be there!”

St. John’s Council President




he Transition Team extends an enthusiastic thank you to everyone who helped make the “A Look Back, A Look Forward” event such a success. More than 120 members participated in the event and we are thankful for everyone gathered together in the Sparks Fellowship Hall with a shared spirit of moving God’s ministry forward. The Transition Team is taking the responses from the meeting and using them as input for the Ministry Site Profile. This profile will be sent to prospective pastoral candidates. St. John’s members have another great opportunity to participate in the transition process. The Transition Team needs volunteers to conduct interviews with leaders in our community, asking about trends and concerns and the role our congregation can play in helping to improve life. This is called a Community Assessment and will serve as input to the Ministry Site Profile. If you have interest please contact Jim Friedrich at, sign up at the Transition Team table at the Missions Fair on August 18, or contact any other member of the Transition Team (listed below). Part of the transition process is to update the governing documents of the church and we are happy to report that the Constitution and Bylaws will shortly be ready for final review by the Congregational Council and then be forwarded to the Bishop for the Synod review. We are also beginning to plan a series of congregational prayer activities which will begin later in the year. Look forward to hearing more about those activities in the coming months. Yours in Christ, The St. John’s Transition Team Mary Cole, Jim Friedrich,, Sarah Griswold, Deb Jones, Sam Pressley, Clarence Scott, Ethan Zinser


e’re excited to announce that St John’s is LIVE STREAMING our Sunday worship services. The St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel has been created and we stream AND ARCHIVE our Sunday morning worship services. Anyone with access to Youtube on their computer, tablet or smartphone can view our worship services in REAL TIME OR after the service has concluded. The services will be archived on the Youtube channel along with other St. John’s and ELCA videos. So, no matter where you are - YOU’RE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US!




STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE e are a thriving church!

Y'ALL STEPPED UP! … THANK YOU! We have received pledges from over 72 families. This represents an increase of almost 20% more than last year, and the dollars pledged were over 33% greater than in 2018! St. John’s is truly blessed. This year we asked you to Step Up: Step Up and pledge Step Up and discover ways to serve our Lord Step Up and commit to the Gospel of Jesus Step Up and connect with the world. Stewardship is about how we live our lives, it’s about blessing others as we have been blessed, it's about simply living. As we look back on the past fiscal year of the Church, we are reminded that every organization's finances experience peaks and valleys. St. John's is no different and summers are our valley as members travel and take time away. We ask that you stay on top of your pledges and offerings throughout the year as our fixed expenses remain with us. To help St. John's continue to thrive during these lean months, we have drawn on our line of credit. Interest payments, however, divert resources from our mission of spreading love throughout the community. Over the past fiscal year, which is June 1 to July 31, St. John's collections have not kept pace with its budgeted expenses and we had to draw on our line of credit. St. John's ended its fiscal year with a net operating loss and a balance of approximately $47,000 on its line of credit. We prayerfully ask that you review your pledge and offerings and contribute as you are able. If you fulfilled your pledge, THANK YOU, but please don't let that stop you from contributing more. St. John's is a vibrant community of faith and our resources allow us to share the good news in wonderful ways We'd also ask you to consider stepping up in ways that don't involve money. Our congregation is full of amazingly talented people. We must tap that incredibly rich resource to be the community we want to be and serve our Lord to the fullest. There are several teams forming and they covet your time and talent. Please consider joining a team at the upcoming Mission Fair, on August 18th, where you can learn more about the many opportunities for engaging in the life of our congregation. Finally, we are eager to have more members for our Stewardship Team. We meet once a month with a break for summer. The team offers a great time for building relationships. Next year we will focus on more transparency and expanding the notion of giving time and talent, not just treasure. We will build a dialogue with our new Finance Team and begin thinking about our future faith-filled goals as a congregation. We've created a rich tradition on 5th and Broadway, and we want to preserve and build upon it. If you're interested in joining us, please reach out to Pastor Jean or Pastor Amy.

