SMA KPN Winter 2012

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Kensington Parish News St Mary Abbots | Christ Church | St Philip’s

Winter 2012 | Free

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7 Vicar’s Voice - Fr Gareth Wardell 10 A Night at the Opera by Max Croft and Nigel Allsop 12 Real Lives by Rob Perkins 14 Interview with Bharat Tandon by Barbara Want 16 From Berlin to London by Lesley Raymond 18 The Year of the Commonwealth by David Banks 22 The Life of Revd. William Law by George Law 24 A Class Act by Adam Norton 26 Moving Up by SMA School alumni 27 Questions, Questions! by Ross Welford

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Editors: Fiona Braddock and Olga Pantyukhova. Printed by Print Express. Distributed free through our three parish churches. Copyright remains the property of the respective authors. Heartfelt thanks, as always, to all our contributors.



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VICAR’S VOICE Fr Gareth Wardell

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ell if I wanted to get to there, I certainly wouldn’t start from here!â€? It’s a familiar punch-line to an old joke usually one told at the expense of people from Ireland or Yorkshire! But as I look back on my own life I’m immensely grateful that God himself meets with us where we are, not where we feel we ought to be, and then gently nudges us forward to new and surprising places; places not necessarily of our choosing, but precisely the places of His choosing for us. Many years ago‌ at the end of my first week in the war-torn city of Kabul, I remember confiding to a friend that I’d made a dreadful mistake and wanted to leave, preferably by the end of the following week! Several years later, when finally I did leave it was with a deep sense of gratitude to God for one of the richest, most challenging and fulfilling periods of my life. So‌ a little over four years ago, as I was preparing to leave my curacy in Selby, I was excited to be short-listed for what seemed like the perfect post for me – replacing Justin Welby (our new Archbishop Designate) as Canon Director for Reconciliation Ministry at Coventry Cathedral. In the end I came runnerup (a former colleague from my mission society got the job) and through the suggestion of a friend I ended up coming to Kensington. ‘Kensington!!’ everyone in Selby said, aghast; isn’t that a bit posh and stand-offish? Won’t you be lonely there in the centre of a big city? Like others, I probably had my own prejudices and 7

FROM THE CLERGY preconceived notions of what life in W8 might be like…most of which have now been completely dispelled. In fact, knowing what I now know, were I playing word-association games with Kensington the words that spring to mind would be: warm, welcoming, witty, generous-hearted and, counter-intuitively perhaps – given our city-centre location, I would want to speak of somewhere that feels like a ‘village-community.’ Of course, I’m aware this might not be everyone’s experience of our locality; so what is it that makes the difference? I believe it is our membership together of the Church, the body of Christ in this community that makes the critical difference. For me, probably the most sacred and moving moment of each week comes as I make my way along the altar rail, giving communion to our wonderfully eclectic, culturally, ethnically and economically diverse congregation; as those with special needs and on benefits kneel side by side with key opinion-formers from the world of politics, business, media and the arts… where else but in church, would such a group be gathered together, each of us, in one way or another, people with special needs – needs which only God can meet. It’s a difference summed-up by the strap-line on our St Mary Abbots noticeboards ‘Serving the Heart of Kensington’. It’s something we do together, collectively – not something the clergy do to others, but something that God effects through us and which, like Christ’s parable of the yeast, has the capacity to transform, making us into something that is more than simply the sum of its parts.


Leaving is not going to be easy… and even thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. Hampton beckons, but then I find myself thinking, ‘Well, if I wanted to get to there, I probably wouldn’t start from here!’ Thankfully, God’s in charge!

Parish Directory

= Regular Worship ST MARY ABBOTS Sundays 8.00 am 9.30 am 11.15 am 12.30 pm 6.30 pm

Mondays 8.30 am 1.05 pm 5.30 pm Tuesdays 8.30 am 9.15 am 11.30 am 5.30

Holy Eucharist SUNG EUCHARIST (with Creche & Sunday School) Choral Matins & Sermon Holy Eucharist Evensong with Sermon & Holy Eucharist (1st Sunday of month: Taize Prayer & Holy Eucharist) Morning Prayer Sunday on Monday service Evening Prayer Morning Prayer Informal Holy Eucharist Holy Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer) Evening Prayer

Clergy, wardens, vestry and office


5.30 pm

Fridays 7.10 am 7.30 am 5.30 pm

Morning Prayer Holy Communion Evening Prayer

Saturdays 9.40 am 10.00 am 5.30 pm

Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist Evening Prayer

On MAJOR FEASTDAYS additional Services also offered: see the Bulletin & Noticeboard. CHRIST CHURCH Sundays 8.30 am 11.00 am 11.00 am

Holy Communion (on 1st, 3rd &5th Sundays in the month & on major Feasts): SUNG EUCHARIST with Sermon (Sunday School) (on 2nd & 4th Sundays in the month): Sung Matins with Sermon (with Sunday School)

