Lutheran life Pentecost III 2017

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the congregational newsletter of

St John’s Lutheran Church

Pentecost THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 1 Corinthians 12:1-14



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s our journey through another church year takes us into the fall months of October and November, we have so much to be thankful for as a community of faith. October will be filled with opportunities to celebrate our Lutheran heritage with the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. We are so blessed to have our resident Luther scholar, Dr. Robert Bast, who will be making numerous presentations throughout the month of October regarding Luther and the Reformation. The Bast family moved to Knoxville and joined Saint John’s in 1994. Bob is a professor of Medieval and Early Modern History at the University of Tennessee and Sarah is a guidance counselor at West High School. Dr. Bast will provide the SAM’s program (Senior Adult Ministry) on Wednesday, October 4 at 11:30AM in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Bob is also scheduled to lead our 10:00AM Adult Faith Formation on Sunday, October 15. Our Reformation Sunday celebration on October 29 includes Festival Worship on Sunday morning as well as an afternoon choir concert at 4:00PM with Dr. Bast as our speaker. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to come share our Reformation celebration! All Saint Sunday, November 5, we will worship and give thanks as we remember friends and loved ones we have entrusted to God’s eternal care and keeping. Our belief in “the


communion of Saints, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting” sustains us and gives us hope for this earthly pilgrimage. Christ the King Sunday, November 26 concludes another church year on Thanksgiving weekend as we gather this day to celebrate the reign of Christ and his victory over death. Believing God makes all things new in his kingdom, we wait for the consummation of all things yet to come. Yes, these last two months in the season of Pentecost promise to be transformational both spiritually and literally. The expansion and renovation of our Saint John’s kitchen will give us a new look as well as a valuable resource for growing new relationships. As we conclude the second year of our three year “Raising the Roof!” capital campaign, this much discussed, long awaited new kitchen will provide this congregation and this community with an improved and expanded environment for growing faithful relationships and ministry meals to feed the soul. Thanks for your ongoing campaign contributions! You see, just as the Reformation brought about change to the church landscape 500 years ago, Saint John’s congregation and our ministry continues to be transformed by the Spirit from season to season, from year to year. I’m confident a new church year will take this community of faith to new and exciting places in 2018 as we look forward to celebrating the 130th Anniversary of Saint John’s Lutheran Church! Through our life and ministry together, God promises to make all things new! To God be the glory! With thanksgiving,



he long season of Pentecost concludes with festival worships that celebrate heritage, remember the saints of all ages, and honor a servant King. The prayers of these festival days will shape our communal life. On October 29, shades of red and bold music and the gift of “saved by grace through faith apart from works of the Law” will draw us into Reformation Sunday. This prayer will highlight a re-forming tradition: Almighty God, gracious Lord, we thank you that your Holy Spirit renews the church in every age. Pour out your Holy Spirit on your faithful people. Keep them steadfast in your word, protect and comfort them in times of trial, defend them against all enemies of the gospel, and bestow on the church your saving peace, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

And the Christian year will conclude on Christ the King Sunday on November 24, with white paraments and a King enthroned on a wooden cross, a throne that symbolizes both Christ’s victory over death, and at the same time, anticipates the consummation of all things yet to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we go forth that his reign may be known in our loving words and deeds. This prayer embodies the victory and the future hope: O God of power and might, your Son shows us the way of service, and in him we inherit the riches of your grace. Give us the wisdom to know what is right and the strength to serve the world you have made, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Amen. All Saints Sunday, on November 5, will center our attention on those who have died, those who rest eternally in perpetual light. White paraments remind us of the hope of salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. These words of comfort will shape our prayer and worship: Almighty God, you have knit your people together in one communion in the mystical body of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant us grace to follow your blessed saints in lives of faith and commitment, and to know the inexpressible joys you have prepared for those who love you, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.




