16 minute read
News from Kings Baptist Church
News from King’s Baptist Church
About two years ago, when our nation was in the grip of the first COVID-19 lockdown, people commented that the birds appeared to be singing louder than usual. But the truth is, the birds weren’t singing any differently, but it only seemed that way because the rest of us weren’t making as much noise as usual.
With more people at home for most of the time, and with fewer cars on the roads, there was less traffic, less noise, less disturbance. With fewer distractions and fewer interruptions, people began to notice—not what was new—but what had always been there.
Now most of us still fill our lives with noisy activity, and our televisions, computers, and mobile devices give us access to an Internet full of distractions and interruptions twenty-four hours a day. But when we take the time to be quiet, when we can move away from distractions and interruptions, we can hear more clearly the songs of God’s creation.
What’s more, we can hear more clearly the voice of God himself. How often do we make the mistake of thinking that God wants us to be frantically, manically, busy all the time?
God reminds us to “Be still, and know that I am God. ” Even Jesus repeatedly went away by himself to pray, to be with God. How much more so, then, should we? And Jesus also said, “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. ” May we all know the comforting presence and the life-changing power of God.
Date for your diary...
Saturday 9 July 2pm
St. Mary’s Vicarage Garden, Church Road, Stotfold
Lots of traditional stalls, games,refreshments and entertainment
All proceeds to St. Mary’s Church – Charity No: 1131275
North Herts Road Runners
The first Sat of the month 5k at Letchworth Common
will be 4th June at 9am. The Runround The Garden 5k in
Letchworth is on 19th June and also includes a children's 1
mile race. All details of these events are on our website
nhrr.org.uk. We continue our training sessions with qualified coaches on Tues & Thurs evenings at 7pm. These are open to all runners from novice to experienced runners. Contact nhrr.org.uk or Ian on 07506429928
Would you like to join a friendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks start at 10.45am
Meeting points for JUNE:
2nd, 9th Arlesey Station. 16th Etonbury Wood (school) 23rd, 30th Corner of Hospital Rd, Arlesey.
For details contact Beth Overfield 01462 815672
Stotfold based cat sitting service
Now in our 10th year! Your cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind.I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day. Other small animals can also be catered for.
Please call Claire 07984 344 997
07575 353355
Stotfold Library Opening Times
Monday – Closed Tuesday – 9am-1pm Wednesday – 2pm-6pm Thursday – 9am-1pm Friday – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday – 9am-4pm Sunday – Closed Please note Stotfold library will be CLOSED for the following Bank Holidays for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Thursday 2nd June - CLOSED Friday 3rd June - CLOSED
ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN (No booking required) Every Tuesday Story and Rhyme Time 10.30am (recommended for children aged 0-5) Every Thursday Sing and Sign 10am (recommended for children aged 0-5) *SCHOOL HOLIDAY CRAFT PACKS AVAILABLE* Tuesday 31st May, Wednesday 1st June and Saturday 4th June.
Every Saturday Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm (recommended for ages 0-99+)
The e G Gr re ee enacre e Centre Va ale erian Way, Stot tfold Hit tc chi in n, Her rts, SG5 5 4HG Tele ephone nu umbe er r: 01462 730064
Emai il l a address: enquiri
C O U N C I L ies@stotfoldtowncoun nc cil l.gov.uk
We eb bsite: www.st tot tfold dtowncoun nci il.go ov.uk k
Opening hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri CLOSED WEDNESDAYS
May Statutory Council Meeting, Councillor Steve Buck (left) was elected Chairman and Mayor of Stotfold for 2022/2023, with Councillor Steve Hayes (right) elected as Vice-Chairman and Deputy Mayor. Thanks to outgoing Chairman/Mayor and Vice-Chairman/Deputy Mayor, Councillors Alan Cooper and Brian Collier for their hard work in representing Stotfold and leading the Town Council over recent years. If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 01462 730064. TOWN COUNCILLOR SURGERIES The next opportunity to meet Town Councillors at one of our On-Street Surgeries, will be Saturday 18th June, Co-op store, 1pm to 3pm. Councillors will be able to provide you with information about what the Town Council does, answer questions, provide advice or point you in the right direction.
CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL CONSULTS ON PLANS FOR A BIGGER LIBRARY IN THE GREENACRE CENTRE Central Bedfordshire Council is proposing to move Stotfold Library from the Simpson Centre to the hall in the nearby Greenacre Centre. The new location in the Greenacre Centre Hall would provide a much better library service for Stotfold residents. The plans would include significant improvements to the look and feel of the library, in a much larger space compared to the existing arrangements. By working with Stotfold Town Council, Central Bedfordshire Council can expand the library to provide more books, giving users greater choice, include increased study space and provide a better IT zone with improved Wi-Fi coverage. This would support people without internet access at hom or those wanting to use a PC or access high-speed internet. This super-fast internet would enable library users to quickly find information, services educational and skills opportunities online. The new venue could provide space for a bigger modern library in a community hub at the heart of the community. There would also be scope to hold a range of events given the additional space and available parking. The popular, privately run café (B of Cakes), which operates next to the existing library building would also be re-located into the Greenacre Centre. There would be new flooring, furniture, and shelving making it more appealing. There would also be more natural light and better ventilation, which would make it a better environment to read, relax and browse. Plans include modern self-service machines which automatically identify and track books. A full-size self-service machine would be near the entranc with tablet sized self-service options in other areas. There would be increased security and safeguarding for customers and staff, as CCTV (4K Digit and door access control would be installed as part of this project. The new centre would also provide public and accessible toilets, which the curren library does not have the space to provide. The Council is working in partnership with Stotfold Town Council which owns both buildings. The Council currently leases the Simpson Centre for library service and the proposal would see them lease the hall in the Greenacre Centre for the library service in the future. The consultation document and questionnaire, including images of the proposed layout, can be seen at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultatio The consultation is open until 28 July 2022. role in our communities, as they act as an important focal point, offering vital services for our residents. With the growth in the local area and new housing developments, the library has the potential to become a bigger part of the community. This proposal to invest significantly in relocating and providin modern, spacious library will provide a quality service for the benefit of our residents. With more study space, a larger book selection and enhanced provision, it will provide users with a greater choice and support those without internet access at home. The plans offer a vastly improved library service
Councillor Steve Hayes, Stotfold to put forward this proposal to offer Stotfold Library the opportunity to expand its operation with the improvements noted above, for the benefit of al Stotfold residents. The Town Council purchased the existing library building in 2001, when the doctors surgery relocated, to allow the library to rem in Stotfold. Sadly, the old building is now in a poor state of repair and by relocating to the Greenacre Centre, it will be able to offer a truly 21st centu Paper copies of the consultation summary document and questionnaires can be requested by emailing consultations@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
ouncillor Steve Buck (left) was elected Chairman and Mayor of Stotfold for (right) elected as Vice-Chairman and Deputy Mayor. Thanks to outgoing puty
Mayor, Councillors Alan Cooper and Brian Collier for their hard work in wn Council over recent years. If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 01462 730064.

cillors at one of our On-Street Surgeries, will be Saturday 18th June, Co-op store, 1pm to 3pm. Councillors on about what the Town Council does, answer questions, provide advice or point you
in the right direction.

ONSULTS ON PLANS FOR A BIGGER LIBRARY IN THE GREENACRE CENTRE g to move Stotfold Library from the Simpson Centre to the hall in the nearby Greenacre Centre. The new uld provide a much better library service for Stotfold residents. The plans would include significant library, in a much larger space compared to the existing arrangements.

