Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: A Simple Carousel Medium: Black ink on cardstock paper Size: 30 cm x 180 cm Intention: Artist Debbie Smythe inspired this piece. This is a simple piece that allows audience members to recall their memories while viewing. The simple horses allow others to remember the type of horses that they used to ride on carousels. By using black ink, it also aids in having the piece leave a straightforward impression.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Fading Medium: Acrylic Paint on Canvas Size: 46 cm x 60 cm Intention: This acrylic painting represents the intertwining of sadness with memories. My decision to paint the background blue symbolizes sadness, which contributes to the message that memories are constantly fading away. The daisies symbolize innocence, which contributes to the overall communication of childhood memories.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: This is not a Palm Tree Medium: Ink on Rice Paper Size: 22 cm x 12 cm Intention: This artwork is based on my memories and a photo I took as a young child. As the piece progresses from left to right, the ink becomes more vibrant and saturated, and the little sketched figure starts to grow up. As a young girl, my parents always told me to reach for the sky, which is the reason for the blue background. The subject matter is based on a ride from Playland called the Atmosphere. I decided to use this ride since it was the one that I would always ride.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Against the World Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas Size: 31 cm x 32 cm Intention: This acrylic painting represents the idea of independence in the world. The wolf is a symbol of independence and the background of the stars displays the idea of being a bold part of the universe, speaking to the idea that independence occurs everywhere. This is important to me as I will sometimes be by myself and need to adapt to that environment. Frida Kahlo inspired me to use this symbol in my painting as she uses them in her pieces.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Reach out! Medium: Acrylic Paint on canvas and watercolour Size: 31 cm x 61cm Intention: The piece features a hand reaching for stars. This represents the saying “reach for the stars�, which was said as encouragement by important people in my life. The hand-painted on the canvas is separated from the stars, showing the distance and the difficulty that can come with effort. I used two different mediums, emphasizing the stars and demonstrating contrast.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Missing Dogs in the Living Room Medium: Easy dry clay and acrylic paint Size: 9 cm x 5 cm Intention: The piece is a combination of a sculpture with a canvas painting. The dogs represented are my childhood pets. In the background, there is a painting of the living room that I would spend the most time in. This represents the idea of something being there but missing its presence. The use of clay represents something I would play with when I was a child, emphasizing the strong presence this memory had.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Superstitious Medium: Digital photography Size: 28 cm x 21.5 cm Intention: My grandma always forbade opening an umbrella in the house because, in Indian tradition, it is considered bad luck. These photographs display my sister definitely holding an umbrella. Having the subject’s face covered by a black spot allows the viewer to picture themselves in their place.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Superstitious #2 Medium: Easy dry clay and acrylic paint Size: 20 cm x 5 cm Intention: This piece is based on the superstition of “if you see an elephant on your journey, then it will be fruitful.” I decided to use a road to represent the journey and to create space between the fruit and elephant. The elephant and fruit were purchased from Michael’s as I wanted to incorporate a childhood memory aspect. The elephant and fruit are similar to ones displayed in my home when I was young, and are significant to the memories I associate with the superstition.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Red and Blue Medium: Red and blue ink on paper Size: 35.5 cm x 55.8 cm Intention: This piece is interactive, meaning that red-lense and blue-lense glasses are needed. Viewing through different lenses gives another perspective towards the piece. The writing represents the primary thought that many ask themselves before getting ready to go out. Using theatre masks as inspiration gives account for the idea of “covering up.�
Memories Faded AMRIT
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Self-emotions Medium: Black ink, acrylic paint on wooden canvas Size: 25 cm x 60 cm Intention: This piece was created with the intention of what most women go through in life. It is a piece that incorporates body figure and menstruation into the piece. The first communicates the idea of “two different types of body figures” and how many want to have a “bikini body.” The middle piece represents how many may feel ashamed, while the last piece communicates how many feel pain. The different colours used in the piece represents multiple different emotions that come with this type of pain.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Memories Faded AMRIT
Title: Self-Portrait Medium: Acrylic paint on canvas Size: 46 cm x 60 cm Intention: The artist, Frida Kahlo, inspires the self-portrait. Similar to Kahlo’s piece, I also used symbols in my piece to communicate pain and suffering. The chains are used to demonstrate how I am chained to every experience. Alcohol represents a specific moment in my family during my childhood. The heart communicates how it is infecting me deeply. I also incorporated some of Kahlo’s elements into my piece, for example, the leaves, butterfly and dragonfly.
Memories Faded AMRIT
Memories Faded AMRIT