Street Dance Magazine num 10

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Luglio 2013 - Anno 2 - n.4- Bimestrale - Poste Italiane s.p.a. - Spedizione in Abbonamento Postale - D.L. 353/2003 (convertito in Legge 27/02/2004 n째 46) art. 1, comma 1, NE/PD


Tony Gogo, Cico


The Week


Piedi in movimento


Rio H2K


Red Bull BC One Qualifier

Street Dance Magazine gratis a casa tua? Richiedilo su

Photo cover by: Denis Guerrini


GUEST Toni Gogo - Lock Fusion



More Than Ninety





Red Bull BC One Qualifier





Piedi in movimento



Insegnante: professione o illusione?



We Love This Game

Street Dance Magazine e si sono posti l’obiettivo di colmare un gap cronico nella scena street dance italiana. In un momento in cui l’informazione è frammentaria e confusionale, abbiam voluto aprire un’ampia finestra sulla streetdance italiana e mondiale, valorizzando il punto di vista e le esperienze dei più grandi artisti internazionali, dei professionisti e degli eventi più meritevoli di considerazione. Attraverso le loro parole, siamo sicuri si possa fare una buona comunicazione, ricevendo stimoli e ampliando la nostra conoscenza e consapevolezza. Senza informazione non c’è cultura. Street Dance Magazine and set themselves the target to plug a chronic gap in the Italian Street Dance scene. In a period where information is fragmentary and confuse we wanted to open a wide window about street dance, in Italy and around the world, increasing the point of view and the experience of the biggest interational artists, of pro and of the events which deserve more consideration. Through their words, we’re sure it will be a good comunication, reciving incentives and wideing our knowledge and consciousness. Without information there is no culture! SDM Team -

Photo by: Little Shao

TONY GOGO Lock Fusion

Che cosa definisce un locker? Direi che per essere un locker certificato si dovrebbe essere portati per la musica ed il ritmo. Occorre essere atletici, avere una magnifica personalità ed amare la danza.


What does it make the “locker”? To be a certified locker I would say you have to be musically inclined, of course rhythmically inclined and athletically inclined. You oughta have a beautiful personality and love dance.

Che cos’è Lock Fusion? Il termine proviene da un componente del mio gruppo, gli Original Go Go Brothers, nato nei primi anni settanta. Inizialmente eravamo in due, poi ci siamo allargati a tre. Io ed il terzo componente - Mr James Higgins chiamato Original Skeeter Rabbit non ci siamo parlati per circa 25 anni. Poi, 5-6 anni fa, ci siamo rimessi in contatto. Dopo la riconciliazione lui ha notato che stavo facendo più passi nel lockin’ rispetto a quelli che erano stati creati in precedenza e l’ha considerata una fusione. Ecco da dove proviene il termine.

What is Lock Fusion? The term comes from a member of my group, the Original GoGo Brothers, that started in the early 70’s. We were two and then we became three. Me and the third one - Mr James Higgins, aka Original Skeeter Rabbit - haven’t been in touch for 25 years, then 5 or 6 years ago we reconnected each other. After I reconnected with him he saw that I was doing more steps in the lockin’ dance that we ain’t created before, so he considered it a fusion. So the term comes from that.

Perché secondo te il lockin’ sta perdendo pubblico? A parer mio non sta perdendo pubblico, perché io non ho perso pubblico. Non so perché la gente pensi questo, ma anche solo dopo l’esperienza dell’altra sera (eravamo al Funkin’ Stylez, ndr), credo che la cosa abbia a che fare con il come la musica viene riproposta alla gente e non con il ballo in sé. Ecco cosa vedo crescere enormemente: i ragazzi stanno esprimendo sé stessi molto meglio di come noi abbiamo fatto in passato. Per cui la danza è molto ben collocata. Ma il modo in cui la musica viene proposta e rappresentata credo sia discutibile. Per questo le persone tendono a prendere le distanze dal lockin’, perché non capiscono la musica. Conosco il feeling di questa musica e l’interpretazione da parte dei ballerini diventa cosa difficile se una canzone creata a 104 o 106 bpm viene suonata dal dj a 150 o 160 bpm. Così non potrai ascoltarla, potrai sentirla con le orecchie, ma non dentro di te. E non è solo questo, ci sono molte persone che amano il lockin’ ma che non vogliono veramente imparare, il che è un problema. Il lockin’ non è semplicemente twirl, point ed una bandana nella tasca, è una solida base di soul dancing che noi facciamo da tutta la vita, per cui se non conosci come ballare naturalmente, credo che con buona probabilità avrai problemi con il lockin’. Forse sono queste le ragioni…

Why do you think lockin’ is losing audience? Well, for me it’s not losing audience, ‘cause it never lost audience to me. I don’t know why people feel this but from what I experienced, even just last night (we were at Funkin’ Stylez, ndr) I think it has something to do with how the music is represented the people, not the dance. That’s what I see growing it tremendously: the kids are actually expressing themselves much better than we did in the past. So the dance is very well situated. But the way the music has been represented I think it is a controversial thing right now. So people just shy away from the dance because they are not understanding the music. I know the feeling from it and the interpretation of the music by the dancers is hard to do if you have a song created with a 104 or 106 bpm and the dj plays it at 150/160 bpm you’re not gonna feel that. You’re just hearing it but you’re not gonna feeling or listening to it. And not only that, we have a lot of people who like the dance but don’t really wanna learn how to do it, which is a problem. Lockin’ is not just twirl-point and a kerchief in your pocket, it’s a base stuff of soul dancing we’ve been doing all over our lives, so if you really don’t know how to naturally dance I think you’re probably gonna have a problem with lockin’. Maybe these are the reasons...

Non solo in Europa… Quello che ho notato è che ci sono molti insegnanti, molti giovani insegnanti che sono piombati nella scena pensando di saperla gestire, per cui vanno in giro per il mondo ad insegnare, ma effettivamente non hanno idea di ciò che insegnano. Spiegano solo dei passi, non la danza. Il lockin’ è una forma d’arte, non solo un ballo; anche questo viene mal interpretato, credo.

Not only in Europe… What I’ve noticed is that there are a lot of teachers, a lot of younger teachers kinda popping up into the scene, thinking that they can handle it, so they’re going around the world and teach but they actually don’t even know what they’re teaching, they’re just teaching steps and not the actual dance. Lockin’ is a from of art, not just a dance so this is misinterpreted stuff too, I think.

L’Europa ed il lockin’. Quello che posso dire per la mia esperienza è che l’Europa culturalmente è la comunità che si avvicina maggiormente agli Stati Uniti per il lockin’. Siete sulla pista giusta. Amo il modo in cui pensate ed in cui provate a coglierla.

And in Europe? Europe is more cultural; the closest community to United States I would say it’s Europe right now, at least from what I’ve been experiencing. Europe is really on the right track. I love the way you guys think and try to embrace it.

Un messaggio? Voglio solo ringraziarvi per avermi portato qui in Europa. Per me è splendido, come un sogno divenuto realtà. Ho lavorato per questo tutta la vita sperando che accadesse ed ora sta succedendo da dieci anni a questa parte. Perciò è un’esperienza magnifica per me e spero che sappiate cogliere il tutto e portarlo ad un livello superiore.

Do you wanna leave a message? I just wanna thank you for bringing me here in Europe, it’s an amazing thing to me, it’s like a dream come true to me, I’ve been working for this all over my life hoping it would happen, and it’s been happening now, from ten years on, so it’s a beautiful experience for me and I hope you guys will get something out of it and take it to another level.

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Photo by: Michele Ferioli

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CICO MoreThan Ninety

Photo by: Vladimir Rys


Quando hai deciso che la breakdance sarebbe stata la tua strada? Non l’ho deciso, è stato il breakin’ a scegliere me, nel senso che ho sempre sentito di voler fare qualcosa di grande. Volevo essere qualcuno, diventare il numero uno, volevo essere un campione. Per problemi economici i miei si sono trasferiti in Germania ed erano sempre al lavoro. Ovunque mi mettessero, io scappavo. Calcio, ping-pong, a volte scappavo di casa, fino a che per strada non ho visto il breakin’ che per me è stato Matrix: mi alleno quando voglio, posso diventare quello che voglio, esprimere ciò che voglio. Sapevo che era quella la mia strada, perché sono io il creatore di me stesso. Inoltre non c’è bisogno del denaro, basta la musica.

When did you decide that breakdance would have been your way? I didn’t decided it, breakin’ chose me. I mean, I have always felt the desire to do something big. I wanted to be someone, to become the number one, a champion. My parents moved to Germany for financial problems. They were always working, so what could I do? Anywhere they put me, I just escaped. Football, ping-pong, sometimes I escaped from home ‘til the day I first saw breakdancing down the street. It was like Matrix to me: I could train whenever and wherever I want, could become whoever I want, expressing whatever I want. I knew that was my destiny, because I’m the creator of myself. Moreover, there’s no need for money, music is enough.

Dopo l’infortunio sei ritornato più forte di prima. Da ottimo mover, sei diventato Cico. Fatalità, proprio oggi ho mandato un videomessaggio ad un ragazzo che si è rotto una spalla. Secondo me se non tocchi il fondo, se non vai nel profondo di te stesso nel momento buio, non sai veramente qual è l’apice e dove puoi arrivare. Perché solo lì realizzi di aver perso tutto, nel momento in cui ti fai male davvero. Nei momenti difficili l’idea di mollare ha sfiorato anche me, però mi sono detto: “Ok, se oggi mollo, mollerò per sempre”. Per me l’avversario è sempre stato irrilevante. Non è mai stata una questione di “devo vincere la sfida”, quanto piuttosto “devo vincere contro me stesso e dimostrare a tutti che sono Cico”.

