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This week has been one full of excitement and colour in Reception as we have been learning all about the Hindu Festival of Colour. We have been helped by two very special teachers, Siri and her mummy! Siri has been explaining to us how she likes to celebrate it with her family, helping us with some tricky name pronunciations and baking colourful biscuits for us. Yum!

In class we have been making Rangoli patterns, smelling spices, tasting poppadoms and samosas and making yellow paint from Turmeric which is a symbol of good health and good luck. Then on Wednesday we had our day of celebration that we had all been waiting for. Despite Holi being a festival to welcome in the spring, we began the day with flurries of snow! Undeterred, with a few slight plan changes, our Holi party went ahead.

We had large scale art and painting and Bollywood dancing led by Siri’s mummy, which we all loved. Then our grand finale was the paint throwing. Dressed in goggles and waterproofs we collected our colourful powder and had great fun covering each other in it. What a fabulous end to a wonderful day. A special thank you to Siri and her mummy.

Happy Holi!

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