Arles e y NEWS S e pte mb e r 2 0 2 3 Issu e 51 D e live re d FR EE to 2,70 0 h ome s in Arle s e y. Ne w s Eve nt s In f or m at i on
Welcome to September
Firstly, our thanks go to all o f our contribu tors this month for helping us to get our September issue ready for print much much earlier than usual and allo wing us time away as a family o ver the holidays.
Our September issue is packed full o f the usual ar ticles and updates - some o f our schools take a break this month bu t will be back in full swing by our next edition
We had some lo vely comments last month abou t our new f resher look to the magazine, we are so glad that you liked it!
Inside this month you’ll f ind several features, including an update on the Arlesey Community Larder on page 4 and details on the new triage system currently under way at Larksf ield Surger y on page 5. On page 7 you can f ind ou t more abou t the Arlesey Community Action Day planned for Friday 15th September. On page 18 you’ll f ind a questionnaire f rom Central Bedfordshire Council concerning a Community Flood Risk project they are currently working on This topic is close to the hear ts o f many local residents so please do take the time to take par t if you are able to
Keep sending us in your letters and comments as we lo ve hearing f rom our readers - you can send them by letter, email or by messaging us through our facebook page. We also welcome more new adver tisers once again this month - please do look ou t for them.
We hope you are enjo ying the summer break and wish all children star ting on their ver y f irst journey into school life the ver y best o f luck for the new term
Until next month
www justgiving com/ gar denhousehospice
Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine
3 NEXT IS SUE - OCTOBER Adver tising/Editorial deadline 6th September 2023 see www.sto Contact: arlesey news@yahoo com or write to us at Arlesey News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT Tel: 01462 731986 You can also contact us via our facebook page Deliveries: We have o ver 120 volunteers that deliver the News Magazines If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West W ith thanks to this month’s contribu tors: Central Bedfordshire Council, Cllr Jodie Chiller y, Ivel Valley Sou th Primar y Care Networks, Arlesey Community Larder, ACORN, Jo Loach, Jane Britten (Mum with 3) The Need Project, Our local schools, local Churches & local groups and organisations. From the Editor Your letters Page 9 Mental Health Matters Page 10 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 11 Family Announcements Page 12 Mum with 3 Page 13 ACORN news Page 14,15 Local Church News Page 17 Comunity Matters Page 18 Update f rom the Need Project Page 19 Memor y Lane Page 20 CONTENTS
this alongside all our usual news from our local churches groups, clubs & organisations..
Local News Round- up
Arlesey Communit y Larder - Here for the communit y.
Arlesey Community Larder is a Community Interest Company suppor ting local residents and surrounding areas with food suppor t We are working in par tnership with Arlesey To wn Council and Central Bedfordshire Council to pro vide the ser vice The larder opened to local residents just before Christmas (December 2022) and has helped a number o f families and individuals who require food suppor t If you require our suppor t we will help you withou t judgement or prejudice.
Suppor t for the larder has been fantastic so far, f rom the 1st Arlesey Scou ts and Dambusters Explorers with their ‘Sleep Ou t to Help Ou t’ to the generosity o f local residents and community groups in Arlesey We run a ‘basics larder ’ twice a week and o ffer on ‘occasions food rescue’ f rom local supermarkets Please f ind up to date information on our facebook page @arleseycommunitylarder Donations o f in-date, non-perishable food items to the basic's larder is ver y much welcome as well as monetar y donations to keep our larder stocked. We currently require: tinned meats, tinned meals, tinned f ish, tinned soups, long life milk, eggs, oils
Any monetar y donations can be BACS transfer to: Arlesey Community Larder CIC Sor t Code: 04-06-05 Account 19621234 Arlesey Community Larder can be found at the Arlesey MUGA Pavillion behind the W I Hall on the High Street For enquiries and to f ind ou t ho w you can get involved, contact 07427 650080 Email:
APP! Do wnload it NO W
We are pleased to be par tnering with BanktheFood. If you are doing your food shop, check the app for the needed items the larder needs and you can drop your donations at the village hall or WI Hall in Arlesey Help us to make a difference!!e
Recent donation f rom 1st Arlesey Scou ts f rom their ‘sleep ou t for the homeless’ night
Local News Round- up
Larksf ield Medical Par tnership Welcome New Online System.