he 500th celebration of Luther’s Reformation is finally here! It’s a historic time for all Lutherans as we ponder the life that was Martin Luther’s and his commitment to the church and its people. At St. John’s, we are planning a Reformation worship Celebration for Sunday afternoon, Oct. 29 at 4 p.m. Our guest speaker will be renowned UT History professor, Dr. Robert Bast. Special music will be offered by the St. John’s choir, area Lutheran churches, a brass quartet from the Knoxville Symphony, and of course, our fantastic organ to highlight the great music that was a large part of Luther’s time. A reception will follow in Sparks Fellowship Hall. Martin Luther was not only a theologian and a reformer: he was also a musician and composer. In his reform of the liturgy, he gave community singing a renewed role. Choral singing was defined as an assertion of faith and a spiritual commentary on biblical texts. He composed about thirty chorales and, with other musicians, wrote a hymn book. The role Luther wanted music to have contributed to the incredible development of musical arts in German-speaking countries. Some of Luther’s hymns were taken up in great polyphony by the great Johann Sebastian Bach. I hope you will join us for this wonderful celebration of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s Reformation.


t. John’s involvement with Knoxville Habitat has been going on for nearly 20 years. To date we have participated as a Covenant Partner for 8 homes and families providing: > Funding for materials > Labor for construction

> Labor for construction > Support for the families

In 2018, mark your calendar for April 2018; we will be participating as a Covenant Partner on our 9th house. This will be an excellent opportunity to commit time, treasures and talents for the placement of a family. Each family goes through a rigorous qualifying process completing 500 hours of “sweat equity” time attending classes and ultimately assisting with the build. Contact Neil Fisher for any info you’re seeking about our upcoming Habitat Build.



The Fifth Annual St. John’s Lutheran Women’s Ministry/Katie’s Sisters event, “Advent By Candlelight” will be held on Tuesday, November 28 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. We welcome all women to come and be a part of this special evening designed to help prepare our hearts for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. The program this year, “Awaken,” promises to inspire us to be mindful of the needs of others during this season of giving. Candlelight, laughter, and friends fill the room, as we enjoy an evening of fellowship, beautiful music, and delicious desserts. Reservations are currently being taken for table hostesses, as well as for individual seats. Please extend an invitation to your sisters in Christ and make plans to be a part of this special event. The deadline for signing up to host a table is Sunday, November 19, and the deadline for signing up for the program is Sunday, November 26. A limited number of tables is available, so please mark the calendar and reserve a spot early. Sign-up sheets are available in the Welcome Center, or you may contact Ruth Crowley at 405-3727 or for more information.

NEW Pictorial Directory We are embarking on a NEW St. John’s Pictorial Directory for our church members and friends. Sign-ups begin October 15, 2017 and continue every Sunday for THREE WEEKS. For participating, each family will receive a directory and an 8X10 of their directory pose AT NO COST! Additional portraits will be made available on the day of your appointment to share with your family and friends. Sign Up beginning on Sunday, October, 15 -- and sign-up early to schedule the time you want. Contact Chris Clay with any questions.



Faith Formation for all ages continues … Here are the details: Nursery age children will enjoy an age-appropriate Bible story, creative prayer and free play in the Nursery, directly across from the kitchen on the first floor of the Education Wing. Pre-Kindergarten through Fifth Graders will sing songs with Ms. Debby, learn about the Bible by following the lessons used in each week’s worship service, and enjoy a healthy snack in the Kindergarten Room on the first floor of the Education Wing. Following the opening of the session in the Kindergarten Room, this group will split into two groups: Pre-K through First Graders who stay in the Kindergarten Room and Second through Fifth Graders who move upstairs to the Bridges Room, next to the Choir Room. Middle Schoolers will meet with Liz Gibson, Joe Ley, and Chelsea and Sam Pressley for Bible study at Remedy Coffee House, 800 Tyson Street, just around the corner from the church. High Schoolers will meet with Isaac Taylor for Bible study—an ongoing exploration of Moses through a group-written skit and Rob Bell DVDs—in the Sharp Youth Room at the end of the hallway on the second floor of the Education Wing. Adults will meet with Pat, Dick, and Scott Krogmann for viewing of movie clips and conversation about Martin Luther in the Sparks Fellowship Hall on the first floor of the Education Wing. This conversation will last through October 8. On October 15, Reformation History Professor Bob Bast will join us for additional conversation about Luther as we prepare to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. On October 22, adults will consider Luther’s Reformation, a DVD study curated by Rick Steves. In order to support Sunday Morning Faith Formation, in January 2018 the St. John’s family anticipates the following experiences:


Dinner for Eight … four couples (married folks, dating folks, single folks) enjoying four dinners over four months (January through May and August through November).


