1 minute read
The New Library
from April 1928
by StPetersYork
W. H. Buchanan is another worthy of whom we hear little. It is known that he ran for Queen's at Fenners, and was successful in the mile and three miles.
J. L. McCowen is another who is about to sit for a Mechanical Drawing exam., and we hope to see his hours of patient labour suitably rewarded. He has become a victim to the habit of golf and spends most of his spare time cleaning his clubs.
L. H. J. Archer can be seen exercising his dog daily at 1-3o. He is engrossed in a study of the Law and has been heard to recite statutes in his sleep. It has been rumoured he has been learning to dance.
G. B. Robinson has been playing Hockey for John's II. His rooms are decorated with photos of film stars for whom, we presume, he has no small affection. He greatly enjoyed himself at the John's rugger dinner.
E. G. B. Atkinson, reading economics, entertained some workmen from the East End : they were greatly impressed on his recording some of their remarks in his notebook. He has also had dealings with Norman Bradley, the local pawn-broker, much to his own profit.
A. H. McCowen has been awarded his 4th Lent Boat Colours for Christ's, the river, however, has affected his health, and it is believed he has abandoned rowing.
We understand that various members of the School will be attempting scholarship and " Little-go " examinations shortly.
Wishing them and the School every success,
We remain, dear Sirs,
By the time this reaches most Old Peterites, the first sod should have been turned and the Library begun. All will be delighted to hear that the Bishop of Carlisle is now well enough to come and give the Library his blessing on July 22nd, which