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D FREE E R E V I L E D 4,800 COPIES TS OF N E D I S E R O H T EACH MONT I ELD F R I A F & D STOTFOL s month: inside thi ts, nouncemen n a y l i m a s, F ore.. Local new ETTERs & m L R U O Y , s nt Lo c a l ev e
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From the Editor Most regular readers will know, that due to early print deadlines we have to prepare this issue well in advance of Christmas. Whilst writing this, I am fully aware that hardly any of our Christmas gifts have been purchased and that I am as usual, running very behind on the festive schedule! December has been hectic to say the least, with the calendar overloaded with places we need to be (or rather the children) however, we did manage to find time to squeeze in as many of the Stotfold festivities as possible, you’ll find a brief rundown on page 11. Our sincere thanks to everyone involved in organising the many events we have attended in the last few weeks, we hope everyone enjoyed them as much as we did.
We would like to offer our congratulations to everybody that was nominated this year for the Christmas Hero Competition. Aimed at recognising those people that live in Stotfold who have really have‘ gone the extra mile’ this year, we were astonished at the amount of entries we received. It was extremely difficult to choose one winner which is why this year we have awarded a first and second place, together with many runners up. We have also introduced a ‘special recognition’ award for 2019, awarded to someone we felt deserved an extra special mention for their work all year round within our community. Thank you to everyone that took the time to nominate someone - each and every nomination received was a worthy winner in its own right. You can find out who this year’s winner/s were on page 4 of your January issue. Thank you once again to Satchells Estate Agents for sponsoring the Christmas Hero and for providing the prizes. New Year is all about resolutions and the Stotfold News magazine is no exception as we too have some exciting plans afoot for 2020. You can find out more about these plans as the year unfolds, your opportunity to become more involved with your local magazine could be right around the corner. We’ll keep you posted!
Please email your letters or articles to stotfold.news@yahoo.co.uk or write to us at: Stotfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Stotfold, Hertfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9.30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page.
It’s easy to advertise in the Stotfold News You’ll find all you need to know at: www.stotfoldnews.co.uk Our deadline is always 6th of every month preceeding publication.
We have over 95 volunteers that deliver the Stotfold News Magazine. If for any reason you do not recieve your copy of the magazine please contact us to let us know.
We are happy to accept birthday announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page. If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement or please visit:
www.justgiving.com/gardenhousehospice or send a cheque made payable to Garden House Hospice to: Garden House Hospice, Gillison Close, Letchworth Garden City, Herts SG6 1QU
Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold News Magazine. Published by Stotfold News Ltd in association with Woodbury Printing Services www.woodburyprint.co.uk
All that’s left to say is we hope everyone has thoroughly enjoyed the festivities and recharged their batteries ready for the year ahead!
Let’s make it a great one!
Until next month!
We love receiving your photographs! Thank you to Amber King age 14 for this lovely ‘frosty’ picture taken during December. To have your photograph featured as a future front cover of the Stotfold News Magazine please send itistodedicated us at: stotfold.news@yahoo.co.uk. This magazine to the memory of Roy West.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Christmas Hero 2019 CONGRATULATIONS! After many weeks of searching and a truly fabulous response to our plea for nominations, we are proud to announce this year’s Christmas Hero winner and Runner-up for 2019.
Congratulations to Victoria Coulson - Winner of the Stotfold Christmas Hero 2019.
Victoria was nominated by close friend Joanne Jarvis who felt that Victoria’s determination and enthusiasm had really earned her a special treat this year. ‘Victoria has been off work this year due to health issues and has undegone some fairly rigorous treatment as part of her recovery. Her work alongside Husband Matt as part of SMSA is just one of the reasons she truly stands out as a Christmas Hero.’ Joanne told the Stotfold News Magazine. The judges were blown away by the level of Christmas Hero 2019 Victoria Coulson determination and commitment Victoria had shown and felt she was the worthy winner of this year’s special award. Victoria is pictured receiving her prize from Kevin Duff of Satchells Estate Agents. Carly Tiplady was selected as this year’s second prize winner for her fundraising ventures during 2019, raising money for the Garden House Hospice. Following the sad loss of Mum Bev. Carly has fundraised together with her close friends raising thousands of pounds for the Letchworth Hospice by running local events such as the Sip and Shop event earlier this year. Friend Jessica Gaskell told the Stotfold News Magazine ‘Carly fully deserves recognition for the hard work she has put in to raising such a lot of money for the Garden House’. The judges agreed that Carly was the worthy recipient of second place, a new award for 2019.
A special recognition award was also presented to Gordon Hamilton from The Need Project for the work the Need project do within our community. Gordon also received a personal nomination for the Christmas Hero award. In recognition of this award, Satchells Estate Agents, Stotfold decided to make the Need Project their official charity for 2020. For every new instruction received during 2020 Satchells Stotfold will make a small donation to the project, presenting all money raised to Gordon in time for next year’s Christmas fundraising. Letters were sent to all nominees this year with warm congratulations from the judges.
2019 Runner-up Carly Tiplay
Inside our Arlesey issue, the Christmas Hero winner for 2019 was John Savoury with second place awarded to Lisa Glindon.
Arlesey Christmas Hero John Savory
Arlesey Runner-up Lisa Glindon
Christmas Hero was sponsored once again by Satchells Estate Agents 4
Stotfold News Magazine
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News from
Stotfold Watermill
What a great resolution! A very happy New Year to all of you who take the time to read this column from everyone at Stotfold Watermill. But before we start to think about the events to come in 2020 we have an apology to make to those of you who have recently visited the Nature Reserve. We very much regret that you will have found it somewhat a struggle to walk along the path by the river due to the wide area of churned up mud. This is a consequence of the work carried out to clear the river of weed, typha, fallen branches and other debris by the Ivel Drainage Board. You might have seen them in their bright orange boat on the river and the ‘grabber’ vehicle lifting their ‘haul’ on to the bank. It has left the footpath more reminiscent of a ploughed field. Hopefully with assistance from our volunteers at TEASEL it will soon be restored and visitors will be able to appreciate a expansive view of the wildlife on the river. The IDB have promised to return and clear this stretch in September every year in the future which should mean an easier and less damaging routine whilst enhancing the Machinery used to help clear the river over the last few weeks rate of water flow. What a great resolution! Meanwhile, maintenance work is being carried out in the mill and our millstones, Sam and George, have been cleaned and are ready to grind flour again, powered by greater availability of water. The oat roller is in operation, so customers can continue to obtain supplies of oats and flour through our local outlets even when we are closed through the winter months. What a great resolution! Ray Kilby, our miller, is busily restoring an original bucket grain hoist which will be mounted for children to use and learn yet more about the workings of this traditional watermill. It will promise an additional learning experience for youngsters from schools and youth groups who are taken around on visits by our Education Team in 2020. What a great resolution! We saw out the year at the mill with a Victorian Carol Concert which proved immensely popular. For 2020, as well as the Steam and Country Fair in May, we are hoping to develop more new and exciting events at the mill. Look out on our website and social media pages for a range of exhibitions and activities throughout the summer. Remember our promise that the mill is run ‘by the community for the community ’ What a great resolution! All of this depends on help and support from you, the Stotfold residents. In 2020 make sure you regularly follow us on facebook, twitter and Instagram. Perhaps you might even go to our website (www.stotfoldmill.com) and read about how you might promise to join us as a volunteer. If you didWhat a great resolution!