9.00 pm

Holy Communion SUNG EUCHARIST (with Sunday School) 1st Sundays: all- age service with Eucharist Night Prayer

Monday to Friday 9.10 am Morning Prayer

The Rev’d Gareth Wardell The Rev’d Mark Letters The Rev’d Peter Stubbs Deputy Churchwardens for St Mary Abbots Church: Carole-Anne Phillips Thomas Williams Vestry/Virger George MacAllan St Mary Abbots Centre Adam Norton (Manager) Director of Music Mark Uglow Stewardship Secretary James Egert Children on Sunday Alexandra Swann Friends of St Mary Abbots David Banks (Chairman) Bellringers David Holdridge Kensington Parish News Fiona Braddock (Editor) Friday Playgroup Cosi Middleton-Roy

020 7937 2364 07896 646 878 020 8868 8296 020 7937 3448 07768 166 422 020 7937 5136 020 7937 8885 07920 591 553 07732 743 228 07954 559 905


ST PHILIP’S Sundays 8.30 am 10.30 am

020 7937 6032 07732 743 228 020 7937 0765 07500 607 433 07733 316 063 020 7937 2419

Associate Vicar Honorary Priests

Morning Prayer Holy Eucharist 3rd Weds in the month: Holy Eucharist with Laying-on of Hands & Anointing Evening Prayer

Thursdays 7.10 am Morning Prayer 9.30 am St Mary Abbots School Eucharist (in term time - all welcome) 5.30 pm Evening Prayer


Wednesdays 7.10 am 7.30 am 2.00 pm

Vicar of the Parish The Rev'd Gillean Craig Parochial Church Wardens David Banks Adrian Weale Children’s Advocate: Alex Dijkhuis Electoral Roll Officer: Sally Bessada Parish Administrator: Susan Russell

Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for Christ Church The Rev’d Mark O’Donoghue 020 7937 2966 Deputy Wardens: Adrian Weale 020 7937 0765 Philip Witheridge 020 7937 5184 Administrator Adele Pye 020 7937 2966 Director of Music Rupert Perkins


Associate Vicar with Special Responsibility for St Philip The Rev’d David Walsh Non-Stipendiary Ministers The Rev’d Lesley Perry The Rev’d Ijeoma Ajibade Deputy Wardens: Anne Steele Callum Stewart Licensed Reader Rupert Steele Administrator Liz Christie Membership Secretary Chris Luxton Director of Music Rebecca Taylor

020 7603 4420 07860 579 838 020 8747 1556 020 7938 1367 020 7937 4159



A Night at the Opera

Linda with Claudio Ambrosini (Venetian Composer who runs the recital series) and Nuria Nono, the daughter of Schoenberg and widow of another great modernist composer, Luigi Nono, on her 80th birthday

daughter, who was married to the late Luigi Nono, whose ‘A Pierre’ opened the concert. That was after an interminable half-hour preamble, which tested the patience of even our own Father Gillean! The reason for Father Gillean’s absence from St Mary Abbots on that Sunday was so that he could see his wife, Linda Hirst, give a bravura performance at La Fenice, delivering the highlight of the concert, the 100th anniversary performance of Schoenberg’s ‘Pierrot Lunaire’. It really was a quite magical evening, and also unique - I have never had to don wellies to attend the opera before! Linda performs at La Fenice in Venice. Photo by Joanna Allsop

Max Croft and Nigel Allsop report on Linda Hirst’s triumphant performance at La Fenice in Venice.


ast month, Linda Hirst, a key member of the St Mary Abbots congregation, wife of Father Gillean and legendary singer, travelled to Venice to appear at the world-famous La Fenice opera house, where she sang Arnold Schoenberg’s ‘Pierrot Lunaire’, written by the Austrian-born composer in 1912. Nigel Allsop was lucky enough to be there: When Robert Benchley, the noted wit, arrived in Venice, he sent the following telegram: “Streets flooded. Please advise.”


Two weeks ago, Venice suffered the worst floods since 1988, and the secondworst since the disaster of 1966.

ExNovo, meant that I had known for a year it would be a wonderful concert. “I learnt the piece 33 years ago and have sung, or ‘sprechgesung’ it, about 50 times, so I know it, as do Diego and Claudio. It sounds ‘modern’ to this day because it is ‘sprechgesang’ – it’s neither sung nor spoken, but is in Schoenberg’s hybrid of the two.

But here is what Linda had to say about it:

“The Fenice is elegant, chandeliered and sparkling, and Nuria Schoenberg’s 80th birthday made it a celebration.

“It was a dream gig for me. To work with my favourite French conductor, Diego Masson, with one of the best Italian composer’s ensembles, Claudio Ambrosini’s

“With the added excitement of the one metre 55 aqua alta in the morning, and my husband, daughter and friends in the audience, it was one of my top 5 ever.”

