Shadow of a Devil

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악마의 그림자 Shadow of a Devil

악마의 그림자

Shadow of a Devil

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)


From War and Peace (in year 4500) | 7

About the Authors

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

이예인 (Lee, Yae-in)

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 9 About the Authors | 9

이성희 (Lee, Sunghee) 저는 자는 것을 좋아합니다. 책은 조금 지루해서 싫어합니다. 커서 작곡가나 제 빵사가 되고 싶습니다. 미술, 수학, 체육, 음악, 중국어 수업이 재미있습니다. 저 의 성격은 착하지만 가끔 냉정하기도 합니다. I love sleeping. I find books a little boring. I want to be a music composer or a baker. I find art, math, physical education, music and chinese language classes fun. I am usually kind, but sometimes I can be a cold person.

10 | 전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일) 10 | 작가소개

이서윤 (Lee, Seoyoon) 저는 패션디자이너와 메이컵 아티스트가 되고 싶습니다. 그래서 쇼핑과 영화를 좋아합니다. 역사와 수학 공부는 싫지만 체육, 미술, 음악은 좋아합니다. 제가 좋 아하는 가수는 EXO, 샤이니, 인피니트, 소녀시대 입니다. 저는 착하고 쉽게 상처 를 받습니다. 스트레스를 받으면 성격이 나빠집니다. 비 오는 날 보다 눈 오는 날 이 더 좋습니다. 친구를 한번 사귀면 오랫동안 친구로 남습니다. 저는 무엇보다 가족을 사랑합니다. 저에게는 친구들도 소중합니다. I like shopping and watching movies because I want to be a fashion designer or a make-up artist. I don't really like studying history and math but I like physical education, art and music classes. My favorite music artists are EXO, Shinny, Infinite and Girl's Day. I am kind and get hurt easily. Under stressful situations I can be mean. I prefer snowy days over rainy days. When I make a friend, I keep friendship for a long time. I love my family more than anything, and friends are important to me too. War and Peace (in year 4500) | 11 About the Authors | 11

김소희 (Kim, Sohee) 미술, 만화, 매운 음식을 좋아합니다. 공부, 학교, 숙제, 비오는 날을 싫어합니다. EXO의 노래를 좋아하고, 미술 과목을 가장 좋아합니다. 저의 장래희망은 미술선 생님 입니다. 저는 그림을 잘 그립니다. I love art, comicbooks and spicy food. I hate studying, school, homework and rainny days. I like EXO's music and my favorite subject is art. I want to become an art teacher.

12 | 전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일) 12 | 작가소개

송은영 (Song, Eunyoung) 저는 서울개운초등학교 6학년입니다. 저는 햄버거를 좋아합니다. 요리하는 것을 좋아합니다. 신나거나 감성적인 노래를 좋아하고 특히 EXO의 노래를 좋아합니 다. 취미는 노래감상, 카카오톡, 친구들과 노는것 입니다. 수학 공부, 콩, 시비거 는 사람을 싫어합니다. 저의 장래 희망은 요리사와 가수입니다. 더 예뻐지고 싶 고, 남자친구가 생겼으면 좋겠습니다. 우리 가족이 건강하고 행복하게 오래오래 살았으면 좋겠습니다 (애완 동물 포함). 꿈을 이루고 싶고 북한과 남한이 통일 되길 바랍니다. I am 6th grade student at Seoul Gaewoon Elementary School. I like cooking. I like up-beat or sentimental songs. I like EXO's music. My hobbies are listening to music, sending kakaotalk messages, and playing with my friends. I don't like studying math, eating beans, and people who bully other people. I want to be a cook and a singer. I hope my family live healthy and happy for a long time (including our pet). I want to make my dream come true and I wish for the unification of Norrth and South Korea. War and Peace (in year 4500) | 13 About the Authors | 13

이야기는 한성 고등학교에서 시작되었다. 그 고등학교에는 한 여학생과 한 남학생이 있었다. The story began in Hansung High School. There were one boy and one girl.

Shadow of a Devil | 15

여학생 이름은 성지윤, 남학생 이름은 한재민 이 다. 같은 고등학교를 다녔지만, 두 사람은 다른 반이여서 전혀 모르는 사이였다. 우연히 같은 동 아리에 가게 된 둘은 남는 자리가 없어 같은 자 리에 앉게 되었다.

The girl’s name was Jiyoon Sung and the boy’s name was Jaemin Han. They went to the same school but they were always put into different classes. So they didn’t know about each other. But by coincequence, they joined the same student club where they had to sit next to each other because there were no other seats left.

