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Tromss Nucult 8 BAR Trans Alps NORTH RACE Restrap KEIRIN London EUROBIKE Fixed days


Drag Race Rotterdam Photo: Oli



Photo: Hinricht


Drag Race was the last one of a race series called MCK (Marathon Crash Krew). This Series started by Boris this year with crashing the Hamburg marathon route. After this there was about 10 more races (early in the morning or late in the evening) with different type of races. Like alleycat checkpoint races, lap races and so on. The drag race was the end of it.



FEATURES 14 RESTRAP Product Lunch 20 ROLLER Underground 24 8 BAR Tran alps 32 SHORTS ON Chris 40 NORTH Race 50 LONDON OPEN Bikepolo 56 Keirin Festival 68 FIXED Days 78 EUROBIKE Show

REGULARS 8 10 36


46 55 76

BIKE CHECK ProtoypeHOT DATES Get ready for action ARTWORK Saki


TEST 29 Gnar



COVER info_ Seitaro Iki feeble grind to 180 switch barspin, Kennington Bowl, London. Iki was visiting London.. After a full english at The Cut we managed to catch a couple of spots. Just fun! Good day of riding!!

CONTENTS info_Manuel Crazy skid, Friedrichshafen, Germany Im sure that was a crazy weekend for Manuel at Eurobike. Lots of work.. he still managed to have some fun! Thanks for taking care of fixiefamous!




Green Light,

mark a special point in time ! We are super stoked that our last Issue 9 has reached more than 53000 views. Tell me how many trees would need to be cut i if we would print it! A lot.. thanks to all of you we already making a change.. Whats more Im sure that we helped to put more people on bikes! Thats why we support the green light foundation.. Please check them out! Make a change! About this Issue 10.. thats a special number for us! Big thanks to all friends! Enjoy! Ride on! Greg Falski


Greg Falski REDACTION TEAM Anto But Ricardo Lino Saskia Haex Marina Fenz CONTRIBUTORS Joni Zaza

Oliver Komorowski

Hinricht Schimanzki

Szymon Nieborak

Gareth Williams Jones Bat Howell Romain Tromss

Angelos Giotopoulos



Online - Print - SOFB Online Mag part of FOREACH PRODUCTIONS For contributions, advertising and other enquiries, please contact Thanks to Family and friends, all crews and riders, organisers and advertisers.. Special thanks to Marina, will be not possible without all of you! STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

NEXT ISSUE OUT IN December 2012



Romain Tromss NUCULT





INTERVIEW with Romain Tromss SOFB - who are you, where you at the moment and what you up to? R - H!! My name is Romain Tromss, I’m 26 years old I leave in the north of France, and I ride for Fixie Factory bike shop. At the moment, I am drinkring some beer in a bar and after I’ve finish my beer, I’m going to start ride some spot!

SOFB - What makes you so good at riding fixed? R - Hmmmm, I think the secrets ingredients are in all beers I have drinking ;) or maybe the desire of repeat the same trick more and more all afternoon. Hhhmmm but I’m sure that the first option is the better one for myself

SOFB - Could you tell us about the last two competitions/jams or road trips you went to? R - The first of the last two competitions was West Jam II in Lisbon, European riders was there, I think about the English, the Swiss (Shred crew), the Belgian (Ketjes crew), the French (and crew soundtrack nucult crew), the Netherlands guys and the only girl come from USA! All riders are coming for single reason, perform at fgfs contest with their friends and above all partying in the streets of lisbon!! This was so crazy!! The second competition was Eurobike in Germany, unfortunately the weather was not with us :/ but we could still enjoyed the evening and lounge. The last day of the road trip the weather was better and we could shoot some shots with Greg Falski and Tom Bell


If you looking to ride and party hard Romain is a great companion. We hung out a lot this year and finally its time to interview Romain for SOFB !

SOFB - Do you like to ride street or park more? Are you better at one more than the other? R - Difficult, I like to ride a park because you have good sensation, you can JUMP more higher and do some MTB tricks. It’s also the possibility to become more fluid. But I love riding Street cause it’s more technical, you can use all functionality of the FGFS and you can develop originality. I think I’m better in park but I prefer to ride street.

SOFB - Everyone enjoys your edits who makes these webbies happend when we can expect next one? Yeahhhh, we try to find original ideas for our video creation, while remaining a fun spirit and life style that you can see on trailer contest and Suspended happiness 1 & 2. we wanted to create a new video for the EUROBIKE contest but Weather took us short and we had no ability to shoot ... but you reassured we begin to collect a new video sequences for even crazier!! we’ll keep you informed!

SOFB - I know that some riders get scared of big jumps and obstacles. How do you push yourself? R - Hmmmm!! yeah, I think I scared too but if you have slightly motivation and a little bit of technic you can overcome this fear. Everything going on the head, the rest… Personally, the pressure rises when my friends tell me: “I’ll give you one beer if your tricks is done..” and other guys said “and me, I’ll give you three more....” it is at this time that I took the decision launch myself! haha! It’s the solution for me!

