April 2023 Stotfold News Magazine

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Stot fold NEWS

D e li ve re d F R E E to 4 , 9 0 0 h ome s i n Sto t fo l d & Fai r f i e l d. Ne w s In for m at i on You r l e tte rs
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From the Editor April

Welcome to April

It’s our bir thday! This issue marks a huge milestone for us as we celebrate our 18th Bir thday! The ver y f irst issue being posted through our doors back in April 2005 To celebrate, we have chosen this month to introduce a couple o f new features which we hope you will f ind bo th helpful and enjo yable. The f irst item is our brand new Sto tfold Calendar o f Events - if it’s on it’s in you’ll f ind it on page 8 o f your April issue

On pages 26 & 27 o f this month’s issue you’ll f ind the f irst o f a brand new feature ‘Reader ’s Recipes.’ Kicking us o ff is a stunning recipe f rom self confessed food critic, Paul Webb for Coq-au -vin. Do you have a family favourite you are willing to share with us in the fu ture issue? Pop us a line and tell us all abou t it!

We hope that by the time you receive your April issue this nasty cold snap has been sho wn the door in place o f some lo vely spring sunshine - thanks once again to Nikki Lane for the super cu te duckling pho to taken last year which we decided to use to pu t us in the right mood for better weather ahead!

Wishing you a wonder ful Easter,

Until next month..

Editorial: Please email your letters or ar ticles to sto tfold news@yahoo

co uk or write to us at: Sto tfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9 30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page Ad vertising: It’s easy to adver tise in the Sto tfold News You’ll f ind all you need to kno w at: www sto tfoldandarleseynews co uk - Our deadline is
6th o
preceding publication Deliveries: We have o ver 100 volunteers that deliver the Sto tfold News Magazine If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West
f ever y month
Local school /n ursery news:
n ews: Local News Pages 4,5 News f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 7 NEW! Diar y o f Events Page 8 Letters Page 9 Family Announcements Page 16 Mum with 3 Page
News f rom Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club Page 22 News f rom Sto tfold Foo tball Club Page 23 News f rom Sto tfold Ar t Club Page 24 News f rom Sto tfold Librar y Page 25 NEW! Reader ’s Recipe Page 26,27 Mental Health Matters Page 29 Monthly Fun Quiz! Page 35 News f rom Pippin Pre -School Page 11 News f rom St Mar y’s Academy Page 12 News f rom Fair f ield Lo wer School Page 13 News f rom Roecro ft Lo wer School Page 14 News f rom Pix Brook Academy Page 15 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 17 CONTEN Want to promo te your business in the Arlesey & Sto tfold News Magazines? www justgiving com/gardenhousehospice Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine News f rom Kings Baptist Church Page 30 News f rom Sto tfold Methodist Chuch Page 31 News f rom St Mar y’s Church Page 33 T: 01462 731986 sto tfold.news@yahoo.co.uk NEXT IS SUE - MAY Adver tising deadline 6th April 2023 2023 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 3

Local Rugby Players Off To Twickenham

Local rugby team Letchwor th RFC Under 11’s had a hugely successful victor y a few weeks back, winning the Saracens Land Ro ver Defender Cup

The team played some great rugby and demonstrated great rugby core values throughou t The team made up o f several bo ys f rom Sto tfold were commended for their behaviour bo th on and o ff the pitch with Chairman Danny Ryall commenting that “ the whole team played some great rugby and really demonstrated just ho w the spor t should be played.” “The club are ver y proud o f them all.”

Letchwor th player Louie Wakef ield also won Player o f the Tournament and was chosen f rom o ver 200-300 players

The prize for winning the tournament was tickets to the premiership f inal at Twickenham which the bo ys are all extremely excited abou t!

4 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk Local
g Under 10’s Sides & back Beard Trims OAP Concessions Mon-Fri Mon 9am-5 30pm Tues 9am-6pm Wed 9am-7.30pm Thus 9am-6pm Fri 9am-6pm Sat 7 30am-5pm 01462 658449 15 Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP A L F I E ’ S Walk-ins & appointments available! Graham Smith BRICKWORK & PAVING Covering all aspects of brickwork old & new, plus patios, driveways & fencing. All work completed to a very high standard. Friendly, family run business Tel: 07703 1 71857
Letchwor th RFC U’11 winning team - www letchwor thrugby r fu club/

Stotfold Twirlers Make National Selection.

A busy star t to the year for Sto tfold Twirlers saw some o f their members take par t in Area competitions to qualify for Nationals, alongside England Selections to qualify for the Nations Cup and World Championships in Liverpool this August

Along with two Bellettes members, the group also had 6 girls qualify to compete for Nationals and three selected for the England Squad

Mila, Grace and Rheanna will represent England in Solo, 2 Baton, Ar tistic, Duet and Ar tistic Pair events in Liverpool They also have fur ther selections to take par t in for Freestyle, Pair and Team for Europeans in France and Team for the World Championships.

All o f the members are working ver y hard with their twirling and Acro and are working to wards their next competitions.

The group are looking for new members to join their team Contact Sonia crook@ho tmail com for details.. FREE

5 Local News
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Pictured left to right: Grace Endersby, Mila Crook and Rheanna Bo wles The team with their Area competiton awards
6 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk

There is so much going on at the Mill right no w, I’m no t entirely sure where to star t!

There’s the Steam Fair, which is (at the time o f writing) only 70 days away Yikes! Expect regular updates on our social media abou t the arena enter tainment we’ll have available (mo torbike stunts, Dark Age battles, and a Samba band, and that’s just the star t!) and don’t forget to bu y your tickets for Live@The Mill on Friday 12th May (see the adver t on the opposite page for more details!)

This year, as par t o f the Steam Fair, we’re inviting our younger visitors to take par t in a Coronation Pageant V isitors under 16 years old can come along on Sunday afternoon dressed in their f inest, most regal costumes There’ll be a parade through the arena and the best dressed will be declared the winners – and cro wned the King and Queen o f the Steam Fair! More details on this fun event will be available on our website shor tly. In the meantime, dig ou t the diamond tiara and practice your most regal wave.

During the Easter Holidays, we’ll be hosting an Easter Egg hunt in the Nature Reser ve – just for fun. A number o f paper eggs will be hidden around the meado ws for you to f ind. It’s no t a competition, and there are no prizes, bu t it’s a great way to explore the nature reser ve and maybe disco ver a corner or two you haven’t no ticed before. Please see our website and social media for more information

Our open days this year are no w available to view on our website – 2nd, 16th and 30th in April – bu t please no te we’ll be closed the f irst couple o f weekends in May as we prepare for the Steam Fair If you’d like to see us open more o ften, maybe you would consider joining us as a volunteer –the more people we have on board, the more dates we can o ffer to Sto tfold and the surrounding areas!

Please email enquiries@sto tfoldmill com if you can spare an hour or two a month to help ou t There are so many jobs in the Mill, and it really is an amazing place to spend some time

We’ve also been lucky enough to get some drone images taken o f the nature reser ve, which are no w available to view f rom our Facebook page:

https://www facebook com/reaperdrones/videos/7413106942 25643. It’s a gorgeous video and we’re extremely grateful to Reaper Drones for the foo tage.

Finally, you may have seen us feature in the CPRE’s (the Countr yside Charity) blog “ the best o f the countr yside”.

News from Sto tfold Watermill

Written by Liz Anderson, the Chair o f the

Management Team, the blog piece discusses the uniqueness o f our nature reser ve and ho w crucial the site is to wildlife and conser vation It’s a super piece, so do take a look at CPRE’s website:

https://www cprebeds org uk/disco ver/celebrating - sto tfoldwatermill-local-nature -reser ve/

That’s it for no w, looking for ward to seeing you all at the Mill in April!

Nature Reser ve
Please mention our magazine when responding to adver ts 7 OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY CARE 01462 416416
Last year ’s Sto tfold Mill Steam Fair event f rom the air!

STO TFOLD Diary Of Events..


