St.  Luke’s  School Â
                   377  North  Wilton  Road  -  New  Canaan,  CT  -  06840 Â
         September,  2010
Jamming  for  SLS Emily  Bergmann Staff  Writer
Courtesy  of  Stephen  Flachsbart The  Holiday  Boutique  on  December  6th  gave  members  of  the  St.  Luke’s  community  a  chance  to  raise  money  for  charity
When  I  was  a  child,  a  trip  to  Barnes  &  Noble  was  certainly  a  treat.  I  would  run  past  the  self-Âhelp,  sexuality,  DQG VFLHQFH ÂżFWLRQ VHFWLRQV DQG XQGHU WKH DZQLQJ WR WKH children’s  section,  where  I  would  immediately  clamber  onto  the  small  stage.  I  was  obviously  geared  towards  the  theatre  at  a  very  young  age.  I  like  to  imagine  that  children  still  do  this,  as  I  saw  many  children’s  moon-Âlike  faces  peering  out  at  me  last  Saturday  and  Sunday.  They  might,  however,  have  been  scared  off  by  the  grown-Âups  and  teenagers  who  plagued  their  special  spot  that  weekend.  I  was  one  of  those  teenagers.  The  Spotlight  St.  Luke’s!  Holiday  Book  Fair  and  Talent  Festival  took  place  on  December  4th  and  5th  at  Norwalk’s  Barnes  &  Noble.  The  point  of  the  book  fair  was  to  raise  money  for  St.  Luke’s;Íž  patrons  did  so  by  giving  their  cashiers  a  special  code  at  the  checkout.  With  this  code,  a  portion  of  sales  went  to  St.  Luke’s  for  fundraising.   Â
A  Multicultural  Celebration Theodor  Trampe Editor-Âin-ÂChief  Multiculturalism  has  always  been  a  major  focus  at  St.  Luke’s.  In  the  course  of  the  school  year,  the  community  comes  together  to  run  several  different  events  that  help  spread  cultural  awareness.  This  past  week,  the  school  ran  the  annual  Multicultural  Fair.   After  school  on  Wednesday,  students,  parents,  and  a  few  members  of  the  faculty  gathered  in  the  cafeteria  to  set  up  tables  where  they  could  show  off  their  cultural  roots  through  games  and  the  sharing  of  specialty  foods.  This  gathering  was  a  massive  event  with  numerous  countries  and  ethnic  groups  represented.  An  equally  impressive  number  of  students  stopped  by  in  the  afternoon  to  taste  the  available  food  and  perhaps  gleam  a  little  bit  of  culture  at  the  same  time. Â
WR VHH WKDW ERWK SDVVLQJ VWXGHQWV DQG WKH YDULRXV DIÂżQLW\ groups  were  enjoying  the  chance  to  learn  and  teach  about  different  cultures.   Brian  Stan  who  ran  the  Romanian  booth  explained  the  source  of  the  excitement,  “We  want  to  bring  together Â
various  groups  at  SLS.  The  Fair  is  a  great  opportunity  to  spread  cultural  awareness  in  the  community.  The  support  from  students,  faculty,  and  parents  is  amazing.â€?  Brian  Stan  is  a  member  of  the  Multicultural  Student  Union.  This  new  club  was  the  leading  force  behind  the  Fair.  The  club  is  focused  on  creating  an  open  forum  for  the  spread  of  cultural  awareness  in  the  school.  Besides  gathering  together  to  discuss  relationships  EHWZHHQ GLIIHUHQW DIÂżQLW\ JURXSV WKH JURXS ZLOO KHOS develop  events  similar  to  the  successful  Multicultural  Fair.  One  idea  the  group  has  had  is  to  become  involved  in  World  Language  week  and  expand  it  into  something  beyond  just  the  core  languages  offered  in  the  St.  Luke’s  curriculum.  Although  all  plans  with  the  Multicultural  Student  Union  are  up  in  the  air,  with  the  effort  they  put  into  making  this  year’s  Multicultural  Fair  the  most  exciting  and  energetic  yet,  it  will  be  interesting  to  see  how  they  push  forward  future  events. Â
 This  event  wasn’t  just  local;Íž  the  code  was  valid  at  every  Barnes  &  Noble  in  America,  so  people  from  California  to  the  New  York  Islands  could  help  raise  money  as  well.  The  event  was  also,  of  course,  a  showcase  of  student  and  faculty  talent.  On  Saturday,  Sam  Fomon  ‘11,  Zoe  Smock  ‘12,  and  yours  truly  rocked  the  ukulele;Íž  brother-Âsister  duo  Kamau  Burton  ‘13  and  Kai  Burton  ‘14  proved  that  talent  runs  in  the  family;Íž  Charlotte  Bergmann  ‘12  treated  us  to  some  tunes;Íž  Jacob  Henny  ‘13  and  Margot  Kenagy  ‘14  both  wowed  on  the  violin;Íž  Frank  “Bubbaâ€?  Henson  recited  impressively  long  poetry  (including  the  Gettysburg  Address!);Íž  Nikki  Bennett-ÂFite  ‘12  shared  some  self-Âdescribed  “jarringâ€?,  albeit  enjoyable  original  works;Íž  Christian  Langalis  ‘12  amused  as  always  with  an  adapted  poem  from  the  nearby  book  A  Smart  Girl’s  Guide  to  Boys;Íž  Wilson  Conroy  ‘08  made  a  surprise  cameo;Íž  and  faculty  members  Jim  Foley,  Mark  “Mad  Dogâ€?  Bisson,  and  Stephen  “Screaming  Catâ€?  Flachsbart  jammed  and  read  some  literature.  Another  surprise  came  when  former  librarian  Richard  James  came  to  visit  some  of  his  groupies,  bringing  much  joy  to  said  cult  members.  On  Sunday,  Take  Note  and  Acafellas  performed  under  the  direction  of  Dale  Griffa;Íž  Vitaly  Fetissov  ‘11  and  Molly  Brown  ‘11  crooned  some  love  songs;Íž  and  Spencer  Jaffe  ‘12,  if  it’s  possible,  shredded  on  his  cello.  Overall,  the  second  annual  Barnes  &  Noble  Book  Fair  was  a  great  success,  and  I  congratulate  and  thank  everyone  who  participated.