SOFB - You inspire a lot of new riders what you will say to them? R - Ahahah, if it’s true… Maybe I can said that they must keep the fun spirit of the fgfs sport! But mostly roll, roll, roll and drink lots of beers because it’s this that makes a good rider!! Ahah!!

SOFB - How important is your crew? R - The importance of the crew is to stay connection with other European riders. I usually ride with 2-3 riders in my area but I most often ride with Bat Howell. Being so few in the north of France, forcing us to travel on contest or even just for fun and see friends in paris or in brussels. I think this is the most important in the fgfs, travel and see all the other riders. You can see more info at NUCULT crew section!

SOFB - What is the next of your projects? R - My next project is probably to travel until Geneva for road trip with our friends Shred and maybe to go in California with my friend Bat Howell in the next holidays but nothing is sure… I don’t know if BFF is organized this year but probably I’ll go in Paris for this event!

SOFB - Last question; any shout outs? R - Big thanks to Fixie Factory bike shop and SOFB for his support and Jupiler beer for crash my brain last night!! See you at the next road trip!!

Photo: Bat Howell

RT : Mostly roll, roll, roll and drink lots of beers because it’s this that makes a good rider!! SOFB ONLINE MAG


Restrap Launch Pa 26 August 2012

Photos: Szymon Nieborak Text: Owen

Do not underestimate the element of surprise. A crafty twist can turn the expected into the unexpected, and alter the course of everything. This was the case at the Restrap alley cat in Leeds this summer: teams of three riders had to reach three separate checkpoints across the city to pick up three different questions.





The answer to these questions was a seemingly random number, whose purpose only became apparent when all riders had returned to the finish. Here was the catch: each number provided the code to a combination lock which, when opened, revealed a BMX inner tube and a track pump. The winning team were those that inflated the tube to bursting point and claimed the prize. Teamwork, not speed was the key to clinching the deal and congratulations go to Jon Laurencic, TJ Holt and Ned Daniels for coming in first. A great event, and a great surprise.

This was the Restrap launch party. It celebrated the launch of the new range of products, and, just like their alley cat, surprise is everything. Restrap have always produced top-quality, innovative cycling wares. The new range pushes things up to the next level. As well as pedal straps, lock holsters and hip pouches, their products now include a range of caps, bottle holster and a fantastic team kit. Seriously quality gear. Check out the online store ( HYPERLINK “ shop� to get yours while you can and watch that space for the Restrap bag which is coming shortly.




In the big world of bicycl like Restrap should be ce These are the companies change the course of th and promising products up. An inner tube makes when it explodes. Don’t u


le business, small brands elebrated and supported. s to watch, the ones that hings, make unexpected that shake the market s a surprisingly loud bang underestimate it.



I was dreaming of California since a long time. So when we came up with a plan to make a road trip through California with Simon Gomok and Jason Sellers I to go. After a long, long flight we arrived in San Francisco. Our stay was just about long enough to see some hi were we heading for San José. Northern California is THE place to be for FGFS .There are spots all over the plac many riders living there. During our visit The Grime team recommended a place to crash: the Traphouse. Best At Traphouse we bumped into Oscar Khan who was also staying there. 4 Euro’s in town !During the sessions I h tricks: the cleanest barspins in the world by Devon Lawson, some nice lines by Matt Montoya and a ton of othe Blanco and Anthony Combs... After some days we rented a car to go to Long Beach and meet up with the guys a unique cycle Cali is very different but it’s really cool to see the city that inhabits some ofRollapaluza the craziestisriders in the world. Rig sport. Two participants battle from Antonyo, Congo and Santos. But also chilled with all the guys. Hanging out at night and riding skateparks outvisited on a pair custom- Went to Dinh and Chris! That was so cool! The second week was more of a chill week.itWe San of Francisco. built rollers connected to a with all the homies from SJ and rode the hills!!! huge dial, with split-seconddigital timing a simulatCalifornia I love you. Big up to everybody who helped us during this trip! Traphouse and over Fixiefactory are the be ed 500m distance at speeds in excess of 50mph! AccomRider: Matt Montoya panied by music, MC and Photo: Thomas cheering crowds STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

ROLLER Photos: Greg Falski Text: Greg Falski

UNDERGROUND On Sunday night Rollapaluza took part in a special event, collaborating with Adidas to bring an excellent night of racing and entertainment. The #adidasunderground racing was hard and fast. Prizes included two signed Team Sky jersey’s, and cold hard cash.

was so excited ills, because we ce and there are so place to stay in SJ! have seen so many crazy er tricks from Gomok, Alex s from Fixiefactory. Southern ght there I saw some nice tricks s in the dark with my homies Mike o a baseball game. Partied in the city

est places in Cali for sure!! I’ll be back soon!



PedrojosĂŠ Oliveira (El Muchacho Mascarado) Team Sky jersey wallride 2 gose to WESTFIXED Lola


Rob Reed with 89.2km/h won qulifications and then in 1000m final sprint with Lloyd Gale-Ward In Women final Lola Welch dominate over Emily Chong Congratulations!!