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Stotfold Library Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP Tel. 0300 300 8068
BANK HOLIDAY CLOSURES Monday 23rd December – CLOSED Tuesday 24th December – 9am-1pm Wednesday 25th December – CLOSED Thursday 26th December – CLOSED Friday 27th December – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday 28th December – 9am-4pm Sunday 29th December – CLOSED Monday 30th December – CLOSED Tuesday 31st December – 9am-1pm Wednesday 1st January – CLOSED Thursday 2nd January – 9am-1pm
School Holidays Friday 27th Dec 2pm-5pm,Bag decorating (£1.50 per bag). Saturday 28th December 9am-3pm, Coffee and Lego. Tuesday 31st December 9am-12noon, New Year Craft. Friday 3rd January 2pm-5pm, Candle Holder Decorating. Saturday 4th January 9am-3pm, Coffee and Lego. Every Tuesday (Term-time only) Storytime 10.30am-11am, for ages 2-5years. Rhymetime 11.15am-11.45am, for ages 0-3 years. Friday 10th & 24th January ***NEW*** SATs Booster Club 4.30pm-5.30pm Brought to you by Wild Education, recommended for year 5 and 6 pupils, £8 per child per session, spaces are limited so be sure to book your child’s place by emailing wildeducation13@outlook.com. EVENTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY (for ages 0-99) Every Wednesday Lego and Duplo Club 4pm-5.30pm Every Saturday Coffee and Lego 9am-3pm
EVENTS FOR ADULTS Every Friday Knit and Knatter 10.30-12noon Good Afternoon Club will not be held this month due to Bank Holiday. Sorry for any inconvenience. Thursday 2nd January Adult Craft Classes 10-12noon. Hosted by Donna Pearson, professional Card Maker. £4.50 each and all materials provided. Wednesday 8th & 22nd January Roecrafters 2pm-4pm. Bring your craft with you to do whilst you socialise with other likeminded people. Come along and have fun! Wednesday 15th January Stotfold Reading Group 2.15pm-3.15pm
JANUARY BULLETIN On Saturday 9th November the Teasel team took advantage of a kind break in the gloomy weather to undertake a full morning of jobs in the Stotfold Mill meadows.
Some of the team did some pruning of undergrowth and hedging growing near the important wild Rowan berries expected on the new Rowan Trees. service trees (Sorbus torminalis). The flowers on this oddly named tree make it a true springtime stunner, and it’s not so long ago that you could find wild-service fruit at a market. These days the fruit is rare and hard to find but it’s still a favourite with wildlife like the wood pigeon, whose gut softens its seeds for propagation. Pruning is vital to ensure that the trees have the space and freedom to thrive, and we use the prunings and branches and as dry hedging to provide more habitat for wildlife.
Another of our tasks was to plant three Rowan trees in memory of our dear Teasel friend Dave Moule, who died recently. You might know the Rowan better as the Mountain Ash. The Rowans were locally sourced and will provide a valuable supply of lovely red berries for birds in the years to come. We think Dave would have liked that. Yet another task was to plant a large oak tree, which had been raised in a large tub. We incorporated some of our composted material from our ever-growing compost heap, which is an important form of recycling that Teasel uses in it management of the meadows. Until next time!
TEL: 01462 732396 MOB: 07860 192689
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor
I just wanted to give a big shout out and say a very big thank you to some rather unsung heroes! I am talking about all the band of people who got together a few years ago to start Stotfold’s Community Christmas Fair, which every year donates it’s profits to a different charity group. We are all so grateful for all the time and effort that goes in to this event, not only on the day, but all through the year behind the scenes as well, to make it a huge success year on year. It also gives local crafters and small businesses a platform to showcase what they can do, and charity groups an outlet for fund-raising. Much appreciated.
I don’t even know all their names, but to Alan and Mary Cooper, Chris Webster, Anne and Pat Clarey, Brenda, Eileen and the others in the kitchen, Father Christmas, and everyone else whose names I don’t know, thank you all so much. You all deserve a Citizen’s Award in my book! Best wishes, Melanie Cheney
Dear Editor
I would like to thank everyone who helped make our Christmas Lights Switch On event at the end of November a great success, with particular thanks to Roecroft Lower School and the Salvation Army Band for bringing a festive musical atmosphere to the event – the carols were enjoyed by so many! And of course, the ever-popular Storytime with Father Christmas – thanks to him for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit our younger residents at our event. It was great to see so many festive stalls in our indoor Christmas market – a good opportunity to stock up on Christmas presents and stocking fillers. I am pleased to advise that the Switch On event raised a fantastic £575 towards ongoing provision of Christmas lights for the town, with the donation tins around the town still to be counted.
I would like to thank the following for their donations/sponsorship, support and participation or volunteer work for this year’s Stotfold Christmas Lights: Baldock Rotary Club, Alterations Shop, Co-op store, Country Properties, Curry Hut, Days of Ashwell, Evin Kebab & Pizza, EH Crouch Funeral Directors, Hair by Phillip, India Lodge Restaurant, JRA Discount Store, MJ Ryall Building Supplies Ltd, One-Stop Shop, Peking House, Plantscape Ltd, Roecroft Lower School, Salvation Army Band, Satchells Estate Agents, Stotfold Dental Surgery, Stotfold Launderette,The Stotfold News Magazine, Stotfold Pharmacy, Stotfold Scouts, Stotfold Town Council staff and Councillors, The Rooms, T&J Seymour Electrical Contractors and D&M Willmott, and of course residents and visitors who have donated throughout the festive period. Many thanks Kate Elliott-Turner Town Clerk, Stotfold Town Council
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
Happy Birthday SGNG – super sixes! On December the 2nd last month The Stotfold Good Neighbour Group had their sixth birthday having been launched in December 2013. We currently have over 200 clients, 38 dedicated volunteers and 32 members of our Chair based exercise classes.
The period just before our sixth birthday was marked by two other notable sixes. On the Thursday we received our 6,000th request for support from a local resident and on the Saturday, we received a magnificent cheque for well over £6,000 from the Co-op. The money was raised by members of the Co-op as part of their Local Community Fund scheme whereby 1% of the spend on Co-op products goes to local charities.
Are you having having computer problems? pr oblems?
We should like to say a huge thank you to the Co-op and its members for choosing us as one of the local charities to benefit from the fund for this past year. The money raised will primarily support our chair-based exercise classes by providing equipment and paying for the training of new Instructors.
Thank you again to the Co-op and its shoppers from the six-year-old Stotfold Good Neighbour Group.
Wendy Craig On behalf of Stotfold Good Neighbour Group.
T Trevor revor F Freer reer
07769 860015 trevor.freer@hotmail.com trevor.freer@ho
To get involved in this wonderful group and to find out more about becoming a Stotfold Good Neighbour please contact: wendyj.craig@gmail.com
Friday Classes at St Mary's Church Hall, Stotfold and Fairfield Community Hall y Tr
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
es ss a l c
£12 for
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor,
I am writing the following letter on behalf of Henry, Hannah, Brandon, Ethan and Jack. Following on from the various stories within the local social media and on the Stotfold News Magazine facebook page, most people will be aware that the Wedding Day for this Stotfold family had to be arranged with very little notice…in fact just seven days. In times of adversity, it is heart-warming to see a community come together and make an impossible dream a wonderful reality.
This letter is written to express the family’s sincere gratitude to all the people who donated and contributed towards making very special memories for the whole family that will be cherished forever. There is an extensive list of people that provided a variety of services, products and that generously gave their time in order to make the day happen. Apologies in advance for anybody that we have mistakenly left off of the following list.
