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O.P. News
from April 1928
by StPetersYork
We must here take the opportunity of thanking the St. Peter's Junior Colts for playing two or three practice games with us. I think all those who played in these games enjoyed them and it helped St. Olave's immensely to get together as a team.
On March 6th we played Red House School, Marston Moor , at Hockey, and beat them by six goals to nil. Our return match
is to be played on Thursday, March 29th, at Red House.
The following represented St. Olave's in the teams this term :Mann (captain) Ogley, Lee (ma), Atkinson (ma), Hedley, Darton, Gosden, Howard, Smithson, Simpson, Perry, Croskell, Atkinson (mi.), Lyth, Lee (mi.), Powell, Beachell, Jones, Boyd, and Baines.
Frank Pick, O.P. (1893-97) has been appointed managing director of the London Underground Railways and London
General Omnibus Company.
ST. PETER'S DAY, 1928.
The St. Peter's Day Commemoration will be postponed this year until July 21st-22nd. It is felt that this arrangement will be a very much more convenient one for all concerned, since the Higher and School Certificate Examinations, which begin on July 2nd, will then be completed.
The match, therefore, between the School and the O.P. XI. will take place on Saturday, July 21st those wishing to play are asked to send in names as soon as possible to D. Norwood, Esq., St. Peter's School, York.
It is proposed to repeat last year's activities on the river on St. Peter's Day this year ( July 21st). We should like to raise three O.P. Crews to row the short course. Will any O.P's. wishing to row send in their names, as soon as possible, to K. H. Rhodes, Esq., St. Peter's School, York ?