Accurx Patient Triage
The new online appointment request system is no w up and running at bo th Shefford and Lo wer Stondon Surgeries, and for those registered with Larksf ield and Arlesey Medical Par tnership, access has been available f rom 8th August Registered patients can use the Accur x Patient Triage if you require a non- urgent appointment with a GP or Advanced Practitioner or have an administration quer y This will enable you to make requests in your o wn time, instantly access NHS self-help resources and avoid morning telephone queues
If you do no t have access to the internet or struggle with completing the online form, please telephone the reception team and they will complete the form on your behalf
If a patient is vulnerable, or has learning diff iculties or canno t access the form via the website or smar t phone, they can still call and the reception staff have all been trained to f ill ou t the form on their behalf Walk in patients will be asked to f ill ou t the form, then they will need to wait for a response f rom the clinician, the reception staff will no t be able to book appointments for GP appointments or minor illness this will all be done by the triage clinician once the form has been submitted
Your practice will get be in touch with you by the end o f the second working day after submitting your form, and quicker if it is urgent You will be contacted by text, email or telephone, and will be o ffered either an appointment, advice, or help to access the appropriate healthcare ser vice
Your request will no t bee seen immediately, so it is impor tant to call 111 if you feel your issue is urgent or needs immediate attention
Information brought to you by Ivel Valley Sou th Primar y Care Net works, Care Coordinating team at blmkicb carecoordinator ivs@nhs net
CRIME FIGURES for Arlesey (May 2023)
We have had several requests to rever t back to repor ting the local crime f igures as quo ted on the local Police uk website
We will repor t these on a monthly basis (please remember the f igures will be a couple o f months prior to publication due to a delay in the police crime repor ting system )
V iolence & Sexual Offences 11
Other Crime - 6
Vehicle Crime - 3
Anti- social behaviour - 8
Criminal damage & arson - 7
Source: www police co uk
Local News Round- up
Local Ladies Aim High at the Archer y GB Junior National Ou tdoor Championships.
Neve Church and Abi Speltinkx, bo th 17 recently took par t in the Archer y GB Junior National Ou tdoor Championships in Lilleshall, Shropshire after they were called up to represent the Under 21 reser ve categor y in July Bo th girls belong to local club Aim 4 Spor t AC who are always on the lookou t for new members. Bo th girls were prompted to pursue this spor t by their teacher Mr McGee at Etonbur y Academy with bo th girls thoroughly enjo ying the challenges the spor t brings
The club is open to new members, with no experience necessar y - just the willingness to learn a new skill. If you are looking for something rather unique to learn and are interested in f inding ou t more then contact www aim4spor tac co uk
6 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Graham Smith BRICKWORK & PAVING Covering all aspects of brickwork old & new, plus patios, driveways & fencing. All work completed to a very high standard. Friendly, family run business Tel : 07703 17 1857 / 01462 7 31829
Neve Church, pictured f irst right and Abi Speltinkx pictured far right, take aim for the Under 21 reser ves in Shropshire Belo w bo th girls representing their club Aim 4 Spor t AC. www aim4spor tac co uk
Update from Cllr Jodie Chiller y
Follo wing my previous updates on working on addressing repor ts o f anti- social behaviour I'm pleased to be able to inform you all o f the Arlesey Community Action Day Plans have been in the pipeline for while, bu t since being elected I've been working closely with o ff icers in the Safer Communities Team and fully suppor t this oppor tunity for the community to be able to engage with them too Together, we've made several residential visits and the team have carried ou t patrols in areas where anti social behaviour has been repor ted
So, save the date, we are looking for ward to holding the Arlesey Action Day event in Arlesey on Friday 15th September between 10am and 2pm The aim o f a Community Action Day is to have a visible presence, with uniformed o ff icers f rom Central Bedfordshire Council, the To wn Council, and par tner agencies such as Bedfordshire Police and Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Ser vice There will be street cleansing, litter picks and o ther maintenance issues actioned, as well as pro viding high-visibility patrols, public reassurance, and crime prevention advice It’s an oppor tunity for you to come ou t and meet the team, share concerns, repor t issues, get some crime prevention and safety advice. If any community groups would like to be involved with the action day, by doing their o wn action or holding an event or session to suppor t the community please contact Community.Safety@centralbedfordshire.go
7 Free in-home design and quote Removal and installation fully managed Friendly customer service from your local Hitchin showroom team Call for your free bathroom design and quote 01462 411 360 WET ROOM INSTALLATION | WALK-IN SHOWERS AND BATHS Rated Excellent Visit our Hitchin Showroom Local News Round- up
8 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Dear Editor,
We were luck enough to mo ve to to the area last year in May As with mo ving, we found we needed a variety o f house jobs to be done.