Intergenerational Prayer Partners … pairing up young families with emptynesters and seniors for intentional prayer and relationship-building. This new program will debut during the Epiphany season!



n response to a request by several young adults who are new to St. John’s, we will offer a year-long series that will culminate in Confirmation in October 28, 2018. Our topics of conversation include: October 26 November 30 December January 25 February 22 March 22 April 26 May August 23 September 27 October 28


Catechesis Overview Apostles’ Creed Overview Sunday Brunch following worship Article I with following focus on God, the Creator; Creation; Covenant Relationship; Ten Commandments; Human Condition; and Role of the Prophets Article II with following focus God, the Redeemer; Life and Ministry of Jesus; Death and Resurrection of Jesus; and Implications for Today Article III with following focus on God, the Sustainer; Church; and Saints Article III with following focus on Forgiveness, Resurrection, and Eternal Life Sunday Brunch following worship Lutheran History Lutheran Worship and Theology Confirmation

If you have questions, please contact one of the pastors.


of Faith


tepping Stones of Faith is a comprehensive faith formation program. Put simply, the church family issues an intentional invitation to families of children to revisit the promises of the baptismal covenant with a gift for the child, an introduction of a family faith formation experience, and a time of dedicatory prayer during worship. We hope to help families: > Remember the baptismal covenant > Develop lifelong family faith formation practices > Celebrate each child in the congregation at significant milestones > Equip parents with faith formation resources > Pray for families in the congregation. On Sunday, October 1, we will celebrate the Stepping Stone of Bible reading with our early elementary students. Those who participate will receive The Jesus Storybook Bible during worship. On October 22, we will share a wall cross with our Kindergarteners, inviting their families to establish the practice of family prayer. To learn more about Stepping Stones of Faith, please check the “Faith Formation” tab at or the “Grow” tab on the St. John’s app. You can also reach out to Pastor Amy at



The Lutheran Church in Guatemala


e traveled to Guatemala in July. The purpose of our trip was to better understand the ministries of the Lutheran Church in Guatemala (ILAG), including the new Women’s Center, and to provide lessons to the women there. We wanted to better understand the opportunities available for ALL (our congregation, the synod, our family) to serve Christ alongside our brothers and sisters in Guatemala. It was a very positive, meaningful, and fulfilling experience. We discovered numerous opportunities for ourselves - and everyone - to provide support for the well- established ministries. The Iglesia Luterana Agustina Guatemala (ILAG) is the Lutheran Church in Guatemala. It was founded in 1991 to minister primarily to the people on the margins of Guatemalan society, particularly the indigenous (Mayan) poor. Over time, the indigenous population has been marginalized and relegated to a life of poverty and often malnutrition in remote villages.

There are currently 34 Lutheran Churches in Guatemala. Three within Guatemala City and the others located in the remote villages. We spent time with the president of ILAG, Pastor Karen Castillo, who works tirelessly for her people. She and her staff welcome and depend on the spiritual, physical and financial support from companion synods in the United States: the Southeastern Synod (that’s us) and the Saint Paul Area Synod (Minnesota). ILAG has a variety of very meaningful ministry opportunities. Here are a few: > The Women’s Center > Build relationships within this new ministry and teach classes for skills that can be transferred and used by the women back in their villages. (Cooking, building, sewing, budgeting, business development, etc.) > Hosts for Regional Leadership Meetings (think TLC on the road!) > Build relationships with village leaders, prepare and serve meals, support ILAG staff. > Serve as a teacher’s aide in the ILAG elementary school, located in a low income area of Guatemala City. > Team up with other Southeastern Synod churches to install outside-vented, fuel-efficient wood burning stoves in homes in remote villages, greatly improving the Guatemalans’ quality of life, plus help with other building projects. If travel isn’t your cup of tea, there are many other ways to support ILAG. There is a need for prayer, hands-on materials for students at the ILAG elementary school and the Women’s Center, and financial support. Just $175 will buy one of the wood-burning stoves previously mentioned.