Reverend Bill Britt, the Diocese of St Albans and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Office for expediently granting the necessary licences to make the actual wedding ceremony possible. St Mary’s Church, Anne Scarr for the wonderful flowers, St Mary’s Church Academy, the talented designers for the Order of Service & Wedding Favours. Sandy Davoile for all of her support, help and time. Gordon Hamilton from the Need Project for his delivery driving on the Wedding Day. Sarah Webster, although no longer a Stotfold resident, for baking 100 delicious cupcakes & driving a 100-mile round trip with her lovely family to attend the ceremony. Keech Cottage Children’s Hospice for the two amazing nurses who not only transported Ethan safely to and from the Hospice, but looked after him fabulously on the day.
Local Companies:
Fox & Duck Public House - To Sally, Gary and Chrissie for your support and help with the Reception. Alice at Fleur de Lace (Arlesey). Style, Hire, Create and Inspire Wedding Design Services. Adam Elgood Photography for fantastic wedding day memories Home Use Sunbed Hire Rosetone (Shefford) for the wedding chairs for the marquee, Katie The best home use Sunbeds available with brand Angelidi – Simply Beautiful Bridal Hair & Make Up. Hollie Dear new High Power 0.3 compliant lamps. Tan from for the brides nails, Regency Flowers for the stunning bridal the comfort of your own home. 4 Weeks Hire £150 bouquet & buttonholes. Days of Ashwells for a sensational 8 Weeks Hire £280 Wedding Cake. Hayley Chell – DJ Hayley’s Kids Disco Parties, 12 Weeks Hire £410 Jen Burton for the Bridesmaid & Page Boys Sweet Cones, Call us on 07575 353355 Lauren and her team at Diamond Parties for supplying the or find us on facebook to book. amazing Characters, The Family Entertainer (Shefford) Kevin / Tan & Deliver (Stotfold) Truly Magical, Spotyphoto – Razvan & Lucia your video is beautiful. Lorna and the senior management team at Card Factory (Biggleswade), thank you for your continued support. Caroline and Marissa and the senior management team of One Stop (Stotfold) for your fantastic donations and amazing support. Morrisons management team (Letchworth) thank you for providing platters for the Buffet.
Your support and compassion have been truly amazing.
With our sincere thanks.
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Stotfold Business Install New Club Signage Absolute Signs and Graphics based in Stotfold, welcomed the opportunity to work right on their doorstep last month with the manufacture and installation of the Stotfold Football Club logo and signage on the new Stotfold Football Club building along Arlesey Road.
Business owner Jonathan Burge told the Stotfold News Magazine ‘It was great to be able to help the club, and work on such a local project. We are very pleased with how the building now looks and enjoyed contributing towards this small piece of Stotfold history. We are very proud to be supporting the local community and supporters of Stotfold Football Club.’
The new ground and associated buildings are near to completion, with an anticipated opening date of January 2020. The move will see the ground used by hundreds of football groups, teams and clubs throughout the region, with the new location offering a range of new facilities and opportunities for local groups and businesses to get involved. To find out more about becoming involved with the new club contact Phil Pateman on 07825 133344
New logo and Stotfold Football Club signage at Arlesey Road
41 High Street • Baldock Herts Her ts • SG7 6BG
01462 896046 www.finesse-interiors.co.uk www .finesse-interiors.co.uk ‘A A famil familyy business with a wealth of experience’
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December Festivities Light Up The Town
Santa visits the Greenacre Centre
Stotfold celebrated Christmas in style with so many occasions for the community to get together and enjoy all of the activities and events on offer. The Stotfold Community Christmas Fayre kick-started the fun early on in the month, with hundreds of people supporting this event. Many stalls were held by local schools and organisations with profits being donated this year to 1st Stotfold Guide Association.
Stotfold Town Council Christmas Light Switch On event was a huge success, with crowds enjoying singing from the the Roecroft Lower School Choir, alongside the Stotfold Salvation Army Band. Storytime with Santa proved as popular as ever, with children watching as he then turned on the Stotfold Town Council Christmas lights.
Silverbirch Avenue was well supported the following evening, as Santa made yet another appearance to help as residents gathered to ‘count down’ their very own light switch on. Stotfold Mayor Alan Cooper conducted proceedings, while residents assisted by the team from ‘Box of Cakes’ served refreshments. Proceeds of this event were donated to the Need Project in Stotfold.
Box of Cakes and residents serve refreshments at Silverbirch Avenue
Stotfold Community Fayre
It was great to see so many residents supporting all of the many events and thoroughly enjoying the festivities. We hope you enjoyed them all!
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Friday 31st January
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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 12
Letters to the Editor
Happy New Year To all our readers!
Dear Stotfold News, Lovely to see the memory lane picture of Stotfold Boys School Football Team. Here are the players names. Back: Games Master - Barry Wood Standing: (From L to R). Stephen Wright. Christopher Saunders. Stephen Corney. Steve Albone. Martin Welch. Martin Hare (GK) Dennis Ellison. Wayne Bradshaw. Bruce Bradshaw. Nigel Cooke. Seated: David Young. Tommy Calce. Martin Rowe (Captain) Kevin Gentle. Keith Gaynor. Mick Temple. I think it was 67/68. Stotfold had won their Schools league. We missed out on the Double, losing to Barton School in the Cup semi-final due to a disputed goal that VAR would surely have overturned. Best regards, Martin Rowe.
Dear Editor, We would like to thoroughly recommend painter and decorator Andy Leonard, I saw Andy’s advert in the Stotfold News Magazine and gave him a call. On first impressions, he was very polite and professional, his quotation was detailed and good value for money. He has just completed the decorating of our hallway, stairs and landing and it is fantastic. Andy arrived on time each day with a smile, he was tidy, considerate, happy and his quality of work is outstanding -couldn’t recommend him enough.
The McCracken family, Stotfold.
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James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service
07490 715009 stotfoldfencing@gmail.com 208308
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To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Do Something Great This January.. Is your New Year Resolution to do something worthwhile this year? If you enjoy having fun with friends or with family then this event is for you! A great afternoon is promised, with the aim of raising as much money and as much awareness as possible for dementia care along the way. Local dance school Gifford Dance Academy are putting the ‘fun’ into fundraising with their Dance for Dementia Day on 19th January. The Dance Academy will be donating all proceeds of their event towards funding an Admiral Nurse for Bedfordshire, a specialist nurse dedicated to helping dementia sufferers and their families. Incredibly, there are no Admiral Nurses available in our county. The Gifford family, currently caring for a very close family member suffering from this awful disease know only too well the devastating impact dementia can have on everyone that it touches.
‘These wonderful nurses should be available to everyone in need of specialist care, our Dance for Dementia Day is to help raise awareness of this situation and to of course to have lots of fun along the way’ Rebecca Gifford told the Stotfold News. . To get involved and book your space, see the advert to the right of this article.
AT KNIGHTS TEMP TEMPLAR SPORTS CENTRE, BALDOC DOCK K ORGANISED BY GIFFORD DANCE ACADEMY AND SPONSORED BY STEVENAGE LEISURE LTD When a loved one su sufffers from dementia it affects the whole family mily.. The Gif Giffford family of Gif Giffford Dance Academy know this very well. Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give expert practical, clinical and emotional support. However they are short in supply and at the time of writing there are NONE in Bed edffordshire. All fu funds raised will go to Dementia UK for Admiral Nurses. The dance is for all ages and not hard or to be taken too seriously sly..
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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News from
Etonbury Academy. Having almost reached the end of 2019, it is a good time to reflect on the year and recognise our achievements, in particularly, the success of our first year of GCSE students. Achieving second in the local authority for progress 8, is a good reason to celebrate.
