Stotfold News Magazine - April 2019

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s month: vent, inside thi the MIll e r o f s n o i parat cements, guide - Pre ly announ i what’s on m a F , s w e ol n .. local scho ERs & more YOUR LETT


udor Oaks has reopened its doors after a renovation which has taken three years to complete. With the emphasis on quality food and great ambience the new owners have succeeded in creating exactly that. The large menu boasts a wide variety of meals, all sensibly priced and organically sourced, with their resident chef extremely keen to offer something for everyone. Alongside the pub and restaurant, new owner Romal Zane has spent many months renovating the accommodation, with each room individually designed to include a sumptuous deluxe king room complete with free standing jacuzzi bath. The gardens and terrace have been beautifully restored, providing an almost mediterranean feel and a great place to relax and unwind.

With plans in place to expand and develop the hotel and restaurant even further, owner Romal has many ideas to help rejuvenate the once extremely popular venue. ‘We are very excited to finally be able to open our doors after what has been a fairly challenging few years. We have been extremely conscious that we need to do things right and so are taking our time in perfecting each individual aspect of Tudor Oaks Lodge as we go along. We hope the local community of Stotfold will visit us and enjoy the changes we have made. We would really like people to think of us as a place to enjoy superbly cooked food without having to travel far to find it’.

The venue has already enjoyed the success of the extremely popular ‘Reunion Night’ back in February and look forward to welcoming this event back once again on Friday 3rd May. Tickets are available from If you like to party, Tudor Oaks will also be hosting the ‘Brilliant Re-launch event’ including several well-known DJ’s. Tickets for this event can be found

Have you heard......

Why not pop along to the Open Day event on Saturday 30th March to see for yourself the transformation in progress. Romal and his team assure you of a very warm welcome as well as providing you with the opportunity to see for yourself why they are confident that Tudor Oaks Lodge will soon become the place that everyone is talking about.


We look forward to seeing you!

SATURDAY 30th MARCH 11am- 4pm

If you are planning a wedding, have a forthcoming function or just want to see the changes we have made, then pop along and meet our team.



RESTAURANT * COFFEE * ACCOMODATION * FUNCTION SUITE HIRE * WEDDINGS Open 7 Days a Week. Mon - Thurs 7am -11pm then 1pm -11pm Sat 7am-11am then 1pm to 1am Sun 1pm- 6pm Tudor Oaks Lodge, Taylors Road, Astwick, Herts, SG5 4AZ T: 01462 834133

From the Editor

Welcome to April!

We’ve had such a busy month out and about in Stotfold listening to stories of days gone by with local residents. We hope you enjoy the plethora of letters we have received this month with regards to the shops that used to exist in Stotfold. We have found them fascinating to read and still have some to print - these will follow in our May issue. Thank you to Edward Hyde for sharing so many of his stories with us, we look forward to bringing you some more of these in the months to follow. Local history is fascinating, even more so when you hear it being told by somebody that actually lived in Stotfold during these times.. Talking of changing times, we have enjoyed chatting to the new owners of Tudor Oaks this month as they re-open the once derelict hotel and pub. You will see from the advertisement opposite that despite many setbacks including travellers on their land they have managed to open and have done a wonderful job of renovating this business. We hope the people of Stotfold will help support them with their ideas and take a trip along Taylors Road to visit them.

We welcome one new delivery lady this month to help us cover Marschefield, thank you Jane for your kind offer of help with these homes.

We were extremely saddened this month to learn about the death of long term Stotfold resident Doug Charles. If you did not know Doug, you may recognise his name as he kindly supplied the Stotfold News Magazine with so many old photographs belonging to him and to his brother Cyril over the years. We pass our sincere condolences on to Doug’s family. We will be preparing ourselves during the next few weeks for the forthcoming Mill Event in May. It is unbelievable that this event is almost upon us once again. Please visit the Mill website for details on how you can purchase your discounted advance tickets we will bring you more details on the event in our next edition.


Please email your letters or articles to or write to us at: Stotfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hertfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9.30am to 5pm)


It’s easy to advertise in the Stotfold News You’ll find all you need to know at: Our deadline is always 6th of every month preceeding publication.


We have over 95 volunteers that deliver the Stotfold News Magazine. If for any reason you do not recieve your copy of the magazine please contact us to let us know. Contact us for details of our subscription service.


We are happy to accept birthday announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page. If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement or please visit: or send a cheque made payable to Garden House Hospice to: Garden House Hospice, Gillison Close, Letchworth Garden City, Herts SG6 1QU

Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold News Magazine. Published by Stotfold News Ltd in association with Woodbury Printing Services

Talking of community events, we are thrilled once again to be supporting St Mary’s Academy for Festival Week in June. We look forward to bringing you the programme of events inside our June issue (out at the end of May). It is always a pleasure to support this week as there are so many wonderful things to enjoy and discover about Stotfold during this time. To take part, please see the St Mary’s School article inside this month’s issue.

Lastly, on the subject of support, can we say a huge thank you to everyone that has shown their support to us following our recent bereavement. The cards, notes and emails we have received have been so very welcome, once again proving to us how wonderful the community of Stotfold truly is.

This month’s cover photograph features one of the new lambs born at Lower Wilbury Farm. Thank you to Kate for allowing us to show you all how handsome he is! To have your photograph featured as a future front cover of the Stotfold News Magazine please send it to us at: This magazine is dedicated to the memory of Roy West.

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986



Stotfold News Magazine, PO Box 311, Stotfold, Herts SG5 4WF

Stotfold Good Citizen Award Winners Each year Stotfold Town Council ask for nominations for Citizens Awards, these are presented to individuals who have been put forward by others for their valuable contributions to the community of Stotfold. These awards were first presented in 2011 and are a great way of recognising good work carried out by individuals in Stotfold- all giving a great contribution to the community. This year’s awards were presented at the Annual Town Meeting earlier in March.

Clare Kilby with Mayor Alan Cooper

The first award was presented to Clare Kilby. Clare, during her fifty years in the town has an impressive portfolio of volunteering history, including the Stotfold Playgroup held in the Memorial Hall, Stotfold Holiday Club, Roecroft Lower School PTA, Beaver leader and a member of the Scout Executive. Clare was an active member of the original Stotfold Theatre Group and, is also Secretary and member of the Stotfold Christian Choir. To add to her already busy life, Clare also manages Randall’s Tea Rooms at the Mill where she works tirelessly to ensure the tea room runs smoothly on the Sundays it is open as well as all major event weekends. The second Citizens Award was presented to somebody that has dedicated thousands of hours of his own free time to providing our younger people in Stotfold with a sense of team spirit and responsibility through the game of football. Chris Murray has been both Vice Chairman and Chairman of Stotfold Junior Football Club, with his passion, commitment and team building skills helping to double the number of teams to around 45 and players to over 650. Chris has also joined others in coaching for the Stotfold Juniors back in 2006 and with ever growing success started a girls’ team for under 6’s and is still coaching them now as under 11’s.

