‘Past Present Future’ St Joseph's College Arts Festival in partnershipwith Arts International, celebrating 28 Years

26 June to 1 July 2023

‘Past Present Future’ St Joseph's College Arts Festival in partnershipwith Arts International, celebrating 28 Years
26 June to 1 July 2023
Monday 26 June 08:45 - 09:30 Whole College ExtendedAssembly:Arts Festival ‘Past Presentand Future’
09:30 - 11.00 The art of Hennaworkshop, room201 (maximum20 students, open to students over16 years of age). To attend this workshop students willbe required to do a patch testone week priorto the workshop and return a signed parental permission slip to take part. [To book click HERE]
09:30 - 11:00 The Tunnock's Tea Cake challenge, room 715 (maximum 16 students, Years 7) [To book click HERE]
11:30 - 13:00 The Tunnock's Tea Cake challenge, room 715 (maximum 16 students, Years 8) [To book click HERE]
11:30 - 12:30 LAMDA workshop, Dramastudio. This workshop is open to students who love performingusingdynamicscripts (maximum 20students, Years 9 and 10) [To book click HERE]
13.45 - 15:15 ‘The GreatestShow’, JuniorSchool Production, the Chapel. We are delighted thatall students in the Infants and Years 7, 8, 9 will watch ourJuniors take to the stage to perform theirannual musical production.
19:00 - 20:30
Tuesday 27 June All day [open event]
08:45 – 09:30
‘The GreatestShow’, the Chapel [open event]
Mindfulness, creativity and connection. Take some time to relax and unwind whilecreatingyourown work of art usingstitch w hich will be displayed in the Textiles room. You will learn arange of embroidery techniques, suitable forboth beginners and more experienced stitchers. 10sessions throughoutthe day, 30 minutes each, max 6 students persession, open also to parents and staff
EYFS and Key Stage 1 Milk and Cookies ArtExhibition, Prep School Hub
09:15 - 12:30 Learn to Tie Dye with Mr Stevenson, outside Science (maximum 30places available, open to Years 7,8,9). [To book click HERE]
09:10 - 12:30 Art Workshop - Painted Face Masterpieces, room 201 (maximum 30places available, Years 7,8,9). [To book click HERE]
09:10 - 10:10 Stage Make up and Wigs Workshop with Arts International, exploringmake-up forTV/ filmand theatre (Infants)
10:30 – 11:30 Stage Make up and Wigs Workshop with Arts International, exploringmake-up forTV/ filmand theatre (maximumof 30 students, Years 7, 8 ). [To book click HERE]
11:35 - 12:35 Stage Make up and Wigs Workshop with Arts International, exploringmake-up forTV/ film and theatre (maximum of 30 students, Year9). [To book click HERE]
12:40 - 13:30 Launch of Rock Choirwith Mrs. Alexander, open to College Staff and Parents
13:00 - 13:30 Live musicfromthe balcony (weatherdependent)
13:40 - 15:30 Art Workshop - Painted Face Masterpieces (maximum 30places available, Year10 and Year 12) [To book click HERE]
13:40 - 14:40 Stage Make up and Wigs Workshop with Arts International, exploringmake-up forTV/ film and theatre (maximum of 30 students, Years 10 and 12) [To book click HERE]
19:00 - 20:30 ‘The GreatestShow’, The Chapel [open event]
Wednesday 28 June 09:15 – 10:30 [open event]
WellbeingWednesdayforParents and College staff:A session thatshares wellbeingand mindsetskills, tools and strategies with the participants. Particularfocus on how to support others through stress and daily pressure. Led by Arts International
* Breath-work foranxiety, stress, focus and motivation,
* Strategies forstress management and wellbeingtips
* Exercises forcreatingenergy and focus forindividuals orgroups
* List of support and resources
* Q&A opportunity
09:10 – 10:10 Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, open to Juniors, Dance Studio
10:30 – 11:30 Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, open to Year7, Dance Studio (Maximum 30places) [To book click HERE]
10:45 – 11:45
WellbeingWednesdayforour Prep School pupils, prep school parents are also warmly invited to attend: A feel good session thatinspires all participants to move their bodies and voices as an ensemble whilst singing a'pop classic’.
* Movement and ensemble singing session.
* Breath-work and the importance of movement.
