May 1973

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The Easter term started with a film meeting on 18th January when two films were shown: "More Meat Matters" and "Farming by Air", a film on aerial spraying. On 18th February Mr. C. Swiers, an Old Peterite, came to talk on Hill Sheep Farming. He explained how closely lowland sheep farming is integrated with hill sheep farming. Then he talked about the programme of the sheep farming year and finally closed with a film on hill sheep farming. On 15th February Mr. Cozins from John Smith's came to talk to the club about brewing; he explained what types of barley are suitable for brewing and talked about hop farming; then with the help of slides he outlined the brewing process. The final meeting of the term on 8th March was a talk about pigs by Mr. Richardson. He talked about breeding pigs, then he showed slides of various breeds of pig. We had an outing on 22nd February to York Cattle Market by courtesy of Mr. Stephenson. It is hoped to be able to arrange some more outings for the summer term. D.C.F.

MODERN LANGUAGES SOCIETY Towards the end of the Christmas term, a bus-load of Middle and Senior School Peterites attended the York Schools' multi-lingual carol concert held in the Lyons Concert Hall at York University. Supported by the Chapter House Choir and ably directed and coerced by Andrew Carter, the large gathering of boys and (mostly) girls spent an enjoyable evening singing carols in English, French, German, Italian, Latin and Spanish. During the Easter term visits were arranged to the Universities of Bradford and, once again, York. At the first, VIth form linguists heard a lecture on social aspects of Corneille's plays and attended a presentation of "L'Impromptu de Paris" by Jean Giraudoux. At York the annual lecture for Vlth forms on "A" level texts was this year given by Professor L. C. Sykes, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leicester, who treated three plays of Moliere in a typically professional and often amusing fashion which was appreciated by all present. The Arthur Craven Memorial Prizes for Spoken French have been awarded to Paul Demuth in the Senior School, and Simon Wallace in the Middle School, the latter succeeding against many worthy competitors from his age-group. Examples of project work in French on the City of York and Regions of France, produced by IVth formers under the guidance of Mr. Leng, are now on permanent display in the Rhodes Room. Parents and friends of the School are invited to inspect these at any time. Those planning trips to France or visiting York for the first time should find this particularly rewarding. (Rumour has it that similar publications might emerge from the Middle School—in German.) To all those visiting the Continent for family holidays, academic courses or to find temporary work : Bon Voyage : Gute Fahrt : Buen Viaje. D. H. 18

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