Scott Kroggman



“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:1-4)


e read in Sundays and Seasons: “In the story of Pentecost, the author of Luke and Acts gives focus and frame to the lives of Jesus’ disciples. While there’s no telling to whom the disciples will be sent, the ways in which the disciples will bear witness to the good news of Jesus, or how the disciples will be empowered, equipped, and surprised as they follow where Jesus leads, the Spirit’s presence and power will be with them. When the Spirit “calls, gathers, enlightens, and makes holy,” as Martin Luther says, Jesus’ disciples are crucified and raised, shaped and shaken for relationship with the wider world in ways that are authentic and vulnerable (ELW, p. 1162). Jesus’ disciples embody what Pope Francis describes as a community that is “bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security” (Evangelii Gaudium, 49). We continue our long journey through Pentecost, which is also known as Ordinary Time. The color of the season remains green, hues which beckon our growth. We hear Gospel stories in which the disciples are sent out to encounter—face-to-face—brokenness and hurt. The Good Samaritan. Mary and Martha. Those who want to learn how to pray. Outsiders who live at the margins. And in the meetings, the disciples are drawn deeper and deeper into the compassion of Christ. Luke, in turn, uses healing to illustrate the impact of


Jesus’ ministry, as well as the disciples’ opportunity to change the world. People of St. John’s, as we move through the hot days of August and into the autumn days of September, how will we grow in compassion? Where will we give testimony of healing? And how will compassion and healing inform the vision to which God is calling us in this important time of transition?



ur next FIRST FRIDAY WITH ST. JOHN’S event will happen on Friday August 2nd. We will gather at 5:30 pm in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for food, fun, and conversation. Then, at 7:30 pm, we will head towards downtown Knoxville and the arts district for First Friday activities . Please bring an appetizer to share. BYOB! If you have any questions contact, Clarke Hinkle via email at or Clarence Scott via email at BROTHERS ENGAGING in ENRICHING RELATIONSHIPS WHEN: Tuesday, August 13th at 6pm WHERE: Schulz Brau Brewing Co., 126 Bernard Avenue CONTACT: Caleb Warren - 865.607.9350 WOMEN INVITING NARRATIVE EXPLORATION WHEN: Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30pm WHERE: Old City Wine Bar, 108 W. Jackson Avenue CONTACT: Kay Bultemeier -



ow can you dovetail Sunday Service with a deeper involvement in the Church community? Come to St. John's Mission Fair on Sunday, August 18th during the Education Hour and again after Second Service. Each Mission will have a booth in the Sparks Fellowship Hall where interested persons can connect with Mission leaders and learn more. The Church will provide childcare for younger kids and activities for older kids so parents can focus on the Missions. Food will be served.


his is a ministry for God's older children. Join us as we begin our 9th year for fellowship, prayer, laughter, delicious lunch, and a good program. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am in Spark's Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019 Lunch: Salad and dessert Potluck Program: Laura Mitchell will tell her story as a single lady who adopted seven children from Foster Care. Listen to her story of faith, courage, and a big heart. Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Lunch: Cole's Catering and BBQ (Your cost only $5.00 per person) Program: Cambodia--the Land of Gentle People, Beautiful Scenery, and the Opportunity to Help Build a Home. Come, join Nancy Maland as she shares her trip to Cambodia where she had the opportunity to learn about the wonderful people, cultures, and customs through an international Habitat building experience. Join us; get to know one another; make a new friend. Please RSVP to Mary 865-584-3153.




