club so that all those who row, apart from the regatta crews, get their fair share of attention is no easy task, but is one which Mr. Howat has achieved with great success. But perhaps the least realised and probably the most important contribution which Mr. Howat has made to the Boat Club has been in the maintenance of the boats. With the amount of use that all the boats get this has been a never-ending job to which he has given hours of his time. He was always ready to tackle any job from the most delicate work of patching the hull of a fine boat to the re-building of the boathouse steps. Without his constant attention it is hard to see how the boats could have been kept on the water at all. And so from all past and present members of the Boat Club we should like to say "thank you" to Mr. Howat.
SHOOTING At beginning of term the "Country Life" results arrived : 1st VIII 39th, 2nd VIII 44th (out of 147). The 1st VIII result was about what was expected, in view of the poor showing in the "Landscape" target, and was below our real form. The 2nd VIII has not previously attained so high a place. This result in a sense summarises the position of shooting in the School not only in the winter, but on the open range in the summer as well : there are a considerable number of good shots, but not enough outstanding ones to make a winning VIII. A side effect of this has been the extreme difficulty of selecting teams. The usual practices—somewhat hampered by rain towards the end—have been held at Strensall, and in future it should be possible to make more use of these ranges, as the new school bus will make transport easy. On two Saturdays in June the competition for the Donegal Badge was held, the winner being J. D. A. Platts. Competition results have been satisfactory in all cases, and good in some. They may be summarised thus : County of Lancaster Rifle Association meeting at Altcar. C.L.R.A. Cup (Ashburton conditions)-2nd. Sir Lionel Fletcher (Marling conditions)-4th. Freeman Cup (Plate-knocking)--Won. Ninth Man (Sgt. Lord represented us)-2nd. East and West Ridings C.C.F. Cup, shot at Strensall. (Team of 4, Service conditions)—Won. National Rifle Association meeting at Bisley. Ashburton-29th. Marling-8th. Cadets-33rd. Spencer Mellish (individual : we were represented by S.S.M. Baker)-9th. 69