Newsletter 2016-2017 vol 2

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TRILINGUAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION  Member of association of christian schools international


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 Affiliated with hanyu shuiping kaoshi chinese proficiency testing


 Member of international schools association of thailand

2016-2017 Newsletter Vol. 2

Academically Aspiring - Caringly Christian - Experientially Enriching



Editorial Advisory Board: John Ruangmethanon, Dr. Listati Liu & Tanyanun Subsompon Editor: Dean Leaman Writer: Keurkoon Phoomwittaya

Artwork & Front Cover Photography: Keurkoon Phoomwittaya Back Cover Photography: Pannaruj Anantawittayanon

Featured items in Students’ S P A C E :

Copyright © 2016 by St. Mark's International School

Thien Buathong & Andrea Parreno

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St. Mark’s has a mission to educate our


students to become responsible and confident young global citizens. We recently demonstrated


democracy in action with our “Students Council’s Project 2016” in which we gave the students a voice in coming up with their own projects. In this newsletter you will also find out more about cam-

International Day

14 October 2016

pus life designed to engage our high school stu-

Term break

17-24 October 2016

dents in real life experiences. Our editorial team

Exam period

28 Nov—2 Dec 2016

selected “raising your teen’s self-esteem” as a featured article. We hope you enjoy reading and find inspiration in this issue! Blessings, Editorial Team

Fire Drill 2016 On 7 September 2016, St. Mark’s International School organised

Fire Drill activities for our students.

We practiced climbing and crawling

through obstacles, as well as finding safe exits to escape from a fire. At the drawing station we sketched maps of our homes. We also learned first-aid so that we can help others in an emergency. To watch our Fire Drill 2016 video please visit


St. Marks’ Campus Development Recently, we have surrounded our Secondary classrooms and the canteen with tall trees to help provide a cooler learning environment and nicer ambience. Windows on the first floor of the new classrooms have also been covered with reflective film to keep out the sun’s glare and to help reduce heat. At the same time, we have modified the entrance to the toilets in the Second-

A Public Address (PA) system has been set up in all of

ary facility to provide additional privacy and we have fin-

our classrooms for campus-wide communication and we

ished putting up the sun-shade over our football field.

are in the process of installing new phone lines to enable efficient communication between teachers in the

We have also installed projectors in our Secondary

high school building and other parts of our school. We

classrooms to support visual and audio learning, while

are also in the process of installing ventilation hoods in

our Common Room is set up as a social area with ta-

our high school laboratory.

bles, chairs, and sofas for meeting and working on group

In addition, we are building a new school entrance and

bles for student enjoyment. A fish pond has been built

new office facilities near the current school office. This

with 2 waterfalls to provide a tranquil corner to our cam-

arrangement will make it more convenient for parents to

pus, and we plan to provide seating in this outdoor area

contact our offices, since it will be in the proximity of the

around the fish pond, so students can relax and enjoy

school gate. In the future, we also plan to open a coffee


shop as well as a waiting area for students and parents.

Student Life on Campus

projects along with a football table and table-tennis ta-


Student Council Election Results

On 22 September 2016, our Primary and Secondary students waited in excitement as they

President: Weerin Arunsakul; Spokesman: Daron Parreno; Members: Lapatrada Liawpairoj, Ruthai Liamthong, Nazneen Ngan, Benjamin Pepyat, and Jesse Hood

listened to the Student Council election results. Congratulations to Team 2 for winning the popular

The winning team, comprised of students from Year 5, will

vote to become the 2016-2017 Student Council.

integrate project outlines from the other Student Council

This was our second annual Student Council election. Our aim was to ignite students’ creativity, shape their leadership and organisational skills and to promote democracy in the school.

candidates from Year 6 to Year 8 in the planning of their programme for the rest of this academic year. We look forward to hearing more about new activities such as band performances, football practice and football matches.

This year, the Student Council candidates from 5 different teams promoted their ideas and policies prior to Election Day. This included public speaking, debates and the posting of information around the campus (see page 8).

Developing as a Team On 19 September 2016, St. Mark’s teachers and administrative staff participated in our annual Professional Development Day. Our guest speaker, Pastor Martin Chappell of Calvary Baptist Church, presented his talk on the theme “Developing as a Team”. We discussed and brainstormed on what helps the members of team work well together.

We also worked as

teams to build towers out of spaghetti. Each team had to create the tallest tower possible with just 20 spaghetti sticks, a marshmallow, a length of string and duct tape.


One of the ideas we shared was the significance of working towards achieving the main goal of the organisation. Our school aims to educate children so that they can achieve their fullest potential and become responsible young citizens. We want to help students gain knowledge and meaningful experiences during their time in school.