he St. John’s Lutheran Church Faith Formation Team is excited to invite you to save the date for Rally Day on Sunday, September 8. Rally Day is the kickoff for our fall Faith Formation Series. Faith Formation classes will kick back into high gear on Sunday, September 15. Please join us for enriching, spirit-filled Christian education for children, teens, and adults. We encourage you to mark the following Faith Formation dates in your calendar. Faith Formation takes place Sundays at 10 a.m. Children's Faith Formation Schedule 9/15 The Lost Sheep & Lost Coin (Luke 15:1-10) 9/22 Two Masters (Luke 16:1-13) 9/29 The Parable of the Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31) 10/13 Ten Men Healed (Luke 17:11-19) 10/20 Jacob Wrestles (Genesis 32:22-31) 10/27 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14) Youth Faith Formation Schedule 9/15 Lutheran Question #1: When do you first remember being aware of God's Love? 9/22 Lutheran Questions #2, #3, and #4: What do you know about your Baptism? How is your life different because of this event? If you were baptized as an infant, how would you respond to someone who told you that you must "accept Jesus as your Savior" and be baptized as a teenager or an adult? 9/29 Lutheran Question #5: Some say they are closest to God when they are alone in nature. Do we need church, Christian community, worship, Scripture, Baptism, and Holy Communion? 10/13 Lutheran Question #6: Lutherans have a living way of seeing the Bible—God comes to us through Scripture with judgment and grace. Was there a time in your life when God encountered you through a sermon, a hymn, Holy Communion, a relationship, or an event? 10/20 Lutheran Question #7: What is the difference between the Christian life as "What I must do and what I must not do" and "What I am free from and what I am free for"? 10/27 Lutheran Questions #8 and #9: How does God meet you in your joy and your sorrow? What are your reasons for ALLELUIA, praising God? Adult Faith Formation- Choose One of Two Options Lutheranism 101 New to St. John's? Sign up to learn more about Lutheranism. Longtime member? Join us to enrich your faith. Please sign up at the Mission Fair to reserve your copy of our study guide. This series will run at 10 a.m. on the six Sundays after Rally Day: 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27. Bible Study: Focus on Philippians Using personal devotion (Lectio Divina—Divine Reading) and group discussion, we will focus on the four chapters of Paul's Letter to the Philippians over the course of six sessions. This series will also run at 10 a.m. on the six Sundays after Rally Day: 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27.




arents of Middle School and High School Confirmation, please mark your family calendars!

August 9 and 10 … Retreat on the Life, Ministry, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus August 25 at 5:00 PM… Lutheran History with a viewing of “Luther” September 15 … Lutheran Theology September 29 … Big Questions October 27 … The Rite of Confirmation

Let’s take a quick look at FAMILY MINISTRY opportunities coming up: August 4

Stepping Stone of Sending Off Our College Freshmen (both services) Stepping Stone of Beginning Kindergarten (both services) Blessing of the Backpacks (both services)

August 25

Swimming Party for Families of Little Ones up through Fifth Grade … details to follow via e-mail


ogether with Pastor Amy, Pastor John, Pastor Jean, and the SJLC Council, we invite you to join us for Inquirers’ Gathering on Sunday, August 11 after second service, going no later than 2:00 PM. Together we will talk about what God is up to in our lives and what God is calling us to be and to do as a congregation on the corner of 5th and Broadway. You will have the opportunity to meet and talk with our Church Council members, as well as pastors and other leaders in our congregation over lunch as we look at what makes SJLC unique and how together we can serve Christ and the world. For those who are interested in joining the St. John’s family, we will receive new members on Sunday, August 25. Please RSVP to Toni at or 865.523.3330.




atie’s Sisters welcomes the women of St John’s to join us for a Sip ‘n’ See on Sunday evening August 4th at 6 pm.

Whose baby will we meet? Why, the Vargo baby goats, of course! Bring an appetizer, BYOB, and your lawn chair. We’ll join Pastor Jean at the Vargos’ new home, 2134 Asbury Road, Knoxville 37914, and spend time getting to know one another better. Questions or want to carpool? call Marcia Power at 865-216-8551. Please RSVP to Susan Dowling, 865-274-6483. Email:




ow can you become more involved with your church community? Come to St. John's Mission Fair on Sunday, August 18 during the Faith Formation Hour and again after second service.