We looked through the Arlesey News for inspiration and found Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance. He turned ou t to be a multi skilled handyman, f rom electrics to plumbing, plastering and carpentr y, plus much more besides Always reliable and pleasant to have around
He is def initely our ‘go to’ man. Ver y satisf ied customers
Dear Editor,
I have a couple o f items I wish to sell:
1x Drive handy mobility trolley with shelves
Excellent condition,Cost £150 sell for £80
1x por tmeirion egg storage chicken, ceramic £10. Colour bro wn Tel 07501 066 444
Dear Editor,
We read with interest the ar ticle inside last month’s magazine featuring the school which used to be situated along Arlesey Road We have lived in Arlesey (close to Arlesey Road ) for some thir ty plus years and never knew o f its existance. Ver y interesting to f ind more ou t abou t our local histor y Mr T Banks
To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 9
Mental Health Matters - with Jo Loach
In managing our mental health, it is impor tant to pay attention to what we think abou t our experiences and thus the way that we speak to ourselves abou t them This internal self- talk can help or hinder our ability to manage and navigate our way through challenging times
This self- talk is o ften referred to as a harsh internal critic who may pro vide a running commentar y o f criticism o ver what you are doing and ho w you are doing it. This type o f self- talk may o verlook your effor ts and achievements and instead focus on perceived failings.
While there is a reality to us all failing or making mistakes along the way o f life, a critical response o f self- talk is more likely to squash or shame us than to encourage us to look for the learning within or to seek suppor t to manage. When self- talk is par ticularly critical or crushing, it can keep us floored, defeated, struggling to seek suppor t or gro wth or stuck in a self-defeating cycle
When things don’t go to plan or times o f trial are par ticularly testing or continued, we can become worn do wn These are the times that we most need kindness, understanding and compassion
The more we can cultivate this, the more we can implement it in response to ourselves and our struggles. And the more we can cultivate and practice encouraging, suppor tive selftalk in our times o f need, the more we can respond with kindness and compassion to the needs o f o thers.
If we are typically quite good at helpful self- talk, we can become vulnerable during times o f prolonged stress, to a resurgence o f older more unhelpful patterns o f self- talk. In the face o f challenges, it is always wor th checking in whether your self- talk is helpful or unhelpful.
Jo Loach is a BACP Accredited Counsellor, with an MA in contemporar y therapeu tic counselling
10 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Established 197 1 RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bedrooms Windows Internal/External Doors Ski r tings -Architraves -Dados Stai rs -Handles -Balustrades Handle & Lock Replacements Loft Hatches Flat Pack Furniture All aspects of carpentr y No job too small Call 07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias
Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold
01462 732248 or 07951 473505
We have so much to look for ward to this academic year, welcoming our new September intake and our f irst year o f Sixth Form!
Here at Etonbur y Academy we’re a school where ever y child can shine Our children are conf ident, lo ve learning and flourish Our people are dedicated pro fessionals who care and nur ture ever y individual child by unlocking their full po tential to be the best that they can be Our pro ven track record gives you ever y good reason to consider Etonbur y as the right school for your child Arriving in year f ive, our f irst-class learning environment pro vides a seamless education through to year 13, enabling our children to aim high We will soon be opening our Sixth Form, o ffering a f irst-class all- through education
By encouraging a lo ve o f learning and building conf idence, we ensure ever y child fulf ils their individual po tential according to their o wn abilities, skills and interests We believe in educating the whole child – inside the classroom and beyond, by giving them an engaging curriculum and a vibrant and adventurous programme o f extra -curricular activities. Etonbur y’ s facilities, resources and specialist teaching are second- to -none. So too is our commitment to pastoral care. This is a place where ever y child is safe, secure and suppor ted.
