The "Flying Doctor" who wrote this vivid account of his work is M. J. McCallum (Manor 1949-54). Port Hedland is in Western Australia. and Dr. McCallum says "I am very willing to correspond with any boy who is thinking of coming out to Western Australia. I have never been to the Eastern State." His address is in the O.P. Changes of Address list at the end of this edition.
OLD PETERITE NEWS A meeting of the General Committee of the Old Peterite Club w held at the School on December 16th. Dates for Regional Dinners were announced as follows:Birmingham—Monday, 19th March, at the Staff House, Univ of Birmingham. Sheffield—Thursday, 3rd May. East Riding—Friday, 25th May, at the Highfield Country Driffield. West Riding—Monday, 29th October, at the Barn Inn, Co London—Friday, 9th November, at the Charing Cross Hotel. It was resolved that the next meeting of the General Co should be held on. Saturday, 5th May, 1973.
COMMEMORATION 1973 Old Peterites are reminded that the 1973 School Commemoration will be held on July 13th, 14th and 15th, and Old Peterites are urged to support it. The Headmaster has again kindly agreed that a limited number of unaccompanied O.P.'s (in order of application) can be accommodated in the Junior School, charge £1 per night for bed and breakfast. Old Peterites are reminded that the President of the Club will, as is customary at Commemoration, lay a wreath on the Memorial Shrine in the Ante-Chapel at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, July 14th, and it is hoped that O.P.'s attending Commemoration will accompany him. The O.P. Club Annual Dinner will be held at the School on Saturday, July 14th (price £1.50p). It is hoped that Old Peterites, who wish to come' to the dinner, will apply for tickets in good time. Organisers for the O.P. teams for the Sporting Events, with whom members wishing to take part are asked to communicate, are as follows:— Boat Races: R. J. Carson, 10 Muncastergate, York. Cricket: J. A. Shouksmith, Denstone College Preparatory School, Smallwood Manor, Uttoxeter, Staffs. Golf : J. C. M. Rayson, 2 St. Olave's Road, Clifton, York. Tennis: G. M. Todd, 6 Heworth Hall Drive, Heworth, York. 64