Dasha Paramonova “Luzhkov Era”

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LUZHKOV ERA Daria Paramonova

Studio Preservation Next Director: Rem Koolhaas Supervisers: Anastasia Smirnova, Nikita Tokarev

Strelka institute for Media, Architecture and Design, 2011 Š Educational Program 2010-11

Table of Contents





1992, The Pre-determination!


1993, “The dashing 90-s”!


1994, “Young years – great plans”!


1995, People`s Moscow!


1996, The inner Empire!


1997, “Triumph of the will”!


1998, The Catharsis!


1999, Unofficial Moscow!


2000, The new beginning!


2001, Institutions!


2002 , The evil funnel!


2003, Paul McCartney at the Red Square!


2004, In the Avant-garde!


2005, The world of arts or the artificial world!


2006, Metamorphosis!


2007, Moscow-London!


2008, “The world is not enough”!


2009, The reverse point!


2010, The end!




2040, Press Revue!


Picture credits!








Special thanks to my experts: Kiril Asse, Natalia Dushkina, Elena Gonsales, Grigory Revzin, Sergey Sitar

Introduction My 90-s It seems the 90-s are in fashion now. It’s nice, though in fact my attitude to the last decades is dual. From one side, I look at this time as a professional, practicing architect; from the other, I am screening it through the prism of the personal experience of the first-hand participant of this epoch: I am thirty – “we’ve grown up together.” Everything happened in the country directly touched me and my family and friends, what happened to Moscow, say, happened to my house, my district – hereof I’ve got this affection. After all, the professional architect’s attitude is the acquired knowledge supported by the society’s judgment, and, of course, my own intuition. Exactly here the problems started, more precisely the alternating personality. The emotional affection to the 90-s, as a part of my past, differs from the opinion of my educated and sophisticated colleagues about the architecture of Moscow of that period. More often it is openly abused, particularly after the former Mayor “retirement.” During the Mayor Luzhkov govern-

My family, 1995

ing the criticism mainly came from the scanty intellectual elite, but after a number of publications and TV programs a considerable part of population joined them. The postSoviet architecture was considered to be a compromise; most probably it is the result of complicated socio-political and economic conditions, than an artistic phenomenon. ! Liquid Russia 1 After the USSR breakdown the ideological emptiness appeared and instead of the vanished socialist values – “labor, justice, equality” – new ones were rapidly born – “profit, property, democracy.” At the same time the necessity appears to build the material world, so despised in the Soviet years, nearly from scratch. The community rushed to praise the comfortable capitalist world. “I conceive that the most important achievement of the last 20 years was the historically unprecedented leap from the economics of deficit to the consumer society.”2 From the economy of deficit...

To my opinion, the last 20 years clearly broke into two phases. The post-Soviet Russia is rapidly changing exactly till the financial crisis of 1998. In the first decade the Western model of development has been used, including democracy, free market, private property, personality priority, but the dreams of happy capitalist future have been replaced by the capitalist present. There always have been the doubts that we were going the wrong way – not our own! – but nowadays it is proved by the crisis, and we have to “restructure” again. Despite the radical nature of changes in the society, the Moscow appearance in the first decade is changing insignificantly, and new construction is being perceived enthusiastically as a long-awaited renewal after the time of a damp. The crisis of 1998 becomes a turning point, and the revolutionary strategy of the first decade is being replaced by the strategy for stability: the exposure of the corruption schemes, the social policy, and the development of the future growth strategy. The visibil1

The title of the chapter is inspired with the book “Liquid Modernity” by Zigmunt Bauman


Auzan Alexander. Institutional economics for dummies.// Esquire, May 2011.

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Luzhkov Era

...to a society of consumption

ity of civilized development is being created. The selective re-habilitation of the Soviet past took place and the admission of a number of its “objective” advantages, including the high level of science and military complex development. There is an opinion that “not always adequate” (especially in the last years of the Presidency) president Yeltsin and the persons manipulating him under the code name “The family” are responsible for the hard economic consequences of the first decade. If the first period built the future, denying the Soviet state past, the second goes ahead turning back. The wild capitalism and the conditional democracy exist in a strange way with the ghosts of the past in the hierarchic system of the governance. A combination of the enforcing chain of command and selective re-habilitation of the past makes an interesting impact on the Moscow architectural heritage. Under the lee of the idea of saving the historical environment the city is rapidly destroyed due to new massive construction of the so called “contextual buildings.” Many historical buildings are being demolished by the will of the city Mayor to be revived as “nearly identical.” It’s appropriate to recollect here the phenomenon of the cycle of change of the cultural paradigms in Russia, described in VlaLiquid Russia. Mix of two cultures

dimir Paperny thesis (“Culture 2” publication). If one can look through this prism, the uniqueness of the 1990-2010 period is that two cultures – vertical and horizontal replace each other within a short period of 20 years. The time is shrinking, the events are being compressed.

The Capital and the Mayor Moscow became a kind of a model of all – and for all! – country. The city appeared to be inseparably tied with the name of Yury Michailovich Luzhkov, who has occupied the Mayor position since 1992 up to 2010. The fact that after 20 year of his ruling he was removed from the position – retired, officially closes the entire epoch of the Capital city Mayor Gavriil Popov with president Boris Yeltsin

history, but bears the symbolic meaning as well. The Mayor firing proves the fact that his time has passed and the rigid vertical chain of command shows a strong dislike for such persons. Yury Luzhkov was assigned to his position in 1992 instead of Mayor Gavriil Popov. As it was said, the “manager” replaced the “Politician” - it was necessary to introduce a proper order and to build a new life after the “interlunation.” His image changed during the entire governing period, as the state changed and Moscow itself. The Chairman of Mosgorispolkom (the Moscow city government) in the Soviet times, a member of The Communist Party of the Soviet Union till its last day, Moscow deputy Mayor, economic executive Mayor, - politician, - businessman, - exile.3 Starting with the city clean-up he switched to the large-scaled projects of the revival of the “Moscow of bygone days,” the way he saw and understood it, and then he made a bold push for Russia, but was defeated in big politics and remains within the borders of his town, where ruled like an actual owner. The corruption level has grown immensely during his times: it was the system made of labyrinths of interconnections and private

New mayor Yury Luzhkov...

interests, the fight against from outside was useless. At the same time, the schematically primitive social policy, performed by Luzhkov, brought to him popularity among pensioners and low-income population group as a part of budget funds was really distributed for the additions to pensions, benefits and bonuses. Luzhkov was the ambiguous but undoubtedly bright personality. He is a representative of the first generation of the media politician, celebrity politician, businessman politician,


The official biography of Y.Luzhkov, http://www.bfs.ru/libs/lid_683.html

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populist politician. His image was created on simple, people-transparent patterns: peaked cap, honey, broom. His income, his private life are discussed in the press and community even after his resignation. His personal activities have changed the Moscow panorama in such a way, that more than one generation of historians will examine what had happened. Luzhkov, I might say, loved culture, particularly the theatre, music and sculpture. But namely, the architecture became his passion with the lapse of time. The Mayor resolutely changed the city space, guided by his personal taste. The mixture of democracy with the “owner” ideology which came from the past epoch enabled him to modify Moscow so radically by the will of one man, one personality. It’s worth noting that the Mayor’s private taste matched the taste of the population sweepingly coped the joy of the new material values. Love to the renewed, understandable, positive and “antique” – the authorities and population of Moscow are united here. His statements about the advantages of the replica before the original made him a reputation of a boor 4, and a number of the alien projects in the historical environment – a reputation of the enemy of

...as a worker...

Moscow heritage admirers. The Luzhkov’s personal participation in projects’ decisions practically made him a founder of a new stylistic trend in architecture. “The Luzhkov style,” as critics called it, is the synonym of the kitsch, tastelessness, bluntly commercial architecture which reminds the stylized decoration. Does such architecture have a chance?

Why? How could we treat the “architectural consequences” of the 90-s? What will happen in 3040 years, when many buildings, built in the 90-s will physically break down? What of the currently erected will be perceived as a valued historical heritage in the future? Many contemporaries, and in the first turn, professionals think that the architecture of these years is simply disreputable to exist further. During the project preparation I’ve talked to two experts in contemporary architecture and preservation of historical sites, Grigory Revzin and Natalia Dushkina, and they have the same opinion: “the absence of the subjects of preservation,” “physical frame is unable to exist over 50 years,” “juvenal culture extruding the old objects” - the “heritage” of this time is doomed to disappear. More over, by the opinion of N. Dushkova, “the demonstrative demolitions” of Luzhkov’s era heritage

...as a dancer...

could serve as a good warning for architects. Such a thing should never occur again. To prove that architecture of those times has no value is rather simple. It is really not novel, socially insignificant and made of casual materials of low quality as a rule. But there is the esthetically valuable architecture and there is another. It is architecture which is linked with the events. In the world history there are extraordinary moments, and the USSR collapse is one of them. In my project I'd try to prove that the architecture of the last 20 years is extremely important as a witness of Moscow modern history. The disappearance of such heritage is the disappearance of recollections.

...as a wizard!


Maslov M., Ivanov V. What is may be more precious to the Muscovite - phantom or copy?//


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Prehistory It seems to be, that all it happened not long ago, but much of it has already been forgotten. Numerous events of the first years of Perestroyka invoked the irreversible process of the country transformation. The TV-bridge in 1982 was first attempt to enter into dialogue with the West, permission for the self-employment and publicity in 1987, the first party elections in 1989, the fight to abolish the 6 Article of the USSR Constitution on the CPSU ruling role, the law on the freedom of confessions in 1990, all this “acupuncturally” changes the society structure. The complicated mutation of the socialist society reflects the city and architectural mutations like in the looking-glass. Transformation period begins. To me, the transformation of the building complex at Turgenevskaya square seems to be the convincing example of such mutation. The construction of the Soviet modernism epoch (F.Novikov, 1967-1993) accumulates the stylistic elements of the entirely different architecture (D. Solopov, 1993-1998). The new author adds the geometric volumes with the “actual” elements and changes the complex’s facades in order to visually and functionally adapt the building to the new times requirements: non-functional, but aesthetically vital space of the empty niches are built on for the purpose of the leaving area extension, the solid insulated glazing units with the plate glasses, sculpture elements appear to “modernize” the façade. Generally, the space-ideological structure has been saved; the new epoch elements simply overlap the Soviet past.