Yeezy  Taught  Me
Basketball  Thunder
Romanian  nut  rolls  were  served  by  Brian  Stan
Pani  Popo  -  A  polynesian  treat  -  was  one  dish  at  the  Multicultural  Fair.
There  was  a  lot  of  energy  in  the  room.  It  was  easy Â
Inside  this  issue...
A  Look  at  Mr.  Gammill
December  2010
HILLTOP  NEWS A  Look  at  Both  Male  and  Female  Chinese  Visitors Caroline  Hopkins Staff  Writer
Alex  Robertson Staff  Writer
Imagine traveling seven thousand miles from home. Now imagine traveling seven thousand miles from home and staying for a week in a household of people you’ve never met before in a country so entirely different from your own that you might as well be visiting a different planet. Pretty overwhelming, huh? And as if that weren’t enough of a culture shock already, imagine attending school in this country and attempting to communicate in their unfamiliar language for a straight week. Just last week, six students from Dong Chang High School, St Luke’s Schools’ sister school in Shanghai, took on this very experience as they spent seven days living among our very own St. Luke’s families. Though of course we all wish that they could have stayed with us for D ORQJHU SHULRG RI WLPH ZH ZHUH DEOH WR OHDUQ LQĂ€QLWHO\ more about present day Chinese culture through simply conversing with these students than we would have been through reading extensive textbooks, searching the internet, or watching the news. For those of you out there didn’t get the chance to talk to these students before they headed back to China, I spoke with Dong Chang’s twelfth grade student Rikki, who claims that the trip to America has been one of the most exciting experiences of her life. When asked if America was everything that she expected it to be, Rikki confessed to me that she and her friends had come to familiarize themselves with American culture through watching American movies and attemptLQJ WR UHDG $PHULFDQ PDJD]LQHV 7KH Ă LJKW WR $PHULFD from Shanghai was a full fourteen and a half hours long, and Rikki spent the seemingly endless hours reading books and eagerly talking to her friends about the week awaiting them. When asked how school in the US differed from school back in Shanghai, Rikki informed us that high school back in China is completely different from our beloved SLS. Class sizes in China, for instance, tend to consist of at least 40 students. Oh, and instead of traveling to different classrooms for separate subjects, the students remain within a single room for their entire school day. (Which, might I add, lasts from 7 AM to 5 PM and includes a total of ten separate academic subjects alone.) Evidently, St. Lukes’ twelve student classes and six academic periods were a welcome change to the overcrowded and incredibly rigorous environment of Chinese education. When asked what she missed the most about life back in China, Rikki sheepishly admitted to me that she did miss the food. (And no, Panda Express is not an adequate representation of an actual Chinese meal) Her favorite subject? History. Favorite Chinese leader? Confucius. Favorite American food? None. (But if she had to choose, it’d probably be steak.) Oh, and when I challenged her to a game of ping pong in the commons, Rikki responded, ““Wo she shifu de pingpongquiâ€?(which translates to “I am a ping pong master!â€?) When, in concluding our conversation, I asked her to choose her favorite part of her trip to the US, Rikki enthusiastically responded, “Just trying everything that is new!â€?
A week ago, a group of Chinese exchange students arrived at St. Luke’s to be taken home to a host family--neither side knowing what to expect. I, needless to VD\ ZDV SDUW RI RQH RI WKHVH KRVW IDPLOLHV $W Ă€UVW WKH LGHD of hosting someone who had never been to this country before and did not speak English as his native language seemed a little frightening to me. However, throughout the week, I became proud of my decision to host Fan Zhiyi (a.k.a. “Victorâ€?); never had I seen such an ability to assimilate into a whole new culture, as well as such kindness and humor. On the Saturday before he (sadly) had to leave, I held an interview with Fan Zhiyi to give the rest of St. Luke’s a taste of what it’s like to travel so far and immerse yourself in a completely different environment.
The  Sentinel  Staff Editor  in  Chief Theodor  Trampe Co-ÂEditor Jenna  Decatur Sports  Editor Henry  Clayton
$5 +RZ ZDV \RXU à LJKW WR $PHULFD" FZY: It took thirteen hours; it was a long trip. I was a little tired. AR: So, what do you think is the biggest difference between American schools and Chinese schools? FZY: I think the biggest difference is that students here keep moving, you know? AR: Do Chinese students stay in one classroom? FZY: Yeah. I think students here can choose everything they want, you know, when they choose a class. AR: What is your favorite class? FZY: In America? There are lots of things that I like. Physics, Pre-Calculus...I also like Concert Band. AR: WhatÆs the best American food that you’ve had here? FZY: Pizza is good. And...the cereals; American breakfast. And lemonade. AR: So, do you think it was easier or harder to be in a whole different country than you originally expected? FZY: Before I came to America, I thought it would be SUHWW\ GLIÀFXOW WR WDON WR SHRSOH %XW LI \RX MXVW JHW LQWR WKH daily life of America, it becomes easier. AR: Is there any American music that you’ve listened to here that you liked? FZY: Yeah, some classical that you played. And some pop music is good. AR: Are there any artists?
Arts  Editor Ben  Klein Media  Editor Nikki  Bennett-ÂFite Staff  Writers Maria  Carlucci Sebastian  Bates Caroline  Hopkins Emily  Bergmann Alex  Robertson Kevin  Jahns Walker  Thompson Contributing  Writers Joe  Apuzzo Kevin  Young  Contributing  Photographers The  Internet Sentinel  Staff
FZY: Oh, like Justin...Justin... AR: Justin Bieber? FZY: Yeah.