Chris Murray with Mayor Alan Cooper

Both extremely worthy winners of this year’s Citizens Awards, we join everyone in congratulating them both!


Stotfold Library Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP Tel. 0300 300 8068 Opening times: MondayCLOSED Tuesday 9am to 1pm Wednesday 2pm to 6pm Thursday 9am to 1pm Friday 9am to 1pm 2pm to 6pm Saturday 9am to 4pm Sunday CLOSED

*DATES FOR YOUR DIARY* APRIL BANK HOLIDAY OPENING HOURS Friday 19th April – CLOSED Saturday 20th April – OPEN 9am-4pm Sunday 21st April – CLOSED Monday 22nd April – CLOSED Tuesday 23rd April – OPEN 9am-1pm Normal opening hours resume. ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN Every Tuesday (Term-time only) Storytime 10.30-11am (pre-school children) Rhymetime 11:15-11.45am (babies and toddlers)

School Holidays Tuesday 9th April till Saturday 20th April – Library Easter Egg Hunt. Find the Easter Egg’s and their secret code hidden around Stotfold Library. Come in to collect your entry form for your chance to win a prize! (One entry per child, winners will be announced week commencing 22nd April) Tuesday 9th April – National Unicorn Day Storytime and Craft. Unicorn stories and a craft 10am, 11am or 12noon. Wednesday 10th April – Lego/Duplo Club. 4pm-5.30pm. Thursday 11th April – Lion Craft. Between 9am-12noon. Friday 12th April – Terrific Tree Craft. Between 2pm-5pm. Saturday 13th April – Coffee and Lego. 9am-3pm. Tuesday 16th April – “Every Bunny Dance” Storytime and Craft. Bunny stories and a craft at 10am, 11am or 12noon. Wednesday 17th April – Lego and Duplo Club. 4pm-5.30pm Thursday 18th April – Easter Egg Craft. 9am-12noon. Saturday 20th April – Coffee and Lego. 9am-3pm All events are free and under 8s must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. EVENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY Every Wednesday Lego and Duplo Club 4pm-5.30pm (for ages 0-99) Every Saturday Coffee and Lego 9am-3pm (for ages 0-99) EVENTS FOR ADULTS Every Friday Knit and Knatter 10.30-12noon Wednesday 3rd April Good Afternoon Club 2.30pm. “The Woman Who Walked Through Fear” Author Jackie McAll will be here to talk about her journey through alcoholism and into recovery as she travelled along the Old Road of the Pilgrim’s Way from Winchester to Canterbury. £1 entry fee. Transport can be arranged by contacting the library on 0300 300 8068 Thursday 4th April Adult Craft Classes 10-12noon. Hosted by Donna Pearson, professional Card Maker. £4 each and all materials provided. Wednesday 10th & 24th April Roecrafters 2pm-4pm. Whatever your craft bring it with you to do whilst you socialise with other likeminded people. Come along and have fun! Wednesday 17th April Stotfold Reading Group 2.15pm-3.15pm


FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY CHURCH We meet each Sunday at 10.30am Fairfield Community Hall Come and join us! All welcome.

Easter Service

Sunday 21st April 10.30am

Come and share Easter morning with us as we celebrate the wonderful news of the Resurrection! Jesus is ALIVE! Adults & Children welcome.

More information from Pauline 07946067434/ 01462 735704

Stotfold Garden Club

Meetings & Trips Meetings are held in the Methodist Church Hall,Hitchin Road Meetings held on the second Wednesday of the month Wednesday 10th April Geoff Hodge Happy Healthy Roses Tea & Coffee 10.15am- Raffle, please bring plants for sale. Wednesday 8th May Geoff Hales Gardener’s Joy Wednesday 15th May Coach Trip to Marks Hall RHS Coggeshall £20 For more information contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News from

Stotfold Watermill

Welcome back ….

April approaches. Spring has sprung and once again the mill is open for visitors. Our first Sunday open afternoon is 31st March, when you can come along to view all the changes and additions to the mill, purchase your stoneground flour and porridge oats, as well as enjoying a delicious cream tea. If you are late reading your Stotfold News, we will be open again on Sundays 14th and 28th April. Many residents have already visited the nature reserve to see the early spring flowers coming in to bloom and seen wild life stirring. Did you all spot the snakeshead fritillaries and the frogs spawning in the ponds, or even the reported Siberian chiffchaff? A recent survey was carried out to detect the presence of water shrews in the reserve. Please let us know if you have seen any. For children, it is now time to book in for our first nature reserve activity of the year – Nature Detectives during the summer half term on 29th May Details and booking forms can be found on our website, Recently the Mill Trustees have been investigating new ways of opening the mill to wider use by the community. It is very much Stotfold community’s asset and it is hoped that many more events and activities can be planned. Forthcoming events organised by the mill volunteer, Sally Creveul, include a silver jewellery workshop with Kathy Taylor on 18th May as well as further Art and Craft workshops later in the summer. In late June we hold our Summer Art Exhibition and the Craft weekend in September. In July we are very pleased to welcome Stotfold Art Club, who will be holding their annual exhibition in the mill for the first time. Details of all these attractions can be found on our website, with booking forms for the workshops. Earlier in March we were pleased to make the Ivel Room available to Debbie Gribben of Your Iner Peace for a Sound Bath Healing evening. Profits from the event were generously donated to fund treatment for a local cancer sufferer. We hope Debbie will be booking further events at the mill. You will find details of these on her website We are also discussing the possibility of holding Group Fitness Classes to be run by personal trainer Joe Carter of Carter Fitness & Therapy. If these take place you will find details at If you have other ideas or proposals for use of the mill please contact us at

Foremost in our forthcoming mill events is this year’s this year’s Steam Fair and Country Show on 11th & 12th May. Last month we gave details of the fantastic list of events at the show – Vikings Battle Re-enactment, Displays from Rockets Motorcycle Team, Essex Dog Team, David Seamarks Sheepdogs, the Stannage Stunt Team and the Gifford Dance Academy as well as local schools – along with trade and craft stalls, music groups in the beer marquee and much more to make for a great day out. Sadly, we must announce that Captain Neville’s Flying Display will not appear this year as, following the Shoreham air disaster, insurance costs for such events have become prohibitive.

Advance tickets for the show at 20% discount are currently available on our website, as are tickets for Live at the Mill, featuring rock groups Allergy and ChromeS in the beer marquee on Friday evening 10th May.

If you think that Stotfold Mill sounds to be an active and exciting asset to the town, remember that it is run entirely by volunteers and its future depends on our being able to recruit enough people to help us manage all these events. It is run by the local community for the local community – so why not come and join us –

D K Home Improvements

Plumber / Tiler Complete Bathroom Installer with over 25 years experience Also general property maintenance For a free quotation contact David on: Tel: 01462 701214 Mob: 07973 912131 e-mail: or visit our web-site

Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts


Stotfold Christian Choir We are looking for new members for all voice parts. Ability to read music is desirable but not essential. Enthusiasm for singing Christian songs is the main requirement.

