Stot fold NEWS
Lower Wilbury Farm Shop & Butchery
Thankfully we are able to write this column rather than speak it as after this weekend at The Sto tfold Mill Fair we are feeling a little croaky! Huge thanks to ever yone that stopped by for a chat and to enter any o f our competitions Congratulations to Jane Evans for sending us the most amazing action sho t o f ‘Flyin Ryan,’ ( just one o f the fabulous arena events that took place during the weekend ) and winner o f our f ront co ver competition f rom this year ’s event Congratulations also to Henr y Gaskell for correctly naming our huge teddy this year as ‘Frankie.’ Sisters Lily and Rose were our winners o f the ‘Guess where in Sto tfold’ quiz - you can f ind the pho tos together with the answers on our facebook page for those o f you that are interested!
We were thrilled to also win a prize ourselves o ver the weekend, in naming the guest beer for the Mill event. We chose to name it Pat’s Pint’ after the late Pat Clarey - a ver y much missed, integral par t o f the Sto tfold Mill team.
We enjo yed our f ree pint o f beer - we are cer tain Pat would have appro ved!
Our f inal congratulations must go to the whole Sto tfold Mill events team who, despite the mud and the adverse weather conditions, pu t on a wonder ful weekend o f events (see our picture spread on pages 4&5 o f this month’s magazine )
We hope you enjo y this month’s issue, you’ll f ind all o f our usual features, together with a new style ‘news round- up’ which we hope you will enjo y
Until next month..
JoanneAll the fun o f the Steam Fair! Pages 4, 5
Local News Pages 6,7
NEW! Diar y o f Events
Page 8
Page 9
News f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 10
Local school /n ursery news:
Church n ews:
The weather didn’t keep the cro wds away f rom the 19th Sto tfold Mill Steam Fair during the second weekend o f May.
As usual, a great time was had by all with a fantastic array o f arena events, stalls and rides keeping the cro wds enter tained throughou t the day and some great music and enter tainment keeping ever yone happy throughou t bo th evenings! if you went along then we hope you had a mar vellous time, if you didn’t make it do wn, then we hope these pictures give you a flavour o f what you missed!
Congratulations to all involved in organising ano ther great weekend! Here’s to the 20th Anniversar y event next year!
IT’S HAPPENING!August 28th Bank Holiday Monday!
REGISTER NO W: Email: sto to register your stall. Please include a brief description o f what you will be selling on the day together with a contact number and your address
This year Satchells Estate Agents have ver y kindly o ffered to place an adver tising board ou tside the homes o f all stallholders to help adver tise the event for 2023 (If you wish no t to have a board, please indicate this on your email ) Keep an eye on the Sto tfold News Magazine facebook page and fur ther issues o f our magazine for more info! You can also ‘like’ the event page on facebook and keep in touch with any updates through this page!
We look for ward to letting you kno w abou t some o f our 2023 stallholders inside our July magazine! GET INVOLVED! Help to make this year ’s Walking Market the best one yet!
For this month’s Ar t Club update we wanted to tell you abou t Sue Farmer, who recently gave the group a tu torial in acr ylic pouring techniques.
This is a relatively new ar t form, with it's origins in the USA. To create decorative and abstract works, acr ylic paint is mixed with a special pouring medium and silicone oil, then poured onto a canvas in a pattern and manipulated into a f ree flo wing design
This technique is no t for the faint- hear ted, as it can be messy Sue's striking painting sho ws that the end result is wor th it!
Find ou t more abou t our Ar t Group by contacting: 07734 304590
Sto tfold’s Oldest Dog?
Meet Buster...Buster turned the ripe old age o f 18 during May! Owner Caroline has asked us if we could f ind ou t whether Buster was (or indeed is) the oldest pooch in to wn?
Do you have a dog older than Buster?
Do get in touch and let us kno w!
Triathlon Complete!
Four year old Lola (featured in our May issue) completed her Triathlon raising just under £500 for an allergy awareness charity.
Huge Congratulations Lola, we think you are absolu tely amazing!
Sto tfold Twirlers along with their 2 Bellettes members have just returned f rom Nationals and Selections with fantastic results. The team o f 6 members picked up 6 National Champion titles along with 15 o ther top 7 placings.
Nationals champions are Grace Endersby, Rheanna Bo wles and Evie Eldridge with Mila Crook picking up a Champion title Other members who attended are Phoebe Elley and Layla Stafford Grace also won the Overall Junior 2 title and the Audrey O’Neill scholarship, an achievement she had dreamt o f winning
Mila, Grace and Rheanna also competed in selections for Europeans with Mila getting Senior Freestyle, Grace getting pair and bo th Grace and Rheanna getting team places Europeans is in France this July
Baton Twirling is all self funded, we are holding a fundraising event on Friday 9th June to raise money to help these athletes pursue their dreams If anyone would like to come along or help in pro viding sponsorship for them, please email as belo w.
These athletes work so hard work week on week and travel around the countr y competing in the spor t. If there is anyone interested in joining the club, email Sonia.crook@ho for details.
www justgiving com/fundraising/andrew-hall110
One Sto tfold family are taking on their f irst collective challenge to raise funds for the Neonatal Unit, Lister Hospital Andrew Hall and his family are raising vital funds to refurbish four bedrooms on Lister's Neonatal Unit to help create a 'home f rom home' for local parents whose babies are too poorly to go home straight away after deliver y. their fundraising link can be found abo ve.
After many months o f preparation and practice, dancers f rom Sto tfold’s Gifford Dance Academy f inally go t to per form on stage at Disneyland Paris in April This was actually the second time that GDA have per formed for Disney, bu t for most o f the dancers it was a once in a lifetime oppor tunity and cer tainly never to be forgo tten!
Cheered on by their families (100 people went on the trip altogether) the dancers pulled o ff four spectacular rou tines in a variety o f genres, in f ront o f a large and excited audience. There was no t a dr y eye in the house by the end.