Ever y single member o f our learning community – students, staff and parents – are par t o f our success stor y. Together we make Etonbur y Academy a school to be ver y proud o f
Would you like to join a f riendly local group for weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10.45am
Meeting points for September:
7th, 14th Scou t Hu t - Baldock Rd, Sto tfold
21st, 28th The Cro wn PH, The Green, Sto tfold
For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672
Nor th Her ts Road Runners
Entries are no w open for the Standalone10k on 1st Oct. www standalone10k org uk The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be 2nd September at 9am. Entr y is f ree and open to all abilities We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues. & Thurs evenings at 7pm These are open to all, why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation
Contact Ian 07506429928 or
Etonbur y A cademy
Our children are happy and achieve their full po tential, come and see for yourself what makes Etonbur y special
We’d be delighted to welcome you to our Opening Evening, Thursday 5 October, or if you would like a personal tour, please do get in touch with us on 01462 730391 or via email eta -o ff ice@bestacademies org uk to book
Etonbur y Academy
Sto tfold Rd, Arlesey SG15 6XS T: 01462 730391
Happy 13th Bir thday
You’re o ff icially a teenager!
Enjo y your day Lo ve you Dad, Kayleigh & Lily xxxx
Happy 6th Bir thday
Hope your day is as special as you are Lo ve you Mummy, Daddy & George xx
2nd September
Happy 70th Bir thday!
Huge Happy Bir thday wishes to our AMA ZING Mum! (& Nanna)
Lo ts o f lo ve f rom all the family xxx
We would like to thank ever yone who attended the funeral o f the late Mar y Fye who fell asleep peacefully surrounded by her family on the 10th o f July
Thank you for all your kind messages o f suppor t at this ver y sad time Mar y passed a few days before her 82nd bir thday. She was a much lo ved mum, Nan and great grandmo ther who will be greatly missed
Mar y lived her whole life in Arlesey - her family o wned the Fountain pub for many years. She leaves behind her husband Ernie after 68 happy years together
Wishing you a ver y Happy bir thday!
And also the ver y best o f luck for your sponsered abseil for Dravet Syndrome on 16th September
With lo ve f rom Mum, Dad, Oliver Mandie, Lucy, Alex, Nan and Grandad xx
2nd September
Happy 70th Bir thday!
Huge Happy Bir thday wishes to our AMA ZING Mum! (& Nanna)
Lo ts o f lo ve f rom all the family xxx
In lo ving memor y o f our mum, who we sadly lost on 11th July 2023. A much lo ved lady, always with a f riendly smile
The family o f Janet would like to take the oppor tunity to thank ever ybody who came to Mums funeral and for their kind messages o f suppor t, cards and donations made in her memor y.
Family Announcements are FREE! We are happy to accept family announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation to the Garden House Hospice in return for your announcement then please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine are F
SIXTH FORM OPEN EVENING Thursday 19 October // 6.30–9pm Talks held at 6.45pm and 7.45pm for more details Park Street Baldock SG7 6DZ THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR SCHOOL PREPARING FOR YOUR FUTURE ARTEMPL lksTa sixthfor eetStr emor
Family announcements
To compare is to despair…
Nine weeks to go and the Ironman plan is heading into a critical period where sessions are reaching maximum distances and the clock is being watched. In the old days, you’d press the star t bu tton o f your trusty Casio and set ou t on your training run. You’d have a f inish time and a rough idea o f the distance and that was it. No wadays, my watch will tell me ho w far I’ve been, my hear t rate, the pace I’m running and will bleep at me to go faster or slo wer At the end it will congratulate me if I’ve achieved a fastest time and then the information will be uploaded onto my phone, my training app, and into the world that is Strava
Strava is the Swedish verb to ‘strive’ and is a ‘community for athletes’; you post all your activities, as does ever yone else You follo w f riends and their training schedules, and they follo w you So no t only can you upload and view all your data, you get to see ever yone else’s too and, similar to o ther social media, it can be quite addictive And this is where the problem lies; the training has been consistent and I’m feeling f itter than I have done for many years And yet, I’m no t as quick as I once was or as fast as some o f the o thers around me
When I was younger, I completed a marathon at a faster pace than I can no w run 3 miles In fact, I’m no t sure I could run just 1 mile under 7 minu tes/mile which is what I
did then for the duration o f 26! They say, ‘ to compare is the thief o f jo y’ and it’s true that the exhilaration I feel when completing a training session soon disappears when I star t analysing the f igures against my former self or to those around me.
