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News from Pippin Pre-School
As we approach the end of the academic year we would like to wish all the children leaving us to move up to big school all the very best as they begin their next exciting adventure! The last few weeks of term will be packed with fun as we enjoy all the children’s favourite activities from their time at Pippin.
Last month the children enjoyed our Platinum Jubilee celebrations, crowns made, afternoon tea served and souvenir magnets created, a fab time was had by all.
At the end of June the children participated in Barnado’s Big Toddle. The children went on a short walk around Greenacres to raise funds for this worthy charity. The children enjoyed spotting house numbers, colours of cars and some wildlife on the way. We would like to thank all our families for their kind donations. If you would like any further information on this event please visit www.bigtoddle.co.uk.

Our next Holiday Club will be from Monday 25th July until Friday 19th August inclusive. Full days are 7.45 to 18.00, priced at £38 per day, spaces are limited and are on a strictly first come first served basis. To book your place please visit members.pippinpreschool.co.uk/register

We continue to collect resources for our gluing station if you have any bottle tops, old buttons, material swatches, lace, yogurt pots and old children friendly magazines please hand them into the office.

Thank you for your interest in our Pre-School, we would like to wish all our families a very happy Summer holiday and look forward to opening our doors for the new term on Monday 5th September.

Our special Platinum Jubilee cake
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