We rehearse on Monday evenings at King’s Baptist Church from 7.30 to 9.00 pm and have engagements throughout the year raising money for charity. We are also looking for a pianist. If you can help we would be most grateful. For further information, please contact Clare Kilby on 01462 731142 or Hazel Thompson 01462 735580 E-mail:



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Letters to the Editor Dear Joanne,

Following on from my letter in the February issue and all the feedback I have received, it has got me thinking about Fairfield Hospital, formally The Three Counties Hospital and the large amount of people employed there.

It was originally just called The Arlesey Asylum and like many Stotfold people my husbands grandparents worked there. His Grandfather being one of the first fully trained male psychiatric nurses, whilst his Grandmother was employed in the laundry. They met working in the establishment. They moved into the house in which we now live in 1913 when it was first built, and according to the deeds to the house, the address was Asylum Road not Hitchin Road. I wonder as what stage the name was changed? Does anyone know?

It’s so goof to get people thinking back and reminiscing about times past

Margaret Moore.

01462 732632

C AR P E T AND UP HO LS T E RY C L E A N I N G Drying time kept to a minimum Flea & Dustmite control available 30 Years’ Experience Fully Insured 8

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Visit ite ebs n our w formatio in e r o -date o m t r p o f ull u and f price list

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,

A short time ago, we needed our garden to be cleared of ivy, weeds and general overgrowth . I contacted Dennisons House and Garden Clearance having found their details advertised in the Stotfold News Magazine.Paul Dennison and his colleague gave an excellent service and did exactly what we wanted for a fair price . They were efficient, hardworking, cheerful and tidy . We would not hesitate to use their services again . Yours sincerely, Sue Worthington. Dear Editor,

Further to the letters regarding shops and businesses from days gone by, I recall the following trades in Brook Street alone..Mr Keeper the Baker, Mr Brown, the Greengrocer, Mr Stern the Chemist, Mr Smith was Leather repairs, Mr Trussel was a Decorator and there was also Nottages Bakers.

Mr W Larkins & Mr Mays had a large Sawmill at the top of the street and a haulage company was here also. In Pix Brook you could find a steel factory. In Coppice Mead I recall Mr Gentle who was a Builder and Mr Ted Dear, he was the Coal Merchant. Thank you for printing the letters they have brought back so many memories. Mr D Larkins.

Dear Editor,

Many thanks to everybody who supported our recent Jigsaw Festival, which was extremely successful. We are hoping to hold another one this autumn and still have lots of lovely jigsaws to be made up. If you could offer to help us with this contact Maureen Winters 01462 730264) . Lyn Hayes

St. Mary’s Church Social & Fundraising Committee)


Window Cleaning

20 years experience - Reliable and efficient Fully insured & Uniformed staff

01462 629302 / 07970 406926 152 Hitchin Road, Stotfold

Hi Joanne,

I’ve just had another plastering job carried out by Mark Bullivant – Stotfold Plastering after initially finding his number in the Stotfold News Magazine. Mark has undertaken a few plastering jobs for me before my husband begins the arduous task of decorating. I just wanted to write to highly recommend Mark to your readers. He is very reliable, friendly and always cleans up after he has finished his work. His plastering is of a very high standard and is a true professional in his skill. Allison Warren

Common Road, Stotfold


Established 1971

Brand New Garden Pizza Oven - Never used £70 ono

4 berth tent (as new) £50

For both items please tel: 01462 732341

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


BUTCHERS BLOG A warm welcome from the Butchers Shop.

How wonderful to be able to enjoy some unseasonably sunny weather in February. It certainly raised everyone’s spirits for a while.

As we approach spring, the sleepless nights and long days spent preparing and fulfilling Christmas orders are long gone, as is Valentine’s day, when we had a special on our Aged Steaks.

As always we continue to consider what is best for the shop and you as a customer. How we can deliver good quality meat to suit your needs. Our six items for £30 is a long standing favourite and can provide enough for your family’s weekly meals. Additionally we have special offers on, which we share on our Facebook Page. In these busy times, It is important to be reminded that your local butcher is there to advise you about the cuts of meat you require. They can provide you with knowledge about meat that you cannot find anywhere else. Good meat is not cheap, but it is better to focus on quality rather that volume.

Mature meat has a darker red appearance and more depth of flavour.We like to age our beef so that it is at its very best when you purchase from us. Spring lamb is beginning to appear and will be a succulent treat for your Easter roast.

Beautiful Beautiful gardens gardens m made ade e easy asy

Look us up on Facebook or drop but the shop, we have lots of recipes to help you turn your meat into something tasty.

Spread the word about the shop if you can, still customers are coming into us saying that they did not know there was a butchers in Stotfold. We really look forward to being able to continue to serve the community in these ever changing times. We do not expect to compete with the supermarkets, but we can provide a product that is of a much better quality. Until next time.

• Friendly, r ie nd l knowledgeable kn ow l e d g e a b e staff s ta f to you to guide guide y ou •T Top quality op q u l i t y plants plan s •L a ge range r a n ge of of sstylish t y l ish ga rde Large garden furniture f ur ni ur •C Contemporary o ntem po r ar y containers c o nt a i ner s o r to n s C a f , with w i h full full w a tress •N Norton’s Café, waitress s e v i c e, for f o r breakfast, b r e a k f s t , lunch lunch service, orr snacks o s ack s


Norton N o r to n Road, Ro a d , Norton, N o r to n , Letchworth, L e t c hwo r t h , S SG6 G 6 1AG 1 AG Tel: 01462 T el: 0 1 62 673 673 333 333 • w w w b i ke rd i e s .co. u k To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,

Further to the letter regarding old shops in Stotfold I recall Porters, a shop in Regents Street rented from W.Smith & Sons (built 1905). Mr Ported lived in Common Road, he would appear very smart, bowler hat, collar and tie. He opened the shop at 8am (dead on time), he had this shop during the 1930’s. I think this shop closed at the end of the war. In this picture you can also spot the old Regent Cinema in the background. This opened in 1929 and served the Stotfold residents until the new one was built in Arlesey Road. Edward Hyde Dear Joanne,

In the February issue of Stotfold News our Dad’s shop was mentioned Frank Cooper Greengrocers in Regent Street. At the time it was a family business and we all helped. Thought you might like to see this photo of Dad outside the shop.This photo was taken around 1970. Sheila Jannels. (nee Cooper)

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, You recently put a notice in your magazine for us to attract more players to our table tennis club.

It was very successful for us, we had 6 responses three have joined us, 1 will join us in the future (when he retires ) and two we have been directed to clubs of a different standard (novice ).

Very successful, THANK YOU.

James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service

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Mr Keith Wilson.

Hi Joanne I would like to thank everyone that came along to the Conservative Club for my retirement party clients, friends and family that made it a very successful night. So many cards, and presents from so many lovely people I have known over the years of working in the salon.