It is always a pleasure inviting the community to meet our staff and students and see why we are so proud of our Academy. We have recently held our Open Evening for the year 4 parents, who were able to take a look at the facilities, talk to our team and converse with our fantastic students. September 2020 will see our new year 5 students benefit from being based in the Etonbury Junior building with an established team, have specialist teaching in PE, computing and foreign languages as well as after year 6 enjoy the seamless transition in to the secondary school. Having now fully completed the transition to extended secondary, we now have fantastic buildings and embedded systems, structures and people to ensure stability for our all our students over their important educational years ahead. It is not too late to book a tour of our school, just contact us to arrange on 01462 730391. There have been a number of fun events and activities going on these past few weeks including dress up day for Children in Need where an amazing £4K was raised across BEST, The ‘Big Draw’ competition, BEST Christmas card competition, Blood Brothers theatre trip and an American theme day in our canteen. Our staff also enjoyed an evening of Christmas ceramics, we have so much creative talent across the whole school team! We are delighted by the response from our parents/carers to our new ‘praise text’ initiative introduced this term by our Principal, Ian Evason, to recognise the excellent contribution our students make in school. ‘Such a brilliant way to celebrate student success. Well done @EtonburyAcademy’. You can keep track of how many we are sending out by following us on Twitter @EtonburyAcademy. Finally, we are looking forward to welcoming many of our community to our Christmas concert on Wednesday 18th December which is an opportunity for us to showcase all our incredibly talented performers. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on all our achievements, successes and events that are happening. All of us at Etonbury sincerely wish you a joyous Christmas break and a very Happy New Year!
New Beginner courses in Stotfold Tuesdays 7.35pm and Wednesdays 9.15am Places are limited, please enquire early
Now accepting card payments To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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News from
Pix Brook Academy. November was once again a busy month with a host of events designed to both engage and excite our growing group of Year 5 pupils. We held a genuinely moving Remembrance Day assembly. The curate from St Mary’s church, Graham Clark, joined us in our two minutes’ silence and took the pupils for assembly. Many of them also chose to wear their uniforms from Brownie Cubs and Cadets. As ever, the school tries to ensure that events of this nature are given the appropriate level of importance and tries to understand the importance to our society. It is a great opportunity to explore the meaning of one of our key values, “responsibility”.
Developments at the new Pix Brook site are taking shape.
Our Children in Need cake sale was also a resounding success. I will admit, I hugely underestimated the level of support we would receive from parents and pupils. We had such a wealth of sugary riches that I was concerned that we would still be eating them for Christmas! We raised a good sum and when added to the other charitable fund-raising events bring our yearly total to £274, a truly fantastic response and I greatly appreciate the support of parents. I’d also like to thank pupils and parents for their support at our open evening. I invited all pupils to join us for the evening and it was fantastic to see so many here. It was great to see so many Year 4 parents from all the lower schools. I would also like to thank many of our parents who attended and provided the “outside” view of the school. Overall everyone contributed to a thoroughly enjoyable (if quite tiring) event and I believe gave a rounded picture of what we are trying to build here at Pix Brook Academy.
We now have some truly exceptional photography of pupils around the school, and we have a professionally produced collage of their work from the summer. Both will move across to the permanent site and provide a fantastic reference back to Year 5 as pupils grow through the school. Finally, you will see that the work on the permanent site has really accelerated. Steel work is up and modules are already being installed. In my meeting at the site earlier this week over 60 workers were on site trying to make the most of the weather. Willmott Dixon have their countdown to the opening running in the office which literally ticks of the seconds to the opening of the school. It shows a real commitment from the company to make this work and I cannot realistically ask for any more. I am in discussion with the company to arrange an opportunity for parents and pupils to visit. Hopefully this will be in place after the New Year.
Established 1971
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News from
Fairfield Park Lower School A Happy New Year from all at Fairfield Park.
We hope everyone had a peaceful and joyous Christmas and extend our very best wishes for the new year to each and everyone of you! In December we had some wonderful Christmas productions across the school sites. At Ruskin Drive we had a whole school concert called ‘I'm Going to Shine’, and shine they all did during their three nativity performances. At Dickens Boulevard children in Reception performed The Nativity, KS1—Lights Camel Action and KS2 performed a festive carol concert. All performances were outstanding - well done to all children and staff!. Christmas dinner was a very special occasion for all staff and children and the children all enjoyed a visit from Father Christmas and his elves and many chose to wear their Christmas jumpers or t-shirts too! We are looking forward to our pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which will be performed at both school sites during the first few weeks back to school. We have an external company booked to perform, this is a very special treat for the children which is courtesy of the FPLS PTA - thank you PTA for funding the show.
January will be a busy month as we welcome the children back to school on Monday 6th January 2020. We have drop in to see learning this month, 30th January straight after school at 3.20pm and all classes will begin their new topic work. Looking ahead to February, Parent Consultations will take place for all years on 11th and 13th February. Please remember that if you are a parent needing to apply for a reception or middle school place for September 2020 then the deadline for applications is 15th January 2020. Please make applications online via the link below.
Value of the month:Positivity Please contact the school office on 01462 830000Email office@fairfieldparklower.uk www.fairfieldparklower.uk
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Last Call For This Year’s Tree-cycle For The Garden House Hospice The Garden House Hospice Care’s Christmas Treecycling campaign is back once again this year, giving you the opportunity to help fundraise for our local hospice whilst helping dispose of your real Christmas tree at the same time!
All you need to do to take part is sign up to the treecycling scheme before midday on the 8th of January, pay a donation to Garden House Hospice Care and their team of volunteers will collect and recycle your tree from your very doorstep between Saturday 11th and Tuesday 14th January. Once you have signed up to take part, you will simply need to strip your tree of decorations and leave it outside your house ready for collection. The Garden House Hospice volunteers will collect your tree which will then be shredded and chippings used in playgrounds within schools in our local community. The Garden House Hospice Care team are also looking for helpers to assist with the collection of trees (in particular, people with vans or trailers). If you can spare a few hours between 11th and 14th January to help this wonderful cause then please get in touch with the Garden House Hospice Fundraising Team on 01462 679540.
Letchworth Carpet Centre
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Email: info@stotfoldnews.co.uk
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Pippin Pre-School, Buttercup Road, Stotfold, Herts, SG5 4PF
www.pippinpreschool.co.uk * info@pippinpreschool.co.uk 01462 834897 Registered Charity 1028855
We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas over the last few weeks of term. The children enjoyed many events including Christmas Concerts, Santa’s Grotto and a Christmas Party, we hope our families enjoyed receiving all the special pieces of artwork that the children have produced for them too. We were proud to sponsor two charity events during December, Alzheimers Elf Day and Save the Children Jumper day. We wish to thank all our parents and staff for their continued support with outfits and monetary donations.
At the end of November our Committee organised a Panto with the help of the Touring Panto Company. We wish to thank all local businesses who donated fantastic raffle prizes including Herts IT, One Stop, Rock, UK, Helen O’Grady Drama, Elgood Photography, Little Ruggers, Alfie’s Barbers, All Wrapped up and Wilco, a great night was had by all!
HOME IMPROVEMENTS OR AN EXTENSION? Providing architectural design and planning services for residential building, extension and conversion projects,
S & S Coates Surveying & Design Call: 07960215053 or 01525 862457 stevecoates72@gmail.com Find us on facebook
We continue to collect donations of plastic bottle tops, unwanted fabric, small yogurt pots and buttons for our gluing station. All donations welcome, please drop off at the office. The Committee are always looking for new members so if you have a child attending Pippin and can spare a little time each month to attend our meeting and help out with fundraising activities we would love to hear from you, please email pippincommittee@gmail.com for further information. The Pre-School reopens on Tuesday 7th January 2020 after the Christmas break, we look forward to welcoming the children back and hearing about all their Christmas celebrations and activities they encountered during the holidays. When we return next month our Holiday Club sessions for February half term will be available for booking. Thank you for your interest in our Pre-School. We look forward to sharing more of our news with you again next month. Pippin now has its own Facebook page so if you haven’t already ‘liked’ us please do so to keep up to date with what is happening here at Pippin. Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts
JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 20
Family Announcements
Stotfold's Café
Serving cooked breakfast, bacon/sausage rolls. fresh soup, jackets, sandwiches, cakes, waffles, milkshakes, tea, coffee & more!