After concerns o ver delays at Do ver por t, ever yone was so pleased that the dancers had their ver y special moment to shine and they really did Sto tfold proud, so much so that the Disney coordinators said the group were absolu tely ou tstanding and asked them to return again ver y soon
Sunday 10th - Cake & Produce Sho w @ Sto tfold Mill
Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th - Tour de Sto tfold – Trail o f decorated bikes around Sto tfold. Free trails available f rom St. Mar y’s Church Hall.
Saturday 24th - Charity Line Dance, Sto tfold Memorial Hall
For tickets contact Bridie Smith on 01462 639279
Sunday 25th‘Sto tfold in Pictures’ pho tographic exhibition Sto tfold Mill 12 30-5pm
Saturday 8th - St Mar y’s Church Summer Fete 2-4pm St Mar y’s Church V icarage
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd - Sto tfold Ar t Club exhibition @ Sto tfold Mill
Thursday 17th - Flo wer Demonstration 7pm St Mar y’s Church Hall
Bank Holiday Monday 28th - Sto tfold Walking Market 10-3
Saturday 9th - Book Sale/Co ffee Morning St Mar y’s Church Hall,10-12
Saturday 7th - Jigsaw Sale 10 -12noon St Mar y’s Church Hall.
Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th - Sto tfold Working Steam Fair
Thursday 12th Friends o f St. Mar y's Church are hosting a talk by Theresa Britt at 3pm entitled" St Mar y's Churchyard: Histor y and Changing Role in the life o f Sto tfold, and the opening o f the Civic Cemeter y" Ref reshments will be pro vided Free entr y - donations welcome
Saturday 14th - St Mar y’s Church Quiz Night! 7 30pm St Mar y’s Church Hall
Saturday 4th - St Mar y’s Church Winter Fair 2-4pm St Mar y’s Church Hall
Saturday 11th Table Top Sale St Mar y's Church Hall 10am12pm Proceeds for St Mar y's Church
Saturday 18th. Community Christmas Fair 12pm-4pm
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th - Christmas Tree Festival St Mar y’s Church
Dear Editor,
I would like to thank all your readers who saw my leaflet in your April edition and vo ted for me on 4th May I’m thinking in par ticular o f all those involved with or ser ved by Sto tfold Good Neighbours, and Christians o f all denominations across our to wn ser ved by Churches Together in Sto tfold.
I’m really excited abou t star ting my work as a Central Bedfordshire Councillor and also want to thank all those dog walkers that gave me so much suppor t when I met them around the dog f ields behind Rook Tree Lane I would like to congratulate my fello w Central Bedfordshire Councillor Kathr yn Woodf ine, the Independent Councillor also elected to ser ve our wonder ful to wn. Feel f ree to contact me on Helen Wightwick@centralbedfordshire go v uk if you would like to bring concerns to my attention God bless you all.
Yours sincerely, Helen Wightwick
Dear Sto tfold and Astwick,
I wanted to write and thank you for pu tting your faith in me at the ballo t box on 4th May. I am delighted to be your new Independent councilor at Central Bedfordshire Council
It was a pleasure to meet so many o f you during the course o f my campaign and listen to what you want f rom a representative in local go vernment. I knew that my message had engaged with many o f you, bu t I was surprised and humbled by the size o f my victor y
A good day for Independent council candidates across the Central Bedfordshire meant the council is no w in no o verall control with the Independent group making up the largest cohor t within Council chambers
I kno w many o f these excellent new councilors that I will be working alongside share many o f the concerns I heard f rom you on the doorsteps, including appropriate distribu tion o f the ‘New Build Bonus,’ a review o f planned housing developments, clarity on the building schools for the fu ture program and a full review o f special educational needs pro vision
I am under no illusion that no w the hard work really star ts, and I look for ward to meeting even more o f you as I ser ve you in my role as councilor
Yours, Cllr Kat Woodf ine PhDPlease can I say a big thank you to the gentleman with the buggy (sorr y I didn’t get your name) and the lady Jackie for looking after me when I fainted on Arlesey Road on Saturday 22nd April in the morning
Many thanks
Nicola and Clive LeeThank you Fair f ield and Arlesey.
I am genuinely blo wn away by the result o f local election Thank you to ever yone who vo ted, turn ou t in our ward was 33% Congratulations to all the o ther councillors that were elected and commiserations to those that missed ou t Arlesey and Fair f ield are no w represented by two ward councillors, Jodie Chiller y Independent, and Nick Andrews Labour
The results for Arlesey and Fair f ield in alphabetical order are:Nick Andrews Labour 724 Jileane Bro wn Conser vative 458 Jodie Chiller y Independent 895 Ian Dalgarno Conser vative 434 Tudor Fox Labour 431 Nicola Harris
Independent 430 Neil Stevenson Liberal Democrat 620
Elsewhere in Central Bedfordshire:
Vo ters across Central Bedfordshire have elected a new Council made up o f 27 Independent, 20 Conser vative, 10 Liberal Democrat, 5 Labour and one Green Par ty councillors This is a signif icant change f rom the previous administration which had been made up o f 38 Conser vatives, 16 Independents, 3 Liberal Democrats and one Labour
Thank you to ever yone that delivered leaflets, pu t posters up, sparked constructive debates on the doorstep, in the pub, and on facebook My one mantra throughou t the campaign has been to promise transparency and honest communication
So with that in mind, let me tell you, I’m a little o ver whelmed with all the messages bu t also the responsibility o f the position I’m brand new to this, it may take me some time to learn ho w it all works and ho w I can best represent ever yone At the time o f going to print, I’m awaiting an o ff icial induction, bu t when I do I will ensure you are all able to contact me via the o ff icial rou tes.
Thank you again Jodie
Well, that was a weekend, and no mistake!
Did you make it to the 19th Annual Steam Fair and Countr y Sho w on 13th and 14th May? It was def initely a weekend o f two halves (as the saying goes): Saturday was cold and threatened rain all day (no t to mention the spectacular amounts o f mud around the FunFair) while Sunday was a roasting 20 degrees and ever yone go t sunburn Good old British weather, eh?!
