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Old Peterite News
from April 1936
by StPetersYork
The U.P. Club, although flourishing at present, views with grave concern the prospect of its complete disappearance within the next year or two, due to the continued absence of any prospective members coming up to take exams. J. N. EMERY (St. John's) still has a motorbike, and is still a member of the Union Committee. R. W. MOORE (Sidney Sussex) also has a motorbike. He is becoming a typical scientist, but continues to row occasionally for Sidney Sussex Second Boat. V. W. G. MUSGROVE (St. Catherine's) is becoming more and more elusive as term follows term. He has been seen playing hockey for St. Catherine's 1st XI. N. A. HUDDLESTON (Trinity) is believed to be working hard in the intervals between 25-mile walks. L. A. LITTLE (Sidney Sussex), not having any exams. this year;. has been doing nothing in a remarkably accomplished manner.. H. E. T. SUMMERS (Queens') says he is working, but it is not very noticeable. He still finds time to play hockey for
Queens' 1st XI.
W. D. YARDLEY (St. John's) has acquired yet another. " Blue " (Hockey this time, for which congratulations), and is probably still studying Law in his spare time. Yours, etc., THE CAMBRIDGE OLD PETERITES..
eto peten te illews.
Dr. C. Northcote Parkinson has been awarded the Julian Corbett Prize in Naval History by the Senate of the University of London; the successful work is his book, " Edward Pellew, Viscount Exmouth.," published by Methuen's in 1934. Dr. Parkinson, who is a Research Fellow of Emmanuel College,. Cambridge, received the degree bf Doctor of Philosophy last autumn in recognition of his thesis " Trade and War in the Eastern Seas, 1803-1810."
C. Paley Scott, K.C., has been appointed Chancellor of theCounty Palatine of Durham.
H. C. Scott has been appointed Clerk to the Magistrates for the City of York.
W. A. Clarke has passed the Law Society's final exam., held last November, at Leeds, and has been admitted a Solicitor.
The O.P. Squash Club had a brilliant run of successes at Queen's Club, when competing in the Londonderry Cup. They reached the semi-finals and were beaten by Eton with their two middle strings unable to play. The score was 3-2.
P. W. Arnold has left England for Portugal, where he is to, work in the wine trade. We wish him luck.
R. Arnold is recuperating from illness, but will be taking up; an engineering post in Wales in six months' time.
P. N. Baines and H. N. E. Frisby paid us a visit during last erm. Baines is in the Police Force and Frisby is in the Manchester Regiment, stationed at Strensall.
D. McLean seems to be enjoying his work with the Yorkshire. Copper Company, and C. H. Vasey enjoys Oxford despite Chemistry and Rowing, at both of which he is doi'ng very well.
N. J. L. Brockbank, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford, is articled o the legal firm of O.P.s, Crombie and Wilkinson, of York.
O.P.s who date back sixty years will have pleasant memories. of the Third Form Master, the Rev. E. Bulmer, M.A., who died,, a nonagenarian, at Filey, recently.
The Editors will be pleased to accept apy information about O.P.s which is sent to " The Peterite."
The Old Peterite Cricket Match will be played on Saturday,. J uly 25th. Will all those who wish to play kindly send their names; o K. G. Chilman, Esq., as soon as possible. t
The Old Peterite Boat Races will take place this year either at 6 p.m. in the evening of July 24th, or in the morning of July 25th. Will any Old Peterites who would like (or would be willing) to row kindly inform K. H. Rhodes, Esq., as soon as possible, and definite details will be sent to them later.
The Old Peterite Dinner will be held on Saturday, July 25th_ All intending to be present should send in their names to K. H.. Rhodes, Esq., St. Peter's School. Details of time and place will be announced later.