* Demonstratingthe powerof teamwork and collaboration
* No outcome during the session, no pressure to perform.
11:35 – 12:35 Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, open to Year8, Dance Studio (Maximum 30places) [To book click HERE]
11:45 – 12:45
WellbeingWednesdayforYears 7, 8, 9: A feel good session thatinspires all participants to move theirbodies and voices as an ensemble whilstsinginga'pop classic’. [To book click HERE]
13:40 – 15:15
WellbeingWednesdayforYear10 and Year 12: A session thatshares wellbeingand mindsetskills, tools and strategies with the participants. Particularfocus on stress and exam pressure. Includes written exercises forcreatingsafe spaces and physical exercises creatingenergy and focus forindividuals orgroups. [To book click HERE]
13:40 – 14:40 Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, open to Year 9, 10, 12, Dance Studio (Maximum30 places) [To book click HERE]
14:45 – 15:30 Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, open to Infants, Dance Studio. [To book click HERE]
15:50 – 16:40
WellbeingWednesdayforCollege staff:A feel good session thatinspires all participants to move theirbodies and voices as an ensemblewhilstsinginga'pop classic’.
* Movement and ensemble singing session.
* Breath-work and the importance of movement.
* Demonstratingthe powerofteamwork and collaboration
* No outcome duringthe session, no pressure to perform.
18:00 – 19:30 YoungMusician of the Term for Middle, Upperand Sixth Form classes, with ensembles, the Chapel [open event]
Thursday 29 June 09:15 – 10:30 Samba Drum workshop, maximum of 20 places available for Year7, and 8[To book click HERE]
09:10 – 12:30
Advance Street Dance workshop led by Arts International, Dance Studio, Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 Dance Studio [To book click HERE]
12:30 – 14:00 Rock in the Quad - Picnicin the Grounds with live music, outsideStage (whole College). This eventis alive unplugged eventwherestudents can performmusic, poetry, dance and drama in an informal and relaxed environment.No bookingrequired butstudents who would like to performplease [to book click HERE]
14:15 – 15:30 Macbeth beingperformed in ouropen-airtheatre, open to Years 7, 8 and 9 students with theirclass teachers to attend
18:00 – 19:00 Macbeth publicperformance, outsidein ourglorious grounds[open event]
Friday 30 June 09:15 – 14:00 Fashionworkshop: This one-dayworkshopoffers students the opportunityto upcycle their clothingand experimentwithvarious textiles techniques and materials.The workshop encourages creativity, self-expression, andidea-sharingina funenvironment.Students will needto bring their own itemof clothing to upcycle such as a T-shirt/ shirt/ jacketand will have the chance to showcase theircreations in a fashionshow. Textiles studio, Years 7, 8, 9, maximum of 15 places available. [To book click HERE]
09:15 – 11:30
09: 15 – 10:15
10:15 – 10:40
10:30 – 11:30
11:40 - 12:40
14:00 – 15:30
Ipswich School of Dance workshop, Dance Studio, open to Years 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 maximum of 20 places available. [To book click HERE]
Puppeteeringworkshop with Arts International, open to Year7. [To book click HERE]
Orwell House charity eventraisingmoney forTeenage CancerTrust, the bigbake sale, Sixth FormCentre, cash and cards accepted
Puppeteeringworkshop with Arts International, open to Year8. [To book click HERE]
Puppeteeringworkshop with Arts International, open to Year9. [To book click HERE]
Stars in Your Eyes, led by La Salle House, the Chapel, open to Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12. This eventis organised to raise funds forTeenage CancerTrust, please [click HERE] to registeryourinterestto take part. There will be a£2 entrance fee forthis event.
Saturday 1 July 12:30 – 17:00 Arts Festival Unplugged—Acelebrationwithlive musicacts, dance and drama performances, foodand licensedbar, bouncy castle and stalls, SerenityGarden outside stage (open).This unpluggedeventis a wonderful culminationof the immense talentand confidence that has shone throughout the week.At 3pm there will be a special performance of fashionand dance. Furtherto this there will be guestacts from our alumni community and friends at Arts International.We invite you to sit back, enjoythe afternoonwith friends and families. No bookingrequired butstudents who would like to perform please click HERE
14:00 BigBoardingSleepover –what betterway to enjoy a festival than to have a sleepoverand camp with friends. Students in Years 7,8, and 9 [invitation lettersentout separately]