Mutation of the socialist society - new features from another world. Playboy cover with a Russian actress Natalya Negoda – the first sex-symbol in Russia

In these years there has been made a number of decisions abolishing the previous Soviet decrees, in particular, the rehabilitation of the political repression victims and return of Academician Sakharov from his exile. The correction of the ideological mistakes of the past years inspires the criticism against the Soviet regime and appeal to the “preSoviet” historical epochs. The first ideas of the historical architectural environment revival appeared in MArchI ( Moscow Architectural Institute) with Professor Boris Eremin. Some diplomas with the representative titles “Retro-development” (1985-1986), “The revived Moscow” (19891990) propagate the ideas of recreation and reconstruction. The main slogan of the

Transformation of the building at Turgenevskaya square. The first original look, by architect F. Novikov

Eremin’s concept is “to develop by reviving, to revive by developing!” Eremin himself defines the “retro-development” term as a “committed revival of the lost historical architectural values of the city which enables to reconsider and adjust the value system, established in the public conscience due to the prolong neglect of the heritage.” 5 The expressive graphics, courageous ideas and the impressive scope made these projects famous in the professional circles. The cultural losses caused by the Soviet modernism must be compensated – this opinion is shared by almost all the cultural community of the first decade of the post-Soviet period. The utopian method of the “historical justice revival” will be applied to Moscow center. But in reality the cultural utopia will be accompanied by the commercial one. Their union further will lead to the appearance of such mutant objects as Cathedral of the Savior, the cathedral with the underground parking and carwash in the stylobate part. After the meeting of Gorbachev and Russian Orthodox Church representatives in 1988, the church recognition and co-operation with the authorities began. The spiritual idea of the “penance” and as a result the idea of the “revival” ideologically matches the Ere-


Gandelsman B.. Great Moscow by Boris Eremin.// Arkhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvy, №1, 2002

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The mix of two epochs. Transformation of the building at Turgenevskaya square. F.Novikov, 1967-1993, D. Solopov, 19931998

min’s ideas of the revival and reconstruction. The confession is re-united with architecture; the first manifestation of this is the reconstituted Church of the Kazan Holy Icon of Our Lady (1990-1993). The church was reconstructed in its original look by using the remained measures. The idea of resurrection embodied in a phenomenon, which I call Phoenix - an attempt to create new values, new history and new memories. Religious buildings, demolished in the Soviet times, were literally built up. This phenomenon has been changing several times during the last two decades.

Literal resurrection of the pre-soviet history. Empy plot and construction fence for the reconstruction of the demolished Church of the Kazan Holy Icon of Our Lady, 1991

The so called “contextual approach” began to play a large role in architecture; one of its founders was A.Gutnov. In practice, this approach transformed and reappeared as several stylistic directions, which I call as following: the “authentic imitation” –the historical style which includes the main principles and original canons, the “reconsidered history” – the modern interpretation of the historical styles and the “contextual modernism” described as the modern architecture rhythmically and dimensionally inserted in the environment. As an example we could name the Office center at Palashevsky lane, Balchug Hotel and McDonald’s office at Tverskaya Street. The Ostozhenka district reconstruction is the beginning. After the scandal related to the demolition of the historic landmark in this district and the construction of the new house for Party’s nomenclature at 7a, Pozharsky lane, the decision on the development strategy for the entire district terri-

Phoenix phenomenon. The first generation of the resurrected buildings is close to the original. 1990-93

tory was made. The project has been ordered by the independent workshop of MArchI, and the whole district turned to be a ground for the “contextual approach.” The ideological platform developed by Gutnov and his colleagues as far back as in the Soviet times, would be employed actively in the post-Soviet times. As an addition to the new economic demands the “Golden Mile” block appeared, the Moscow most expensive block, ghetto for the rich dwellers.

“Contextual approach” – “authentic imitation.” Office center at Palashevsky lane, Mosproekt, Workshop №22, A.Meerson, 1989-91

“The complex build-up meant for the district only one thing – at the end of the Soviet epoch everything was ready for developers here, who could master the territory entirely, not being tied up by the limitations of the “dot” construction. The successful positioning and advertizing finished the deal.”6

In 1986 the self-employment was permitted, the first co-operatives appeared. The extraordinary enterprising citizens began to make first capitals. It is worth noting that namely the future Mayor of Moscow at that time was a Chairman of the co-operatives commission, and it was him, who issued the permissions for the opening of the first cooperatives in Moscow, i.e. stood at the backgrounds of society “commercialization” 7 “Contextual approach” – “reconsidered history.” Balchug hotel, Mosproyekt, Workshop №19, V.Kolosnocin, 1988-91

A significant event of this period is construction of “Atrium” restaurant in 1987 (the project of A. Brodsky and I. Utkin). The futuristic projects of the “paper architecture” representatives already popular in the West thanks to the triumphs at the international competition, for the first time gained an offing to be realized due to the appearance of the private clients. “Atrium” is one of the first examples of the interior projects in the modern sense of the term. This is the implementation of the will and the taste of a private person in the interpretation of the architect. It was also the beginning of the rush for singularity: further the interior designers would invent the “special ideas” and “unconventional solutions” to satisfy the Client and to shock the society. The interior identity, its material


“Contextual approach” – “contextual modernism.” McDonalds office and restaurant, “Architectural office Vorontsova,” 1989-93

Abakumova Mariya. The Soviet secret of Ostozhenka

//http://www.forbes.ru/ekonomika/nedvizhimost/37907-sovetskii-sekret-ostozhenkilivepage.apple.com 7

“The law on self-employment,” USSR, 19.11.1986; “On cooperation in the USSR,” USSR, 19.05.1985

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value are in opposition to the state official ideology which still remains (equality, etc.), as well as the independent youth sub-cultures appeared in the middle of 80-s and known as “informals” 8, the new generation of architects does not serve in Mosproekt9 and is out of the system; the alternative to the state service appeared. One of the authors of catalogue on the paper architecture “Papierarchitektur” Professor H. Klotz describes the new interior environment as follows: ...here these tall pillars are perceived as the secret dreams realization, seemed to be impossible earlier, as the courageous protest against all that the directed towards politics and economics only sense imposes to people from outside.”10

It is even not an opposition; it’s rather the denial of reality, an attempt to build-up an ideal world, which could not be built-up outside. That is why the interiors in postSoviet environment acquired such important meaning: the ideal, comfortable and hermetical worlds creating the diverse reality illusion of the authors’ imaginations and their clients’ scope. One of the projects which also build up the diverse reality became the interior of Mayakovsky Museum by A.Bokov’s design (1987-1989). In this project the words were practically visualized literally, every scroll in the space matched the May-

An “ideal world” for a private client, “Atrium“ restaurant, A.Brodsky and I.Utkin,1987

akovsky lines expressed in verse. The architects like the magicians try their magic powers, and the public, missing without miracles, slowly begins to be turned on. But on the level of ordinary person the private interior of the apartments looks quite different as yet. Due to the fact that Soviet citizens have no chance to simply buy the furniture elements or the finishing materials for the interior, they show the extreme quick wit. Thanks to the correspondents from Eastern Bloc and the improvised means, the people create in their apartments with their own hands the analogs of the comfortable and original interiors. The touching self-made book-shelves, tables and even sofas disposed in the small-sized flats, often combine the several functions: chair-chest, flap bed, transforming into the table in the day-time, the pier with the installed sewing ma-

“Hand made world” of ordinary people, Sergey Kiselev`s apartment,1988

chine. The article about the apartments of an architect Sergey Kiselev have been published in № 5 issue of the Moscow Architecture and Construction magazine in 1988 is the pure example of such self-making – almost everything in the apartment was made by the hands of Sergey and his wife. The owner of the apartments discussed the interior as a self-portrait, the reflection of the identity. Namely the aspiration to the architectural identity, which was so much disapproved in the Soviet years, did not find the way to escape in the panel small-sized flats, when it broke loose it would fill in the near future the Moscow streets with the buildings, shouting about their identity. At the same time, the ideal hermetic worlds are swelling, reaching the serious size. The Park Place housing complex (1990-1992, workshop № 11, Y. Belapolsky) is mostly the pioneer of this trend. Initially, ordered by Administration for Service to the Diplomatic Corps (UPDK) and designed as the isolated world for foreigners, it transforms into the isolated world for a new well-to-do class of the society. The complex is a sui generis “forefather” of the so called gated community, ― the fenced housing with a check-point at the exit. In the Soviet state the isolation customary meant the exclusiveness or the difference of the position in the society: foreigners, ruling elite – in the new country the isolation means the droit of the well-to-do class.


“Informals” - the definition of "Neformal" comes from the phrase "informal groups of youth" that emerged

in the opposition to "formal" associations: the Komsomol organization, and others, allowed by the authorities 9

Mosproekt - State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow Office of the design of public buildings and constructions



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First gated community – isolation as the exclusiveness, Park Place complex, Mosproekt, Workshopworkshop №11, J.Belopolsky, 1990-92

In 1990 the old names of the streets and the Metro stations are returned or the new polysemantic names are created. It’s another back lope through the Soviet history. It changes geography and reflects the current contradictions of the society – Sakharov and Andropov prospects exist at the same time, in the same point of the globe. th The amendment of the 6 Article of the USSR Constitution and the declaration of Public support of Boris Yeltsin, March 1991

political pluralism in 1990, legalized the pluralism in the real world, including the architectural one. From this very minute all things are permitted. In 1991 the Law on the new territory administrative division of Moscow was issued. Instead of 30 districts of the Soviet times, Moscow has 10 districts consisting in their turn of the municipal districts (in 1995 they were replaced by the municipal regions).11 Both prefects and heads of the town councils received their positions by the Mayor’s decree. In other word, the chain of command in Moscow is being built up ten years ahead the federal level. The abolition of the self-administration of the district Deputies councils appears within the frames of the fight against the Soviet system of manage-

“Revolution” in Moscow, 1991

ment. A new two-step management system by the authorities’ decision per se deprived the powers of the local authorities, from the other side, such management system made possible to implement the really scaled projects. Unlike the Western horizontal system, such rigid hierarchy enables Mayor to get the authority over the city as a whole, and the each district separately through the district management, i.e. through the government officer doing only communicative role between the Mayor and the subordinate districts. The scaled projects of the 90s is partly the cause of this administrative changes, spreading the authorities’ and the servants’ mechanism capabilities. In conclusion, I would like to note once more that all current events are, from the one hand, an attempt to rupture links with the Soviet system: the lope through the history, the pluralism, the private interests, and from the other hand, it is an attempt to use some of its elements, but in the renewed, modified, transformed form: the elite isolation, the chain of command, the servants’ machine. 1991 – the terminal USSR break-out, Yeltsin is a President, Moscow is the Capital of Russia.