Saturday 1st Methodist Church Co ffee Morning

10 00 to 12 noon

Saturday 8th Fair f ield Church Easter Egg Hunt

12 noon, Urban Park

Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th Easter Egg trail

Sto tfold Nature Reser ve

Saturday 15th Pippin Race Night, Memorial Hall

Contact: 01462 834897

Friday 21st - SMSA Quiz Night The Conser vative Club

Contact: 01462 730343

Saturday 22nd - Book Sale & Co ffee Morning 10am-12noon

St Mar y’s Church Hall

Monday 24th - SMSA Happy Bags St Mar y’s Academy

Contact: 01462 730343

Sunday 30th - Organ Recital at St Mar y’s Church 3pm

Organist Adrian Quarr y - Donations welcome

Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th Sto tfold Mill Steam Fair

Saturday 20th Open Morning, Pippin Pre -School

Contact: 01462 834897

Saturday 20th Plant Sale & Co ffee Morning 10am–12

St Mar y’s Church Hall


Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th - Tour de Sto tfold - Trail around Sto tfold organised by St Mar y’s Church Committee

Contact: 07727 688877

Sunday 25th‘Sto tfold in Pictures’ pho tographic exhibition

Sto tfold Mill 12 30-5pm

Saturday 8th - St Mar y’s Church Summer Fete 2-4pm

St Mar y’s Church V icarage

Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd - Sto tfold Ar t Club exhibition @ Sto tfold Mill


Thursday 17th - Flo wer Demonstration 7pm St Mar y’s Church Hall.

Saturday 9th - Cream Teas 2-5pm St Mar y’s Church

Sunday 10th - Cake & Produce Sho w @ Sto tfold Mill


Saturday 7th - Jigsaw Sale 10 -12noon St Mar y’s Church Hall

Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th - Sto tfold Working Steam Fair

Saturday 14th - St Mar y’s Church Quiz Night! 7 30pm St Mar y’s Church Hall

Saturday 4th - St Mar y’s Church Winter Fair 2-4pm St Mar y’s Church Hall


List your event here!

FREE for all charities/non-pro f it organisations & schools.

Just £15 for local businesses


Stotfold based cat sitting service

Now in our 10th year!

Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day Other small animals can also be catered for.

Please call Claire 07984 344 997

Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th - Christmas Tree Festival St Mar y’s Church MAY

Dear Editor,

As we approach Spring the sound o f birdsong will once again be f illing the sky and our gardens With so many new people mo ving to the to wn some will begin to venture ou t fur ther af ield as the days lengthen and weather warms Sto tfold is lucky to be well ser ved by public rights o f way and open spaces; The Etonbur y Green Wheel connects many o f these around our to wn and to our neighbours o f Arlesey, Astwick and Fair f ield.

When you are ou t walking, par ticularly if you have a dog, please be considerate o f the farmers and lando wners whose proper ty you are walking through or by Keep dogs on a lead where there is livestock and also under close control if you are walking along public paths. Remember that we are sharing our environment with the wildlife that makes our to wn such a lo vely place to live; hare, skylark and even o tter are around and will all be disturbed by wayward hounds galloping o ver open f ields or in our rivers.

It may f ill you with jo y to see your four legged f riend bounding through a crop o f barely bu t be mindful that there could be ground nesting birds or young mammals hiding here and dear Fido's attentions will be unwelcome

Please take care o f our green spaces and make sure our wildlife is safe to continue bringing us pleasure for years to come

Dear Editor,

I would like to take this oppor tunity to give a big thank you to all members o f the Sto tfold Good Neighbours Group for all their suppor t in raising funds for the Turkey ear thquake through their effor ts we have raised a to tal o f £266.65 purely through donations and a bring and bu y sale Once again, a huge thank you for their generosity. I would also like to say a special thank you to my grandson, Joseph, who donated his pocket money to the Fund

Nor th Her ts Road Runners

The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on 1st April at 9am. Entr y is f ree and open to all abilities. Entries are no w open for the Greenway Challenge on 7 May. www.greenwaychallenge.org.uk

We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm. These are open to all, why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation. Contact Ian 07506 429 928 hnrr.org.uk

Dear Editor,

Ever yone needs a little sunshine in their lives especially during the cold winter months o f Januar y and Februar y Hoping to do just that, the students o f ACB together with the Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group arranged the no w, yearly, lunch which we held on Tuesday 7th Februar y at St Mar y's Church Hall Around 50 o f our clients attended and enjo yed lo vely sausage rolls, soup, and delicious cakes follo wed by tea or co ffee It was a lo vely time with lo ts o f laughing and happy faces Just what the doctor ordered

Our thanks go to Jo Mar tin and all the excellent students o f ACB who made and ser ved the food. I kno w all those who came had a really good time and thoroughly enjo yed the company Thanks also to all the volunteers involved, it was much appreciated and at the end o f the day £175 was raised for the Great Ormond Street Hospital

Thanks to ever yone

Christine Horsley - Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group.

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 9 Established 197 1 Your Letters

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10 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 We’re more than just a garden centre... Visit us in Langford Henlow Road, Biggleswade, SG18 9SD. Tel: 01462 700791
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We enjo yed welcoming back all our children last month and began March celebrating World Book Day. We wish to thank all our parents and staff for wearing fantastic costumes to celebrate the event.

We were delighted with the safe arrival o f our ducklings!! They arrived in their incubator and hatched during their f irst 36 hours. The children held them and watched excitedly as they took their f irst swim, this has been a lo vely experience for children (and staff ) which we hope to do again next year As in previous years the duckings will be rehomed in a small holding in Ro yston

We suppor ted Comic Relief on 17th March, children came to Pippin wearing red and we held a fabulous cake stall.

We wish to thank all our families and staff for suppor ting this event and helping us raise money for this fantastic charity.

On 15th April we will be hosting our Race Night The event will take place at the Memorial Hall, Hallwor th Drive, doors open at 7pm for a 7 15pm star t Tickets cost £7 50 f rom the o ff ice Snacks and nibbles will be pro vided, please bring a bo ttle!


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11 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Pa ws & Claws Mobile Pet Grooming Level 3 Qualif ied Let us come to you! Tel: 07913005268 Email: Pawsclaws66@aol com News from Pippin Pre School Barbering for all ages - NO W OPEN Monday - Saturday 9a Regent Street, Sto tfold - STOTFOLD - SHEFFORD - BIGGLESWADEBook via the Books app or via https://linktr.ee/societybarbering
to welcome our 3rd Barber, Ewan to the Stotfold team
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The baby duckings arrived safely much to the delight o f the children! World Book day fun!

News from St Mar y’s A cademy

During March we celebrated World Book Day and Red Nose Day where our children dressed up and enjo yed themed activities and competitions bo th in school and at home

Our Year 3 children took par t in a Faith Tour to Bedford which was no t only educational bu t a really cultural day for them

For the f irst time in 3 years our Year 4 children took par t in an action packed 3-day residential trip to Rock UK Frontier Centre, this was thoroughly enjo yed by all!

Please see our website for more information and pictures on these fun events.

Due to the two week Easter break, April is a relatively quiet month for us. Our last day o f term before Easter was Friday 31st March and we included all o f the children in some fun Easter activities ou tside in the warmer weather as well as an Easter Ser vice at St Mar y’s Church.

Follo wing the Easter Holidays, the children will return to school on Tuesday 18th April.

Our parent’s association the SMSA held a ver y successful Mo ther ’s Day Gift event where the children could choose their o wn present f rom a selection for their mums, grandmo thers and carers. They will be busy in April too with a Quiz night to be held at the Conser vative Club on Friday 14th April, a Happy Bags Donation Day planned for Monday 24th April as well as the ever popular Sponsored Bounce event which will take place in school later on in the month - no t only will these events pro vide lo ts o f fun, bu t the money raised enhances the education and experience o f all the children in our school

We are hoping some o f the funds raised will help to wards more IT equipment for the children to enjo y!