Faculty  Advisor Mr.  Flachsbart
AR: Are there any new American phrases that you’ve learned? FZY: “OMG� [laughs]. And, uh, “word�. AR: Oh yeah. Like, “I agree�. FZY: Yeah. AR: What sports do you like? FZY: Basketball.
Join  The  Sentinel
AR: Are there any American movies that you like? FZY: Sure, like Hollywood movies? AR: Anything in particular?
Do  you  like  to  write? Take  pictures?
FZY: Yeah, like Harry Potter. And... “the rings�. AR: Lord of the Rings?
Then  The  Sentinel  wants  YOU.
FZY: Yeah. AR: So, are you going to keep in touch with people you’ve met here? FZY: Yes, I want to. I’ve made some good friends here. A  Dong  Chang  Senior  High  School  pin.
Find  out  what  you  can  do  for  The  Sentinel.
December  2010
Top  10: Uses  of  the  Sentinel 10.  Reading 9.  Fishwrap 8.  Kindling 7.  Impromptu  Napkin 6.  Confetti 5.  Spitballs 4.  Hampster  Cage  Lining 3.  Paperweight  for  Another  Newspaper 2.  Makeshift  Blanket 1.  Cure  for  Insomnia
OPINION A  Little  Too  Frisky Back  in  the  USSR Kevin  Jahns Staff  Writer
Sebastian  Bates Staff  Writer
The TSA full body scanners are a gross invasion of privacy. The scanners can see through clothing and they take a picture of your naked body. Do you really want the TSA to have a naked picture of you? And the pat downs are no better. A Fox news article tells the sad story of a 61-year-old survivor of bladder cancer, who had a bag attached to him for his urine. He says that the pat down was so aggressive that the bag of urine spilled all over his clothes. This isn’t an isolated incident. Many people have complained of the embarrassment that they suffered. Complaints range from obese people being laughed at to people patting somebody down with rubber gloves in their private areas, and then not changing their gloves. Also, full body scanners cause health problems. Studies have shown that the scanners omit harmful radiation, which can cause many dangerous types of cancer. The reason that the pilot’s union chose pat-downs, because LI WKH\ ZHQW WKURXJK WKH VFDQQHUV HYHU\ WLPH WKH\ Ă HZ WKH\ ZRXOG GHĂ€QLWHO\ JHW FDQFHU Some people claim that full body scans and pat downs violate our fourth amendment rights in the conVWLWXWLRQ 7KH IRXUWK DPHQGPHQW VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ VWDWHV ´7KH right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.â€? It is unreasonable because PRVW SHRSOH WKDW ZDQW WR Ă \ RQ DQ DLUSODQH GRQ¡W ORRN OLNH they are threats to security and most of them aren’t. Other clauses state that simple “Stop and frisksâ€? are acceptable, but the security in airports today is much more than a “Stop and friskâ€?. It used to be that only suspicious individuals were strip-searched in airports, now it’s everyone, no matter how suspicious they are.
 It  is  just  me,  or  has  SLS  turned  into  communist  Russia?   Don’t  get  me  wrong-  St.  Luke’s  is  far  from  some  sort  of  grim  1984-  but  I  do  believe  that  those  in  power-  both  in  administration  and  in  student  government-  are  in- habiting  the  sort  of  regime  that  one  usually  associates  with  the  former  of  USSR,  or  the  time  of  the  fall  of  Rome.
  No  doubt  you  think  I’m  an  alarmist,  or  overdra- matic,  but  I’d  ask  you  the  following  question:  in  a  school  with  82  full-Âtime  teachers,  how  is  it  that  I,  just  by  looking  at  the  “Contact  Usâ€?  section  of  the  website,  was  able  to  FRXQW WKLUW\ ÂżYH GLIIHUHQW DGPLQLVWUDWLYH WLWOHV IURP ORZO\ ÂłFRRUGLQDWRUV´ DQG ÂłDGPLQLVWUDWRUV´ WR WKH UDULÂżHG KHLJKWV of  Heads  and  Assistant  Heads,  rising  all  the  way  up  to  the  mighty  Head  of  School?  1RQH RI WKH WKLUW\ VXFK WLWOHV Ă€RDWLQJ DURXQG come  in  at  less  than  four  words.  The  longest  such  title,  a  polysyllabic  nightmare,  is  that  of  “Director  of  Multicultur- al  Affairs  and  Dean  of  Upper  School  Student  Life,â€?  which  clocks  in  at  eleven  words  and  sixteen  syllables.  In  contrast,  at  only  eight  words  and  thirteen  syllables,   Kim  Jong-ÂUn,  heir  to  Kim  Jong-Âil,  has  the  comparatively  humble  title  of  Vice-ÂChairman  of  the  Central  Military  Commission  of  WPK.     Furthermore,  if  each  of  these  thirty-Âsomething  job  descriptions  is  held  individually  by  a  teacher,  it  would  mean  that  43%  of  our  teachers  are  simultaneously  admin- Also, this system isn’t very effective either. Ter- istrators,  with  weighty  and  heavy  responsibilities‌  or  so  URULVWV KDYH DOUHDG\ Ă€JXUHG RXW ZD\V WR EUHDFK RXU VHFX- they  imply.  The  phrase  “too  many  cooks  in  the  kitchenâ€?  rity such as hiding explosives under their tongue and up VHHPV DSSURSULDWH $QG GRQÂśW WKLQN WKDW WKLV WLWOH LQĂ€DWLRQ their butts. You may ask, “Well, this is the most foolproof and  heavy  bureaucracy  is  limited  to  just  the  administra- security ever tried. What more can we do?â€? Actually, by tion.  Look  at  our  student  government!  