E-learning @ A-level
Contents 04
Welcome from the Principal
Introduction from Dr Jennifer Stimson
Who will look after me?
A Rich Journey Through Sixth Form
A Typical Online Day for an A-level Student
Sixth Form Options:
Business Studies
Mathematics/Further Mathematics
Admissions Process
Message from the Principal Welcome to St Joseph’s E-learning @ A-level Programme. St Joseph’s College is a very special and friendly community. Academic achievement and outstanding pastoral care are underpinned by a distinctive Christian ethos that captures the spirit of our 17th century founder, John Baptist de la Salle, the patron saint of teachers. We set high standards for everyone in our community and we expect your child to ‘be their best’ when they join us, whether that be in person or online. At St Joseph’s, students gain confidence without arrogance and they become team players who will stand up for what is right in life, as caring and compassionate members of our global community. Life at St Joseph’s provides an appropriate balance of academic challenge, alongside plentiful support as students navigate their studies, courses and qualifications and as they develop into successful young women and men ready for the next stage of their lives. Do contact our Admissions Team to learn more about our e-courses and online community. We look forward to sharing with you further information about our exciting and innovative St Joseph’s E-learning @ A-level Programme. Mrs Danielle Clarke Principal, BA (HONS) NPQH
Message from the Director of Academic & International Projects A very warm welcome to St Joseph’s College’s e-learning and our suite of online qualifications. Our e-learning provision enables both UK and international students to learn alongside students in the UK classroom in real time, delivering a GCSE and A-level education to girls and boys aged 14-18. St Joseph’s offer is different to other online providers. We aim to allow students to become fully integrated into a real physical community within the College, participating in real time lessons among students within the classroom, and having the opportunity to join extra-curricular activities, as well as joining assemblies and house meetings. Our investment in state-of-the-art conference cameras within our classrooms means that students can feel very much part of the classroom environment, seeing and hearing the discussions within class, as well as contributing themselves. In addition, online learners will receive specialist additional support from teaching staff to ensure that they gain individual attention outside of the formal lesson time. This adds up to a very high level of live teaching, equivalent to ten hours per fortnight for A-level students for each subject taken. The care provided by St Joseph’s is more than just academic provision however. Students will have a dedicated tutor group supporting pastorally, multilingual international liaison officers who can help answer their questions quickly and house and extra-curricular activities that will help them make friends. We also have specialist careers advice, providing careful help with university choice and applications, both for UK and international applications. This includes support for Oxbridge applications for those who need it. St Joseph’s provides a rich support programme to enable students to take their next steps post A-level. Take a look through our Sixth Form course options, book an appointment to talk to us about your son’s or daughter’s plans, learn how St Joseph’s could be the right fit for your family and hear about how other students have made fantastic progress through e-learning. Dr Jennifer Stimson Director of Academic & International Projects, BA (Hons) MSc PhD 5
Mrs Clarke Principal Dr Stimson Director of International Projects
Mrs Deng International Liaison Officer
Who will look after me? Miss Jesenaiova International Student Coordinator
Mr Kemsley Futures Coordinator
Mr Orris IT Manager
Mr Layton E-learning tutor
A Rich Journey Through Sixth Form E-learning @ A-level is more than just A-levels! St Joseph’s College provides a rich provision that develops students beyond the academic confines of their A-level subjects. Alongside their formal studies, students may participate in Extended Project Qualifications (EPQs), for which staff will mentor them through a process of independent project work that will provide them with a qualification highly valued by universities. Students will also have the opportunity to undertake super-curricular activities: for example, hearing visiting speakers talk on important topics in the Birkfield Society, joining debates or taking part in the Model United Nations. For international students with English as an additional language, a full-time package will include EAL lessons to support language learning and prepare students for IELTs tests. Students will be provided with a detailed futures-planning process, which includes one-to-one support that guides them through university applications.
