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r Readers! Happy Christmas To All Ou
s month: l news, inside thi i e l d, L o c a f r i a f & D OL more.. S IN STOTF LETTERs & R U CHRISTMA O Y , s t nouncemen Family an
EST 2005
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STUCK FOR GIFT IDEAS THIS CHRISTMAS? Order your partner a beautiful, individually created Christmas basket this year...
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DECEMBER Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 13/11/2019 22:32 Page 3
From the Editor Welcome to December!
As I write those words I almost have to check I am writing this correctly - who knew we would arrive at our Christmas issue so swiftly?
This month we have tried our hardest to squeeze in as much information as possible regarding the forthcoming festivities in Stotfold. To make things easier, we have collated a couple of diary pages further back in the issue to help you plan your time. There is so much to do in Stotfold during December, we challenge you to find yourself at a loose end!
This December, the Stotfold News Magazine will be out and about supporting as many of these events as possible. We are delighted to offer our support to these occasions, including sponsoring this year’s Christmas Grotto for the Stotfold Light Switch On Event and assisting Santa with his sweets for the Silverbirch Avenue light switch on once again this year. As this is the final issue of 2019, we have spent some time this month reflecting on the previous 12 months. As many of you will know, this year has been extremely busy for the magazine and for us as a family we have faced some challenging times. The support we have received from friends, family and the wider community of Stotfold has been nothing short of amazing and we would like to thank everybody for their understanding and the incredible kindness shown to us all. Whilst on the subject of thanks, we would like to wholeheartedly thank our delivery volunteers who have walked the streets of Stotfold this year ensuring your magazines are delivered on time. We never under estimate the commitment we receive from our helpers and wish to say a huge THANK YOU for their help over the last twelve months.
Please email your letters or articles to or write to us at: Stotfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hertfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9.30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page.
It’s easy to advertise in the Stotfold News You’ll find all you need to know at: Our deadline is always 6th of every month preceeding publication.
We have over 95 volunteers that deliver the Stotfold News Magazine. If for any reason you do not recieve your copy of the magazine please contact us to let us know.
We are happy to accept birthday announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page. If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement or please visit: or send a cheque made payable to Garden House Hospice to: Garden House Hospice, Gillison Close, Letchworth Garden City, Herts SG6 1QU
Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold News Magazine. Published by Stotfold News Ltd in association with Woodbury Printing Services
Our January edition will be through your doors in time for Christmas week but for now, we would like to wish all of our readers a very Happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible out and about in the town during December!
Until next month!
We love receiving your photographs! To have your photograph featured as a future front cover of the Stotfold News Magazine please send it to us at: This magazine is dedicated to the memory of Roy West.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Pumpkin Trail Champs Brownie Award Winner This years ‘Great Big Children’s Pumpkin Trial’ hosted by Satchells Estate Agents Stotfold during half term was a huge success, with many entries received for both trails in Stotfold and Arlesey.
Participants of the pumpkin trail were tasked with hunting down hidden pumpkins posted around Stotfold and Arlesey over the school break. Winners of both challenges were awarded gift vouchers for Amazon to the value of £50 each. Thomas Baldwin Age 7 and Ivie Armitage Age 5 were presented with their prizes by Satchells Stotfold Branch Manager Kevin Duff at the beginning of November. ‘It is great to see local children out and about during the school holidays taking part in fun activities, we were astounded at the amount of children that took part.’ Congratulations to Evie and to Thomas! Ivie & Thomas with their £50 vouchers
As some people may know, the Guide Association launched an entirely new programme across all sections from Rainbows, through Brownies, Guides, right up to Rangers, with new things to work on and completely new badges as of September 2018. The highest award in any section is now the Gold Award, involving 6 themes along the way. At 3rd Stotfold Brownies, we were thrilled when our oldest Brownie, Lana Stevenson, decided to try to gain the Gold Award, and she did it! Presenting her with her special badge and certificate was one of the truly wonderful moments of my long time serving as Brown Owl! There were messages and cards from Stotfold Guide Association’s President, Lyn Hayes, District Commissioner, Dawn Peters, and 3rd Stotfold Brownies. We had a special candlelit presentation evening attended by Lana’s family and friends. Melanie Cheney 3rd Stotfold Brownies To find out more about the various Brownie and Guide groups in Stotfold, or call our District Commissioner on 01462 733322. Lana and friend Ellie
Free Range Turkeys from Lower Wilbury Farm
Whole birds, crowns and boned & rolled, goose, cockerel, lamb, pork and beef also available.
VIST OUR ONSITE SHOP, OPEN DATES & TIMES: Saturday 30th November 10am - 4pm Sunday 1st December 10am - 1pm. Saturday 14th 10am - 4pm Sunday 15th December 10am - 1pm. Monday 23rd 10am - 4pm Tuesday 24th December 10am - 4pm
To order call Dean on 07988 771107 or email Find us on Facebook - Lower Wilbury Farm
TEL: 01462 732396 MOB: 07860 192689
Stotfold News Magazine, PO Box 311, Stotfold, Herts SG5 4WF
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Tree-cycle For The Garden House Hospice The Garden House Hospice Care’s Christmas Treecycling campaign is back once again this year, giving you the opportunity to help fundraise for our local hospice whilst helping dispose of your real Christmas tree at the same time!
All you need to do to take part is sign up to the treecycling scheme before midday on the 8th of January, pay a donation to Garden House Hospice Care and their team of volunteers will collect and recycle your tree from your very doorstep between Saturday 11th and Tuesday 14th January. Once you have signed up to take part, you will simply need to strip your tree of decorations and leave it outside your house ready for collection. The Garden House Hospice volunteers will collect your tree which will then be shredded and chippings used in playgrounds within schools in our local community.
The Garden House Hospice Care team are also looking for helpers to assist with the collection of trees (in particular, people with vans or trailers). If you can spare a few hours between 11th and 14th January to help this wonderful cause then please get in touch with the Garden House Hospice Fundraising Team on 01462 679540.
They will be delighted to hear from you!
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Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts
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Stotfold Library Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP Tel. 0300 300 8068
Opening times: Monday CLOSED Tuesday 9am to 1pm Wednesday 2pm to 6pm Thursday 9am to 1pm Friday 9am to 1pm 2pm to 6pm Saturday 9am to 4pm Sunday CLOSED
Christmas/New Year Opening Times:
Monday 23rd December – CLOSED Tuesday 24th December – 9am-1pm Wednesday 25th December – CLOSED Thursday 26th December – CLOSED Friday 27th December – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday 28th December – 9am-4pm Sunday 29th December – CLOSED Monday 30th December – CLOSED Tuesday 31st December – 9am-1pm Wednesday 1st January – CLOSED Thursday 2nd January – 9am-1pm (Normal opening hours resume from this date onwards.) ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN School Holidays Tuesday 24th December 9am-12noon, Christmas Card Craft Friday 27th December 2pm-5pm, Tote Bag decorating (£1.50 per bag) Saturday 28th December 9am-3pm, Coffee and Lego Tuesday 31st December 9am-12noon, New Year Craft Friday 3rd January 2pm-5pm, Winter Craft. Saturday 4th January 9am-3pm, Coffee and Lego.
Children under 8 must never be left unsupervised in the library.
EVENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY (recommended for ages 0-99) Every Wednesday Lego and Duplo Club 4pm-5.30pm
*Please note that the library will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day*
Every Saturday Coffee and Lego 9am-3pm EVENTS FOR ADULTS
Every Friday Knit and Knatter 10.30-12noon Wednesday 4th December Good Afternoon Club 2.30pm. “Christmas Party!” Come and meet new and old friends and enjoy some refreshments and a chat. £1 entry fee. Transport can be arranged by contacting the library on 0300 300 8068 Thursday 5th December Adult Craft Classes 10-12noon. If you like making your own crafts but want to learn some new techniques, this is the place for you! Hosted by Donna Pearson, professional Card Maker. £4.50 each and all materials provided. Wednesday 11th December Roecrafters 2pm-4pm. Whether you enjoy cross-stitch, rug making, paper craft, rock painting, or any other type of crafting, bring it with you to do whilst you socialise with other likeminded people. Come along and have fun! Wednesday 18th December Stotfold Reading Group 2.15pm-3.15pm
Letters to the Editor Dear Editor
Baycroft Fairfield Care Home would like to extend a warm invitation for residents of the local community to our Open Day on Friday 13th December, 12 noon to 4pm. We welcome you to come and meet the staff, enjoy some refreshments and have a look around our lovely home. It is also Christmas Jumper Day so we expect to see everyone wearing their best Christmas outfit!
