The weekend before the Confirmation Service the St. Peter's candidates went away to Marrick Priory (Youth Centre) near Reeth, with Mr. and Mrs. Butler, my wife and myself. We spent the weekend discussing "Belonging" (to society, school, the Church, etc.) and were able to go fell walking and canoeing. (Here I felt a duty to keep an eye on things from the bank, rather than go canoeing myself!) We were able to display in the school ante-chapel the results of the various discussions, and certainly found the two days an invaluable preparation for Confirmation. Preachers during the year have been the Rev. Bob Lewis (Archbishop's Chaplain) at the Beginning of Year Service, myself at Harvest, and the Headmaster at Commemoration. Jillian Harness, aged 17 years, died in April after a valiant and cheerful battle against cancer. Great numbers of her friends in all the school years came to the Memorial Service in Chapel. The whole school responded magnificently to a special collection for Cancer Research, an organisation that Jillian herself did so much to help. At the very beginning of the School year the new vestments were dedicated at a communion service. These are the "Margaret Ping Memorial Gift", and we are most grateful to Hugh Ping for his generous help in the purchase of these cassock-albs in memory of his mother. The term and year ended with the Commemoration Service, devised this year by the Headmaster. The choir played a very important part, as always, and the whole service was uplifted by the magnificent playing of the band. I hope that they will be able to play for us far more frequently than in the past. The choir have given a good lead at the weekday services and have sung at all the special occasions in chapel. Their anthem at the Memorial Service and their singing at the Advent Carol Service were particularly outstanding. We are indebted to Mr. Pemberton and all the choir. My thanks to all members of the Chapel Committee for their very helpful ideas and for their efforts. Particular thanks go to Roderick Craig for his two years' service as a most reliable and unflappable crucifer; to Tony Miller as a very able and dedicated Sacristan; and to William Barnish as an exceptionally efficient and articulate Secretary. The chapel has been beautified throughout the year by Sheila Nix and all the women who have helped her with the flowers. We are most grateful to them. We have been able to welcome this year the new chaplain of St. Olave's, the Rev. Raymond Hargreaves, and we wish him well. J. M. R.
COMMEMORATION SERVICE - 14th July, 1979 The Headmaster delivered the following sermon: At Commemoration we are "compassed about by a great cloud of witnesses". We remember those whose lives helped build up this School and influenced us, its present members. Perhaps each of us will see among that great cloud a few individual faces whose memory remains most strongly with us. Especially I remember some who died having spent the most 23