Hallworth Drive (next to the library
near the traffic lights)
Box Of Cakes T:07812 055587
14th January Happy 1st Birthday! Love, Mumma x
Happy Birthday Love Becca, Anna, Katie & Joe xx
6th January Happy 16th Birthday! Love Mum & Dad xx
OLLIE BACKHOUSE Happy 13th Birthday
Love Mum, Dad & Jacob xx
30th January Happy 10th Birthday Love Mummy, Daddy, Noah & Lucy xxx
Happy 70th Birthday! With love from Andy, Lyndsey, Jon, Finlay & Lilia
Please mention the Stotfold News Magazine when responding to adverts
Happy Birthday! Love Mum, Dad & Chloe xx
Happy Birthday!
Love the Reeves! xx
Happy belated 10th birthday, with love Mum, Dad, Jemima and Harryxxx
28th January Happy Birthday! with all our love from your Fone family xxxx
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Family Announcements TARYN RAGLESS
18th January Happy 6th Birthday to our Princess of Stotfold Love from Mummy, Daddy & Queen Mother Margaret xx
Happy Birthday Love Mummy, Daddy and Harry xx
Happy Birthday!
Love from Mummy, Daddy, & Ella xx
Happy 85th Birthday! 29th January Love Eileen, Steve, Sandra, Laura & Sophie xx
10th January Almost time for that telegram from the Queen! Love, Kerry, Dan, Elodie & Esme x
Happy Birthday
Love Dad, Mum, Anna, & Katie xxx
MARY SCOTT Happy 70th Birthday! Love from all the family xxx
23rd January 21 again! Lots of love Kerry, Dan, Elodie & Esme x
Conversational one-to-one courses & groups Thursdays 5.40pm- 6.20pm (aged 10-15) & 6.30pm-7.25pm (15+ to adults)
The Greenacre Centre, Valerian way, Contact: Marta Canella on 07947 897303 or email martacanella@yahoo.co.uk
Model Railway Exhibition
at Stratton School, Biggleswade SG18 8JB Saturday 15th February from 10 am to 4.30 pm
Organised by the East Beds Model Railway Society; Full details are available on its website www.ebmrs.org.uk
North Herts Road Runners- 
Our next event will be the first Saturday of the month 5k on 4th January at Letchworth Common We welcome runners of all abilities and our qualified coaches will help improve your running. We meet at the Spirella Building in Letchworth on Tues & Thurs at 7.15pm Further details are on www.nhrr.org.uk or Ian on 01462639215 To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Letters to the Editor Dear Editor
It was good to see the lovely photo of Betty’s shoe shop in the November issue of the Stotfold News Magazine. It really bought back fond memories. I used to tke my son in there for his shoes in the late 1960’s. When I couldn’t make my mind up, Betty would say ‘take three or four pairs to show Ray’ (my husband) and bring back what you don’t want. Could you imagaine this happening nowadays?!
Thankyou once again for this wonderful trip down memory lane. Eileen Minnis (Coppice Mead)
Walk4Health Walks for January
Saunders Shoe Shop now known as Country Properties on the Stotfold crossroads.
Do you enjoy walking, would you like to join a social, walking group and enjoy the fresh air. All welcome.
We are a friendly group of carers who meet together on the 3rd Thursday of every month for a social afternoon with tea and cake. This month we meet on Thursday 16th January. If you are a carer and would like to join us, bring the one you care for to Stotfold Methodist Hall 2pm - 3.30pm You will be very welcome.
January 2nd Etonbury Wood (entrance near school) January 9th, 16th & 23rd Hospital Rd, Arlesey, January 30th Scout Hut, Baldock Rd, Stotfold. Meet at 10.45am - For further details contact
Beth & Peter Overfield 01462 815672
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News from
Roecroft Lower School. HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Roecroft family! January is such an exciting time, a month filled with new opportunities and the beginning of a new year full of new prospects and goals. Looking back to December it feels like somewhat of a blur. School was a hive of activity: the staff pantomime, Peter Pan, was a huge hit with the children and is their favourite festive event. Spring term is one packed with learning and experiences for the children. We look forward to sharing these with you over the coming months.
An Update from the Key Stage 1 Team: The start of the academic year at Roecroft has flown by as KS1 have all Some of our Year 1’s during their ‘Toy Story’ topic day. worked incredibly hard across the Autumn term. We have been very lucky to have experienced plenty of interesting subject days to inspire us with our learning across the curriculum. This has included dance workshops, to create imaginative choreography based upon our Autumn term topics; a visit from the Fire service for Year 2, to explore a fire engine and also weekly visits by 'Inspiring Music' for Year 1 to create compositions with percussion instruments. Everyone in Years 1 and 2 were very excited for the approach of Christmas, and the festive sprit permeated through all of the classes! Year 2 performed their Christmas show called the 'Christmas Alphabet' which included lots of Christmas songs and actions for their audience to enjoy.
Give your garden a modern, contemporary look with beautiful porcelain paving. For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558 www.thegardenrobin.co.uk
Year 1 continued to explore'The Nutcracker' by using their senses to explore different scenes and working as small groups to act out different parts of the story. We all also enjoyed our 'Christmas Around the World Day' and there were lots of creative tasks to help us explore traditions in different countries. Wishing you a wonderful start to the 2020! Mrs Cross
Stotfoldd based handyman who can help you with those jobs you never get to!
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Call Bernie for details on 07860 462244
JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 25
News from Larksfield Surgery (on behalf of the Larksfield PPG- Patient Participation Group)
Christmas hours: Monday 23rd/Tuesday 24th Normal hours. Wednesday 25th CLOSED, Thursday 26th CLOSED
Friday 27th, Monday 30th, Tuesday 31st Normal Hours. Wednesday 1st CLOSED - Ring 111 for advice 24 hours 7 days.
Nasal Flu Update:
As you may be aware there has been a shortage of nasal flu vaccinations this year - this is a nationwide issue out of our control. We are expecting a delivery within the next few weeks and wll be inviting those people on the waiting list to the surgery as soon as we are able. Protected Learning Zone.
Patients may be aware that the surgery shuts once a week for training purposes - this is known a PLZ training. This training is mandatory and is commissioned by the CCG. When Larksfield is shut the 111 number takes over from the surgery. Suggestion Box:
The suggestion box is located in eception at Larksfield Surgery. If you have any comments or suggestions please use the box - all suggestions welcome. Test Results:
CLAIRE’S CAT SITTING Stotfold based cat sitting service Now in our 8th year!
Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind.I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day. Other small animals can also be catered for. Please call Claire
07984 344 997
Due to the busy reception in the surgery test results are only available after 7 working days after submission of your sample (except in extraordinary circumstances). Please telephone between 10-12 noon and 3-5pm for test results to leave the main switchboard free at busy periods. Due to patient confidentiality, test results can only be given to the patient unless alternative arrangements have been given in writing to the surgery. The receptionist can supply you with the test result instructed by the clinician and no further information can be provided. Larksfield Surgery, Arlesey Road,Stotfold SG5 4HB For appointments - 01462 732244 (option1) For test results - 01462 732200 (option 4)
Extended appointments are available some Wednesdays between 7am -8am Call for details.