After the injury you came back stronger than ever. From being a great mover, you became Cico. Actually, today I’ve sent a video message to a boy who broke his shoulder. I think that if you do not hit the bottom, if you do not look deep within yourself in your darkest moment, you won’t really know what’s the peak, and where you could get. Because in that moment only it really hurts and you realize to have lost everything. Honestly, I thought about giving up too but I said to myself: “If I give up now, I’ll give up forever”. The opponent has never been important to me. It wasn’t like “I must win the contest” but “I must win against myself and show everyone I’m Cico”.

In tutta onestà, non risulti essere tra i bboy più amati della scena italiana: credi sia perché - essendo cresciuto in Germania - la scena l’hai vissuta poco ed essendo tornato in Italia solo dal 2002/2003 non potevi dire di rappresentarla? Penso di essere tra quelli che hanno vissuto di più la scena, parlando dei ragazzi che sono in Italia. Quando ho iniziato, in Germania c’erano tantissime jam e già nel 1999 ho iniziato a viaggiare in Francia, ma in generale un po’ ovunque. Avevo fatto la sfida con Suicidal Lifestyle ed Enemy Squad, secondi classificati al BOTY 1999; nello stesso anno ho vinto il premio come Best Solo Dancer al BOTY Germania (al tempo veniva premiato il miglior bboy della

Honestly, you don’t seem to be one of the beloved bboys in the italian scene: do you think it’s because you didn’t spend much time inside this scene - due to the fact you grew up in Germany and came back in Italy in 2002/2003 only - that you couldn’t be able to represent it? I think I’m in the group of people who lived the scene most, talking about italian bboys. When I started, in Germany there were already a lot of jams and in 1999 I began travelling a lot, especially to France. I’d challenged Suicidal Lifestyle and Enemy Squad - runners up at BOTY International 1999; in that same year I won the Best Solo Dancer prize at BOTY Germany. Sometimes I really can’t understand why some people define me as not-beloved, I think it’s because I’ve always followed my beliefs without being shaped by those criticizing me or hoping me to change. As time passed by, maybe people

serata, ndr). Tante volte non riesco a capire perché si dice che io sia poco amato. Credo sia perché ho sempre seguito il mio ideale senza farmi condizionare da chi giudicava negativamente o da chi voleva cambiarmi. Credo che poi con il tempo la gente abbia iniziato a non sostenermi più a causa dei media o della mia testardaggine. Mi rattrista il fatto che non si riesca a capire che mi sento italiano nel profondo ed ho sempre cercato di portare la bandiera all’estero nel modo più umile. Dalla Germania sono tornato in Italia perché sono italiano e voglio rappresentare l’Italia. Restando sempre in argomento nazionalità, ad oggi nel mondo siamo riconosciuti solo per te e Next One. Come pensi si possa evolvere questa situazione, oppure: come mai è così? Me lo chiedo anch’io, sarei fiero di vedere più italiani nei contesti esteri, che magari arrivano e se anche alla prima sfida perdono, poi tornano motivati e vincono. Esiste la possibilità di emergere, all’IBE si può partecipare ad ogni sfida. Froz, ad esempio, pur non essendo amato ha vinto il BC One Italia due volte di fila ed io l’ho supportato, perché ha dimostrato che con la costanza e l’allenamento non ce n’è per nessuno. A mio avviso il problema degli italiani risiede nel loro eccessivo basarsi sull’apparenza ed incapacità di guardare oltre la realtà italiana. Non si mettono in gioco al di fuori, o meglio lo fanno in pochissimi. Così quando vanno all’estero si sentono i King, anche solo per aver partecipato ad un evento. Ma alla fine dei conti il King non lo diventi mai. Magari diventi famoso, ma sorge un altro problema: più arrivi ad essere importante nella scena, maggiori sono le responsabilità, perché la gente ha delle aspettative nei tuoi confronti, vuole essere ispirata da te, avere risposte a certe domande, capire perché tu fai questa danza. Un mover ha una carriera più breve rispetto a chi fa top rock o footwork. Cosa farà Cico da grande e come vivi questo passaggio con la pressione di molti ragazzi che hai ispirato nel mondo e che ti vorranno battere? Secondo me il limite d’età ancora non esiste, per me siamo parte di quella generazione che può decidere quand’è giunto il capolinea.

stopped supporting me because of the media or for my stubborness. It makes me sad that they don’t understand that I really feel Italian and that I have always tried to hold the flag in the humblest way abroad. I came back to Italy from Germany because I’m italian and I want to represent Italy. Talking about nationalities, nowadays the world refers to Italy just for you and Next One. How do you think this situation could evolve or: why it’s like this? I keep asking myself the same thing. I would be proud if I saw more Italians joining the contests abroad. They might go and even if they are kicked out at the first round, then they could come back improved to win. There’s surely the chance to emerge, for example during the IBE you can get yourself in every challenge, qualification, circle, whatever you want. Froz, for example, even if he’s not beloved, he won the BC One Italy twice in a row, and I’ve supported him because he has shown that with resolution and training you can make it. I think the problem with Italian people is that they focus too much on the appearance and don’t look beyond the Italian scene, they don’t put themselves on the line abroad. Only a few do it, and when they go abroad they feel like Kings for joining one event only. But in the end they’ll never become the Kings. Perhaps they’ll get famous, but then other problems will rise. The more important you become, higher the responsibilities. That’s because people expect something from you, they want you to inspire them, they want answers to certain questions, they want to understand why you dance and you have to be prepared for that. A mover has a shorter career than who does top rock or footwork or style. What is Cico going to do when he is getting older and how are you dealing with the pressure put by a lot of guys you have inspired in the world who want to beat you? I think that the age limit doesn’t exist, we are part of the generation who can choose when it’s time to stop. Roxrite has won the BC One at the age of 30. I am a mover but this doesn’t mean that I should compare myself to younger movers. I never did it, ‘cause I think that when you compare yourself to a stronger bboy you just lose yourself. To find yourself you have to be inspired, and don’t put yourself at the same level, comparisons bring you useless pressure. If you’d find yourself, no one could reach your “yourself”.


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Roxrite ha vinto il BC One a 30 anni. Io sono un mover, ma questo non significa che mi devo mettere a confronto con i mover più giovani. Non l’ho mai fatto, poiché credo che nel momento in cui inizi a confrontarti con un bboy più forte perdi te stesso. Per trovare te stesso devi prendere ispirazione e non metterti sullo stesso piano, perché il confronto ti porta una pressione inutile. Se trovi te stesso, nessuno può raggiungere il tuo “te stesso”. Ora magari qualcuno può superare i miei giri di ninety, ma resto comunque il primo ad averli fatti ed a far capire che era possibile. In realtà non è importante il “quanto”, bensì il “come”. Non è la move difficile che fai, ma come la esprimi; non è ballare a tempo di musica, ma come tu balli a tempo di musica. Non è la dinamica del footwork, ma ogni movimento espresso in maniera diversa da una persona diversa. Quindi non credo che i confronti siano sempre giusti. Sono felice di vedere che le nuove generazioni mi rispettano, come Lil G che mi ha regalato la bandiera del Venezuela, o Pocket che mi fa sempre un sacco di feste. La mia motivazione più grande adesso è andare oltre, moves a parte sento di poter tirare fuori molto altro, cosa che vorrei esprimere nei prossimi anni. Cico, la Spinkings e la maturazione. La Spinkings è nata nel 2004/2005 perché volevo lasciare un ricordo di un team internazionale. Ne facevano parte Junior, Omar, Boom e Eagle degli Expression coreani e Ian. Eravamo fortissimi, è stato uno dei momenti più belli della mia carriera, avevamo un manager che sapeva ciò che voleva e ci portava nella giusta direzione. Il gruppo si è sciolto a causa della distanza e di alcune difficoltà sorte con il tempo, ma ciò non toglie che mi sia rimasto nel cuore. L’accademia è nata anche per questo: volevo mantenere qualcosa di mio del passato. Ho creato questa scuola nella mia città, Treviso, una zona molto difficile per il nostro tipo di danza e che ha sempre mostrato poco interesse per questa forma d’arte. Abbiamo validi insegnanti che mi sostengono costantemente tra cui Marco Gentile, vincitore del Red Bull BC One Italia. Non so come andrà in futuro, aprire una scuola di danza richiede grande impegno e sacrificio. è comunque una cosa bella che ho fatto con il cuore. Soddisfazione più grande è l’aver scoperto nuovi talenti.