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 17 | 17 Shadow of a Devil | 17

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

둘은 많이 어색해 하였지만 짝과 함께하는 활동 이 많다는 이유로 어색함이 그나마 조금 사라졌 다. 계속 같은 동아리를 다니면서 서로 좋은 감 정을 가지게 되었다. They felt a little awkward. However, as there were many activities where they had to work together as partners, things became less awkward. Attending the same club, they started to like each other.

Kimchi Fairy and War Drum’s and Peace Day in (in the Shadow year Kimchi 4500) ofMuseum a Devil|| 19 19 | 19

‘보고싶다…’ 지윤이는 문자를 보내지 못 하고 핸드폰만 물끄러미 보았다. ‘왜 답이 않오지?’ 재민이도 지윤이가 보고싶었다. “누가 보고 싶은데?" 지윤이의 동생 성준이가 물어보며 놀리는 듯 했다. 하지만 지윤이는 답을 하지 않았다.

‘I miss him...’ Jiyoon looked at her message boxes without texting a message to Jaemin. ‘Why is she not replying?’ Jaemin missed Jiyoon too. “Who do you miss? hahaha!” Jiyoon’s little brother Sungjoon asked as if he was making fun of her. She did not answer.

그리고 다음 날... And the next day...

Kimchi Fairy and Drum’s Day in the Kimchi Museum | 21 Shadow of a Devil | 21

“뭐 하냐 둘이서? 한재민 예쁜 내 친구랑 사귀 냐?” 지윤이의 소꿉 친구인 민지가 다가오며 말하였다. “성지윤 제법인데, 저런 훈남이랑! 하하하. ”민지가 놀리는 듯이 말하였다. “민지? 안녕? 자 이거 먹을래?” 재민이가 민지 를 보며 말했다. “뭘 봐? 내가 그렇게 에뻐?” 재민이는 그냥 무시하고 걸어갔다. “야!”

“What’s up with you too? Jaemin, are you going out with my pretty friend?" Jiyoon’s old friend Minji came over. “Hey, not bad Jiyoon. He is pretty cute.” Minji made fun of Jiyoon. “Minji? Do you want to have some of this?" Jaemin said. “What are you looking at? Am I that pretty?” Jaemin ignored her and walked away. “Hey!”

22 22| | 전쟁과 김치 요정 평화 (4500년에 있는 일) 22 | 악마의 그림자

"어우, 짜증나!" "He is so annoying!" 지윤이 학교를 마치고 집으로 가려고 하자 비가 내리기 시작했다. ‘오후에 비 오니 우산 가져가라 안 가져가면 나도 몰라! 엄마 보고 우산 가져오라고 하지마!’ 아침에 엄마가 했던 말이 생각났다. ‘그냥 엄마 말 들었어야 하는데... 전화도 못하고 어쩌나…. '

When the school ended, it started to rain. ‘Take your umbrella because it is going to rain this afternoon. If you don’t take it, don’t expect me to bring it for you!’ Jiyoon remembered what her mother told her this morning. ‘I should have just listened to my mom. I can’t even call her now.’

24 24| | 전쟁과 김치 요정 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

'어떡하지...어, 재민이다! 우산이 있네? 같이 쓰자고 할까?' ‘What should I do..., oh, there’s Jaemin! And he’s got an umbrella! Should I ask him if he could share the umbrella with me?’

‘아, 아니야 내가 도대체 무슨 생각을 한거지? 그냥 뛰어야지!' am I thinking? I'll just run!' 'No... What'No, am what I thinking? I'll just run!"

"저...저기! 지윤아! 야! 기다려!" "He...hey! Jiyoon! Hey! Wait!"

"왜?" "What is it?"

“야 ! 너때문에 다 젖었잖아 넌 내가 우산 있는거 못 봤어? 왜 같이 쓰자고 않해?”

"아... 나는..." "Well, I..."

“Hey, you got me wet. You saw me with the umbrella. Why didn’t you ask me to share it with you?”

“여기 김치들의 종류가 궁금하니?" “네!" “괜찮아. 가자." “It's okay. Let's go."

"그럼 김치 박사님께 가보렴" The Kimchi master asked,”Do you want to know about these Kimchi types? And the master of kimchi said, “Do you want to know about kimchi?” “Yes.” "Then, try finding a Kimchi master."

10 minutes later...

Kimchi Fairy and War Drum’s and Peace Day in (in the year Kimchi 4500) Museum | 27 | 27

"여기가 우리 집이야." "I live here."

"I live here."

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"Hey, sister!"

"You scared me."

"Sister, I'm so embarrased for you."

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 29

샤워를 하고 머리 를 말리던 지윤은 갑자기 등 뒤에서 오 싹한 기운을 느꼈다. Jiyoon was drying her hair after shower when she felt a sudden chill on her back.

"Hey! How did it go with Jaemin? Anyways, do you want to change your hair? My aunt runs a hair salon and she invited us!" 30 |

김치 요정

"Yeah! Let's go after school tomorrow!"