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Give Your New Year A Pulse Raising Start!
Jazzercise is a pulse pounding, beat pumping fitness programme that gets you results fast! With a playlist to distract you from the burn and 15 different formats to keep your body guessing! There is no excuse to miss working out, this is ideal for all ages and fitness levels with a variety of payment methods to suit your needs. Movement is a proven medicine for creating a change in a person’s emotions and mental well-being as well as enjoying the physical benefits it brings. One class member told us ‘I have been attending class twice a week to help with toning muscles, burning extra calories and bringing my fitness levels up. Since I started last January, I have dropped three dress sizes and achieved a life-long ambition of scuba diving! Jazzercise is so much fun, dancing and exercising at your own level, no judgement and lots of support from instructors and class mates!’ Monday & Tuesday 8pm
3 classes for £10 No Booking required
Saturday 9am Stotfold Memorial Hall
For more information and up to date class schedule visit www.facebook.com/jazzercisestotfold Contact Tanya 07833 568674 Classes at Wilbury Junior School, Letchworth Weds 7.30pm. Email: tanyavardyjazzercise@hotmail.co.uk
Jazzercise has been in Stotfold and the surrounding areas for ten years now! Why not join this fun, healthy, fitness family this new year! For just £25 you can have UNLIMITED classes for a whole month- that’s a potential twenty hours of classes!! Simply mention this article when you pop along to your first class to take advantage of this amazing discounted offer. Alternatively you can call Tanya on 07833 568 674
£20.20 GYM, SWIM , WORKOUT CLASSES & MORE Start your fitness journey this January & pay just £20.20 for your first month. Join online with promocode NY20
Pendleton Sports Centre, Etonbury Academy, Stotfold Road, Arlesey, Bedfordshire, SG15 6XS 01462 341 114 enquiries.pendleton@sll.co.uk find us online: www.sll.co.uk
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News from
St Mary’s CE Academy January was an eventful start to the New Year with the first of our monthly Collective Worships in the form of an Epiphany themed Service in which our children and staff were all involved and some even dressed up for the part! The service included a blessing of the school by Reverend Bill Britt from St Mary’s Church.
February brings our ever popular annual Creative Arts Week between 10th and 14th; this brilliant event gives the children a chance to be involved in all sorts of creative activities for the whole week with a wide range of topics. For the first time ever our school and in particular some of our Year 4 children will also be participating in the Young Voices Concert involving over 6000 school children within the O2 London. Such an exciting and fulfilling experience.
The St Mary’s School Association have a film night event planned for our younger children taking place on Friday 28th February in the Academy Hall and another Happy Bags Collection planned for Monday 2nd March. This initiative encourages our families to have a post-Christmas clear out. The bags are then picked up by the Charity in return for a monetary donation dependent on weight, which the SMSA then uses to benefit our school children. Currently we are raising money towards a new Creative Suite. We would encourage any members of our community to please help us, the Charity will take clean clothes, paired shoes or trainers, belts, hats, jewellery, toiletries, 0GY [GCT console games, soft toys etc Please also look out for further details on 0GY CFXGPVWTGU CYCKV the SMSA Sponsored Bounce planned for Thursday 19th March. There will be class assemblies held during February so we look forward to these. Please look out for more information and dates in our weekly school newsletter or on our website. Our last day of this half term is Friday 14th February, with school resuming on Monday 24th for six busy weeks to take us up to Easter. Don’t forget World Cancer Day on Tuesday 4th, International Epilepsy Day on Monday 10th, Valentine’s Day on Friday 14th and Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day on Tuesday 25th!
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News from Stotfold Football Club The first team won two and lost one of their league fixtures but had two cup wins beating Bedford 3-1 in the Beds Senior Trophy and Ampthill 1-0 in the League Division 1 Cup. They are currently seventh in the table. The Development team won two and lost two of their league fixtures and are currently mid-table. Due to the weather the U18â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only played two fixtures narrowly losing both by the odd goal. The club would welcome your support for all three teams in the coming season. Come on you Eagles!
The official handover of the new stadium was expected to have taken place last month with the club anticipating playing there once all the necessary moving in work has been completed.
Roker Park The Green, Stotfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4AN T: 01462 730765 www.stotfoldfc.co.uk Twitter @stotfoldfc Email enquiries info@stotfoldfc.co.uk
Window Cleaning 20 years experience - Reliable and efficient Fully insured & Uniformed staff
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Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd
Call: 07881 556187 or 07515 283409 Email: stuartorpin@yahoo.co.uk
67 Vaughan Rd, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4EJ
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JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 29
News from Stotfold Junior Football Club The New Year brings with it exciting opportunities for Stotfold Juniors as we begin another successful year with all of our many Junior teams. Due to our continued expansion, we are constantly looking to source new players for our various age groups. In particular, we are concentrating on locating new players for our Under 10 Girls squad who compete in the Bedfordshire Girls League. Our teams use the latest FA and Coerver* training methods to maximise the development of each player. All abilities are welcome to this squad. For more details contact Matty Heneghan 07528 859032 or contact matty.stotfoldjuniors@gmail.com Calling all Year 7 children. Stotfold Juniors are looking to strengthen their current Amber team and are inviting players to join this very successful line up. The team are keen to locate a new goalkeeper, as well as add strength to their players on the pitch. Training for this team is held on Thursdays either at Etonbury Academy or at Baldock Arena. For further details contact Barry West on 07780 009370 or email bmwest@btinternet.com. All abilities welcome. If your child is just starting out on their football journey, than the Stotfold Juniors Development Centre provides a local centre for young players and new coaches to be developed to their full potential. The Future of Local Youth Development, children are taught how to â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;play the Stotfold Junior way'. The Development Centre is able to offer a wider range of coaching, both indoors and outdoors and is a feeder to the Junior teams. For more information contact: info@stotfoldjuniorsdc.co.uk.
More information from: Allison on 01462 733230/079983730291
Darren Peters Property Maintenance
Your One Stop Solution for Property Maintenance Reliable and local multi-skilled handyman at affordable prices
Domestic & Commercial Work Undertaken For a Free Quotation call Darren H: 01462 733322
M: 07587 186746
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
With many teams ranging from development level to Adult, Stotfold Junior Football Club are looking forward to a very exciting year ahead!
JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 30
We are extremely proud to introduce our new care home in Fairfield. Our aim is to provide outstanding care combined with exceptionally high quality facilities within a modern yet homely environment for those with residential, nursing or dementia care needs. Baycroft Fairfield has been built around the lifestyle and care requirements of each individual. As much thought has been invested into the elegant surroundings, innovative technologies, restaurant standard dining experience and the engaging social activities as the exemplary standards of care. These elements combined create the comfortable and happy lifestyle you or your loved one deserve; and one that we are committed to deliver.
01462 530465
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Can You Help Make A Difference?
Are you a young person with a friend or maybe a brother, sister or family member struggling with anxiety, stress, school phobia or any other form of mental health? Would you like to help make a change? As part of our brand new competition we would love you to plan, advertise, organise, deliver and count up your very own fundraising event. All monies raised will go to help support local charity, PoetsIN who support children and teens struggling with Mental Healthin this area. WHAT A DIFFERENCE YOU COULD MAKE. One overall winner will be the named sponsor of our brand new course delivered specifically to 8 children needing help in our area. We will also have a prize for the fundraiser who raises the most money and a prize for the winner of the overall project from start to finish. There are two age catergories, ages 10 to 13 yrs and 14 to 18 years. Think of imaginative ideas, things that will excite people to join in and help you. For example singing, a bake sale, a dog walk or a sponsored silence. The list goes on and we are excited to hear new ways that you have thought up. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to advertise your event far and wide to ensure that your event, competition or challenge goes well. Once you have completed your challenge send your full project over to PoetsIN with your full name and age plus contact details to: 1 in 8 Fundraiser, PoetsIN The Eco Innovation Centre, Peterscourt, City Road Peterborough, PE1 1SA
TERMS AND CONDITIONS Parents/Guardians please help your childrens projects. Children may work in groups of up to 3 and still be eligible for the prize.Winners are at the discretion of PoetsIN. PoetsIN decisions are final. All entries must be received no later than 5pm 27th Jan 2020.Winners announced 7th Feb 2020.