For those who are interested in learning more about this opportunity to serve alongside God’s people, please contact us and we will be happy to share more details. Nancy Friedrich 865-659-0161 Jim Friedrich 865-659-6011




ore and more at Tyson House, we’re focused on vocational discernment, discerning our call, what it is we’re here to do, in life overall and moment to moment. One thing we’re learning is, the more we do to make the world better, the more we need to do things that ‘fill our tanks.’ So, on one hand, we hosted a beautiful, six-hour prayer vigil, to help a protest and counter-protest (30 white supremacists faced by 3000 saying “No Hate in Our State” with 300 police in between) stay positive and peaceful. On another hand, we roasted marshmallows in our parking lot, gave out glow stick necklaces at the Student Engagement Fair, blessed backpacks, held guinea-pig-holding office hours, and, of course, shared dinner and worship every Sunday night at 6:04pm. By the time of this publication, we will have hosted Rachel Held Evans at McClung Museum Auditorium (September 18, 7pm), for a talk entitled, “The Rise of the Religious Left.” One of our driving thoughts is that a bird needs both wings — right and left — to fly. Toward that, we’re developing two grant-funded programs, the LAMP Initiative (Life and Ministry Practices, funded by the Lilly Foundation, offering trainings in prayer and worship to help people be healthy and effective in their calls) and a Social Justice Network (funded by the Knutson Foundation, building alliances and mutual support among social action groups). Also by the time you read this -September 28, 7pm, at John XXIII Catholic Center, 1710 Melrose Place), Tyson House is partnering with the History Department, John XXIII, and Veritas Forum to host a conversation called, “Will the Real Martin Luther Please Stand Up?” St. John’s own Bob Bast, together with two other scholars, will look at ways Luther’s ideas have been used the past five centuries, to both good and bad ends, and how we might use his ideas well now. The three Tuesdays after that (October 3, 10, and 17), at 7pm, Fr. Bob O’Donnell will offer a class at John XXIII about Luther (sympathetic, I think!), and Tyson House will share a meal beforehand and walk up to participate. After that, we’ll be ready for a break! The weekend of October 20-22, Tyson House will go on a Sabbath Retreat to John Knox Center, a beautiful, forested camp on Watts Bar Lake, to relax and have fun, with prayer led by Br. David Butzu, a musically talented, ecumenical monk TRACY REES from the Johnson City area. On October 29, we’ll celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, with our annual Reformation Sunday All Saints Halloween Costume Eucharist ...


LUTHERAN LIFE Which reminds me, we LOVE when St. John’s members come eat and worship with us. It’s one of the best ways to support campus ministry, simply showing up and being available to listen and talk to students. God is very present in such conversations. Come any Sunday night school is in session. Dinner starts at 6:04pm. We have plenty parking, on both sides of the building (824 Melrose Place, Knoxville, TN 37916). And of course, if you’re a student, at UT or anywhere else, we’d love to have you join us as well! Pastor John Tirro Campus Pastor




he Ladies of St. John’s Women’s Ministry ask that you please mark your calendars. Here’s what’s coming up: Saturday, October 21 Race for the Cure at World’s Fair Park Post-Race Mimosa Brunch in the Welcome Center. Contact Marcia Bower Power for details. Sunday, October 29 Lunch for Children and their Families in Sparks Fellowship Hall followed by Trunk or Treat in the Back Emory Place Parking Lot. Contact Pastor Amy for details.


he B.E.E.R. (Brothers Engaged in Enriching Relationships) group continues every 4