We  have  no  less  being les intrusive, we can catch more terrorists without than  three  major  governmental  bodies-  the  Student  Coun- unnecessarily searching innocent people. Israeli Airlines cil,  the  Honor  Council,  and  the  Dean’s  Council-  as  well  (EL AL) is the target of multiple terrorist attacks because ÂżYH JURXSV WKDW ÂłDUH GHVLJQHG WR VXSSRUW >JURXSV RI@ VWX- RI LWV FRQĂ LFW ZLWK 3DOHVWLQH EXW QRW RQH RI WKHP KDV HYHU dentsâ€?  (the  ACS,  the  BSA,  the  CAE,  the  GSA,  and  the  succeeded. How is this possible? EL AL has an interview SSA).  We  even  have  a  title  reminiscent  of  the  USSR-  the  V\VWHP ZKHUH WKH\ DVN WKH Ă \HU VHYHUDO TXHVWLRQV 7KH\ rank  of  “President  of  the  Student  Council  of  St.  Luke’sâ€?  is  include questions such as, “Are you traveling for business one  that  the  Chairman  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  of  the  or pleasure?â€? and “Who packed your bagsâ€? and “Do you Soviet  Union,  Josef  Stalin  would  have  been  proud. have any weapons?â€? They are looking for evasive answers             What  PDNHV WKLV ZRUVH LV WKH LOO GHÂżQHG QDWXUH DQG DQG FDQ WHOO LI D WHUURULVW $QG WKH\ VHHP WR SURĂ€OH WKHLU little  cross-Âcommunication  between  these  groups.  Do  the  passengers well, so why can’t we? Rather than embarrass- BSA  and  GSA  ever  collaborate?  Does  the  Dean’s  Coun- ing people, violating the bill of rights and exposing air cil  ever  seek  the  counsel  of  our  esteemed  President  as  to  travelers to cancer-causing radiation, we should follow the what  he  thinks  about  dress  code?  Frankly,  what  does  the  example of EL AL’s non-intrusive, yet effective security Dean’s  Council  do?  When  a  body  makes  a  single  major  announcement  and  promptly  vanishes,  it  seems  to  me  to  procedure. be  a  bad  sign.  Similarly,  what  are  the  powers  of  the  Stu- dent  Council?  Is  Presidernt  Kevin  Quindlen  condemned  to  serve  forever  as  Upper  School  MC?  Can  the  Council  call  for  change  with  the  administration?  Is  there  a  document  somewhere,  anywhere  that  lays  out  precisely  the  powers  and  responsibilities  of  our  duly-Âelected  representatives?   There  should  be  such  a  document.  The  current  school  government  is  unwieldy-  just  like  the  adminis- tration-  and  it’s  no  wonder  that  the  School  and  Dean’s  Councils  are  overwhelmed  by  the  loud  objections  that  the  school’s  polices  are  recieving,  whether  about  High  Honors  or  dress  code.  So  far,  the  seniors  have  spearheaded  two  miniature  protests,  and  there  is  no  sign  that  they,  commit- ted  as  they  are  to  school  spirit,  are  going  to  be  silent.  May- be,  then,  it’s  time  for  a  more  accountable,  more  transparent  school  government.
December  2010
ARTS iDrakula? I’d Rather Not Sebastian  Bates Staff  Writer In the words of the immortal Dorothy Parker, “This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.â€? Unfortunately, I couldn’t agree more. iDrakula,by Bella Black, is one of the latest of the vampire novels which have so captured the imagination of readers worldwide. If you think the title is familiar, it is- the story is that of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. But not the way you remember it- the story is modernize, sometimes drastically, and told entirely in text message and email. Now, this a cute idea- rewrite a classic novel to be more interesting (or more humorous)than the original, and it has been done before. Other authors have trotted out Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Android Karenina, and Abraham Lincoln, Zombie Hunter, but none have tried to tell the entire plot in such a novel way. And to some extent she sucFHHGV WR WKRVH Ă XHQW LQ 7H[W 6SHDN WKH QRYHO PLJKW Ă RZ easily, but for me, I found it impossible to connect with any of the characters nor, at some points, even understand what she saying. Basically, from page one, the book reads as a series of online communications between a bunch of friends, so really, it’s a bit like trying to understand an issue by reading someone’s wall- you might get the gist, but the issues behind it are too obscured by emoticons and abbreviations. To give a bit of an idea of what I am talking about, I’ve used the “Lingo2Word Translatorâ€? to translate the following paragraph of the review into something like a large part of iDrakula:
Dark and Twisted Ben Swoons for Swan Alex  Robertson Staff  Writer
Ben  Klein Staff  Writer
Kanye  West’s  My  Beautiful  Dark  Twisted  Fantasy  is  the  album  of  the  year.  You  all  know  this.Ever  since  that  whole  VMA-ÂTaylor  Swift  mishap,  we  all  knew  that  Kanye’s  nextendeavor  would  have  to  be  his  Big  Statement,  one  where  he  acknowledged  all  ofthe  claims  of  his  haters  and  then  refutes  them  through  pure  skill  and  ambition.We’ve  all  heard  the  news,  he’s  gotten  all  of  us  to  care  about  his  every  move(whether  we  hate  him  or  love  him),  and  now  he’s  ready  to  blow  us  away.  And  ifyou  hear  the  opening  hook  of  “Dark  Fantasyâ€?  and  still  don’t  see  the  big  deal,you  may  need  to  get  your  ears  checked.