On a separate note, I would personally like to say a huge thank you to everyone I have met over the last few months and for the incredibly warm welcome we have received. We are very much looking forward to becoming part of this wonderful community and building strong relationships with all of the different groups and organisations we have met. We are excited to put into practice all of the plans we have for the future and hope to get to know everyone in the months and years to come. I look forward to meeting some new faces and also catching up with some old ones - so dig out your fanciest jumper and come along for some Christmas spirit!
Yvonne Rolfe Customer Relations Manager, Baycroft Fairfield Care Home.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Family Fundraiser For Dememtia Care Local dance school Gifford Dance Academy are putting the ‘fun’ into fundraising with their Dance for Dementia Day on 19th January.
If you enjoy having fun with friends or with family then this event is for you! A great afternoon is promised, with the aim of raising as much money and as much awareness as possible for dementia care along the way. The Gifford family, currently caring for a very close family member suffering from this awful disease know only too well the devastating impact dementia can have on everyone that it touches. The Dance Academy will be donating all proceeds of their event towards funding an Admiral Nurse for Bedfordshire, a specialist nurse dedicated to helping dementia sufferers and their families. Incredibly, there are no Admiral Nurses available in our county. ‘These wonderful nurses should be available to everyone in need of specialist care, our Dance for Dementia Day is to help raise awareness of this situation and to of course to have lots of fun along the way’ Rebecca Gifford told the Stotfold News. Whether you have two left feet or are a seasoned performer the day promises to be great fun for all.
To find out more and book your space see the advert to the right of this article.
Opening Times
Mon 23 Dec Tue 24 Dec Christmas Day Wed 25 Dec Boxing Day Thur 26 Dec Fri 27 Dec Sat 28 Dec
Closed 8am - 4pm
Mon 30 Dec Closed Tue 31 Dec 8am - 4pm New Year’s Day Closed Wed 1 Jan Closed Open as normal Closed Thur 2 Jan 9am - 5.30pm 9am - 5.30pm Fri 3 Jan 9am - 5.30pm 8am - 4pm Sat 4 Jan 8am - 4pm
Merry Christmas from everyone at the Barn Hair Studio
Our Christmas shop is now open, offering a range of gifts for both ladies and gents along with gift cards.
12a Queen Street Stotfold, SG5 4NX 01462 835611 -
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
A heartfelt ‘ thank you so very much ‘ to all those who attended, gave donations, raffle prizes and sent their best wishes for our second Motor Neurone Disease West End Gala’ held in the Concert Hall at the Gordon Craig Theatre at the beginning of November. The event was held in memory of our beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather, Iain Rutherford and the many other people who have lost their battle with this dreadful disease. Over 650 people attended the event which added to a wonderful, success of the evening. Over £9,000 was raised once again for the MND Association making a total of £18,000 raised by our family over two shows during the last three years for which we are extremely grateful! All money raised will be divided between the local MND Association to help those with MND and their families in various ways and to the MND head office in Northampton towards research. Our sincere thanks on behalf of the MND Association and from our family.
We are so very grateful for your kind support !
Darren Peters Property Maintenance
Your One Stop Solution for Property Maintenance Reliable and local multi-skilled handyman at affordable prices
Domestic & Commercial Work Undertaken For a Free Quotation call Darren H: 01462 733322
M: 07587 186746
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Keryle, Neil, Carl, Josh Rutherford and family .
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
Stotfold Football Club would like to thank everyone who helped to make our final firework display at Roker Park such a huge success. In particular those who, through sharing the robbery of our fireworks on the Stotfold News Magazine facebook page, helped return the stolen fireworks to the club. Our display has formed a major part of Stotfold FC’s community and heritage and we are grateful to all those who volunteer their time to ensure the smooth running of this evening. It is so nice to see generations of players and supporters bringing their families down to the club to enjoy the display. We hope this support will continue as we settle into our new home on Arlesey Road shortly.
Our new stadium brings together both Senior and Junior Football Clubs and welcomes a facility that we hope will be embraced by the larger community as a whole. Whilst the forthcoming Harry Redknapp Dinner celebrates our time at Roker Park, the new clubhouse facility offers opportunities for other groups and organisations within Stotfold. Interested parties can contact for further details. Once again, a huge thank you to the players, families and to the wider community of Stotfold for your continual support and encouragement as we move forward into our new venture. Phil Pateman (on behalf of Stotfold Football Club).
Dear Editor, We wish to say a HUGE THANK YOU to the Stotfold News Magazine for advertising the Dementia Talk given at the Salvation Army at the beginning of November. Over sixty people attended this most informative and helpful talk given by Admiral nurse Hannah Gardner. Many thanks once again, Roy Scott - Oganiser Dear Editor,
The Eleemosynary Charity of William Field invite applications from local individuals and voluntary organisations for a grant that will directly benefit a resident or residents in the ecclesiastical parish of Stotfold including Fairfield. Application forms are obtainable from Stotfold Library, Stotfold Town Council or by email from Please ensure that you obtain a new form as due to the Data Protection Act May 2018 the wording has been changed. The closing date for applications is 31st December 2019. Many thanks.
Letchworth Carpet Centre
Number ONE for Price Quality and Service O Free Estimates - Free Measuring YLOCAL .1 NO Full Fitting - Expert Advice Carpets, Laminates, Vinyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work UR
Open Monday to Wednesday 09.00 to 16.30 Thursday 09.00 to 19.00 Friday 09.00 - 16.30 CLOSED Saturday & Sunday
Tel: 01462 481312
1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchworth, Herts SG6 1JF Email
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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SANTA’S SANTA SANT A A’S ’S GROTTO GROT TO £5.00 PER VISIT INCLUDING A PRESENT Open late every Thursday ‘til 8pm from Thursday 5 December* Open late Monday 23 December ‘til 7pm* OPENS Thurs 21 Nov from 1pm-5pm, then every day: Mon-Fri: 1pm-5pm* (Opens at 12pm on weekdays from Mon 9 Dec and 10:30am from Mon 16 Dec) SATURDAYS 10am-5pm SUNDAYS 11am-4pm CHRISTMAS EVE 10am-3pm * Please check our website for further details and to book online at www
FREE chocolate advent calendar during visits on Thurs 21, Fri 22 and Mon 25 – Fri 29 Nov
We have FREE goody bags to give away to the first 500 children visiting Santa
www @Westgate_Centre @Westgate_Centre 10
W Westgate estgate Shopping Centre
Westgate_Stevenage W estgate_Stevenage
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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News from
Stotfold Watermill
O come all ye faithful ….