None of this, however, deterred the doughty performers of the Ensemble ExNovoMusica in taking to the stage. And what a stage. No less than Venice’s jewel of La Fenice opera house, a magnificent 1792 classical masterpiece. The occasion was the 80th birthday of Nuria Schoenberg, Arnold Schoenberg’s




Real Lives Rob Perkins reports on the first of a new series of talks given at Christ Church by Brigadier Rob Thomson DSO CBE.


embers of Christ Church and their guests enjoyed a fascinating evening in the company of Brigadier Rob Thomson DSO CBE, on Thursday 15 November. It was the first of Christ Church’s “Real Lives” series, in which Christians from various walks of life give an insight into their day-to-day lives and the significance of their Christian faith in all that they face. Brigadier Thomson commanded 2 Rifles on a tumultuous tour of Afghanistan in 2009. In a candid interview with Rev’d Mark O’Donoghue, he spoke of the highs and lows of life in the armed forces. His qualities as a leader were plain to all present, and yet it was his humility that was most striking as he reflected on his military career to date. He spoke of the “privilege of leadership”, pointing not to his own achievements, but to the “mesmeric courage” of those in his charge, who would so often go far beyond what was asked or expected of them. Now based in Northern Ireland, he gave a realistic portrayal of the peace process there, where despite having come so far, there remains much work yet to be done. When asked about the personal struggles of life in Helmand, he shared some of the trials of being away from home for long periods,


and dealing with the very real possibility that he might not return to his wife and five children. Indeed, it was in these trials that he was able to point to the reassurance and strength that both he and his wife draw from their Christian faith. “Church services” in Sangin consisted of a group of soldiers gathered on a dusty helicopter landing pad, perhaps led by an officer “because the padre was notoriously hard to find”. More and more of the “boys” would join them, “because agnostics don’t remain agnostics for long in the battlefield”. Each morning, conditions permitting, Rob would read some Bible verses to himself, invariably in a rush, yet in them find the promises and perspective to face whatever the day might hold. Following the interview, Rob spoke for a few minutes about three men of courage who will always be an inspiration to him. Staff Sergean Olaf “Oz” Schmid – a bomb disposal expert with whom he worked closely (“although usually an embarrassingly safe distance away”) in Afghanistan. Oz once defused 32 Improvised Explosive Devices in a single day, facing a constant threat of death either from a slip of his fingers or from Taliban sniper fire, yet doing it all through a devotion to others’ safety. He died in October 2009.

Captain Noel Chavasse, twice awarded the VC during the Great War for his heroic acts as an army doctor in the trenches. At Guillemont, Chavasse rescued and saved twenty badly-wounded soldiers from No Man’s Land, himself carrying a wound from a shell splinter. He was killed by a direct shell strike white treating the wounded in the trenches.

“agnostics don’t remain agnostics for long in the battle field”

And, supremely, Christ himself, whose willingness to step into a hostile world, and to endure torture and crucifixion all for others’ good, remains, to Brigadier Thomson, history’s most inspiring and life-changing act of heroism. During question time, he explained (among other things) how we might better pray for and support those in our armed forces and their families, as well as how the current economic climate creates new risks for national and global security. All present were thankful for a “fascinating and stimulating” evening, and we look forward to the next instalment of Real Lives – as The Hon Mr Justice Cooke comes to speak in February.




The Man in the Know Bharat Tandon is an academic, writer and reviewer, has lectured at Oxford and Cambridge, is currently Lecturer in the School of Literature at the University of East Anglia and this year was a judge for the Man Booker Prize.

Did you start reading at a very young age? Early yes, but not abnormally so. My parents were from families of doctors and lawyers rather than literary critics but they were tremendously encouraging in terms of acquiring books. My enthusiasm was for things likes Roald Dahl, Michael Bond and Tintin. I’d read more of that sort of writing than the literary stuff children were meant to have read at that age, like Wind in the Willows or Robert Louis Stephenson. I would never have got to read Dostoevsky in my teens had I not been so enthusiastic about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the age of 6 or 7.

Not surprisingly he’s also the person everyone wants on their table at the St Mary Abbots Quiz Night. Barbara Want spoke to him.


id you REALLY read all 145 books on the long list for the Man Booker? Yes, we [the five judges] genuinely read all of them. The advantage was that we were reading the same books at the same time so we had something to discuss at our monthly meetings. You have to get a certain reading speed and you learn to read more quickly while trying to minimize the loss of information. At the peak I was reading two novels a day and working on my own book [an annotated edition of Jane Austen’s Emma] in the evening.


would never have got through all the books if I’d had to rely on hard copies alone. The Kindle was helpful because a lot of reading was done on the tube between the British Library and home, a route that attracts literary types, and I didn’t want people to see I was reading a book that hadn’t yet been published. Dan Stevens [the actor who plays Matthew Crawley in Downton Abbey] said he concealed his kindle under his costume while he was on set.