A big thank you also goes to Sarah, Gemma and Justin for putting this together, you all did a brilliant job. Thank you all again Phillip Parkin ( Hair by Phillip )

H B Decorators & Property Maintenance Interior & Exterior Domestic & Commercial

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Call Ken 01462 732960 or 07774 669603 12

Fully insured for all work up to £5 million

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Success For Charity Darts Marathon Records were smashed at the recent Darts Marathon held at the Stag a few weeks back. With all money raised going towards Prostate Cancer UK. Teams worked together to complete as many legs as possible in 12 hours. Huge thanks to everyone that supported the event, especially Alison and Ben - The Bs, Kevin Trussell-Discovery Roadshow, Julie and Michelle for the raffle/auction, Jan and Barbs for the refreshments, Joe/Scott/Carol/Mikey/Steve/Andy for giving us a break from chalking. Thanks also to Hair by Phillip, Charles Fish and Chips, Beale Bros, Ryalls, India lodge, The Five Bells Henlow, AS Pub Sports Shefford, The Co-op and The Stag for donations to the raffle/auction. The Stag darts team not only hit their target, but actually managed to reach an astonishing 195 games in 12 hrs! In total, a staggering £3168.55 for Prostate Cancer UK. Organiser Paul Robinson was thrilled at the result ‘we had a great day, huge thanks to everybody that contributed in any way If we have missed anyone then I apologise. We are so proud to have raised such a great amount of money for this wonderful cause.’

Darts team ready for action!


Right:Darts team pictured together with organiser Paul Robinson.


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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


News from

Etonbury Academy. Over the past month our Year 11 students have been busy preparing for GSCE and BTEC examinations, and Year 6 SATS are also now fast approaching. There is so much for our older students to think about as they consider their next steps and moving on to Sixth Form, colleges or following an apprenticeship scheme. We are very fortunate to have a strong Faculty of Arts (Music, Drama, Art, Design and Media) at Etonbury, and hold the very prestigious Artsmark Gold Award accredited by The Arts Council England. With dedicated staff and Arts students, we are now aiming for the ultimate Platinum Award so watch this space! We are also looking forward to our Cabaret this month showcasing the amazing talent of our students.With the ‘Summer’ weather during February we have been able to open up our field during break and lunchtimes for students, and it has been lovely to see them enjoying the green space we are so lucky to have. Central Bedfordshire have started building the temporary Pix Brook site located next to the 3G pitch, and our visitors can now use our car park located next to the school. Pendleton Centre users can continue to use the car park directly next door to the Centre, as well as use the school car park as an overflow. Co-operation was the value of the month for February, Cooperation, working together to achieve, is so important to ensure we can provide the absolute BEST for our students, your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, friends and those we all care about and as a TEAM, Together Everyone Achieves More. Etonbury win County Dance Competition. On Thursday 6th March, Miss Hilton and Miss Vernon-Hamilton from Etonbury Academy, Arlesey, took 2 teams of talented dancers to the Bedfordshire Schools County Dance Competition at The University of Bedfordshire. The Etonbury Dance Team girls worked very hard during lunchtimes, after school and even before school to practice and perfect their dances and were so ready to compete. The Year 7 dancers were competing first and put their heart and soul into every move they made. This team Left to right, first place winners Grace, Jeyda, included Katie Reeve, Elsie Pollock, Lilly Williams, Libby Bartlett, Eva Tallulah, Keira, Amber & Lucy Drew, Alice Braithwaite, Alice Dashwood, Annabel Jones, Amiee Hankin, Amiee New, Lauren Peters and Iona Atkinson. They put in 723 35,&(6 3$,' 723 35,&(6 3$,' 100% effort and they came a fantastic 4th place. The Year 8 and 9 team competed second, this team was made up of Keira Smith, Jeyda Hamit, Tallulah Turner, Amber King Lucy Mathieson and Grace Kinnar. The girls were amazing, ,167$17 3$<0(17 they showed their incredible talent and got a very well )25 <285 81:$17(' deserved 1st place, so are this years Bedfordshire County *2/' 6,/9(5 Champions! This has resulted in their invite to open the Bedfordshire School Games on stage in Summer 2019. Miss Hilton said ‘’Since starting Etonbury in September, I have had the opportunity to create a dance department. It has 6727)2/' %$/'2&. been amazing to build a department with such dedicated, *UHHQDFUH &RPPXQLW\ enthusiastic and hardworking girls and boys, alongside Miss &HQWUH &HQWUH Vernon-Hamilton. Watching pupils from of a range of age 7+8 WK $35 6$7 WK $35 groups work together as one big Etonbury Dance Team has DP SP DP SP been extraordinary; their work ethic and passion is 9DOHULDQ :D\ 6* +* 6LPSVRQ 'ULYH 6* '+ phenomenal. I cannot wait to see the future of Dance at :H DUH DQ LQGHSHQGHQW IDPLO\ UXQ MHZHOOHUV WKDW VSHFLDOLVH LQ Etonbury. Keep up the hard work everyone!’’

Etonbury dancers together with Miss Vernon-Hamilton and Miss Hilton.

Etonbury’s first ever dance show! So many exciting times ahead.

The pupils and teachers are all very excited for the future of Dance at Etonbury Academy, in June they have



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Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts




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We enjoyed celebrating World Book Day last month, story time consisted of our own rendition of Dear Zoo, lots of fun was had by all! We were delighted with the safe arrival of our ducklings!! They arrived in their incubabtor and hatched during their first 24 hours. This has been a lovely experience for children (and staff) which we hope to do again next year. They have now been rehomed to small holding in Royston. We supported Red Nose Day on 15th March, children came to PreSchool wearing red and we held a successful cake sale too. We wish to thank all our families and staff for supporting this event and helping us raise a fantastic amount for this charity. Our Holiday club will be open once again for the Easter Holidays from Monday 8th to Friday 12th April inclusive, we have a couple of spaces available for booking, please contact the office via email at regardind availability. We return from the Easter break on Tuesday 23rd April. Our Race Night is back by popular demand on 27th April at the Memorial Hall, Hallworth Drive. Doors open at 7pm for 7.15pm start. Tickets are priced at ÂŁ10 each and include a Fish n Chip supper! Tickets are available from the office. We continue to welcome donations of plastic bottle tops, unwanted fabric, small yogurt pots and buttons for our gluing station, please drop off at the office. Thank you for your interest in our Pre-School. We look forward to sharing more of our news with you again next month.

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16 Email

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News from

St Mary’s Academy Firstly, can we mention our Creative Arts week, which was held in February. It went very well and the children really enjoyed a range of activities including arts and crafts, dancing, sporting activities and cooking to name a few! On Friday 8th March we celebrated World Book Day where the children dressed up and enjoyed themed activities. There was also the ever popular annual Sponsored Bounce and our Year 4s thoroughly enjoyed their residential trip to Rock UK where much fun and excitement was experienced by all! On Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd we will be holding our very own rendition of The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling and the team at St Mary’s!

Children enjoying creative arts week!