Until our next instalment we wish you all a ver y pleasant Easter break

12 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Pupils at St Mar y’s enjo ying World Book Day

This month has been f illed with exciting oppor tunities for the children at Fair f ield Park Lo wer School to experience a broad curriculum – we star ted this term with a poetr y recital competition with Reception to Year 4 children learning poems by hear t and some even penning their o wn poems to per form to the whole school!

We had the chance to recognise the special ladies in the lives o f our Year 2 and 4 children by pu tting on an afternoon tea with delicious cakes and time to connect and have fun. The PTA also kindly hosted our Mo ther ’s Day Gift room to give all the children an oppor tunity to select them a special gift.

Classrooms have been busy with children being immersed in topics. Year 4 have been learning abou t Greeks and Ancient Greek Olympics. Year 3 enjo yed sampling traditional French foods and learning abou t key landmarks and areas in France. Year 2 stepped back in Histor y to the time o f the Tudors They practising some calligraphy, learnt abou t Tudor houses and clo thes, wro te invitations to their Tudor Banquet where they enjo yed snacks and learnt to per form a Tudor dance!

f ield Park Lo wer School

Year 1 took a vir tual train ride to London, looking at London in the past and present on their sightseeing tour We have also had some KS2 children take par t in Redborne events such as, Tag Rugby and Badminton!

Did you kno w? Children are eligible for a place in our nurser y class the term after they turn 3 If you would like to make an application for your child to join us this September please contact the school for an application form Alternatively please visit our website: https://www fair f ield beds sch uk/Our-School/Admissions -ToOur-School/ to do wnload a copy.

Don’t forget, the last day o f term is Friday 31st March and we look for ward to welcoming the children back for the star t o f the Summer Term on Tuesday 18th April. Our Value o f the Half Term: Thoughtfulness

Organ Recital. Sunday 30th April 3pm at St Mar y's Church Organist Adrian Quarr y Donations welcome for St Mar y's Church (Cash or card accepted )

News from Fair
13 STOTFOLD FEN CING FOR ALL YOUR FENCING & DECKING NEEDS Call Nath 07490 715009 stotfoldfencing@gmail.com One o f the nurser y classes at Fair f ield School

News from Roecro ft Lo wer School

Spring is cer tainly in the air and school continues to be a place o f wonder ful learning and exceptional care and nur ture.

Many o f you may have heard that the school was inspected by Ofsted before Christmas; the ou tcome and process was devastating for the whole school community and simply does no t reflect the school so many o f you kno w and lo ve. I submitted an extensive right to reply/complaint to Ofsted in Februar y, which resulted in the inspection being investigated and publication o f the repor t being paused. The suppor t f rom families has been incredible and I am so grateful that mine and the staff’s transparency always shines through, and you are able to see and kno w what we do here daily, recognising that the repor t did no t reflect the school and its o ffer

To our new families that are due to be o ffered school places this month, I will be in touch with more detail, ho wever I am hoping you are able to remember the open evening, staff you may have already met and the reason you chose to apply to Roecro ft back in Januar y before the repor t

existed The school and staff will continue to dedicate itself daily to excellence, be that learning, teaching or children’s wellbeing and mental health. We are a passionate, hardworking, and open school community that embraces its families, this will no t change.

KS1 update f rom Miss Emmerson:

Over the spring term, KS1 have been super busy with their new topics o f learning. Year 1 have been focusing on the theme 'A Knight's Tale' and have been thoroughly enjo ying the stor y 'Ho w to Catch a Dragon'. Within this topic, the children created their o wn medieval- themed mo ving picture. They then designed their o wn picture which included a castle background and characters such as Princesses, dragons and knights

No w the end o f term is approaching, I am sure the children are all excited to take home their Easter cards that they have been working hard to make and perhaps take par t in some Easter egg hunts with their f riends and families. I kno w we are also looking for ward to the summer events across Year 1 and 2 such as school trips and we canno t wait for some much-needed sunshine!

14 Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts
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Pupils enjo ying making their o wn books and mo ving pictures.

Pix Brook A cademy

As we approach the end o f the new half term we are already more than half way through the academic year.

Preparations at the school continue in relation to a number o f signif icant events. The last couple o f weeks have been really busy for all, bu t in par ticular our year 6 pupils who have completed a full round o f mock SATs exams As you would expect pupils have responded magnif icently All available staff were used to suppor t the pupils pro viding many rooms with a small number o f pupils in each We are obviously working hard with this year group including Wellbeing lessons and revision strategies and brain food

We kno w this can be a ner ve -wracking time for young people and as such we have tried to make things as normal as possible There is much to learn f rom this process and we will make sure we do so o ver the next two months o f preparation

This last term has also included a large number o f appointments that have been made in preparation for next years continued development o f the curriculum and gro wth o f the school It is par ticularly exciting to prepare for this gro wth and speak to colleagues excited abou t joining the school and developing their o wn curriculum areas. It is always interesting to speak to o ther colleagues abou t their experience and this also give us an oppor tunity to talk abou t the work happening at PBA.

It is easy to forget that staff training happens regularly and teachers and o ther colleagues spend their time thinking abou t, discussing and planning the learning experience for our pupils. In terms o f o ther oppor tunities we are also interested in speaking to members o f the community who may be interested in becoming a go vernor If this applies to you please do contact the school

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March also saw us immerse ourselves in World book day where the curriculum was collapsed for a whole day and activities were built around some fantastic literature and our collapsed timetable enabling all pupils to engage in Science week This included the trip to the Space centre for our year 5 pupils which once again pro ved to be an enormously popular trip Overall a busy time at school, bu t that’s always the case At least at this time o f year we can begin to look for ward to the warmer weather!

Have a great Easter f rom all at Pix Brook Academy

15 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Family announcements


27th April

Happy 18th Bir thday to our dancing queen!

Lo ve f rom all your family xxxx


Happy 80th Bir thday!

Wishing you an extra - special Happy Bir thday lo ve your family & f riends x


27th March

Happy 9th Bir thday

Lo ts o f lo ve, Mum, Dad and Bella xxx


29th March

Happy Bir thday

Lo ve Mummy & Eleanor xx



28th April

Happy 18th Bir thday

Lo ve Mum, Dad, Jemima & Peter xx


Happy Bir thday!

Lo ve all the family x

Congratulations on the arrival o f our gorgeous Grandchild Nonno Federico & Nonna Annamaria X


28th April

Happy 18th Bir thday!

Lo ve all your family xx


Happy 5th Bir thday Lo ve f rom Mummy, Daddy, Tro y & Jacob xx


Happy 17th Bir thday

So proud o f you this last year. Mum, Dad, Law, Claudia & the pain in the bum' xxxxxx


9th April

Happy 30th Bir thday

Lo ve From Mum Dad & Uncle Steven X xx


14th April

Happy 20th Bir thday!

From us all x


April 6th

To one o f our wonder ful deliver y volunteers!

Happy 60th Bir thday!

We hope you have a great day!


15th April

Happy 18th Morgan

Hope you have a great day!

Lo ve f rom all the family. X

16 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Prospective children
for 2023/24

This half term our Juniors have already celebrated World Thinking Day along with Founders Day by wearing their scou ting or guiding uniform to school They have also enjo yed World Book Day celebrations, taking par t in some creative home activities and sharing their creations in class

There has been an o ver whelming number o f students registered for the Duke o f Edinburgh Award Scheme, you may have seen some o f them volunteering in the community and developing their chosen skills or even seen the Twitter posts and updates.This year Miss Hilton & Mrs Hilsden are leading The Duke o f Edinburgh Scheme assisted by Miss King, withou t their commitment this fantastic experience would no t be possible, so thank you.

We are continuing to develop the school site and after the successful opening o f our new Junior block in Januar y we have no w begun the refurbishment o f our sixth form pro vision We are really excited that the local community will have post 16 education on its doorstep We have been extremely grateful to the BEST Trust for suppor ting this project and we can't wait to o ff icially open it in September

We have also been working with local celebrity, Dawn f rom the Great British Bake Off Dawn ver y kindly ran two cooker y sessions o ver the course o f a morning for our Year 7 students recently We were delighted with the results and ho w well the students engaged with Dawn She will also be using our facilities here at Etonbur y this Easter to host her ver y o wn cooker y masterclasses for the local community

Etonbur y is going f rom strength to strength and we are ver y excited abou t our sixth form.