Boris Yeltsin is the President – changes seen from the world perspective...

... and from the local perspective: Moscow is the new Capital 11

Order of the Mayor dated September 12, 1991 N 146-RM "On establishing the temporal limits of the mu-

nicipal districts of Moscow”

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1992, The Pre-determination The first year of the peaceful life of the society after the Soviet Union break-down, after the Revolution. The year of Yury Luzhkov appointment for the Moscow Mayor position. Yeltsin begins to reform the New Russia, Luzhkov begins to reform Moscow. Free Trade decree. The initial decree permitted citizens and enterprises to trade “in any comfortable for them places, excluding the roadway of the streets, Metro stations and the territories closed to the government bodies buildings.”12 By the time, the profit earning became the main target of the performing actions and gives the character and the features for any city’s spatial change, both from the point of view of the space and planning tasks, or from the esthetical point of view. It is important that not

“Free Trade decree” changed the whole city. “Commercial functionalism” captured urban space and resulted with phenomenon, which I call “Fungus”

only the consciously designed, “purposive” architectural objects, but the city texture itself, its behavior obey the new rules. The commercialization aspect began to play the important part too, as well as esthetically or typologically. I’d propose for this phenomenon the following term “Commercial functionalism” – the possibility to use any city area as a potential income source. And not only have the ground surfaced, the city territory, but even the air space between them. The most aggressive not wanted in the architectural cover reaction on the commercial functionalism became the phenomenon which I call Fungus. They “grow” in any part of the city, where it is possible. I refer to fungus the stands, advertisements, trading centers and the marketplaces – the object places for which the commerce became the main and single func-

Commerce became equally important to esthetics and typology

tion. The most fungus do not have their authors, they are illegal and “grow” without any control. This phenomenon radically changes the city space, its texture, as well as the behavioral model of its dwellers. The commercial functionalism is the main trend of the Capital city of the Transformation period; it adapts the socialist space of the city to the new capitalist needs. One of the largest Fungus-objects of Moscow will be the Cherkizovsky marketplace, appeared in the beginning of the 90-s (for the reference – by 2009 as much as 78 different marketplaces worked in Moscow.). The marketplace is the largest of the scale example of the direct usage of the space for the profit gain. There are the characteristic specifically outside features of any Fungus-object in general and the marketplace in par-

“Fungus” sprawled all over Moscow, covering every “fertile” place – all areas which were suitable for trade

ticular: the abundance of the bright font compositions, a primitive design, a cheat “light materials” – siding covers, plastic, profiled metal. The fragile structure marks the functional purpose – to gain the profit, and if necessary could be easily modified, transported, and renewed. The smallest fungus object is a stall. The stalls are grouping and create Mycelia in the underground passages and nearby the transport infrastructure. The surface kind of the Fungus is the advertising, which especially luxuriantly grows on the large Moscow construction fencing in the center, underlining the scales of possible profits on the building ground. The closing of Cherkizovsky marketplace in 2010, the fight against the stalls by the new Mayor in 2011 definitely pointed the timely frames of the epoch. But as it was found out in the process of this fight, a rooted system – a mycelium! – it is not easy to grub out it. Privatization of the state property, which began all over the country in 1992, made a great impact to life and the Moscow architectural image.13


Decree “On the free trade” № 65 , 29.01.1992


Deсre of 15 July 1992 № 490 Moscow

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The biggest “Fungus” is the Cherkizovsky market

For example, by the sharp stratification of the society (i.e. the oligarch’s appearance) by the level of wealth, became the appearance of the new types of the real estate onto the “different income.” New terms appeared in our terminology - elite housing, social housing and the business class housing. But the most obvious consequence became the appearance of the private property rights on the apartments. Per se the single property

Because of the privatization process, residential market was established

type in Moscow is the land which is entirely possessed by the State. Following the appearance of the private property on the apartments, the housing market appears and is developing rapidly. The own flat is a place of a real freedom, where the identity rules irrespective of the architectural advantages and the quality of the building where it is located: that is how in the panel houses the art-deco and the high-tech are flourishing.

The 90-s in the history of the real estate market are the years of the communal flats exchange. The getting rich citizens could demonstrate their independence only as the owners of large apartments in the Center. The exchanged communal flats in Stalin’s New image of wealthy people. Bright look is the chance to show the different from others

buildings and houses built before the revolution had the required and underestimated potential. The appeared property on apartments and rooms gave the ability to carry out the exchange schemes: the room inside Sadovoe ring could be exchanged for an apartment in the sleeping district. The inner migration began in the city; the prestige (meaning price of the square meter) of Central district grew. The stories about the exchanges acquired emotions – the tenants could privatize their rooms only by consent from all their flat neighbors. The exchanges were performed by the realtors – another new word in the Muscovites’ lexicon. Money and crimes is a typical bunch of the 90-s and around ordinary realtors the “black” ones appear. The first criminal groups appeared, forcibly depriving citizens of their apartments – the first crimes of a new era were related to the real estate.

Apartment is the only type of property. Large area of a communal flat is the only way to show financial independence

The housing market development, monetization of the real estate led to the construction boom. The new Moscow districts such as Butovo, Mitino, Zhulebino began to be constructed, and the construction started in the 80-s is being completed. The new prefab housing massives appeared with the support of the industrialized construction industry, developed as far back as in the Soviet years, the main planning principles of the districts have not been changed, and the problems of public (not subject to ownership ) land space are not recognized yet. The rapid rates of the large territories development must solve the capital city housing problem which have not been solved yet,

The own flat is a place for personal identity

but with the lapse of time the new housing construction became the fast and simple way of gaining profit out of Moscow expensive land. The Massive is one more feature of the transformed Soviet ghosts. With the time the mutation gains more expressive features: the variety of new series will disguise the uniformity which contradicts the new ideals of the society.

One of the first districts, underlying a new class structure of the society and which was trying to develop the housing type principally opposite to the housing Massives was the cottage district named “Setun.” The private house within the city was a dream which came true. The material proof of the fact is that than everything would Butovo district. New districts as new cities. Appropriation of space for citizens as well as for profit

be the West-like soon – a cottage, an automobile and a barbecue in the back yard. In reality, the cottage building has not been seriously developed in Moscow. The city prefers to grow skyward.

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The appearance of different groups of the society requires the diverse approaches to the outward and planning solutions for housing. Designers intuitively began to take into account a certain taste of the owner/client. The samples built by the architects must match the conceptions of the potential buyer. The accuracy of hitting the wished image provides the success and the implementation of the project. Later it comes to the development of the housing construction by the individual design, opposite to the standard pre-fab construction. In these times the images are really specific. The authors neatly contrive the original facades to attract the potential customer. One of the examples of the individual design, the building with an expressive façade, telling some story about the tenants is a house in Veskovsky lane (Mosproekt, Workshop 22,

The first gated community – Setun district. Cottages have not became popular in Moscow area. Mosproekt, Workshop №15, 1992-95

under the guidance of A. Meerson).

Later on the development of this direction of the individuality would lead to the situation that the architectural object image and style in general should fuse with the certain groups of familiar motives. One of the conditions of market success is forming of the images the client himself identifies with. The real estate market is limited by the set of images, which could call the feeling of the needed and desired commodity. The Massive Identity is the integration of the individual images into the groups, clear and familiar to the different groups of population, which is the effective market tool.

Massive Identity – a new phenomenon – residential house with individual design. Appartment building at Veskovsky lane, Mosproekt, Workshop №22, 1992-95

The privatization in Moscow was made by the special forced scenario, the specially developed plan and schedule which were directly promoted by the Moscow Mayor. As a result, during the followed years the privatization in Moscow was performed more effectively than around the country. This rapid privatization, along with other reasons, lead to Moscow transformation into the financial center. Large financial turn-over leads to the appearance of new types of buildings: the banks and office centers appear all over Moscow. The Bank on Prechistenskaya embankment which was one of the first designs of the “Ostozhenka” architectural office became a real token of the new world. Its appearance mostly is a result of the “contextual approach” (the scale and rhythm of the windows with due regard of the embankment surroundings), but

Moscow is a financial center. New types of buildings – private bank. Bank at Prechistenskaya embankment, AB Ostozhenka, 1992-95

this project have been used modern materials and one may see the features of the “contemporary Western architecture”: one may say, that it’s one of the first representatives of the “contextual modernism.” The participation of the European architects J.Pallasmaa, Davidson and Lindeberg (Finland) and the Contractor demonstrate a new quality of design and construction. But (good) intention to go a Western way further should be changed by the ambitions to find the desired “unique Russian way.” The bank architecture enthusiastically met by the professional society, 14 was not massmarketed maybe because it did not inspire the Moscow “master,” or maybe it seemed not to duly impress the city dwellers, which got used to the emotional shocks since the “Revolution.” The building is too much “normal.” Another example of the architecture existence in the world of the financial flows became “Zenith” business center at Vernandsky Prospect (architects Y.Belopolsky, N.Lutomsky, L.Perini) - also a joint project with a foreign participation. The scale, the abstract forms and modern materials set force an effort to create the Russia’s fantastic future image here and right now. The light blue plate glass was used in the building, a “classic” symbol of the “future” architecture. The entire volume reminds a huge iceberg, there is no archetypical elements – walls and apertures. The overall glazing is the main “trump” in the authors’ intention to create the real architecture of the “future.” The atrium space of the inte14

Project Russia, №1,1995

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Business in private hands. Another leaders of new state. B. Borizovsky and R. Abramovich

rior, appeared in the bank at Prechistenskaya embankment would be the real hit of the followed 20 years. The architecture “from the outer space” demonstrates the scope to create a brand-new Moscow, revolutionary allocated not in the center, but closer to the outskirt (though as all new which was made in Moscow in the past 30 years). Possibly this “diversity,” the revolutionary “outscirtness” further became the reason of the pro-

Fantastic future “today.” Bussines center Zenith, Mosproekt, Workshop №11, 1992-...

ject failure and termination of the construction. Nowadays it is a curiosity – the first example of neglect of the contemporary materials – ones which no one is used to see aged.

