6 minute read
House Reports
from April 1928
by StPetersYork
J. M. BIRKETT. 1923-7. School House. VIth Form. Played for 2nd XV., 1926., 1st XV., 1926-7. Cpl. in O.T.C.
School Choir. J. B. D. CHAPMAN. 1924-7. School House. Vth Modern.
Played for 2nd XI., 1926, 1st. XI., 1927. Colours, 1927.
Played for 2nd XV., 1926, 1st XV., 1926-7. Colours, 1927.
Played for Hockey XI., 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. F. M. BEACHELL. 1922-7. The Rise. A3. Played for 2nd
XV., 1927. Colours, 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. W. H. STEPHENSON. 1924-7. The Rise. VIth Modern.
Played for 2nd XI., 1927. Played for 2nd XV., 1927.
Colours, 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. J. CUNNINGHAM. 1923-7. The Manor. A3. 2nd IV. Colours,. 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. J. L. RITCHIE. 1924-7. Day Boy. B2. Played for 2nd
XI., 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. W. B. CAMPBELL. 1925-7. The Rise. B4. Played for 2nd XI., 1927. Cadet in O.T.C. L. Rix. 1923-7. Day Boy. VIth Modern. C. G. METCALFE. The Grove. Remove B. Cadet in O.T.C. C. W. SWINEY. 1927. School House. Bi. Cadet in O.T.C. T. E. C. BATTY. 1924-7. Day Boy. Bi. Cadet in O.T.C. E. RICHARDSON. 1925-7. Day Boy. B3.
Perhaps one of the most important things that has happened this term, is our winning of the inter-house rugger cup. Especially as it is the first time the Cup has been competed for by teams that really do represent their Houses, instead of representing only the junior members in each House.
We must offer our congratulations to Mr. Davies for the able manner in which he carried out the difficult task of refereeing the House final.
Our congratulations must also go to C. Dixon for winning the Cross-country run, for only those who have experienced this pleasant form of recreation know the amount of what we must term for want of a better word, " guts " is necessary to win such a race. It is a pity that he was not better backed up by the rest of the team, whose " team work " incidentally could not be grumbled at, had they not unfortunately overlooked the odd fifteen men or so who preceded them, and so enabled us to retain the plate
The House IV. in spite of much adverse criticism, and a certain tendency to " roll " when paddling, showed their best work when rowing, and retained the much coveted Cup. The 2nd IV. after they had overcome their slight differences of opinion, managed to get well together during the last week of training, and rowed a very creditable race in semi-final against the Rise 1st IV., our opponents in the final.
The House boat Club must also be congratulated upon providing five members of the House Hockey XI., not bad for the so-called " galley-slaves " is it ?
We are glad to see that our famous game of asphalt Hockey has returned to its former passing and dribbling game, as opposed to last year's under-cutting game, which doubtless some people may have enjoyed, but which caused much annoyance to the unfortunate owners of studies whose windows were more often broken than not.

We must congratulate R. G. Bullen on receiving his School Hockey Colours, and C. L. Troop on his able captaincy of the House Rugger team and Boat Club.
The following have received their House Colours, to whom we offer our congratulations :—Rugger :—C. G. Rob, R. C. Crosthwaite, T. B. Eveleigh, W. D. Draffan, B. V. Rhodes, J. B. Pickersgill, and C. H. Prince. Coxing :—P. 0. Dowson.
" In conclusion " as our House supper speakers would say, " We wish the House the best of luck in the future, and are sure they will win everything in the sport line," and we ourselves feel it our duty to " tell the world " with all due modesty, that out of the nine inter-house trophies in the School, we possess . seven of them.
Etherington gained the second place for the Dayboys' House in the Cross Country this year. Wareham, Hill, and Bean, also gained quite good places.
We were unfortunate in losing the Rugger to the Manor, by twenty-four to nil. In spite of bad ground conditions, and the outclassing of our backs, we put up a good fight. We desire to congratulate the Manor on their success.
A similar fate awaited us in the First Division Boat Races ; the Manor again beat us, by three lengths. The number of Dayboys who took the trouble to change and run with the boat is worthy of mention.
In Boxing, we have four representatives in the Finals, Golden, Cutforth, Etherington, and Barton.
Meeting the Grove in the Inter-House Hockey, we beat them by four goals to one : Fearne did all our scoring, and is to be congratulated on his good play.
Three Dayboys, Golden, Hutchinson, and Wood, have entered for the Cert. A " Exam. The complete results are not yet to hand.
We have entered a large number of competitors for the Sports : and for our Second Boat, ably coached by Mr. Ping, we have high hopes in the forthcoming Second Division Races.
Three of our number have been up to universities this term for examinations. Hewitt has been awarded the llo Choral Scholarship at King's College, Cambridge—the highest musical award of its kind at the university ; and he is to be heartily congratulated on a well-deserved success. The results of the examinations taken by Parkinson and Bamforth have not yet been published.

We welcome this opportunity of informing our old boys of the recent activities of the House.
We much regret the loss of Wood and Metcalfe last September, both of whom we feel sure would have been a great asset to us this term.
In the Rugger we gave the Rise a good game, only being beaten ' 9-3-
We have succeeded in winning back the Cross-Country Plate from the School House, and we heartily congratulate Rymer, Platts, Young, and Davenport, on being in the first ten.
As a result of the very able coaching of L. Baker, Esq., our House Boat gave the Rise an exciting race, being eventually beaten by two lengths.
At Hockey we were defeated by the Dayboys (4-1).
In conclusion, we heartily congratulate H. Haigh-Lumby on receiving his Hockey Colours, thus making him a triple colour.
Unduly optimistic or not, we must admit that the Rise cherished many hopes at the beginning of this term with regard to the Inter-House events. However, our hopes were dashed to the ground and we have to report a gain of nil, whether owing to lack of talent or ill-luck, we leave others to decide. Our casualties have been annoying, particularly in the case of the 1st IV. whose practice was once or twice entirely suspended. And so, although success attended us against the Grove and House II., we did not put up a very bright effort against House I. in the final.
In the Rugby ties we managed to beat the Grove, who put up an unexpectedly stiff fight, but came down rather badly against the House, who with a vastly heavier pack, overwhelmed us, 37-0.
Our first three home in the Cross-country plate came in third, ninth, tenth, but lack of a good fourth man prevented our gaining second place.
In the Hockey House matches we were beaten by a moderately strong House team, 4-2.
Out of six entries for Certificate " A," five passed the Practical, thus becoming eligible for the Theoretical, of which the results are not yet available.
In conclusion, we should like to congratulate the School House on winning the Rugby and Boating Cups, and the Grove, -on the very fine effort put up by them in winning the Crosscountry Plate.