I now have this compulsion, developed as a child, that if I see words I CANNOT not read them, even if I’m sitting on the tube and see a poster for a bladder clinic…

Did you vote for Hilary Mantel [the winner]? That remains confidential and shrouded in mystery for all eternity! But we always tried to reach a consensus and everyone agreed with the final decision.

great occasions including the final ceremony and they always laid on a car for me which I loved as I didn’t have to worry about getting home. The judges also got a kindle.

What were the perks of being a judge? I got to keep all 145 books which I now have to find a place for. I also got to go to some

Did you read the books on a Kindle or on paper? Everything was sent in both formats and I

What’s your advice to parents who want their kids to love books? Simply being the world expert on Fantastic Mr Fox wont translate automatically into a fully nuanced appreciation of Charlotte Bronte, but I think if a child doesn’t acquire the enthusiasm for reading something that is not just improving but possesses the

imagination, then the next step they make will be somehow impoverished. If it’s like castor oil – something that’s good for them but they don’t like the taste - you’re not going to come at the more serious material with the requisite degree of thrill and enthusiasm. When I read, I relate to the thrills I can recall when I was 8 or 9. The complexity of the experience has shifted and grown but the quality of simply being knocked back by the way in which words are put together I can still recognize. I see in my response to Hilary Mantel something of the child who responded to Willy Wonka in the 1970s. What does St Mary Abbots mean to you? I have three sons aged 4 ½ , 2 ½ and 1 and a 12-year old stepson, and my partner took me along five years ago. The rest is history. The three younger boys were baptized at the church. It’s like being part of an extended family in a larger community. It’s great that children, even at a young age, don’t feel they’re being dragged along to some arcane and impersonal ceremony. Mine talk about, ‘going to church and going to see Father Gillean’; they feel he’s talking to them. And of course there are biscuits at the end! We came second when you sat on our table at quiz night. Will you do it again? Actually I didn’t ask that question as I was wrenched off the phone by my kids, to which Bharat says sympathetically, ‘You’ve got the difficult job, dealing with kids. I’m just sitting on the sofa reading a book…’ 15



FROM BERLIN TO LONDON The Diocese of London runs a biennial clergy exchange programme with the Diocese of Berlin/ Brandenburg in Germany. Two years ago, the Associate Vicar at St Philip’s, David Walsh, visited Berlin for two days. Lesley Raymond tells us about the return leg.


his November, 12 members of clergy from Berlin/Brandenburg came to London. Pastor Peter Martins stayed with Carys and David Walsh and attended services at St Philip’s Church on Sunday 4 September. He had the opportunity to meet some members of the congregation from Germany and also to share in the All Souls afternoon service of commemoration at which loved ones are remembered. “I was very much moved by David’s idea to let the little girl pray the “Our


father” in German during the morning family service,” Pastor Peter said. He then travelled to East London for the actual conference. “The conference is about sharing our experiences, working out what we have in common and learning from each other, especially in the fields of lay service in Church, financing and church management,” Peter told me. This was Peter’s first visit to London and two highlights were attending a performance of the Mozart Requiem at St Paul’s Cathedral and having an opportunity to visit the British Museum, where he spent four hours in the galleries devoted to Mesopotamian ancient art. Pastor Peter has a training role that covers Berlin/Brandenburg. He explained that this encompasses small rural villages with tiny congregations as well as the large city churches in Berlin, so pastoral training varies greatly across his area. “Berlin is not typical of Germany,” Peter added. “There are a lot of young families moving in who work in government. They

“There is so much that we can learn from the UK in terms of developing Lay is an area where the Church of England is taking the lead” are new to the city and the church is often the place they turn to in order to meet people.” David Walsh said that at the 2010 conference he learnt how different the German church is from the Church of England in many ways. There a church tax is automatically paid to the state by people who are registered as church members. This makes a huge difference to the church’s finances and to its relationship with local residents. Because of this relationship with the state, church organisations run many large social projects on behalf of government. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Trading with Talents’. This was the first time that Pastor Peter has taken part – he is relatively new to his post and was invited to be a member of the church board in Berlin because of his experience of working with students. Most German pastors are ordained after a three-year training, mostly when they have

finished theological studies at university, so the trend in the UK of people entering the church following a period in other careers is relatively rare in Germany. “I was impressed by the way the Church of England organises Continuous Ministerial Development, the way pastors are recruited, called, trained and accompanied,” Peter said. “Although I was told that in practice the programme is quite ‘patchy’, it seems to me that the outlines are very clear, reasonable and close to the needs of ministers. “There is also much we can learn from the UK in terms of developing lay ministry,” Peter continued. “It’s an area where the Church of England is taking a lead. It’s important that we invest in education – not just in knowledge, but getting people engaged with the church and using their talents and abilities to cover some of the roles and work that needs to be done.” David Walsh also attended this year’s conference. He agrees that this year’s conference provided several shared learning points. “I think it became clear how much further on we are in some ways in terms of voluntary giving by church members and in volunteering for church duties,” he said. Pastor Peter is keen to learn from his visit. “I went on a similar programme to the US in June,” he said. “When I got back I had so many ideas of how other communities do this work. It was also a great experience to make new contacts, to share services and to pray together.” 17



The Year of the Commonwealth David Banks reports on a remarkable year for Her Majesty The Queen and Commonwealth.