The words of the Christmas carol have a double significance this month – but first to report on an earlier event. There was something strange in the neighbourhood of Stotfold Water Mill on the 26th October. When the planned spooky treasure hunt around the Nature Reserve had to be called off due to the inclement weather, the stalwart volunteers picked up their cauldrons, broomsticks and (in one memorable case) six-foot Grim Reaper complete with genuine scythe and moved the whole event inside the Mill which was decked from top to bottom with Hallowe’en themed decorations. At 3pm the doors opened. In blew the wind, the rain, a few leaves and around 30 children (plus families) from around the village. The children were sent off around the Mill to hunt out the spooky words that had been hidden in the different rooms. On their journey they were invited to try their hand in the bran tubs (a creepy crawly prize for those brave enough to do it) and have a go at the Hallowe’en Feely Box (petrified cat brains, a severed hand, and eyeballs – or, walnuts, a rubber glove stuffed with flour, and some grapes, if you prefer). Having completed the treasure hunt, the participants were invited into the Ivel Room to collect their prize, make a spooky badge, and have a go at doughnut-bobbing (picking up a tasty doughnut without using their hands): cue a lot of laughter and quite a large quantity of spilled sugar. To finish the afternoon, there was a pumpkin carving competition, judged by Jean Kersey, the mastermind behind the Spooktacular. The pumpkins were fabulous, and prizes were awarded to all for LA AMISTAD the excellent entries. LOCAL SPANISH CLASSES The whole afternoon was monstrously good fun. The volunteers involved in WITH NATIVE SPEAKER the event would like to say an enormous “thank you” to everyone who braved Conversational one-to-one courses & groups the weather to come along. We hope you all enjoyed taking part as much as Thursdays 5.40pm- 6.20pm (aged 10-15) we did in running the Spooktacular, and we look forward to seeing you at the & 6.30pm-7.25pm (15+ to adults) Mill very soon. As reported last month It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Stotfold Mill! On 6th December at 7.30pm , the Hitchin-based JUBILATE! Singers will be raising the rafters in a Victorian-themed Carol Concert. The choir have put together an exquisite Festive programme with favourite Carols and Christmas songs, some old and some new. Sing along to Silent Night and Joy To The World, close your eyes and be swept away by Noel Nouvelet, shiver in your shoes as Good King Wenceslas treks across the snow, then tap the warmth back into your toes with White Christmas and The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Greenacre Centre, Valerian way, Contact: Marta Canella on 07947 897303 or email
JUBILATE! have been singing together since 2016, when they started off as ten singers meeting for fun. They now have regular concerts at St Ippolyts’ Church, around Stevenage and in Letchworth, fundraising for a variety of excellent causes, under the baton of their founder and director, John Edwards. With the Mill, and the singers, decked out in Victorian finery for the event, it really is the very best time of year, and the very best way to start the festivities is at Stotfold Watermill. Tickets are £10 and are available by emailing
Finally, not quite ‘Come all ye faithful …’, rather ‘Come all ye willing...’ On Monday 2nd December from 7pm, we are holding a Volunteer Recruitment Evening at The Chequers public house. We are very anxious to increase the number of volunteers on all of our teams with the prospect of opening the Mill to the public more often during next year. If you are interested in contributing a little of your time in any possible way, please come along and find out more about our willing and sociable volunteer teams. Even better, bring a partner or friend as well! To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Is it worth the risk? Police target uninsured drivers.
Police are targeting uninsured drivers in Bedfordshire this month and asking if the risks of not having cover are really worth it. During the campaign police will check passing vehicles’ registration plates to ensure they are insured. Police can also check if the driver is insured to drive that vehicle. Motorists need to be aware that even if the vehicle itself is insured, if you are not correctly insured to drive it, you could get penalised.
Motorists caught driving without insurance will receive a minimum £300 fixed penalty notice and six points on their licence. Vehicles will be seized and potentially crushed or sold at auction. Uninsured drivers can also be referred to court where they face an unlimited fine and a driving ban. Chief Inspector Rachael Glendenning, from the force's Community Policing team, told the Stotfold News Magazine "Officers across the three counties are focused on ensuring uninsured drivers are caught and dealt with appropriately. We would like to remind motorists that motor insurance is compulsory under the Road Traffic Act. Driving without insurance on a road or in a public place is Illegal and will not be tolerated on our roads. Having valid motor insurance is more than a legal requirement: it is designed to protect victims of road traffic collisions by providing them with financial compensation. The consequences of driving without insurance are significant and we want to remind the public that it is a risk that is simply not worth taking.� Last year 132,804 uninsured vehicles were seized across the UK. To check if a vehicle is insured visit To report an uninsured driver, call the Insurance Fraud Bureau on 0800 422 0421 or online at
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ŚƵƌĐŚ ZŽĂĚ͕ ^ƚŽƚĨŽůĚ ^'ϱ ϰE ͕ ǁǁǁ͘ƐƚŽƚĨŽůĚĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘ŽƌŐ͘ƵŬ ZĞǀĚ͘ ŝůů ƌŝƚƚ ϬϭϰϲϮ ϳϯϬϮϭϴ Žƌ ƌĞǀĚ͘ďŝůů͘ďƌŝƚƚΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĞĚ ŚĂƌŝƚLJ EŽ͘ ϭϭϯϭϮϳϱ To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
A few months ago Janice Clegg names some of the shops she remembered in Stotfold quite a few years ago. I noticed among the shops she mentioned Saunders Footwear. It brought back happy memories of when I worked there with my friend Edna Dilley. We did enjoy meeting the customers. We were a fairly busy shop, especially when the children came out of school at 4pm.
I used to be able to tidy the shop and was forever picking items up from the floor which I am afraid is very difficult to do some years later! I am both pleased and thankful that I could do it all when I was able. I look around the house now and see many jobs which need doing and think - maybe tomorrow!
Even though my pace is now much slower I thank God that I was able to have so many happy years working in the shop. My advice to anyone is to do what you can while you are able! Here is a picture of myself and friend Edna outside the shop door.
Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels
Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias
Jonny Garside 14
79 Regent Street, Stotfold
01462 732248 or 07951 473505
Betty Saunders.
We are a friendly group of carers who meet together on the 3rd Thursday of every month for a social afternoon with tea and cake. This month we meet on Thursday 19th December. If you are a carer and would like to join us, bring the one you care for to Stotfold Methodist Hall 2pm - 3.30pm You will be very welcome.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
Would you please allow us, through your magazine, to firstly thank you for all your hard work to bring about this wonderful magazine for everyone to enjoy, well done. We would also like to ask you to publish the following recommendation, which I hope may help others whilst looking for a super builder. We have just had Brian Riley and his son Nathan of Heritage Paving Company, carry out replacing our dowdy purple slate, into a beautiful and practical front garden. Along with this, they also replaced our dilapidated decking in the back with a truly lovely patio to enjoy the sunshine on. As we had several people quote us for this work, we were very happy with the price we paid Brian, who we thought were a truly hard working and professional father and son team, thank you very much. Kind regards Mr & Mrs Baines
Dear Editor,
Halloween is a very happy fun occasion for many but not for everyone.
On the 31st of October I was saddened to hear a large group of children egging houses in Stotfold and being abusive towards residents. Now it’s all fun and games to these children, but for many people it can be scary and frightening and they can even damage property. Please can parents/guardians have a talk to their children and hopefully next year this won’t happen. Mrs Jones
Dear Editor,
In reference to the old photograph you printed in the November issue of the Stotfold News Magazine I should like to offer up some names I recall:
I believe the year is about 1953.
The names we know are: Robert Livock, Graham Bircumshaw, Graham Porter, David Hibbert, Robert West, John Endesby, Silvan Raffel, Richard Bircumshaw, David Clark, Keith Wood, Owen Woodrow, Peter Linnell, Tina Hoy, Maureen Hanson, Gillian Robinson, Janet Elliot, David Saunders and of course myself.
We hope this helps jog a few peoples memories.
Best regards,
Dave Hibbert.
CLAIRE’S CAT SITTING Stotfold based cat sitting service Now in our 7th year!
Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind.I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day. Other small animals can also be catered for. Please call Claire on
07984 344 997
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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News from
Etonbury Academy. We started October with recruiting our Student Leadership Team and are delighted that the following students will be supporting projects to further improve our academy. Congratulations to Kira (Principal), Thea (Vice Principal) and our Assistant Principals, Michael, Freya, Aimee and Ella.
Etonbury Juniors have been taking part in Science Immersion Days led by Mrs Walker, mixing some dangerous looking potions, created lava lamps, explored germs and assembled scary skeletons. They have also enjoyed themselves at the Halloween Disco, kindly organised by Etonbury Juniors PTA , raising nearly £1000 for extra-curricular resources. This half term they focus on History with Year 6 exploring all aspects of Victorian living referencing the book ‘Street Child’, and Year 5 will be learning about World War 2 using the text of Rose Blanche.