But the main symbol of the future World Financial Capital becomes Moscow International Business Center “City” – a business center of the “global type.” In 1992 supported by the Moscow Government the JSC City was founded. Building the Moscow City was the main architectural-commercial utopia of the Luzhkov’s era, the most scaled example of the commercial functionality. As of today, a quarter of the planned objects are realized, another quarter is under construction, and the remaining part is withheld or terminated.15 “Moscow-City” Business District has to be the symbol of the new financial capital. Still under construction

All above mentioned events became a factor of the development of the architectural industry and its institutions. Now the alternative to the state design organizations appeared to be serious – the first private bureaus: “ABD,” “Ostozhenka ,” “Kiselev and partners.” Currently one can choose the bureau taking into account the prices, work experience, popularity. The new media publications appeared – “Architecture bulletin” instead of the officious “Architecture of the USSR.” The first private architectural gallery of Irina Korobyna and Elena Gonsalez at the Center of Modern Arts holds the first exhibition of the private country houses designs. The country house is a

At the title page of the catalogue dedicated to the exhibition of projects for private houses – Villa Rotonda and its reflection as a modern house

New public heroes: soap opera movie star and a representative of the society – Lenya Golubkov – were filmed in the MMM

Financial pyramids were an inspiration for construction pyramids. A demonstration of the deceived investors

second “available” method of the population massive individualization after the interior design. The catalogue cover, devoted to the exhibition shows La Rotonda del Palladio and as its reflection the “modern version” of the private country house. There are a lot of projects, but only few have been implemented.

Describing this time, one cannot but note the MMM – the most famous financial pyramid of the epoch: millions of the deceived investors, the primitive, “people transparent” advertising campaign, suits and criminal cases. In the construction and architectural business the “quick wit” à la MMM also will be a great merit soon: the profit gaining by different methods from the real estate, the overpricing, “back offs.” 16 From the black realtors the thread will be pulled to the “legalized” construction pyramids.




“Back off” is a popular term, meaning a type of a bribe for an official organization

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1993, “The dashing 90-s”


The coup d'etat effort, new democratic authorities use power to put down a revolt, tanks shoot the Federation Supreme Soviet, sitting in the White House.

The expression of “character ,” “will” and “coercive methods” by one individual, vested with the authorities, came from the Soviet state and strengthened in the new times. “The chief” who makes decisions in the hard times – is the only hope of the society. Running ahead, after the moment Putin came to power in 2000 such “plane” actions are imperfect – the preference is given to the multi-stage methods.

The expression of leader’s/government officer of power, authority and the will appear to be perfectly actual at the architectural level also― the first spontaneous demolitions of Moscow old architectural landmarks began. “Dismantling” of two-story buildings of XVIII - XIX century, which had a status of the architectural landmark at Kadashevskaya embankment made personally by the Mayor: the landmark must not be an “obstacle” for the scaled plans of the Moscow reconstruction! There are also other priorities. The demolished buildings are replaced by the office buildings, “justified” by the commercial

“The will” and “the power” of the authorities stopped the overturn

functionality reasons. The new authorities and new principles: the strongest win, more precisely, those who bring the maximum profit. To be profitable is quite good, but to hinder the profit gaining is bad. 10 years later such plain vandal methods would not be used and would be replaced by the multi-stage and multi-pass schemes formally “covered” by the Law but absolutely criminal per se. Those demolitions are definitely a part of a general “criminal” mood of the nineties.

The architectural symbol of 1993

Political events of this year are a highlight of this year – the most important architectural event of this year is burning down the building of the Parliament.

Demolition is the appearance of “the will” at the architectural level


Stable expression is actively used to describe the era of the 90s in the literature, press and сinematography

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1994, “Young years – great plans”


The society examines its boundaries, trials radical directions. Abuse of discretion, lack of restraint, absence of control. Freedom enjoyment orgy. The market establishment, appearance of the rich people and privatization lead to the crime wave, corruption, gangsterism. Pompous contract killings, “Black Tuesday” 19 and financial pyramids. From one side, the Solzhenitsyn returns from the exile, naked artist Kulik on Lada’s bonnet, from the other.

The freedom celebration continues at night. There are certain clubs for the certain people – “fancy,” “prestigious,” “for friends.” Among the first clubs are Night Flight, Manhattan, Harlequin, Dolls – the night life enlightens the nocturnal city. The neon lights, the fragrant colors – the clubs’ design reflects the clients’ preferences. One of the first clubs – “Ptuch” celebrates the life in the “techno” rhythms and in the total escape from reality, the magazine with the same name holds its place among the glossy publications which filled up Moscow. It seems that one can enjoy himself not only in the weekends; there appeared a new class of society which enjoy all the week long unconsciously. And

The title page of Ptuch magazine – the night culture

they are not marginal persons but “one among many.”

More and more different directions and typologies appear in the architecture: private companies, offices and banks, night clubs, restaurants, casinos, cafes, trading centers. Some of them imitate the past, the other are the images of the future. The historic styled designs are devoted to inscribe the novelty into the existing environment, at the same time their bold interpretations of the “history” lay well enough into the paradigm of life without rules. The rejection of the last years of Soviet modernism, settled on the industrial rails and demolished the architect and author personality, leads to the stylistic wild outburst, one extreme is replaced by another. Now the architects could choose a style to

Oleg Kulik, together with Alexander Brener. Mad Dog or Last Taboo, protected by a lone Cerberus. November 25, 1994

situation – avant-garde for banks, historic for houses in the center, modern for offices.

The first issue of Salon magazine, a bulletin of the consumption culture gets out. Everyone already understands, that the interior design is the most accessible way to make one’s known, to demonstrate one’s abilities, to underline one’s exclusiveness. The headlines suggest the actual themes: “Respectability in the panel house,” “Nostalgia for classics,” “Small house for the ideal life.” This life is for the well-to-do people yet, who rapidly have grown rich along. It’s them who await windows and tiles from Italy for half a year, observe the results in the company of friends-of the-friends. The others turn over the magazine pages yet, but know precisely what makes the sense of their life and their dream.

The architectural pluralism came with political pluralism together. The history (of Russia) as the source for inspiration, attract more supporters. The return of Solzhenitsyn after 15 year of emigration is an example of literally return of the living history which gets a wide resonance in the society. His trip on the train from Vladivostok to Moscow after he returned from the USA, was neatly planned and last about 2 months. At the moment 18

“Lemis” company advertisment , “Stolitsa,” 1991


“Black tuesday” – collapse of the ruble to US dollar, October 11, 1994

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Appearance of gay culture. A fahion show by Slava Zaitsev - a famous cloth designer

of the arrival to Yaroslavsky rail-station there were about 20 thousand of people who were meeting him, what was considerably less than expected. The mayor was amongst them. Solzhenitsyn sharply criticized the reforms and privatization in new Russia, declaring that “Russia has been ruined.” 20 At the same time the idea of the revival of pre-Revolution times and Russia repentance continues to be realized, the reconstruction of the Cathedral of the Christ the Savior begins. During the whole process the project is considerably transformed and the construction will be completed not by the person who started it (Aleksey Denisov), but Zurab Tsereteli, later the most discussed monumental sculptor in new Russia. The project transformation is meaningful. The replacement of the white-stone elements by

The return of Solzhenitsin with his ideas of revival

the bronze and polyurethane, the adding of the underground parking lot into the stilobate part made the initial cathedral image authentic only in a general look. But the objections sink in a flow of arguments defending the “new modern requirements.”21 This argument as noted above, is at the same time the main trump of the demolishing and reconstruction projects also. The designing of Galina Vishevskaya opera center started, the house “dressed” in the order system and classic elements as if it wishes to look like a mansion. But the “disloyal” apartment buildings and the attics spoil the whole impression.

The idea of revival and the correction of Soviet mistakes combined with contemporary needs – reconstruction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

A movie director Nikita Mikhalkov shoots the “Burnt by the sun” movie about the ambiguity of the Stalin’s past. The architecture keenly reacts to these spirits: the modern imitations of Stalin’s architectural style appear. It’s not the regime justification, but a kind of the appeal to the elements, considered to be the objective positive features of Stalinist aesthetics. Such buildings as Gals Tower of P. Andreev (1994-2001), apartment complex at Valovaya Street of M.Posokhin (1994-2000) designed by Mosproject, continues the Stalinist architecture theme in modern Moscow.

Opera house of Galina Vishnevskaya – culture and commerce combined together

One more type of the “dialogue with history” is a creative reconstruction, the combination of modern and historic forms in one object, a compromise satisfying several parties – Mosenka office by S. Tkachenko, building reconstruction at Krasnoselskaya by A. Asadov.

Besides the architectural “dialogues with history” the radical present also flourishing: high-tech, deconstructivism, modernism and post-constructivism. For the bank architecture the designers offered this or that style. More often these styles are the personal Stalinist times were ambiguous – there are still doubts about the past. Architects simply get inspired by Stalinist architecture without its ideological load. Gals Tower, M.Posokhin, 1994-2001

preference of architects, which they could implement at last. The projects are performed fairly, diligently following the rules and with the attention to details. The client does not yet have the idea to save on the image – a main ratio of the owner’s progressive principles, his belonging to a new world. Sberbank by M. Khazanov, Infobank by A. Bavykin, Unicombank by D. Solopov: there are no style preferences or norms as yet, but each direction has the right to exist.


Medvedev V. The return of Solzhenitsyn. //http://www.ng.ru/polemics/2000-02-12/8_way_home.html. 11.12.99


Petrov D. The temple of reconciliation. On Tuesday, it is the 75 years since the day when Russia's main

cathedral was torn away.//http://www.interfax-religion.ru/?act=radio&div=454, 06.12.06

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1993-1994 is the time of foundation of lately famous developing companies. Many companies will show their worth only in 2000-s, but in this time the structural establishment of the main developing giants appear. They could be divided into two groups – “by the origins”: the successors of Soviet building complex (Glavstroy, SU 155, LSR) and the enterprising businessmen, who figured out in time how the Moscow world is arranged.