Commonwealth leaders and representatives presenting a plaque to The Queen at Marlborough House



n 6 February 2012, sixty years to the day since Her Majesty The Queen acceded to the throne, we gathered in St Mary Abbots for a service to mark the beginning of this most remarkable year of celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee. Taking part in that service were the Commonwealth Youth Orchestra and many of the High Commissioners who represent in the United Kingdom the fifty three other nations of the Commonwealth. The term high commissioner rather than ambassador is used for the head of a diplomatic mission from one Commonwealth to another because our governments and people do not regard each other as foreign but rather as members of a worldwide family. The Queen has been Head of that family for the past sixty years, and every two years she opens the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Last year it took place in Perth, Australia, and flying home from the meeting l found myself seated next to the High Commissioner of Kenya to the United Kingdom. We discussed the plans just agreed by leaders in Perth for marking The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee as Head of the Commonwealth and I suggested that, since Her Majesty had been in Kenya when she came to the throne, they might wish to join the chain of thousands of beacons that would be lit around the United Kingdom and throughout the Commonwealth. The High Commissioner grasped the idea with enthusiasm, particularly since Treetops Hotel, where The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh had been staying, is in his home district. On June 4th a beacon at Treetops was one of the links in a chain of over 4,000 beacons that

David Banks thanked by The Queen at Buckingham Palace for his role in organising the Commonwealth dimension of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations

stretched around the globe, starting the island nations of Tonga and Samoa in the Pacific and ending in Vancouver on the west coast of Canada. Two days later Commonwealth leaders and representatives gathered for a lunch in honour of Her Majesty hosted by the Commonwealth Secretary-General at Marlborough House, the Commonwealth headquarters and a place with many associations for Her Majesty; it is where her father King George VI lived as a boy, where her grandfather King George V was born and where her grandmother Queen Mary died. In the garden after lunch Her Majesty was presented with a large bronze plaque bearing the inscription: “Presented to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by Heads of Government representing the governments and people 19


ADVENT Flags of the Commonwealth leading the Royal Squadron in the Diamond Jubilee Thames River Pageant

of the Commonwealth of Nations to mark Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee as Head of the Commonwealth and symbol of our free association. Offered with profound admiration and abiding appreciation for the manner in which Her Majesty has diligently and faithfully served the Commonwealth and advanced its values of democracy, development and respect for diversity through six decades, as both the Head and the heart of the Commonwealth family, evoking deep respect and affection from Commonwealth citizens around the globe.” The depth of that affection was demonstrated on many occasions in the course of the year and one of the striking sights during the central days of celebration was the flotilla of small craft that immediately preceded the Royal Barge at the head of the Royal Squadron in the Thames Diamond Jubilee River Pageant. Crewed by Sea Cadets each of the identical vessels carried a flag, they were led by that of the Commonwealth itself and then, in alphabetical order, those of the fifty four member nations of the Commonwealth. Prominently displayed on the Royal Barge itself was the Commonwealth Mace, symbol of The Queen’s headship of the family of nations. The Commonwealth-Secretary 20


s we prepare for Christmas, the congregation of St Mary Abbots take part in the year’s great service: the Advent service. As these photographs by Peter Darrell show the church is full of candlelight, reading and music as well as a wonderful procession through the church.

General accompanied Her Majesty on the Royal Barge and I had the privilege, aboard a vessel just behind, of representing the Commonwealth Secretariat as co-host with William Hague, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, to the Governors-General, Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Commonwealth and their representatives. We witnessed the magnificent spectacle from a superb position as we made our progress down the river. From the first major public event attended by The Queen in her Diamond Jubilee year, the Commonwealth Day Observance in Westminster Abbey, when performers included Rufus Wainwright from Canada and Hugh Masekela from South Africa, the concerts, pageants and Royal tours of 2012 have brought the Commonwealth together in celebration. We have been reminded of the ties of kinship and affinity we share with two billion fellow citizens of the Commonwealth, a third of the population of the world.

Photography by Peter Darrell

In 1952, in her first Christmas broadcast, The Queen referred to the Commonwealth as ‘a most potent force for good, and one of the true unifying bonds in this torn world’. Sixty years later, as we approach Christmas 2012, those words remain true. Photography by Peter Darrell




REVD WILLIAM LAW (1851-92) George Law tells us about the remarkable life of his grandfather and former curate of St Mary Abbots and priest in charge of Christ Church. Oxford, where he was a games player of some distinction, playing both association football and cricket for Harrow and cricket for Oxford against Cambridge in 1871 to 1874. He played cricket for Yorkshire and in 1873 for the Gentleman v Players at Lords, then, before the advent of test matches, the most important match of the season.


n the late 1870s my grandfather, William Law, must have been a well known figure in Kensington, where he was a curate at St Mary Abbots and priest in charge of Christ Church, from 1878 to 1882 and then until 1889 the first missioner of the Harrow School Mission (now the Harrow Club ) in Latimer Road.