Here at the Mill, we lo ve pu tting on the Steam Fair in May (and the Working Steam in October) The events are so much fun, and it’s great to see so many o f you enjo ying all the activities on o ffer They are also a lo t o f work
to organise and run, so if you can spare an hour or two we’d lo ve to have more o f you help ou t, no t just on the days o f the event bu t in the run up too. We’re always keen to hear f rom people who could help to pu t up barriers, marshal the incoming traders and exhibits, or maybe help with getting all the paper work sor ted ou t. If you can help at fu ture events, please get in touch!
So, the Steam Fair is o ver for ano ther year, bu t things at the Mill don’t stop We have our amazing new display “The Great Stink,” packed with information abou t a modern problem in an older time: pollu tion in the River Ivel leading to local illness – and the installation o f a new sewer It’s scent- sational reading
And on 25th June, local pho tographers f rom the “Sto tfold in Pictures” Facebook group invite you to come and experience “Sto tfold Through the Seasons,” – a pho tographic journey o f the to wn throughou t the year We’ve also go t lo ts o f activities on for children o ver the summer, more details on those will be in next month’s Sto tfold News Magazine, or you can read abou t them no w on our website
Don’t forget we are open on Sundays throughou t the summer: you can enjo y watching the Mill in action follo wed by tea and cake in the tea room. See the website for specif ic dates. So, it just remains for me to say: THANK YOU to ever yone who suppor ted the Steam Fair, whether you were a trader, exhibitor, volunteer or visitor. We have lo ved seeing you all at the Mill, and hope to see you again soon. In the meantime, I’m going to tr y and chip some o f the mud o ff my wellies…
Welcome to our NEW monthly update from Sto tfold based Need Project:
On Wednesday we are in Shefford at the Methodist Church f rom 9 to 11am. We are also in Sandy on a Tuesday f rom 11am to 12.30pm.
Presently we are looking to locate a larger, more permanent home We would like to stay local to Sto tfold and have found a place that we could run our project f rom, which could also be a great community space for the to wn o f Sto tfold For this reason, we have star ted a separate building fund and need an additional £500,000, to fund this
If you have any f irst-hand experience o f fundraising on this scale, or kno w anyone who does, we would appreciate a conversation to give us some advice Please call Gordon on 07496 833940 If you can help
*1370 parcels o ver the last two months
*331 top- up-bags collected f rom our Pop- up sites in April *£90,000 the estimated value o f food for the last 2 months *£6,602.50 the average monthly cost to run the charity (Rent, Insurance, Fuel, Van, Staff related expenses)
This month, with your help we have managed to make a difference to 903 adults, 42 pensioners and 733 children. The amount o f food parcels delivered has increase by 26% on the same time last year - On top o f this, we have helped ano ther 1,031 people with our top- up-bags.
The main headquar ters for the project is in Sto tfold as you will all kno w. We do ho wever also have o ther hubs throughou t Central Bedfordshire. Ou t o f this small shop f ront, we help Central Bedfordshire to the value o f o ver £500,000 a year (roughly 600-700 parcels a month) This includes our volunteer labour o f 57 people and 291 man hours ever y week!
We give away on average, food to the value o f £50,000 per month We work strictly via a referral system and work alongside Central Bedfordshire Council, Nor th Her ts Council, Housing Associations, Schools, Doctors, Probation Ser vices, Homeless Charities, Pathway to Reco ver y and Hospitals We also work closely with Feed Up Warm Up
On top o f this, we also give away ‘best before’ food, averaging o ver £3,300 per month We give away the ‘best before’ in Sto tfold on Mondays (no t including Bank Holidays), Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 11am and 12 30pm
If you would like to visit our centre in Sto tfold, please call Gordon on the number abo ve If you would like to donate to wards this fund, please go to our donation page on our website (www theneedproject org/donate) and give your donation the reference ‘Building Fund’ Thank you. Gordon
We were ver y pleased to host our annual stall at the Steam and Countr y Fayre at Sto tfold Mill on bo th the Saturday and Sunday this year. We managed to raise £340.50 for some fun end-o f- term activities for the children to enjo y. Thank you to ever yone who suppor ted us.
On Saturday 10th June we are hosting our race night, (rescheduled f rom May) The event will take place at the Memorial Hall, Hallwor th Drive Sto tfold Doors will open at 7pm for a 7 15pm star t Tickets are available no w at a cost o f £7 50 each available f rom the preschool o ff ice Snacks and nibbles available, bring a bo ttle!
Our next Holiday club will be the Summer Holidays Monday 24th July until Friday 18th August. Places will be available f rom 5th June on a f irst come f irst ser ve basis. Bookings can be made via We will be open f rom 7.45am -18.00pm at a cost o f £40 a day. We continue to collect bo ttle tops, old bu ttons, yoghur t po ts, cardboard egg boxes and old children f riendly magazines for our gluing station, if you have any that you wish to recycle please donate them via our o ff ice
Thank you for your interest in our Pre -School
We look for ward to sharing more o f our news with you again next month Pippin team at the Mill
May pro ved to be a busy month for us star ting with the whole school skipping workshop which was great fun as well as keeping us all active! Our children also enjo yed an Afternoon Tea, to celebrate the King’s Coronation! Each child received a commemorative gift f rom bo th the To wn Council and our Parent’s Association The summer term is no w well under way, with June looking really eventful!
ou t more information abou t their child star ting school and ho w they can help them in their f irst weeks etc. We look for ward to welcoming our new families to St Mar y’s!
The SMSA continue to suppor t with a Father ’s Day Gift and Wrap Event on Friday 16th June Each child will have the oppor tunity to pick a personal gift for their dad, stepdad, grandad etc. On Friday 23rd June our youngest children will enjo y their f irst school trip to Shepreth Wildlife Park! A wonder ful day ou t they can all really look for ward to.