Architectural pluralism – the first chance for architects to try their skills in different styles. Infobank A.Bavikin, 1994-1997

Cultural pluralism – different styles of music are legal as well. Musician Yegor Letov

“Creative reconstruction.” Office building at Krasnoselskaya street, A.Asadov, 1994-1997

Elite culture for cultural elite. Natatlia Pivovarova, singer in the night club

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1995, People`s Moscow Moscow acquires its own coat of arms, hymn and flag – the attributes of the history and traditions.

The restoration of Iversky gates has been started at the Red Square. The first generation of Phoenix, as the Cathedral of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God completed in 1993, the gates are being restored close to the original. For that moment it is not only one way of the restoration. Moscow “as it was” – another Phoenix appeared – Iverrsky gate

The simple human joys, unpretentious emotions: the “Russian Radio” starts broadcasting, every advertising block is accompanied by the anchorman's anecdote, the shelves of all shops are occupied by Baltica beer, a new popular product, the most popular TV show is “Anshlag”22, the main stars are humorists. Luzhkov launches a new fast food net “Russian Bistro” as an alternative to the Western McDonald’s, gets licenses to kulebyaka, fruit drink, saloop.23 – traditional Russian dishes. The fast foods is a phenomenon to change the daily regimen of a modern person – the lunch in the fast food shop is not the lunch in the canteen. There appears the problem of the affordable leisure-time at the street of Moscow. One of the new types of spending leisure-time is shopping or window-shopping, which is quite new for the Muscovites.

There is the time of new city environment– “trade and entertainments.” Near the Kremlin walls the construction of Okhotny Ryad complex started which is a new typology with a new style direction. The complex is being built by using the available images and architectural elements, which masses should like: balustrades, sculptures, fountains, fabulous and child’s atmosphere, comprehensibility. Okhotny Ryad is also the exploration of the underground space. Under Luzhkov the city actively conquers the underground. Besides the notorious parking lots (the main reason for all followed demolitions of old buildings) the entire underground spaces are filled with the trade, the underground passages are narrower, the flow is more compressed. In comparison with Okhotny Ryad the Poklonnaya Gora memorial, opened on commemoration of the

New culture of the society of consumption: a lot of fun and plastic. Promotion of Russian fast food

Victory 50th Anniversary looks dull and “irrelevant” against the backgrounds of the overall fun. Later the empty space - the Soviet Union heritage, will be cheered up by the sportsmen, it will be occupied by the rollers and bicyclists. These two projects are united by the name of sculptor Zurab Tseretely, responsible for all main images of the Luzhkov’s era.

Manezhnaya square – public space as entertainment

The Decree of Moscow Government on the city program “Housing,” full of good intentions, has been issued. The plans include the growth of the residential area up to 20-21 square meters per a person by 2000, the provision of flats for people on the waiting lists, the construction of high quality housing. One of the program points is also the priority Russian comic Petrosyan – the hero of the TV show “Anshlag”


Popular humorist TV show


Selivanov A. Father of pie: top 10 inventions of Yuriy Luzhkov.//http://www.aif.ru/techno/article/37923.


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of the construction of low-rise and low-dense housing development, moving about two million tenants to the close vicinities of Moscow area at the expense of the cottage construction, the limitation of the pre-fab construction up to 5-10%. It was directed towards the customers with an average and high income.24

“Unattractive” housing will be destroyed. Program of demolition of the five-storey buildings

There appears a term "dense development,” which later on will be known as an “infill development,” leading to the proposed growth of the housing stock of 5 million square meters. Only the infill development was realized out of all noble ideas, which will be accompanied by numerous court hearings.

The Luzhkov program of five-storied houses demolition implementation started. At the same time new series of panel construction have been developed. The entire nature of the construction industry begins to change and transform. Now the new series (P3M, for instance) are being developed according to the modern requirements – all the elements should be bright, optimistic, but in particular, diversified. From this moment the New panel blocks will be much more beautiful and diverse. New series P3M

number of series and their combinations will constantly increase. The main instrument is a polychromic approach omnipresent oriels. The colored blocks look as if they are opposed the Soviet Grey environment. In general, the Mayor appreciates the diversification: “This is so called Russian eclecticism, which means uncertainty of styles. But it is also good, that I call not the uncertainty but diversification of styles.”25

Against the background of the development of social housing construction the housing by the individual design continues to develop also, and soon it will be called (stable term) a multifunctional residential complex. The predecessors of the future giants like residential complex at Zoologicheskaya, a building in Zhulebino as yet are “dressed” in One the first features of the future multifunctional complex – scale begins to grow

a customary red and white brick dress of “Central Party committee” style house and don’t have a specific classification as “business,” “economy,” etc., but the main feature, the extra huge construction scale has been already declared. The construction of the first elite house at Veresaev Street is being completed. The new typology is developed by architects Viliaminov, Tumarkin and Nadtochy. New principles gave birth to new diverse infrastructure. The house with the underground parking, fitness hall and sauna became a real occasion. The apartments' interiors are made “turnkey” under the Western standard. Against the background of the exchanged communal flats it is the first new house built by requirements of the well-to-do class. The attic as a new element adds a specific chic to the building – despite the dark small

The first elite house was built for the new demand

windows and inconvenient inclined walls, this element seems to bring the whole house to the center of Paris, even in spite of its all 14 floors and, frankly speaking, “Communist Party Central Committee” façade. The house at Veresaev Street is still far from the modern elite requirements because of flats location and quantity: there are about 100 flats in the building, and Moscow does not have the precise territorial division on the prestigious districts, that is why its location in Kuntsevo district is rather accidental.


About the city program “Housing” Goverment of Moscow. Resolution on September 19, 1995, № 782


Nesterov V. He liked to dance on the

events.//http://www.gazeta.ru/culture/2010/09/28/a_3423916.shtml. 28.09.10

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The same typology also includes Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center (M. Posohin), which was designed a year earlier. This is one of the first multifunctional complexes built in the modern “elite manner” in the prospective district of Ostozhenka. Behind the Opera school building a residential building is hidden: here the number of apartments is limited but the area of which is huge. It appeared that the culture could be profitable.

Kremlin reconstruction is the apogee of the appeal to the “ruined Russia” is indeed the imperial “Western style renovation.” The plenty of golden modern replica is perceived as the lost Russia revival, the principles of the democratic society stick in the velvet and the embroidered silk - the imperial scope is a predictive sign for the future ambitions of

Background of the first years of the fight for democracy – Yeltsin`s office in the Gosstroy building

the “successor.” The Cathedral of the Savior is still being built and this reconstruction is the most expressive replica of the epoch, giving the green light to any most tawdry imitation. The Kremlin reconstruction is per se the first serious declaration of the Authorities which still has to function in the Soviet period buildings, which do not match enough the new tasks. The Government sits in the White House, The Federation Council in the Gosstroy 26 building, the State Duma is located in the Gosplan27 building, the Supreme Court hidden at Povarskaya Street, and the President is in the transformed and shining Kremlin.

Renovated Kremlin much more luxuries than it had ever been. New environment and new image of the “power” reconciled

Foreigners in Moscow. A bilingual magazine Project Russia appears in Moscow, the Editor-in-Chief Burt Goldhorn appeals to support the establishment of modern architecture in Russia. The magazine will be a serious area for the professional declarations, and the published analytical materials are at the “long-awaited” Western level. The Englishman William Olsope in 1993 has created the Moscow bureau and in 1995 made a project of a bank at the Schepkin alley. Moscow is for them an exciting cityexperiment, where anyone may get the chance.

Foreigners again are trying to understand the “mysterious Russian soul.” Project Russia magazine established by Bart Goldhorn


Gosstroy – The State Committee of the Council of Ministers for Construction Affairs


Gosplan –The State Commission of Planning in the USSR Council of Labour and Defense of the USSR

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1996, The inner Empire The establishment of the complicated, multi-level system of command of the city-building policy and Moscow construction complex happens. The main events and heroes: - Luzhkov wins at the elections, 88,49% of the Muscovites vote “for.” - The reorganization of the city construction complex command system. A new command structure of the Moscow economy complex appears due to the privatizations and changes of the business entities forms. The non-budget funding stock is established for the city investment programs. - Alexander Kuzmin – the city Chief architect. Kuzmin replaced on the position Leonid Vavakin, the architect of the former Soviet formation. At the unofficial voting in the Union of Architects he received 95% of the presented votes. The Chief architect received rather challenging role – to pretend that everything goes right. The directions of previous years approved. A lot remains to be done

The reconstruction of Gostinny Dvor is an adjustment of the architectural landmark for the commercial needs by radical methods. The landmark is partly demolished to perform the ambitious plan of the glass roof construction for the yard ceiling. The roofed square is a method to commercialize the “useless” street space. Concurrently the construction of the first object of Moscow International Business Center “City” is launched (the tower and Bagration Bridge). The established vertical chain of command enables to implement any ambitious project without delay and serious problems: against one’s will they recollect the large Soviet constructions. Lots of new will be built! No obstacle will stop us! Reconstruction of Gostiniy Dvor

The historical imitations are approved now at the state level. The society getting used to obey, does not object to, and it does not see any trouble in it, nobody will compare the replica with original. The historical direction now is not only one of the styles; it has the obvious conceptual preference. The designing of the whole pleiad of imitations begins. Among them are Novinsky Passage and Paveletsky Plaza – the celebrated and bright representatives of the Luzhkov style. The artist Mamyshev-Monroe, known for his comic impersonations of the historical figures, sets up a series of banners at Yakimanka Street, and no one is surprised as the imitations are extremely actual. Historical imitations as a result of the revival of history. Novinskyi Pasazh by M. Posokhin

At the same time the scale of the buildings constructed in modern and neo-modernistic styles is diminished. Mainly they are small offices, bank branches – where this style is still appropriate. The neo-modernism of such constructions as the office at Trubnaya, Sberbank at Tsvetnoy boulevard is neutral and it does not irritate.