Sentinel Readers, I apologize. For some reason, I just cannot think of a snappy opening for this review. Instead I’ll just come right out and say it; Black Swan LV D JUHDW PRYLH 6LPSO\ SXW WKH ÀOP LV YLVXDOO\ dazzling, emotionally stirring, and should be a must VHH IRU ÀOP FRQQRLVVHXUV DQG FDVXDO IDQV DOLNH Black Swan is centered around the story of a ballerina (Natalie Portman) who becomes obsessed with a role and loses WRXFK ZLWK UHDOLW\ $V WKH ÀOP SURJUHVVHV WKH EDOOHULQDV condition worsens as she spirals into self-mutilation and drugs. Portman is pitch-perfect and should absolutely be nominated for an Oscar. Her performance was eloquent DQG XQGHUVWDWHG 7KH ÀOPV GLUHFWRU 'DUUHQ $URQRIVN\ KDV D UHSXWDWLRQ IRU PDNLQJ KDUURZLQJ DQG GDUN ÀOPV including Pi, Requiem For A Dream, and most recently 7KH :UHVWOHU. Black Swan LV QR H[FHSWLRQ 7KH ÀOP¡V plot is incredibly heavy and those faint of heart may wince at the occasional gruesome image. However, this VKRXOG QRW GHWHU DQ\RQH IURP VHHLQJ LW 7KH ÀOP PRYHV at an whiplash pace that keeps the viewer interested and HQWHUWDLQHG 7KH VSHFLDO HIIHFWV LQ WKH ÀOP DUH VWXQQLQJ while not being overly in your face and the fast pace camera work is truly unsettling and creepy. Portman is surrounded by a brilliant cast including Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel and Aronofsky’s is at the top of his game. In fact, Black Swan PD\ EH WKH EHVW ÀOP RI $URQRIVN\¡V career. Look for this movie to pop up in lots of Oscar talks in the coming months.
My  Beautiful  Dark  Twisted  Fantasy  is  exactly  the  type  of  album  everybody  needed  from  Kanye;Íženergetic,  exciting  and  catchy  as  all  get  out.  One  might  even  let  all  the  hubbubabout  Kanye  as  the  “voice  of  a  generationâ€?  distract  from  just  how  hooky  andentertaining  the  songs  are.  Even  if  LWÂśV D \HDU SHUKDSV GHFDGH GHÂżQLQJVWDWHPHQW WKLV LV VWLOO an  album  full  of  great  songs;Íž  anybody  can  enjoy  a  song  like  “Monsterâ€?  or  “All  of  theLightsâ€?  without  knowing  any  of  the  situational  context.  The  album’s  bombasticand  innovative  production  is  far  from  pretentious  and  instead  only  makes  thesongs  more  enjoyable,  even  as  they  stretch  into  the  9-Âminute  mark  (“Runawayâ€?).
“Bella Black was, however, good at reclaiming the vampire novel for what it once was. This is not overexcited, overwrought nonsense, but a story, or at least a good attempt. Black has tried to translate a masterpiece of JRWKLF Ă€FWLRQ LQWR WH[WV DQG HPDLOV DQG KHU HQG UHVXOW LV at about the same level as the other “revised classicsâ€?. If you have read the others, or appreciate the humor, this is D Ă€QH UHDG )RU WKRVH ZKR OLNH PH GR QRW DSSUHFLDWH WKH original story being twisted quite this far, I would suggest simply picking up Dracula, the “real McCoyâ€? of vampire Ă€FWLRQ Âľ Became: Bella blk wz, hwevr, gud @ reclaiming d }:-[ novl 4 w@ it 1s wz. dis aint overexcited, overwrought nonsense, bt a story, or @ lEst a gud atmpt. blk hs triD 2 transl8 D PDVWHUSLHFH RI JRWKLF Ă€F71 1 W[W] Q (PVJV Q KHU 1G outcome S @ bout d same lvl as d oder “revised classicsâ€?. f uv read d othas, or aprec8 d humor, dis a fyn read. 4 doze hu, lk me, dnt aprec8 d original story bn twistD quite dis fr, Id sugest simply picn ^ Dracula, d “real McCoyâ€? of }:-[ Ă€F71 Did you get that?
Every  song  has  the  potential  to  be  a  favorite,  each  withtheir  own  unique  strengths,  from  Nicki  Minaj’s  awesomely  bizarre  “Monster�verse  (“she’s  on  a  diet  but  my  pockets  eating  cheesecake�)  to  the  KingCrimson- sampling  beat  of  “Power�  to  the  colossal  “Runaway�.  Kanye  West  alsodisplays  some  of  the  strongest  lyrics  of  his  career,  rattling  off  lines  like  “Thereyou  go  again,  ain’t  nobody  as  cold  as  this  /  do  the  rap  and  the  track  tripledup,  no  assist�)  constantly.  Each  song  is  excellent  by  itself  and  all  of  themtogether  come  together  to  create  a  statement  that  can  only  be  called,  well,  thealbum  of  the  year.  Kanye  wouldn’t  have  it  any  other  way.
December  2010
FEATURES A  Walk  in  the  Commons  with  Sean  Kelly Henry  Clayton Sports  Editor A befuddled 17-year-old kid barges into room 225 one afternoon, struggling to catch his breath, approximately 15 minutes late to a discussion of the Peloponnesian League in Age of Pericles. Floppy hair, baggy pants, and a look of airy coolness catch my eye. He’s nonchalant, yet perfectly harmless – the epitome of chill. “Sorry,â€? he says respectfully, yet without losing an ounce of that potent cool. “I was reading Walden and lost track of time.â€? And the funny thing is, he was most likely telling the truth – the kid loves his Thoreau, I would soon Ă€QG RXW
they don’t chew me out for showin’ up late or anything. HC: Yeah, both great teachers. You must be quite the English student, given your favorite teachers. Are you a big reader? SK: Oh yeah, I love Harry Potter. And Walden.
SK: Messing kids up. And I love playing GFA.
SK: Let’s just say I don’t totally get along with them. Don’t worry about it. HC: I see. How about some favorite foods? 6. 5HHVH¡V SHDQXW EXWWHU FXSV 6ZHGLVK ÀVK 0\VWLF pizza, #6 from Wendy’s, whatever’s in that. +& :KR DUH \RXU JR WR EURV" SK: The Fresh Crew plus Brett. HC: Fresh. You guys have a favorite place to chill? SK: Vista, Nelson’s truck, Redding, wherever.