Fixed Alpcross 2012 Photos: Joni Zaza ( Text: Stefan Shot


The idea came up in spring 2012. We did already some long distance trips last year and needed a new challenge. When I told the members of the 8bar team about the idea, they were all really enthusiastic about it and we just had to find the right date. The research started... Which route? How many kilometers and height meters are doable in a day? What gearing should we use? What clothes do we need?!? We were four bike riders (Bjorn, Max, Jens and Stefan), a filmmaker and photographer at the same time (Jonas Zaza) and a camera assistant / driver / motivator (Christoph alias Jogi). We wanted to change as little as possible on our bikes... Keep it real! A second set wheels? Different bikes for uphill, downhill? There would be no challenge any more... We agreed that we use one wheel set with different sprockets for up- and downhill. Our uphill gearing was 48/19 and 48/17 our downhill gearing. Since we had all flip flop hubs, it was no problem to turn the wheel in no time. As our escort and movie vehicle we had the 8bar transporter. As the van was closed to the rear, we just fixed an old car seat facing backwards and went with an open tank... I’m still wondering how Jonas filmed at 70km/h and still stayed calm?!? Thanks to our sponsors Oakley, Schwalbe, Cat Eye, komoot, Elite, Sport Beans and MuleBar we were perfectly equipped and prepared for the tour. As mentioned earlier, we had hired Jonas Zaza as a filmmaker. He just started looking through the material and the teaser will be online soon. The complete movie will be ready by the end of 2012.



Day 1 (from the perspective of Stefan): We arrived on a Sunday noon at our starting point Mittenwald, a town at the southern end of Germany. Just at the beginning of the Alps. The weather was cloudy and it was slightly above20 ° C. A perfect start... On the way we were all in a good mood, but when we first saw the Alps after we left the city of Munich the car was completely quiet… Questions upon questions: Is this possible with a fixed gear bike? Will my knees survive this? Now it was too late… There was no way back. After the first kilometers the climb started. It quickly became clear that 48/19 was not a proper “uphill gearing”... But we made it somehow. After the first climb, we realized that the week-long preparation had paid off. Our route took us through a plateau and we just waited a bit anxious for the first downhill, which was 5km long and had numerous switchbacks. It took us all a few corners until we got used to the high speed and cadence… But then it started to be fun and we were getting faster and faster. Max and I tried some long skids at the switchbacks and had a blast. As we arrived in the valley we waited for the others and had all a big smile on our face… I still remember Max words. "This is so ridiculous that it is fun again…" We rolled the last 30 Kilometer towards our first stopover at a town called Imst and looked forward to the local Austrian cuisine and a cold beer... The second stage could come!


Day 2 (from the perspective of Jens): The breakfast in the morning was delicious and as usual in Austria accompanied by Tyrolean folk music. Unfortunately I was not in good mood because my knees hurt like shit… After the usual preparations, we started towards the lake of Reschen, our second goal. As a highlight of this second stage, one may mention the so-called “Nobertshöhe” that awaited us at km 68. I knew the climb already, because I did it just a few weeks earlier with my road bike. It is a really steep and rough climb with 11 switchbacks up to 1.405m above sea level. Now, however, was the goal to do it with our 48-19 “uphill gearing”. We did the first turns really fast with proper pressure, but after the fourth turn my legs started to burn like hell and my heart rate monitor showed very alarming values. Neither of us thought about stopping or pushing the bike... no fucking way! We motivated each other and went all to our limits. In the last bend I nearly blacked out and went into robot mode. I cursed the “Norbert”, the mountains, the road, the trip, my knees, the gearing… Everything I called into question. But then however, we finally made it. As we reached the top, it was all sheer luck distribution, happiness and satisfaction at the same time. We downed “Norbert”! After a short break, we went down a moderate downhill towards Nauders and then on to the lake of Reschen. In the evening we ate some more delicious Austrian food and drank our “after-work beer” in common round overlooking the lake…



Day 3 (from the perspective of Max): The third day of our tour had a distance of 150 kilometers. It was mostly downhill and straight ahead through the valley of Vinschgau. After a hard day of climbing yesterday, I was really happy about the route profile‌ But I was still aware that 150k is a 150k no matter what profile. These initial concerns were quickly forgotten after the first few Kilometers along the lake of Reschen. We had perfect weather and drove down a beautiful curvy cycle way to Vinschgau. I will never forget the downhill with up to 20% descent and the pure emotions ... I was very surprised how fast you can move legs. This day we set the speed record up STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

to 68,3km/h. After this awesome downhill we went along the valley of Vinschgau along the so-called "bicycle highway". A cycle way that leads almost entirely through Vinschgau along apple orchards and vineyards. After the first 100k we took a short break with some iced coffee, which at 30 °C was also urgently needed. The last 30 kilometers were really windy and of course the wind came straight from the front… We reached our daily destination with tired legs and used the village fountain to cool down. The third day was done and right now we didn’t bother about the last and probably hardest stage with 1.500hm... SOFB ONLINE MAG