During Black History month, the whole school took part in a dress down and ‘wear red day’ to support the charity ‘Show Racism the Red Card’, a colourful but contemplative day was had by everyone. Parents/Carers came in on our newly structured ‘Meet the Tutor Evening’ to hear about their child’s progress, as well as taste the new catering offers that our children our now enjoying. We were also delighted that so many parents/carers supported their children by attending the Careers Fair with over 20 exhibitors informing them of future career and study opportunities. Our Year 11 students and teachers are fast approaching the GCSE exam period, so they have been busy sitting their mocks in preparation.
PE has seen numerous successes, with the U15 girls football team going unbeaten, 2nd in the league and through to round 3 of the National Cup. Year 6 netball team remains unbeaten this term. Our U16 mixed table tennis team is through to the County finals, with our Goalball teams achieving winning and runner up places in their competitions. One of our students has also made it through to the East of England Basketball team, congratulations to Will. As we approach the festive period, rehearsals for the upcoming performance are underway and Etonbury Juniors will be running the Christmas Market this term. ETA WAY- Everyone is respectful – Together we care – Always aim higher
Free NHS Flu vaccination available for eligable patients
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31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA
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News from
Roecroft Lower School. This has been a rather long term for schools, meaning we have been able to fit a huge amount in. We will just be holding our Christmas productions and festivities as Stotfold News is being published. Congratulations to our Reception children who have just finished their first term of ‘big’ school. They have done so well and I am very proud. An Update from the Early Years Team:
In September we welcomed 90 new Reception children into Roecroft. They have settled into school brilliantly and are thoroughly enjoying their learning. During the first half of the Autumn term our topic in Reception has been ‘Who am I?’ where our learning was based around the children themselves - their families, friends and where they live. The children really enjoyed the topic, particularly when we looked at Year 1 and 2 children celebrating Google Maps and they could use the Clevertouch board to navigate their way around Black History Month. Stotfold and find their houses. They learnt about where we live, the country of England and the village of Stotfold. They also looked closely at their own features when drawing themselves; learnt how families and traditions are different as well as how new babies from different religions and cultures are welcomed into a family.
During the second half of the term our topic in Reception has been ‘Let’s Celebrate’. We have begun the term by learning about Diwali, Remembrance Day, Bonfire Night and Birthdays. We are now well into our Christmas show rehearsals and are excited to perform to our families. We are really enjoying raising the profile of house events and the earning of points in school this term. The children really thrive and engage in events, they show excellent team work! They thoroughly enjoy earning points individually, as well as cheering on other pupils in their houses. It means children have an even stronger sense of identity in school. This term, we have also celebrated Black History Month, where the children and adults enjoyed a morning of fun-filled activities relating to the contributions that Black people have made to society over the years. This year we looked at the theme of Carnival as well as the values of Appreciation, Freedom, Understanding, Tolerance and Respect. Our Reception children enjoyed painting Caribbean flags, whilst Year 1 listened to steel pan music and created their own carnival sound together with making a carnival headdress. In Year 2, the children learnt about Mary Seacole and all the amazing things she did during the Crimean War. Year 3 did some sketching of the Windrush ship as well as writing a diary entry of a passenger on the ship. Finally, Year 4 enjoyed writing their own freedom speech based on our values. From the Roecroft family to yours, we wish you a very relaxing and fun filled Christmas break. Cheers to a Happy and prosperous New Year. Mrs Cross Headteacher
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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2018 Winner Sandra Bailey
Do you know someone worthy of special recognition this year? Has somebody gone the extra mile for you or someone you know? We want to hear from you...
In association with the Stotfold News Magazine, Satchells Estate Agents are on the look out for this year’s Christmas Hero. Simply tell us who your hero is this year and why, by emailing or by popping your nomination on a piece of paper and dropping it in to Satchells Estate Agents, 47b High Street, Stotfold - Closing Date 1st December 2019. Email:
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News from
Pix Brook Academy. Message from Mr Adams
Once again it has been an eventful few weeks in the life of Pix Brook Academy. Perhaps the most exciting event was the visit to the permanent site by the school on the 31st October. Fortunately the rain stayed away and we had an opportunity to meet the senior staff from Willmott Dixon who talked to the pupils about the construction site. I have been really pleased with how Willmott Dixon have chosen to engage with the school, they have been really inclusive and I hope this bodes well for the future. As always it is fascinating to listen to the questions of 9-year-old children. The excitement shown when the computer model showed a trampoline in the gym was a sight to behold. Never mind the huge new school that’s being built: there’s going to be a trampoline! The pupils planted some daffodils, some even the right way round, and we have an assembly being run by WD later this month. It’s a good start and while no one can promise there won’t be a hitch, we have at least seen genuine engagement and commitment from the contractors to work with us. We have a few events other over the last few weeks. I am delighted to say we had our Remembrance Day on the 11th November. A representative from St Mary’s Church held the assembly, pupils were impeccable and we had what I hope was a “memorable moment”. Lessons in the morning were different from usual and appropriately focused on the sacrifice made by members of the armed forces. As part of this, pupils who are members of Cadets or Scouts / Guides all wore their uniform for the day. We now build towards Christmas. I am pleased to say that we will be taking the entire school to the pantomime (oh no you won’t!) for a Christmas celebration. We are holding our end of term assembly at St Mary’s church on the 19th December to celebrate what has been a fantastic first term in the life of Pix Brook Academy. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Stotfold community for their support and wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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News from
Fairfield Park Lower School The festive season is in full swing here at Fairfield Park. School production rehearsals are complete and concerts to families are already under way. This year we have Christmas productions at both school sites, Dickens Boulevard and Ruskin Drive, this is a very exciting time for us all!
We are all looking forward to our whole school Christmas dinner and Christmas jumper day later on in December, with a very special visit from Father Christmas. The date of this event is Wednesday 18th December. The children's Christmas cards all look beautiful and will be sent home to parents this month along with school photos just in time for Christmas! We have enjoyed a whole school arts week, where all classes spent lots of Some of our Chritmas Card designs. time exploring different media, materials and artists. Classes selected an artist and used this to inspire their theme and topic work for the week.
A group of year 3 and 4 children took part in the dance festival in November at Redborne Upper School. They showcased their dance skills along with other local schools in the area. The team put on a superb display and the festival was enjoyed by all. We would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and look forward to updating you all in the next issue of the Stotfold News Magazine.
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News from
The Academy Of Central Bedfordshire
NHS Trip This November we took our Year 11 pupils to HealthTec Simulation Health Clinic at Buckinghamshire College in Aylesbury for an insight into careers within the NHS. Our students had a great time learning about CPR, the circulatory system and how to deal with cardiac arrest and what equipment we might use. This was all delivered with state of the art equipment, interactive programmes and a studio which our students thoroughly enjoyed. To top it all off we were immersed in the reality of what it might be like to suffer from symptoms of old age by using various gadgets to inhibit our reflexes, joints and motor functions, which really hit home with our students and reminded us how important the NHS services are to our community. The whole workshop was aimed for all students to consider careers not just for postgraduates, but also those who may consider apprenticeships and school leavers and those who would work both directly and indirectly with patients and their health care. This information was a real eye-opener for our pupils and, combined with the immersive experiences delivered by Adam Poland at the Clinic, raised the aspirations of some of our students and gave them realistic pathways to consider. The whole experience is something I would recommend, even for those not interested in a career within the NHS and our children certainly came away learning something and experiencing something they never have before. A great day out.
