308 many people may disapprove of this paraphrased version of John of Gaunt's famous speech : " This Royal throne of Kings " ("Richard II," Act II, Sc. i), it is said that H.M. the King very much enjoyed it at the Empire Day Concert at the Albert Hall. During the term a new chant, "Jubilee Blackbird " (Psalm 67), written by F. H. Barnby, Esq., and a new hymn, " Brooklands " (Songs of Praise, No. 233), written by M. P. L. Wall, have been sung by the School.
Correspondence. To the Editors of The Peterite." Dear Sirs, I should like to take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Ping and Mr. Rhodes for the excellent work they have done this term on the river bank. Unfortunately, Mr. Ping has been unable to give us all the attention he would have wished ; I should like to express the deep sympathy of the Boating Club to him on his recent bereavement. Mr. Rhodes very nobly stepped in, and trained all three crews for York Regatta, and also the " Eight." Our thanks are also due to Mrs. Toyne for her excellent tea. Yours faithfully, M. P. L. WALL, Captain of Boats.
To the Editors of " The Peterite." Dear Sirs, Through the medium of your pages I would like to thank Mr. Toyne, Mr. Bourne and Mr. Cooper for their valuable coaching of the School Cricket XI. Also our thanks are due to Roberts for his coaching and the excellent wickets he has prepared, and to Elton, who has given up so much time to come and bowl at us. To Mr. Featherstone all credit is due for his excellent handling of the more Junior cricket, and to Mrs. Toyne for her teas, which are so greatly appreciated. Yours faithfully, N. A. NEWMAN, Captain of Cricket.