Day 4 (from the perspective of Björn): When I woke up with heavy legs, I had only one thought in mind... We are going to be at the Lake Garda tonight! I remembered Stefan's words when he said that the “Norbertshöhe” will be our hardest climb. A fallacy?? A look at today's route including elevation profile makes me doubt... After the first 10 kilometers along the valley the climb started. A climb that never seemed to end... Today it was hot… really hot. The tar was glowing and we were sweating faster as we could drink the water out of our cycling bottles. It showed once again that 48/19 is not the right gearing for a Transalp... After a 15 kilometer climb, we finally reached the highest level of today’s profile. From now on, it was mostly downhill. After 10km I heard a loud “bang”… Stefans tube exploded because of a complete skidded through tire. Luckily we just reached the turquoise lake at Molveno… which was a perfect spot to have a short break and a little snack. We continued riding and waited at every turn to see the lake of Garda... but the only things that we saw were dark clouds in the sky. Five minutes later the rain was pouring down. But then it was suddenly in front of us, the Lake Garda. We made it... FIXED TRANSALP check!!! The last 400km were exhausting, but this view was definitely worth it. It was an amazing view and an unbelievable feeling to finish this ride. The Lake Garda is surrounded by huge mountains and the view is very impressive. We were all happy and it was silence for a few minutes… It is just not possible to take these feelings into words. Secretly I wondered how we were supposed to spend the day tomorrow without biking?!?





Shorts on! Photos: Greg Falski Text: Greg Falski

Christopher Delia is well known in the Fixiefamous world, for his unique style and love of wearing shorts all year round. Chris is originally from Australia and lives in London, he is one of the long lasting members of Fixed Gear London.

Chris: I used to commute 8 miles to work on my trials bike, it was ridiculous, so I started riding fixed.!! SOFB ONLINE MAG


Chris: I suppose my style of riding is definitely influenced by my trials and mtb background. I first got in to fixed when I moved to London from Australia in 2007. I used to commute 8 miles to work on my trials bike, it was ridiculous, so I started riding fixed. I couldn’t help but do tricks like I would on my trials bike and then it just progressed from there. I rode my fixed bike more because it was more practical and I could still have fun. Then I started riding for Fixed Gear London and from there a whole world of opportunities opened up. I was lucky enough to get Vans and Dickies through FGL but then I was contacted by Ison Distribution and they offered me a place on their teams with Identiti, Halo, Gusset, Odi, TSG and now All City. My current set up is an All City def wish, Halo aerowarrior rims with Halo 29r Twin rails, Gusset bars and Gusset Woodstock cranks. I like the way it rides with the 29rs, so smooth! I think I’ll always stick with 700c/29rs because for me its what makes fixed freestyle different. I like the challenge of the bigger bike and bigger wheels, its why I ride. Plus I’ve still got my trials bike, my jump bike and my fast bike so having the bigger wheels keeps it fun.




Vicious Cycles Athens 8 Melanthiou Street Athens Greece 105 54



Photos: Angelos Giotopoulos Text: Greg Falski and Gareth Williams Jones


VCA, which stands for ‘Vicious Cycles Athens’. It’s situated on a quiet street called Melanthiou right in the centre of Athens, just a couple of minutes from the famous Monastiraki Square. We like to call it ‘a sunny street for shady people’ because a lot of weirdos, druggies and drunkards hang out around there. It’s great fun – and never a dull moment. SOFB ONLINE MAG


Tel 0030 2117109378 Email


Tell me how was VCA was born & how did you and crew meet, tell us about the store and few brands you like etc. I’ve always been mad keen on bikes and when I moved from the UK to Athens about 7 years ago, it really shocked me that you never saw anyone – ever – on a bike in the centre of Athens. I thought that was insane! But over the years, bikes have become increasingly popular and a small but dedicated fixed-gear scene began to develop. I thought it was crazy that there wasn’t a single bike shop in Athens focused on fixed gear and single speed bikes – so I decided to open one! We’re in our third year of trading now. The main members of Team VCA include my business partner Malc, who’s a lazy fair-weather cyclist but looks after all the boring business side of things so I don’t have to think about them; Dimitri, also known as Peio, who when he’s not off on tour in his punk band Despite Everything is our ace bike mechanic and teaboy, and Geo, one of the first FGFS riders in Greece replaces him when Peio is away. And Zoe generally looks after us and the VCA online shop. There are two things that are central to the store: firstly, that we provide really great service. Just basic things like being polite, friendly and welcoming to customers are – unfortunately – lacking in a number of other bike shops in Greece. At VCA, everyone’s made to feel welcome – and, thank god, it’s not cliquey at all. Secondly, it’s important to us for it to be a community bike shop. We’re a workshop as much as – if not more than – we’re a salesroom, and we encourage customers to do their own servicing or repairs using our tools if they can. And we’re there to give assistance if they need it. We don’t charge for any of that, so it creates a great atmosphere where people can just come in, change an inner tube, pump up their tyres etc