Our Year 11 students have just completed their last set o f core mocks, and will no w be preparing for the real exams later this academic year

We have seen numerous successes in our spor ting f ixtures and also among our children who par ticipate in ou tside school activities

17 James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212 Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS Spaces available NOW Call Eleni on 07449 909803 DTC and IMDT trained, member of the Absolute Dogs Training Academy & The International Society of Animal Professionals (ISAP) 1-1 puppy or dog training Reactivity & behaviour modif ication & more Letchwor th Dog School Dog training & behaviour letchwor thdogschool@gmail.com w w w letchwor thdogschool co uk News from Etonbur y A cademy You are Invited to the EASTER EGG HUNT Saturday 8th April, 12pm In the Urban Park Hosted by Fairfield Community Church
Pupils enjo ying World Book day this year at Etonbur y D o f E practice under way! Bake -Off’s Dawn with Year 7.


The Greenacre Centre

Valerian Way, Sto tfold

Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4HG

Telephone number: 01462 730064

Email address: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

Website: www sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

Opening hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri – CLOSED WEDNESDAYS


Local voluntar y organisations are invited to make application for grants that will directly benef it Sto tfold. Applications f rom individuals will no t be considered. Please contact the Council o ff ices for an application form and guidance no tes. Completed applications to reach the To wn Council o ff ice by Wednesday 12th April 2023.


At this year ’s Annual To wn Meeting, f ive local residents were presented with a Citizens Award to recognise the ou tstanding contribu tions they have given to the community o f Sto tfold, o ften on a voluntar y basis and ou tside o f their ever yday occupation.

Kayleigh and Eva Clark

Kayleigh and Eva are bo th members o f 4th Sto tfold Bro wnies, and during No vember they decided to tr y and help keep their to wn clean, whilst raising funds for charity, and so under took litter picking across the to wn They managed to collect a signif icant amount o f litter, and whilst promo ting girl guiding, they did a great job in raising £203 for Children in Need

It is great to see our younger residents stepping for ward to help impro ve their to wn, and raising funds for a good cause, and it is for this reason that they were recognised with the Citizens Award

Bob Werrett

Over the last couple o f decades, Bob has orchestrated and lead the Silver Birch Avenue Christmas Lights switch on event He has managed to encourage his fello w Silver Birch Avenue residents to pu t up Christmas Lights ou tside their houses, and to synchronise their switch on for the event itself Residents also pu t on ref reshments, with money raised at the event going to charity

Linda Preston & Sue Dunne

Linda Preston and her sister Sue Dunne, two Sto tfold residents, meet- up ever y day at 6am and collect litter f rom across Sto tfold They star ted litter picking just before the f irst lockdo wn and have continued it tirelessly ever y day since, the only exception is when it is hammering do wn with rain!

These ladies, who are f riendly and extremely hard working, deser ve to be recognised for their community spirit with the council’s Civic Award.

Full write - up o f each successful Citizens Award winners’ achievements can be found on our website, on The To wn Mayor page.


Meetings scheduled for April 2023 are as follo ws: Council 5th, Recreation Grounds, Public Lands & Lighting 10th, Establishment 26th. Planning Committee meetings are held on a Wednesday as necessar y (usually for tnightly).

Location: Council Chamber, Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, at 7 00pm, except where one meeting follo ws ano ther If there are no items for the agenda, meetings may be cancelled Agendas for upcoming meetings are available on our website and Greenacre Centre no tice board

Kayleigh and Eva receive their award Cllr Steve Buck (L) pictured with Bob Werrett (R)

TO WN COUNCIL ELECTIONS: Thursday 4th May 2023

Local Go vernment elections take place ever y four years Elections are only held if more people apply to be councillors than there are seats available If there are insu ff icient applications for the number o f seats, then all candidates are considered elected, and there is no actual vo ting Whenever there is a vacant seat, and after a set period o f public no tif ication, volunteers are invited to apply (in writing or by email ) for ‘co -option’ to the council In this process, the To wn Council itself chooses the new councillors A co -opted councillor is the same as an elected councillor and has to meet the same criteria

Why become a Councillor?

Sto tfold To wn Council needs councillors f rom all walks o f life, with a wide range o f skills and experience It is a great oppor tunity to help to shape the community and impro ve life for the people o f your neighbourhood You will also benef it f rom suppor t and training, helping you to gain new skills and conf idence

What does a Councillor do?

Councillors are elected to represent the voice o f their community as a whole. Their role is to speak on behalf o f the people they represent. Councillors help to resolve and promo te local issues and make decisions for the whole o f Sto tfold.

Most people’s impressions o f what a councillor does is that they just attend council meetings - no thing could be fur ther f rom the tru th. The du ties and pleasure o f being a local councillor are many and varied, ho wever it is the ordinar y day to day contact with local people in their o wn community that is the most impor tant par t o f being a councillor.

Who can be a Councillor?

If you wish to stand as a councillor you must satisfy these requirements:

• Be o ver the age o f 18 between the no tice o f election and closure o f nominations

• A citizen o f the European Union or the Commonwealth

• A local go vernment elector o f the parish; or a person who during the whole o f the twelve months before nomination as a candidate occupied land or o ther premises as o wner or tenant in the parish Or has, during the same period, resided in that area or within three miles (4 8km) thereo f, or has during the same period, had a principal or only place o f work in that area

Who can’t be a Councillor?

You canno t stand for election or co -option if you:

• Are bankrupt and an Order or Interim Restriction Order has been imposed

• Have, within f ive years before the day o f the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom o f any o ffence and have had a sentence o f imprisonment (whether suspended or no t) for a period o f o ver three months withou t the option o f a f ine

• Work for the council where you are intending to stand for election (bu t you can work for o ther local au thorities, including the principal au thorities that represent the same area)

Ho w much time will it take up?

The amount o f time being a councillor takes up will, to some extent, be up to you, bu t it is a commitment that you should consider carefully. There will be a number o f meetings that you will be required to attend which are usually held in the evenings. You will have to spend time talking to people in your community and resolving any issues they may have. You will also need to make time to read papers in preparation for meetings.

Ho w do I f ind ou t more?

If you would like more information on becoming a councillor, please do no t hesitate to contact Sto tfold To wn Council who will be happy to give you all the information you need.

Sto tfold To wn Council, The Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Sto tfold, Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4HG Tel: 01462 730064

enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go v.uk www.sto tfoldto wncouncil.go v.uk

V isit us at our o ff ice We are open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm (closed Wednesdays)

19 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Our Monthly update from Mum with 3

Time on your o wn

Ano ther month passes and the initial stages o f Ironman preparation are going well This weekend I had my longest training session, almost 4 hours ou t on the bike cycling around the Cambridgeshire countr yside The event was a ‘Spor tive’; a semi-competitive organised ride with 100’s o f cyclists completing various distances f rom 42 to 78 miles

There were a range o f abilities f rom mountain biking no vices wearing Ugg boo ts (it was cold!) and nattering away to each o ther, to the to the pelo tons where the athletic cyclists formed a close group and drafted o ff each o ther to increase their speed and eff iciency.