So what’s the answer? Well just as in all areas o f life, comparing yourself to o thers or to a younger, sprightlier you is never going to achieve a positive ou tcome I’m no t going to turn o ff Strava quite yet, bu t I will focus on my o wn achievements as the person that I am no w a 52 year-old mum o f 3 who is hoping to complete an Ironman
12th September
Mer ton - Anxiety and Insomnia First V isit Free Come and join a f riendly bunch for a chat, cuppa and something different! We look for ward to welcoming you! Arlesey W.I Hall, High Street, Arlesey. Free Estimates - Free Measuring Full Fitting - Expert Advice Carpets, Laminates, Vinyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work 1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchworth, Herts SG6 1JF Tel: 01462 481312 Email orders@letchworthcarpetcentre co uk Letchworth Carpet Centre Number ONE for Price Quality and Service YOUR LOCAL NO.1 Open by apointment only - Please call us on the number below or email orders@letchworthcarpetcentre co uk to arrange a time convenient to you. Mum with 3 - does Ironman Pa ws & Claws Mobile Pet Grooming Level 3 Qualif ied Let us come to you! Tel: 07913005268 Email: Pawsclaws66@aol com FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to ALL Ar lesey and Stotfold r esidents FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Satur day & Sunday - Closed Tel. 01462 731200 leseyphar ARLESEY PHARMACY 31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA
News from - Arlesey Conser vation for Nature (ACORN)
In Praise o f the Humble Weed
Ragwor t, f riend, or foe? To the horsey set it is their most hated species bu t to the Cinnabar mo th it is their plant o f life So, do we destro y ever y plant we see as horse o wners advocate or do we let them gro w to preser ve a beau tiful black and red mo th? In the July edition o f the Arlesey News, we briefly co vered the medicinal chemicals that can be found in plants Ragwor t contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and when ingested in su ff icient quantities can cause liver failure Most animals avoid eating toxic plants bu t when a meado w is cu t for hay then if there is any in the meado w then it gets into the dried hay It is ver y diff icult to f ind and pick ou t when all you have is hoo ves For the Cinnabar mo th caterpillars, despite having vivid black and yello w stripes to pu t the birds o ff, the toxins pro vide a defence mechanism while they feed on the plants. When they f irst hatch, they are quite edible, no t sure who tried this in the f irst place, bu t as they absorb the toxin they become bitter and indigestible. No w that is one plant you can cross o ff your list o f what no t to eat when you visit the Glebe Meado ws.
Ou t o f interest did anyone go and have a count o f the number o f different plant species that can be found there
10? 20? 50? If you counted
o ver 100 then you would be getting somewhere nearer
In the flora sur vey o f 2000 (updated 2003) when ACORN purchased the meado ws 178 plant species were identif ied by Paul Stapleton o f the Bedfordshire Natural Histor y Society Paul Stapleton who under took the study did have an advantage o ver us lay people as he was a lecturer in Arable Weeds
Ano ther plant that can be found in the Glebe Meado ws is the Horseradish. This can also be found on the shelves in supermarkets in a jar o f relish And to be honest if you fancy some on your roast beef it is far easier to get it f rom the shop than tr y and dig the wild form f rom ou t o f the ground. It has a deep tenacious roo t. The main ingredients o f the horseradish plant are: gluconastur tiin, sinigrin, iso thio - and thiocyanates, allyl thiocyanate, allyl thiocyanate and allyl iso thiocyanate acids, plus o ther nitrogenated compounds, and mustard oil (up to 0.2%). It is no t the mustard oil which makes it ho t it is the iso thiocyanate which oxidises when mixed with air and saliva.
The relish is made f rom the roo t and when grated for cooking is the equivalent o f being doused by mustard gas in a World War 1 trench The cattle tend no t to eat it I wonder why?