Due to the Easter break, April is a relatively quiet month for us, our last day of term before the Easter break will be Friday 5th April with all of the children enjoying an Easter Service on Thursday 4th April and an SMSA organised Easter Egg Hunt. Following the Easter Bank Holiday on the 22nd the children will return to school on Tuesday 23rd April. Until our next instalment may we wish you all a very pleasant Easter.

Stotfold Festival Week

Bringing the community together to raise funds for good causes Friday 14th to Sunday 23rd June 2019

Preparations are well underway for Stotfold Festival Week, which culminates in the St Mary’s Festival Fete Saturday 22nd June. If you are interested in booking an event during the week/ stall at the fete please contact the school office 01462 730343.

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


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News from

Pix Brook Academy. Update on the 2019 and 2020 site for Pix Brook

If you have been to the Etonbury school in the last few weeks you will have seen that the temporary site has started. The local authority have contracted Modplan to construct the building and progress is expected to be rapid. This will provide the accommodation for the first year group to join the school and will provide both the classrooms and communal space. Although the site is temporary the building is permanent and will provide a high standard of accommodation that will continue to be used once we have moved to the permanent site. The location of the permanent site is behind the new Stotfold football club (currently being constructed). Having been involved in a number of meetings with contractors and architects I can confidently say that the permanent school will be a fantastic building with all the benefits of modern construction and design. As the new Principal of this school this really is beginning to feel like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I look forward to sharing with you the plans once the local authority have made their decision, however regardless of the choice I believe that this school will provide the most fantastic learning environment for its learners with state of the art facilities and accommodation. Steve Adams Pix Brook Academy Principal Designate Pix Brook Academy Parents Evening

Photo of the 2019 site at Etonbury, taken early March.

We welcome parents who have been offered Pix Brook Academy to join us at our Parents Evening on Wednesday 24th April 16.00-19.00 (venue to be confirmed). This event will provide the opportunity to meet the Principal Designate and learn more about Pix Brook Academy, including updates on key areas such as uniform, catering, before and after school clubs, and staffing. We are expecting Modplan and the contractor for the 2020 site (who should have been appointed by then) will also be in attendance to undertake presentations, update on building developments, and share designs.

CLAIRE’S CAT SITTING Now in our 7th year!

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Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind. I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day. Other small animals can also be catered for. Please call Claire on 07984 344997

Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts


Children Raise The Commonwealth Flag The Commonwealth Day Ceremony for 2019 was held at the Greenacre Centre on Monday 11th March. Local children from both Roecroft Lower School and St Marys School, were invited to the centre to take part in some Commonwealth related fun activities. One child was selected from each school to help raise the Commonwealth flag, the lucky children were Ari Pateman from St Mary’s Academy and Mason Thomas from Roecroft Lower School.

The theme for Commonwealth Day 2019 is ‘A Connected Commonwealth’, which offers opportunities for the people, governments and institutions of many nations to connect and work together at many levels through far-reaching and deep-rooted networks of friendship and goodwill. This year also marks the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Commonwealth as it is configured today. The day was celebrated nationwide with a broad range of activities, including faith and civic gatherings, debates, school assemblies, flag raising ceremonies, street parties, cultural events and a multicultural, multi-faith service at Westminster Abbey. Pictured right, Stotfold Mayor, Alan Cooper, Deputy Mayor Brian Collier raise the flag together with Ari Pateman and Mason Thomas.


Domestic Appliances

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts


News from

Fairfield Lower School The whole school enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day last month. The children came to school dressed in a costume of their choice and brought along their favourite book. Most staff at school dressed as Where’s Wally! We also had our Governors Learning walk on the same day!

We held our annual Mothers’ Day Afternoon Tea event for Years 2 & 4. All were treated to tea and juice and a selection of cakes. The event was a great success and enjoyed by everyone! The PTA had a recent quiz night and raised a fabulous £650 - thank you to everyone who attended and to the PTA for their hard work and efforts this is very much appreciated. It has been a busy time for sporting events, a selection of children took part in a Gymnastics County Finals Competition at Harlequins Gymnastics Club, Leighton Buzzard. In addition. a selection of our Year 3 and 4 children attended a Dance Festival at Redborne Upper School where all children performed to a very high standard and were excellent ambassadors to the school. There was also a Redborne Swimming Festival where the children competed in some relays, treasure hunts , distance under water races and speedy races. Great sporting achievements! WELL DONE TO ALL WHO TOOK PART! After the Easter break we have Grandparents lunch for reception children to look forward to and a Quads Kids sporting event. Don’t forget, Monday 22nd April is a bank holiday and we look forward to welcoming the children back for the start of the Summer Term on Tuesday 23rd April. Our Value of the Term:Tolerance Quote of the term It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare.

Fairfield Park Lower School Dickens Boulevard & Ruskin Drive E: T: 01462 830000


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News from

Roecroft Lower School. After what felt like a very slow January we seem to have whizzed through February and March. March has been a month of events in school, such as World Book Day and Comic Relief. For World Book Day, the children came to school dressed ready for their favourite bedtime story. They dressed in pyjamas and bought in their favourite book and teddy bear. For Comic Relief we wore red to school and donated home bakes, our ‘Cookies and Cupcake’ sale was run by School Parliament and our families were very generous in making donations. I would also like to take a moment to thank our Roecroft families for their commitment to the school and dedication to school attendance, we Some of our Year 3s enjoying their Viking Day are almost at 98% attendance which is incredible and means our children really are getting the most out of their time in school. So thank you one and all.



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Darren Peters Property Maintenance

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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd


An Update from Key Stage 2: In KS2, we have been very busy with visitors, trips and topic days for both Years 3 & 4, as well as starting our daily mile. Year 3 started Spring Term with a Viking day. The children were given the task over half term to make a Viking shield or helmet to wear and show at school, along with an optional costume- it looked like a lot of tin foil had been purchased over the half term break! The day was filled with activities in the daily life of a Viking. In the afternoon the children gathered together, much like Vikings did, to sing the ‘Viking Rock and Roll’ song and admire each other’s shields and helmets. It was such a fun day. During this term, Year 3 also enjoyed a Faith Tour in Bedford. They visited a Sikh Gurdwara, Muslim Mosque and Christian Church. This was a lovely opportunity for the children to have a first-hand experience of these faiths. I have been taking children on this trip for nearly 10 years now and it has always been my favourite trip in Year 3. Year 4 have been enjoying their weekly swimming lessons, and it has been lovely to see their confidence in the water improve. Some of the children took place in a swimming gala this term and as always it is so nice to see the children living our school values - Well done Year 4! There are many more sports days planned this term, where the children will have opportunities to work alongside other Year 4 classes from neighbouring schools. In March the whole school celebrated British Science week by inviting ‘The Science Boffins’ in for an amazing and mind blowing science show! It was lovely to see the children’s faces so excited by the incredible things that can be demonstrated in Science! This has led me to plan a trip to the Airbus Discovery Centre in May where I will take some KS2 children to explore the Mars Rover and ExoMars Rover prototype robots. Or Values for April are Patience and Freedom. With best wishes from Mrs Cross.


News from

Central Bedfordshire Academy. Welcome to our April news..

