names and faces of current acquaintances may be growing vaguer with advancing age. Yet, in an instant Blank and Dash are back with him in that well-remembered form room. He can recall every small particular of their appearances, every nuance of their voices, and every trick of their individual mannerisms; and he feels tempted to fill in the printed postcard that will inform the editor of their society that he himself (1925) recently celebrated his silver wedding, and published an article on the origins of the field-system in Wester Ross. If his own school record was distinguished intellectually rather than athletically—if indeed it can be said to have been distinguished at all—he will tend to skim through the accounts of the prowess of the XV and the XI, giving more attention to the "Letters from the Universities". Such pleasantries as "Rumours that A. N. Other (1960) is playing law and reading rugger should be discounted" will reassure him that undergraduates are still writing as undergraduates have always written; but it is small items of incidental school news that will really rivet his attention. That the Play Reading Society tackled Caucasian Chalk Circle, Roots, and The Cocktail Party astonishes and delights him. That the School House bicycle shed has been re-roofed bridges the intervening years in a flash. Footnote: (C) The Times Publishing Company Limited, 1962. All rights reserved.
Reprinted, by permission from The Times, of January 27th, 1962.
SCHOOL NEWS At the end of term presentations were made on behalf of the Staff and the School to Mr. and Mrs. Dronfield in honour of the Head Master's completion of twenty-five years at St. Peter's. * * * C. J. Marsay has been awarded an Open Scholarship in Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Oxford. * * C. J. Territt has succeeded P. Collins as Head of the School and J. G. Ainley has been appointed Vice-Head of the School; D. H. Rhodes becomes Head of School House and C. J. Parker Head of The Rise; J. A. B. Carruthers and M. E. Robson have been appointed School Monitors. * * * Mr. P. H. Bolton, M.A., The Queen's College, Oxford, has joined the Staff as Head of the English Department and Mr. N. T. Burbridge, B.Sc., Leeds, has joined the Science Staff. * * * During the term Messrs. D. Biltcliffe, M. S. Oxley and D. R. Wright were attached to the Staff as Student Masters. * * * We congratulate both Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and Mrs_ Johnston on the birth of a son. * * * A Careers Convention and Exhibition were held in the School on Friday and Saturday, 16th and 17th March. A report appears elsewhere in the magazine. * * * Stainer's 'Crucifixion' was sung in Chapel on Sunday, 25th March, by the Choral Society with the congregation joining in the singing of the hymns. 3