Well, they could beat my ninety spin world record but I’ll always be the first who did it and showed it’s possible. It’s not important how many, but how. It’s not about the hard move that you do, it’s about how you express it. It’s not about dancing on the beat, it’s about how you do it. It’s not about footwork’s dynamic, it’s every movement expressed in your own way, so different from other people. I don’t think comparisons are right. I’m glad to see the respect new generations give me, like Lil G, who gave me his Venezuela’s flag or Pocket, who always greets me. My biggest motivation now is to get beyond the limit, I feel I can do other things besides the moves, I want to express them in the next years. Cico, Spinkings, the maturation. Spinkings was born in 2004/2005 because I wanted to leave a mark of a team on the international panorama. It included Junior, Omar, Boom and Eagle, from Expression - Koreans and Ian. We were very strong, it has been one of the highlights in my career. We had a manager who knew what he wanted and took us in the right direction. The group exploded because of the distance and other difficulties, but that doesn’t mean they are not in my heart anymore. The Academy was born for that as well, I wanted to hold something from my past. I built it up in my town, Treviso, a difficult area for our dance, it’s a teenybopper town, full of haughty and welloff people. We have great teachers who always support me like Marco Gentile, winner of the Red Bull BC One Italy. I don’t know how it’s gonna be in the future. To open a dance academy needs sacrifice and a lot of work. It’s a wonderful thing that I made with my heart. The best thing about it is the possibility to discover new talents. Special content on

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Photo by: Mark Teo

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Photo by: Little Shao

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La terza edizione del Rio H2K ha portato 17 coreografi di street dance da otto diversi Paesi del mondo ed ha raggiunto un pubblico da record a Rio de Janeiro. Studenti provenienti da otto Paesi e dieci province del Brasile hanno affollato workshops, conferenze e masterclass nei quattro giorni di festival. Rio Hip Hop Kemp è il più grande Urban Dance Festival del Sud America, cresciuto del 123% dalla seconda edizione. Ha raggiunto un totale di 896 studenti che hanno seguito 60 classi, 10 conferenze e 5 master class all’Armazem da Utopia ed al Centro De Movimento Deborah Colker. I partecipanti provenienti dagli 8 diversi Paesi - Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Cile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru ed Argentina - e da più di dieci province del Brasile - Paraná, Pernambuco, Distrito Federal, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Pará e Rio Grande - hanno riempito tutte e quattro le giornate per imparare e scoprire i passi dei 17 coreografi di street dance presenti. Il battle ha visto la partecipazione di 125 ballerini nelle quattro categorie, circa 850 presenze di pubblico alle preselezioni e più di 1200 per la finale di domenica. Oltre a Shaun Evaristo e Johnny Erasme, entrambi ballerini dell’idolo delle ragazzine Justin Bieber, Rio

Rio H2K’S third edition brought 17 street dance choreographers from 8 different countries and reached a record audience in Rio. Students from 8 countries and 10 brazilian provinces attended the workshops, discussion panels and master classes in four days of festival. Rio Hip Hop Kemp (Rio H2K), the biggest urban dance festival in South America, achieved a growth of 123% over the previous edition, reaching an amount of 896 students that took part of 60 classes, 10 discussion panels and 5 master classes going up at Armazém da Utopia and Centro de Movimento Deborah Colker. Participants coming from eight different countries - Colombia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru and Argentina - and more than ten Brazilian provinces like Paraná, Pernambuco, Distrito Federal, São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Amazonas, Minas Gerais, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Bahia, Pará e Rio Grande do Sul filled the four days event to witness the steps of seventeen urban dance choreographers. The famous battles involved 125 dancers divided in four categories, an almost 850 people audience for the pre-selection and over 1200 people for the finals on Sunday. Besides the unprecedented presence of two dancers of the teen idol Justin Bieber Johnny Erasme and Shaun Evaristo, Rio H2K also brought to Brazil the choreographers Marjory

Bruno Bastos, Fondatore Rio H2K e Artistic Director. “Due giorni dopo il Rio H2K 2013, senza ancora aver potuto dormire, la mia mente sta ancora realizzando gli accadimenti di quest’ultima settimana. Sono veramente grato per le parole ed i messaggi che sto ricevendo dai partecipanti e dagli insegnanti. Grazie dal profondo del mio cuore per tutto questo, sento il vostro calore. Il nostro obiettivo principale è quello di creare un’esperienza che resti nei nostri ricordi. Ci aspettiamo di esserci riusciti”. “Siamo stati molto felici di incontrare così tante persone, sia i partecipanti provenienti da diversi paesi, sia i “curiosi” e gli spettatori che hanno presenziato al nostro evento. Abbiamo superato le nostre aspettative in termini di pubblico e cresciuti più del 100% in termini di partecipanti. Vi erano più di 12000 persone all’evento e ne siamo molto lieti. Il saldo è decisamente appagante”.

Smarth, Popin Pete, Parris Goebel, Lamarre Niako, Gemini, Laure Courtellemont, Crazy Hype and others. Photographer Little Shao, was also there together with Guy Darmet (creator of Lyon Dance Biennial) and Bboy Neguin, Bruno Bastos, Rio H2K Founder and Artistic Director. “Two days after Rio H2K 2013 and still no sleep, my mind is processing everything that happened last week. I’m very thankful for the words and messages I’ve been receiving from participants and teachers and it makes me very excited. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all these words and warm feeling. Our main goal is to provide a life experience that will be remembered in our memories. We expect to have achieved this goal”. “We were very happy to meet so many people, both curious participants from various countries and general viewers who attended our event. We had over 12,000 people on the event location and we are very pleased. The balance is very rewarding”. Rio H2K links: Website: Facebook: Youtube: Special content on

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Photo by: Little Shao

H2K ha portato in Brasile anche i coreografi Marjory Smarth, Popin Pete, Parris Goebel, Lamarre Niako, Gemini, Laure Courtellement, Crazy Hype e tanti altri. Hanno presenziato al Festival anche Little Shao, Guy Darmet (creatore del Lyon Dance Biennal) e Bboy Neguin.

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La più importante competizione mondiale di breakdance “UNO CONTRO UNO” arriva a Napoli il 14 settembre! The most important “ONE VS ONE” Worldwide Breakdance Competiton is coming to Naples (Italy) on the 14th September Al Teatro Bellini di NAPOLI si svolgeranno per la prima volta in Italia le Red Bull BC One Western European Finals. A rappresentare l’Italia contro gli altri breaker europei Bboy FROZ e Monkey D Alex. Il vincitore volerà a novembre in Corea del Sud per la FINALE MONDIALE del Red Bull BC One che quest’anno festeggia il 10° compleanno. In the historical background of Bellini Theatre in Naples on the 14th of September 2013, for the first time in Italy the Western European Red Bull BC One Finals will take place. It’s the most important worldwide “one vs one” breakdance competition, ending up later on in November in Seul, South Korea, with the World Final. Il 14 settembre, nella storica cornice del Teatro Bellini di Napoli, avranno luogo per la prima volta in Italia le Western European Finals del Red Bull BC One, la più importante competizione mondiale di breakdance “uno contro uno”, che culminerà il 30 novembre a Seul, in Corea del Sud, con la finale mondiale. A dare spettacolo ci saranno gli italiani FROZ - detentore del Red Bull BC One Cypher Italia - e Monkey D Alex (wild card italiana). L’evento di Napoli vedrà sfidarsi i bboy più qualificati d’Europa: per la Scandinavia Focus, per la Spagna Chey, per la Francia Chakal, Franklyn e Tim, per il Belgio Titris, per l’Austria Valo, dalla Svizzera Yu-Seng, dal Regno Unito LB, dalla Grecia Kid, dal Portogallo Lagaet e dall’Olanda Menno, Niek ed Skychief vincitore del Cypher nazionale. I primi classificati degli oltre 90 Cypher (finali nazionali) si sfideranno tra agosto ed ottobre nelle sei Finali Regionali (finali per area geografica) in Colombia, USA, Egitto, Italia, Ucraina e Giappone. Il prossimo 30 novembre, i sei vincitori dei Regionals accederanno di diritto alla finale mondiale del Red Bull BC One di Seul, per affrontare la sfida più competitiva ed agguerrita di sempre. In occasione del 10° compleanno del Red Bull BC One, tutti i vincitori della storia della competizione si contenderanno infatti il titolo di Miglior Bboy del decennio. Gli ultimi due posti disponibili per completare i 16 verranno decisi nei prossimi mesi da una giuria di esperti. Le Finali Regionali e la Finale Mondiale saranno trasmesse in diretta streaming sul sito Per info e biglietti del Red Bull BC One Western European Finals visita:

In the historical background of Bellini Theatre in Naples on the 14th of September 2013, for the first time in Italy the Western European Red Bull BC One Finals will take place. It’s the most important worldwide “one vs one” breakdance competition, ending up later on in November in Seul, South Korea, with the World Final. The italians FROZ - winner of the last Red Bull BC One Cypher Italy - and Monkey D Alex (italian wild card) will showcase. The Naples event will see the best qualified bboys in Europe: Focus will be there for Scandinavia, Chey for Spain, Chakal Franklyn and Tim for France, Titris for Belgium, Valo for Austria, YuSeng from Swiss, LB for UK, Kid For Greece, Lagaet for Portugal, from Holland Menno, Niek and Skychief winner of the national Cypher. The first placed in the more than 90 Cyphers (national finals) will battle each other between August and October 2013 in six Regional Final (based on the geographic areas): Colombia, United States, Egypt, Italy, Ukraine and Japan. The six regional winners will enter the world Red Bull BC One Final in Seul on the 30th November 2013, to face the most competitive and fierce challenge of all time. In fact, for the 10th Red Bull BC One anniversary, the winners of every edition will battle for the title of Best Bboy of the decade. The last to available places to fill the 16 will be decided in the next month by a panel of experts. The Regional Finals and the World Final will be broadcasted in live streaming on the website For infos and tickets for the Red Bull BC One Western European Finals visit: - -


Red Bull BC One Middle East Africa Qualifier 2012 I’m a 26-year-old B-Boy from Algeria. Besides B-Boying i also like: PLAYING MUSIC (DERBOUKA/ CAJON). My Crews are: Urban Killers, Dziri One, Arabiq Flavour, La Smala Titles • 2008 1st place - Battle Red Bull Tunisia One vs One • 2008 1st place - Battle Freestyle Urban Dance Marocco One vs One • 2010 1st place - Battle of the Year Algeria ( Dzirione Crew) • 2011 1st place - IBE (qualifications UK champion ships) La Smala • 2012 1st place - EuroBattle crew (Arabiq flavour) • 2012 1st place - EuroBattle Top Rock one vs one • 2012 1st place - Title of Best B-Boy EuroBattle • 2012 1st place - Battle Ready2Rumble Crew in Germany (la Smala) • 2012 1st place - One vs One Battle Toys (Germany)