A-levels EPQs EAL
Futures planning
Super-curricular activities
There are regular check points on academic progress through the Sixth Form journey, with systematic classroom assessments which are reported through real time mark books visible to parents and students on the Go4Schools platform. Formal mock examinations are taken by students at the end of the first year of A-level (known as the Lower Sixth year or Year 12) and in the January of the second year of A-levels (known as the Upper Sixth year or Year 13) before final examinations in the April - June period. Progress reports, indicating independent learning and directed learning scores, are provided half termly throughout the two years of Sixth Form. Each year, parents or guardians are also invited for consultation appointments with subject teachers online (via the Zoom platform) and a formal detailed report is also provided with predicted A-level grades indicated.
A Typical Online Day for an A-level Student St Joseph’s e-learning provision is delivered through live lessons. International students engaging online need to join lessons promptly to participate in the interactive teaching and learning to derive the most benefit and achieve the best they can.
New Dehli
08:45 to 09:10
11:45 to 12:10
13:45 to 14:10
16:45 to 17:10
Assembly broadcast from the College chapel
09:10 to 10:10
12:10 to 13:10
14:10 to 15:10
17:10 to 18:10
Period 1
Live interactive lesson with UK Economics class
10:10 to 10:35
13:10 to 13:35
15:10 to 15:35
18:10 to 18:35
10:35 to 11:35
13:35 to 14:35
15:35 to 16:35
18:35 to 19:35
Period 2
Live interactive lesson with UK EAL class
11:40 to 12:40
14:40 to 15:40
16:40 to 17:40
19:40 to 20:40
Period 3
Live interactive lesson with UK Maths class
12:40 to 13:40
15:40 to 16:40
17:40 to 18:40
20:40 to 21:40
13:40 to 14:40
16:40 to 17:40
18:40 to 19:40
21:40 to 22:40
Period 4
Live support class with Economics teacher for online students
14:45 to 15:45
17:45 to 18:45
19:45 to 20:45
22:45 to 23:45
Period 5
Independent study to complete teacher directed learning activities
15:45 to 16:45
18:45 to 19:45
20:45 to 21:45
23:45 To 00:45
Development hour (optional)
Share trading club (optional enrichment activity)
Sixth Form Options 10
Business Studies
Mathematics/Further Mathematics
Business Studies A-level Edexcel (9BSO) Why choose this course? Business Studies is a highly transferable subject which opens up many routes into employment and supports the study of Business at university, where Business Management degrees are popular. Furthermore, to those students seeking to enter the world of work after A-levels, it provides valuable grounding in key terms and areas that will affect them during their careers. The course aims to encourage students to develop a range of essential soft skills for higher education and the world of work through content which is relevant to any citizen in the 21st century and through practising communication skills. Through exciting and relevant topics, such as marketing, human resources and finance, students will understand the broad nature of business whilst focusing on some key areas, including language and the creation of balanced arguments with clear and reasoned judgements.
Course content
Course assessment
The course comprises four themes:
Three two-hour written examinations at the end of the course, with 100 marks available on each. Papers 1 and 2 are each worth 35% of the total qualification. Paper 3 is worth the remaining 30%.
• Theme 1: Marketing and people • Theme 2: Managing business activities • Theme 3: Business decisions and strategy • Theme 4: Global business
Paper 1: Marketing, people and global business. Questions will be drawn from Themes 1 and 4. The paper comprises two sections, A and B. Each comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open-response question. Paper 2: Business activities, decisions and strategy. Questions will be drawn from Themes 2 and 3. The paper comprises two sections, A and B. Each comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including one extended open-response question. Paper 3: Investigating business in a competitive environment. Questions will assess content across all four themes. For Paper 3, questions will be based on a pre-released context document. The paper has two sections, with both comprising a data response question broken down into parts, including one extended open-response question.
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
Revision sessions are available to support students and Enterprise provides an opportunity for them to engage in practical business activities.
Degrees and HNDs in Business and Management Studies, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Economics, Psychology etc. Business Studies is particularly useful for studying with another subject for a combined/joint degree e.g. Business and Spanish, Business and Finance etc.
Biology A-level AQA Biology (7402) Why choose this course? Biology has a wide range of exciting topics which will allow you to develop your skills of data collection and analysis, investigating facts and making deductions, and using team work and communication.