Henry Clayton: Hey Sean, thanks a lot for allowing me a minute of your precious time. Anyhow, I understand this is RQO\ \RXU VHFRQG \HDU DW 6W /XNH¡V :KDW PDGH \RX GHFLGH to come to this school for your junior and senior years? Can you tell me a little about your previous high school, and what the transition has been like? Sean Kelly: Yeah, I went to Joel Barlow High School in Redding, CT (represent). It was a pretty chill school, some good bros. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t decide to come to St. Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x201C; it was my parentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; idea. They didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t like the kids at Barlow, or something. I dunno. But I like it here actually. The kids are cool, a lot different though. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re a lot more focused on their studies here, as opposed to my Barlow boys who didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really care. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chill overall, though. +& <HDK , VHH ZKDW \RX PHDQ 7KH GUHVV FRGH PXVW EH D ELJ FKDQJH :KDW GR \RX WKLQN DERXW LW"
Robert  Galluccio Contributing  Writer Mr. Gammill is one of our favorite teachers here on the hilltop. In addition to being a teacher he is a coach, a busiQHVVPDQ DQ DGYLVRU D Ă&#x20AC;VKHUPDQ DQG DQ DOO DURXQG FRRO guy. Take a look at a day in his life and get to know the real Mr. Gammill.
+& <RX GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ PDGH D QDPH IRU \RXUVHOI RQ WKH VRFFHU Ă&#x20AC;HOG ZLWK \RXU WRXJK SLWEXOO HVTXH SOD\LQJ VW\OH :KDW¡V DP :DNH XS 3XW RQ P\ &RZER\ ERRWV JUHHQ Ă HHFH vest, and stick a pen behind my ear. I look good. your favorite thing about soccer?
+& :K\"
After a few murmurs from skeptical students throughout the room, the teacher, always conscious of the truth in oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s voice, merrily responds, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not a problem!â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Whatttup,â&#x20AC;? he mumbles under his breath to a few of his boys in the class, before grabbing a seat in the center of the room for the remainder of the period. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an enticing soul, Sean Kelly is, and very few people know it. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why this month, the Sentinel takes a gander into the wondrous mind of the kid they call Sean.
A  Day  in  the  Life  of  Mr.  Gammill
I can actually attest to that last comment: Sean chills wherever. And wherever he goes, he chills. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the commutative property, or something. Anyhow, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all I was really able to get out of him, though I do hope you were able to get a considerable insight. The thing about Sean Kelly is that he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always put himself out there for the entire world to see. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t bother looking him up on Facebook â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have one. I would recommend maybe shooting him a text sometime â&#x20AC;&#x201C; he still rocks a FODVVLF Ă LS SKRQH OLNH , GR ² WKRXJK , FDQ¡W SURPLVH D response. However, to call him aloof would be unfair. If you just make the effort to dig a little deeper into his true FKDUDFWHU \RX¡OO Ă&#x20AC;QG D QLFH NLG ZLWK D ELJ KHDUW 7KH ZD\ , see it, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just on chill time, all the time.
5:10am: Take a few minutes to read the Wall Street Journal and then head to school for Middle School hockey practice. 6:00am: Begin hockey practice at Stamford Twin Rinks. 6:01am: Give Willie Bralower a hard time. 7:40am: Get back to school. 7:45am: Take care of emails and take Keeper, my â&#x20AC;&#x153;blonde lab muttâ&#x20AC;?, for a quick walk. 8:00am: Stop by a committee meeting in the science ofĂ&#x20AC;FH DQG KDQJ RXW ZLWK 0LWFKHOO DQG /H%ULV XQWLO , DP XS to date on all the latest happenings in the science wing. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always something blowing up down there. 9:45am: Go and hang out with my favorite people in the school, the 5th graders, during snack time. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think they appreciate the idea of sharing snacks with me. 11:00am: Teach Algebra II while admiring Luke OsKHURZ¡V WLHV DQG DVNLQJ $QGUHZ :DONHU DERXW WKH Ă RRG he was expecting. 12:30pm: Try to eat lunch during a student government meeting while talking about ways to increase spirit on campus, planning the latest event, talking about prom options, and trying to locate Tom Delano. 1:05pm: Teach Finance and Algebra I. Listen to Timmy Verklinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest excuse for coming in twenty minutes late to Finance. 2:45pm: Try to steal some more snacks from 5th gradersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; hands. 3:00pm: Get in the pickup to head home and wonder who NHHSV Ă LSSLQJ WKH %LOO )LVKHU 7DFNOH VLJQV XSVLGH GRZQ RQ my truck. 3:10pm: Make some business phone calls for some preseason orders for my tackle shop in Nantucket, Bill Fisher Tackle. SP &RQWHPSODWH KHDGLQJ XS WR 1DQWXFNHW IRU D Ă&#x20AC;VKing trip using the boat from my company, Bill Fisher Tackle. I realize itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s winter and end up sending progress reports LQVWHDG RI Ă&#x20AC;VKLQJ UHSRUWV 5:30pm: Coach hockey practice for the Squirt Bâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at the New Canaan winter club. 7:00pm: Go pick up some Chinese food and head home to prep/grade some tests and run numbers on my tackle shop, Bill Fischer Tackle. 10:00pm: Watch last nightâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s DVR of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Modern Familyâ&#x20AC;? until I fall asleep.
SK: The dress codeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ridiculous. Too proper and too formal. I think everyone just needs to chill. +& :KDW DERXW WKH WHDFKHUV" +DYH \RX IRXQG DQ\ favorites since youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been here? 6. <HDK GHĂ&#x20AC;QLWHO\ 0V 'RUDQ ZLWKRXW D GRXEW 6KH¡V dope. And Flachs, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really chill too. We kinda see eye to eye a lot. Both of them respect my swag, also. Ya know,
â&#x20AC;&#x153;One  of  my  favorite  kids  on  campus!  Jack  Murdock!â&#x20AC;?