New Year - New You
P r iz e
All monies raised will go to help support PoetsIN. This will then support children and teens struggling with Mental Health. You will also be in with a chance of being the name that sponsors one of our first courses delivered to children suffering and needing support.
©2019 PoetsINâ&#x201E;¢ all rights reserved poetsin.com
The Creative Mental Health Charity
Registered Charity 1174754
We invite you to Godjoin will us at .LQJ¶V %DSWLVW &KXUFK never turn 3URFODLPLQJ -HVXV &KULVW LQ 7RGD\¶V :RUOG
his back on
Consultations available for pro antageing skin treatments. @therooms 61 High Street,Stotfold T: 01462 835538
you If you want to
Every Sunday at 10.30am for our morning service and WDON KH¶G ORYH WR .LQJ¶V Kids for 3-12years old withlisten a crèche for babies and toddlers The Green, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4AN The Green, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 4AN. Tel:Tel: 01462 01462 730521 730521 RIILFH#NLQJ¶VEDSWLVWchurch.co.uk email:email: office@kingsbaptistchurch.co.uk www.kingsbaptistchurch.co.uk www.kingsbaptistchurch.co.uk Reg. Charity No. 1136519 Reg. Charity No 1136519 A Word and Spirit Church
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Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. New venue: St. Mary’s Church Hall, Church Road.
Wednesday 8th January 2020 AGM and Quiz. Tea and coffee served at 10:15am. Raffle - please bring along any plants you have for sale.
Wednesday 12th February Simon White - ‘Rose growing made easy’ For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 07758649721 stotfoldgc@gmail.com
Free NHS Flu vaccination available for eligable patients
FREE Prescription delivery service to ALL Arlesey and Stotfold residents
FREE Repeat prescription "drop-off" and collection service from Arlesey Medical Centre and Larksfield (Stotfold) Surgery. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Saturday & Sunday - Closed
Tel. 01462 731200
www.arleseypharmacy.co.uk 32
31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA
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Police warn motorists to not to drive under the influence of drink or drugs
Police officers across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire spent the festive season warning motorists not to ruin Christmas for themselves and others by drink or drug driving. The consequences of being caught drink or drug driving include a 12-month driving ban, a large fine, and a criminal record. These can lead to job loss, relationship breakdowns, foreign travel restrictions and significantly increased insurance premiums.
The three forces highlighted some of these consequences in a 12 days of Christmas campaign last month. Chief Inspector Jon Roche, Head of Roads Policing for the three forces, said: "We wanted people to remember Christmas for all the right reasons. It should be a happy time but driving under the influence of drink or drugs can change that in a heartbeat.
“Our campaign was not about spoiling peoples’ fun. It remains about ensuring they don’t do something that jeopardises it. Drink and drug driving can bring financial hardship, pain and loneliness which is a far cry from Christmas festivities usually enjoyed at that time of year.“These messages are relevant all year round, so please plan ahead and make sure you get home safely. Book a taxi or designated a non-drinking driver. It is also important to ensure you are not over the limit the next day as this can still impair your ability to drive.”
In December 2018, 295 motorists were arrested across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire for drink and drug related driving offences. In Bedfordshire alone, there were 77. In the 12 months between October 2018 and September 2019, Bedfordshire saw a total of 119 people arrested for drug offences behind the wheel. For drink-related offences, the number was 531. Anyone wishing to report an incident of drink or drug driving should call 101 or 999 in an emergency
Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels
Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias
Jonny Garside
79 Regent Street, Stotfold
01462 732248 or 07951 473505
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New Year Recipe Here’s a favourite recipe in our household for New Year - easy to serve for a party of people or equally as good for a family meal. A refreshing change from Turkey too!
Barbecue pulled pork
Wondering how to make pulled pork that falls apart beautifully? Low and slow cooking is the answer! Our Syn-fee BBQ pulled pork is brilliant in a butty.
Ingredients 500g passata 5 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1 tsp mustard powder 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 level tbsp sweetener 1.5-2kg pork shoulder, visible fat removed Method In a small bowl, mix the passata, Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweetener and seasoning. Transfer to a small pan and simmer for 15 minutes, or until the sauce thickens. Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan until hot, then sear the pork on all sides. Transfer to a slow cooker, coat with the sauce and cook for 8-12 hours on low. Remove the pork from the slow cooker and Stotfold and District Children’s Centre place on a cutting board. Allow the meat to It’s all about..communication cool for approximately 15 minutes, then shred into bite-sized pieces using two forks. Remove the sauce from the pan and set aside Chatter Tots - Do you want ideas to help your child’s talking and to drizzle over the meat later. listening? Chatter Tots is a 3-week course starting on 30th January 2020 run by a Speech and Language Therapist. It’s an opportunity for you and your child to have lots of fun, play and activities as well as learning our Top Tips for Talking! Suitable for all children aged 18 month to 3 years. TABLE TOP SALE Booking is essential and we would like you to attend all 3 sessions. Call St Mary’s Church Hall us on 01462 730623 to book your place. Saturday January 25th SALT Drop-In on 16th January, 13th February and 19th March from 10am - 12.30pm 9.30am to 11.00am at Arlesey Village Hall. For availability of tables contact For more information on the above or other services available please Chris on 01462 834108 drop in to the Children’s Centre or contact us. Telephone: 01462 730623. Email: sd.cc@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk www.stotfoldanddistrictchildrenscentre.co.uk
Proceeds to St Mary’s Church Restoration fund.
& Bring & Buy Sale Saturday 4th January 10am - 11.30am
Come along for a cuppa Cake Stall - Find a Bargain! Meet old friends & make new ones. ALL WELCOME www.stotfoldmethodists.org.uk 34
Email: stotfold.news@yahoo.co.uk
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This photograph was kindly loaned to the Stotfold News Magazine by Betty & John Saunders. Do you recognise anyone pictured here? If you have any old photographs you could lend us for this monthly feature we would love to hear from you. Email us at stotfold.news@yahoo.co.uk
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
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Salvation Army Ladies Fellowship
January 20th BRING & TELL Christmas Gifts
For more information Phone: 01462 730739 or 01462 731 072 10 Church Road, Stotfold, SG5 4LX
Have you recently moved to the area, or just find you have some time that you would like to fill? We are a friendly group of ladies, meeting on the 2nd Wednesday of the month- Stotfold Memorial Hall, 7.30pm
8th January 2020 Zoe Dilleigh - Hearing Dogs for the Deaf & Raffle 12th February Bill Raven War Time Housewife & Raffle 11th March Annual Meeting - Quiz & Raffle We have a varied programme of interesting speakers and other activities for the coming year. Contact: President, Jill Shepherd 01462 730751
Email: stotfold.news@yahoo.co.uk
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Useful Telephone Numbers Hospitals Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Trading Standards Advice Line
01525 402742 01525 841217 0300 300 8136
Hope Chapel King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church Salvation Army Hall Ladies Fellowship St Mary’s Church Friends of St Mary’s Fairfield Community Church
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
686803 730521 646562 731072 730739 730218 834108 735704
Stotfold Town Council 01462 730064 Email: enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000 Email customer.services@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Web www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Flytipping / Grass Cutting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632 More Central Bedfordshire Council telephone numbers can be found listed at www.stotfoldnews.co.uk
Larksfield Surgery Appointments Enquiries Out of Hours Service: MDoc Physiotherapy & Spinal Injury Clinic Arlesey Medical Centre www.arleseymedicalcentre.nhs.uk
01462 732244 01462 732200 Call 111 01462 735700 01462 732144
Ashwell Dental Stotfold Dental Surgery
01462 742353 01462 731938
Electricity Emergencies Gas Emergencies
0800 7 838 838 0800 111999
Childline National Menengitis Trust Samaritans NSPCC
0800 1111 0845 6000800 08457 909090 0800 800 5000
Howard Cottage Housing Association, Pioneer House, Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, Herts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries
01462 683307
Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers
01234 841212 01234 842515
Emergencies Helplines
0300 123 5544
0800 555111
Bedford Hospital Lister Hospital NHS Direct
01234 355122 01438 314333 08 45 46 47
Stotfold Library Arlesey Resource Centre & Library
0300 300 8068 01462 731469.
