No. 332
EDITORIAL The Old Peterite Rugger match, which took place on the last Saturday of the term, was a singularly enjoyable occasion. The result of the game is not perhaps of enduring importance, though the School may congratulate itself on its victory over an O.P. side which looked very formidable on paper. The match had been originally arranged for the previous Saturday but bad weather caused a postponement—a fortunate chance for the School, perhaps, since changes were thus necessitated in the O.P. side, and Wyatt-Gunning and his team did not, in fact, have to face the well-nigh invincible O.P. XV originally chosen. But apart from providing an enjoyable game the afternoon proved a pleasant social gathering. In the nature of things O.P. rugger sides include many Peterites who have not long left the School, and the game attracts many younger O.P.s as spectators. A very pleasant tea-party, at which the Head Master and Mrs. Dronfield were present, embraced several members of the Staff and a large number of O.P.s besides the actual participants in the game. This reunion of so many Old Peterites whose memories of their schooldays are still green, the renewal of their acquaintance with the present XV, whom they would remember perhaps as insignificant juniors, and the opportunity of contact with House Masters and other members of the Staff—all this had an intimate flavour which was unique. We hope this innovation of an extended Old Peterite tea after the match will he continued in future years. The appointment of the Head Master to the North Regional Advisory Council of the B.B.C., reconstituted under the new charter— an item of news which we gleaned from the Press towards the close of the term—is, we feel, an index of the standing of St. Peter's in the North of England, and we can enjoy a reflected satisfaction in the distinction conferred upon him. Perhaps the value and amount of voluntary public service which Mr. Dronfield generously undertakes is not sufficiently realised. He is keenly interested in all forms of social welfare work, and his duties as a Magistrate entail the Chairmanship of the Juvenile Panel and of the Probation Committee. He is, too, one of the Board of Visitors of the Askham Bryan "prison