Halloween Monsterbook (Since 2013)

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Story Kitchen Book Series Halloween Monsterbook Since 2013

Halloween Monsterbook Featuring Creative Works of Young Authors

Children’s Story -1- Channel

Story Kitchen Book Series Halloween Monsterbook Since 2013

Halloween Monsterbook Featuring Creative Works of Young Authors

Children’s Story Channel

Ghost Bat Created by Hyunchang (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Ghost Bat! My monster’s name is Ghost Bat. He can scare away things by rolling backwards. Ghosts scare me the most. I am scared of ghosts because their faces look scary. This year, my Ghost Bat will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Night Pumpkin Created by Ian (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Night Pumpkin! My monster’s name is night pumpkin. He can scare away bad things by shooting fire at night. Night scares me the most because it is too dark. This year, my Night Pumpkin will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Jack Fire Pumpkin Created by Kristina (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Jack Fire Pumpkin! My monster’s name is Jack Fire Pumpkin. He can scare away bad things by blowing fire. Jack-o’lanterns scare me the most because they have yellow eyes and are only seen in the night. This year, my Jack Fire Pumpkin will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Nightmare Candy Created by Luis (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Nightmare Candy! My monster’s name is Night Candy. He can scare away bad things by shooting out nightmares. Nightmares scare me the most because it feels like they are going to really happen. This is how my Nightmare Candy will help me. This year, my Nightmare Candy will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Vampire Eagle Created by Ethan (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Vampire Eagle! My monster’s name is Vampire Eagle. He can scare away bad things by making scary sounds. Eagles scare me the most because they have sharp claws. This year my Vampire Eagle will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Ghost Vampire Created by Polina (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Ghost Vampire! My monster’s name is Ghost Vampire. He can scare away bad things by hiding in trees and jumping out to scare them. Ghosts scare me the most because they come out in the late night. This year, my Ghost Vampire will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Alien Skeleton Created by Adam (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Alien Skeleton! My monster’s name is Alien Skeleton. He can scare away bad things by shooting lights. I am scared of alien because they might put laser beams on us. This year, my Alien Skeleton will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Fire Zombie Created by Young-Jun (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Fire Zombie! My monster’s name is Fire Zombie. He can scare away bad things by making fire. Fire scares me the most. I am scared of it because it is dangerous. This year, my Fire Zombie will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Moving Haunted House Spider Created by Cheng-Jun (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Moving Haunted House Spider!! My monster’s name is Moving Haunted House Spider. He can scare away the ghosts by letting the spider climb in the chimney. Spiders scare me the most. I am scared of spiders because they have eight legs. This year, my Moving Haunted House Spider will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Ghost Vampire Created by Woojin (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Ghost Vampire! My monster’s name is Ghost Vampire. He can scare away bad things by hiding in trees and jumping out to scare them. Ghosts scare me the most because they come out in the late night. This year, my Ghost Vampire will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Night Bat Created by Sunny (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Night Bat! My monster’s name is Night Bat. He is kind and loves to scare ghosts. When a ghost comes, he pops in front of him. The ghost runs away because my monster has red eyes! It scares away bad monsters too. This year, my Night Bat will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Scream Ghost Created by Joon (8, Dalton International School, Incheon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Scream Ghost! He can scare away ghosts by screaming. Night wolves scare me the most. I am also scared of night wolves because they will turn me into a horse. My monster will save good people and turn me back to normal! This year, my Scream Ghost will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Chalkang-Chalkang Created by Park, Soojung (11, Bukgajwa Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Chalkang-Chalkang! I am scared of mosquitos, ghosts and darkness. And a cellphone reminds me of Halloween because so many friends of mine call me asking for Halloween candies. So I created a Halloween monster, called Chalkang-Chalkang, mixing a mosquito and a cellphone. Chalkang-Chalkang has the ability to take automatic photo when a ghost comes nearby. The light from the camera scares away the ghost. Chalkang-Chalkang also has special wings that send out electronic waves that weaken ghosts. This year, my Chalkang-Chalkang will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Halloween Dragon Created by Park, Yongwoon (9, Bukgajwa Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Halloween Dragon! I created this monster because I like dragons so much and I believe that a dragon can fight with any ghost. He likes the taste of ghosts. Since he eats any ghost that he can catch, all the ghosts run away. This year, my Halloween Dragon will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Ginoroose Created by Lee, Seungchan (6, Deoksoo Kindergarten, Seoul South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Ginoroose! Earthworms are disgusting and wolfs are scary because they howl in the night. And dinosaurs are strong. So I put these three togther to create a Halloween monster that scares away ghosts. When a ghost approaches him, first the earthworm hiding in his tail makes a scary face, then the wolf bites him and finally the dinosaur steps on the ghost. This year, my Ginoroose will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Centibat Created by Lee, Seunghwa (9, Deoksoo Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Centibat! I think centipedes are the most disgusting and scariest creature on Earth. I find bats very cute. So I mixed the two to create a Halloween monster. I named my monster that has many wings, “Centibat” taking “centi” from centipedes that have many legs. Centibat hits ghosts with his wings and pinches them with his little legs. This year, my Centibat will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