To accomplish our mission each of us uses our specialised skills to fulfill our role, like the pieces of a

jigsaw puzzle connecting together into a completed work. To watch our Staff Development Day video, please visit:

Early Years Play Time In Pre-Prep class there was the clattering sound of children playing with cooking toys. We watched them acting in a variety of imaginative roles and listened to their stories. They were excited to tell their friends that they were cooking food such as noodles, chips, chicken and kimchi. Two girls were architecting a city with bricks. Another pair shared a toy crane and moved it about the room. As they played, they told us impromptu stories As the playtime ended all of the children put the toys away in baskets. They had learned to share, take turns, and listen to the thoughts, feelings and ideas of others. Children’s imagination is borderless and they develop their play in new ways every day.


Class Activities Focus Year 8 Food Test Laboratory Our class did an experiment on the ingredients of foods at the new Laboratory as part of our IGCSE studies. We recorded our observations of the chemical reactions when mixing foods such as candies and instant noodles with Benedict’s solution, iodine solution, as well as ethanol and water. We looked at the changes in colours of liquids and analysed the implications of our laboratory results.

Year 7 Looking at Organisms Through a Microscope We had a closer look at different kinds of organisms such as parts of grasshoppers, synthetic fibers and hair. Then, we drew a representation of what we saw on a bigger scale. To do this we calculated the estimated width and length of organisms and multiplied them by how big we wanted to sketch them.

Let’s Count These Cereals “…seven little, eight little, nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys,” sang Pre-Prep students in Maths class. After singing the Ten Little Indians song we came to the whiteboard and counted magnets in front of our classmates. We helped each other check our counting and then we did an exciting activity – counting cereal and putting them on our number charts.


Extra-Curricular Activities Friendship @ Taekwondo Club




practiced martial art techniques of head-height kicks and jumping kicks. We laughed happily while warming up and practicing.

Our friends came to

watch and encourage us. We are glad for the valuable friendships we have in our Taekwondo Club.


Welcome Junior Violinists! Our teacher Mr. Sadudee starts by training us to hold the violin properly.

At St. Mark’s we

have students that have been continuously practising the violin and developing their musical skills to an advanced level. We provide opportunities for them to showcase their talents on stage such as at the Annual School Function and the Christmas celebration.

Drawing My “Selfie” Ms. Gigi gave us half-portrait photos of ourselves and we drew the other half of the self-portrait on the right hand side. We have the artwork of our “selfies” in cartoon comic style to keep for memories.


STUDENTS’ S P A C E Place for free writing and creativity that lets your imagination spark

Student Council’s Campaign

Debates in Morning Assembly


War and Peace War, Hatred, Envy It was not what we learned in elementary The planes sped across the big blue sky And the Cannonballs flying by The soldiers tried and tried At last they cheered with pride The war has finally ended With what was known as peace Poem written by Thien Buathong Year 7

Written Work 2

Cartoon by Andrea Parreno Year 8 9


Photograph at St. Mark’s Secondary School overnight trip in Nakhorn Nayok

Self-esteem is a tricky beast for teenagers, especially with the roller-coaster of emotions roiling through them. Teens with low self-esteem often have trouble accepting compliments. Don’t let this stop you and be positive about your teenager, letting them know how you value them and what you like about them. Many teenagers stop trying new things, afraid of challenges because they are afraid of failure. Don’t let them retreat into themselves and into their comfort zones. Encourage them to try new things and celebrate the small achievements with them. New activities and new challenges can help them discover new talents. Overcoming obstacles can build up your teenager’s opinion of themselves but don’t let failure bring them back down. Teach them to see failure as a learning opportunity. Mistakes are part of life and a big part of being an adult. Bring your teenager outside of themselves. There are a number of ways that you can do this. Plan more trips and activities with the whole family. Include their friends and get to know the people your teenager spends so much time with. Volunteer with your teen, allowing them to see the struggles that other people have. Self-esteem in teenagers is important. It affects their lives and their decisions. Life if difficult enough with a positive self-image so help your teen learn to love themselves. Modified from

For You are my hope; O Lord God, You are my confidence from my youth. — Psalm 71:5 10

900 Rama 9 Rd, Suanluang Bangkok 10250, Thailand Email: Phone:

+ 66 -2-300-5463

Guided by Christian philosophy, St. Mark's International School aims to provide quality Early Years through Secondary education, enabling each student to achieve their fullest potential by becoming confident, motivated, optimistic and responsible young citizens.

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