Like most par ticipants, I was somewhere in the middle occasionally chatting to a fello w cyclist bu t for the most par t, riding by myself and enjo ying the scener y, and realising that I felt much f itter than I had for a long time

Being on my o wn for this type o f event was unusual for me There were a number o f f riends I could have cycled with, and normally would have done Bu t for the f irst time I chose to do my o wn thing With the training going well after such a long time absent, I couldn’t gauge ho w I was going to feel on the day I didn’t want to commit to having to bike at a speed dependent on anyone else or feel obliged to stop and star t unless I wanted to. It felt uncomfor tably self ish to explain this to my cycling f riends prior to the event and during the ride wondered for the umpteenth time why I’d made the decision. Bu t as I breezed along for those rare few hours where there is no responsibility except to think abou t the road ahead, I knew that was the reason; when you’re accountable all week for your children, work, home (and pets!), and all the o ther groups you belong to, it felt good to have that time on my o wn with no obligations to anyone o ther than myself Mumwith3 does Ironman

21 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News From Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club

The Sto tfold Junior tournament is back this year on the weekend o f 5/6/7 May

If you are interested in registering your team for this weekend, please contact Matt Bennett at sjfc gen@btinternet com

The weekend always brings a great deal o f fun and some excellent foo tball - we hope you will all join us either as players, parents or suppor ters There is plenty o f oppor tunity to grab a bite to eat, watch the matches and enjo y the atmosphere bo th by the pitch side or in the clubhouse.

Volunteers & Parents, we need you!

Have you go t an interest in foo tball?

Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club are increasing in numbers and are looking for additional volunteers to qualify as a FA level one coaches

This is a great oppor tunity to be par t o f large local foo tball club - If you are interested, please contact enquiries@sto tfoldjunior fc co uk - we look for ward to hearing f rom you!


This year St Mar y's Church are planning a new community event for the weekend o f 24/25 June. Entitled 'Tour de Sto tfold' The idea is that members o f the community create a trail o f decorated bikes, par t bikes or any thing bike themed around Sto tfold with entries displayed in gardens or o ther social spaces. For fur ther information and to register your interest contact maureen.winters5@gmail.com 07727 688877

22 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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News From Sto tfold Foo tball Club

Dev Sat 22 2 30 Away Elsto w Abbey First

At the end o f Februar y the 1st team are maintaining top spo t in the S SMFL although nearest rivals Leighton To wn are f ive points behind with f ive games in hand on us A mixed bag o f results for the team winning 3, drawing 3 and losing 1 in the league The Development team were unbeaten in the month winning 2 and drawing 1 in the league

The Women’s team continue in top spo t winning their 3 league games bu t bo wing ou t o f the Beds Women’s Cup narro wly losing 1-0 to Biggleswade Utd Reds who play two levels higher A ver y creditable per formance

The U18 team won 1, drew 1 and lost 1 o f their league matches A busy month o f f ixtures coming up:

April Fixtures:

1st Sat 1 3.00 Away Crawley Green

Wm’s Sun 2 2.00 Away Bedford Ladies Blues

Dev Wed 5 7.45 Home Crawley Green Reser ves

U18 Thurs 6 7.45 Home Shefford Saints

1st Sat 8 3.00 Away Biggleswade Utd

Dev Sat 8 2.30 Home Biggleswade Utd Reser ves

1st Mon 10 3 00 Home Shefford To wn/Campton

Dev Mon 10 2 30 Away AFC Oakley First

Dev Wed 12 7 45 Home Queens Park Crescent


1st Sat 15 3 00 Away Cockfosters

Dev Sat 15 2 30 Home Cranf ield Utd First

Wm’s Sun 16 2 00 Away Sherrardswood Ladies

First FC First

1st Tues 18 7 45 Home Eaton Socon (Hinchingbrooke Cup (Semi-Final )

1st Thurs 20 7 45 Home Leighton To wn

1st Sat 22 3 00 Home DunstableTo wn

Wm’s Sun 23 2 00 Home Hitchin To wn Women First

Dev Sat 29 2 30 Away Crawley Green Reser ves

Wm’s Sun 30 2 00 Away Everett Eagles Women

Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for news and up to date information

JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4HE 01462 539297

SMSA’s Communit y Quiz Night!

Friday 14th April 2023

Sto tfold Conser vative Club - 7pm for 7 30pm star t Tickets £5 per person, (maximum o f 6 people per team )

All proceeds to St Mar y’s school (SMSA) Trophy and chocolates for the winning team - and a wooden spoon to the losers! Tickets can be purchased f rom St Mar y’s school o ff ice or Sto tfold Conser vative club. Team name, team member names and payment will be required on booking. All ticket sale proceeds to SMSA

23 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News from Sto tfold Ar t Group

This month we are a little nostalgic, remembering former members

In the late 1990s, the Local Au thority stopped funding tu tored classes, so Gladys Norman suggested the idea o f an informal self - help group This was to be a f riendly, lo w cost class, which anyone could join, regardless o f level o f skill Gladys was the f irst secretar y, then honorar y president She and husband Eric held garden par ties ever y year in their lo vely Sto tfold garden Sadly she passed away several years ago

The delicate watercolour o f flo wers is the work o f Peggy

Hawkinge, who became group treasurer She made many impro vements, creating the logo and applying to a local charity for a grant This funded the purchase o f large stands, A boards and signage for exhibitions She and husband John mo ved to the Sou th coast a few years ago

The late Maisie Groom enjo yed her weekly painting sessions, almost always producing a f inished work each week Her family and their Devon home were favourite topics for her watercolours Belo w L to R, Gladys Norman, watercolour by Maisie Groom and poppies by Peggy Hawkinge

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Sal vation Army Ladies Fello wship April 17th ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE - Keith Lander Ladies fello wship meetings & events Tel: 01462 730739.


Ever y Friday Knit and Knatter 10.30am-12pm

*Please no te the librar y will be closed on Friday 7th April


Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month~(Saturday 1st April )

*Co ffee Morning & Lego! 10am-3pm Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit, board games and chat


Ever y Tuesday

*Stor y and Rhyme Time 10 30am (for children aged 0-5)

Ever y Thursday~ Term Time Only *In Par tnership with the Children’s Centre* SEND Stor y time 9 15am, designed specif ically for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (recommended for children o f all ages)

Ever y Thursday Term Time Only *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* Sing and Sign 10 30am, with British Sign Language (recommended for children aged 0-5)

School Holiday Activities

* Stor y & Rhyme Time, Tuesday 4th April & Tuesday 11th April 10.30am (recommended for children aged 0-5)

* Hama Beads, Wednesday 5th April & Wednesday 12th April 2pm-5pm (recommended for children aged 3+)

Children’s Activity with the Shefford and Sto tfold Children’s Centre, Thursday 6th April & Thursday 13th April 10.30am (recommended for children aged 2+)

*Spring Crafts, Friday 14th April 2pm-5pm (recommended for children aged 2+)

* Lego Club, Saturday 8th April & Saturday 15th April 10am3pm (recommended for children o f all ages)


Ever y Monday~ *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* Family Suppor t Drop-in 9am-10am (families with children aged 0-12 years)

Ever y Saturday

Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm ( for ages 0-109)

***NEW NEW NEW*** Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month~ (Saturday 1st April )

10am-3pm Co ffee Morning & Lego! Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat There will be board games and puzzle books available for adults and families on demand, plus the Lego will also be ou t and available for anyone to use if they wish

25 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 ajb fencing * fencing * decking * pergolas * summer houses For a FREE quotation call Andy on 07837 791365 or (01462) 628388 Public Liability Insured Established 18 years Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505
H.A/Council Home Exchange Looking for 1/2 bed bungalo w in Sto tfold (only) for 1 bed bungalo w in Biggleswade. Please call 07975827861 for more information News from Sto tfold Librar y Tuesday – 9am-1pm Wednesday – 2pm-6pm Thursday – 9am-1pm Friday – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday – 9am-4pm Sunday – Closed *Easter Bank Holiday Closure* *Friday 7th April – CLOSED ALL DAY*

NEW - Reader ’s Recipe Of The Month!

This year we are keen to introduce some new and interesting ar ticles and features to your Sto tfold News Magazine

Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains


Our revised opening hours: Tues: 2pm-7pm Wed: 10am-7pm Thursday: 3pm-7pm Friday: 10am - 1pm Saturday: 10am-2pm

We were contacted earlier this month by self proclaimed ‘foody’ and Sto tfold News Magazine reader Paul Webb who wanted to share with us one o f his favourite go - to recipes for Coq-au -vin

It go t us thinking ho w good would it be to feature reader ’s recipes ever y month! - Do you have a speciality you would like to share with our readers? Whether it’s a mid-week snack or a full-on dinner par ty meal we want to see it!