and have a chat at the same time. It’s very social and sociable. And if they buy us a beer so much the better! In terms of brands, we are into: 14 Bike Co / Bombtrack / Leader Bike / Breakbrake17 / Charge Bikes / BLB / Fuji / H+Son / Velocity / Nitto / Kryptonite /Victoire Cycles / Gotham Cargo / Velo Orange / Spike / W-Base / Phil / blah blah blah... Could You told me please about competitions and events around shop you organise, help to make it happend. We hold an annual event either at the start or end of the summer to celebrate our birthday. In fact, we had the most recent one about ten days ago. We closed the street, had live bands and a DJ set, people could get cheap booze and food from the café next door, and we all had a blast! As you can see from the photos, hundreds and hundreds of people came, like at least 500. We also sponsor and support alley cat races and things like that. We’ve also brought trick riders like Ruud Busschers and Gomok over to Athens to get people pumped on what can be done on fixed. Earlier this summer we hosted an exhibition in the shop of some really great bike-related paintings by Stupid Greg, from Graffiti crew GPO, and we’re really pleased for him cos he’s sold all of them!

Where do you think fixed gear bike will in a year from now? Meaning classic/modern fix & trick fix freestyle. The rise of fix was so quick and I guess in some ways it peaked a couple of years back. If you look at Eurobike this year compared to last there was almost no fix, and the good thing about that is that a lot of the ‘tat’ has gone, so the people making fix are producing really good quality stuff...which is better for the customer. Fix is definitely here to stay. I think FGFS is a bit more of a challenge cos you’ve gotta really put the time in to be good - but like we’ve got a 13-year-old riding here, so the future looks bright! Any shout outs Greecies: Fast Friday Athens crew / Bondex / Trikala, Larrisa and Thess guys and everyone who has made know who you are! Industry: Bro hugs to Manuel at Traffic / Feya and the boys at BLB / John at 14 / Ju at Victoire / Brothers Gotham /Andy at FGL. Crew: Tommy ‘straight edge’ Punk / FXD Nostra (no you’re not having Jakob back) / Saskia / Ruben Superbeau / Westfix / Despite Everything / Acid BJ / Bangies / GPO / Gomok (whisky coke).

Future projects. Despite – or maybe because of – the really terrible economic situation here in Greece right now, there are some really interesting manufacturing opportunities opening up here, so we’re planning to move more fully into manufacturing. Soundtrack also really wanna do an island event next year - so that could be awesome. We should also have another really exciting announcement to make very soon – but I can’t talk about that right now! Get back to us in a month or so… SOFB ONLINE MAG




Photo: Szymon Nieborak Text :Greg Falsk, Oweni

25 bikes, 16 tents, 1 field and a lot of beer. This was the set up for the North Race weekend back in June, when an assorted crew of cyclists headed to the Yorkshire hills to shoot the promotional video. Amongst the riders - the Tokyo Fixed Team, the Brother Cycles brethren, Super Ted of Ted James Designs, the Cantgoslo team from Manchester, the Restrap riders, and the girls and boys from Leeds Fixed Gear. This was a lean, mean fighting force of elite riders (kind of), who successfully shattered the peace of the Yorkshire Dales and showed it what they’re made of. The word “summer” can be something of a misnomer in these here parts. Sunshine is a bit of a tease; appearing from behind a cloud before disappearing off and leaving in its wake large swathes of cold rain. These were not ideal conditions for steep descents on a brakeless bike, nor for the zany zigzagging needed to reach the top. And these hills were steep. The road wound crazily out of the village of Keld, up the brutal Buttertubs Pass to Hawes. Starting at a gentle 10%, before rising steeply to 15, then 20 and finally a leg-screaming 25% at the top, the road was relentless but the views at the top were fantastic: panoramic shots of the glorious Yorkshire Dales in all its rain continuation page 44.


I spoke with Szymon Nieborak about whole trip and photoshoot experience thats what he told me about North Race: When Nathan first told of the North Race, I was totally hooked on. The idea for this trip was absolutely new for me, as my previous experiences with Fixed Gear was only about freestyle fixed action in ‘concrete jungles’. I was even more eager to finally come to the country side and photograph the riders in such unique surroundings. I am really grateful to the whole crew that they took me onboard! The trip, which we later called The Wet Shoes trip, was very special to me, not just because of the landscape, but because I finally had that pleasure to get to know TJ aka Super Ted. I heard much about him and know a few people riding his hand-built frames. after our first meeting I was convinced that he wears his nickname right. He has got that special charisma and incredible skills on the bike, even though his little beer belly. despite his passion for a good beer, he was one of the few who managed to complete the 25 percent slope uphill and downhill without batting an eyelid! Another personal highlight for me was photographing from the open back of the van. This experience I will definitely not forget fast, since 99% of the images are created in this kind way!



