National Projects Completed by Stonhard and Marco Services Ltd. GB Cross Memorial Hospital - Clarenville, NL Stonclad UT, Stonkote GS4 Long Term Care Facility - St. John’s, NL Stonglaze VSC, Stonglaze VSM, Stonglaze VSR, Stonshield HRI Marco Services - St. John’s, NL Stonkote GS4 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John’s, NL Stonchem 602, Stonchem 802, Stonclad GS, Stonclad UR, Stonclad UT, Stonglaze VSD, Stonglaze VSR, Stonkote GS4, Stonkote ESD, Stonkote HT4, Stonkote CE4
Merchant Tavern - St. John’s, NL Stonclad GS, Stonclad UT, Stonkote GS4, Stonkote HT4 Quinlan Brothers Ltd. - Bay de Verde, NL Stonclad GS, Stonclad UT, Stonkote GS4, Stonkote CE4 St. John’s International Airport St. John’s, NL Stonshield SLT, Stonkote GS4, Stonkote HT4 Walmart Gander - Gander, NL Stonkote GS4
STONHARD.C A | 800.263.3112 @ 2020 STONHARD