Pop us an email together with your recipe and accompanying pho to to sto tfold.news@yahoo.com

We’d also like to see your results if you make any thing we include!


Would you like to join a f riendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10.45am

Meeting points for April: 6th, 13th The Cro wn PH, Sto tfold 20th & 27th Arlesey Train Station

For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672

26 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Coq-au-vin - cooked exper tly by Paul Webb!

Paul’s Coq-au-vin....


1½ tbsp olive oil

3 rashers (100g) dr y-cured, smoked back bacon,fat

trimmed, chopped

12 small shallo ts, peeled

2 f ree -range chicken legs (460g), skin remo ved

4 f ree -range chicken thighs with bone and skin (650g), skin remo ved

2 f ree -range, skinless, boneless chicken breasts(280g)

3 garlic clo ves, f inely chopped

3 tbsp brandy or Cognac

600ml red wine

150ml good-quality chicken stock

2 tsp tomato purée

3 thyme sprigs, 2 rosemar y sprigs and 2 bay leaves, to make a bouquet garni

small handful chopped flat-leaf parsley, to garnish

For the mushrooms

1½ tbsp olive oil

250g chestnu t mushrooms, halved if large

For the thickener

2 tbsp plain flour

1½ tsp olive oil

1 tsp so ftened bu tter


STEP 1: Heat 1 tbsp olive oil and tip in 3 trimmed and chopped smoked back bacon rashers, f r y and drain..

STEP 2: Add 12 peeled shallo ts to the pan and f r y for 5-8 mins until well bro wned. Remo ve with the bacon.

STEP 3: Take 2 chicken legs, 4 chicken thighs and 2 boneless chicken breasts, all with skin remo ved and pat dr y

Coq-Au-V in - Paul Webb

STEP 4: Fr y half the chicken pieces for 5-8 mins until well bro wned. Remo ve, then repeat with the remaining chicken.

STEP 5: Scatter in 3 f inely chopped garlic clo ves and f r y, pour in 3 tbsp brandy or Cognac, stirring the bo ttom o f the pan to deglaze. The alcohol should sizzle and evaporate.

STEP 6: Return the chicken legs and thighs to the pan along with any juices, then pour in a little o f 600ml red wine.

STEP 7: Stir in the rest o f the wine, 150ml good-quality chicken stock and 2 tsp tomato purée Drop in 3 thyme sprigs, 2 rosemar y sprigs and 2 bay leaves, season with pepper and salt, then add back in the bacon and shallo ts

STEP 8: Co ver, lo wer the heat to a gentle simmer, add the chicken breasts and cook for 50 mins - 1hr

STEP 9: Heat 1 ½ tbsp olive oil and add 250g chestnu t mushrooms, f r y and keep warm

STEP 10: Lift the chicken, shallo ts and bacon f rom the pan and transfer to a warmed ser ving dish Remo ve the garni

STEP 11: To make the thickener, mix 2 tbsp plain flour, 1 ½ tsp olive oil and 1 tsp so ftened bu tter in a small bo wl

STEP 12 Bring the wine mixture to a gentle boil, then gradually drop in small pieces o f the thickener, whisking each piece in using a wire whisk Simmer for 1-2 mins

STEP 13 Scatter the mushrooms o ver the chicken, then pour o ver the wine sauce Garnish with a handful o f chopped flat-leaf SEND

27 Email us at sto
co uk
US IN YOUR RECIPE’S TO sto tfold.news@yahoo.com
All types of electrical work under taken. Installation, Fault finding, Heating controls Test and inspection, EV charge points, NICEIC approved contractor.

Looking To Sell Your Home This Spring?

We’re all ears!

As Spring has commenced we have seen a distinct upturn in the level o f market activit y with more bu yers boosting sales achieved locally by a signif icant amount This has caused there to be a shor tage o f proper t y to satisfy the increasing demand.

If you are considering a mo ve, why no t call us ou t to give you an up to date market appraisal o f your home and hear ho w we can help get you mo ved in 2023.

Get an up to date valuation on your home TODAY.

For all your property needs call us on

28 Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts

Mental Health Matters - Jo Loach

One new thing..

This year the cold weather seems to be lingering yet Spring continues to make its presence seen via all the green shoo ts o f new life appearing all o ver the place. And o f course, the stunningly beau tiful pink and white blossom already adorning the trees.

While any New Year ’s Resolu tions may be long forgo tten there remains two thirds o f the year ahead for us with Spring reminding us o f the chance to begin again. It’s all too easy to allo w each year to morph in to the last withou t taking time ou t to actively consider let alone incorporate any thing new into the rhy thm o f life.

This April the season o f new beginnings can invite us to think abou t star ting something new no w Proactively making time for new pursuits, fun pastimes, acquiring new skills or joining active or creative classes can all contribu te to maintaining good mental and emo tional health

While it cer tainly takes time and energy to invest in committing to something new, the payo ff can far surpass the effor t required, par ticularly in getting star ted

It’s all too easy to fall into the trap o f imagining adult life to be too serious, gro wn up and busy to commit time to restful or playful pursuits. Yet the additional responsibilities, pressure and stress that can accompany adulting mean the need for fun is greater than ever! We may allo w ourselves to forget this to our o wn detriment.

This Spring, give yourself the gift o f returning to a longabandoned hobby or beginning a brand spanking new one, for this is the Season for breathing new life into fun things whether for the f irst time or after a long time

Play is great for mental and emo tional health, whether your o wn or within your relationship with spouse, children or simply life itself

Jo Loach is a BACP accredited Counsellor and Super visor, with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeu tic Counselling

29 Find us on facebook: The Sto tfold News Magazine

News from King’s Baptist Church

This month we celebrate Easter, which reminds us o f the death and resurrection o f Jesus This has been wonder fully pu t in the follo wing way by Mark Link & Carl Knudsen:

The good news o f Easter

is that Jesus has triumphed o ver sin and evil and so will we if we open our hear ts to his Easter po wer

The good news o f Easter is that ever y Good Friday in our livescan be turned into an Easter Sunday

The good news o f Easter is that no thing can defeat us anymore no t pain, no t sorro w, no t even death

The good news o f Easter is that Jesus will work a miracle in our lives on this ver y day if we will bu t open our hear ts to his Easter po wer.

What miracle might I ask Jesus to work in my life this Easter day? Ho w might I open my hear t, in a special Easter way, to let the risen Jesus do this?

The stor y o f Easter is the stor y o f God's wonder ful windo w o f divine surprise

Au thor Aiden Tozer has this to say abou t Easter:

“There is an exquisite appropriateness in our celebrating the resurrection o f Christ in the spring When nature is waking to life again after her long winter o f sleep, it is then that the thoughts o f Christians ever ywhere are turned to the wonder o f the Saviour ’s coming ou t o f the tomb after His ordeal with sin and death Christ’s resurrection was an act once accomplished at a given moment in histor y. It does no t in any sense depend upon seasons or celebrations, nor does the miracle o f the springtime add any thing to the glor y o f the once -done deed. The workings o f God in nature do, ho wever, cast a warm light upon His workings in redemption and the springtime o f life in the ear th illustrates the miracle o f life in the new creation.”

I hope you will kno w the new life, deep jo y, and lasting peace that Jesus gives f reely to all who ask him.

Our website, www kingsbaptistchurch co uk contains all the information abou t our Easter meetings, and o ther events.

We look for ward to updating you on our news once again next month.

Tuesday 4pm, 5.30pm & 7pm

Stotfold Memorial Hall
For more information
Dawn on
07515 557803

Decision time?