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Profile Omar Remichi is B-Boy Chakal from Algeria. His name first belonged to his father Chakal, who was called “the man who was really clever in football”. So when Omar began to dance in competitions, his father gave him his name as a B-Boy name. Omar was born in Algeria in 1987. When he was 16 years old, B-Boy Chakal started to create his own crew in Algeria “Dziri One” in order to show B-Boying and bring the colors of his country out into the entire world. The crew won all the battles in Algeria above all the Battle of The Year in 2010. As an individual, B-Boy Chakal won a lot of titles in North Africa, from Tunisia to Marocco. He gets respect for doing original footwork, toprocks with a deep flow, dynamic powermoves. By 2007, he started his career in France by participating at The Battle of St Brieux, Battle VNR, and others. In 2011, he got married and settled in Bordeaux in France. He became a member of La Smala crew, and Arabiq Flavour. From then on, nothing could stop him. He worked harder and danced with love. He won “Best B-Boy” at Euro Battle, best top-rocker, best crew in Germany, finalist at Top-rock IBE, Top-rock, winner of IBE battle crew etc. In his dance, everything is fundamental. According to him, all the movements you get from your heart and body have to be musical, dynamic, and original from the top-rock, to foot-works to the freezes and powermoves. Chakal has been invited to judge at a great number of battles from all over the world. He also teaches as an instructor in some dance schools in Bordeaux. He has worked as a choreographer and has done some films and advertisement in Algeria.


Winner of first ever Red Bull BC One UK Cypher in 2013 I’m a 24-year-old B-Boy from United Kingdom, Sheffield. Besides B-Boying i also like: Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, Poker. 24 year old, Manchester based, Anton Phung, known as B-Boy ‘LB’ is the first ever winner of a Red Bull BC One UK Cypher. LB’s style is all about fluidity and smooth patterns and rather than having signature moves, he considers himself to have a ‘signature flow’. LB’s first experience of breaking was ten years ago in Sheffield, when he was taught by old school B-Boy B-Boy Nige from Street Crew. He then joined Street Vibes Crew in Sheffield before moving to Manchester and teaming up with Floor Riderz. LB is currently going solo without a crew. The dancers that have had the biggest influence on him are B-Boys that have a distinctive flow and the ability to really connect to the audience like B-Boy Abstrakt, Cloud, Luigi, Hong-10 and Physicx. It’s not about what they do, but how they do it that really inspires LB. How LB’s B-Boy name came about is quite an amusing story. When he was first starting out, he had a tendency to have quite distinctive floppy wrists during top-rock so his crew started to joke about his feminine style calling him ‘Ladyboy’. This then stuck and he started entering competitions as ‘Ladyboy’ until he started to get into teaching and felt it may be slightly unprofessional and so changed it to B-Boy LB! Having completed a degree in dance, LB is currently working as a freelance dancer alongside teaching and dealing Poker in a casino. He hopes to become a businessman in the future but continue dancing for as long as possible. He will never lose his connection to Hip Hop culture. He also enjoys playing the piano, Ukulele and guitar in his spare time.


Winner of Red Bull BC One Cypher Spain 2012 I’m a 23-year-old B-Boy from Spain, Badajoz. My Crew is: ElectroDuendes Credo: “It’s not what you do, but how you do it.” Titles • 2009 1st place - KO Europeo Badajoz (B-Boying Toprock Battle) • 2009 1st place - Campeonato de Extremadura (B-Boying) • 2009 1st place - Rey de la Pista (B-Boying) • 2010 1st place - Campeonato de Extremadura (B-Boying) • 2010 1st place - Rey de la Pista (B-Boying) • 2010 1st place - KO Europeo Sevilla (B-Boying) • 2010 1st place - Freestyle Maroc 7 (B-Boying, poppin & lockin) • 2010 1st place - Hip Hop Style Wars (B-Boying, poppin & lockin) • 2011 1st place - Charrokingz 3 (B-Boying) • 2011 1st place - Red Bull BC One Cypher Spain Profile José Jurado Giles borrowed the name Chey from his mother. When he was only 5, he shared with his father Stan Lathan’s classic Beat Street. However, he wasn’t inspired by anyone when he started dancing in 2005. His family, involved in the world of Hip Hop long before him, supported him from the very beginning. Through breakbeat, Chey made his own way with footwork, toprocks and freezes to show the world his genuine 100%-musical style. Before he started B-Boying, he experimented with graffiti, and after he tried breaking, he enlarged his scope to other disciplines such as popping, locking, salsa and contemporary dance. He has been devoted to dance professionally for the last two years, and not only as a dancer, but also as a teacher who, apart from technique, also deals with the art of movement, for, as he says: “Traditions are important, but you don’t have to stick to them.” Chey’s dreams are simple but passionate: traveling, experiencing other cultures related to dance and growing both as a professional and as an individual.

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Winner of Red Bull BC One Cypher Italy 2012 and 2013! I’m a 27-year-old B-Boy from Italy, Milan. Besides B-Boying i also like: graffiti, skiing, Inline skating, videogames, reading, economy & politics. My Crew is: Bandits Titles • 2012 1st place - Red Bull BC One Cypher Italy 2012 • 2013 1st place - Red Bull BC One Cypher Italy 2013 Profile Roman Gorskiy aka Froz, was born in Moscow (URSS), on August 25, 1985. When he was 8, he moved to Italy, near Bari in 1993 for his father’s job. During those years, he practiced many sports, like basketball and tennis, and at the end, karate, where he obtained 1° Dan black-belt. This sport with its energy, focus and moves probably marked his style for the rest of his life. In January 2001, thanks to a music video, he finally started to practice breaking. Going on, he tried to find his way working on his passion, but his dreams became reality just after he finished his studies moved to Milan. In 2004, he became a member of „Bandits“ crew, and with them he won the most relevant Italian events. He obtained victories also alone, taking part by invitation in Outlaw, where he had a good result coming fourth, on 16 B-Boys from all over the world. He was one of the dancers for the Breil Tribe spot and he danced also for the Italian singer Alexia in the music video called “Da grande”. He danced also for MTV Kids Choice Awards 2008. Now Froz is teaching in different dance schools in Milan, spreading the B-Boy culture, giving workshops and performing in shows all over Italy. He is owner and administrator of the biggest Italian breaking site and one of the founders of “Dance Revolution,” the Italian B-Boy federation, who works on national events. Next stop for him… Red Bull BC One Regional Finals for Western Europe in Naples, September 2013!


Winner of Red Bull BC One Qualifier Spain 2011 I’m a 25-year-old B-Boy from Portugal. My Crew is: Momentum Titles • 2011 - 1st Place Red Bull Bc One Europe Barcelona • 2012 - 1st Place Royal battle Germany • 2012 - 1st Place Hiphop Connection Italy 2vs2 and Crew • 2012 - 1st Place World Bboy Crank Bordeaux • 2012 - 1st Place Best Of The Best Mulhouse • 2012 - 1st Place Raw Circle Antwerp • 2012 - 1st Place Mix Up Battle Bordeaux • 2012 - 1st Place Break It Out Santo Tirso • 2012 - 2nd Place Battle Europa Marseille • 2012 - 3rd Place Trophée Master Toulouse • 2013 - 1st Place Battle Hazbreak Dijon • 2013 - 1st place Raw circles Antwerp • 2013 - 1st place Battle Revolution Dijon • 2013 - 1st place Universal dancers

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Profile LAGAET is the winner of the Red Bull BC One Qualifier Barcelona 2011 and represented Portugal in the finals in Moscow in 2012. Warrior-like in his approach, he declares that he is prepared to annihilate “everyone and anything!” His battle tactics change from battle to battle but what is most important to him, every time, when competing is showing attitude, creativity, being well rounded and dancing on beat! In fact, what he most enjoys about B-Boying is the “B-Boy attitude”. He specializes in his own stylized power moves. One thing that LAGAET never wants to do in a battle is touch his opponent. This is a major violation when battling and can lead to a dancer being disqualified. LAGAET first witnessed B-Boying in 2002, when he saw a friend from school performing power moves, the most visually dynamic and aerial moves in the B-Boy dance form. He was amazed and became inspired to try himself. He has been dancing for over eight years now. Although, as a dancer he focuses only on the foundational Hip Hop dance form of B-Boying, he is also an entrepreneur, organizing B-Boy/b-girl jams as well as dance workshops for DanceFact, the Momentum Crew’s dance school. Momentum Crew is also the organizer of the Eurobattle, one of the big international B-Boy events. LAGAET credits his fellow members in Momentum crew as being most influential for him as a dancer. “The way we practice, the way they dance brings me inspiration and motivation to grow and represent this union and family even more!” says LAGAET LAGAET has much to be thankful for and appears to have everything going for him in terms of being a rising star in the B-Boy scene. He enjoys strong support from his mother and his family in Portugal. He is sponsored by both RED BULL Portugal and Puma. He works regularly, performing solo and with his crew. He enjoys teaching dance workshops daily at his school. His talent has been showcased on several DVDs including Eurobattle and Battle of the Year. He is encouraged that the B-Boy scene in his country is growing and feels that his crew enjoys the support of the community. LAGAET adds, “It’s good to live in a small but cool place like Portugal.” LAGAET aspires to improve as a B-Boy, making more things happen for himself and the Momentum Crew and establish a future full of success for his dance school, the events that he organizes and other endeavors. LAGAET knows what pressure is placed upon RED BULL BC ONE battle judges and feels for them, explaining, “I wish them all the best and that they do a good job. Judging is not easy to do!”