This will be follo wed by the annual Year 3 visit to Hazard Alley Safety Education Centre and the Year 4 trip to the Roald Dahl Museum. Bo th should be fun and educational events. Our Year 4 children will also star t their transition events with their chosen Middle Schools in preparation for mo ving up in September.
Our new parent visit and ‘come to school’ induction session for families due to star t school with us in September are also being held in June and July This is where parents f ind
By the beginning o f June, work should be commencing on our Decarbonisation project As previously mentioned, we are one o f only 7 schools in the whole o f England to be in the f irst phase o f a pilo t funded by the DFE to reduce our carbon emissions and make St Mar y's more environmentally f riendly As a prelude to o ther works, we should have two rigs on the f ield digging boreholes and connecting trenches, with archaeology pro fessionals o verseeing this work in case something exciting is found! All children are being included and most were in an assembly where a presentation o f what the work involves was shared by Duncan o f Genius Energy Also as par t o f our work in Science, Mrs Welch has organised an Eco Committee who will be follo wing the project closely As always please view our website for up to date pictures and news! Until our next instalment please enjo y the warmer weather!
It has been a busy and exciting star t to the summer term and children have been experiencing an array o f visits o ff site, bo th locally and fur ther af ield. Our younger pupils have been spending time at the Librar y and Mill and have enjo yed being waved at they have walked around Sto tfold. Older pupils enjo yed a visit to various places o f worship in Bedford, a safety session at Hazard Alley in Milton Keynes and our Year 4 children spent two nights ‘glamping’ at Cu ffley Camp.
This month we have an update f rom our Early Years leader Miss Ashby:
In Reception, our topic this term is 'Once Upon a Time...' and we have been spending the term reading and f inding ou t abou t lo ts o f different books and stories.
We have already read 'Jack and the Beanstalk', written a set o f instructions and planted our o wn beans. We had to look after them and obser ve the changes as they grew. We then looked at 'Handa's Surprise' which is abou t a little girl who lives in a village in Kenya who wants to surprise her f riends with some delicious f ruits We talked abou t the differences between the village Handa lived in and where we lived and also linked this to some f ruit and vegetablebased ar twork, inspired by the ar tist Giuseppe Arcimboldo We lo ved writing letters to our f riends when we read 'The Jolly Postman' stor y and enjo yed walking to the post box to post them and wait for them to be delivered We also lo ved the stor y 'There's a Superhero in Your Book' and looking at old and new superheroes as well as 'The Gingerbread Man' and creating our o wn ones to run away!
At the end o f the half term, we had our exciting visit to Sto tfold Librar y We walked with our f riends in our class and did lo ts o f lo vely activities exploring the librar y Over the remainder o f this term we will be continuing to look at lo ts o f different books and stories including 'The Ver y Hungr y Caterpillar', 'The Gru ffalo', 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt', 'The Three Little Pigs' and 'If the Dinosaurs Came Back' as well as getting ready for our exciting transition into Year 1
We star ted this f inal academic term by taking par t in a variety o f spor ting events. Our Year 4 children attended a multi skills event at Pix Brook. KS1 children enjo yed a cricket event at Henlo w Academy and f inally KS2 children had a fabulous time at Quadkids Athletics and a Tennis Festival, all these were organised by Redborne The children all thoroughly enjo yed thoroughly themselves and were great ambassadors for our school
Class Assemblies f rom Owl, Honeybee, Badger, Hedgehog, Tur tle, Robin, Swan, Seahorse, Fox, Panda and Otter classes have been enjo yed by parents throughou t May and June Kingf isher, Kestrel and Toucan Class / Year 4 leaver assembly will take place in July
Nurser y Class September 2023 – Have you applied for your child’s place? Please collect a Nurser y Application Form f rom the school o ff ice or alternatively email o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo wer uk to request one This needs to be completed and returned with the child’s bir th cer tif icate and a current u tility bill If you would like to come for a tour o f our Nurser y’s please contact the school o ff ice
For thcoming events in June & July are –
PTA Father ’s Day gift room
Father ’s Day breakfast
Transition day / evening
Spor ts days
*** PTA Summer Fete – Saturday 1st July, 1 – 4pm
All welcome!!***
Our Value o f the Half Term:Patience
Fair f ield Park Lo wer School
Dickens Boulevard & Ruskin Drive o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo wer uk 01462 830000
if you would like to look around either our school or nurser y, please contact the school o ff ice to arrange a visit.
Meetings and Trips
Meetings are held on the second
Wednesday o f the month at St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road
Wednesday 14th June 2023
Ou ting to Helmingham Hall Gardens
Coach depar ts f rom the bus stop on Hitchin Road 10:00am.
For more information, contact Peter on:
(01462) 834854 or 07758649721
Email: sto
Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains.
Our revised opening hours:
Tues: 2pm-7pm
Wed: 10am-7pm
Thursday: 3pm-7pm
Friday: 10am - 1pm
Saturday: 10am-2pm
It’s GCSE season and our students have been working incredibly hard and sho wn unwavering resilience throughou t their exams so far We wish them ever y success and look for ward to celebrating their achievements with them
Our students are no w enjo ying the school f ield at break and lunchtimes and we have also released the summer term extracurricular clubs schedule, as always, its full o f activities for the children to enjo y during lunchtimes and after school
A group o f our Year 9 students attended a French excursion to London, enhancing their spoken language skills
Miss Stodar t coordinated the trip and repor ted all the students were fantastic and their behaviour was exemplar y. They had a smoo th train ride do wn to London; their f irst stop was the French cafe in Sou th Kensington The students were given a list o f key vocabular y which they practised on the train and they all ordered in French and enjo yed lo ts o f delicious crêpes The native French cafe staff were ver y impressed! Ever yone enjo yed a shor t walk do wn Exhibition Road and then headed to the French institu te where to admire the ar t deco librar y, which has the biggest collection o f French books in the UK, before the f ilm Persepolis began at The Institu te François
To celebrate the King's Coronation and the cro wning o f King Charles III - commemorating this point o f histor y - Sto tfold
To wn Council marked the occasion with a gift for the pupils o f the school. The To wn Council kindly pro vided all children at Etonbur y Academy, with a medal, as a commemorative item. Thank you to the Sto tfold To wn Mayor and members o f The To wn Council. Finally, the children joining us in September have no w received conf irmation o f their place here at Etonbur y and we are looking for ward to welcoming them to Etonbur y. If you are still considering your child’s school please do call us 01462 730391
Please continue to share in our values, Ever yone is respectful, Together we care and Always aim higher Ian Evason – Execu tive Principal Etonbur y Academy
The summer term is flying by and while we have no t necessarily had the summer weather we had last year many o ther things are as we would expect
Pupils have completed SATs examinations; spor ting f ixtures are in full swing and school trips and visits are happening. The chess tournament has created some excitement and quite a number o f staff have already been humbled by some impressive year 7 and 8 pupils. Its also time for the school to prepare for the next term with fur ther appointments and arrangements for the new pupils joining the school in September.