From time to time the media star t a stor y abou t a poisonous plant and currently the Giant Hogweed has come to the fore Some years ago, laburnum trees were deemed the bad bo y as the seeds were poisonous Schools were cu tting do wn them do wn in the school grounds en masse so children wouldn’t come into contact with them
14 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 YOUR LOCAL WINDO W CLEANER Call: 07949 853411 One -o ff or regular 4/8/12 weekly cleans LOCAL & RELIABLE * FREE quo tations W indo ws, frames, sills, conser vator ys, fascia & so ff its
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The Giant Hogweed’s sap (an introduction f rom Russia) if it comes into contact with the skin causes severe blistering when exposed to UV light The problem is our humble native Hogweed gro wing in the roadside verges is o ften mistaken for it and then repor ts star t springing up all o ver the countr y Bo tanically they are identif ied as the Genus Heraclium which also include Fennel, Ground Elder and Co w Parsley Confusing isn’t it Bo th the Hogweed and Co w Parsley can be found in the meado ws, bu t no t the Giant Hogweed
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Britten Jane a ut! oc a t ir s an co-op o e “ t”
So, there you have a weed that can kill a horse. A weed to spice up your roast beef a weed that can cause sever blisters, and ano ther to make you wee and one to feed your plants with Nearly forgo t the Pyrethrum family which can be used to get rid o f those anno ying little insects you f ind when visiting the meado ws, although we don’t have any gro wing there [or the Giant Hogweed ]
So here is a nice song to sing when you visit the Glebe Meado ws it was sung by Doris Day back in the Sixties (ask Granny Google who she was)
ter Car Ian -
Something that is in great abundance there is grass and Common Couch (grass) was used as a diuretic in folk medicine The par t that had the medical proper ties was the roo t or specif ically the rhizomes which were gathered and dried It had to be carefully stored in air tight containers to secure the chemicals proper ties one o ther being bactericidal It was one o f the rarer used treatments being diff icult to gather and store
hed sc names ll s” e and tmas hs m e und a milk g b i d and e s b e n n e
King ntha the do mps sh oing
Ano ther plant that gro ws in abundance along the riverside is the Russian Comf rey. The deep bell- shaped flo wers are a bit too deep for the bees to reach do wn to get the nectar so they make a small hole in the side o f the petal to reach it. If you look carefully at the sides o f the flo wers you will be able to tell if a bee has visited it. The Russian Comfrey is a hybrid introduction o f the Borage family. It was used medicinally going back to the Roman era. Poultices were applied to wounds to stop bleeding. Some used it for ar thritis. It was used as a food crop, bu t it is co vered in prickly hairs so no t quite a delicacy. Tea was made f rom it to treat internal complaints Ho wever, in recent years it has been associated in scientif ic studies as a possible carcinogenic source
Hor ticulturally it has been a popular plant because o f its high nitrogen and po tassium content (NPK ) Mulches o f the cu t tops were laid around f ruit trees at one time No w a liquid feed made f rom the ro tting tops is the popular choice The cu t stems are placed in a big water container and as they decay the minerals are slo wly released An occasion stir helps it on its way bu t be warned it is a ver y smelly process An alternative (no t so smelly) is to allo w just the leaves to ro t do wn in a closed container and allo w the liquor to run ou t for collection underneath This is then watered do wn before feeding the plants
Please, please don't eat the daisies, Don't eat the daisies, please, please Please, please don't eat the daisies, Don't eat the daisies, please, please Or any o ther wild plant!
Foo tno te: All plants in bold gro w in the Glebe Meado ws.
Please mention the Arlesey News Magazine when responding to adver ts 15
AL FEN STOT C DECKI & ALL FOR TFOLD ING NEEDS ING FENCING YOUR YO Stotfold the contact 0146 call please Magazine News d Nath Call 07490 7 fenfoldfestotfo 731986 62 15009 9 Can you help us? We are keen to f ind a couple o f deliver y volunteers to help us with our deliveries in The Rally & Jubilee Crescent. If you have half an hour once a month to spare then we want to hear f rom you! Call us on 01462 731986 James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212 Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS
News from Our Local Churches.
News from St Peter ’s Church
nd we will be looking for ward days and the har vest to be en we give thanks for all the gifts o f that the land gives us. gro wn produce and the products made f rom what is gro wn, , y y p p n’t have enough food, no t just in the poorer nations, bu t on our o wn doorstep. Our Har vest Festival Ser vice is on Sunday the 24th September at 9.30am. All are welcome to come and join in our praise and thanks to God for our food and crops. If you are able to bring a gift to the ser vice we will be suppor ting the “The Need Project”, as they help people in the local community. (tinned food, cereals, co ffee, tea, sugar, maybe a “ treat” etc )
In August we carried ou t the topple test (as advised in the August issue) o f all the headstones in the churchyard This is required by law as a Health and Safety issue Some headstones have been laid do wn, as they were unstable If your headstone has been laid do wn, you can leave it as it is, or contact a stonemason to reinstate with modern f ixings Relatives and family, NOT the church are solely responsible for the maintenance and care o f their headstones A gentle reminder too, that edging around the grave, or stone chippings, are no longer allo wed
“Afternoon Tea” returns after the summer break, on 6th September at 2pm
I am sorr y to say that the process o f appointing a new V icar is still ongoing An adver t will be online and in the Church times in September with inter views in October We continue to pray for the right person who can lead this church into the fu ture
Ser vices
Our ser vice times are:-
1st, 3rd,4th,5th Sundays 9 30am
2nd Sunday All Age Worship 10 00am
Ref reshments are ser ved after each ser vice an oppor tunity to socialise.