Though we often find ourselves meeting in places that serve beer, drinking beer is not a requirement. We simply spend time together, getting to know each other better, and maintaining a sense of community between us. Contact me at for info on our next ‘get-together.’


t John’s Youth Families …. The youth experience at St. John’s is growing and getting more exciting every week. I’m excited about the relationships being created and nutured in our youth. Let’s keep it going! We have some fun outings planned for October and November … soooo - HERE WE GO! Saturday October 21 Dead Man's Farm in Lenior City! Cost is $20. We will meet there at 6pm. Let me know if there's need for transportation help. Saturday/Sunday November 11-12 All-Tennessee Youth Gathering at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Hendersonville, TN. Also this: We will be having "Lunch Bunch" with the Youth Group after the late service on the first Sundays of October and November. It's a great time to hang out and share in some fellowship and friendship! Locations are TBD . Contact Isaac Taylor at




here's LOTS of singing going on!! Maybe you can hear us down the hall!! We are singing, playing instruments and joyfully praising God

This wonderful group is our Children's Church Choir, and I love having it on Sunday morning! Everyone comes running down the hall to get to the room quickly for a favorite instrument. We sing about 6 songs, including multicultural songs that have great drum parts--those are our favorites!! No surprise there!! Please join us for Children's Church Choir!! Every Sunday morning at 10 a.m., we are beginning Sunday School with a 10-minute Children's Church. The children will be singing during worship on Oct. 22 and Dec. 10. I hope you will be able to join us on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. to sing our praise to God

Compassion Coalition Community Impact Luncheon


ompassion Coalition is a Knox County faith-based nonprofit comprised of nearly 100 churches in Knox County. St John’s has been part of this coalition for more than 8 years, and every year, Compassion Coalition holds a Community Impact Luncheon, inviting partners and stakeholders from all over to come and celebrate the work taking place and also to invest in their important work. Would you like a seat at the table? There is no cost to attend lunch; however, it is a fundraiser and there will be a request for a donation. The luncheon is scheduled for Tuesday, October 24th from 12noon to 1pm at the Jackson Terminal event facility in downtown Knoxville. Seating begins at 11:4am. For more information or to RSVP, please reach out to Pastor Amy or Jessica Bocangel. St John’s Lutheran table can accommodate 10 people, so RSVP early!

We are excited about the fact that there are SO MANY opportunities for you to serve at St. John’s … We’re even MORE excited that you’re interested in where you can plug in and be a part of one of he ministries needing help and support. Usher? Reader? Audio/Video Ministry? Altar Guild? There are lots of places - ask Rita Schwartz at to let her know where you would like to serve and she can provide all the details. THANKS IN ADVANCE!




Thanks to Todd Richesin and Bobby Brown for hosting this event. We raised $10,000 for new sanctuary carpet.

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John Stancher Vyvette Solt Chrystal Brewer Libby Stinnett Richard Bender Chris Wise Deaver Shattuck Madi Murphy Amy Hamer Diane Boxx Emily Bradford-Wyrick Mary Sue Bjorklund David Hegseth Terry Irwin Finis Glenn Chappelle Scott Hamstead Bill Wing George Fowler Thea Peterson Sharon Gamble Sarah Lowe Pat Krogmann Will Trout Colton Murphy Matthew Freeman Hailey Hamer Howard Capito Lee Gagle Joseph Ray John Rice Helmut Busse Jon Efteland Chris McKenry Lee Ballard Lee Metelka




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Susie Racek Tom McGalliard Rowan Daugherty Wilma Miller Herta Olive Dani Warren Scarlett Lucia Thrasher Anna Chappelle Josie Whitehead Jonathan Freeman Terry Hamer Jenny Ladage Sarah Bast Linda Welch Beck Hamstead Jenna Kalmon Scott Krogmann Holly Hudy Sarah Morgan Todd Richesin Jim Friedrich Sarah Holtz Monica Krogmann Joe Miller Lillian Boyer Rivers Chapman Pat Keyes Linda Efteland Craig Friedrich Bob Sharp Reid Zinser Preston Tucker Annie Rose McDermott

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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