Its 14 to 25 increased hight between Keld and Hawes! Usually riders there wear Lycra and are less chaotic with their rigid styles. Probably also because the common reasons to why derailleurs were ever invented. According to riders painful it was, with a fixed gear and 25 % uphill.. the only chance to attack on the dehumanizing increases, making it more or less zigzag the rough arc to pass targeted until they were eventually arrived exhausted at the top. How hard it really was, was the fact that even the fittest of the group have had problems and we also heard the occasional swear word! Those who reached the summit first snorted, such as locomotives and had thereby the grace of gorillas, roughly respect to Tim, Jon and Ted J, and had the bone, during the ordeal because she did not even have the FBK and soil and the thickest Burger of the evening! If the initially mentioned apocalypse should really come, then Ted is definitely the man with whom you should do it. It dates back to the time before thin tube jeans than men were men. while the other driver to breakfast unmanly-bacon sandwiches rods, Ted has scratched dead rabbit from the road and they hid in the bushes, in order to grill later .. The man is simply a power plant consisting of whiskers and courage and Yorkshire should adopt him. At the end of the tour everyone was proud to have been there, and Jader felt victorious. To capture the whole thing for posterity, we have besides still produces a small film in which a lot sweat, tears and blood, food poisoning and three falls can be seen, so everything needed for a successful North race, We can wait to get underway again - assuming they still let Apocalypse waiting for them ..



TJ aka Super Ted : It was a nightmare, and though I felt with pretty bad, I made the wall!

Getting to the top of t reaches the point where rected to turning the cr the mind is not willing gle rider that they gave ing into the sky is enoug the mental force to sim the greatest challenge.

It was, however, a great lowed by that great Brit and two or ten cans of the day – the rain-sodd bon roads of the Yorksh production team Crowns end, a great team of rid

If you haven’t yet come a since the summer its popu coming year. The blog cov writers and is unique in th its revenue is put back int the world - refreshing in a

Go to HYPERLINK “http: read the blog and check


these hills is at least 50% mental. Of course, there e cadence just disappears. Every ounce of muscle is diranks just one more revolution, one more push, but if neither are the legs. It is to the credit of every sine it a good old go. The sight of a wall of road reachgh to strike fear into the most experienced cyclist, and mply press on, keep fighting and to seek the summit is Not to mention doing it all again on the other side.

t success. Angry ascents and daring downhills were foltish culinary masterpiece – the undercooked barbeque, f Carling. The final footage shows just a snapshot of den campsite, the big open skies and the winding ribhire Dales. The film, expertly shot by the Leeds-based s and Owls, is a wonderful testament to a great weekders and to the great initiative that is the North Race.

across the North Race – you will. Only on the cycling scene ularity is soaring and it’s set to become a leading force in the vers a range of widespread material, thanks to its range of hat it does not draw a single penny from its advertising. All to cycling, organising events and supporting riders across a scene which is fast becoming increasingly money-driven.

://” to k out a well-crafted, high-paced riding video. Stunning. SOFB ONLINE MAG



Beasts of Burden (Prototype) For this Issue we have another special bike.. we team up wit Jamie Kirkham Thats what he told us about it: Working at Tokyo Fixed fortunately gave me the opportunity to design my ultimate trick frame that would fit me perfectly... This was the result. Im stoked with it and I wouldn’t change a thing. I feel like the geometry is dialled and the bike handles great. Super nibbly with great pop. I would like to get a production run made but I don’t have the funds at the moment. I have also designed a 700c version which i hope to get made soon to test... watch this space... If you want to help him with production or order one of those please hit him at

Frame Spec: 4130 Double Butted Cro-Mo (Built around a 420 A-C Fork) No Toe Over Lap! Seat Tube (C-C): 380mm Mid BB (Negative) Tight Rear Triangle Low Stand Over Head Tube Angle: 75deg Seat Tube Angle: 74deg Integrated Headset: 45x45 Fits: 26x2.2 Dropouts: 14mm STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

Fork: NS RNS2 Stem: Odyssey Elementary V3 Bars: SKY LMT Grips: Animal Bikes Edwin DeLarosa Cranks: Eighth Inch 165mm Sprocket: Profile 28T Chain: KMC710 Pedals: Eastern Straps: Hold Fast Front Hub: Primo N4 Rear Hub: Prototype Radio Bikes 10T Micro Drive Rims: Atomlab General Issue Seatpost: Alienation Pivotal Seat: Season Leaf Pivotal Tyres: Tioga Factory FS 26x2.1/KHE SOFB ONLINE MAG



Kennington Tuck no hand Bowl London Rider: Anthony Seitaro Iki Combs Photo: Thomas STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

Hackney London Dylan Fishy SOFB ONLINE MAG



LONDON OPEN August 25th - 26th Bethnal Green Gardens

Photos: Greg Falski Text: Greg Falski

Now in it’s third year, this year’s London Open tournament hosted amazing 82 teams from 15 different countries. SOFB ONLINE MAG


Big thanks to Le Coq Sportif and Urban Outfitters for the great event ! In the end there could be only one winning team and they were Yank Your Wank (Joey, Kouyo and Nick from North America), they played consistently awesome polo all weekend and were a joy to watch, nice one guys and girls!