"Why did you come so late?"


"Ok, hurry!"

"Your hair is so soft."

"Thank you."

"You look better with long hair. Let's just straighten and color your hair."

"Jiyoon, you do it first. I need to run to use restroom first."

"Oh my God!"

"What was that?"

"I must be so tired to see such a thing." 5 hours later

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 33

"By the way, you look so tired. Are you alright?"

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"Hey, are you done now? I fell asleep waiting for you. It took like 5 hours or what?"


"What the... you are so weird."

'Yikes!' 'Huh, how come Sungjoon doesn't come out to say hi this time?'

'Why do I get that same chill coming from Sungjoon's room?' War and Peace (in year 4500) | 35

"Jaemin... Can I tell you something..."


"I see..."

"You can come over and stay with me. My parents will be out of town. See you tomorrow." "Sungjoon.. you...!" "What?"

"Just give me some money."

"Your hand..!"

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

'There must be something wrong with Sungjoon.'

"You changed your hair."

"Yeah." War and Peace (in year 4500) | 37

"So, you are saying that you saw a devil at the hair salon."

"Then...your brother must be being controled by the devil."

"What? No way!"

"Calm down. I might be wrong. How about we take your brother to go see a sunrise the day after tomorrow? You know...people say that ghosts are scared of the sun." 38 |

"And my brother's hand got bigger. He became weird since yesterday!"

전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)


"You are right. He is acting really weird."

1 hour later

"It's so cold. When is the sun rising?"

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 39

"Oh, no! What should we do, 40 | Jaemin?" 전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"Oh, no! We are being sucked in!"

'How did he know..."

"Ouch, my head... Where am I?"

"Welcome to the castle of the shadow of a devil."

"I am a cute devil. The War and Peaceguy (in year you 4500) | 41 are looking for went this way."

"Hundreds of years ago, this castle was built. However, it was taken over by the Greate Devil. The Greate Devil was looking for his host. Then an angel came and he sealed the Greate Devil. For some reason the seal was broken and the Devil continued to look for his host... I guess the host must be your brother."

"There he is!"

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"Can't we seal him back again?"

"It's not going to work. You better just let me go!"

"How could I let you go, when I like you so much!" War and Peace (in year 4500) | 43

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"Well, I almost lost them."

"Shall I bring them to the Greate Devil?" "The Greate Devil, I am here."

"Well done."

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 45


"Do I still look like your brother?"

"That's right."

"What do you mean?"

"Then you are...!"

"I was born in the Land of Devil and went into your mother's body. My goal was to bring you 46 |it fun?" 전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일) here. Isn't

"Yes, exactly."

"Then all these time..."

Some time ago...

"I had become to familiar with the humans and almost forgot about my mission. Thankfully, the Greate Devil came to rescue me."

Hello, my Greate Devil... "That is not a rescue!"

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 47

"Be quiet! I am a devil!"

"Is there any way to seal him?"


"You can seal him by saying 'The Greate Devil, fall into an eternal sleep' and then shouting 'Seal!'." "But we need a greate legendary power."

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

"That's what the Cute Devil told me."

"Oh, no! Jaemin!"

"Hey! Let him go free!"

"This must be the legendary power!"

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 49


"The Greate Devil, fall into an eternal sleep!"


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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

그렇게 사건은 해결되었 고, 알고보니 그 전설의 힘은 돌아가신 지윤의 할머니의 힘이였다. Jiyoon and Jaemin won the battle with t h e G re a t e D e v i l . The legendary p o w e r c a m e f ro m the spirit of Jiyoon's grandmother.

'Jiyoon, will you marry me?"

War and Peace (in year 4500) | 51

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

The End

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War and Peace (in year 4500) | 53 Shadow of a Devil | 53


54 | 전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일) 54 | Epilogue

Epiloguel Epilogue | 55 | 55

Special Thanks to our Story Editor Thank you, Chansup! "Hi, my name is Chansup Kim. I like playing computer games. I hate to be bothered when I play game. I am good at running and sports in general. I learn how game works very fast, so I am good at it. I want to be a professional gamer."

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전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

Shadow of a Devil [STORY KITCHEN SERIES] ----------------------------------------지

이 ㅣ김소희, 이예인, 이서은, 송은영, 이성희


처 ㅣDongdaemun-gu, Heogiro 85 KAIST SK SE Center #7415 Seoul, South Korea

일 ㅣ2014년 8월 20일

트 번




호 ㅣ978-89-98944-24-7 75800 N ㅣ978-89-98944-25-4 75800

[비매품] ----------------------------------------For more children's stories, or to create your own story, visit

2014년 8월 20일 발행발행처 스토리쿠커스 / 070-7594-3019 /

전쟁과 평화 (4500년에 있는 일)

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