These transition times are always busy and ever y year we work hard with our local lo wer schools to tr y to ensure all goes smoo thly. This is a big moment in the lives o f young people and can be ner ve wracking for parents For tunately we are well used to this process and as we under take our f ifth intake into year f ive the strong relationship we have with the lo wer schools and extended time spent discussing pupils with them means we are well prepared
Working in schools it is sometimes easy to forget that the extra -curricular activities beyond the normal school day are exactly that: extra The core purpose o f all schools is the day to day teaching and learning pro vided to young people in the hope that we can prepare them for their fu tures
At PBA we o ften discuss pupils “life chances” This phrase encapsulates the essence and purpose o f all schools: to impro ve young people’s life chances As educators we understand that a good education, in combination with good health and good oppor tunities will pro vide young people with the best chance to achieve their goals If we can facilitate this process by integrating with our core values o f aspiration, ambition and responsibility then we hope our pupils will leave with the qualif ications and attitudes that will
Do you struggle with anxiety or depression?
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We can suppor t you to o vercome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive fu ture.
www thepathwayhypno therapyrooms co uk
enable them to do just that Cer tainly that is the goal o f the teachers at PBA
As we look to pro vide our broad and balanced curriculum, into year nine and beyond I am struck by the maturity and thought o f our pupils They are already considering their options and looking for the right choices to make to enable them to achieve their goals. For tunately, as a gro wing school we are in a great position to pro vide those oppor tunities.
The plan to pro vide a range o f choices and options has been in place since the school’s inception and we have been really for tunate to be able to make some fantastic appointments for next year We will look to do the same throughou t the course o f the next academic year in preparation for when our f irst group o f pupils star t their GCSE courses Steve Adams Principal. Pix Brook Academy.
Stotfold based cat sitting service
Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind.I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day Other small animals can also be catered for
Please call Claire
07984 344 997
A big thank you to all that attended dad’s funeral and wake on 19th May you really did help us to give dad the send o ff he deser ved, additional thank you to all at the Conser vative Club, “Dad’s happy place” that enabled us to have his f inal goodbyes at the club even though a band was booked in, thanks for making this all happen
Thank you for all o f your messages, condolences and donations to Cancer Research
Dad lo ved Sto tfold and the fantastic community within it.
Happy 55th Wedding Anniversar y Lo ts o f Lo ve f rom all the family xoxoxo
Happy Bir thday to Leanne, 35 on the 4th June & Louie who turns 2 on the 3rd June
With lo ve f rom James and Hallie x
Happy 15th bir thday! You've been a character since day 1! Enjo y your day, lo ts o f lo ve f rom Mum, Dad, Callum, Colby, Ellis, Oscar and Immy x P S no w can you star t posing nicely for pics!? Lo ve you!
1 BEETLE; 2 “Hamlet”; 3 GIMLET; 4 Tony Hancock; 5 Pommel Horse; 6 Peter Gabriel; 7 “Top Cat”; 8 Avocado; 9 Hogar th; 10 CLIPPERS; 11 25 cents; 13 Ed ward I; 14 Ear / Auditor y canal; 15 Mike HAMMER; 16 SPADES; 17 DRILL; 18 “The Ipcress FILE”; 19 BOLT (Rober t ); 20 River AXE
9th June
Happy Bir thday to our special Mum & Nanny
We hope you have a lo vely day Lo ve f rom us all x
5th June
Wishing you a ver y Happy 70th Bir thday! Lo ts o f Lo ve Carol xxx
We would like to invite anyone who knew John Rayment to his celebration o f life on Saturday June 17th at Arlesey foo tball club, Hitchin Rd, Arlesey SG15 6RS. 3pm-6pm We, as a family kno w ho w lo ved and liked he was with family and f riends old and new, especially around the to wns o f Arlesey and Sto tfold John was a regular at Days Baker y and Ladbrokes in Sto tfold John always left people feeling happy, so with this in mind, please feel f ree to wear any colour o f your choice. As a family especially his grandchildren we look for ward to seeing so many o f you and hearing your stories o f such a kindhear ted gentleman.
Well what an end to the season that was with the 1st team f inishing in second place in the S SMFL Premier Division and f illing the one play o ff place on o ffer
The team was handed the most diff icult task with an away tie at Dereham To wn who f inished four th f rom bo ttom in the Nor thern Premier League One Midlands Our thanks to all those suppor ters who pro vided a great follo wing on the day and the 2-0 win was thoroughly deser ved. The bo ys have done the to wn proud with successive promo tions. We no w wait to disco ver what league we will be playing in next season.
In the cups no t so good with a depleted team going to Rugby Borough midweek in the Gladwish Challenge Trophy and losing on penalties In the Hinchingbrooke Cup the team reached the f inal to play Godmanchester Ro vers losing 1-0 The match in the same week as the play-o ff match pro ving to be just one game too many after a hectic run o f f ixtures
The Development team are 6th in the Beds County league with one match remaining and are in the Britannia Cup semi-f inal v Sharnbrook First at Kempston Ro vers
Congratulations to the Women’s team on winning the Beds and Her ts Women’s League Division 1 and gaining promo tion a great achievement in their f irst season The U18 team f inished 6th in the Sou thern Counties Floodlit You th League and will have learned much f rom their f irst season at that level.