Course content Section
Topics within the section
1: Biological molecules
Biology: Cells; Specialised Cells & Tissues. Chemistry: Atoms; Moles; Titrations & Concentrations. Physics: Waves & Communication
2: Cells
Cell structure; Microscope work; Transport across cell membranes; Cell recognition & the immune system
3: Exchange of substances
Gaseous exchange; Mass transport; Transport in animals & Transport in plants
4: Genetics and variation
Genetic information; Evolution & disease; DNA & protein synthesis; Biodiversity; Classification & evolution
5: Energy transfer
Photosynthesis; Respiration; Ecosystems & Nutrient cycles
6: Communication, homeostasis and energy
Communication and homeostasis; Excretion as an example of homeostatic control; Neuronal control; Hormonal control; Plant & animal response
7: Genetics, evolution and ecosystems
Cellular control; Patterns of inheritance; Ecosystems; Populations & sustainability
8: The control of gene expression
Manipulating genomes; Cloning & biotechnology
Course assessment Paper & description
Percentage of A-level
Paper 1: Sections 1 - 4
Paper 2: Sections 5 - 8
Paper 3: Sections 1 - 8
Practical endorsement: Students will cover set practical tasks in which their skills will be assessed internally. The skills covered will also be assessed in the written examinations.
Ongoing throughout the course
Reported separately
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
There will be opportunities to hear key speakers and take part in national competitions.
Biology is an excellent A-level for those who intend a career in medicine, dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing, psychology, medical sciences, human biology, biological sciences, sport science, agriculture, horticulture and forestry, and associated undergraduate courses.
Chemistry A-level OCR (H432) Why choose this course? Chemistry helps you to develop research, problemsolving and analytical skills. It allows you to challenge ideas and demonstrate your thinking through logic and step-by-step reasoning. The study of Chemistry also fosters teamwork and communication skills.
Course content Module
Topics within the module
1: Development of practical skills in chemistry
Key practical skills will be covered through practical tasks throughout the course
2: Foundations in chemistry
Atoms, compounds, molecules and equations; Amount of substances; Acid-base and redox reactions; Electrons, bonding and structure
3: Periodic table and energy
Trends in the Periodic table; Group 2 and the halogens; Qualitative analysis; Enthalpy changes; Reaction rates and equilibrium
4: Core organic chemistry
Hydrocarbons; Alcohols and halogenoalkanes; Organic synthesis; Analytical techniques
5: Physical chemistry and transition elements
Reaction rates and equilibrium; pH and buffers; Enthalpy, entropy and free energy; Redox and electrode potentials; Transition elements
6: Organic chemistry and analysis
Aromatic compounds; Carbonyl compounds; Carboxylic acids and esters; Nitrogen compounds; Polymers; Organic synthesis; Chromatography and spectroscopy
Course assessment
Paper & description
Percentage of A-level
Paper 1: Periodic table, elements & physical chemistry Modules 1,2,3 & 5
2hr 15mins
Paper 2: Synthesis & analytic techniques Modules 1,2,4 & 6
2hr 15mins
Paper 3: Unified concepts Modules 1 - 6
1hr 30mins
Practical endorsement: Students will cover set practical tasks in which their skills will be assessed internally and in examination questions
Ongoing throughout the course
Reported separately
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
There will be opportunities to hear key speakers and take part in national competitions.
Chemistry is a mandatory A-level for those who intend a career in medicine, dentistry and physiotherapy and useful in the study of nursing, psychology, medical sciences, human biology, biological sciences, sport science, agriculture, horticulture, forestry and associated undergraduate courses.
Physics A-level OCR (H556) Why choose this course? Physics will help you to build up your problem-solving, research and analytical skills. With these skills you will be able to test out new ideas, and also question and investigate current theories - key for any job that involves research or debate.