Melting Force I’m a B-Boy from France. My Crew is: Melting Force Aged 17, this Melting Force crew’s member may be the best kept secret of French B-Boying, as he’s just showcased his skills by during the final of the Red Bull BC One France Cypher last week. With nearly 10 years of practice and rigorous training, he started to make a name in the battles of his area, before confronting the best dancers in the country. With some early victories in hand, he looks at the Red Bull BC One as a must-do for his future career as a b-boy. Be sure you’ll meet him again on the cypher.


Winner of Red Bull BC One Cypher Nordic 2013! I’m a 30-year-old B-Boy from Finland, Helsinki. Besides B-Boying i also like: DJ gigs, reading, traveling, having fun and enjoying life. My Crew is: Flow Mo Titles • 1st place - Red Bull BC One Cypher Nordic 2013 • 1st place - Circle Kingz Champion • 1st place - IBE Footwork Battle champion • 1st place - Hip Opsession solo champion • 1st place - First European Official Concrete Battle champion • 1st place - B.I.S. Bboy, China • 1st place - Finnish Champion Crew Battle • 1st place - Finnish Champion solo • 1st place - Rock Steady Anniversary Crew Battle Champion • 1st place - Battle Supreme Texas champion Profile I was born in a small place called Simpele in Eastern Finland in 1983. Growing up I moved around Finland after my parents’ jobs so getting used to new places was not an unfamiliar thing in my childhood. Eventually we settled to central Finland. My sister was my music provider as a kid. Among others she was a big Michael Jackson fan so I was always hearing what she was playing in the house. She also gave me tapes of MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice which I thought was the coolest thing on the planet. First time I saw bboying was at the age of 11. My school used to have parties for kids and there I saw older guys get down. It was something very intriguing and kind of scary at first. My peers had to convince me to start taking classes on it. In a way we were very lucky that out of all the places we actually had breaking classes in 1995 when the dance was not nearly as big as it is now or was in the 80’s. My first teacher was Mikko Alhgren, an 80’s generation bboy, with whom and a few others we formed our first crew MidPoint Rockers around 1997. Flow Mo came in five years later on 2002 when the crew and some members from Helsinki based Savage Feet decided to join forces and unite. With Flow Mo we spent our weeks training and weekends traveling to jams. We entered all the competitions we traveled to, and after that battled people on the side and where ever. Hard work and paying dues year after year started to pay off eventually. I got to travel the World dancing on five continents and saw hundreds of jams. I got to judge some of the biggest contests on the planet and teach thousands of people around the World. I got to learn from and work with and battle the people I looked up to. It’s been an amazing trip and it still goes on. Eventually I got to work a lot behind the stages as well. With three other Flow Mo members we opened our studio Saiffa – Flow Mo Dance School in 2010 in Helsinki. It was a long awaited dream come true to have a steady base for building the next generations of street style dancers. With Saiffa we organize a lot of events for dancers as well including Flow Mo Anniversary and Finnish Bboy Championships in collaboration with Finnish Bboy Association. With IBE I’ve had the honor to work together for Focus On Footwork Battle. Currently I’m studying Arts Management in Helsinki


I’m a 19-year-old B-Boy from Belgium, Liège. Besides B-Boying i also like: Political Science. My Crew is: Prizon break rocker’z

Tim Andria

Silent Trix, Grenoble Hailing from Grenoble, Tim began dancing when he was 11, along with some friends from the same neighborhood and founded the Vrai Ecole (“The True School”), his first crew. But things started to become serious when he joined one of the famous French crews of his time, Silent Trix (vice-champion of France in 2008). In 2010, he also appeared with the Vagabonds, another worldwide known French crew, who he won numerous titles with, including Chelles Battle Pro 2010, UK B-Boy Championship 2010 and 2011, and BOTY 2011 International, while securing a name for himself in the one-to-one circuit with a couple of victories (runner-Redbull BC One France, runner-BBoy France 2011). He now evolves with Silent Trix and Vagabonds, developing a beautiful and powerful breaking style, and he’s heading to Naples in the hope of adding a new crown to his already brilliant record.

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Red Bull BC One Western European Qualifier 2012 I’m a 24-year-old B-Boy from Netherlands. Besides B-Boying i also like: Music and Chilling. My Crews are: Def Dogz, Hustle Kidz and the Mighty Zulu Kingz Motto, “Love the life you live, so you can live the life you love.” Titles • 2005 - 1st place - IBE’s Ultimate 1on1 Battle, Rotterdam, Holland • 2005 - 1st place - Temple Of Style, Paris, France • 2006 - 1st place - Hipnotik Solo, Barcelona, Spain • 2007 - 1st place - Outlaws International Solo, Roma, Italy • 2007 - 1st place - Outbreak Europe Solo, Rotterdam, Holland • *2007 - 1st place - UK World Champs Solo, London, UK • 2007 - 1st place - Circle Kingz 2on2, Lausanne, Switzerland • 2008 - 1st place - B-Boy Unit Benelux, Breda, Holland • 2008 - Participation - Red Bull BC One, Paris, France

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Profile Menno Van Gorp aka MENNO DE MEEUW (Menno the seagull) represents the new generation of Dutch B-Boys. He is a dancer with heart and explosive energy and promises to surprise. He is a master of smooth blow-ups. Blow-ups are the mind-boggling moves that whip the audience into a frenzy. His signature moves are baby-freeze transitions, slides and rolls. MENNO started breaking around 2001. The first time he saw breaking was in the Run DMC video clip “It’s Like That.” He learned his first moves from his cousins and has been dancing ever since. Living the life of a dancer, MENNO makes money through shows, battles and workshops. He would love to continue doing that, but knows it’s going to be hard and that he needs a backup plan because he could get injured and not be able to dance anymore. He will go back to studying eventually, but at the moment he is just too busy with dancing and can’t picture himself sitting at a desk listening to a professor for 32 hours a week. Menno also helps putting a B-Boy event together. It’s called Autumn Madness/ Flow One Tree. It’s an event with international exhibition battles, competitions, performances and more. He really enjoys that work and organizing events is definitely an option for the future. MENNO loves Hip Hop culture, it’s his life, but he regrets that the elements are mostly separated these days. “When I watch old footage, I see B-Boy jams with MCs, DJs, dancers and writers. You don’t see that very often anymore and that is a shame.” MENNO tried graffiti as well, but not very seriously, since he feels his talent lies in breaking. The Hip Hop scene in Holland is constantly growing, but MENNO laments that, affected by the media, many people still see Hip Hop as something negative, when in his opinion Hip Hop is such a positive thing giving many kids a direction in their lives. His family always understood how important Hip Hop was for him. They saw the dedication with which he practiced and always supported him. For MENNO being a good B-Boy means being an all-round breaker with style, character and originality. “If you want to win a battle you have to give your all. You have to dance on beat, be original, be able to freestyle, and have the right attitude. As soon as I walk on stage I feel the stage is mine. I’m a very laid back person in everyday life but whenever I dance, the beast comes out. I have a lot of respect for my opponents but in a battle it’s war!” MENNO expects the RED BULL BC ONE to bring out the best in him. “The RED BULL BC ONE has the highest level of all one-on-one battles. Nobody knows who is going to be the best B-Boy this year, but we all are going into the battle to win. If I will win, it’s because I’m ready for it.“


Winner of Red Bull BC One Holland Cypher 2013 City: Eindhoven (Netherlands). My Crew is: The Ruggeds Titles • 2010 - 1st Eurobattle BBoy Crew Battle, Porto, Portugal • 2011 - 1st Eurobattle BBoy Crew Battle, Porto, Portugal • 2011 - 1st The Notorious IBE Uk Champs Crew Qualifier, Holland • 2012 - 1st Dutch BBoy Championships, Crew Battle, Holland • 2012 - 2nd Circle Industry, 2on2, Salzburg, Austria • 2012 - 2nd UK B-Boy Championships, Solo B-Boy Battle, London • 2012 - 3rd Red Bull BC One Holland Cypher 2013, Holland • 2013 - 1st Dutch BBoy Championships, Crew Battle, Holland Profile With a combination of different dancing styles and acrobatics B-Boy Skychief is a one of a kind B-Boy. Constantly looking to expand his repertoire. He is a full time dancer from the Dutch crew The Ruggeds, located in the south of the Netherlands. In his early days he was a very talented and promising soccer player, but felt he could give more expression via his dancing so decided to fully focus on B-Boying. With his energetic style he is the chief of the sky and his skills as a dancer are even more impressive. He uses his Surinam-Ghanaian roots to the fullest, making everyone around him feel the music as well during the battle or performance.