Central Bedfordshire Council can expand the library to provide more books, giving users greater choice, de a better IT zone with improved Wi-Fi coverage. This would support people without internet access at home igh-speed internet. This super-fast internet would enable library users to quickly find information, services and e. The new venue could provide space for a bigger modern library in a community hub at the heart of the o hold a range of events given the additional space and available parking. The popular, privately run café (Box sting library building would also be re-located into the Greenacre Centre. There would be new flooring, ppealing. There would also be more natural light and better ventilation, which would
make it a better
nes which automatically identify and track books. A full-size self-service machine would be near the entrance ther areas. There would be increased security and safeguarding for customers and staff, as CCTV (4K Digital) ed as part of this project. The new centre would also provide public and accessible toilets, which the current
Please see our website for details of upcoming council and committee meetings.
At our May Statutory Council Meeting, Councillor Steve Buck (left) was elected Chairman and Mayor of Stotfold for 2022/2023, with Councillor Steve Hayes (right) elected as Vice-Chairman and Deputy Mayor. Thanks go to outgoing Chairman/Mayor and Vice-Chairman/Deputy Mayor, Councillors Alan Cooper and Brian Collier for their hard work in representing Stotfold and leading the Town Council over recent years. If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, please contact Jeanette Everitt, Mayor’s Secretary, on enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 01462 730064.
The next opportunity to meet your Town Councillors at one of our On-Street Surgeries, will be Saturday 18th June, at the Co-operative store from 1pm until 3pm. The following Surgery will be on Tuesday 12th July, same venue from 10am until 12pm. Councillors will be able to provide you with information about what the Town Council does, answer questions, provide advice or point you in the right direction. h Stotfold Town Council which owns both buildings. The Council currently leases the Simpson Centre for the e them lease the hall in the Greenacre Centre for the library service in the future.
The Greenacre Centre Valerian Way, Stotfold Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4HG Telephone number: 01462
730064 Email address: enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk Website: www.stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk
hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri CLOSED
At our
May Statutory Council Meeting, Councillor Steve Buck (left) was elected Chairman and Mayor of Stotfold for 2022/2023, with Councillor Steve Hayes (right) elected as Vice-Chairman and Deputy Mayor. Thanks to outgoing Chairman/Mayor and Vice-Chairman/Deputy Mayor, Councillors Alan Cooper and Brian Collier for their hard work in representing Stotfold and leading the Town Council over recent years. If you wish to invite the Mayor to an event, enquiries@stotfoldtowncouncil.gov.uk or telephone 01462 730064. TOWN COUNCILLOR SURGERIES The next opportunity to meet Town Councillors at one of our On-Street Surgeries, will be Saturday 18th June, Co-op store, 1pm to 3pm. Councillors will be able to provide you with information about what the Town Council does, answer questions, provide advice or point you in the right direction.
CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL CONSULTS ON PLANS FOR A BIGGER LIBRARY IN THE GREENACRE CENTRE Central Bedfordshire Council is proposing to move Stotfold Library from the Simpson Centre to the hall in the nearby Greenacre Centre. The new location in the Greenacre Centre Hall would provide a much better library service for Stotfold residents. The plans would include significant improvements to the look and feel of the library, in a much larger space compared to the existing arrangements. By working with Stotfold Town Council, Central Bedfordshire Council can expand the library to provide more books, giving users greater choice, include increased study space and provide a better IT zone with improved Wi-Fi coverage. This would support people without internet access at home or those wanting to use a PC or access high-speed internet. This super-fast internet would enable library users to quickly find information, services and educational and skills opportunities online. The new venue could provide space for a bigger modern library in a community hub at the heart of the community. There would also be scope to hold a range of events given the additional space and available parking. The popular, privately run café (Box of Cakes), which operates next to the existing library building would also be re-located into the Greenacre Centre. There would be new flooring, furniture, and shelving making it more appealing. There would also be more natural light and better ventilation, which would make it a better environment to read, relax and browse. Plans include modern self-service machines which automatically identify and track books. A full-size self-service machine would be near the entrance with tablet sized self-service options in other areas. There would be increased security and safeguarding for customers and staff, as CCTV (4K Digital) and door access control would be installed as part of this project. The new centre would also provide public and accessible toilets, which the current library does not have the space to provide. The Council is working in partnership