St. Mark's International School Newsletter 2016-2017 vol 8

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TRILINGUAL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION  Member of association of christian schools international


 Member of australian council for educational research

 Affiliated with hanyu shuiping kaoshi chinese proficiency testing

 Member of


international schools association of thailand

2016-2017 Newsletter Vol. 8

Academically Aspiring - Caringly Christian - Experientially Enriching

Student-Led Conference 2017

Money Around The World

Editorial Advisory Board:

Body Pattern Painting

John Ruangmethanon, Dr. Listati Liu &

Front Cover Photography: Keurkoon Phoomwittaya

Tanyanun Subsompon

Back Cover Photography:

Editor: Dean Leaman

Glenn Pagatpatan

Writer & Artwork: Keurkoon Phoomwittaya Featured item in Students’ S P A C E : Varot Pavaritpong

Copyright © 2017 by St. Mark's International School Read Newsletters Online at

As our 2016-2017 academic year is nearing an


end, we here review experiences that we have had together as a school. School events have helped bring


us together as a community, students have progressed both academically and socially, and our staff have Exam Period

worked hard to bring out the best for everyone.

22-26 May 2017

Annual Function

3 June 2017

can always learn from each other. This is in fact just

Parent-Teacher Conference

9 June 2017

the beginning of life-long experiences yet to come.

Summer School

The journey called “Education” never ends. Everyone

14 June—6 July 2017

Blessings, Editorial Team

One-third of our students attained over 90% on their HSK Examinations

Every year, St. Mark’s International School holds an HSK (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì) examination, China's only standardised test of Standard Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. Overall our students maintained excellent scores this school year. Almost all of our students achieved over 80% at all levels and fully one-third attained better than 90%. Congratulations for keeping up the great performance!



Student-Led –Conference 2017 On 1 May 2017 we came along with our parents to school and showed them what we have learned throughout academic year. As families entered the school they were welcomed by art exhibitions and projects decorating the campus. Inside activity zones, we demonstrated our abilities in languages, mathematics, science, technology and music. Once again, our parents joined us in our Angkalong band session. One of the best ways to learn is to teach other people the content we are learning. It helps us to arrange ideas as we communicate them out loud. Here at St. Markâ€&#x;s we have many chances to build our confidence without fear of making mistakes. Thanks to all parents who joined us in watching and learning. Next year we plan to create new showcase projects for your enjoyment. To watch our video, please visit:


Aim for the stars and you will reach them! 4

Class Activities Focus Money Around The World In Preparatory Math class, Ms. Jeralyn let us touch banknotes and see the differences between them. Our teacher told us that even though we had not seen some of them before they were all real money. While travelling in different countries Ms. Jeralyn collected some banknotes as her own souvenirs. She also collected old money which she showed us and explained the history behind them.

Fuel Comparing Experiment

Year 8 students examined the amount of energy that different types of drinks give. The aim of this experiment was to find out which of the two fuels, alcoholic beverages or soft drinks, give more energy per gram when consumed. ————————————


Integration of Language Arts and Physical Strength in Early Years . Nursery students always find joy in moving and dancing. During our P.E. lesson, we get to listen, think and move at the same time which leads us into many new conversations. Integration of languages into learning is a core component of what we do and experience here at St. Markâ€&#x;s. Our teacher told us to run and grab the balls. We had to listen carefully what colours our teacher said and collect the right ones. There were rules in every game that we had to follow. We also enjoyed zigzag running, hopping above hula-hoops and giving “high fivesâ€? to our friends. Another not-to-be-missed activity was to move at various speeds while walking, jumping and crawling.

Year 6 Students Present

Our Thai class is not

Design Plans

We get to imagine,

just about language. gather our thoughts and design and present our ideas to our classmates. We were given the task of plotting our product models on graph paper. Following, we played varying roles as product designers. We were proud to present our ideas to our classmates.


Extra-Curricular Activities Ball Games ECA

Since the opening of our new basketball court, our Ball Games members have had the privilege of playing in a larger outdoor space. The basketball court is ideally situated for play both during and after school. At lunch time we can also practice with both Ball Games ECA members and non-members. We welcome others to come join us in the next school academic year!


Body Pattern Painting The Creative Arts team was engaged in letting our thoughts flow freely like a river in collaboration with other group members. The first step was to turn on the visualizer’s light in front of a model. We drew an outline of the human model on a big sheet of paper and then got started by mixing colours. Each one got a paint brush which we dipped in the colours and splashed all over the outlines. The end results were unexpected – each group came up with visually unique artwork. One looked like classic Egyptian style, another a happy child with a smiley faces pattern, and another, a rainbowed elephant.