In English, our Key Stage 4 students are settling well into their GCSE exam studies. Year 10 have produced many interesting and imaginative stories of various themes and styles, whereas Year 11 are focusing on exam paper practice in preparation for their mock exams later this month. Key Stage 3 enjoyed an afternoon at an eatery of their choice, having completed their work based on 'Food'. This half-term they have been studying the Terry Pratchett play, 'Johnny and the Dead' and have been quite impressive in acting out the roles. One of the themes of the play is very relevant to Remembrance Day, this month, therefore we will be studying war poetry and the effects of war. In December we have booked for the Key Stage 3 students to see the pantomime 'Peter Pan' at The Grove Theatre in Dunstable. Both students and staff are looking forward to our outing. There are now 25 students taking construction as a vocation which is our highest ever number. Pupils made a poppy to hang on the fence outside the school ready for Remembrance Sunday. The construction students have started working on ideas for the annual church Christmas tree festival and will be selling decorations direct from the school from December. At ACB Stotfold we positively encourage all of our students to engage in the enjoyment of reading and this year is no exception. In fact, we are expanding the process to enable the students access to a wider variety of books. To do this we would appreciate donations of books to enhance our library. If you have any books that you are able to donate to us suitable for readers between the ages of 7 and 16, could you please drop them off at our reception area. Thank you. We would like to wish the whole community a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Family Announcements BARBARA HANCOCK 29th December
Happy 70th birthday Love from all the family in Australia, UK and USA. xx
3rd December Happy 18th Birthday We can’t believe you’ve made it! Love Mum, Dad, James and Megan x
Happy Belated Birthday! We hope you had an extra special day. With love from everyone at Gifford Dance Academy xxx
Happy 15th Birthday Love you to the moon and back, Mama xx
28th November Happy 1st Birthday With love from Mummy, Daddy & all the family x
Happy 12th Birthday Love from Mum, Dad & Christian x
Happy Big Birthday! 22nd December With love from your famly & friends x
Happy 50th Birthday! We hope you have a smashing day!
27th December
Happy 9th Birthday!!
Love from Mum, Dad and Luca x
Christmas Afternoon Tea £14.95 per person
Freshly made turkey & cranberry or beef & horseradish sandwiches with stuffing balls, pigs in blankets, cheesy filo parcels, hot sausage rolls, stollen bites, mince pies and cream, a festive cupcake & tea or coffee. Bring your own fizz! Bookings taken for up to 20 people. Private bookings available after 3.30pm (min 10 people) Open Tue -Thurs 9 -3.30 Fri 9-5 Sat 10-4
BOX OF CAKES Café & Cake Shop Hallworth Drive, Stotfold. Tel: 07812 055587
Love from everyone at Satchells and all your friends & family x
Happy 8th Birthday 13th Dec Lots of love Mummy, Daddy and Jessica xx
Happy 18th birthday 5th December Love from Dad, Julie, Nanna, Jordan & family xx
Huge congratulations on your Engagement! Love from your family, friends & all at GDA!
Happy 10th birthday to our unicorn girl, Love Mum, Dad, Lawrence & Grace xxxx
Happy Birthday Hope you have a great day!. Thankyou for everything you have done for me. Lots of love your wife Anna xxx
JEMIMA GAYFER-TOMS Happy 16th Birthday With love Mum, Dad, Harry & Peter x
HOLLIE WOOD Happy 10th Birthday 26th December Love from us all Xxxxxxxxx
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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
DECEMBER Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 13/11/2019 22:33 Page 24
H B Decorators & Property Maintenance Interior & Exterior Domestic & Commercial
Painting, Papering, Coving, Wall Tiling
All home DIY jobs from fixing shelves to fitting doors, skirting boards etc. Established in Stotfold 31 years
Call Ken 01462 732960 or 07774 669603 Fully insured for all work up to £5 million
Installation, Servicing and Repairs to domestic gas appliances. Gas Safety Checks and Landlord Inspections. Local Engineer with over 25 years experience.
TEL: 01462 337218 MOBILE: 07714 230877 Email:
9 Arlesey Road, Stotfold, Herts. SG5 4HA GAS SAFE REG. NUMBER 202376
Pippin Pre-School, Buttercup Road, Stotfold, Herts, SG5 4PF * 01462 834897 Registered Charity 1028855
We supported two events during November, Children in Need with our wear spots day and cake sale and the Stotfold Christmas Fayre with our ever poplar Chocolate Tombola stall! On behalf of the Committee we would like to thank all our parents and staff for supporting this event by donating lots of chocolate and sweeties together with monetary donations to help us purchase extra goodies for our stall and for all those who supported us on the day. On the 30th November our Committee have organised a Panto at the Memorial Hall, tickets have sold well for this event and we are looking forward to seeing the production of Jack in the Beanstalk. Throughout December the children will be participating in various activities to celebrate the run up to Christmas. We begin on 14th and 15th December, with the children exhibiting their baubles at the Festival of Christmas Trees held at St Mary’s Church. Please try and pop along to view all the wonderful trees and creations on display, refreshments are available from the Church Hall. Our Christmas programme will also include our Christmas Party, Christmas Concerts and Santa’s Grotto! We wish to thank the Committee for their recent fundraising efforts to finance these wonderful activities. Our Pre-School closes for Christmas holidays on Friday 20th December. Finally we would like to wish all our families a wonderful Christmas and hope you all have a restful break. We look forward to welcoming all the children back on Tuesday 7th January 2020. SAVE THE DATE -TABLE TOP SALE St Mary’s Church Hall Saturday January 25th 10am - 12.30pm For availability of tables contact Chris on 01462 834108
Proceeds to St Mary’s Church Restoration fund.
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News from
St Mary’s CE Academy Christmas really is one of the best times of year to be working in a School. With a little help from our friends, the first weekend in December will be spent putting up our Christmas trees so when the children come in on Monday 2nd December, the school will be transformed. The look on their faces when they see the trees, Nativity scene and classroom decorations is wonderful. Starting this weekend on Friday 29th November from 5.00pm to 7.30pm, we have our St Mary’s School Association Winter Wonderland extravaganza – everyone is welcome and entry is free! Our choir are busy rehearsing for their Christmas performances planned for the above Winter Wonderland event and the Stotfold Community Christmas Concert to be held on Sunday 15th December at 4.00pm.
Our children will also be practising for our Christmas Concerts to be presented on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th December. It’s amazing what the staff and children can achieve with just a couple of weeks’ practise.
We never charge entry for concerts but we will be supporting CHUMS, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for Children and Young People, Bedfordshire this year with voluntary donations collected at the end of each performance. As is now tradition in the last week of term, we will have Christmas Dinner and Class Parties on Thursday 19th December. To round the afternoon off we have a special Christmas Theatre visiting school. The children should thoroughly enjoy the festive fun!
Our Christmas Service will also be held at St Mary’s Church on Friday 20th, so look out for our procession on our way to Church! This is always a lovely way to end the term.
Are you having having computer problems? pr oblems?
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped or supported the work of our school again this year. A great many people and organisations are involved with us and this is very much appreciated. Thank you. From all of us at St Mary’s, we would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and Peaceful New Year. See you all back at school on Tuesday 7th January 2020!
Trevor Trevor F Freer reer
07769 860015 tre vor.freer@ho
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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BUTCHERS BLOG The Festive season is fast approaching, it is always a busy time of year in the shop. Selecting our festive meats is a part of Christmas we all enjoy. You can be sure that your family is getting the very best quality from us at Beale Bros. As always our Meat Hampers represent really good value and are proving to be as popular as in previous years. Our locally sourced Free Range Turkeys and Crowns are the very best available, as is our Turkey Breast roll, and succulent Ribs of Beef.
Maybe you prefer a goose, duck or something different. Why not give us a call and we will be happy to fulfil your requests.
We also stock a wide range of cheeses, pastries and pate to make your meal complete. We are always available if you need advice and would be pleased to hear from you. It would really help us if you can get your orders in as soon as possible, but if you need something last minute, we may still be able to help. Here are our opening times over the holiday period: Friday 20th December 8.30 – 5 p.m. Saturday 21st 8.00 – 1 p.m. Sunday 22nd CLOSED Monday 23rd 7.00 – 6 p.m. Tuesday 24th 7.00 – 1 p.m. Wednesday 25th CLOSED Thursday 26th CLOSED
Normal trading hours after this date until Wednesday 1st January 2020 when we are closed for the day. Please support your local businesses, it is important for the community. Not just at Christmas but all year round.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year. From all of us at Beale Bros Family Butchers.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Lights, Camera, Action for Emily. Pix Brook Academy student Emily Miles, has been learning all about ‘life on set’ after being selected to appearing in forthcoming film ‘The Ballad of Lucy Sands.’ Based on a true story, the film is set in Victorian times and is based around the murder of a young Irish Girl Lucy, a Workington girl who was brutally killed in the 1800’s. Emily, who loves to sing, dance and act, had a part specially written in for her by Director Steve Baldwin after filming for another film was put back to next year. Emily plays Irish girl, Rosie O'Leary and features in several scenes throughout the film including a scene shot at a church in Workington, Cumbria. One scene shows Emily singing a solo at the funeral of Lucy Sands.