Co ffee Mornings Tuesday 10.30am in church
10.30am-12 noon Toddler and Parent/Carer Group
1st Wednesday in the month Afternoon Tea 2- 4m - All Welcome
Helen Bardell, Churchwarden. 01462 731227/07967144571,
The Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms
Do you struggle with anxiety or depression?
Have you follo wed diets and still struggled to lose weight? Do you really want to quit smoking bu t don’t kno w ho w? Do you struggle with negative thought patterns or phobias? The Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms can help!
We can suppor t you to o vercome your negative thoughts and behaviours to create a positive fu ture
glen@thepathwayhypno therapyrooms co uk
Communit y Matters
Conditions treated include spinal and extremity injuries, neck related headaches and sprains/strains
Our revised opening hours:
Tues: 2pm-7pm Wed: 10am-7pm Thursday: 3pm-7pm
Friday: 10am - 1pm Saturday: 10am-2pm
Our Trading Standards Team are warning residents in Arlesey and the surrounding area to be on their guard after receiving repor ts o f unsolicited doorstep calls being carried ou t by individuals - kno wn as "No ttingham Knockers" - o ffering household goods for sale
It is alleged that the callers are claiming to have permission f rom Central Bedfordshire Council to carr y ou t cold-calling in the area and that they represent a training company which pro vides resettlement work and suppor ts the rehabilitation o f ex-o ffenders The claims being made are false We strongly recommend that residents do no t agree to bu y any goods or ser vices f rom an unexpected caller on their doorstep
If you are interested in what is being o ffered, we always advise that you take time to think abou t the purchase and consider shopping around f irst and, where relevant, obtain comparative quo tes f rom repu table local businesses before deciding to purchase goods or ser vices being o ffered
Residents who are considering having home impro vement work or repair work carried ou t can f ind appro ved local traders on our Bu y With Conf idence scheme If you suspect suspicious cold calling activity, please repor t it to us by calling 0808 223 1133 or by email at trading.standards
Wh ab know you do at flooding? local out
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go v uk Res Flood Building with Catch Innovative ilience Together Management ment
Resili A Gets Entry Every enTogether.Project@c informa more For tion: .uk
Update from the Need Project
Our latest facts & fi gures..
•784 parcels pro vided •349 top- up bags collected from our pop- up sites •£54,450 (food value for the month) £6,602 cost to run the centre each month •63 - increase in food parcels this month •1,785 adults, 1531 children, 43 pensioners helped this month.
Ano ther month gone and we are into August. Well what can I say. Sadly, I think July will be our biggest month since the star t o f the project, some 18 years ago. Over 750 family food parcels in July and hundreds o f top up bags at our drop ins.
Where is it going to end? We don’t kno w and as month on month it’s getting busier, it’s a big concern. Bu t, we are so ver y grateful for the amazing suppor t, through f inance, prayer and kindness sho wn to us as we carr y ou t the work o f feeding our neighbours who are stuggling in these diff icult times
I’ve said before that I wish we were no t needed and we did something else, bu t the ministr y o f the Need Project is to feed hungr y people, o f whatever colour, creed, gender, faith or non faith If you are genuinely struggling and hungr y, we will help via the 65 odd agencies who will willingly refer to our Project
Our building plans are going slo wly, bu t steadily mo ving and if God wants us to have the building, we believe we should have, He will deal with it
As always we are grateful for your suppor t and in July we have had several wonder ful gifts o f money and I pray that God will bless all those who have gifted to the ongoing work o f the Need Project
Please see our current repor t on our website at ts/.
In closing, thank you so much to all the volunteers who give some 1,000 hours a month at least to the Project. Withou t you, we would no t be able to function. Thank you to our staff to for going abo ve and beyond. A special thanks to Jean who is mo ving on, we wish her well in her new ventures.
The fu ture for us is exciting and also scar y, bu t if we stay focused on our mission to our neighbour with lo ve and kindness, then I kno w it will be ok
Thank you Gordon
To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 19
If you need to kno w more or want to look around our centre, please call me to arrange it.