W.S. Created by Gloria (Lee, Hayoon) (7, Nokbun Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, W.S.! W.S. has a golden horn and teeth that shine brightly. It is so bright that ghosts get scared. He also has poisonous snakes. They can scare away Halloween ghosts and sometimes bite them as well. I chose “Werewolf” and “Snake” because together they will be stronger. Wherewolf is scary and snake is poisonous. This year, my W.S. will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Dark. W. Created by David (Lee, Hyeonwoo) (10, Nokbun Elementary School, Seoul, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Dark.W! Dark.W has magic power of making everything dark. So when a ghost breaks into his zone, he can turn the area all very dark and bite the ghost with his golden teeth. He also has golden ears. If the ghost touches these ears, the ghost will faint. I chose “Darkness” and “Werewolf” to make my monster because I like werewolfs and I am scared of darkness. This year, my Dark.W will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Roshinda Created by Created by Kang, Song-e (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Roshinda! Roshinda is a little witch, a girl who gets scared easily. Yet, when a ghost appears, she scares it away by quickly putting on her scary face! I chose to create Roshinda with two faces because I thought it would be fun if I do so. This year, my Roshinda will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Deadly Nail Spider Created by Kang, Jisung (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Deadly Nail Spider! I chose a spider and nails to create my monster because spider can easily hide in the dark and nails are pointy. When it is dark, ghosts can only see orange colors of my spider and think that is is a pumpkin. When the ghosts approach my monster, he stabs them with his pointy poisonous nails. On the next day, when these ghosts see anything in orange color, they immediately get scared and are busy running away. This year, my Deadly Nail Spider will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Rion Created by Kang, Hansol (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Rion! My monster will swing his ax to scare away any Halloween ghost. This year, my Rion will project you from Halloween ghosts!


Weird Octopus Created by Kim, Mijoo (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Weird Octopus! I created an octopus monster because I am sure that Halloween ghosts will be scared of its black ink. When the ghosts come nearby, my monster prepares a bag of ink and shoot it out at their faces. This year, my Weird Octopus will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Scary Dad Created by Kim, Mijin (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Scary Dad! I am scared of my dad because he always scolds me. And Halloween reminds me of a witch. So, I created a Scary Dad monster with a witch’s broom. All the ghosts run away when my monster tries to poke them with horns and the broom. This year, my Scary Dad will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Iron Mace Dragon Zombie Created by Baek, Yoobin (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Iron Mace Dragon Zombie! I made my monster with an iron mace because I like it and am scared of it at the same time. I gave an iron mace to a dragon shaped zombie because that will scare away any ghost. My monster has 10 special ways of scaring away Halloween ghosts for you. 1. He can swing its iron mace. 2. He can stab with its iron mace. 3. He can roar. 4. He can bite. 5. He can swing and attack with its tail like a mace. 6. He can wrestle the ghost and crush it down with his spiky back. 7. He can kick with his legs. 8. He can scratch with fingernails. 9. He can scratch with toenails. 10. He can punch with its head. This year, my Iron Mace Dragon Zombie will protect you from Halloween ghosts! -51-

Scurly Created by Yum, Joonhyuk (9, Changwon, South Korea) Let me introduce my monster, Scurly! I imagined myself becoming the scariest ghost, and that is how I created Scurly. It has power to become invisible and that is how it beats up Halloween ghosts. This year, my Scurly will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Pumpkin Girl Created by Cho, Youngjin (13, Weebong Elementary School, Busan, South Korea)) Let me introduce my monster, Pumpkin Girl! I created my monster bacause, on one hand the first thing that came to my mind when I thought of Halloween was a pumpkin, and on the other hand I often get scared of my younger sister in my daily life. Pumpkin Girl has 5 special abilities for scaring away Halloween ghosts. 1. She can poke the eyes of a ghost with her longue tongue. 2. She can punch the head of a ghost with her head that is hard like a rock. 3. She can beat up ghosts with her huge hand. 4. She can threaten any ghost by making a scary face. 5. She can make ghosts lose their eyesight by flashing her blindingly bright clothes.


Nagging Devil Created by Cho, Soobin (11, Weebong Elementary School, Busan, South Korea)) Let me introduce my monster, Nagging Devil! I created my monster because I hate it when my mom nags me. My devil can confuse ghosts by nagging. When the ghosts do not now what to do, my devil beats them away with its weapon. This year, my Nagging Devil will protect you from Halloween ghosts!


Halloween Monsterbook 지

| 다수의 어린이 작가들


| 스토리쿠커스 편집부

| 스토리쿠커스

| 서울특별시 마포구 275-3, 1관 1201 스토리쿠커스

| 2013년 12월 1일


| 978-89-98944-05-6 75800


| 978-89-98944-21-6 75800

이 책에 실린 내용은 원공동저작자의 동의하에 스토리쿠커스에서 제작한 2차저작물이며 이에 대한 저작권은 스토리쿠커스에 있습니다. 원공동저작물 사용 문의 및 종이책 소량 제작 신청 : www.storycookers.com For more children’s stories, or to create your own story, visit www.storycookers.com

2013년 12월 1일 발행 / 발행처 스토리쿠커스 / 02-953-2012 / http://www.storycookers.com

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