1 minute read
Dear Editor,
Our most grateful thanks to ever yone who attended or suppor ted in any way our 3rd West End Charity Gala’ at the Gordon Craig Theatre recently in aid o f Mo tor Neurone Disease! It was lo vely to see so many familiar local faces in the audience f rom bo th Sto tfold and Arlesey
It was a fantastic evening with a packed audience , a wonder ful standing o vation richly deser ved by all involved and raised a brilliant £11.000 for MND Nor th Her ts. and MND Sco tland making an amazing to tal o f o ver £30 00O f rom the three Gala’s
Our dear husband , dad and grandad Iain who died f rom MND in 2015 would, like us, be so grateful to you all for your par t in making more aware this horrendous disease , helping to suppor t those su ffering f rom it and the hope that a cure will soon be found !
Sincerely, the Ru ther ford family Ker yle, Neil, Carl, Rhonda, Josh, Adam and Amy