Updates on comps, jams, race venues and all crazy fixed bikes events happening near you. If you are running these kind of events then let SOFB know as soon as possible and we will put it here.


27-30.09.2012 BFF Moscow 04.10.2012 The London Tweed Run 2 04.10.2012 BFF London 27-28.10.2012 Philadelphia Bike Expo 27.05.2013 Northern vintage ride SOFB ONLINE MAG



The UK’s first Keirin Festival Photos: Greg Falski Text: Greg Falski


eirn Festival 2012 was the first bike race meeting in the UK devoted to the fast, exciting discipline of Keirin racing. Keirin originates in Japan where it is the largest gambling sport, we won’t be having a full trackside betting this year, but we will have a chance based lottery with a big jackpot, so you’ll feel more involved with the racing, knowing that you can win cash! Keirin is a mass-start Sprint Discipline, where for the first few laps the 6-8 competitors are paced up to speed by a small motorbike (derny) before unleashing their final sprints to the line, it is fast, tactical and can get quite rough! For this event, we will neither follow the exact Japanese format nor the slightly different UCI format. Total laps will be four with the derny pulling away with around 550m metres remaining.


Jimbo aka Hill Billy He can push his bike to great speed! He knows how to skid too, as he is London’s Nocturne Record holder, but that’s another story.


Jacob shows really good form

The number of riders in London is constantly growing, and Herne Hill is taking big responsibility for that!


Race after race on the way to the semi finals! STOKED ON FIXED BIKES



That was an amazing day of racing and there were a lot of spectators because of the great weather! SOFB ONLINE MAG


Rachel won the women’s final


Women’s final and Hector men’s semirock finals tyre grab 180


Jacob lucky number 7

Mark 1st and Jacob 3rd good times for Tokyo Fixed STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

Jacob Start of the mens final

Keirin 2012! It was a huge success, blessed with sunny skies and over 600 spectators. Keirin will return in 2013 to Herne Hill Velodrome.

Jacob Start of novice category final

Men Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kian Emadi Lewis Oliva BCDS Peter Mitchell Team V-Sprint Miles Joule Stovold Swinnerton Michael Veen Netherlands Symon Lewis Prestige Velo Club Richard St Pierre Brixton Callum Skinner

Rudy and The Fifth Floor start hard James and Mark at the moment in the back ..

Novice Category 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mark Bradbury Tokyo Fixed James Walsby Jacob Dean Tokyo Fixed Erik Jonsson Ho Ke Rudy MeloThe 5th Floor

Women Category 1 2 3 4 5 6

Rachel James Abergaveny Sarah Connell Brixton CC Sarah Brook Mulebar Girl Wiesia Kuczaj Clare Gillot Claire Beaumont ViCiOUS VELO



FIXED DAYS One of the most important events in this year’s calendar! Like always during Eurobike, there is plenty of time to joke around and party with friends. This year’s bad weather hit Friedrichshafen and completely messed around with all the planned competitions and events. Some of them where cancelled and some of them completely changed there actual form … After 3 days of non stop rain, morale was broken… for those who stayed, Sunday was a true reward- Great Eurobike party and afterparty in Metropolis Club- The day of riding and fooling around In the sun!


FIXED DAYS Photos: Greg Falski Text: Greg Falski


We started with sessioning, well known from last year competition skatepark.. I really like this park and the amount of different lines this park can offer, is just incredible. Just fun! Everyone started to fool around and the time for track stand came.. Stefano from Paris showed off some skils!




Ghetto drome.. especially when traffic was part of it! There was a pretty fair group of us and some good racing to go. Last years sprint winner Dennis, finished 3rd, Fish 2nd.. second time and Winner Stefan from 8Bar!



Ines Brunn gave us some extreme fixed gear show.. Amazing how much power is in that sport! Follow the Green Banana Looking forward to next year! Peace! STOKED ON FIXED BIKES





Cloud 9 Cycles in London will be the place of the next strike! Saki will bring one of her “Bitches” on the shop’s front window Stay tuned!

SAKI&Bitches SAKI has a background in the fashion industry, having worked as a makeup artist for seven years in Tokyo, New York and London before switching from faces to canvas. “I wasn’t satisfied with my career and tired about all the skinny models in fashion world. So I started paint, paint voluptuous 'Bitches'!!! ” SAKI's work/style grow from doodles on the back of scrap pieces of paper to full scale portraits. And same time she started paste her work on the st reet. Her glamourous Bitches keep flirting around London! SAKI, who is also a fixture on the London cycling scene, has participated in group art shows including JOYRIDE for the Bicycle Film Festival London 2010 (with fashion designer Sewwat). And collaborated with designer Benedict Radcliffe for the Paloma Faith bicycle; created for W Hotel London’s WOW BIKES, in partnership with Elton John AIDS Foundation. She was recently featured in the Webby Honouree video series Freewheelers about satorialist cyclists in London. SAKI’s portfolio can be seen on her website SOFB ONLINE MAG 77

One of the best installations at Oreba stand..