Stotfold youngster Emily Miles
The film is set for release during 2020 and has been an incredibly exciting opportunity for both Emily and her family during the last few months. Emily’s dad Darren Miles told the Stotfold News Magazine how excited Emily was to be selected for the part ‘Emily absolutely loves to perform so this opportunity has been amazing for her. She filmed during the summer in Bodmin and has now completed her filming for this year. This is her first speaking part so she has loved the whole experience. Singing in front of 200 people was a huge accomplishment for Emily and we are so proud of what she has achieved!’ We will keep readers updated as to when the film is released! What an amazing opportunity for Emily!
Emily filming on set with the lead actors
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News from Stotfold Football Club A mixed month for the first team winning two, drawing one and losing three of their league fixtures with a win at Langford in the Division 1 Cup and they are currently sixth in the table. The Development team had a tough month losing all their league fixtures in the Beds County League and going out of the Beds Intermediate Cup. The U18 team bowed out of the FA Youth Cup losing 4-2 against a strong Bowers and Pitsea team in the third qualifying round. A great achievement for a team of sixteen and seventeen year olds. They won one and lost one of their league games in October. The club would welcome your support for all three teams in the coming season. Come on you Eagles!
The Club would like to thank everyone who supported the final Bonfire & Firework Display at Roker Park. Despite the damp evening it was a good attendance and we hope everyone enjoyed the event. Special thanks go to all those who helped in any way to make this annual community celebration a success.
The move to the new stadium is likely to be later this month. If you would like to share in our exciting new venture be that an opportunity for your business, or to join our hard-working committee to help us take this new project forward for more information contact ( Roker Park The Green, Stotfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4AN 01462 730765 Twitter @stotfoldfc Email enquiries
Window Cleaning
20 years experience - Reliable and efficient Fully insured & Uniformed staff
Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd
01462 629302 / 07970 406926 152 Hitchin Road, Stotfold
Call: 07881 556187 or 07515 283409 Email:
67 Vaughan Rd, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4EJ
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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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We are extremely proud to introduce our new care home in Fairfield. Our aim is to provide outstanding care combined with exceptionally high quality facilities within a modern yet homely environment for those with residential, nursing or dementia care needs. Baycroft Fairfield has been built around the lifestyle and care requirements of each individual. As much thought has been invested into the elegant surroundings, innovative technologies, restaurant standard dining experience and the engaging social activities as the exemplary standards of care. These elements combined create the comfortable and happy lifestyle you or your loved one deserve; and one that we are committed to deliver.
01462 530465
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News from Stotfold Junior Football Club With the growth of Girls Football and the success of the England Ladies reaching the World Cup Semi Final this year in France, it only seemed right to try and obtain tickets for the England Vs Germany match at Wembley on 9th November. We were optimistic and are now going down to Wembley as a group of 200 players, parents, friends and coaches of Stotfold Juniors. What will be a first time experience for some, we are hoping for a fantastic day out visiting one of the homes of football. Stotfold Juniors themselves now have Girls teams at every age group from under 9 to Under 14 plus a Ladies team.
Stotfold Juniors attend the ladies match at Wembley
2018 was the first Golf Day for Stotfold Juniors and we wanted 2019 to be bigger and better. We had 32 Golfers turn out to compete for prizes and a trophy. The eventual winner was Steve Bennett. The day raised ÂŁ385.50 which was more than double the previous year and we hope to build again in future years. U13 whites are playing 11 aside matches and are looking for a GK and an outfield player to strengthen their squad.
Development Centre Futsal, Monday Evenings - indoor training. The centre are looking for a few more players in the youngest group u7-u8’s. If you are interested please contact the email below..
We are looking for some more players for a few teams, if you are interested please email
All New Plumbing & Heating Installatio Installations ns Bathroom & Shower Installations Boiler & Gas Cooker Installations & Serv Servicing icing Power Flushing & Heating Upgrades Andy Martini 07950 311963 | 01462 835617 835617 25 Marigold Way, Stotfold, Stotfold, SG5 4HQ
DECEMBER Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 13/11/2019 22:33 Page 32
Friday 29th November
Christmas festivities in Stotfold..
St Mary’s Academy Winter Wonderland 5pm - 7.30pm see page 26 for more details.
Saturday 30th November Charity Christmas Fayre
St Mary's Church Hall, 10.00am - 12.30pm - Free Entry Lots of Christmas Craft Stalls - Raffle: Beale Bros Christmas Meat Hamper and lots of Raffle Prizes. Hot/Cold Refreshments and Snacks. Line Dancing Demo (come and have a go) Proceeds to Alzheimer's Society. For further details contact 01462 639279
Pippin Christmas Pantomime
Join Pippin Pre-school for Jack & The Beanstalk,Stotfold Memorial Hall 6pm.Tickets (01462) 834897.
Stotfold Christmas Light Switch On Event
The Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Stotfold. Doors open 4pm.Switch on by Father Christmas 6.30pm. Lots of fun for all the family - see main advert on the page opposite for further details.
Sunday 1st December
Silverbirch Avenue Light Switch On Event
The residents of Silverbirch Avenue invite you to welcome the start of Christmas with their annual Light Switch On event, meeting at 6.45pm followed by the street Christmas Lights being switched on at 7.00pm. Special appearance WeFather warmly invite you to sleigh! our from Christmas on his
CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE Sunday 15th December At 10.30am
Fairfield Community Hall Refreshments available
Family Christingle Service
Fairfield Community Church welcome you to join their Christingle Service at Fairfield Community Hall 4.30pm. See the advert below for further details.
Friday 6th December Victorian Carol Concert
Set in the beautiful surroundings of Stotfold Mill 7.30pm start, tickets £10 includes mulled wine and mince pies - for info.
COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CONCERT Greenacre Centre,Stotfold Sunday 15th December 4pm
Lots to see and enjoy including local schools, groups and choirs. For further information contact John Street 07860 282868 or
Stotfold Methodists
CHRISTMAS FAYRE Saturday 7th December 9.30am- 12.30
Gifts, Jewellery, Childrens Stall, Cakes, Preserves, Raffle, Festive Tombola. Space to sit and chat, while enjoying a cup of tea, coffee & cake. 32
Sunday 1st December 4.30pm to 5.30pm FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY HALL
For more information contact Allison 01462 733230 or 07983730291 or Pauline on 07946067434 There will also be a collection for the work of the Children’s Society.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Light shining in the darkness’
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Saturday 7th December Methodist Christmas Fayre
Christmas festivities in Stotfold..
Stotfold Methodist Church welcome you to their Christmas Fayre, 9.30am -12.30 at the Methodist Hall. See the main advert on page 32 for further details.
Monday 9th December Stotfold Angels
Look out for this new Stotfold tradition starting today! Knitted angels will be appearing around the streets of Stotfold from the beginning of this week- If you find one please take it home to enjoy and If you should find more than one, please pass it on to someone else to share the joy of Christmas.
Wednesday 11th December St Mary’s Church Big Sing
Everyone welcome, 2pm- 3pm Refreshments available, feel free to wear festive headwear! See main advert below.
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th December Stotfold Art Group
Winter Exhibition and Craft Fayre at the Roecroft Centre, Church Rd on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th from 11am-4pm. Entry is free- choose a unique Christmas gift or just browse..
Christmas Tree Festival
St Mary’s Church present their annual Christmas Tree Festival, Saturday 14th December 10am–4pm and Sunday 15th December 11am–4pm refreshments, games and stalls in the Church Hall Charity no: 1131275
Community Christmas Concert
Join the Salvation Army band plus local schools, groups and organisations as they celebrate Christmas at the Greenacre Centre, Stotfold 4pm onwards.