Are you facing a decision point? It’s tempting to pu t o ff hard decisions until too late, and the oppor tunity is gone As a young so ftware engineer, I remember agonising o ver a choice o f technology for a project I wanted more information Ho wever, the decision point arrived and the boss said “Any decision is better than no decision ”

The phrase stuck with me A leap o f faith is o ften required

The Easter stor y includes a number o f decision points: for Jesus o f Nazareth to ride into Jerusalem, where his enemies gathered; for Judas to betray his master for thir ty pieces o f silver; for Jesus to remain in the Garden o f Gethsemane and await arrest; for Simon Peter, the leader o f Christ’s disciples, to deny that he knew him as he warmed himself at the f ire in the Palace cour tyard; for the Roman Go vernor, Pontius Pilate, to wash his hands in public and declare himself “innocent o f this man’s blood” as he sent Jesus to be crucif ied; for the women to stand at the foo t o f his cross on Friday while the o ther disciples had fled, and to see him dead and buried, and then to return to his grave on the Sunday morning, to f ind it empty.

Each person’s decision was hear t wrenching and diff icult and made lasting differences to those lives, and to the world, to us.

I would say that ever yone who hears the Easter stor y then has a decision to make abou t it No t an easy one, and def initely requiring a leap o f faith, bu t no t really one to pu t o ff until it’s too late


At Sto tfold Methodist Church :

Co ffee morning, Saturday 1st April, 10am to 12pm

Monday Club 2pm 3:30 (except during holidays)

Sunday worship 10am:

2nd : Palm Sunday ser vice

9th : Easter Sunday

Revd John Whittle

16th : Revd Graham

Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion)

23rd : Andy Searle

30th : Jennifer Rogers

Revd Graham

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31 RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bedrooms Windows Internal/External Doors Ski r tings -Architraves -Dados Stai rs -Handles -Balustrades Handle & Lock Replacements Loft Hatches Flat Pack Furniture All aspects of carpentr y No j ob too small Call 07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience C AR SALESMEC HANI CALBO DYWO RKQuality used cars & vans supplied Excellent after sales care, our warrantees cover both parts & labour Motor vehicle servicing and general repair work undertaken, any make or model Accident repair and insurance work specialists 2 Arlesey Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts SG5 4HA Formerly Cramps Garage Sales (01462) 732400 Services and Bodywork (01462) 731500 BAL & CO. MOTOR CARE News from Sto tfold Methodist Church


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32 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk

We are looking for ward to our annual walk through Holy Week alongside Jesus and one ano ther which culminates in the jo y o f Easter morning In addition to our usual Sunday and weekday ser vices, your parish church o f Sto tfold and Fair f ield is holding these ser vices to any o f which you are ver y welcome:

Holy Week & Easter Ser vices

2 April Palm Sunday 8.00am, Said Holy Communion.

2 April Palm Sunday, 10.00am, Holy Communion (no donkey this year due to illness).

2 April Palm Sunday 4.00pm. Families at Four Palm Sunday Ser vice This ser vice is open to all It is an oppor tunity for families f rom our Thursday morning baby and toddler group, our monthly Sunday afternoon Tea Time Praise Ser vice and children f rom our weekly Sunday School to join together and worship

2 April Palm Sunday 6 00pm Stations o f the Cross

3 April Monday 7 30pm Holy Week reflection and Compline

4 April Tuesday 7 30pm Holy Week reflection and Compline

5 April Wednesday 7 30pm Tenebrae ser vice ‘Tenebrae’ is Latin for shado ws Reflecting on the emo tional aspects o f the passion stor y, this music-rich ser vice begins with a candlelit church and ends in darkness with the people leaving in silence

6 April Maundy Thursday Last Supper meal 6 30pm We welcome all to our Last Supper meal Please sign the list in Church if you are joining us

6 April Thursday 9 30pm Stripping o f the altars and vigil at the altar o f repose

7 April Friday 2 00pm Good Friday Hour before the Cross Bible readings, reflection and music.

8 April Saturday 7.30pm Easter Eve – Ser vice o f Light and Renewal o f Baptism Vo ws.

8 April Saturday 8.00pm Easter Eve Conf irmation Ser vice at St Alban’s Abbey.

9 April Sunday 6.30am Churches Together Sunrise Ser vice at the Beacon in Sto tfold Cemeter y.

9 April Sunday 9.00am Easter Day Ser vice, All Saints, Radwell

9 April Sunday 10.00am Easter Day Ser vice, St Mar y’s, Sto tfold

Other April/May Events:

22 April Saturday, 10 00am-12 00, Book Sale and co ffee morning, Church Hall

30 April Sunday, 3 00pm, Adrian Quarr y organ recital

7 May Sunday 3 00pm there will be Civic Ser vice at St Mar y’s Church to celebrate the Coronation o f King Charles III, with activities to follo w

Worship Ser vices:

Ever y Sunday in Church:

9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer. A 20-minu te ser vice withou t Holy Communion or a sermon.

10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children.

First Sunday o f the Month:

8.00am. Said Communion

9.00am. Sunday Morning Prayer

10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children.

4.00pm. Tea Time Praise for young families.

Wednesday Ser vice in Church

9 45am Parish Communion: a 40 minu te ser vice

Monday-Saturday in Church

9 00am Morning Prayer Ser vice A small group gathers in church for 20 minu tes

Christenings/Baptisms Held at 2 30pm and 3 30pm on the 4th Sunday o f the month contact Sara Clark to discuss sara clark3@ntlworld com or 01462 625270

Funerals contact Revd Bill on 01462 730218 or revd bill britt@gmail com

I s y o u r I s y o u r

c a r i n c a r i n

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Stevenage, SG1 2BD Yo u r Yo u r l o c a l l o c a l s p e c i a l i s t i n s p e c i a l i s t i n s m a l l / m e d i u m s m a l l / m e d i u m v e h i c l e r e p a i r v e h i c l e r e p a i r t e c h n i q u e s t e c h n i q u e s News from
Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk 33
Unit 5, The IO Centre, Whittle Way, Arlington Business Park, Gunnels Wood Rd,
St Mar y’s Church
34 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 N o w o f f e r i n g N o w o f f e r i n g St e e l I n t e r i o r St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s D o o r s Upgrade your home with ur stunning new range Sto tfold-based, o ver 25 years’ experience. We are proud o f our track record o f installing with exper tise and attention to detail. We remo ve and recycle all waste, including your old windo ws and doors Energy efficient windows may cost less than you think. Whether you ’ re looking for something beautiful, elegant, modern or traditional. We have something for you. www.bshglazingser vices.co.uk E:info@bshglazingser vices.co.uk Contact us for FREE advice & a no -obligation quo tation. Tel: 07973 851414 Composite & bifold doors o ffering the latest securit y features along with superb curb appeal. • Range o f styles, colours & price bands • Multi-point locks as standard • High specif ication products • Lo w-maintenance Creating Stylish Secure Homes &

For our April fun quiz, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, we are donning our chef’s toque and going IN THE KITCHEN with the theme o f ingredients, appliances, implements or devices that are normally found in the kitchen. Clues contained in each question or each answer.

(Answers on page 36)

1 Mr Po tato Head is a character featured in which series o f Disney/Pixar animated f ilms?

2 Give the title o f the Tchaiko vsky ballet featuring such characters as the Mouse King and music such as Dance o f the Sugar Plum Fair y?

3 In astrology, what star sign is depicted by the Scales?

4 Pictured right is a character named Sugar Kane who features in a Billy Wilder comedy f ilm o f the 1950s What is the title o f this f ilm?

5 The Cookiecu tter is so named for its habit o f gouging round plugs o f food f rom the body o f its prey Ugh! What sor t o f creature is it?

6 Betty Stöve is a Du tch former tennis player best remembered for her appearance in the 1977 ladies’ singles f inal at Wimbledon when she was defeated by who?

7 Add the letter ‘e’ at the end o f the name o f a cer tain musical instrument and you make the name o f a kitchen implement used for slicing vegetables and o ther types o f food What name?

8 In the Bridget Jones f ilm series, the character o f Daniel Cleaver is a smoo th womaniser, a rival to Mark Darcy for Bridget’s affections Cleaver is played in the f ilms by who?