The Flying Dutchman I’m 25-year-old from Netherlands. Besides B-Boying i also like: Other dance styles, photography, movies. My Crew is: Rugged Solutions Motto: Don’t mess with the RS! Titles • 2006 1st place - UK B-Boy Championships, Holland • 2006 1st place - Ruhrpott Battle, Cologne, Germany, (Dutch BBoy Crew) • 2007 1st place - Red Bull BC One Qualifier, Germany • 2007 1st place - Battle de Calais, 3on3, Calais, France • 2007 1st place - The Quest 2on2, Gothenburg, Sweden • 2008 1st place - Talk is Cheap 5on5, Oslo, Norway – also best B-Boy • 2008 1st place - Break de Cologne with FDM, Cologne, Germany • 2008 1st place - JR-1, Tokyo, Japan • 2008 participation - R16 with FDM, Suwon, South- Korea • 2008 1st place - UK Champs Qualifier Europe Crew, Heerlen, Holland • 2008 1st place - Break 2 Win, Seven2Smoke, Odessa, Ukraine • 2008 1st place - Beatz ‘n Pieces 2on2, Warwick, UK • 2008 participation - RED BULL BC ONE Paris, France • 2008/2009 selected - IBE for team Europe, All Battles All, Heerlen, Holland • 2009 1st place - Evolution Europe, Karlsruhe, Germany • 2009 1st place - Hip Hop Connection, Pesaro, Italy • 2009 1st place - Raw Circles, Antwerp, Belgium • 2009 1st place - Vibration Urbainnes, Bordeaux, France • 2009 1st place - La new school, Quimper, France • 2009 3rd place - Evolution 4, Atlanta, USA • 2010 1st place - Gettting BSE, Bury St. Edmonds, UK • 2010 1st place - Unbreakable Crew, Leuven, Belgium • 2010 1st place - Battle VNR, Aulnay Sous Bois, France • 2010 1st place - Eurobattle, Porto, Portugal • 2010 1st place - R16, Seoul, South-Korea • 2010 participation - Red Bull BC One Final, Japan • 2011 participation - Red Bull BC One Final, Russia Profile Niek Traa formerly known as Justdoit Niek, is one of the few B-Boys from the Netherlands who got international fame. He battled in pretty much every important event. He convinces with a whole repertoire of outstanding combinations, energetic moves and unlimited stamina. He has a distinct style and is constantly trying to create new moves or at least do old moves with a new twist. Niek has competed several times at the RED BULL BC ONE. He won the European qualifier in Stuttgart, Germany, in June 2007 but unfortunately got injured right before the RED BULL BC ONE finals in South Africa in 2007 and couldn’t compete. He battled at the Red Bull BC One Finals in 2008, 2010, and 2011, making it to the finals in 2010, where he then lost to Neguin. Niek doesn’t remember when he saw breaking for the first time, but he remembers watching the “Power Rangers” on TV and then trying to copy a move that the Blue Power Ranger did. He later learnt that it was the helicopter. Niek started breaking when he had just turned 14. He was taking classes with an ‘old school’ B-Boy who was teaching nothing but backspins. After a few months, Niek heard about B-Boys practicing in Eindhoven. Every Saturday, he journeyed 20 km to practice. That’s where he met most of the B-Boys he would later start his crew Rugged Solutions with. Niek admired the B-Boys on the RED BULL - Lords of the Floor videotape for their originality and diversity, especially B-Boys like Cloud and Twixx. “Whenever I feel stuck, that’s the video I turn to. My foundation is based on those B-Boys!” When Niek started dancing, it just felt right. In Holland dancing isn’t something you grow up with. “Most people don’t get further than bouncing offbeat on a house track. So when I got into the world of dance it just sucked me in. I went from being interested to being serious to making it my profession. It feels great to wake up happy every day, doing what I love!” Niek loves the Hip Hop culture for its diversity. ”In music and art people are appreciated for being different. That’s the golden rule in Hip Hop: stay true to what you believe in and who you are.” Niek is originally from a really small village in Holland. His background provides him with a different view and mentality. “People don’t expect me to do the things I do. It’s like a magician; you got to bring your stuff in a way that nobody sees it coming.” There is more to Niek than meets the eye! “Being one of the B-Boys in the RED BULL BC ONE made me set my goals on a completely new level. When I compare myself to other dancers, I compare myself to the top.” In Niek’s opinion his country is a force to reckon with in the B-Boy scene. He thinks it’s one of the strongest upcoming scenes in the world. There are lots of great events in Holland and even though Holland is not a big country, there are many crews that are getting stronger and stronger. In the past few years, Holland proved to be one of the innovating countries in B-Boying. Niek states, “The scene in Holland starts to mature. There’s a lot of creativity and there are quite some prodigies around.” For Niek a good dancer is somebody who knows how to express himself. He thinks that if a B-Boy does what fits him and what he feels comfortable with, you can sense it and that makes this person stronger and a better dancer. “Don’t let anybody tell you how to dance. Ignore what other people think of you! And pass on the dance to the next generation so that it will still be here when we are gone!”

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Winner of Red Bull BC One Cypher Switzerland 2012 & 2013 I’m a 26-year-old B-Boy from Switzerland. Besides B-Boying i also like: martial arts (kung-fu), travelling, hardwork. My Crew is: Kung-Fu masterZ Titles • 2009 2nd Place - Swiss Champs (solo) • 2010 1st Place - Swiss Champs (crew) • 2011 2nd Place - Red Bull BC One Switzerland Cypher (solo) • 2011 1st Place - City vs City (Crew) • 2012 1st place - UK Champs Switzerland (solo and crew) • 2012 1st Place - Red Bull BC One Switzerland Cypher (solo) • 2012 - Who can roast the most Europe ! 10 round battle Profile Yu-Seng’s introduction to the world of powermoves, freezes and fast steps was a late one: After studying the art B-Boying intensively with a VCD movie a small part of breakdance his dad bring it back from China, he and a couple of his friends decided to give it a try in 2003, when he was already 16 years old. They moved the carpet in the living room away, and tried out their first steps and turns. The TV, several vases and lamps took damage. Since then, Yu-Seng, born in the French part of Switzerland to Chinese parents, has made huge progress. Together with his KFM crew – KFM stands for kung fu masters – he won all of the important jams in Switzerland. And he has already many solo titles under his belt like UK Champs Switzerland 2012. Now he wants to conquer Europe and after that the world, but stay humble at the same time. He really came a far way from breaking his dad’s TV.

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Bboy DopeKid is from Athens, Greece. His crew “Breakers Without Fear” has a long story in the Greek bboy scene, winning BOTY Balkans in 2005 and 2009. DopeKid belongs in the new generation ‘’young guns’’of the crew. During the year won a lot of ‘’big names’’ of the Greek bboy scene,and is thirsty for more opportunites to prove his big talent inside and outside of Greece. To represent his crew and his country in a Redbull Bc One Qualifier is his biggest dream come true.

Monkey D Alex

Messina - Italy My crews are Marittima Funk / Battle Holex / Killafornia Titles • Rock City (Las Vegas) • The Getdown battle (Los Angeles) • South Invasion (Messina, It) • One Love jam (Warszaw)


I’m a 25-year-old B-Boy from Austria, Vienna. Besides B-Boying i also like: music, travelling, knowledge. My Crews are: Life Style Crew, United MInds

La scuola Yin Yang Club di Galliate (Novara) è pronta per un nuovo grande anno accademico. Dopo Gus Bembery, Bruce Ykanji, Byron, Superdave, IAmMe, Most Wanted, Kapela, Niako, Salas, Physs, Dedson, ecc... nel 2013/2014 Yin Yang Club ti offrirà l’opportunità di studiare con i migliori Street Dancers al mondo. Tutti i dettagli da settembre! Contattaci o seguici su Street Dance Magazine!!!

Info: tel. +39 346 2205783

14-21 july 2013 Cesenatico

The most exciting Hip Hop Festival in Europe: Workshops, Beach, Sun, Jams, Battles and Parties!!!

Domenica 14 Luglio / Sunday 14 July

h 15.00 / 18.00: Hotel Check-in @ Academy Village (Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 21.00: “Warm Up Party” @ Caffè Live (Viale Carducci 20 - Cesenatico Levante) Dj Ciso jr & Dj Zax (from NuClub Vicenza) Free Entry!

Lunedì 15 Luglio / Monday 15 July

h 11.30 / 13.00 - 16.00 / 19.15: Workshops @ Academy Village (Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 21.30: “House Party” @ Pasareja (Viale Carducci 7/a - Cesenatico Levante) Dj Ricky Free Entry! Cena/Dinner + 1 Drink Red Bull: € 12,00 info & reservation: Lala +39 347.1299299 -

Martedì 16 Luglio / Tuesday 16 July 2 8

h 11.30 / 13.00 - 16.00 / 19.15: Workshops @ Academy Village (Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 21.30: “Yacht Party” @ New Ghibli (partenza da/boarding from Piazza Spose dei Marinai - Lato Ponente) Dj Yugson

Mercoledì 17 Luglio / Wednesday 17 July

h 11.30 / 13.00 - 14.20 / 19.15: Workshops @ Academy Village (Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 22.00: “Give It Up Junior” + “After Party” @ Molo 9 Cinque (via Molo di Levante 16 - porto canale) Dj Barbara & Dj Smoka Free Entry! More info about GIVE IT UP JUNIOR:

Giovedì 18 Luglio / Thursday 18 July

h 11.30 / 13.00 - 16.00 / 19.15: Workshops @ Academy Village (Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 14.00: “Hip Hop Conference” ieri, oggi e domani / yesterday, today and tomorrow @ Alexia Palace**** (via Cavour 20 - Cesenatico Ponente) Free Entry! h 21.30: “Street Fighters Best Show” + “Beach Party” @ Bagno Romeo (Spiaggia Levante 64/65 - Cesenatico Levante) Dj Smoka & Dj Ricky Free Entry! Cena/Dinner + 1 Drink Red Bull: € 15,00 info & reservation: Lala +39 347.1299299 -

Venerdì 19 Luglio / Friday 19 July

h 9.00: “Soccer Match” Italy vs World Artists @ The Week Stadium c/o Colonia Schuster (Viale C. Colombo 20 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 11.30 / 13.00 - 16.00 / 19.15: Workshops @ Academy Village Viale C. Colombo 25 - Cesenatico Ponente) h 21.30: “Pool Party” @ Piscina 4 Venti (Spiaggia Levante 59/60 - Viale Ferrara 7 Cesenatico Levante) Dj John Agesilas aka J.Ghetto Entry: €15,00 more info: Lala +39 347.1299299 -