Each mission and ministry opportunity at St. John’s will have a booth in the Sparks Fellowship Hall where interested persons can connect with leaders and learn more. Childcare will be provided for younger kids and activities will be happening for older kids (including face painting!) so parents can focus on the ministries. We’ll also have bratwurst, beer, and popcorn - as well as balloons and face painting or the kids - JUST LIKE AT THE FAIR! Find a special bookmarks about the Mission Fair in the Welcome Center - grab a few and share!





e are excited to kick-off our TLC Fall 1st Sunday Brunches. This is a wonderful time to share fellowship and friendship over yummy food. Please join us at 10:00 this fall on these dates:

September 8, 2019 (FAITH FORMATION RALLY DAY) October 7, 2019 November 3, 2019 (YIKES, Daylight Saving Change Day!!!) December 8, 2019 January 5, 2020 February 2, 2020 Please think about joining a TLC team at the Ministry Fair on August 18 th, You could be on a team that regularly cooks a fall brunch and a spring Lenten supper or you could be on our special events team and we will contact you with opportunities to provide food for funerals , ordinations, and events that are requested throughout the year. See you on August 18th for the Ministry Fair.


et’s take a look at the opportunities to Support Kids Hope USA

New Mentors Needed As the school year begins, please consider giving one hour of your time to being a Kids Hope mentor at Christenberry Elementary School. If St. John’s is to truly make a big impact on the school and community we need 10 new mentors, or folks who have mentored before and are willing to sign up for a new mentee. Currently we have 11 active mentors, but only 2 of those will still be at Christenberry this fall. Please prayerfully consider joining this vital ministry. To learn more about this wonderful ministry or to sign-up, please get in touch with Thea Peterson at or 865-591-4803 Bake Sale For Christenberry- September 15th Did you know that on average public-school teachers spend over $480 annually, of their own money, to purchase necessary classroom supplies?!? Let’s make dent in that number by joining supporting the annual Kid’s Hope Bake Sale at St. John’s on Sunday Sept. 15. It will be held between services and again after the second service in the Welcome Center. We love receiving baked goods, wrapped for individual sale, and especially welcoming everyone to come and purchase delicious goodies to take home. To be ready you should start saving your calories and spare change now! The money raised from this sale goes to help with extra classroom needs at Christenberry Elementary. We are a truly blessed congregation and it is such a joy to be able to be of help.



Tyson House Clean Up Day Saturday, August 10, 9am-2pm August 10 is our annual Clean Up Day at Tyson House, our campus ministry at the University of Tennessee. St. John’s, together with members of other supporting congregations, will do light and heavy yard work, as well as light and heavy house cleaning, to get things bright and shiny and welcoming for students coming to UT the week after that! It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other, to get to know our partner congregations, and to serve in Jesus’ name. Some items on our list: weeding, washing windows, cleaning floors, spreading gravel, cleaning gutters, trimming bushes and trees, weed-eating, mowing, picking up trash, vacuuming, sweeping, and generally getting things in top shape. Bring work gloves, tools, cleaning supplies, and let’s get this knocked out! Contact: Caitlynne (Tyson House Administrator), Move In Day Cookout Saturday, August 17, 11am-3pm August 17 is Move In Day at UT-Knoxville, and Tyson House will be grilling hundreds of burgers and hotdogs in the parking lot, feeding and welcoming students, parents, staff, and everyone helping as families drop off their kids with all their stuff. (August 17 is also Adam Schultz’s ordination at St. John’s, so Pastor John will help at Tyson House early, then come to join the celebration at St John’s.) St. Paul Lutheran Church, Maryville, is providing food, and students are handling hospitality. We ask your prayers for Tyson House and for students and their families, as it’s a big day in their lives and our ministry. Tyson House Dinner & Worship Sunday, August 18, 6:04pm August 18 is Tyson House's first dinner and worship service of the school year, and you are welcome to come, any Sunday of the school year. After all, it’s your campus ministry! (August 18 is also our Mission Fair at St. John’s, so again, a big day!) The next few weeks will be bustling, as we work to build relationships and get the year started well. Please keep up the prayers! Also, if you are a student coming to UT or know one, drop us a line! Contact: Pastor John,