December  2010
FEATURES Holiday  Gifts  for  the  Whole  Family %
Hannah  Butman  &  Annabelle  Duncan Staff  Writers Grandparents Spa-N-A-Box Portable Spa
some stuff Daughter The Elven Brooch
o  The easy, affordable way to enjoy a soothing jacuzzi experience anywhere, anytime! o  It has been brought to our attention that grandparents everywhere have taken to â&#x20AC;&#x153;on-thegoâ&#x20AC;? hot-tubbing. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let yours be behind the times!
o  priceless sterling silver broach from the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lord of The Ringsâ&#x20AC;? movie collectible series o  the perfect accessory to top off every teenage girlâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dream prom look Son No! No! Hair o  Pain-Free hair removal to help him get rid of those awkward strays. Conveniently disguised DV D Ă DVK GULYH
Boyfriend SHEEX Performance Sheets
Husband Brookstone Anti-Snore Pillow o  New and Improved: guaranteed you can now actually sleep in the same room as your spouse!
Wife Body Trace eScale o  The groundbreaking innovation in scale technology that actually digitally projects your weight value right before your eyes! o  What women doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to see their weight projected on the wall? and then i add
o  Breathable, temperature controlled, fourZD\ Ă H[ PRLVWXUH managed sheets o  Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the thought that counts but, hey, you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go wrong with moisture managed! % Girlfriend Lobster Gram o  Sending live aquatic creatures in a box will be just the way to win her heart over this holiday season. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget the butter!
December 2010
Crossword Puzzle
Wacky Laws Maria Carlucci Staff Writer
1. A Kentucky law states that burglary can only be committed at night. 2. In Louisiana, it is illegal to gargle in public. 3. In Portland, Maine it is illegal for men to tickle women under the chin with feather dusters. 4. In Baltimore, it is illegal to throw bales of hay out of second story windows if you are within the city’s limits. 5. In Massachusetts, bullets may not be used as currency.
Fun Facts ACROSS 7KH JR WR PRXQWDLQ IRU 6W /XNH V students 9. Everyone is a unique ________ $ SHUVRQ ZKR V YHU\ FKLOO\ DQG QRW quite alive
Maria Carlucci Staff Writer
DOWN 1. There is a bar in London that sells vaporized vodka which is inhaled instead of 1. A resource in the Industrial Revolution sipped. 2. A friendly white bear 7KHVH ÀDNHV PDUN WKH VWDUW RI ZLQWHU $ ÀLJKWOHVV WX[HGR
11. Rhymes with kittens
6. The entire reason for the holidays
7. Santa’s favorite treat 8. I wish my car is always _____ when I get in.
Horoscopes Nikki Bennett-Fite Media Editor Pisces: You will get ruthless in the near future.
Virgo: “A good name will shine forever.” Proverb. Hope your name isn’t something stupid like Bobby Quackenbush..
$ULHV ³+HUH LV D WHVW WR ¿QG ZKHWKHU \RXU PLVVLRQ RQ HDUWK /LEUD <RX ZLOO EH SDVVHG LQ )DPLO\ )HXG ¿YH WLPHV RYHU LV ¿QLVKHG ,I \RX UH DOLYH LW LVQ W ´ 5LFKDUG %DFK %DVLFDOO\ the next few days. If you don’t play family feud…. you don’t ever try to do anything you think is important or you will incur a debilitating injury. will die immediately. Sorry! Scorpio: You are sub-par. Taurus: “Age is of no importance unless you’re a cheese.” -Billie Burke. Real talk. Sagittarius: Around 13 people die a year from a vending machine falling on them…… Let’s just say that by next Gemini: You will win the holiday ping-pong tournament. week this statistic will only need 12 more. That’s really great, congratulations. Capricorn: Can you speak Thai? I didn’t think so. Then Cancer: You will have a good day tomorrow. But the day stop getting involved with Thai gangsters;; it’s not good after that will be terrible. for your health. Leo: Remember this one supreme truth: we all will die.
Aquarius: Be careful when you turn corners, you are likely WR JHW \HOOHG DW E\ D *)$ RI¿FLDO VRPH WLPH LQ WKH QH[W two hours.
2. An elephant is the only mammal that can’t jump. 3. Only 6% of the autographs in circulation from members of the Beatles are estimated to be real. 4. The average bra size in the Unites States is a 34 C. 5. A giraffe’s tongue is 21 inches long. 6. The average person falls asleep in 7 minutes.
Top of the Hilltop Movie: The Tourist Album: 4x4=12: Deadmau5 TV Show: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Sport: Squash Song: Firework Game: Tower Stack Event: College Decision Week Celebrity: Miley Cyrus Student Car: The Liberty Reindeer (Bob...) Phrase: Classic Case Of… College: Bucknell Accomplishment: King’s Defeat
December  2010
SPORTS Varsity  Ice  Hockey
Boys  Basketball
Varsity  Boys  Squash
Kevin  Jahns Staff  Writer
Kevin  Young Contributing  Writer
Joe  Apuzzo Contributing  Writer
This is a historic year for our school, because this LV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ WHQ \HDUV WKDW 6W /XNH¡V KDV Ă&#x20AC;HOGHG D varsity hockey team. The team is made up mostly of eighth and ninth graders competing against kids much older than them. There is a controversy over whether we should have a varsity hockey team, rather than having the team play on a JV level. After a 10-0 loss to Brunswick, people doubt even more that the team is able to compete on a varsity level. Ninth grade hockey player Robert Powis says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are good when we play against teams our level, but we stink against older teams.â&#x20AC;? However, playing on a varsity level may have a positive impact as we take a look at an interview with the team captain, Justin Hart.