Down Memory Lane
As we are in ‘fete season’ thank you to Simon Spoor for once again supplying us with this wonder ful sho t o f a past Arlesey Fete f rom yester year! Looks like a fancy dress parade - Can anyone name the year or indeed anyone pictured? We are always delighted to see your ‘old pho tographs’ and are ver y happy to collect them to borro w and then return Give us a call on 01462 731986 or send an email to arlesey news@yahoo com if you can have any you can share!
Useful Telephone Numbers
Arlesey To wn Council To wn Council Off ice Arlesey Community Centre, High Street, Arlesey, Beds
SG15 6SN Phone: 01462 733722
Email: clerk@arlesey-tc.go v uk
Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000
Email customer ser vices@centralbedfordshire go
Web www centralbedfordshire.go
Waste Collection / Recycling / Dog Warden / Fly tipping / Grass Cu tting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles
0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632
Way Sou th,
City, Her ts, SG6 1NY
ACORN -Arlesey Conser vation For Nature Mick Jackson 07970 734416 ( Treasurer)
acorn@gmail com
Citizen’s Advice Bureau 01525 402742 01525 841217 Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136 Churches St Peter ’s Church, 01462 731227 Arlesey Methodist Church Rev Graham Claydon-Knights 01438 721674 Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410 Kings Baptist Church 01462 730521 Salvation Army Sto tfold Corps 01462 731072 Council
Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144 www arleseymedicalcentre nhs uk Larksf ield Surger y Sto tfold: 01462 732200 Ou t o f Hours Ser vice 111 Emergencies Electricity Emergencies 0800 7 838 838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Helplines Childline 0800 1111 National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000 Housing First Garden City Homes 01462 683307 Pioneer House, Nor ton
Letchwor th Garden
Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544 Miscellaneous Arlesey Community Larder 07427 650080
Beds Rural Communities Charity 01234 838771 Letchwor th MS Unit 01462 487172 Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089 21
Police Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Hospitals Bedford Hospital 01234 355122 Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 0845 464700 300 8068 Librar y Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469 Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068 Pubs The White Horse 01462 621118 The Old Oak 01462 612536 The True Britton 07494 563496 Schools & Nurseries Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391 Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243 Go thic Mede Lo wer School 01462 732002 BEST Nurser y (Arlesey) 01462 732168 Arlesey Preschool @ WI Hall 07815 293670 Children’s Centre Sto tfold and District Children's Centre 01462 730623 Transpor t Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950 Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Boxall Taxis 01462 433 333 Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www greenacretransfers co uk"
Local Directory
WELCOME T O RCCG HOUSE OF MERCY, ARLESEY. It’s a great privilege and honour to welcome you to our Church, where we experience mercy beyond measure. Join us ever y Sunday. Our ser vice star ts at 10:00 am - 12:00 noon RCCG House of Mercy, Arlesey Village Town Hall, High Street, Arlesey SG15 6SN Telephone: 07903 985690 Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226 Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663 Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366 Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200 New Kitchens 01462 812826 Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215 Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559 Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642 Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393 Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508 Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357 Piano Lessons - Elmitt Piano Academy 07449 461465 Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Regency Flo wers 01462 732616 Remo vals - AG Jenkins 01462 730562 Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228 Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711 Arlesey News Magazine 01462 731986 Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217 Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401 Wate Remo val (Josas Waste) 07739 488472 Windo ws - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Windo w Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Yoga - Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611 Accountancy & TaxSue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) 01462 624926 ACORN Arlesey Conser vation For Nature 07970 734416 AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765 A JB Fencing 07837 791365 Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449 Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283 Arlesey Community Larder 07427 650080 Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286 Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200 Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361 Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292 Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783 Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611 Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500 Bews Electrical 01462 834488 Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997 BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314 Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Britannia Coaches 01462 436125 Broadband Communications 01462 732628 Brontë’s Floral Designs 07787 847141 BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884 Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823 Builders - SJ Brock 01462 231257 Carpentr y by Ray 01462 732814 Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Carpets & Flooring - Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312 Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674 Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997 Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363 Compu ter Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960 The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065 Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet ) Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322 Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141 Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765 EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040 Electrician - Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559 Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599 Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365 Finesse Interiors 01462 896046 First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730 Foo t Health Pro fessional - V icki Eagles 07812 399659 Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685 Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513 Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829 Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848 Guides - Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273 Henlo w Vets 01462 416416 Hypno therapy - Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531 James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292 Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363 Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995 22
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 23 NHS & Private Contact Lenses Night Time Lenses Vision Therapy Colorimetry Myopia Management Stotfold’s well established loc al opticians with an international reputation 50 HIgh Street, Stotfold SG5 4LL 01462 732393 www eyezone co uk