Course content Module
Topics within the module
1: Development of practical skills in physics
Key practical skills will be covered through practical tasks throughout the course
2: Foundations of physics
Physical quantities and units; Scalars and vectors; Measurements
3: Forces and motion
Motion; Forces in action; Work, energy and power; Materials; Newton’s laws of motion and momentum
4: Electrons, waves and photons
Charge and current; Energy, power and resistance; Electrical circuits; Waves; Quantum physics
5: Newtonian world and astrophysics
Thermal physics; Circular motion; Oscillations; Gravitational fields; Astrophysics
6: Particles and medical physics
Capacitors; Electric fields; Electromagnetism; Nuclear and particle physics; Medical imaging
Course assessment Paper & description
Percentage of A-level
Paper 1: Modelling Physics Modules 1,2,3 & 5
2hr 15mins
Paper 2: Exploring Physics Modules 1,2,4 & 6
2hr 15mins
Paper 3: Unified Concepts Modules 1 - 6
1hr 30mins
Practical endorsement: Students will cover set practical tasks in which their skills will be assessed internally. The skills covered will also be assessed in the written examinations.
Ongoing throughout the course
Reported separately
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
There will be opportunities to hear key speakers and take part in national competitions.
Engineering, theoretical physics, computer science, aeronautics, forensic science, medicine and related areas as well as computing, communications and areas where sound, mathematical analysis is required e.g. accountancy and banking.
Economics A-level Edexcel (9EC0) Why choose this course? Economics has been one of the fastest growing A-levels nationally for a number of years. The course supports a wide variety of future pathways, demonstrating analytical skills for those focusing on essay subjects and extended writing skills for scientists. The subject is highly topical, with one day’s news becoming the next day’s economics lesson. It also provides life skills by understanding the world we live in today, allowing us to take a reasoned opinion on government policy decisions.
Course content The A-level in Economics has four themes over the two year course:
Year 12
Year 13
Theme 1
Theme 2
Introduction to the markets & market failure
The UK economy – performance and policies
• • • •
• • • • •
he nature of economics T How markets work Market failure Government intervention
easures of economic performance M Aggregate supply and demand National income Economic growth Macroeconomic objectives and policy
Theme 3
Theme 4
Business behaviour and the labour market
A global perspective
• • • • • •
• • • • •
Business growth Business objectives Revenues, costs and profit Market structures The labour market Government intervention
International economics Poverty and inequality Emerging and developing economies The financial sector Role of the state in the macro economy
Course assessment The course is assessed over three exam papers at the end of the final year: • Papers 1 & 2 follow a format: Section A comprises a range of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. Section B comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts. Section C comprises a choice of extended open-response questions; students select one from a choice of two. • Paper 3 assesses everything taught over the whole two years of the course. The paper comprises two sections. Each section comprises one data response question broken down into a number of parts, including an essay question.
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
The subject is supported by a lively student-led Economics Society with a remit for exploring aspects of Economics from beyond the specification and inviting visiting speakers. The school has regularly participated in the London Institute of Banking and Finance virtual share trading competition, with over 40 St Joseph’s students competing in any given year. There are also opportunities to participate in national and global essay competitions.
Economics is a popular degree at university, and can be studied on its own, or combined with a variety of other subjects. The study of Economics at A-level can also lead into other degree subjects such as Business and Finance. Possible careers include: Civil Service, Insurance, Management, Accountancy and Finance.
Mathematics/Further Mathematics A-level A-level Maths: Edexcel (9MA0) A-level Further Maths: Edexcel (9FM0) Why choose this course? Favoured by Russell Group universities, Mathematics complements many other A-level subjects and is vital in various careers. The course covers processing, interpreting and analysing information, and develops logical thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Course content You will have met at GCSE level many of the topics to be studied at A-level, but these will be extended and studied in greater depth. Exciting and powerful new techniques, such as calculus, are developed in Pure Mathematics and are applied to the real world through the study of Mechanics and Statistics. Further Mathematics, a separate A-level which may be taken additionally, follows a similar structure, with a broader range of topics. If you are considering taking Mathematics at A-level, you will be expected to gain a GCSE grade 7 or above in the GCSE Mathematics higher tier or equivalent. Students who obtain a grade 8 or 9 are encouraged to consider AS or A2 Further Mathematics.
Course assessment Three examination papers with a mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems, will be taken at the end of Year 13.
