O.T.C. NEWS. Last term the General Inspection took place on June 16th. The Inspecting Officer was Colonel H. A. R. Aubrey, O.B.E., M.C., Commanding the 146th Infantry Brigade. After the general salute and march past, the senior cadets were instructed to drill sections and detail arms drill. Later the N.C.O.'s were examined in sand table exercises by the Inspecting Officer. Colonel Aubrey, who also inspected the contingent last year, again gave the corps a very satisfactory report. After the General Inspection, parades were devoted to practising for the section drill competition. This year saw a change in this and the section shooting competitions. In each case an average for the whole of each House was taken, the House with the highest average winning, whereas in previous years the best sections have won. The Rise retained the Drill Cup by a narrow margin, and Temple House won the Shooting with little difficulty. The Band has been putting in a great deal of hard work in preparation for camp, and has now reached its usual high standard. So also have the guard under the able instruction of Sergeant-Major Puddick. During the course of the term, Captain P. H. Sykes took the N.C.O.'s into the country for some tactical exercises. These expeditions were extremely enjoyable and instructive, and we should like to thank Captain Sykes for giving us this tuition in his spare time. The following promotions were made during the course of last term:C.Q.M.S. Graham was promoted to C.S.M. Sergeant Harding was promoted to C.Q.M.S. Corporals Cockburn and Dixon, and Lance-Corporals Rylatt and Wright were promoted to Sergeants. Lance-Corporals Ping, Brockbank and Shepherd were promoted to Corporals. Cadets Smith and Whitney were promoted to LanceCorporals. ROLL OF N.C.O.'s. C.S.M.: G. E. L. Graham. C.Q.S.M. : J. T. Harding. Sergeants : P. B. Cockburn, R. S. Dixon, S. P. H. Rylatt, J. A. Wright. Corporals : J. M. Rucklidge, A. C. Ping, J. T. Brockbank, G. E. Shepherd. Lance-Corporals : D. Smith, Whitney. 65