Oct 1960

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The training programme consisted of the usual films and lectures, which accentuated aircraft servicing and maintenance. One whole day was devoted to a map-reading exercise, in which the School sections acquitted themselves very honourably, due, perhaps, to their superior knowledge of the countryside around York. An instructive visit to R.A.F. Leeming was arranged for one afternoon, during which we were shown the latest radar equipment, Javelin jet fighter aircraft, and Canberra bombers. Other training activities included a visit to the control tower and classification shooting, in which the School flight gained and retained a high number of marksmen Since we were the only C.C.F. at Linton, the other flights being made up of Air Training Corps sections, our flying, which was in Chipmunks, was restricted to two half-hour flights each. For some of the older cadets, there was a chance of a flight in a Sea Prince aircraft, which unfortunately did not materialise, since the plane was unserviceable. Some boys were to have been decompressed for jet flights in the future, but this, too, did not take place. However, Cpl. Shubrook was lucky enough to win a flight in a Vampire T-11, which marked the climax of our flying activities. It is hoped that some flying can be arranged at Linton during term time. Although there was very little of the popular inter-flight competitions, it was generally agreed that R.A.F. Linton provided an excellent camp as far as the St. Peter's School contingent was concerned. C.L.B.

THE SCOUT GROUP Mr. Holbeche, who has been Scout Master for four years, has reluctantly decided that he can no longer give up the time to run the Scout Troop, and next term Mr. Craine will be presented with his warrant as Scout Master. We are very grateful to Mr. Holbeche for all that he has done for the Scout Troop and in particular for stepping in at a time when the future of the Group seemed jeopardised by the shortage of Scouters. We are glad to know that Mr. Holbeche will continue to help the Group whenever possible and he has already been unwary enough to suggest that he might be seen at camp again. We say goodbye to a number of Senior Scouts who are leaving School. Among them we are very sorry to lose J. M. Smith and D. E. Coulson, who have been two of our longest serving and hardest working Assistant Scout Masters. We are very grateful to them for all that they have done, particularly in the Senior Scout Troop. We were very shocked to learn of the death by drowning of one of our Senior Scouts, M. J. Macartney. Those of us who were privileged to be at camp with him only a fortnight before his death will long remember his good humour and his willingness to undertake any camp job, no matter how menial. 48

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