twenty-eight Scouts were old friends. This has thrown an added burden of responsibility on the Patrol Leaders (Bradshaw, Bytheway, Ormiston and Yeomans) and they have responded to the challenge very well. However, most of the places were filled by Scouts from St. Olave's who were already Second Class; and the Tenderfeet are a brighter lot than usual. Training on all levels has proceeded steadily throughout the term, with an occasional wide game by way of a change. But the most memorable event of the term was the Field Day on 28th October. The four patrols set off on cross-country hikes from Strensall, Stamford Bridge, Sand Hutton and Bugthorpe, all converging on Kirkham Abbey. During the hike each member of the patrol had an allotted task to perform similar in nature to that required for First Class Journeys. These reports were then collected and written up by the Patrol Leaders, and the final Hike Reports were very commendable. The Scouters intercepted the patrols en route for lunch and organised a first-aid exercise at Kirkham : the results of the latter were far from commendable. Nevertheless all agreed over tea (transported by the indefatigable Austin) that it had been a good day. Term ended with a bigger and better Camp Fire which is separately reviewed. It is only necessary here to thank those members of this Troop who contributed towards its success.
RUGBY FOOTBALL, 1958 RETROSPECT To the game as a whole, the 1958-59 season will always be remembered for the introduction of what are still commonly called the "new" rules. The learning of these and their implications became our first task. We had to accustom ourselves to the idea that the sight of a scrum-half, lying full-stretch on the ground while placing the ball for a conversion, was now a thing of the past; so, too, in large measure had the playing of the ball with the foot after a tackle disappeared; instead we were to see a palpable knock-on under the "old" rules being permitted after a kick, and strange things happening with "near" feet in the front row of a scrummage. To the new rules we can lay no blame for our lack of success, but rather must we blame our own shortcomings, and the fact that as the season progressed, so the team went to pieces. Admittedly the 1957 list of "valetes" had skimmed off all the cream and much besides, and retrospects of recent years had referred to disappointing seasons for the Colts teams; yet, in spite of these ill omens, the season began not unsatisfactorily and not without some measure of hope. From the very first practice game, however, one very dangerous weakness was exposed, which in the end became the 33