The first Architecture and Design Exhibition in Central House of Artist, the future ArchMoscow – is the first step towards the impersonation of the architecture. Mainly thanks to such exhibitions the architecture with the lapse of time will not be a highly professional sphere, will be interested to the almost entire public. In 1996 the exhibition was attended by 37 participants and 10 thousand guests, after five years this figure grown in triplicate (92 participants and 25 000 guests). In the same years some kind of the architectural opposition began to form – the professional community, which got

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Imitations everywhere – the project of artist Mamyshev-Monroe

reed of the Khrushchev prescriptions was interested in not only imitations of the historical environment. The architects would like to development of different personal directions. The private bureaus worked with the private clients and unlike the Mosproekt they did not intend to follow the Moscow Government taste only.

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1997, “Triumph of the will” The Luzhkov’s victory at the last year elections was symbolically triumphal and was celebrated during the Moscow 850th year Anniversary. This is not a simple city Jubilee; it is a birthday of the new Capital. The format and style of the events – all that correspond to the style and the character of the Luzhkov’s city. On the moving platforms of the new Moscow historicism style there is a whole world of the preferences of the city authorities in general and the Mayor in particular. “The Committee for the preparations of the celebration of Moscow 850th year Anniversary approved the Beer Day scenario… According to the approved plan the high spot of the event will be the beer fountain…To entertain the beer lovers there are invited the circus artists, clowns animators with accordion, and even the real firemen orchestra.”

Celebration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow. New approved style of holidays and daily life

“The Committee for the preparations of the celebration of Moscow 850th year Anniversary in the days of jubilee will surprise the city dwellers by the paper salute. The special hydro guns will be used, which will be erected in the vicinity of the festive concerts at Tverskaya Street and at Vasilievsky Spusk.”

The beer fountain seems to be a perfect symbol of the society of that time – both beer and fountains already separately are the most popular lifestyle symbols.

Crowded scene for the celebration

The flourishing of Moscow is welcomed and is valued as the unique and personal merit of Luzhkov. The passed changes in the Capital are undoubtedly significant. New Moscow matches the conception of the comfortable and carefree life released from the Party ideology. The festivity every day – the best way to keep the society away. The environments which transform the Soviet city are comprised of a mixture of history, dreams and commerce. The post-Soviet community city environment is a detonating mixture of the inaccurate historical allusions, imaginations of city authorities and a wild commerce. The Mayor is a hero of this environment; people trust him, love him, write him letters. At last, the construction of the Manezh Square, the Cathedral of the Savior was resurrected, Peter the Great monument is erected; the design of the pedestrian New Arbat is being developed. The scale of the reforms, the public responses speak for themselves.

The Main Hero of the celebration

The bold compilations of the historical styles, a plenty of the questionable but pompous elements are the images telling the clear stories. The Moscow Government creates the environment for the eternal street festivities: the revelry ecstasy is starting up against the background of the balustrades, bears, moldings, lemonade, pies, icons, cars, street lamps, fountains and fireworks. “The Moscow Government approved the draft decree “On the repair works and facades of the municipal buildings illumination for the celebration of 850th year Anniversary of the Capital city.” JSC Svetoservice by September will mount the architectural illumination systems on 50 municipal buildings of the Capital city.” “Yury Luzhkov ordered to transform the city by the summer end into a kind of the flowerbed. The flowering gift for the Muscovites is included in the plan of preparations for the celebrities commemorated to Moscow 850th year Anniversary.”28

The new authorities strengthen their power by any means. It occupies, extrudes, overwhelms by the scale, scope and style. It reminds the accelerated program of privatization: the task is to perform everything as soon as possible to cut off the potentials of the old regime restoration and the consequences are regarded as the secondary goal. Here is 28

Stolitsa magazine №8, 1997

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Background for the celebration

the Peter the Great monument. It is a memory, which could not be erased. The size here is a guarantee in case of possible vicissitudes of life of the Capital city and its bosses: Peter is so strong, that it s impossible to pull off him by the head, to through him down as Dzerzhinsky some time ago. The loud action was started up on the pages of “Stolitsa,” the first magazine devoted to the post-Soviet Moscow in cooperation with the wellknown publicist, politician and gallery person Marat Gelman who founded his gallery of modern arts as far back as in 1990. The first efforts of the public opposition movement were partly possible by the fact that the magazine was owned by one of the banking holdings SBS Agro. The power of the banking magnates is but equal to the Government power, but pretty soon the magnates who are not enough loyal and fight for their interests will be brought to prison and the opposition funded by them will vanish in the shadow. !

The size of the sculpture is the guaranty for its future existence. Sculpture of Peter the Great by Zurab Tseretely

The new architecture changes the town-planning accents: the new beacons and the reference points are placed all over Moscow: from the multi-storey offices and large apartment buildings, sown by the towers to Peter I monument and the Cathedral of the Savior. The changes of this period spread like a disease – intensively and simultaneously in all directions. The city is not growing in size, but it grew more compact and renovate.

The first act of resistance against the contemporary changes in Moscow, organized by the Stolitsa magazine

The reconstruction of the Cathedral of the Savior enabled to make a miracle discovery: the construction of the building made of concrete with the laid on elements made of any material is fast, convenient and economical. And more over, the old forms seemingly look “not worse” if made of new materials. In the world of post-Soviet Moscow the word new is the equivalent of good and nice. As a result any slum building could be renovated using the modern means, but it’s better to start from the ground. Slight discrepancies

New panorama of Moscow – new structures are trying to seize land and space

with the original could be described by the same notorious “requirements of the modern city.” This is the epoch of the term “demolition with the consecutive recreation” – the most impressive example of Phoenix – buildings literally resurrect from the ashes right after the demolition.

The competition for the modification of the Borovitskaya Square which began in 1996 is till continuing. The competition participation is permitted only for the state design organizations – the anonymous creators – hidden behind the long abbreviations. The design of Akhmedov and Tseretely that has won the second tour causes a real bewilderment of the author of Stolitsa article: “Either we are going to stage a show by the whole

New constructions are easier to erect, and they are more reliable. The construction of the Cathedral of the Christ Savior

city about Rome of Victor Emmanuel I epoch or attack the Winter Palace?.” 29 The design includes the expressive elements: the triumphal arc in the middle of the square, the bent façade of the expensive hotel with the triumphal arc the General Staff building arc alike – the total triumph! The won design is a concentrate of the Moscow Government architectural preferences. Such a solution offers all it needs: the imperial scope, a combination of the historical styles and thickly decorated public space with the fountains. The Moscow Government develops the underground parking construction program. The Kursky rail-road station Square has been chosen as an area for construction due to

Apogee of the new imperial style. Project of Akhmedov and Tseretely for the Borovitskaya Square competition


Alymov O. The mood of Borovitskaya. Stolitsa magazine, № 23, 22.12.97

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“a “beautiful” combination of the surface parking and the encampment marketplace.” 30 The superstructure is “solved” as a trading center. The main ground for such decision is the need of the fast cost recovery and the “lack” of the trading space in the central part of the city. The city transforms its spaces to allocate the commercial functionality. The seizure by the trade of huge city areas is interpreted as the sign of the successful development of the Capital. An explicit commercial character of the space is underlined by the existence of two designers, the first in the name of the American company Altoon & Porter who creates the ideal trading place, the second in the name of Mosproect creates the outer shell, totally indifferent to the inside fill. The lack of usual link between a planning and facade leads to the “blind” facades emerging to the Kursky rail-way station and the

Underground parking in Moscow turned into a shopping mall. The biggest legal Fungus which seized public space

pile-up of large volumes from the Sadovoe ring side. “Till the end of the coming year the underground parking lots for 6.8 thousand cars will be constructed in Moscow. … Totally, up to 2011the parking lots for 500 thousand cars will be built. The total cost of the program is 3.5 billion dollars.” 31

The first stage of the fight for so called “civilized” Moscow appears: the intentions to build the parking lots and to solve the trading problems. Yuri Luzhkov approves the Decree on trading around Metro stations, first of all the Mayor ordered to demolish all market stalls, located at a less than 10 m distance from the Metro station or 25 m from the air pits.

Enlarged kiosk – a small shopping center is another type of Fungus

The goods could be sold only from the stalls, pavilions and from the stands. Luzhkov prohibited to trade within the crossing between the stations. Therefore it was permitted to install drinks and confectionery vending machines.”32

The prohibition of trade from hands leads to the situation where the typology of the kiosk – the smallest parasite related to the Fungus phenomenon is actively spread throughout the city as the “ordered” type of trade. Different groupings and typologies remind the spawns and seize the underground space, the areas next to Metro stations, the lawns and the pavements. The fight against the kiosks will survive different stages,

Kiosk as the “civilized” shops. Fungus which are united in the groups I call mycelium

and its peak falls on the moment right after Luzhkov’s replacement.

Within this triumph of the scale (Atrium, The Cathedral of the Savior, The Borovitsky Square) the private bureaus continue to perform the projects of a very different scope: the small objects in Moscow, the construction in the country side, the interiors. The office in the 3rd Zachatievsky alley by Scokan, office in Shshemilovsky alley by Kiselev, st the residential building in the 1 Zachatievsky alley at Ostozhenka. In general, the “op-

Surfaced fungus attract attention

position” activities are performed in the blocks of Ostozhenka. The contextual replacement of the existing dilapidated buildings by modern low-key neo-modernistic forms: beige-grayish colors, flat facades, and the additional small offset volumes – all this should enliven the city environment. The opposition as well as the ruling power change Moscow irreversibly, but instead of joyful celebration the not well-perceived, respectable and moderate world of a new bourgeoisie is being born here. The second stage of the well-to-do class transformation begins; the “fastidious” bourgeoisie appears. The current accent is made not only on the individuality, but on the objective quality either – Fungus as a parasite 30

Shevchenko A. ATRIUM ": how to" bring the matter to the mind "?//

http://www.cre.ru/journalnews/1349/ 31

Stolitsa magazine, № 2, 1997


Stolitsa magazine, № 08, 1997

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the moderately colored and ideally laid natural stone replaces the rich historical décor of the plaster. The first attempts to develop the European taste, to begin at last creating the qualitative architecture for the “conscious” people bring Moscow architecture to the new level of “elitism.”

Reserved style and small scale are opposed to the scope of new imperial scale. Office at 3rd Zachatyevsky lane, “Ostozhenka,” 1997-1999

Besides, Luzhkov begins the run for the Presidency and the model Capital city is an example of his successful work. The great political ambitions transform the image of business-like and at the same time the ordinary economic executive. Luzhkov starts-up his propaganda program for fair within the territory of Moscow. The active construction in the last years and the large projects personally controlled by the Mayor, the rehabilitated history expressed in a form of new churches, the Moscow renewed image – “the result is obvious!”