“Soul Train” The Official The Week Transfer, from Accademia to Party & Events

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ORE 20.30 “Street Fighters World Final” @ Piazza Spose Dei Marinai Cesenatico SPECIAL GUEST: Dj Smoka & Dj Yugson info:

ld r o w r

Photo by: Little Shao


Winner Street Fighters Japan

1) The End

City: Tokyo Palmares: Winner of Master@Piece Japan 2012 *Hiro: Winner J.D.W. F. ‘07 - Winner SDK Europe 2012 *
Kite: Winner J.D. ‘09 - Winner Uk b-boy champs ‘11

 *Taisuke:Runner up Red Bull BC One World Final 2008 *Toshiki: Redbull Bc One World Final 2010 Best 8
 *Sori: Winner Juste Debout World Final 2009 
*Kenzo: Winner Euro Battle 2010-2011 Winner Uk B-Boy Champs 2011
 *Miho: Winner Runner Up Dance@Live Final 2011

Winner Street Fighters Swiss/Germany/Austria

2) DBZ (SUI)

City: Vevey, Aigle, Lausanne, Geneva Palmares: Street Fighters Swiss 2012 *Bembika: Finalist Juste Debout World Final Many Juste Debout Swiss Red Bull Beat It Swiss 2012 *Yu seng: Red Bull BC One Cypher Swiss 2012-2013

Winner Street Fighters France 3 2

3) 13cercle (Fra)

City: Marseille Palmares: Runners up Hip Hip International France 2008

Winner Street Fighters East Europe

4) Soul Power (Ukr) City: Kiev Palmares: /

Winner Street Fighters Balkans

5) Abismo (Slo)

City: Ljubljana Palmares: Guest Red Bull BC One Slovenia 2012-2013

Winner Street Fighters Greece

6) Funky Habits (Gre) City: Athens Palmares: Street Fighters Greece 2011-2012

Winner Street Fighters Junior

7) Monster Kidz (Ita) City: Lucca Palmares: H2R, Runners Up Avignone Qui est The Best, *Anthony Give It Up Jr 2012

Winner Street Fighters Z1 Italy

8) Fonzarelli’s

City: Milan Palamares: Street Fighters Z1 Italy 2012 *Ryan Juste Debout Italy 2012

Winner Street Fighters Z2 Italy

9) Aayla

City: Padova Palmares: Street Fighters Z2 Italy 2010 - 2012 Mc Hip Hip Event 2010 *Sly The Jungle 2013

Winner Street Fighters Z3 Italy

10) Sarda Force

City: Bologna/Cagliari Palamares: Runners Up Street Fighters Final 2010 Street Fighters Best Show: 2009-2010 Street Fighters Z7 Italy 2009 – 2010

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Winner Street Fighters Z4 Italy

11) 5to5

City: Florence Palmares: Street Fighters Z4 Italy 2012

Winner Street Fighters Z5 Italy

12) Klandeskillz

City: Rome Winner Street Fighters European Tour 2011 Runners up Street Fighters European Tour 2012 Âź Finals SDK 2010 *Shorty: Semifinalist Juste Debout World Final 2013 * Wally & Meth Juste Debout Italy 2012 *Cima: Guest R16 Korea 2007 e nel 2008 Winner HHC 2005 - Winner BOTY 1vs1 2011

Winner Street Fighters Z6 Italy

13) Pooglia Tribe

City: Bari Palmares: World Championship Rotterdam 2006 Winner Lifestyle Contest 2005 Winner MC Hip Hop Contest 2006-2011

Winner Street Fighters Z7 Italy

14) Renegade Master City: Catania Palmares: Winner Hip Hip International Italy 2012-2013 Semifinalist Street Fighters European Tour 2012 Street Fighters Z7 Italy 2012

Photo by: Little Shao

3 4

Special offer 4 crew and dancers 0532 76.87.36 • •

ORE 15.00 - “Give It Up 2013” PRESELECTION ORE 21.00 - “Give It Up 2013” FINALS SPECIAL GUEST: Dj Ricky & Dj Ice C @ Piazza Spose Dei Marinai - Cesenatico info&iscrizioni:

Photo by: Little Shao


3 8

Nel mondo hip hop è abbastanza comune avere un nickname, una tag, un nome d’arte. Nel mondo dei non udenti ognuno ha un nome segnato; è un nome che ti scegli o che ti viene attribuito, un tratto specifico, una caratteristica. Io, per esempio, sono “F coi ricci”; corrisponde ad una specie di OK accanto al viso, mentre la mano si chiude a spirale. Ogni membro della nostra crew Piedi in Movimento ha un nome danzato, un passo che lo contraddistingue, al quale è incorporato il nome segnato. Uno step per chiamarsi, una danza per comunicare, una coreografia che parla di noi, che racconta che per noi questo progetto è divertimento, integrazione, arricchimento, scoperta, ridere, improvvisare. E che lo facciamo con stile. Quando ho chiesto ai ragazzi quale fosse il loro obiettivo, Justin mi ha risposto: “Fare il culo ai Twins!”. Ho pensato: “Oh cielo anche qui!”. Luca fa rap. In segni. Ethel per anni ha fatto i campionati di rock’n’roll acrobatico. Shukri è danzaterapeuta e ballerina di danza africana semi-professionista. Nessuno di loro può sentire la musica. Del gruppo fanno parte anche quattro ragazze udenti, ma da fuori davvero non c’è alcuna differenza. L’associazione Mani in Movimento ha scelto me perché conosco la L.I.S. (Lingua dei segni italiana, ne ho conseguito il terzo livello parecchi anni fa), perché siamo amici e stimano le mie capacità, ma anche perché questi ragazzi sentono l’hip hop vicino. è una cultura in continua evoluzione, è libera e si presta alla sperimentazione. Mi sono resa conto che moltissimi passi hip hop sono di fatto dei segni iconici, caratteristica che avvicina già tantissimo la danza alla loro lingua. Partendo dallo stesso principio, ho sostituito alcune strutture di base con un gesto più didascalico-narrativo o con un vero e proprio segno, fondendo così elementi linguistici e coreografici. Questa ricerca ha suscitato interesse anche in altre città. Siamo stati invitati ad esibirci in diversi contesti e addirittura saremo presenti al BOFF, festival di cinema indipendente a Bologna, perché Andrea Amadei e Carolina Crespi presenteranno in anteprima il documentario che stanno realizzando sul nostro progetto. Condividendo con noi la passione, la curiosità ed i tentativi di capire i confini del ritmo, oltre il silenzio.

In the hip hop world it is quite usual to have a nickname, a tag or a nome de plume. Inside the deaf people world everyone has a signed name; that name can be chosen by you or it can be assigned to you, it comes from a specific trait, a feature. For example, I am “F with curly hair”; it corresponds to a kind of OK next to the face, while the hand closes up thus creating a spiral. Each member of our crew Piedi in Movimento (Feet in Motion) has a “danced” name, a step characterizing him and incorporating the assigned name. A step to call each other, a dance to communicate, a choreography talking about us, which tells that for us this project is enjoyment, integration, betterment, discovery, laughing, improvisation. And that we do all this in style. When I asked to the kids which would be their goal, Justin told me: “Kick the Twins ass!”. I thought: “Oh damn, even here too!”. Luca raps using the language of signs. Ethel took part to the National Acrobatic Rock’n’Roll Championship for years. Shukri is a dancetherapist and a semi-professional African Style dancer. Any of them can hear the music. In the group there are also four no deaf girls, but from the outside you can’t really feel any difference. The Mani in Movimento (Hands in Motion) Association chose me because I know L.I.S (Italian Sign Language, I achieved the third level many years ago), because we are friends and they highly rate my abilities, but also because these kids feel themselves really close to hip hop. Hip Hop is a culture in constant evolution, it’s free, and it’s experimenting stuff. I’ve noticed that many hip hop steps are de facto real symbols, and this makes the dance really close to their language. Starting from the same theory, I’ve replaced some basic figures with a narrative action or with a sign, in this way I’ve merged linguistic and choreographic elements together. This research aroused curiosity in other towns as well. We’ve been invited to perform in many different backgrounds. We’ll be to BOFF too, the Independent Movie Festival in Bologna, where Andrea Amadei and Carolina Crespi will introduce a preview of their documentary about our project, sharing with us the passion, curiosity and attempt to understand where is the boundary line of rhythm over the silence. Federica Loredan

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Teaching: a job or an illusion?