The coffee mornings which we have been running in conjunction with St Mary’s Church continue to go from strength to strength. More people are taking part which is increasing demand for catering for other events such as charity fundraisers, religious festivals, neighbourhood and community events and private functions. This directly affects the students' learning as they are becoming more confident with dealing with the general public, are gaining skills which will benefit them for future employment and are seeing first-hand the effect their efforts have on the wider community. The Stotfold community, particularly the attendees at St. Mary's have been immensely supportive, understanding the needs of our students and encouraging them wholeheartedly. Without their continued goodwill and support we would not be able to ensure the success of these events.

We are continuing to work hard to support our Yr 11s into employment , further education and training as they prepare to leave The Academy. Careers Fairs, College Open Evenings and a visit to the National Apprenticeship Show in Milton Keynes are all planned for the weeks ahead. We also had a wonderful visit to Mead Open Farm earlier this term as part of our enrichment curriculum. You will see some of our students enjoying the slide in the photograph above.

Students from the Academy will once again be supporting this years Stotfold Mill event and are greatly looking forward to taking part in this event. We look forward to updating you further in the May edition of the Stotfold News.


To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

New Football Stadium And Homes On The Way For Stotfold

Work has begun to bring a new football stadium and homes to Stotfold, through a partnership between Stotfold Town Council, Stotfold Football Club and housing association settle, with support from Central Bedfordshire Council. Stotfold residents will have noticed work beginning on the site of the new stadium within the Arlesey Road Recreation Site. The new football stadium and club house will be built by Settle, bringing an FA-standard football pitch and facilities to the town. Stotfold Football Club are expected to move to their new stadium in November. The land at the old football ground will then be developed by Settle to provide new homes, including much-needed affordable properties. When the football club have moved to their new ground, Stotfold Town Council also plan to develop other community facilities in the large area surrounding the new stadium, including play and fitness equipment. These will be developed in consultation with Stotfold residents. We will be keeping readers of the Stotfold News Magazine updated as this work progresses. You can find out more about us by visiting:

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


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47b High Street, Stotfold, SG5 4LD

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Stotfold Twirlers Enjoy Winning Streak Stotfold Twirlers have had a very busy start to the year, taking part in three competitions with three more to do by Easter. They first competed at the BBTSA region competition winning just under 59 top 7 places, next was BBTSA Areas and qualification for Nationals in which they picked up 14 Area Championship titles and 29 top 10 awards. seven of the girls have qualified for the BBTSA National Championships to be held at Easter. Our last competition was the UK open held at Luton where they picked up 5 UK Open championship titles and at least 30 top 7 placings. Next stop for 4 of our girls is England Selections for the World International Cup in France this August. Victoria, Mila, Amber and Grace will compete for individual and team places to represent Stotfold and their country. Finally, we have an open competition in Kent before our seven girls compete at Nationals. These members work very hard, sometimes spending hours training to perfect their routines. The coaches are very proud of them every time they go out on the competition floor.

Baton Twirling is not recognised as a sport and therefore we have to self fund everything we do. We are putting on a fundraising event around May time to support the girls going to the International Cup. Pictured left, award winning Stotfold Twirlers with their many trophies!

We invite you to Godjoin will us at .LQJÂśV %DSWLVW &KXUFK never turn 3URFODLPLQJ -HVXV &KULVW LQ 7RGD\ÂśV :RUOG

his back on

you If you want to

Every Sunday at 10.30am for our morning service and WDON KHœG ORYH WR .LQJœV Kids for 3-12years old withlisten a crèche for babies and toddlers The Green, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4AN The Green, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 4AN. Tel:Tel: 01462 01462 730521 730521 RIILFH#NLQJœ email: email: Reg. Charity No. 1136519 Reg. Charity No 1136519 A Word and Spirit Church

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Stotfold Art Group

Meets every Thursday throughout the year at the Roecroft Centre on Church Rd, from 1.30 – 3.45. We aim for a friendly informal atmosphere, where everyone can work at his or her own pace, on whatever art medium they chose. Fees are reasonable at £20.00 a quarter and there is the opportunity to exhibit work at our Summer or Winter shows. If you are interested in joining, just come along or phone Richard Whitelock on 01462 735457. Please bring your own art materials as these are not supplied, though a warm welcome and friendly help and encouragement is.


The Greenway Challenge entries are now open. This is being held around the Letchworth Greenway on 12th May. Distance of 13.2ml Run round the garden 5k & 1ml plus Childrens Race 16 June. Held in Letchworth. The Standalone 10k will be on 6th Oct.

Details of these events and all the club information can be found on or contact Ian 01462 639215


To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


You are invited to join us for our


21st April at 10.30am



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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Family Announcements AMBER KING 27th April

Happy 14th Birthday

Lots of Love from all your family xx


Bazinga! And then she was a teenager!

Happy 13th birthday. Lots of love Mum, Dad, Lawrence and Claudia XXXX


Happy Birthday on 22nd April

Love from Mummy, Daddy and Harley xxx


Happy 10th Birthday

All our love Mummy and Daddy xxx

JACK GIBBS 3rd April

Happy 21st Birthday Have an amazing day Lots of love from Mum and Cydney xxx



Happy 14th Birthday Happy 16th Birthday

Lots of love, Mum, Dad, Katie, Joe and Tex! Xxx

With love from Dad, Mum Ralph, Jasper & Farrah xxxx


Happy Birthday! 17th April. We love you, From George,Jake, Ruby, Baz & Poppy


21st April 2019 Happy 80th Birthday Dad

Lots of Love Sue, Phil, Brad, Kevin, Caz, Kian and Sienna xxxx


Happy 13th birthday!! Love Mum, Dad, Jacob and The Biscuits xx


3rd April Happy 21st Birthday! All our love Nanna & Grandad xx


Happy 21st Birthday! All our love your Fone Family xx


20th April Happy 8th Birthday Love Mum, Dad, Luke, Riley, Ollie and Alina x


8th April Happy 4th Birthday Love Mum, Dad, Luke, Nevaeh, Riley and Alina x



19th April

Happy 50th Birthday

All our love Mummy, Daddy, Kieran and Ruby

Lots of love Zoe, Kieran and Joseph xxx

Happy 10th birthday


John, Jim, Jo & families would like to thank their friends and neighbours for their messages of support, kind words and many cards received after the very sad loss of Pat on 1st February. Special thanks to members of the Short Mat Bowls Club, Stotfold Gardening Club and the Whist Club of St Mary’s. Pat’s funeral was held at St Mary’s Church, Stotfold on Monday 18th February, followed by a wake at The Chequers. Special thanks to Rev. Bill Britt for the wonderful service and to the Garden House Hospice for the care shown to Pat.


28th April Happy 14th Birthday Love Mum, Dad, Jemima, Peter and Coco xxxx


Roys family would like to thank everybody for their kind words, donations and cards following the sad loss of Roy. He will be most sadly missed by all that knew him.