As the cur tain closes on ano ther season, the club would like to thank ever yone for their great suppor t and we look for ward to seeing you all next season as a new chapter in our histor y opens with the club playing at step 4 for the f irst time.
JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4HE 01462 539297
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Firstly congratulations to Sto tfold FC for their promo tion Well done to manager ’s Brett and Paul Donnelly along with the players who have been magnif icent this season and suppor ted with Rob Parkin and the committee.
On to the Juniors who have continued their success. The under 13 girls turquoise managed by James Gurney won their League cup f inal, well done team.
Also to continue the winning theme the U15 Ambers also won their Chiltern League U15 Plate Final 2-0 at Bar ton Ro vers FC Well done to the lads
JUNE is a good time to do some DIY so this month’s FUN QUIZ, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, is on the theme o f TOOLS AND IMPLEMENTS, with clues contained in each question or answer. (Answers can be found on page 18) GOOD LUCK!
1 Rosemar y, Rose Chafer, Green Tiger, Devil’s Coach Horse and Stag are just a few o f the many native UK species o f what sor t o f creature?
2 From which Shakespeare play is this extract o f a famous soliloqu y taken: “When he himself might his quietus make, with a bare bodkin?”
3 Name the cocktail made with gin and sweet f resh lime juice?
4 During the 1960s, which British comedy actor starred in the f ilms “The Rebel” and “The Punch and Judy Man” (pictured )?
5 On what piece o f gymnastic equipment, traditionally restricted to men only, are leg swings, scissors, circles and flairs per formed?
6 Which British pop singer, a former member o f an immensely successful group, had a 1980s solo number one single in the US char ts with “Sledgehammer ”?
7 What was the title o f the animated US car toon series, pictured right, which featured the character o f Off icer Dibble?
8 What f ruit is also kno wn as the alligator pear?
9 Give the surname o f the British ar tist who, during the 1730s, painted a series o f eight pictures depicting the do wnfall o f the debauched Tom Rakewell?
10 “City o f Adelaide” and the much better preser ved “Cu tty Sark” are the only two remaining examples in the world o f what type o f sea -going vessels?
11 In US currency, if I gave you two bits, ho w many cents would you have?
12 Give the name and regnal number o f the 13th-14th centur y English king who was given the epithets “Longshanks” and “Hammer o f the Sco ts”?
13 This British television game sho w was hosted by Michael Miles during the 1950s and 60s (pictured abo ve right) and was revived in the 1990s with Des O’Connor as host Featuring the Yes -No Interlude, what was the title o f this
sho w?
14 In which par t o f the human body are the three bones commonly named hammer, anvil and stirrup?
15 What is the name o f the tough US private detective in a series o f books, f irst published in 1947, written by Mickey Spillane?
16 In the card game Bridge, what is the highest ranked suit?
17 What is the f ive -letter name o f the rare Old World monkey which is similar in appearance to a mandrill bu t lacking the bright red and blue face markings?
18 What is the title o f the 1965 spy thriller f ilm (pictured ) which includes a plo t device book with the title: "Induction o f Psychoneurosis by Conditioned Reflex under Stress"?
19 What was the surname the British playwright and screenwriter who won Best Adapted Screenplay Oscars for “Doctor Zhivago” and “A Man for All Seasons” and also wro te the screenplay for “Lawrence o f Arabia”?
20 What one same choppy- sounding three -letter name is applied to a river rising in the Mendips and entering the Bristol Channel at Weston Bay; and a delightful 22 mile long river rising at Cheddington, Dorset and entering the sea at Lyme Bay?
For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website at or Google david stedman au thor.
WALKS FOR HEALTH Would you like to join a f riendly local group for weekly local walk?
Walks star t at 10 45am Meeting points for June: 1st/8th Corner o f Hospital Rd, Arlesey
15th/22nd Scou t Hu t, Baldock Rd, Sto tfold
29th The Cro wn PH, The Green, Sto tfold
For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672
Are you pa rt of a young persons club, orga nisation or team?
At Satchells we LOVE suppor ting our local community and firmly believe that our young people are something to be extremely proud of!
Do you need help with buying equ ipmen t, mat erials or similar? - We’d LOV E to help!
The brand new 2023 Satchells ‘Young Persons Grant’ is open to ANY local group, school or organisation in our local area Your nominated group must be run in either Stotfold, Fair field or Arlesey Satchells Young persons Grant
We will be presenting one lucky group with a donation of £5 00 to spend on whatever they need H OW T O E NT ER: Simply write to us with a brief account of why you feel your group should be awarded this year’s Young Persons Grant. Entries should be sent to: Satchells Estate Agents, 47B High Street, Stotfold, SG5 4LD Email: stotfold@satchells co uk C losing date 31s t J ul y 2023
USE YOUR IMAGINATION!! - the more creative your entr y the better!! - There is no limit to the amount of entries we receive from your group, however we request only one entr y per person We are looking for originality and imagination and will be featuring some of the entries on our social media between now and the deadline of 31st July. WHA T ARE YOU W AITING F OR? G et your frie nd s and family involved!
The ironman journey continues, and training is going well I feel physically stronger and f itter than I was, and I’ll be taking par t in two shor ter races o ver the next month, so hopefully this will sho w that I’m faster too At the moment I am injur y f ree albeit the body aches daily (I’m told this is quite normal ) Bu t picking up an injur y that might end this Ironman dream, is just one o f my many worries
As I write this, there are just 20 weeks to go, which seems disturbingly close, and it is all too easy to feel anxious abou t what lies ahead; the increase and intensity o f training and the toll that it will take on my body, the hours that I’ll need to f ind in what already seem like manically busy weeks, the cost o f training, nu trition, and various pieces o f kit There’s the question o f my bike staying f ree f rom mechanical issues no w and on race day, will I cope with the sea swim, will I make the cu t o ff time, will I be able to f inish, etc, etc.