The Culture TV channel stars broadcasting – it is a strange island in the television world, where advertising and serials are absent; a kind of an oasis for the displeased elite. The Also historical imitations, but about another history. Residential house at 1st Zachatievsky lane, “Ostozhenka,” 1997-1999

channel is extremely unpopular with the mass audience. The architectural craziness of the previous years forces the architectural community to sum up the results. The first architectural rating for the last 10 years is created; Bart Goldhorn publishes it in the Project Russia magazine. The first place is confidently held by the bank on the Prechisteskaya embankment. The independent rating is an effort to settle the architecture not taking part in the propaganda campaign started up by the Mayor. The moderate and qualitative bank does not try to be unique and shining which is the best opponent to the Luzhkov’s taste.

Spacious detail should make the building more diverse. Office at Shchemilivsky lane, S. Kiselev, 1997-1999

New materials are suitable for contemporary ideas. Residential block at Zubovsky passage, S.Kiselev, 1997-2001

TV channel Culture is a niche for minorities

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1998, The Catharsis One of the striking examples of the space transformation and drifting of the architectural perceptions is the “Egg building at Mashkov Street” project. Its designing began in 1998 in the architect’s office of Sergey Tkachenko with participation of young architects-members of the art conceptual group called “Obledenenie arkhitektorov” (“Iced Architects”). The mansion looking like an egg has got the status of Luzhkov’s Moscow sightseeing. This project is multi-layered and ambiguous as all that happened to Moscow in the last time. Firstly, it’s the implementation of the most important architectural trend of those times – an effort to create the object maximally unique, different from the others. Secondly, this mega unique mansion is a private mansion in the center of Moscow (the second one is Melnikov’s building). Thirdly, the participation of “Obledenenie arkhitektorov” is particularly interesting. First of all, it was known by such independent ironical projects (so called para-architecture) as “the parasite building,” “hotel for the tramps,” “and forests in the forest.” Their hyper irony and the absurdness of the projects is their reaction on the unlimited means of the Luzhkov’s Moscow and the complete absence of the aesthetic criteria. The importance of the figurative (also ironic) connection with the Imperial Russia through the Faberge eggs (read “wealthy,” “prestige”), literally amplified to the residential building scale is obvious. Fourthly, this is really a parasite building, stick to the historical multi-flat house, occupying the “useless” plot of land. All these are the typical

Extremely Unique! Everything is possible!

features of the epoch, represented in one object, which have reached their peak. If one can suppose, that this object would be recognized as a standard, and the natural city evolution was halted, so by 2010 Moscow would turn into an exhibition of absolutely unique architecture. For me the Egg building is the brightest representative of the entire architectural trend I call the Unique – one of the main directions of the epoch. The main goal of the Unique is to create architecture in principle different from any other. The task of the uniqueness is of primary importance. The representatives of the trend appear at the moment of getting rid of Khrushchev’s ideology of the “simplification” and gradually went forward at a steady gait. The first flourishing began in 1994, when the different styles are actively used, the second in 1997, when simultaneously the entire pleiad of buildings initiated by the Moscow government and by the Mayor, the third stage is the response to the Luzhkov’s “variety” as a sample of a “complete outrage.” In my opinion, two buildings designed in Tkachenko architect’s office are the brightest representatives of the third stage: the “Patriarch building” and the “Egg building.”

Reaction to permissiveness – a fantastic combination of styles and details. Patriarch complex, S. Tkachenko and Iced Architects

“Besides, its uniqueness partly falls into the Moscow tradition course.” 33

In August of 1998 the financial crisis happened to Russia, cooling the hot heads. The capitalism was shattered; the previous way of life is on the point of the abolition. The institutes of the financial world are getting empty, as well as other society environments. The country declares its insolvency. It seems that the boundless capabilities have precise borders which could not be ignored any longer. Luzhkov is renovating the staircases. “Soon the Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov is going to apply to the City Duma with a request to include into the Capital city budget the separate account on funding of the reviving institute of concierge… “the atmosphere in our porches is most gloomy and bastard,” the Mayor noted discontentedly.”34


Nashchokina M.V. Easter Eggs of Tkachenko workshop. Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvy, №3, 1999


Stolitsa magazine, № 09, 1997

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The spirit of time. Installation by train machinist N.Levochkin, MUAR collection

1999, Unofficial Moscow The self-analysis time. The “Moscow” movie by Alexander Zeldovich reminds us that we have to look back, become conscious and be terrified by how we’ve got like this. It’s the right time to criticize and blame. The Mabetex case. The construction company, getting the orders from the Department of Presidential Affairs and performed constructions for all branches of the authorities is suspected in money laundering and “back-offs.” The first important conviction for the construction business. The features of the past years – the uncompromised will of the authorities, obeyed the “highest” aims. Everything was permitted for the sake of the fastest country transformation. Now the large large-scaled projects are associated with rather political cynicism and budget funds misappropriation: and though the morality concepts were hardly eroded by the previous years, formally it is impossible to just execute the will of the superiors and get away with the modern needs; the projects require the serious grounds. The straightness and frankness of the previous epoch hides in the nets of the modern Law. A Moscow dictionary includes a new important word combination – resolution of the commission. There starts the period of the great disguise.

Time for an introspection. Poster of the movie “Moscow”

Now the architecture in general is more reserved, modest, and reasonably careful: it tries to look conscious and circumspect. The beginning of the residential building construction at Khachaturyan street by Vladimir Yudintsev. The flexible, expressive, worthy, on his own example he is raying to convince that the place for other emotions rather than joy or shock still exists in this world. The individual complex at the outskirt is an event itself as mainly the standard municipal houses are crowded there. But it appeared that the architecture could be simple and bright at the same time. Customary elements (turrets, attics and circles) haven’t been used in the building, assigned to brighten up the apartment multi-flat building and make it a “wealthy” look. The multi-storey building does not look like its predecessors - the brick or lodging house formalized complexes expanded skyward. The individuality becomes accessible. This is a middle class residential complex by the individual design: it appeared that between the very reach people and terminally poor there are some other population strata. In the real estate world this term is

Reserved architecture for the masses. Architecture for a new group of the society – the middle class. There were two possible direc-

defined as “business” and “economy” classes.

The house at Khachaturyan Street will remain a unique. Despite, it belongs to the new type of buildings for the middle class; its laconism is not a value in the world of the material joys. At the turn of the century the growth in prosperity is called “to rise up.” For instance, “Ivanov has risen up” means, that for the last time the Ivanov’s income increased and he significantly improved his financial status. The actual dream for the person that has been “risen up” over average income could become exclusively Alye Parusa residential complex – a dream city. This project of the Donstroy Company, as spectators recollect, has shaken the real estate market. The complex is distinguished by

Society chooses dreams! New type of residential complex Crimson Sails. “Crimson Sails - city of dreams”

the unprecedented scale, the developed infrastructure and the existence of the private embankment. It is a 43-stored building – a new character feature and a simple method of the maximum profit gaining out of the building. As far as the styling trend is concerned it is a kind of cheerful Stalinist style – the use of classical elements painted in bright colors and combined with the modern elements, such as panoramic glazing. There is one more feature; the house has its own name. New names – new images: the Alye Parusa (Crimson Sails), Sedmoye Nebo (the Seventh Heaven), the Severnaya Zvezda (North Star).

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A picture of a typical “risen up” person

The Donstroy Company will enter into the 10-top leaders on the real estate market and its projects will be the most impressive and large-scaled. This complex illustrates the beginning of the new phase of the real estate market development with a participation of the developers’ companies. The authorship of the discussed architecture will belong not to the particular persons, but to the particular companies. In the next year it becomes a mass phenomenon.

The “upward construction” is the feature justified by the profit gaining, which becomes the society part at the ideological level – these plain architectural concepts with a purpose of the profit gaining are a part of the “civilized” capitalist society. To make good money is not “shameful,” to be poor is “improper”; if the building is high it means the one has “risen up” and he could hardly be criticized.

Joyful Stalinist Style. Sky is the limit – the building is about 40 stories high

The first phase of Atrium trading center (the parking lot mutated into the trading center) construction has been completed; its floor space is 450 thousand square meters. It is the bright successor of the previous epoch, monumental and striking by its straightness, the candidly sporadic volume does not try to communicate with the city. The main thing is hidden inside it, and it is the Profit. But criticism against Atrium is heard at different levels and even the investors admit that the solution was not rather successful. “The fact that Atrium is not more attractive inside than outside is admitted by INGEOKOM itself.” We try to improve the complex outside look, to bring it to the city modern style, including at the expense of the additional lighting, «says Yan Brudny, the executive Director of City Property Management.” 35

Shopping malls grow in the suburbs, where new style is possible. ZAR, Mosproekt-4, 1999-2002

The new generation tries to be “civilized,” attracting the customers by the unusual, actual, modern forms and materials. The construction of trading centers of new generation begins: TC Europark (ABD), ZAR (Mosprojekt-4), the Pokrovsky Bridge (N. Lysov).

Besides, the new Moscow General Plan is being developed. As it’s called the “capabilities-based general plan.” Its main task is attracting of investment, “the provision of the coordinated actions of the business entities in new economic conditions.” In the SoNew materials for contemporary shape. ABD studio, 1999-2005

viet times the designers gave the definite prescriptions regarding architectural solutions at the level of each building. The new General Plan is first of all a functional zoning. The key expression belongs to the Moscow Chief architect: “Anything which is not expressly prohibited is permitted, and that gives us the alternative at each spot.” In practice, the only alternative is a profit gaining. The developers suppose that the investment attraction would give the best impetus for the development. The investments replace the other alternatives possible on the land. Since the beginning of a new century the Luzhkov’s policy sharply changes its direction – from the city defender he transforms to its destroyer. The commercial functionalism is reinforcing as the city main strategy, defined to solve ALL the city problems at once.