9 During the 1990s, the UK number one hits o f which pop group include “Say You’ll Be There”, “2 Become 1” and “ V iva Forever ”?

10 Give the nine -letter common name o f the distinctive long -legged wading bird pictured on the right?

11 The original family surname o f John, the British comedy actor and writer born in 1939, bu t was later changed to . . . what?

12 The brand name o f what trendy o ven was also the title o f respect given to an o ff icial or militar y o ff icer in the old Ottoman Empire?

13 Give the name o f the pop group which had US and UK hits such as “Make It With You”, “Baby I’m-a Want You” and “Guitar Man”?

14 West Egg and East Egg are settings in which no vel, the most famous by F Sco tt Fit zgerald?

15 Give the title o f the 2008 f ilm for which Sean Penn won the Academy Award as Best Actor for his por trayal o f the eponymous gay rights activist and politician?

16 What spicy epithet is shared by a character played by Angie Dickinson in a 1970s TV series and Iron Man’s personal assistant played by Gwyneth Paltro w in recent superhero mo vies?

17 Also kno wn as Bobbies, what o ther nickname was given to the original members o f the Metropolitan police force, derived f rom the surname o f the 19th centur y founder o f the force?

18 Richard Hearne was a British comedian and writer. He is best remembered for his stage and television character who was ver y popular, par ticularly with children, up until the 1950s. What was the name o f his character, pictured on the right?

19 A former US Secretar y o f State; a current West Ham and England midf ield foo tballer; the US au thor o f “The Vampire Chronicles” book series; a British television presenter, broadcaster and adventurer; a British stage musical lyricist and au thor What surname do they share?

20 What is the name o f the to wn in Per th and Kinross that was the ancient capital o f Sco tland and the site o f the coronation o f Sco ttish kings?

For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely f ree o f charge, please visit my website at davidstedman co uk or Google david stedman au thor

April Fun Quiz Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk 35
ARE YOU A KEEN QUIZER?? It’s no t too late to enter a team for the SMSA Quiz Night at Sto tfold Conser vative Club on April 21st Call 01462 730343 to enter NO W!

Down Memory Lane

We need your help!! - This magnif icent pho to has been sent to us f rom Karen King who believes it may feature her Uncle Peter Hare Can you help Karen to conf irm this? Can you possibly name any o f the o ther bo ys pictured? Where was this taken and which year do you think it may be? Please let us kno w if you have any o f the answers We are desperately in need o f some new ‘old pho tographs’ and are ver y happy to collect them to borro w and then return Give us a call on 01462 731986 or drop us an email to sto tfold news@yahoo com if you can help!!

Book Club @W ild Co ffee

will be meeting on Wednesday 29th March 7pm

This month's book The Keeper Of Stories


Meetings and Trips

Meetings and Trips

Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road

Wednesday 12th April 2023

Talk by Timo thy Walker – ‘Scent in the Garden ’ Tea and Co ffee ser ved – meeting star ts at approximately 10:15am Raffle

For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721

sto tfoldgc@gmail.com

ANSWERS to APRIL FUN QUIZ on page 35 1 “Toy Stor y”; 2 “The Nu tcracker ”; 3 Libra; 4 “Some Like It Ho t” (Marilyn Monroe); 5 Shark; 6 V irginia Wade; 7 MANDOLIN(E); 8 Hugh Grant; 9 The SPICE Girls; 10 SPOONBILL; 11 Cleese; 12 AGA; 13 BREAD; 14 “The Great Gatsby”; 15 “MILK”; 16 PEPPER (Anderson/Po tts); 17 PEELERS; 18 Mr PASTRY; 19 RICE (Condoleezza, Declan, Anne, Anneka, Tim); 20 SCONE


Useful Telephone Numbers

General Helplines: Citizen’s Advice Bureau 01525 402742 Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136 Samaritans 01462 455333 Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089 Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587 Churches Hope Chapel 01462 686803 King’s Baptist Church 01462 730521 Methodist Church 01462 731167 Salvation Army Hall 01462 731072 Ladies Fello wship 01462 730739 St Mar y’s Church 01462 730218 St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877 Friends o f St Mar y’s 01462 834108 Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410 Local Council Sto tfold To wn Council 01462 730064 Email:enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk Central Bedfordshire Council 0300 300 8000 Email:customer.ser vices@centralbedfordshire.go v.uk www centralbedfordshire go v uk Doctor Larksf ield Surger y Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200 Ou t o f Hours Ser vice: Call 111 Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144 Household Emergencies Electricity Emergencies 0800 783 8838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Housing First Garden City Homes 01462 683307 Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544
37 Health/Social Helplines Childline 0800 1111 National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000 Hospitals Bedford Hospital 01234 355122 Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Librar y Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068 Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469. Police Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Pubs Coach & Horses 01462 734135 Fox & Duck 01462 732434 The Cro wn 01462 731061 The Stag Tavern 01462 731098 Cafe Box o f Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Transpor t Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950 Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Schools Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391 Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243 Fair f ield Park Lo wer School 01462 830000 Roecro ft Lo wer School 01462 730336 St Mar y’s Academy 01462 730343 Samuel Whitbread Academy 01462 629900 Nurseries Pippin Pre -School 01462 834897 Poppies Nurser y 07833 927906 Poppyf ields Nurser y 01462 830008 Busy Bees 01462 734306 Taxi Ser vice Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www greenacretransfers co uk PLANNING HOME IMPROVEMENTS OR AN EXTENSION? Pro viding architectural design and planning ser vices for residential building, extension and conversion projects, S & S Coates Surveying & Design Call: 07960215053 or 01525 862457 stevecoates72@gmail com Find us on facebook

Local Director y

Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663 Lo wer Wilbur y Farm 07988 771107 Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366 Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200 New Kitchens 01462 812826 Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756 Nicky’s Nails 07747 042239 Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215 Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559 Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642 Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393 Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508 Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065 Paul Williams Home Repairs & Maintenance 07881 289161 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357 Piano Lessons - Elmitt Piano Academy 07449 461465 Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Pet Grooming - Paws & Claws 07913 005268 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Roecro ft Centre - Maureen Winters 07727 688877 Regency Flo wers 01462 732616 Remo vals - AG Jenkins 01462 730562 Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228 Slimming World 07515 557803 Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711 St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877 Sto tfold Ar t Group 07734 304590 Sto tfold Bo wls Club 01462 628204 Sto tfold Conser vative Club 01462 730534 Sto tfold Foo tball Club 01462 539297 Sto tfold Gardening Club 01462 834854 Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587 Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club 07706 951263 Sto tfold Judo Club 07872 594499 Sto tfold Twirlers 07732 505614 Sto tfold Mill 01462 734541 Sto tfold News Magazine 01462 731986 Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Sto tfold Shor t Mat Bo wls Club 01462 730841 Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217 Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401 Windo ws - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Windo w Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Windo w Cleaning (Jacks) 07950 510589 Yoga - Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611 Accountancy & TaxSue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) 01462 624926 AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765 A JB Fencing 07837 791365 A J Day Builders 01767 314445 Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449 Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283 Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286 Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200 Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361 Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292 Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783 Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611 Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500 Bews Electrical 01462 834488 Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997 BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314 Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Britannia Coaches 01462 436125 Broadband Communications 01462 732628 BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884 Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823 Builders - SJ Brock 01462 231257 Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Carpets & Flooring - Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312 Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674 Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997 Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363 Compu ter Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960 The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065 Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet ) Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322 Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141 Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765 EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040 Electrician - Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559 Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599 Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365 Finesse Interiors 01462 896046 First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730 Foo t Health Pro fessional - V icki Eagles 07812 399659 Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685 The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968 Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513 Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829 Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848 Guides - Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273 Henlo w Vets 01462 416416 Heritage Paving 01462 730682 Hypno therapy - Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531 James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292 Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363 Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995 Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226
39 We can rebuild your garden and transform it into a usable and exciting space to enjoy Call us for a no obligation free quote on 01462 612033 or 07738 246568 www rhgardendesign com R. H GARDEN DESIGN The Garden Specialists

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