id you know the Southeastern Synod (that’s us!) is a partner with the Lutheran Church in Guatemala? We are! The president of Iglesia Luterana Agustina de Guatemala (ILAG) is Rev. Karen Castillo. Pastor Karen will be HERE at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Sunday, September 1st to preach and to teach. ¡Sé Valiente! This is the theme of Pastor Karen’s visit and highlights one of the ILAG ministries: MILAGRO. In a culture where women have limited opportunities, young Guatemalan women travel great distances from their home, family, and community to learn and grow at ILAG’s MILAGRO house. Talk about brave! MILAGRO educates and empowers young women to develop a wide range of skills vital to a future with great possibilities. They will use these skills to start a sustainable business and serve as leaders in their churches, communities and families. It’s a small step - but a very brave step. Jim and Nancy Friedrich have visited ILAG to worship and work alongside the young women at MILAGRO. Fred Perkinson recently visited with a youth delegation from our synod, too. Ask us about our experiences with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Guatemala. Please mark your calendar for: SUNDAY, September 1st to worship at SJLC and visit and spend time with Pastor Karen Castillo. Details on other events will be forthcoming. Questions? Contact Jim or Nancy Friedrich: 865-659-0161 You can help by donating a Tennessee item. During Pastor Karen’s visit, there will be a big Guatemalan Gala fundraiser in Atlanta on Saturday, September 7th. St. John’s is going to create a “Tennessee Gift Basket” for the silent auction to help raise funds for MILAGRO. If you would like to donate an item to the “Tennessee Basket” please let Nancy know. Thank you!



Kylie Elisabeth Shattuck Elon University Pre-Med/Veterinary Medicine

Frederick Charles Perkinson III University of Alabama Environmental Engineering

William Beckett Hamstead Tulane University

Chloe Lucille Gibson Ithaca College Documentary Studies


Turner Patrick Rogers University of Tennessee Supply Chain Management


2 4

5 6 7

Garry Menendez Brady Hopkins Turner Rogers Debbie Sousa Maggie Wilson Karalyne Ley David Jagels Marjorie Hansen Michael McWilliams Natalie Throckmorton Robert Throckmorton Shane Webb

11 13 14 15

16 17 18

12 14

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 9 10 11

Tia Kalmon Norma Bradley Eunice Carlson Phyllis Collins Nathan Kimzey Aubrey Metelka Linda Cash Matthew Long Josh Misenheimer Jimmy Reed David Maples Sylvia Countess Keith Eichenberg Lynn Menendez Laura Cash Frank Metelka Gary Anderson Jean Smith

15 16 18 19 20 21

22 24 25

David Cash Christopher Hegseth Shannon O’Hatnick Deanna Lloyd Christine Oehler Ann Crytser Toni Denton Marva Solt Bill Fogarty Michael Adams Elizabeth Rose Lewis Lars Cooter Ryan Cooter Tom Wainner Karen Robbins Kim Shock Sharon Stancher Ella Kate Smith Betty Kyle Anna Brownlee Katherine Perkinson Jackie Tucker

Caleb Parton Jessica Bocangel Odessa Clark Morgan Hancock Carolyn Ray David Lynn Lydia McCollom Sara Corbitt Cami Brewer Sarah Griswold Isaac Griswold Simon Griswold Jennifer Rieger Carter Wells Karen Wells Nolan Wells Lisa Harris Cindy Krusenklaus Pam Lawhon Chuck Maland Grace Shattuck Peter Keyes Peter Crowley Lola Bocangel Benson Hopkins Mary Ellen Rimer

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

27 28 30 31

26 26 27 28 29 30

Lisa Minton Loudon Rogers Madeleine Trout Ron Rimer Darrell Murrell Emilie Casey Aaron Delgado Lakiea Chapman Mary Eikenberry Jeanne Misenheimer Victoria Schwahn David Trout Holden Giesecke Andrew Holt Kay Burnette Olga Eisenhower August Warren Joaquin Bocangel Renee Busse LaWanda Dugger Thomas Westphal

Brittney Greene Maya Rose Lu JT Maland Emlyn Cobble Pam Shealy Lee Ley Daniel Booher Louise Hegseth Hailey Hudson Lisa Jimenez


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development

John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry

Christopher Clay Director of Communications

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director

Jean Vargo Interim Pastor

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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