The mental battle, they say, is as much a challenge as the physical so when my anxiety spirals and keeps me awake at night, I tr y to remember what my Dad used to say. In his last few years, before the dementia f inally diminished my Dad’s gentle voice, his favourite saying was “what will
on Saturday 24th June, 2023 at the Sto tfold Memorial Hall, Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, SG5 4HR.
Dancing to a great ar tist Nadine Summers and also to listen to. Tickets £10.00 each Doors open at 7pm.
Ho t and Cold drinks available bring your o wn snacks
To book and pay for tickets please contact Bridie Smith on 01462 639279 or email bridget smith@u wclub net
All proceed to Alzheimer ’s (f ight against Dementia)
Thank you for your anticipated suppor t
This year St Mar y's Church are planning a new community event for the weekend o f 24/25 June Entitled 'Tour de Sto tfold' The idea is that members o f the community create a trail o f decorated bikes, par t bikes or any thing bike themed around Sto tfold with entries displayed in gardens or o ther social spaces
For fur ther information and to register your interest contact
maureen winters5@gmail com
07727 688877
be will be” He would announce it quite absently and it was always comfor ting to hear him say these words with a calmness that I hoped mirrored ho w he was feeling Although I tr y to take these words on board, I also kno w that on a practical level, there are things I can do to ease my worries too; I can train smar ter and impro ve my nu trition to reduce the impact on my body,
I can learn abou t my bike and practise f ixing a puncture and I can impro ve my conf idence in the open water
And most impor tantly I can think more positively. So instead o f “what will be will be”, I’m sure Dad won’t mind if I change it slightly to… “what will be will be up to me.” Mumwith3
One o f the most common mental health issues we face today is anxiety We are informed that 1 in 4 people will struggle with anxiety at some time in their life Alongside the practical, social, pharmaceu tical and psychological remedies for those who struggle with anxiety, we should no t ignore the spiritual
In the Bible we read that Jesus said “do no t be anxious abou t your life do no t be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ do no t be anxious abou t tomorro w…” Three times in this passage Jesus says “Do no t be anxious.” (See Matthew 6:19–34). Sometimes we hear wellmeaning f riends say, “Don’t worr y!” Bu t,
they o ften have no real understanding o f our struggles, and no real answers or solu tions
I believe Jesus said “Do no t be anxious” because he kno ws the terrible damage anxiety does to us, to our wellbeing, and to our relationships Writer Edward Grinnen pu t it like this: “ tomorro w is always uncer tain The fu ture is no t ours to kno w Yet we are given a kno wledge far greater than the ability to see into tomorro w The one thing I kno w abou t tomorro w, the one single thing I kno w with the u tmost cer tainty, is that God will be there God is with me today, tomorro w and forever, to guide me through angst and uncer tainty. I am in the hands o f a po wer so much greater than my fear, greater even than any harm that can come to me.”
Jesus does no t condemn anyone for being worried or feeling anxious. What’s more, he told us what we are to do instead o f worr ying: we are to “seek f irst the kingdom o f God and his righteousness.”
I hope you will kno w the new life, deep jo y, and lasting peace that Jesus gives f reely to all who ask.
Information abou t our meetings and o ther events can be found on our website,
I disco vered faith in Christ whilst I was at university I had been taken to the Christian Union by my f riend Chris, a mathematics student who lived nearby in my halls o f residence Although ever yone was ver y f riendly and welcoming at the meeting, I felt distinctly uncomfor table Why? Was it the songs? I was used to singing with o thers bu t no t songs praising God, calling Jesus Lord, thanking God for his lo ve Or was it praying together?
Sure, I had prayed before, especially when I felt in trouble, bu t no t with o ther people there. I felt a little easier when the preacher star ted speaking. That was more normal, I was used to lectures to a room full o f people. He was speaking abou t “Assurance”, whatever that was. Bu t someho w what he said star ted to become personal, like it applied directly to me, ho w I could kno w for sure that God had “saved” me. What did that mean? I didn’t kno w. Bu t I wanted to, a lo t.
Ask Jesus to be your Lord, he said, make him your King, your saviour He prayed and then the meeting was o ver and all was f ine Chris and I and some o thers walked back to campus and I went to my room Bu t still I was troubled God, if he was really there at all, seemed uncomfor tably close by I needed to make Jesus my king, pu t him in charge o f my life, giving up my o wn precious control o f my fu ture So I managed to pray, and ask, and say sorr y I hadn’t let him be in charge before Then I felt ok and could sleep I awoke and felt so ver y different, and God felt so ver y real, and I couldn’t stop smiling
A fello w minister once described Christian faith as deeply, deeply, deeply personal, bu t, he said, it must no t be private Since those days at university, it seems that God has been helping me be more and more public, sharing the jo y and assurance that I received in different ways May God help you f ind that assurance he promises Graham
Entries are no w open for the Standalone10k on 1st Oct. The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be 3rd June at 9am. Entr y is f ree and open to all abilities.
We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm These are open to all, why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation Contact Ian 07506429928 or nhrr org uk
At Sto tfold Methodist Church :
Co ffee morning f irst Saturday in this month
Monday Club is 2-3:30pm
Sunday worship at 10am:
4th : Christine Warren
11th congregation led ser vice
18th : no ser vices
25th : Revd Graham
Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion)
Revd. Graham 07340 857386
St Mar y’s Church is hosting a new community event for the weekend o f 24/25 June. The idea behind “Tour de Sto tfold” is for members o f the community to place in their f ront gardens decorated bikes, objects made f rom bike par ts or any thing on the theme o f bikes. We are pu tting together a trail o f the displays for members o f the community to visit and enjo y. To register your interest or for more information contact or telephone 07727 688877
Mark your diar y the annual Church Fete which will take place in the V icarage garden on Saturday 8 July, f rom 2-4pm
Your Parish Church is open ever y day f rom
9 00am-4 30pm
for anyone who wants a time o f quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle. There is also a Prayer Box in which you can place a prayer. The vicar will later pray your prayer at our daily ser vices.