Sunday 22nd December The Big Christmas Sing
Celebrate festive music and songs followed by refreshments with the Stotfold Salvation Army 5.30pm onwards - Christmas jumpers optional! See the main advert on the opposite page for further details.
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All welcome
Festive headgear optional! Refreshments available.
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Stotfold Remembers At St Mary’s Church If you attended this year’s Remembrance service in Stotfold you will be aware of the last minute change of venue due to a burst water main in Mill Lane. St Mary’s Churchyard was the venue for this year’s service, conducted by Rev Bill Britt and supported by representatives from local groups and organisations including Stotfold Town Council, Central Bedfordshire Council, local Scouts, Brownies, Guides and local schools. The large cross situated outside the church became the focal point with wreaths placed at the foot of the cross in memory of the fallen. All wreaths were then transported to the Stotfold Cemetery and placed at the war memorial once the road was passable. Hundreds of people came out to support the event with the service continuing inside the Church after the laying of the wreaths had taken place.
Carols by Candlelight
At The Church of St Mary Magdalene, Caldecote
7th December 3.30 pm. Tickets £10.00 Call 01462 895830 Email: Free parking, disabled access.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday 11th December Coach trip to Dobbies Garden Centre, Huntingdon. Coach departs from Hitchin Road bus stop, Stotfold at 10.00am.
Wednesday 8th January 2020 AGM and quiz At new venue – St. Mary’s Church Hall.
For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721
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Barn Hair Studio Fundraising Challenge Christmas is a time for giving, at least that’s the motto at The Barn Hair Studio in Stotfold where owner Julie Hyde challenged her staff to raise as much money as possible to enable them to do exactly that this festive season. The ‘October challenge’ saw each member of the Barn Studio staff tasked with raising money for local families in need of a special treat this Christmas time.With yard sales, charity auction nights and much more besides, Julie and her team smashed their initial target of £500 to raise a little under £1000 in total!
Julie told the Stotfold News Magazine ‘My staff have been amazing! We asked our clients to nominate friends or family who they knew would benefit from a special treat this Christmas, and we had a number of entries sent in. Because we have raised more than expected, I decided to split 5 Star Hopton the money between two very worthy causes. Holiday Village Thank you to everyone that has helped us with our Luxury 8 Berth Holiday fundraising venture - it is extremely important to Home available from us at the Barn to be able to give something back to March to October. our community, especially to those people that Double glazed with may have had a particularly tough time this year.’ Central Heating.
Sharon pictured left with Joanna pictured right.
Pictured left is winner Joanna Nicholls together with friend Sharon Garvie. Having been diagnosed with Idiopathicintracranial Hypertension this year, Sharon felt her friend and her family deserved to have an extra special Christmas treat. Second place was awarded to Charlotte Prutton who was nominated by good friend Kati Moat.
Give your garden a modern, contemporary look with beautiful porcelain paving. For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Call Bernie for details on 07860 462244
Domestic Appliances
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Coffee Morning Success At Bowls Club Our Pink Friday Coffee Morning on the 18th October raised over ÂŁ350.00 with thanks to all those members who give so generously, their time in baking cakes donating prizes year after year. With this support we are able to continue to support Cancer Research and the wonderful work that they do. The Stotfold Bowls Club would also like to thank the local businesses of Stotfold for their continued support in donating towards the raffle. These include the Stotfold Co-op Store, Hair by Philip, Regency Flowers, Stotfold Pharmacy, Beales Butchers, and our local One Stop shop. Finally, we would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the members of the Stotfold public who turn up year in year out whatever the weather to support us.
We cannot do This without you.
For any further information relating to the Bowls Club please contact Mollie Jennings On 01462 628204 Stotfold Bowls Club, Brook Street,Stotfold.
With regards to the previous artcile in Novembers issue of the Stotfold News magazine, I would like to make a couple of corrections. It should have read Qwen Reid Cup and the date for the draw is Friday 6th December NOT 7th (These are our errors and not the printers)
Walk4Health Walks for December
Do you enjoy walking, would you like to join a social, walking group and enjoy the fresh air. All welcome. December 5th - The Crown PH,The Green, Stotfold.
December 2nd. 9th & 26th Arlesey train station. Meet at 10.45am
For further details contact Beth & Peter Overfield 01462 815672
North Herts Road Runners-â&#x20AC;&#x2C6;
Our first Saturday of the month for December will be the Santa 5k at Letchworth Common. Run or walk in your Christmas outfit.
We welcome runners of all abilities and our qualified coaches will help improve your running. We host a number of events during the year including the Standalone 10k, Greenway Challenge and Run Round The Garden. We meet at the Spirella Building in Letchworth on Tues & Thurs at 7.15pm. Contact or Ian 01462 639215
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Stotfold Mill. Make 2020 The Year You Get Involved.
Stotfold Mill are actively seeking new volunteers to help with Open Days and events at the Mill during 2020. The opportunities for volunteers include a variety of roles within different teams and full training will be given.
"We are always keen to see new faces, both young and old, at the Mill and the Nature Reserve," said Mill committee member Tim Boughen. "In response to residents' requests we want to open the Mill more often next year and run more events but we can only do that if we have more volunteers . We are hoping that new residents to Stotfold such as those moving into Fairfield Gardens and onto the Greenacre development will be keen to find out more about us and get involved . We are a small, friendly team who welcome anyone with whatever skills they can offer. Anyone wanting more information can contact us by email at’ Stotfold Mill will be holding a special volunteer recruitment evening at The Chequers Pub on Monday 2nd December starting at 7pm.
Tim and the rest of the Stotfold Mill volunteer team look forward to welcoming lots of new faces at this informal event. ‘We hope people will seize the opportunity to come along and chat to other volunteers to find out more about becoming involved with our wonderful Mill. We like to think it is a great way to make new friends and enjoy being part of our team!’ Details of some of the roles on offer can be seen on the advert to the right of this article.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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We invite you to Godjoin will us at .LQJÂśV %DSWLVW &KXUFK never turn 3URFODLPLQJ -HVXV &KULVW LQ 7RGD\ÂśV :RUOG
his back on
you If you want to
Every Sunday at 10.30am for our morning service and WDON KHœG ORYH WR .LQJœV Kids for 3-12years old withlisten a crèche for babies and toddlers The Green, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 4AN. 4AN The Green, 01462730521 730521 Tel:Tel: 01462 RIILFH#NLQJœ email:email: Reg. Charity No. 1136519 Reg. Charity No 1136519 A Word and Spirit Church
North Hertfordshire Memorial Park and Crematorium
Warmly invite you to their annual Carol Service. Sunday 1st December 3pm. Join us for a service of familiar carols and seasonal readings, followed by an opportunity to light a candle in memory of loved ones.
Mince pies, mulled wine and light refreshments will be served afterwards. We look forward to welcoming you.
North Herts Memorial Park Bedford Road, Holwell, Hitchin, SG5 3RT
Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts
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Have you recently moved to the area, or just find you have some time that you would like to fill? We are a friendly group of ladies, meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month- Stotfold Memorial Hall, 7.30pm 11th December Christmas Party -Rockability & Raffle 8th January 2020 Zoe Dilleigh - Hearing Dogs for the Deaf & Raffle 12th February Bill Raven - War Time Housewife & Raffle 11th March Annual Meeting - Quiz & Raffle
We have a varied programme of interesting speakers and other activities for the coming year. Contact: President, Jill Shepherd 01462 730751
Salvation Army Ladies Fellowship
December 9th Party time! Members only.