Born in Rochdale in 1851, he was educated at Harrow School and Brasenose College,

After coming down from Oxford he trained for the ministry at Llandaff, and was ordained a deacon in 1875 and a priest in 1876. He was appointed a curate at St Mary’s, Beverly and at Doncaster before coming to St Mary Abbots in 1878, where the new vicar was Dr. E.C. Glynn. In 1883 Law, together with the Headmaster of Harrow School, Dr Henry Montagu Butler, conceived the idea of the Harrow School Mission and Dr Butler established a fund to collect donations from friends of the School for buying land and building a Mission. However Law was the real founder of the Mission and the principal task of fundraising fell on him; a significant proportion of the funds initially raised came from members of his former congregation at Christ Church. On New Year’s Day 1883 Law became the first missioner and also priest in charge of the parish of Holy Trinity. The Mission faced a formidable task. When he arrived, Law

The Revd William Law was in the Harrow XI between 1868 and 1870 and was in the Oxford XI for four years from 1871, being captain in his last year. He played four times for Yorkshire but he had little time for sport once he had entered the church.

described the area to be served as follows:Nothing could have been more forlorn, neglected or desolate than the condition of this district at starting. The station of the Metropolitan Railway, which bears the name of Latimer Road, was familiarly known as “Piggery Junction” from the miserable and unwholesome establishment for the feeding of those animals, which then occupied the site of our Church and Mission Room. Much seems to have been achieved in a short time. The large two-storey Mission Room was opened in 1884 and Holy Trinity Church in Latimer Road was consecrated in 1888. In 1886 The Mission Room kitchen began penny dinners for the children whose mothers were in the laundries. In the first 70 days after opening, the kitchen served 9,507 dinners, of which 1,702 were free. In 1884 Law married Florence Sylvester. They had a son in 1887 and a daughter in 1889, but Florence died one month later. At the end of 1889 he accepted the appointment as vicar of Rotherham. In October 1891, he married Maud Hill, on his honeymoon in Scotland he contracted typhoid, from which he appeared to make a complete recovery. A son, my father, was born in

October 1892, but soon afterwards he suffered a recurrence of the typhoid from which he died in December. The first part of the burial service took place in Rotherham, after which his body was carried to London by train and he was buried in Paddington Cemetery. His character is perhaps best described in his obituary in the Rotherham Gazette which said:“To the poor he has been a generous friend, with the sick he has been a kindly sympathiser, and the welfare of the little children he loved so dearly he has endeavoured to promote. To speak of him as a vicar merely does not denote the man.” In the St Mary Abbots Parish Magazine for January 1893 Dr E.C. Glynn, who was still vicar, wrote as a postscript to his parish letter:Just as we are going to press, I have received the news of the death of my dear friend and fellow–worker, the Revd William Law. He was the best curate that man ever had, the most devoted parish priest, sensible, strong, truth-loving, earnest, loyal....His friendship was a prize that death cannot destroy, and the life and work a pattern for us all to imitate. In a few years he lived a life worth living. 23



A Class Act St Mary Abbots Centre Manager, Adam Norton tells us about introducing two vibrant and creative classes to the centre.


here is a lot going on now on a Thursday at St Mary Abbots Centre, as it plays host to two exciting projects: Little Art Studio and the Young Actors Company. In the morning the Long Room is full of tiny toddler Titians. Little Art Studio was started last year by Suzanne Lloyd, who has a degree in Fine Arts. “I was looking for something for my daughter that was flexible where parents did not have to sign up months in advance – and pay up too! I do believe that Little Art Studio offers great value – and a really good time for toddlers and parents alike.” The participants certainly seem to be enjoying themselves. Jonah, aged 3, comes every other week, and is keen to share his enthusiasm. “I like playing with Play-Doh best, and blue is my favourite colour!” Nearby, Sophia, aged 2, is busy arranging multi-coloured petals. “It is a lot of fun, and each week is different” says her mother. “It is very well organised in a relaxing, calm atmosphere.” An air of intense concentration prevails. Beatrice is totally absorbed making patterns in the sand box. “Beatrice loves coming here,” her mother tells me. “Last


Little Art Studio

young people. It was founded in Cambridge over 40 years ago. Former students have appeared on television and in the West End, and one, Aston Merrygold, is a member of the boy band JLS. Our classes are run by Sherina Stewart, assisted by Robbie Taylor Hunt, who was himself a member of the Young Actors Company. Sherina trained at LAMDA and has been working with YAC for six years.

