requiring toughness with skill and diplomacy; it could be exciting but it I must by its nature be dangerous; it is active service. On 10th May a Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving for Captain William Nigel Marshall was held in Chapel. During the Service a wreath in the colours of the Royal Marines was laid on the Old Peterite War Memorial by three Cadets of the Royal Navy Section of the CCF led by the Contingent Coxswain, Vincent Feeney. In offering our deep sympathy to Mr and Mrs Marshall and their family we share the pride they must feel in Nigel's achievement and promise. D.G.C.
LETTERS Khyaban Behar No. 10, Khyaban Bakhtiar Tehran - Iran During my recent journey to South Africa, where I was the guest and speaker at the Lions Convention, I called and met Roy Arnold, who is Managing Director of Hubert Davies, and is running a most flourishing business. They were extremely kind and invited my wife, Akram, and I to lunch with them and we recalled our school days at St Peter's School, York and the progress it has made over all these years. Mollie, Roy's wife, was a marvellous hostess. I heard from Roy that his brother is now in Johannesburg too. So I called him on the telephone and we had a good chat and it was nice to know that two O.P.s were in Johannesburg and were doing very well indeed. I hope that if any O.P.s visit Iran they will take time off to call me up at the above address. A letter in advance, if at all possible, is always good advice. Let me tell you that as a Director of Lions International for Africa and South West Asia I have a two-year honorary job in addition to my bread earning one. I have travelled over 100,000 kilometers to attend four board meetings this year. I have travelled in Africa and South West Asia to the extent of 50,000 kilometers and have been to Sri Lanka, Bombay, Delhi, Kuwait, Bahrain, Beiruth, Cairo, Nairobi, Johannesburg. Tomorrow I am going to Pakistan and Dubai. All this is for the purpose of motivating my flock, the Lions, to serve their fellow men. I have been guest speaker in London and Chicago, talking to Lions Clubs, and also at Berlin at the European Lions Forum. I have travelled 2,000 kilometers in Iran for the same purpose and since I have no secretary I have written 8,000 letters by hand this yeari.e. July 74 to June 75. On 16th June I shall be in Dublin. We shall be having our Annual Convention of Lions International. We have in attendance some 40,000 people from 146 countries—more nations in our Lions than in U.N. We now have over 1,100,000 members. There is a Lions Club in York too and at times I have corresponded with them. With best wishes, S. K. Kazerooni 93