Paper 1 (2hrs) Pure Mathematics
Paper 2 (2hrs) Pure & Mechanics
Paper 3 (2hrs) Pure & Statistics
100 marks (33.3% of A-level)
100 marks (33.3% of A-level)
100 marks (33.3% of A-level)
Any content from Paper 1
Any content from Paper 1
Algebra & Functions
Statistical Sampling
Coordinate Geometry
Quantities & Units in Mechanics
Data Presentation & Interpretation
Sequences & Series
Forces & Newton’s Laws
Statistical Distributions
Exponentials & Logarithms
Statistical Hypothesis Testing
Differentiation Integration Numerical Methods It is expected that students will plan considerable time to review lessons and complete homework. The Mathematics Faculty monitors the progress of each individual student by using a variety of assessed homework and end of topic reviews.
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
The faculty organises lectures and hosts events which are designed to inspire curiosity. There are opportunities for students to act as Mathematics Ambassadors, helping younger students in the College.
Mathematics is a much sought after qualification for entry into a wide variety of full-time courses in higher education or employment. These include science, computing, engineering, psychology, geography and business. Having A-level Mathematics is a fantastic indicator to any prospective employer that you are able to think logically, work hard and have excellent numeric competency.
Psychology A-level AQA (7182) Why choose this course? The A-level Psychology course involves the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour. You will gain an understanding of childhood attachment and its impact on adult life; and causes and treatments for phobias and OCD. You will study group behaviour and how it can be influenced within society; gender and aggressive behaviour; as well as gaining a fascinating insight into the brain and its functions. If you are fascinated by the idea of understanding the brain and want to grasp the complexities of human behaviour, Psychology A-level is for you.
Course content
Course assessment
The course content includes:
Assessment is entirely based upon examinations taken at the end of the two years.
• Social influence • Memory • Attachment
Percentage of A-level
• Psychopathology • Approaches in psychology • Biopsychology • Research methods • Issues and debates in psychology • Schizophrenia
Paper 1 Introductory topics
Paper 2 Psychology in context
Paper 3 Issues and options
• Gender • Aggression
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
There are many opportunities to enrich learning within Psychology, with a wide variety of recommended reading, documentaries and visiting online speakers.
The subject instils skills in research, data-handling, analysis, communication and organisation that go well beyond the value of the material covered. It is, of course, relevant to those interested in psychology at degree level, but also popular amongst students who plan to follow other paths. As a university degree, psychology is a popular and exciting subject to study. Graduates enter a wide range of employment sectors, including teaching, advertising, sport development, social work and nursing. The list is vast.
Sociology A-level AQA (7191) Why choose this course? Sociology covers a wide range of topics and we select a number of these on the course. This subject helps students gain a greater understanding how society operates. A study of Sociology bestows a greater appreciation of the issues which appear in the news. Themes include the family, where we discuss topics such as divorce, roles within the family and family structure. Education is also examined and we analyse the functions of schools and the various influences on educational attainment. Crime has considerable news coverage and students have the chance to investigate its causes. The course also includes discussions on social class and inequality as well as the research methods used by sociologists.
Course content
Course assessment
The course content includes:
Assessment is entirely based upon examinations taken at the end of the two years.
• Families and households • Education with methods
Percentage of A-level
• Beliefs in society • Crime and deviance • Research methods
Paper 1 Education
Paper 2 Options
Paper 3 Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods
Enrichment opportunities
Progression routes
There are many opportunities for enrichment within the course, including attending relevant external lectures online as well as joining visiting speakers at St Joseph’s. Students are also invited to join a Social Science enrichment club, where material outside the course content is discussed. Additional reading is also examined and national essay-writing competitions are entered.
The subject instils skills in research, data-handling, analysis, communication and organisation that go well beyond the value of the material covered. Sociology complements a variety of A-level subjects and is also a popular degree course. Sociology can be of specific use for the following careers: teaching, civil service, law, management, police, and social work.