Every winter, the time comes when the Athletic &HQWHU LV Ă&#x20AC;OOHG ZLWK WKH QRLVHV RI ERXQFLQJ EDVNHWEDOOV VTXHDN\ VKRHV RQ WKH KDUG ZRRG Ă RRU DQG WKH ERLVWHUous crowd roaring â&#x20AC;&#x153;LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GO LUKEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S! LETâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S GO LUKEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S!â&#x20AC;? Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right. It is, once again, basketball season.
The 2010 Varsity Boys Squash Season started off in a different light with the introduction of new head coach, Ned Marks. The boys knew that they had big shoes WR Ă&#x20AC;OO ZLWK WKH ORVV RI VHQLRUV &KULV 6DQWRUR 0DUWLQ *Rman and Cameron Wilson. Fortunately, the team has worked extremely hard in the off-season and several new SOD\HUV KDYH VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQWO\ LPSURYHG DQG ULJKWIXOO\ HDUQHG their new starting spots. New Additions to the starting line-up include sophomore Alex Kamisher, senior JD Ballard and senior Bobby Hamill. The team, which has 7 starters, carries 9 players to each match in the case of an absent starter or unexpected injury. Fresh off the bench, senior Mike Troy and sophomore Christian Walsh bring unrivalled skill and intensity at the 8th and 9th positions. Led by team captains Robert Galluccio and Mac Pivirotto who play the 1 and 2 positions respectively, the squad has started off with a solid 2 and 1 record, easily defeating both King and Madison High School 7-0 while ORVLQJ D QDLO ELWHU DW 5\H &RXQWU\ 'D\ LQ WKH Ă&#x20AC;QDO PDWFK Freshman James Watson, who plays the 5th position, has managed a 3 and 0 start to his season along with Kamisher and Ballard. The team has a long road ahead but they are looking forward to repeat the success achieved by the 2008-2009 team, which claimed the Class B National Title.
Kevin: What is it like playing against kids three years older than you? Justin: Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard because they are more experienced. And because hockey is a physical sport, their size advantage is a challenge. Kevin 7KLV LV WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ RYHU \HDUV RXU VFKRRO KDV Ă&#x20AC;HOGHG D YDUVLW\ KRFNH\ WHDP ,V WKHUH DQ\ DGGHG SUHVVXUH to do well as an example for all the teams after you? Justin: There actually isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t a lot of pressure because expectations for us are low since we are competing against older kids. I view this more as a learning experience for our team. Kevin: What would you say to people who write the team off as a joke because of the age of the players? Justin: We work hard and we will try to win no matter what anyone else thinks. We have a tough schedule and people should learn more about us so they can make a better judgment Kevin: How do you think the team will do in the future as the players mature? Justin: Our team has lots of good players with high potential. I predict we will be a very good team in the future. Kevin: Do you think they should have made the Hockey team varsity, instead of JV, where they can play against people their own age? Justin: It is important to be prepared for the future and take challenges on a high level. Kevin: Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a big rivalry in your upcoming game against King. Any thoughts? Justin: King is a good team, so we have to bring our A, game and try hard.
St.  Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s  pictured  on  the  left
Kevin: I understand your practices run late and are at a rink far away. How are you keeping up in school? Justin: The rink is a half hour drive from here and we get home late but we are working hard in study hall to get our homework done. Based on the interview, our St. Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s team appears to be a work in progress. While the squad may struggle against older kids now, they have the potential to be a great team in a couple years.
This year the Boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Varsity Basketball team has gotten off to a thunderous 4-0 start, winning three scrimmages and trouncing King in the season opener. So far, their success has come from numerous aspects of the team. Experienced seniors such as Brandon Yarbrough, Steven Johnston, Josh Dugas, and Mike Clark have produced a few big offensive games. However, it is the combination of their experience and the energy brought by new and younger players that has proven to be the greatest burden for opponents. The boys are now looking forward to the home opener against Hopkins on Monday, December 13th, but they need the loving support of the Sixth Man section to
The Coach has initiated a program that is new to the boys, which includes a brutal conditioning schedule â&#x20AC;&#x201C; after one practice I ran into an exhausted Bobby Hamill who reported, and I quote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ouchâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;? as his summary of the practice. Bobby continued to say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;We have a pretty good team this year with a lot of heart and talent. We may not have AJ [Hilboldt] or [Chris] Hanson but we have a closely-knit, well-rounded squad with great potential.â&#x20AC;? Senior Michael Troy commented, â&#x20AC;&#x153;with a team of four spirited seniors â&#x20AC;&#x201C; including JD Ballard â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and four skilled under classman, we are really looking forward to huge success in the futureâ&#x20AC;?
lead them to victory. That means that they need as many students as possible to come out and support them at this and every home game from now until the end of the season. The basketball games have always been a place for the student body to rally together and show off our school spirit. This year is no exception. The experience of a St. Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball game is far more than just watching 10 guys running around on the court. It is all about being part of something greater. Most importantly, it is a way for everyone to support the Storm and enjoy the thrill of being part of a spirited, roaring, even deafening Sixth Man crowd. So, I encourage each and every student in the school to get to a basketball game. Put on your Storm T-shirt, head to the athletic center, and after you have seen what St. Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s basketball is all about, I promise you will be coming back for more. Good luck to all of the basketball players. You have the support of the entire school behind you. We look IRUZDUG WR VHHLQJ 'XJDV QHWWLQJ D VLON\ Ă RDWHU GRZQ WKH lane, Mike Clark draining threes from the corner, Stevie J running the court, and Brandon Yarborough dominating the boards. Lastly, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to mark your calendars for January 7th, 2011: away at Brunswick. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s go Lukeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s!
This  issue  was  made  possible  thanks  to  Benjamin  and  Rebecca  Thompson.