activities. “It is a particular delight to St Mary Abbots whenever our facilities are used to build up the life and talents of our community: music, drama and working with children and young people are themes that have a very good fit with so many aspects of our ministry. It’s good to see the families, from our congregation and far beyond, turn up in Vicarage Gate week by week to discover, explore and develop skills and abilities.” Young Actors Company

“ I am passionate about teaching drama,” she explains, “ and I feel it is an essential part of a child’s development. I have witnessed children’s confidence and creativity soar in a matter of months, and with YAC we offer all sorts of exciting and character-building opportunities.” There are two classes each evening, the first for children from 9 to 13 years old. I talked to Mathilde, who attends the French Lycee. “Tonight we played the Bench Game. I was playing a really noisy Mum cheering on my son who was playing football. Lissie was trying to read and I was really annoying her.”

week she spent nearly an hour playing with the sand. At home she might have done it for five minutes!” For further details on Little Art Studio please contact - Every Thursday evening St Mary Abbots Centre welcomes the Young Actors Company, providing drama classes for children and

Sum Ping is 13, but is in the class of older students. She goes to St Paul’s Girls’ School. She is equally enthusiastic. “I really enjoy the classes. Sherina and Robbie are a great inspiration. And I’ve made lots of friends.” For further details on the Young Actors Company contact - info@ Fr Gillean is delighted that St Mary Abbots Centre is able to provide a venue for these



SCHOOLS started secondary school that here was where I could belong. If there was one piece of advice I could offer to anyone moving up, it would be to simply throw yourself into everything at your new school – there are so many different opportunities for you to shine, whatever you are interested in.

By Tilly Dunford Wood Moved up: September 2012

By Matt Parker Moved up: September 2010

When you start a new school you think, “Oh no! Everybody is wearing something different. I’m going be the odd one out, and no body is going to like Me.”

Knowing that I was going to be leaving St Mary Abbots School made me feel sad but at the same time I felt excited at the thought of starting my new school and I knew that I would keep in touch with my friends in Year 6.

Moving Up St Mary Abbots School alumni tell us the real truth about moving to senior school. By Kitty Low Moved up: September 2009 There is no denying the fact that moving to secondary school is a big step up from primary school. There is nothing more exciting than change, and moving to secondary school is indeed a change for the good – a chance to meet new people, try new things. Everything falls into place naturally very quickly; within a week, the endless corridors have become familiar territory, 26

and friends are made almost instantaneously, even if these are not the people one may end up with further on in the school. Daunting as the crowds of older children seem at first, I found that everybody is welcoming and want only to make the new Year 7s feel at ease. The workload did increase, but this simply contributes to the feeling of being grown-up and it shouldn’t ever become too overwhelming. I still miss St Mary Abbots and everything it offered, but I felt from the moment I

Holland Park is my new school and it is huge. There are so many children, about 1,400 and over 100 classrooms and different teachers. During my first couple of weeks there I felt overwhelmed by the size of the place and how busy it all was. Even though the teachers and the Head Teacher did all they could to make me feel welcome and calm, and even though I made new friends, it was still hard. Having to move to a different classroom for every lesson was so strange. Navigating the corridors and getting to know where everything was took time. And the homework! It took time but I got used to it and settled in. I am now in my second year at Holland Park and we have just moved into our new school building. It is the most awesome place to learn in….and everyone now has to find their way around again !

Moving on can be tough. Moving on can be hard. Moving on can be stressful. Moving on can be complicated. But it can also be fun. Exciting. Exhilarating. And turning over a new leaf.

Then you think: ” I have to be popular. Am I not sporty enough? Will I have to change the way I dress? No I have to be myself and accept the people who like me for who I am.” To make friends you just have to be you and nothing else. The work in a new school is hard. You are always stressing about everything and d.t’s [detentions]. If you’re worried ask your form teacher. (Not mine because she’s hopeless!) My mum got me a revision card box to help me. It really helped. There will be loads of tests… (No pressure!) But don’t worry if you do badly…everyone does. The point is, starting a new school is not easy. And you’ll have to get used to it. But in the end you’ll be glad you went through all those tests and homework and made lots of new friends.

By Oliver Taylor Moved up: September 2012 I had mixed feelings about leaving



The new school was confusing at first because there are different teachers for each subject, and I missed having just one teacher. The down side of this is that I get a lot more homework to give to all the different teachers. The up side is that we have specialist subject teachers and in Science we have been chopping up animal hearts and inflating lungs in the lab. Design & Technology is great too, and we are making abstract clocks.

By Grace Hoffman Moved up: September 2010 The first day of Secondary school’s a big day, right? Your parents drop you off at your new school and say “This is it!” and then leave you. Then there is no hand guiding your back like there was in primary school and you simply have to make it on your own. Although this may seem like a very scary prospect, it isn’t as intimidating as it sounds. It is also a fun, new and exciting experience. Homework is a new side of secondary school that will be overwhelming at first, but you’ll gradually get used to it. Homework is ideally set to be done on the day it’s given. If you follow this guideline then you will find that it is easier to keep on top of things.