with Stotfold Town Council which owns both buildings. The Council currently leases the Simpson Centre for the library service and the proposal would see them lease the hall in the Greenacre Centre for the library service in the future. The consultation document and questionnaire, including images of the proposed layout, can be seen at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultations. The consultation is open until 28 July 2022. role in our communities, as they act as an important focal point, offering vital services for our residents. With the growth in the local area and new housing developments, the library has the potential to become a bigger part of the community. This proposal to invest significantly in relocating and providing a modern, spacious library will provide a quality service for the benefit of our residents. With more study space, a larger book selection and enhanced IT provision, it will provide users with a greater choice and support those without internet access at home. The plans offer a vastly improved library service

Central Bedfordshire Council is proposing to move Stotfold Library from the Simpson Centre to the hall in the nearby Greenacre Centre. The new location in the Greenacre Centre Hall would provide a much better library service for Stotfold residents. The plans would include significant improvements to the look and feel of the library, in a much larger space compared to the existing arrangements. By working with Stotfold Town Council, Central Bedfordshire Council can expand the library to provide more books, giving users greater choice, include increased study space and provide a better IT zone with improved Wi-Fi coverage. This would support people without internet access at home or those wanting to use a PC or access high-speed internet. This super-fast internet would enable library users to quickly find information, services and educational and skills opportunities online. The new venue could provide space for a bigger modern library in a community hub at the heart of the community. There would also be scope to hold a range of events given the additional space and available parking. The popular, privately run café (Box of Cakes), which operates next to the existing library building would also be re-located into the Greenacre Centre. There would be new flooring, furniture, and shelving making it more appealing. There would also be more natural light and better ventilation, which would make it a better environment to read, relax and browse. Plans include modern self-service machines which automatically identify and track books. A full-size self-service machine would be near the entrance with tablet sized self-service options in other areas. There would be increased security and safeguarding for customers and staff, as CCTV (4K Digital) and door access control would be installed as part of this project. The new centre would also provide public and accessible toilets, which the current library does not have the space to provide. The Council is working in partnership with Stotfold Town Council which owns both buildings. The Council currently leases the Simpson Centre for the library service and the proposal would see them lease the hall in the Greenacre Centre for the library service in the future. The consultation document and questionnaire, including images of the proposed layout, can be seen at www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultations. The consultation is open until 28 July 2022. Councillor Ian Dalgarno, Executive Member for Community Services at Central Bedfordshire Council, said: “Libraries play a key role in our communities, as they act as an important focal point, offering vital services for our residents. With the growth in the local area and new housing developments, the library has the potential to become a bigger part of the community. This proposal to invest significantly in relocating and providing a modern, spacious library will provide a quality service for the benefit of our residents. With more study space, a larger book selection and enhanced IT provision, it will provide users with a greater choice and support those without internet access at home. The plans offer a vastly improved library service for residents. ”
Councillor Steve Hayes, Stotfold to put forward this proposal to offer Stotfold Library the opportunity to expand its operation with the improvements noted above, for the benefit of all Stotfold residents. The Town Council purchased the existing library building in 2001, when the doctors surgery relocated, to allow the library to remain in Stotfold. Sadly, the old building is now in a poor state of repair and by relocating to the Greenacre Centre, it will be able to offer a truly 21st century Paper copies of the consultation summary document and questionnaires can be requested by emailing consultations@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Councillor Steve Hayes, Stotfold Town Council’s Buildings Committee Chairman, said “Having carried out a review of all our buildings, we are pleased to put forward this proposal to offer Stotfold Library the opportunity to expand its operation with the improvements noted above, for the benefit of all Stotfold residents. The Town Council purchased the existing library building in 2001, when the doctors surgery relocated, to allow the library to remain in Stotfold. Sadly, the old building is now in a poor state of repair and by relocating to the Greenacre Centre, it will be able to offer a truly 21st century library experience to our residents and ensure its future going forward. ”