The Church on The Crossroads

COFFEE MORNING & Bring & Buy Sale SATURDAY 6th APRIL 10.00 to 11.30 Come along for a cuppa Cake Stall - Find a Bargain! Meet old friends & make new ones. ALL WELCOME



Methodist Church Hall 9.30-11.30am Craft every week playdough, colouring lots of toys, Infant corner for babies with Tea, coffee, biscuits and fruit and juice for the children. Under 6 months 50p, over 6 months £1.50, additional children 50p Kirsty 07841 486781 or Michelle 07941 816492


FREE Prescription delivery service to ALL Arlesey and Stotfold residents FREE Repeat prescription "drop-off" and collection service from Arlesey Medical Centre and Larksfield (Stotfold) Surgery. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Saturday & Sunday - Closed

Tel. 01462 731200 32

31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA

News from Stotfold Football Club As we enter the final two months of the season, the 1st team remain at the bottom of the league. Some very promising performances under manager Marce Collington but sadly we have not been able to convert promising draws into much needed wins and a valuable three points. We know the lads will give all they have to try and get us out of the relegation places. The Development team have suffered from a lack of fixtures this year in a very stop start season for them with only four league fixtures remaining. As we look forward to a move to our new stadium for season 2019/20, we hope to increase sponsorship and advertising opportunities and if you think there could be an opportunity for your business, please contact our Commercial Manager Rob Parkin (

Going forward we are looking for people to join us in our exciting new project. If you are interested, please contact Club Secretary Julie Longhurst ( Free Hall Hire – our club is available for private (not commercial) functions at no charge but a £50 deposit will be required at the point of hiring which will be refunded if the booking is fulfilled. For full details contact Mo Clarkson on 01462 730765 or email us at the address below.

COME AND SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TEAM Our Chosen Charity look out for events during the year. Roker Park The Green, Stotfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4AN 01462 730765 Twitter @stotfoldfc Email enquiries

News from

Stotfold Junior Football Club

Charity Football Match in aid of Keech Hospice Care and to mark the closing of

To start this month’s news our congratulations and thanks to Chris Murray for being awarded the Stotfold Citizen Award for all the hard work he has put into Stotfold Junior Football Club over the last decade. Well deserved.

Roker Park Stadium

Our Stotfold Junior U9 Golds were the flag bearers at the Stevenage Borough vs Bury on Saturday 9th March, where Stevenage lost 0-1.

All these boys thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet some of the players and to go behind the scenes at the Stevenage ground.

STOTFOLD VETS Vs STOTFOLD JOGS Saturday 4th May KO 3pm Doors open 1pm Main Bar, BBQ and Tea Room

Plus: Gin & Processo Bar, Bouncy Castle Raffle, FREE Entry for all the family Roker Park Stadium, Stotfold SG5 4AN


To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Stotfold Good Neighbour Group

Walk4Health Walks for March :

Would you like to join a friendly local walking group?

Join us: April 4th, 11th, 18th 25th at Arlesey Station at 10.45am Contact Beth & Peter Overfield



The Stotfold Good Neighbour Group gives practical help to the elderly, sick, disabled, housebound - anyone finding it hard to cope.

Could you volunteer?! In 2018 we helped residents of Stotfold, Fairfield, and Astwick on over 2,200 occasions.

•! Could you drive clients to appointments? •! Are you interested in befriending? •! Could you help taking phone calls?

Interested in volunteering for any of the above? Call us to find out more on :-

07599 925 587 34 !

All volunteers have full insurance cover

on 01462 815672 for further information.

Calling All Carers

If you are a Carer and would like to join us for our next social afternoon bring the one you care for to STOTFOLD METHODIST CHURCH HALL THURSDAY 11th APRIL, 2.0pm - 3.30pm Tea and cake and friendly chat guaranteed! Earlier date this month in order to avoid Easter week.


We would like to invite retired table tennis players to join our groups on Monday and Thursday afternoons. We are not a league club, we have three tables, our standard varies from moderate to very good! Good for the body, mind, and spirit, fun too.. Would you like to play table tennis again? Give us a try! Contact:


We thought our readers may like to see this photograph kindly loaned to us by Mrs Mabel Milton (nee Sharp) of Stotfold Girls School 1945-46. Mabel has kindly named the girls (below)..

Back Row: Mavis Reid, Margaret egan, Norma Breacher, June Rowland, June Smiles, Joy Larkin. 2nd Row: Lily Gentle, Sheila Baines, Edna Wiltshire, Anne Tucker, Anne Templeman, Janet Gutteridge, Sheila Presland, Mabel Sharp, Joan Brooks, Patsy Mays, Josie Gentle. 3rd Row: MISS EDWARDS, Mary Flynn, Jean Carpenter, June Beadle, Jean Dear, Betty Chamberlain, Lynette Coles, Nell Reeves, Jean Lancaster, Ivy Hyde, Margaret Darge. 4th Row: Magaret Brown, Eileen Sole, Ella Weir, Joyce Goodwin, Margaret Sheil, Janet Pooley, Betty Bacon, June Rutt, Margaret Grey, Sylvia Tookey, Eileen Flynn. 5th Row: Sally Johnson, Peggy Grout, Pam Shepherd, Sylvia Shepherd, Pat Howard, Maureen Regan, Eunice Whitbread, Janet Auburn, Pat Oliver, Kathleen Hilditch.

Editors Note: In our February issue we printed a picture of Stotfold Boys School 1950. We are delighted to confirm that one of the names missing from this picture belonged to Mr Brian Pye. Thank you Brian for calling us to let us know!

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


Have you recently moved to the area, or just find you have some time that you would like to fill? We are a friendly group of ladies, meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month 7.30pm

10th April Bill Hamilton. Man on the Spot plus Raffle 8th May Fish and Chip Supper. Resolutions plus Raffle

12th June Mayor of Stotfold plus Raffle

We have a varied programme of interesting speakers and other activities for the coming year.

Contact: President, Jill Shepherd 01462 730751


Salvation Army Ladies Fellowship

April 15th BEETLE DRIVE Phone: 01462 730739 or 01462 731 072 10 Church Road, Stotfold, SG5 4LX

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Useful Telephone Numbers Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Trading Standards Advice Line

01525 402742 01525 841217 0300 300 8136

Hope Chapel King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church Salvation Army Hall Ladies Fellowship St Mary’s Church Friends of St Mary’s Fairfield Community Church

01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462



686803 730521 646562 731072 730739 730218 834108 735704

Stotfold Town Council 01462 730064 Email: Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000 Email Web Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Flytipping / Grass Cutting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632 More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at


Larksfield Surgery Appointments Enquiries Out of Hours Service: MDoc Physiotherapy & Spinal Injury Clinic Arlesey Medical Centre

01462 732244 01462 732200 Call 111 01462 735700 01462 732144

Ashwell Dental Stotfold Dental Surgery

01462 742353 01462 731938

Electricity Emergencies Gas Emergencies

0800 7 838 838 0800 111999

Childline National Menengitis Trust Samaritans NSPCC

0800 1111 0845 6000800 08457 909090 0800 800 5000

Howard Cottage Housing Association, Pioneer House, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 1NY Aragon Housing Association Ampthill Office, Katherine’s House, Dunstable Street, Ampthill, Bedfordshire MK45 2JP 0300 123 5544

01462 683307

Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers

01234 841212 01234 842515


Emergencies Helplines



0800 555111


Bedford Hospital Lister Hospital NHS Direct

01234 355122 01438 314333 08 45 46 47

Stotfold Library Arlesey Resource Centre & Library

0300 300 8068 01462 731469.

Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers

01234 841212 01234 842515

Coach & Horses Fox & Duck The Chequers Pub The Crown The Stag Tavern

01462 01462 01462 01462 01462

Box of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop

07812 055587

Etonbury Academy Fairfield Park Lower School Roecroft Lower School St Mary’s Academy Samuel Whitbread Academy

01462 01462 01462 01462 01462

Pippin Pre-School SMASH, St Mary’s School

01462 834897 07971 354093

Tiddleywinks King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church (Friday AM)

01462 731072 01462 730521 01462 733985

Library Police




After School Clubs Toddler Groups


0800 555111

734135 732434 735465 731061 731098

730391 830000 730336 730343 629900

Pippin Pre-School Poppies Nursery Poppyfields Nursery Treetops Day Nursery Stotfold and District Children's Centre

01462 834897 07833 927906 01462 830008 01462 734306 01462 730623

Trains (National Enquiries)

08457 484950


Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Greenacre Transfers - Private hire and airport taxi service 07555 707848 or check us out on:


Beds Rural Communities Charity Letchworth MS Unit Births, Deaths & Marriages Stotfold Good Neighbour Group

To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

01234 838771 01462 487172 0300 300 8089 07599 925587


DIRECTORY. Accountancy & Tax Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) Abery Motor Centre Absolute Signs and Graphics Ltd AD Garden Rooms AJ Day Builders A.R.K. Lasting Powers & Wills Alfie’s Barbers Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator Arlesey Ladies Football Club Arlesey Pharmacy Arlesey Walk Groups Aquarius Garden Design Ashwell Software / Sigma Office Austin’s Funeral Service Barn Hair Studio Bal & Co Motor Care Beale Bros Butchers Bews Electrical Bickerdikes Garden Centre Big Minibus Hire Bookks Bookkeeping services Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop Brian McInally - Gas & Heating Engineer Broadband Communications BSH Glazing (Windows & Doors) Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control C J Flooring Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning - Steam 2 Clean Carpets & Flooring - Letchworth Carpet Centre Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner Catsitter - Claire Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Services Chimney Sweep (Jesel Heat) Cole’s Decor Painter & Decorator Computer Services & Repair - Nick Saunders The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning Chris Webster, Stotfold (Correspondent for The Comet ) DK Home Improvement Darren Peters Property Maintenance Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance DMC Tiling Dog walking, walking and pet care -insured Electrician - Terry C Seymour Switched On Electrical Services Fairfield Bowls Club - Stella Wilson Fairfield Players Fencing (AJB) First Step Estate Agents Foot Health Professional - Vicki Eagles Foot Pro Podiatry Forget Me Not Florist Garden Robin Gifford Dance Academy Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving Guides - Stotfold Guide Association Hair Room - Hitchin Hamilton Restorations HB Decorators Heating & Plumbing Services LTD Helpers Homecare Heritage Paving Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd JMCQ Fitness


01462 624926 01462 733246 02030 788000 01438 313765 01767 314445 01438 746977 01462 658449 07889 903283 07981 432798 01462 731200 01462 638286 01462 731292 01462 742783 01462 438422 01462 835611 01462 731500 01462 730392 01462 834488 01462 673333 07817 766997 01462 734623 07812 055587 01462 337218 01462 732628 01462 730884 0800 026 8823 01462 732665 01462 629302 01462 732632 01462 481312 01462 731674 07984 344997 07885 415363 01462 733406 01767 310475 07521 279960 01462 810065 01462 834108

01462 701214 01462 733322 07522 354141 01462 231459 07913 005268 01462 236559 01462 730895 07811 738599 01462 624369 07837 791365 01462 659730 07812 399659 07377 536685 07904 537150 01462 815968 07585 221513 01462 731829 01462 733322 01462 337818 01462 743803 01462 732960 07474 444288 01462 896853 01462 730682 01462 894089 07929 834785

James’s Carpentry & Handyman Service Jo Jingles Ken Seaby Carpets Kip McGrath Education Centre Kitchen Ergonomics Kumari Chiropractic Langford Windows Locksmith Services New Kitchens North Herts Road Runners Ovenclean Paul Thomas Landscaping Pendletons Sports Centre Piano Lessons - Christine Walker Pilates - Zanna Newton Plastering - Sam’s Plastering Plastering - Stotfold Plastering Plumbing - A D Taylor Plumbing Plumbing - ALM Plumbing Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing Plumbing - C Plumb Plum-tek Podiatry - FootPro RH Gardens Roecroft Centre - Maureen Winters Stotfold & Arlesey Royal British Legion Samaritans Satchells Estate Agents Saunders Garage Scott Geekie Building Contractor Sharp Security Systems Sheldon Electricals Slimming World Solicitors - HRJ Foreman Laws St John Badgers (6-10yrs) & Cadets (10-18yrs) Stephens Estate Agents Stag Public House Steam 2 Clean Carpet & Upholstery Stotfold Art Group Stotfold Bowls Club Stotfold Christian Choir Stotfold Conservative Club Stotfold Football Club Stotfold Gardening Club Stotfold Golf Society Stotfold Good Neighbour Group Stotfold Jujitsu Club Stotfold Junior Football Club Stotfold Junior Judo Club Stotfold Karate Club (JKSK Karate) Stotfold Twirlers Stotfold Mill Stotfold News Magazine Stotfold Parents Association Stotfold Pharmacy Stotfold Scouts Stotfold Short Mat Bowls Club Stotfold Women’s Institute The Rooms Tree Surgeon - 4 Seasons Waste Disposal( Josas waste Recycling Ltd) Water Softeners (Aqua Sensation) Wheelie Bin Cleaning Windows - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) Window Cleaning - ACCS Ltd

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01462 01462 01462 01462 01438 07479 01462 01462 01462 01462 07954 07889 01462 01462 07719 07856 01462 01462 07950 01462 01462 01462 07377 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01767 01462 01462 01438 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 07909 07599 07970 07706 07872 07742 07732 01462 01462 01462 01462 07764 01462 01462 01462 01462 07739 01462 01462 07951 01462

234292 456777 733203 672227 222929 945995 701828 290226 812826 639215 300043 811065 341114 731357 862371 428261 732600 834713 311963 615922 700862 618058 536685 612033 730264 734133 455333 733730 730222 732396 734766 448188 638430 458711 218058 732121 731098 732632 628529 628204 731142 730534 730765 628954 983956 925587 329761 951263 594499 820 956 505614 734541 731986 730570 730249 188222 730841 647836 835538 834136 488472 835693 732632 473505 629302

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