There are better facilities at secondary school because it is bigger and I really enjoy playing rugby twice a week. The dinners are nicer, but the queues are awful.

When you are told to revise for a test, don’t ignore the teacher and assume that you know everything and not revise. You will have forgotten it by the end of the year unless you review it, and ideally you do that now, so that you have an easier job at the end of the year.

All in all moving up is good, and an important experience to have to deal with the change, but I do miss St Mary Abbots.

My favourite thing about the move is the new friends you make-friends who will join you on your path through secondary school.

Olympic round answers: 1. 5,000M AND 10,000M 2. SOUTH KOREA (Republic of Korea) 3. DAVID BEDFORD 4. MADRID 5. DISCUS, JAVELIN, RUNNING, LONG JUMP, WRESTLING 6. STOKE MANDEVILLE 7. HAMPDEN PARK, GLASGOW 8. BRADLEY WIGGINS 9 DAVID BOWIE AND ANNIE LENNOX (SHE WAS IN THE OPENING CEREMONY) 10. SYNCHRONISED SWIMMING Film Poster round answers: 1. An Inconvenient Truth 2. The Last King of Scotland 3. Swiss Family Robinson 4. Back to the Future 5. The Road 6. Saving Private Ryan 7. Atonement 8. A Few Dollars More 9. Shaun of the Dead 10. Bonnie and Clyde 11. Room with a View 12. The Kid 13. Forgetting Sarah Marshall 14. Old Yeller


Strozzi(follower (attributed tempera tempera on woodon poplar panel Adoration of the Magi by Zanobi Fra Angelico of),to), c.1430-50, © The National Gallery, London // The The Bridgeman Bridgeman Art Art Library Library

St Mary Abbots School. When I arrived at my new school I was nervous at first, but it was easier than I expected it to be. On our second day our year was sent on a PGL course for two nights, which helped to break the ice. The people were friendlier than I expected too. One of the things I miss about St Mary Abbots is the warm, friendly atmosphere and being with people who have known me since I was four.


6.30pm Sunday 14thDecember December 9th

Messiah A Baroque Christmas concert by candlelight

The Purcell Orchestra St Mary Abbots Choir & Singers Conductor Prof. Mark Uglow A special concert played on Baroque instruments recreating the atmosphere of Handelʼs original performance

Tickets Book online at: 020 7937 5136 In person from the Vestry Mon-Sat 8am-1pm £15 (£7.50 under 16) including interval drink and programme

St Mary Abbots Church On the corner of Kensington High St and Kensington Church St London W8 4LA




TWO EXCELLENT SPACES FOR HIRE Central Kensington location in quiet cul-de-sac 5 minutes walk from Kensington High Street tube station and 8 minutes from Notting Hill Tube, in Vicarage Gate. A venue for film and stage rehearsals, business meetings & seminars presentations or meetings, family receptions (not weddings), children’s parties Facilities include two kitchens, pay telephone, ample space for cloaks, disabled toilet, central heating, car parking (limited) with theatre hiring

MAIN HALL(21 X 12 METRES) Holds 250 people LONG ROOM(14 X 4.5 METRES) Holds 80 people From £160.00/4 hours sessions Charity rate from £80.00 £60.00 surcharge for evening & weekends

Questions! Questions! In October quiz setter extraordinaire Ross Welford, with the help of quiz host Ben Pilling, challenged an enthusiastic crowd of St Mary Abbots’ finest at the annual stewardship quiz supper. Competition was fierce, if you missed it here are some sample questions for you to try out. Good Luck! Olympic round:

5. Which five events made up the Ancient Olympic pentathlon? 6. Where the first paralympic held when they were called the paraplegic games?

Information from: Adam Norton - SMA Centre Manager St Mary Abbots Centre, Vicarage Gate, London W8 4HN Telephone: 020 7937 8885 Mobile: 07812 428 010 Facsimilie: 020 7938 4317 Email:

7. Which football stadium was the Northernmost Olympic venue in 2012?

1. Mo Farah won gold in which events? 2. Which country came fifth in the 2012 medal table after USA, China, Great Britain and Russia? 3. Which former British Olympian sued the 118 118 phone company for using an actor that looked like him?

8. “After his victory, this person greeted the cheering crowds at Hampton Court and hugged his wife Catherine and children Ben and Isabella”.Who? are they talking about? 9. Which two of the performers did not appear live during the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympics: George Michael, Annie Lennox, David Bowie, Russell Brand? 10. Which Olympic sport includes movements called “Barrel Scull”,“Eggbeater”and “Platform Lift”?

4. Three cities are in the running to host the 2020 Olympics: Istanbul, Tokyo and which other? Please find the answers for Quiz on the page 28 31



Film Poster Round. Can you identify the film by their poster alone?







5..................................... 6....................................... 7.................................... 32








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