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. —Pablo Picasso 8





A Place for free writing and creativity that lets your imagination spark

Airplane – Wrecked By Varot Pavaritpong Year 7

I have never been in an airplane accident before, but if it were to happen, and there was a tropical and deserted island nearby, and there were no adults that survived, these are the things I would have done. The first thing we need is a source of fresh water, if the

water. Considering my personality I would probably try

island was small, no streams of water would be found.

to find others first, try to get information on what‟s hap-

If it were big enough for fresh water to form we would

pening. When I do get food and water, I would be tired

be lucky. The second most important thing is food,

and need rest. On my first night I would probably just

luckily, a tropical island may very well contain berry

lie down somewhere safe and the next day build shel-

fruits or bananas or coconuts. Then shelter comes


next, it is not that hard to build one, we could live in a

Another possibility for me would be a follower, I would

pre-existing shelter built by mother nature like caves or

just follow orders and be like background characters.

next to a cliff.

Maybe I would be a more of an important character in

Now for what I would do, this would be the ideal situa-

the story by suggesting things like in a parliament.

tion or tasks I would do. Considering there are many

There is no guarantee what I would do in a situation

other factors in on actual airplane crash, things proba-

like that, the only thing I am sure of is that I would try

bly would be different. For example, if I was hungry I

my best to survive and use the simple strategy of “if

would find food first. I would wander around the island

you can‟t beat‟em join „em”.

picking fruits and food and try to find a good source of


12 Tips for Teaching Children Gratitude By: Kathleen Berchelmann 1.

Surprise them! Avoid too many choices: Surprises

help children see something as a gift, not an entitlement. 2. Talk about the best parts of your day: Find some time each day to talk about what you are thankful for– perhaps at the dinner table, before bed, or while you are driving in the car. Ask your children, "What was the best part of your day?" For older children, try keeping a gratitude journal.

8. Teach "'It’s better to give than to receive." Even toddlers can buy or make gifts for others: Take young children

3. Teach your children their past: What are your family sto-

holiday shopping at the dollar store. Challenge them to pick

ries of hardship and perseverance? We keep her picture in

out gifts for others without buying something for themselves.

our study, and tell our children her story. Not sure of your past? Just take a family trip to the history museum, a battle-

9. Make time for chores: Without chores, children just can't

field, or other historic site. You will return home grateful.

understand what it takes to run a household– they will take clean laundry and dishes for granted. Find age-appropriate

4. Help your children serve someone who does not

chores for your children, even just 5-10 minutes per

"need" charity: Find someone in your everyday life for your

day. Consider leaving time-intensive chores for the weekend,

children to serve regularly, even if this person doesn't really

such as yard work, bathroom cleaning, and linen changing.

need charity. We have a neighbor who lives alone and appreciates our left-overs so she doesn't have to cook for one per-

10. Let big kids take care of little kids: They say you can't

son. Our kids love to bring her food. One night they were all

really understand what it takes to raise a child until you have

griping about how they didn't like the dinner I made, until I

your own children. Perhaps, but giving big kids responsibilities

asked them to bring a plate to our neighbor. Suddenly all the

for little kids will start to help them have an attitude of grati-

complaining stopped and they were out the door with her

tude towards their parents. Pair up big kids with little kids to

food, eager to have the opportunity to serve her.

get chores done or get through homework.

5. Focus on the positive, all day: Choosing to have a posi-

11. Give experiential gifts, not stuff: Too many toys? How

tive attitude is actually our #1 house rule. It's an all-day effort

about gifting a membership to the children's museum,

to constantly turn around the whining, jealousy, and complain-

a soccer registration fee, or a camping trip? Experiential gifts

ing and instead focus on positive. "I'm thirsty!" needs to be-

build relationships, not materialism.

come, "Mommy, may I please have a drink?" 12. Monitor your children's media: Our children are bom6. Say "Thank you:" Teach young children to say "thank

barded with age-targeted marketing that they are too young to

you" as part of a full sentence, for example, "Thank you, Dad-

resist or understand. Media fuels materialism. It is our job to

dy, for making dinner." Encourage school-aged kids to say

carefully monitor their media so that they aren't dragged into

thank you throughout the day, especially when you help them

marketing and made to feel incomplete or unfulfilled.

get ready for school or drive them to activities. Have them


thank coaches for practice and music teachers for lessons.


7. Lead by example: Our children are watching our every waking move. We can't ask them to be grateful if we are not. Come home and talk about the happy parts of your day, making a conscious choice not to complain.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever —1 Chronicles 16:34 10

900 Rama 9 Rd,Suanluang Bangkok 10250, Thailand Email: Phone: + 66 -2-300-5463

Guided by Christian philosophy, St. Mark's International School aims to provide quality Early Years through Secondary education, enabling each student to achieve their fullest potential by becoming confident, motivated, optimistic and responsible young citizens.

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