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Una comunità di oltre 100 mila unità e la questione insegnamento sempre aperta: chi può e chi non può, chi ha il merito e chi no. Il meccanismo si fa più intricato se poi si va ad analizzare l’aspetto economico di questa “professione”. Il nostro sistema può sostenere le centinaia di “insegnanti” presenti in Italia? Non nascondo che la cosa assomigli più ad un’illusione che ad una professione, della serie: fa figo dirlo, ma in definitiva che futuro ci si prospetta? D’inverno sballottati e divisi tra più scuole per far quadrare i conti, per un reddito che durante l’estate si azzera o si basa su piccole entrate, derivanti da impieghi in villaggi turistici, centri estivi o performance varie, molto spesso sottopagate. Un potere contrattuale quasi nullo (tranne che per gli insegnanti più importanti), una posizione fiscale e sociale che non permette nemmeno di richiedere una carta di credito, figuriamoci un prestito per l’acquisto di un’automobile. Non mi spingo nemmeno a considerare l’acquisto di un casa, che anche i lavoratori stabili faticano ad ottenere. Fino a quando reggeranno i 7500 euro come rimborso di un’asd? Fino a quando sarà possibile poter continuare questo percorso? La possibilità di vivere da soli eccita tutti, ma con quali soldi? Con quali certezze? Qual è la prospettiva per quei ragazzi che lasciano la scuola onde inseguire il miraggio dell’insegnamento o del professionismo? In molti dicono: “A livello contributivo vivo il mio presente, alla pensione chi ci pensa?”. è questo l’atteggiamento giusto? Il rischio infortuni l’avete mai preso in considerazione? Le polizze (credo che non più del 10% dei ballerini ne abbia una) risarciscono in base a quanto si produce. Questo vuol dire che il rimborso è proporzionato al reddito, quindi sono necessari

A more than 100 thousand community and an always open “teaching” issue: who can and who cannot, who is worth and who is not. This machine gets more complicated to understand if we carefully think about the economic side of this so called “job”. Can our system support the hundreds of teachers living in Italy? In the end it looks more like an illusion than a job: it’s cool to call yourself a teacher, but what kind of future lies ahead for you? In winter time you get tossed around, spending your time among different schools to make a living, then in the summer your bank account gets close to zero or gathers just small revenues, working in holiday villages, summer camps or for underpaid performances. The bargaining strength is really weak (except for the most important teachers), you don’t have a tax shelter or a social position allowing you to have a credit card, what about a term loan to buy a car? The idea to buy a house - which is hard to get even for a “normal” worker - is unimaginable. Till when the 7500 euro ASD refund are going to last? Till when it will be possible to continue this career? The possibility to live alone does attract everybody, but how is it sustainable? With which assurances? What’s the perspective for those guys who leave the school to follow the mirage of teaching or to become a pro dancer? Many people say: “I make a living for today, I’m not worrying now about the retirement fund”. Is this the right approach? Did you ever think about the injury risk? The insurance policies do refund you just depending on how much you earn. It means that the refund is in proportion to your income, and all of that requires contracts, pay slip, taxes and a proper fiscal situation. The fact that you have won, got involved in or organized

contratti, busta paga, tasse da pagare, una posizione fiscale corretta. Il fatto che abbiate vinto/partecipato/organizzato un contest non ha alcun peso, se la vostra figura lavorativa non è istituzionalizzata. Fortunato, forse, chi ha “papi” che gli consente di fare la vita da universitario travestito da ballerino, ma ricordiamo che si può avere voce nella società solo se inquadrati, in grado di giustificare un proprio reddito, un lavoro, un’attività. Se consideriamo il lavoro come mezzo per guadagnare il denaro necessario al sostentamento, allora anche la paghetta settimanale della nostra adolescenza lo era. E bastava. Ma in età adulta, quando le scelte hanno un valore sicuramente diverso, crediamo che il lavoro debba essere concepito come costruzione di un futuro. Qui non entriamo nel merito di chi può non può insegnare, perché anche i migliori ballerini senza credibilità ed affidabilità non possono raggiungere lo status di professionisti. L’intento di queste righe è fermarsi a riflettere. Tutti vorrebbero essere professionisti, ma qui non c’è spazio per tutti, per cui delle due l’una: o ci si allena cercando di essere i migliori (evitando di perdere tempo inutile sui social network), oppure è meglio fare un passo indietro, trovarsi un lavoro che dia una sicurezza ed intendere la vita del ballerino come un secondo lavoro. Tante volte un passo indietro ci aiuta a farne tre in avanti, offrendo l’opportunità di vivere la nostra passione con meno stress e maggiore lucidità. Solo così si può avere una possibilità di scelta, alzando la qualità di vita nostra e di chi ci sta vicino. In una realtà instabile come l’Italia attuale, i piedi per terra ed il famoso “Piano B”, se non doverosi, restano meritevoli di attenzione.

a battle has no relevance if your job is not committed. Maybe the ones relying on “daddy” for their college student life while they act like dancers are lucky people, but remember: you get the right to count inside your society only if you’re set in it, if you’re able to uphold your income, your job. If we consider a job as the way to earn the money to make a living, we can say that was the same with the weekly tip from our parents. Which was enough back then. But when you became an adult, when your life choices get a different value, we think that a job should be seen as the way to create our future. In this case we don’t get involved in the “who can or who cannot teach” issue, because even the best dancers can’t reach a pro status without credibility and integrity. The aim of these lines is to claim a “pause and reflect” approach. Everyone wants to be a pro dancer, but there isn’t enough place for everybody, so let’s make a choice: you can train yourself, trying to be the best (preferably not wasting your time on the social networks), or you can make one step back, find a job that gives you some certainties and consider the dancer life as a second job. Making one step back often helps us to make three steps forward, giving the opportunity to live our passion with less stress and more awareness. This is the only way to get the possibility of a choice, increasing our welfare and the one of our loved ones.In this unstable Italian situation, a safe approach and the well known “Plan B” do remain worth of attention. Giovanni Tambarelli Special content on

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DRESS UP We Love This Game

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Yes, I Love This Game! Sapete a cosa mi riferisco. Ancor di più in quella parte dell’anno (maggio-giugno) che vede le fasi finali della stagione NBA: i playoff. Al basket americano, si sa, è effettivamente legato un giro d’affari più ampio rispetto ad ogni altro sport; inoltre gli atleti sono vere celebrità, collegate quasi sempre a marchi di abbigliamento importanti a livello mondiale. Ecco allora che da un biennio il marchio Adidas, sostituendo i brand che lo hanno preceduto, ha deciso di acquistare i diritti per vestire ufficialmente tutte le squadre della lega, sapendo di raggiungere così un risultato certo: sold out, su tutti i campi! Procediamo step by step: la tank. Il noto brand si apre al mercato creando, oltre alla divisa “authentic” (quella indossata ufficialmente durante le gare dalle squadre, molto costosa e solo per pochi, quasi impossibile da avere) altre due linee: la “swingman” e la “replica”. La prima è una fedelissima riproduzione della linea da gara, in tessuto traforato con numeri e nomi squadra/player cuciti, meno cara ma comunque non facile da avere. La seconda è invece quella più accessibile come prezzo, differente però dalle altre, con spallina più larga ed applicazioni non cucite ma stampate, tessuto meno traspirante e meno resistente, etichetta più semplice, senza ricami della lega. Fino a poco tempo fa era l’unica ad essere reperibile su di un mercato non facile; anche ora è la più venduta delle tre. Short: qui il brand ha deciso di muoversi con la sola linea “swingman”, riuscendo a dare al pubblico un modello ad ottimo rapporto qualità/ prezzo, oltre che facilmente indossabile. Tutto questo - top e bottom - in vestibilità “reale” (come indossato dai giocatori), normalmente in length +2, ovvero capi più lunghi e larghi del normale. Sono state prodotte e messe sul mercato anche le seconde e terze divise, in altri colori. Non solo: Adidas ha infatti riprodotto i modelli


Street Fighters Store

Yes, I Love This Game! You know what I’m talking about. It’s even more in a time of the year (May – June) when the final stages of the NBA season go on: the playoff. It is well known that American basketball has a wider turnover than other sports: beyond these athletes real celebrities stand firm, almost always linked to worldwide known sportswear brands. Adidas - replacing the previous brands - has decided to buy the rights to officially dress all the league’s teams by a two-year period, ensuring to have a result: sold out on all fronts! Let’s move on step by step. Tank. This famous brand opens to the market, thus creating the “swingman” and the “replica” uniform, adding to the “authentic” one, weared during the teams matches, very expensive and almost impossible to have. The first one is a true reproduction of the official one: perforated fabric with numbers and sewn teams/players names, less expensive but anyway not so easy to have. The second one is cheaper but different from the others, with wider straps and stamped applications, less breathable and resistant fabric, a simpler label with no league embroideries. Until a short time ago it was the only easy to find one on the market, even now it is the most sold of the three. Short: the brand decided to produce the “swingman” line only, giving the people an affordable garment, more than easily wearable. All this - top and bottom - in a “real” fit, how it is wore by the players, normally in a +2 length (longer and larger items of clothing). Later, second and third uniforms have been produced and put on the market with other colors. Not enough: Adidas again delivered garments linked to the 80’s and 90’s historical players like Magic Johnson, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen, Larry Bird, Dennis Rodman and many others with different weaves, so typical of that years.

legati agli anni ’80 e ‘90 di giocatori storici come Magic Johnson, Karl Malone, Scottie Pippen, Larry Bird, Dennis Rodman e tanti altri, con trame differenti e tipiche di quegli anni. Ora che anche New Era e Stance producono rispettivamente calze e cappelli legati alle squadre NBA, potrete davvero vestirvi da capo a piedi, urlando nuovamente il leit-motiv di quegli anni: I Love This Game!

Nowadays New Era and Stance respectively produce hats and stockings linked to NBA teams too. So you can dress yourself head to toe, screaming the evergreen leit-motiv of those years: I Love This Game! Special content on

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Agenzia professionale di management, organizzazione di eventi e tour per ballerini e artisti Info: +39.349.52.72.790 - -

- Direttore responsabile: Marco Terrestri - Redazione: Alessia Grinfan, Alberto Gambato, Susan Ancillotti, Giovanni Tambarelli - Grafica: Denis Guerrini - Foto: Denis Guerrini, Little Shao, Sam Angeli - Stampa: Universal Grafiche - Mestrino (Padova) - PubblicitĂ : Hanno collaborato: Kino, Federica Loredan Editore: Street Fighters a.s.d. via Camisano n.94 - Cesena 47521 Roc n. 21721

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