Beds Police (Crime reporting) Community issues (Not crime reporting or emergency) Crimestoppers
01234 841212 01234 842515
Coach & Horses Fox & Duck The Chequers Pub The Crown The Stag Tavern
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
Box of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop
07812 055587
Etonbury Academy Pix Brook Academy Fairfield Park Lower School Roecroft Lower School St Mary’s Academy Samuel Whitbread Academy
01462 01462 01462 01462 01462 01462
Pippin Pre-School SMASH, St Mary’s School
01462 834897 07971 354093
Tiddleywinks King’s Baptist Church Methodist Church (Friday AM)
01462 731072 01462 730521 01462 733985
Library Police
After School Clubs Toddler Groups
0800 555111
734135 732434 732333 731061 731098
730391 416243 830000 730336 730343 629900
Pippin Pre-School Poppies Nursery Poppyfields Nursery Treetops Day Nursery Stotfold and District Children's Centre
01462 834897 07833 927906 01462 830008 01462 734306 01462 730623
Trains (National Enquiries)
08457 484950
Greenacre Transfers Airports & Chauffeur Services www.greenacretransfers.co.uk
07555 70 78 48
Whitbread Wanderbus
Beds Rural Communities Charity Letchworth MS Unit Births, Deaths & Marriages Stotfold Good Neighbour Group
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
0300 123 3023
01234 838771 01462 487172 0300 300 8089 07599 925587
JANUARY 2020 Stotfold Actual Master_Layout 1 11/12/2019 10:40 Page 38
DIRECTORY. Accountancy & Tax Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) Abery Motor Centre AD Garden Rooms AJB Fencing AJ Day Builders AJ Premier Cloud Accounting Services Alfie’s Barbers Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator Arlesey Ladies Football Club Arlesey Pharmacy Arlesey Walk Groups Aquarius Garden Design Ashwell Software / Sigma Office Austin’s Funeral Service Barn Hair Studio Bal & Co Motor Care Beale Bros Butchers Bews Electrical Bickerdikes Garden Centre Big Minibus Hire Bookks Bookkeeping services Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop Brian McInally - Gas & Heating Engineer Broadband Communications BSH Glazing (Windows & Doors) Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control C J Flooring Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning - Steam 2 Clean Carpets & Flooring - Letchworth Carpet Centre Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner Catsitter - Claire Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Services Chequers Pub Chimney Sweep (Jesel Heat) Cleaning, Home Help & Errands Cole’s Decor Painter & Decorator Computer Services & Repair - Nick Saunders The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning Chris Webster, Stotfold (Correspondent for The Comet ) DK Home Improvement Darren Peters Property Maintenance Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance DMC Tiling Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets Dog boarding, walking and pet care -insured Electrician - Terry C Seymour Switched On Electrical Services Fairfield Bowls Club - Stella Wilson Fairfield Players Fencing (AJB) First Step Estate Agents Foot Health Professional - Vicki Eagles Foot Pro Podiatry Forget Me Not Florist Garden Robin Gifford Dance Academy Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving Greenacre Transfers Airports & Chauffeur Services www.greenacretransfers.co.uk Guides - Stotfold Guide Association Hair Room - Hitchin HB Decorators Helpers Homecare Henlow Vets Heritage Paving Hertfordshire Roofing Ltd
01462 624926 01462 733246 01438 313765 07837 791365 01767 314445 01462 539266 01462 658449 07889 903283 07981 432798 01462 731200 01462 638286 01462 731292 01462 742783 01462 438422 01462 835611 01462 731500 01462 730392 01462 834488 01462 673333 07817 766997 01462 734623 07812 055587 01462 337218 01462 732628 01462 730884 0800 026 8823 01462 732665 01462 629302 01462 732632 01462 481312 01462 731674 07984 344997 07885 415363 01462 732333 01462 733406 07913 005268 01767 310475 07521 279960 01462 810065 01462 834108
01462 701214 01462 733322 07522 354141 01462 231459 07894 561765 07913 005268 01462 236559 01462 730895 07811 738599 01462 624369 07837 791365 01462 659730 07812 399659 07377 536685 07904 537150 01462 815968 07585 221513 01462 731829
07555 70 78 48 01462 733322 01462 337818 01462 732960 01462 896853 01462 416416 01462 730682 01462 894089
James’s Carpentry & Handyman Service Jingles Ken Seaby Carpets Kip McGrath Education Centre Kitchen Ergonomics Kumari Chiropractic Leigh Skelding Counselling www.ls-counselling.com Locksmith Services New Kitchens North Herts Road Runners Ovenclean Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson
01462 234292 Jo 01462 456777 01462 733203 01462 672227 01438 222929 07479 945995 07876 826880 01462 290226 01462 812826 01462 639215 07954 300043 07761 751634 01462 232642 Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065 Pendletons Sports Centre 01462 341114 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357 Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Plastering - Sam’s Plastering 07856 428261 Plastering - Stotfold Plastering 01462 732600 Plumbing - A D Taylor Plumbing 01462 834713 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Services LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 Podiatry - FootPro 07377 536685 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Roecroft Centre - Maureen Winters 01462 730264 Stotfold & Arlesey Royal British Legion 01462 734133 Samaritans 01462 455333 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Scott Geekie Building Contractor 01462 732396 Sharp Security Systems 01462 734766 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Slimming World 01354 462322 Solicitors - HRJ Foreman Laws 01462 458711 St John Badgers (6-10yrs) & Cadets (10-18yrs) 01438 218058 Stephens Estate Agents 01462 732121 Stag Public House 01462 731098 Steam 2 Clean Carpet & Upholstery 01462 732632 Stotfold Art Group 01462 628529 Stotfold Bowls Club 01462 628204 Stotfold Christian Choir 01462 731142 Stotfold Conservative Club 01462 730534 Stotfold Football Club 01462 730765 Stotfold Gardening Club 01462 834854 Stotfold Golf Society 07909 983956 Stotfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587 Stotfold Jujitsu Club 07970 329761 Stotfold Junior Football Club 07706 951263 Stotfold Junior Judo Club 07872 594499 Stotfold Karate Club (JKSK Karate) 07742 820 956 Stotfold Twirlers 07732 505614 Stotfold Mill 01462 734541 Stotfold News Magazine 01462 731986 Stotfold Parents Association 01462 730570 Stotfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Stotfold Short Mat Bowls Club 01462 730841 Stotfold Women’s Institute 01462 730751 The Rooms 01462 835538 Tree Surgeon - 4 Seasons 01462 834136 Windows - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Window Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302
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