For more information
Phone: 01462 730739 or 01462 731 072 10 Church Road, Stotfold, SG5 4LX
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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This photograph was kindly loaned to the Stotfold News Magazine by Betty & John Saunders and is thought to have been taken sometime around 1966-7. Do you know anyone on here? Do you recognise yourself? If you have any old photographs you could lend us for this monthly feature we would love to hear from you. Email us at
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Useful Telephone Numbers Hospitals Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Trading Standards Advice Line
01525 402742 01525 841217 0300 300 8136
Hope Chapel King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church Salvation Army Hall Ladies Fellowship St Mary’s Church Friends of St Mary’s Fairfield Community Church
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
686803 730521 646562 731072 730739 730218 834108 735704
Stotfold Town Council 01462 730064 Email: Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000 Email Web Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Flytipping / Grass Cutting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632 More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at
Larksfield Surgery Appointments Enquiries Out of Hours Service: MDoc Physiotherapy & Spinal Injury Clinic Arlesey Medical Centre
01462 732244 01462 732200 Call 111 01462 735700 01462 732144
Ashwell Dental Stotfold Dental Surgery
01462 742353 01462 731938
Electricity Emergencies Gas Emergencies
0800 7 838 838 0800 111999
Childline National Menengitis Trust Samaritans NSPCC
0800 1111 0845 6000800 08457 909090 0800 800 5000
Howard Cottage Housing Association, Pioneer House, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries
01462 683307
Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers
01234 841212 01234 842515
Emergencies Helplines
0300 123 5544
0800 555111
Bedford Hospital Lister Hospital NHS Direct
01234 355122 01438 314333 08 45 46 47
Stotfold Library Arlesey Resource Centre & Library
0300 300 8068 01462 731469.
Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers
01234 841212 01234 842515
Coach & Horses Fox & Duck The Chequers Pub The Crown The Stag Tavern
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
Box of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop
07812 055587
Etonbury Academy Pix Brook Academy Fairfield Park Lower School Roecroft Lower School St Mary’s Academy Samuel Whitbread Academy
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
Pippin Pre-School SMASH, St Mary’s School
01462 834897 07971 354093
Tiddleywinks King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church (Friday AM)
01462 731072 01462 730521 01462 733985
Library Police
After School Clubs Toddler Groups
0800 555111
734135 732434 732333 731061 731098
730391 416243 830000 730336 730343 629900
Pippin Pre-School Poppies Nursery Poppyfields Nursery Treetops Day Nursery Stotfold and District Children's Centre
01462 834897 07833 927906 01462 830008 01462 734306 01462 730623
Trains (National Enquiries)
08457 484950
Greenacre Transfers Airports & Chauffeur Services
07555 70 78 48
Whitbread Wanderbus
Beds Rural Communities Charity Letchworth MS Unit Births, Deaths & Marriages Stotfold Good Neighbour Group
0300 123 3023
01234 838771 01462 487172 0300 300 8089 07599 925587
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DIRECTORY. Accountancy & Tax Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) Abery Motor Centre Absolute Signs and Graphics Ltd AD Garden Rooms AJB Fencing AJ Day Builders A.R.K. Lasting Powers & Wills Alfie’s Barbers Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator Arlesey Ladies Football Club Arlesey Pharmacy Arlesey Walk Groups Aquarius Garden Design Ashwell Software / Sigma Office Austin’s Funeral Service Barn Hair Studio Bal & Co Motor Care Beale Bros Butchers Bews Electrical Bickerdikes Garden Centre Big Minibus Hire Bookks Bookkeeping services Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop Brian McInally - Gas & Heating Engineer Broadband Communications BSH Glazing (Windows & Doors) Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control C J Flooring Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning - Steam 2 Clean Carpets & Flooring - Letchworth Carpet Centre Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner Catsitter - Claire Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Services Chequers Pub Chimney Sweep (Jesel Heat) Cleaning, Home Help & Errands Cole’s Decor Painter & Decorator Computer Services & Repair - Nick Saunders The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning Chris Webster, Stotfold (Correspondent for The Comet ) DK Home Improvement Darren Peters Property Maintenance Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance DMC Tiling Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets Dog walking, walking and pet care -insured Electrician - Terry C Seymour Switched On Electrical Services Fairfield Bowls Club - Stella Wilson Fairfield Players Fencing (AJB) First Step Estate Agents Foot Health Professional - Vicki Eagles Foot Pro Podiatry Forget Me Not Florist Garden Robin Gifford Dance Academy Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving Greenacre Transfers Airports & Chauffeur Services Guides - Stotfold Guide Association Hair Room - Hitchin HB Decorators Helpers Homecare Henlow Vets Heritage Paving Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd
01462 624926 01462 733246 02030 788000 01438 313765 07837 791365 01767 314445 01438 746977 01462 658449 07889 903283 07981 432798 01462 731200 01462 638286 01462 731292 01462 742783 01462 438422 01462 835611 01462 731500 01462 730392 01462 834488 01462 673333 07817 766997 01462 734623 07812 055587 01462 337218 01462 732628 01462 730884 0800 026 8823 01462 732665 01462 629302 01462 732632 01462 481312 01462 731674 07984 344997 07885 415363 01462 732333 01462 733406 07913 005268 01767 310475 07521 279960 01462 810065 01462 834108
01462 701214 01462 733322 07522 354141 01462 231459 07894 561765 07913 005268 01462 236559 01462 730895 07811 738599 01462 624369 07837 791365 01462 659730 07812 399659 07377 536685 07904 537150 01462 815968 07585 221513 01462 731829
07555 70 78 48 01462 733322 01462 337818 01462 732960 01462 896853 01462 416416 01462 730682 01462 894089
James’s Carpentry & Handyman Service Jingles Ken Seaby Carpets Kip McGrath Education Centre Kitchen Ergonomics Kumari Chiropractic Leigh Skelding Counselling Locksmith Services New Kitchens North Herts Road Runners Ovenclean Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson
01462 234292 Jo 01462 456777 01462 733203 01462 672227 01438 222929 07479 945995 07876 826880 01462 290226 01462 812826 01462 639215 07954 300043 07761 751634 01462 232642 Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065 Pendletons Sports Centre 01462 341114 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357 Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Plastering - Sam’s Plastering 07856 428261 Plastering - Stotfold Plastering 01462 732600 Plumbing - A D Taylor Plumbing 01462 834713 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Services LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 Podiatry - FootPro 07377 536685 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Roecroft Centre - Maureen Winters 01462 730264 Stotfold & Arlesey Royal British Legion 01462 734133 Samaritans 01462 455333 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Scott Geekie Building Contractor 01462 732396 Sharp Security Systems 01462 734766 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Slimming World 01354 462322 Solicitors - HRJ Foreman Laws 01462 458711 St John Badgers (6-10yrs) & Cadets (10-18yrs) 01438 218058 Stephens Estate Agents 01462 732121 Stag Public House 01462 731098 Steam 2 Clean Carpet & Upholstery 01462 732632 Stotfold Art Group 01462 628529 Stotfold Bowls Club 01462 628204 Stotfold Christian Choir 01462 731142 Stotfold Conservative Club 01462 730534 Stotfold Football Club 01462 730765 Stotfold Gardening Club 01462 834854 Stotfold Golf Society 07909 983956 Stotfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587 Stotfold Jujitsu Club 07970 329761 Stotfold Junior Football Club 07706 951263 Stotfold Junior Judo Club 07872 594499 Stotfold Karate Club (JKSK Karate) 07742 820 956 Stotfold Twirlers 07732 505614 Stotfold Mill 01462 734541 Stotfold News Magazine 01462 731986 Stotfold Parents Association 01462 730570 Stotfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Stotfold Short Mat Bowls Club 01462 730841 Stotfold Women’s Institute 01462 730751 The Rooms 01462 835538 Tree Surgeon - 4 Seasons 01462 834136 Waste Disposal( Josas waste Recycling Ltd) 07739 488472 Wheelie Bin Cleaning 01462 732632 Windows - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Window Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302
List your business here for just £30 per year.
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Buying or selling a property? Need an experienced conveyancing solicitor? We are here to provide you with expert advice for the purchase or sale of: • your dream home • a buy-to-let purchase • an investment property • auction property We operate to the highest standards of practice and integrity required by the Law Society’s Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS). Our track record in leasehold enfranchisement is also acknowledged by ALEP (Association of Leasehold Enfranchisement Practitioners). Contact us: t: 01462 458711 e:
Or visit us at: 25 Bancroft, Hitchin, SG5 1JW to make an appointment.
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