Ser vices:
Ever y Sunday in Church:
9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer A 20-minu te ser vice withou t Holy Communion or a sermon
10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children
First Sunday o f the Month:
8 00am Said Communion
9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer
10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children
4 00pm Tea Time Praise for young families
Second Sunday o f the month
6 00pm, Sung Evensong
Wednesday Ser vice in Church
9.45am. Parish Communion: a 40 minu te ser vice. Monday-Saturday in Church
9.00am. A small group gathers in church for a shor t ser vice o f Morning Prayer. All welcome.
Christenings/Baptisms Will are held at 2.30pm and 3.30pm on the 4th Sunday o f the month. Please contact Sara Clark on or 01462 625270. Weddings. For information contact Revd Graham Clark: 01462 625270 or graham clark20@ntlworld com
Funerals: The Parish Church is available for any local person’s funeral For more information speak to your funeral director or Revd Graham Clark: 01462 625270 or graham clark20@ntlworld com
www sto tfoldchurch org uk
If you would like to receive St Mar y’s weekly newsletter, the Weekly Messenger, please email sto tfoldparishchurch@gmail com
Facebook: Sto tfold Parish Church
Ever y Friday Knit and Knatter 10.30am-12pm
Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month (Saturday 3rd June)
Co ffee Morning & Lego! 10am-3pm Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit and a chat There will be board games and puzzle books available for adults and families on demand
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Stor y & Rhyme Time 10 30am (for children aged 0-5)
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Ever y Thursday ~ Term Time Sing and Sign 10 30am, with British Sign Language
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Stor y & Rhyme Time, Tuesday 30th May 10.30am 0-5yrs
Games Afternoon, Wednesday 31st May 2pm-5pm age 3+
Angr y Bird Craft, Thursday 1st June 9am-12pm aged 2+ Giraffe Craft, Friday 2nd June 2pm-5pm aged 2+ Co ffee and Lego Club, Saturday 3rd June 10am-3pm (recommended for children o f all ages)
Ever y Monday *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* Sto tfold Family Drop-in, 9am-10 30am For parents, carers, babies, and children Free cuppa and play Suppor t, advice, and signposting for all aspects o f parenting Self-weigh scales available (recommended for families with children aged 0-12 years)
Ever y Saturday Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm
Ever y 1st Saturday o f the month 10am-3pm Co ffee Morning & Lego! Come along for a cuppa, a biscuit, and a chat There will be board games and puzzle books available for adults and families on demand, plus the Lego will also be ou t and available for anyone to use if they wish
Librar y opening times:
Us humans o ften resist change, preferring things to remain just as they are I was recently reminded o f ho w innate this can be While ou t with some counsellor peers, one shared the response o f their two year old child to my f riends attempts to make an impending house mo ve sound appealing When she made exciting promises o f a new bedroom, her child replied, ‘mummy, I don’t want a new bedroom because I want to keep my bedroom!’ It would seem that our dislike for change reveals itself as soon as we’re able to vocalise our feelings
As adults, the desire to keep things the same can prevent us f rom seeing where we could benef it f rom change We may use the old adage, ‘better the devil you kno w’ to squash or silence any dissatisfaction or desire for change
If we are too af raid o f the unkno wn elements that come with change, we may hold too tightly to all that we kno w This could be around the relationship we have with ourselves, o thers, jobs, houses, groups or any thing that gives us stability or continuity
While we may therefore resist instigating change ourselves, recent times have reminded us that change be thrust upon
us at any time. While unexpected change can pro ve especially challenging, I have o ften obser ved that in time enforced changes can lead to impro vements that may no t o ther wise have materialised The opposite can equally be true, bu t either way change is an unavoidable par t o f being alive All we get to choose is whether to resist or embrace it
We canno t kno w with any cer tainty where change may take us bu t we can kno w what to expect when we hold on to the way things are And if that isn’t working, we may need suppor t to make changes
Jo Loach is a BACP accredited Counsellor and Super visor, with an MA in Contemporar y Therapeu tic Counselling .
Back in the days o f the 11 plus, many o f the 11-18 year olds o f Sto tfold were shipped o ff to Biggleswade daily to be educated As a consequence they don’t appear, at those ages, in any o f the old pho tos we have printed o f late Thanks to Phillip Bridge, we are able to bring you this wonder ful collage taken f rom the o ff icial school pho to o f mainly Sto tfold people at Stratton in 1963
Apologies to anyone missed Do you recognise yourself/ can you name the students pictured?
Fur ther to last month’s pho to we received a wonder ful letter f rom Ann Robinson (belo w) lo vely to hear her memories We are desperately in need o f some new ‘old pho tographs’ and are ver y happy to collect them to borro w and then return. Give us a call on 01462 731986 or drop us an email to sto if you can help!!
The girl in the middle o f the pho tograph is Josie Gentle, who used to live with her parents and two bro thers along Arlesey Road next to where they have no w built Larksf ield surger y. I remember that day ver y well.
Early that morning Sto tfold had several floats and we toured around Sto tfold, the float which we were on was organised by St. Mar y's Church. Missing f rom the picture is a young bo y who was a page bo y, his name was Paul Johnson, Harr y Johnsons son and lived in Coppice Mead The day was ver y wet, raining the whole time we were on the floats and we go t cold and ver y wet
Later around 11am when the Coronation ser vice star ted, I went to my Aunties in Nor ton Road with my mum, dad and two bro thers to watch the Coronation on her TV as we had'nt go t one then It was a lo vely TV bu t only a 12inch black and white screen and the reception was ver y poor it looked as if it sno wing all the time Sadly Josie Gentle, Margaret and Mar y Darge passed away several years ago also Paul Johnson whom I believe was killed in a car crash in Canada This Coronation at the age o f 84, I shall be sitting in comfor t and in the warm watching the Coronation in colour
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