IELTS and EAL Why choose this course? St Joseph’s College’s EAL department provides specialised IELTS lessons for students with English as an Additional Language. IELTS is an internationally recognised test which shows the overall language ability of people who want to study or work in English language environments. At St Joseph’s College, we work on the Academic English test, which is most suitable for students applying for university or college. The lessons are not just focused on the exam, but also on building cultural knowledge of the English-speaking world and improving our students’ overall ability in academic English. Integrating festivals and using a variety of authentic material in our classes means that our IELTS course is relevant to the world today. Small classes allow our students to build good relationships with their teachers and we also arrange one-to-one sessions to support students in the run up to IELTS exams or to help with more specific English for other subjects. We work together with Cambridge University Assessment to administer pre-tests throughout the year, so that students are able to take the real exam when they are best prepared for it. Our administration department will facilitate the taking of tests in Ipswich or further afield.
Course content and assessment IELTS exam
• Taken at an external test centre, usually all on one day. • Multiple dates and venues are available throughout the year. • A range of topics covered in academic English. This can include listening to a university lecture and answering questions; writing a description of graphs and charts and speaking about their own life and experiences.
40 questions, approximately 30 minutes
40 questions, 1 hour
2 tasks, 1 hour
3 parts 11-14 minutes
Enrichment opportunities EAL enrichment can take many forms, but students are encouraged to join debating and Model United Nations to develop speaking skills or film club to encourage listening skills.
FAQs What exams will e-learners sit? The list of exam boards used within St Joseph’s College is shown in the course descriptors. However, for international students studying from outside the UK, St Joseph’s will support students taking international A-levels in their home countries. Pearson states that ‘Pearson Edexcel International AS/A-levels (IAL) are globally recognised qualifications which open doors to top universities worldwide. Available for 21 subjects, they have a modular structure, yet remain comparable to GCE AS/A-levels, as confirmed by NARIC, the national agency responsible for providing information and expert opinion on qualifications and skills worldwide.’ https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-international-advanced-levels.html
What software platform do students access lessons on? Students access lessons using Microsoft Teams. Individual class teams are set up for each A-level undertaken. In addition, students will have a tutor group team, which will also include access to assemblies and other whole school activities. Students will not need prior knowledge of Microsoft Teams as full training for the platform will be given in the induction course that takes place prior to starting at the College.
How does the College prepare online students for university applications? The College has a dedicated Futures Coordinator who will meet with each online student individually to plan the next steps after St Joseph’s. The College staff are well versed in supporting students through the UCAS process, including applications to Oxbridge and other top-performing UK universities. The College also has considerable experience in supporting students in US applications and other international applications.
Does St Joseph’s College meet all education regulations? St Joseph’s College complies with all UK laws and regulations and is inspected by the ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate). In the College’s most recent inspection, the top grading of ‘Excellent’ was awarded. Applicants should check the educational requirements that are set in their home country to ensure that e-learning is permitted.
What are the English language entry requirements? Proficiency in English language is necessary to be able to successfully complete A-level studies. English language capability is assessed through the Oxford Placement Test, with entry requirements of B2 or higher for A-levels (equivalent to IELTS level 5.5). Should an applicant’s English proficiency fall below the B2 level because of disruption to learning due to Covid-19, this will be considered in the application process.
Admissions Process The admissions process is outlined in the flowchart below. However, if there are any questions along the way, do get in touch with our admissions team.
Enquiry Stage
Our admissions team receive the enquiry and provide additional support, explaining our e-learning provision and helping with option choices. Admissions can organise online meetings with academic staff to support course choices.
Application Made
An official application is made to the College to join our e-learning programme. At this stage, a £100 registration fee is to be paid to cover administration costs and organise admissions tests. A copy of the student’s birth certificate and previous school report is submitted with the application.
The applying student sits admissions tests (both a CAT4 and Oxford Placement English test) and is also interviewed by a senior leader from the College. This is a great opportunity to ask other questions too.
Offer Made
Once all our admissions criteria are met, a formal offer is made and an acceptance letter sent to the applicant. A letter about fee payment is also sent.
Offer Accepted
Acceptance of the offer is made in writing and a deposit of £3500 paid to secure a place on the programme. A full annual fee will then need to be paid in advance by July for a September start. The admissions team will then send out course taster workbooks and invitations to online bridging lessons (if application is made before June).
www.stjos.co.uk St Joseph’s College, Belstead Road, Ipswich, United Kingdom, IP2 9DR Tel: (+44) 1473 690281 Email: admissions@stjos.co.uk