EUROBIKE SHOW Photos: Greg Falski Text Greg Falski

The Eurobike is the most important bike show in the world. During the show, SOFB had an extremely high number of contacts and basically we partied hard to.. We have many projects coming- you will have the chance to hear about them really soon!! At the moment enjoy our photo reportages, exclusive SOFB video coverage soon at our webpage !

1955 Wilier Triestina, It’s original colour is just great - fully chromed but then semi- clear coated in copper colour paint.. SOFB ONLINE MAG



Looks like fixed gear maket gets a stable position.. Its not that every brand has it.. Those who have it, make sure it is on the top level.. Bears Bike presented really nice build and a set of new hubs De Roasa and Checker from Bangkok cycles as a nice option. Some sick bike components from Victoria, Spike and BB17



Really nice presented range of bmx and fixed gear products and brands from Traffic Distributions .. definitely the place to be! The Charmer from BB17 and new pursuit frame set is sick. Designed by the guys over at BB17 with Dustin Klein splashing on the graphics. The main thing about this frame is, that it’s steel, it has aluminium style aero tubing but it’s TIG welded in Columbus Cromor. So the overall effect will be a great ride.. steel aero tubing, it’s gonna be next years big thing!


Bombtrack are coming out with a few new series.. finally we are getting Small size.. good news for small riders and girls.. fgfs! The new track frame looks amazing!


Fes from Germany is one of the leaders, which brings the technology into modern track bikes. POC thats the one with protection! NS Bikes, apart of there amazing enduro bikes, present lots of new components and and interesting colors for they new lines.. Ison Distribution has something to say too with some new products from Gusset and Halo. STOKED ON FIXED BIKES




Cinelli is one of the brands that are picking up interesting projects with interesting people. Now you can read all about it in there new BOOK!! We browsed through it and it looks amazing .. just like there new bikes, especially the new cyclo-cross model designed in collaboration with Mash New things coming out from Columbus too .. they presented 280 grams fork! Try to beat that. Mission Workshop teamed up with DZR shoes.. new straps DZR x Cinelli nice!



Next stop Viva and Peugeot Bikes.. We like it a lot.. pay attention to details. Looks like Peugeot want to get back their position. Five Ten after being taken by Adidas are showing an amazing range of products .. definitely we want to try some of their new rubber! STOKED ON FIXED BIKES






Shimano with PRO


Stunning new range of tyres from leading brands,a wild selection of rims and wheelsets. More about it in the Test section of our next Issue! SOFB ONLINE MAG

95 91

More nice products from SDG and YU HUB

Knog unveiled its latest range of lights and locks at their 2013 Product Launch Party, co-hosted with German distributor, Cosmic Sports. Among the lights, glowing in the dark, the latest additions to their tough lock range were showcased: The new Knog Milkman, Strongman and Bouncer u-locks, and the Knog Sausage locks and Straight Jackets Thats all from EUROBIKE 2012 looking forward to next year - stay tuned for the SOFB Video Production from the show..coming really soon! STOKED ON FIXED BIKES


TJD 29 Gnar During our last ride to Epping Forest we had the chance to put our hands on the production model of Ted James Design 29 Gnar. The setup we tried was not fixed, still Ted gives you an option... its like 2 in 1. The Gnar Bike is built up around a fixed frame, which Ted built for two 14 Bike CO riders, Oscar Khan and Sol Smith, and some of you have probably seen them shredding the frames, before they moved to BB17 Super Ted just took this project a step higher. Especially if you think about using your fixed bike in some gnarly offroad terrain there are some limitations for fixed.. roots, mud, steep downhill sections. One of the features of the frame that I really like is 1.5’’ stearing tube hand machined by Ted. In the centre point of the frame, we have the Shimano Alfain hub which is mud and bomb proof and can be really easily dismounted. This hub in the central weight point makes this bike super stable in the air. The whole system running on single speed chain, makes this tough. Super short rear end makes this bike perfect to run in tight corners.. Ted runs this baby with some highend parts Avid brakes, Rock Shox seatpost and Fox fork. If you want to have a perfect fixed and mountain bike in one this is the right choice for You! You can start just with the frame and slowly build it up! This bike is just pure fun!



TJD 29 GNAR + Levis Comuter

Photos and Text: Greg Falski and Anto But



Custom made hub by TJD

Reynolds tubing Light and strong STOKED ON FIXED BIKES


Levis Commuter Pants First day of the heavy Rain here in London, As promised from the Issue SOFB 8 product test with my 45 mins ride to work these Levis Commuter pants held up to the rain, they are not totally water proof but do the job for getting into work and back without looking like a fisherman in full water proof. Hit up SOFB ONLINE MAG


Next Issue 11

Nucult Crew, Other side of lens with Jonathan Winstone, and many more.. STOKED ON FIXED BIKES

Jonathan on the other side, bar The 5th floor, London photo: Greg Falski

Check web page!



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