Advertise with SMSU - 2017/18

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St Mary’s University is located close to Teddington, Twickenham, Richmond and Kingston. Our campus and size mean that we really are a community university! Our 4 schools consist of Education, Theology & Leadership, Sport, Health and Applied Science, Arts and Humanities and Management and Social Science. The University has approximately 6,000 students and nearly 800 bedrooms on campus. Our students have a varied range of interests inte - sports being especially popular. Our clubs and societies have over 1,000 members, and our West London Varsity event in which we compete against Brunel University is becoming bigger and better every year. As a union we support our students, ensure that their welfare is looked after and provide them with entertainments via our clubs, societies and events. The wide-ranging interests inte of our student base, location and community feel of St Mary’s make us ideal for both local and national advertisers – you can find out exactly what we can offer your organisation in this booklet.

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Within this 2-week period in September there are countless opportunities for you to advertise your business! Last year, during the course of the event there was an estimated footfall of 15,000.




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SIMMStock is a live music festival that takes place in our University grounds. In previous years it has attracted as many as 1,000 students - it’s predominantly a daytime event giving many opportunities to speak to students direct.



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Summer Ball is one of our biggest events of the year attendance-wise. Last year we welcomed in over 1,200 students to enjoy a funfair, headline performance from Professor Green and an SU Bar and Lounge decorated with an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ theme.





We want to make sure you get the best deal possible when you work with SMSU. For this reason we’ve come up with a customisable package that can include any of the methods of advertising listed below. For example, if you require a video we are able to offer you 4 of the options below, or alternatively 6 of them if you don’t. If you would like more than this, then let us know and we’ll see what we can do. The possibilities for sponsorships include: • Your name on event wristbands, t-shirts and event publicity • 3 sponsored Facebook posts • A video advertising your product which ties into our event (ask for examples this may require an extra fee if too many other options are used) • 2 solus mailouts to our 6,000 student database (you would need to create the HTMLemail) • A stall on campus on the day of the event • Halls drops (your flyers delivered to 800 student letterboxes) • Your banner hung behind our stage (where possible, you would need to supply this) • A chance to speak direct to all students attending the event on-stage over our PA system (where possible) • Your name and a link on the ‘SMSU Recommends’ section of our website

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Our Welcome Fair has a footfall of over 2,000 each year. We welcome almost any company - local, national or international. There’s a huge variety!

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Best possible footfall and visibility, wi-fi, 4 staff members permitted, 2 x 2m stall size (includes power supply)

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Good indoor footfall and visibility, wifi, 2 staff members permitted,1.5 x 1.5m stall size (no power)

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We are constantly driving our students to to give them news on what we’re doing. Get their attention with a banner! You can see the location of this banner in the picture below. The spec for the banners is 660 x 80px

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We have a student database of 6,000, and we are able to target mailouts demographically. If you so wish we can reach out to specific students based on their club and society memberships, or to their age group or course. Last year, our open rate for commercial campaigns averaged at 20%. We would request that you provide us with a full HTML email for this option.

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j 8 D= ĝ&ľ> DD6 Our Welcome Handbook is distributed to every one of our first year students in print, and is also available to them online. This is one of the first pieces of our publicity that the students will see when they arrive on campus. It’s an A5 booklet, and EPS files will be required for artwork.


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We print off our first run of term-time calendars in September, and our second in January. These calendars are distributed to students at every possible opportunity for free. Side panels are 75 x 50mm and EPS files are required.

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We have numerous displays for posters. We can provide one company with the following spaces for ad campaigns during Welcome Fortnight- we can only offer one of these packages, as we need space for our own event publicity at this time. The 10 x A3 posters will be placed on the staircase to the Union, which experiences a high footfall during Welcome Fortnight. The A1 poster will be placed in the Shannon Corridor, Corrido which is one of the busiest areas on campus at any time of year.

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We want to work with companies that genuinely benefit our students and enrich their lives with their commercial offerings, and we think that our students will bring a great deal to your businesses in return. Because of this, we pledge to do all that is reasonably possible to ensure that every business partnership we have is a successful one. It’s in both of our interests to make sure that our relationships are fruitful! With this in mind, we hope that you’ll be as dedicated to your campaigns as we are - in the past, we’ve found the best relationships and results have come from the most hands-on companies.

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If you have any questions at all, make sure to get in touch and ask away! The SMSU Marketing team is made up of two members - Joe Garvey (Marketing and Communications Manager) and Josh Goddard (Events and Venues Coordinator). We’re both happy to help! )2 19<2> 19+2: /; 1/4 )007/ ,1: )/. 1/1;29


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0208 240 2377 - Joe Garvey 0208 240 4347 - Josh Goddard

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