The Moscow alternative. A new candidate enters the run for the Mayor position: exprime minister and the leader of New Force movement Sergey Kirienko. Kirienko tries to 35

Shevchenko A. ATRIUM ": how to" bring the matter to the mind "?//


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build his program not on the personal fight with the Mayor, but against the entire system. One of his trumps will be the audit of costs of such main Luzhkov’s projects as Manezhyaya Square and the Cathedral of the Savior. It is necessary to proof that a Mayor is not that good an economic executive, and his system works not good enough. But the main trump is not money, but the scope of Moscow changes. As a vice-Mayor Kirienko invites the Professor of the Moscow Architecture Institute Vyacheslav Glazychev. His professionalism and the criticism of the entire Moscow Government policy oppose the “Luzhkov’s fling.” The pompous, noisy and commercialized city scares many of those who remembers and values quiet “old Moscow.” Together they founded the “Moscow alternative” movement under the slogan of a new civil society: “community committees, local self-government, private entrepreneurs. Independent intellectuals, the festival which is not created in the City Hall…” 36 As the opposition to the cultural policy of the Moscow Government the festival “Unofficial Moscow” is to be held in the same days, as the Day of the City. The Organizing Committee includes Sergey Kirienko and Marat Gelman once initiated an action against Peter I monument erection. The “Unofficial Moscow“ makes an accent on the outskirts rather than the Center, to Yauza River not Moscow River… That is principally opposite to the official policies.

During the elections the candidates do not find the Muscovites’ support, and all remains as it used to be: Russian style dolls “matreshkas” and pop music performers are still popular, and the criticism (which is absolutely ignored by the Mayor) becomes the permanent background of Luzhkov’s activities. The opposition in the face of Kirienko is a sole one during the entire Luzhkov’s governing; he will not allow it any more. Luzhkov is re-elected – 69% of Muscovites are “For.”


Unofficial Moscow. GIF, Moskovskaya Alternativa, 1999

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“Unofficial Moscow” – guide book about another Moscow, the one which Moscow government did not yet reach

2000, The new beginning There is a new President in Russia – Vladimir Putin, presented in New Year night as a successor. This is the last demonstratively resolute gesture of the authorities. The wayward changes and appointments in a manner like Chernomyrdin-Kirienko-Prymakov37 are impossible since this year. The commercial elite of Yelstin times is extruded by another – the “state” elite. The President approves the secret service methods of work: he likes the idea of false community work day at the place where dissidents meet. Russia is divided into 7 districts headed by the Presidential aldermen as well as the scheme set up by Luzhkov in the beginning of his ruling. The oligarchs are called out for the private conversation: not to interfere in politics. The searches are made in all large com-

Total Power from the beginning – new president represented as a successor

panies. Some run from Russia. There is the start of the epoch, called by the political opposition as: “gas and oil despotism.” According to Pitirim Sorokin, there are three phases of the revolution. The first phase is a phase of hopes (end of 80-s – beginning of 90-s), the second is the phase of destructive tornado (90-s) and the third one (2000 -…) the back-off, restoration phase. The period of the outward tranquility and stability.

Total consumption. “Planet of tights”

The society became more distinctly structuralized. The signs of the “order” appear: what is logical could not be bad. One of the main brand-new heroes of the “epoch of stabilization” is a professional developer.

The Developers’ Planet, the Real Estate Universe. “The Pantyhose planet,” “The Ceiling planet,” “The Vann’s world” in the 90-s and later it was very popular to give names including words “world,” “planet,” “universe.” It might mean that this is the total and the only power of this or that brand. The scale of words “world,” “planet,” “universe” implies the ideally wide assortment, i.e. the cus-

Total brands. “Planet of ceilling”

tomer does not need to go and search anything else: if the “planet of pantyhose” has no the socks you need it means that it simply not exists in principle. “With all variety of choice – one has no alternative voice.” 38 “In the real estate Universe and in the comfort and convenience Galaxy a new star has born!” “Every apartment is the sample of the exquisite taste and the Universe harmony. The spacious halls with the expensive finishing, the underground parking and the express elevators are waiting for you. The 24 hour security service will take care of your safety, and your wishes will be taken care of by the special service.”39

Mono-power. “World of Baths”

The construction company “Stroymontazh” renamed into The Mirax Group moves in Moscow in 2004. Its Head is Sergey Polonsky will be known in the future as notorious and scandalous personality; in 2010 he is the third largest Moscow developer. 40 Within 11 years of work in Moscow the company headed by Sergey Polonsky erected 2.5 million square meters of housing and office premises of the elite class. It could be


A series of political changes on the position of the prime minister at the end of Yeltsin’s reign


MMM company advertisement


Donstroy company advertisement

40 The biggest Russian developers. Kommersant newspaper, №94 (4394), 28.05.2010

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Total power of developers. S. Polonsky, a well known person with extravagant self confident behavior – PR trick or honesty

compared with a half of Rotterdam.

The first residential complex “Corona” implemented by him is an example of the modern type of construction. Generally, the residential complexes erected by the developers’ companies possess a set of character features: firstly, their affiliation to one of the price

New stylistic directions. A fairy tale for dreamers. Donstroy company

categories (elite, business, econom-class or A, B, etc.), indicated the comfort level and the existence of the infrastructure, services and utilities, parking lots, etc.; secondly, the anonymous authors. Due to the fact, that this construction is 100% commercial, the architectural solutions and the names are not that important, but the successful product sales with the maximal profitability are; thirdly, the recognizable image and the brand name directed towards the actual customer group. The developers’ projects use the architecture meaning itself in a different way, there is no task to create formally harmonious, socially useful or, simply speaking purely, the functional construction product. The main task is the creation of the visual collages which are familiar and recognizable by the certain group of the clients. The developers’ projects have the only one function – to gain profit, in other words, it’s another type of the commercial functionality.

“Elsinor,” Donstroy company

In 2000-s on the real estate market there was the burst of the developers’ activity. The completed objects are interesting from the point of view of building up of their images both architectural and medial. For instance, the Novaya Zvezda (New Star) the residential complex of Donstroy company used the elements of the classical architecture, arranged by the random order: the natural stone with bricks, the beige and brown colors, the oriel windows, the corner rotunda. All these elements underline the reliability and universality of the selected house; “Investing money you receive the eternal values and the status” is a refrain to the Stalinist architecture, the only sample of prestige remained Metropolis style for young and successful citizens of the new capital. Vorobyevi gory, Donstroy company

from the Soviet times. In this sense the Alye Parusa (Crimson Sails) complex has a different story. The color elements of décor and the modern reins are trying to create the time distance and to exclude the ideology associated with the Stalinist’s time. With the lapse of time the palette will widen and the following main stylistic trends could be marked out: “tradition,” “megalopolis,” “fairy tale,” “Europe.” The main Moscow developers Donstroy, Inteco, Capital Group, Pick, LSR Groups, Glavstroy are the experienced specialists on all these trends.

Traditional style. Novaia Zvezda, Donstroy company

The city Prospect Development Complex headed by Resin established in 1991 is reorganized into the city Complex of Architecture, Construction, Development and Reconstruction. The term “reconstruction” was added to “development,” which implies the alterations of the object parameters – the height, the space area and the volume. This exactly happens to Moscow – the new economic activity and the necessity to develop compresses the city and extrude non-profitable, useless object to and out of the periphery.

Pop opera – new star Nikolay Baskov. Luxuries culture convoying new life style of the middle class

The Voentorg building stock has been traded on the open auction. In 1994 60% of stock has been transferred to the Moscow government, and the Trading Center stood closed until 2000. Having not decided what to do with the empty building the shares were offered for sale. The next Voentorg owner was the AST Company, which is also the owner of the Chrekizovsky market.

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The “Moscow Building Union” is founded, comprising of the largest pre-fab housebuilding plants DSK-1, 2, 3 and the construction and developing companies SU-155, MSM-5, MFS-6. “MSS” invested, built and implemented over 50% of the entire Moscow housing within 202 through 2010. At the same time about 50% of Moscow housing is the panel construction, continuing as far back as from the Soviet times, but as it was mentioned before, it was adjusted for the modern society by introducing of different combinations, color solutions, architectural elements. The real Renaissance of the panel construction has started.

Glavmosstroy: yesterday and today

The new series I-155 has been worked out. “The modern series I-155 construction enables to build from the similar blocks absolutely different residential buildings with a various number of floors, different flat planning and their number, a number of porches, including the tower type buildings, and various outside look.” 41

The new house series, new scales of the panel construction. The main advantage pointed by the producer is the unprecedented variety of combinations and coloring. It meets the requirements of the consumer society – to consume inex-

SU-155 - district made of new series I-155. Renaissance of panel block development

pensively and at the same time to feel oneself special. “Due to the above mentioned features each completed building has its individual face.” 42

The principles of the district planning remain the same since the USSR times. As a result the newly built-up districts are immediately divided be the fences and barriers into thousands of tiny principalities, as the principles of the new panning do not take into account neither new security and comfort requirements, nor the thirst to obtain his own territory. The new districts are a kind of a replica of the “Khrushchev’s five-storey’s,” painted in different colors, expanded in height and having oriels. As a result, the modern panel construction is another mutant. And this time of the Soviet panel construction industry. The new residential massive structures are more multifarious and higher than their predecessors. New series I-155 – diverse Lego for new dis-

Simultaneously to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior construction has been changed the district status. Its prestige grows and the contextual approach becomes a tool, not the target. The drifting of the interests appear – from the contextual built-up to the commercial issue. The old Ostozhenka demolitions wave begins. The new “stars” appear – “Stolnik House” (A-B Bureau), building in Molochny Alley (Meganom). The interests


shift, the architecture is also changed. The limitation of the storeys number only remained of the contextual approach. The architecture instead of creating the environment begins translating in the first turn, its cost and status value. Conceived as an oasis of the contextual vis protective interrelation with the city environment, Ostozhenka transforms in a strange way into the isolated world, rapidly getting away from the city itself. The created space appears to be a city inside the city, connecting to big Moscow just only through the streets topography and their names. Ostozhenka is designed for the narrow, élite human circle that is far away from the main part of the population, not to forget that the elite architects work here. The criteria of the well-established district differ from the usual criteria of the city space: the quality of the environment is esti41




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New Hero for the people – simple guy from the province, fighting with evil. The movie “Brat 2”(Brother 2) starring Sergey Bodrov

mated here by the cost of the square meters, by the degree of the isolation/alienation by the recognizable architectural brandnds. The originality is for those who understand. The prices grow.

The Culture channel starts the TV show of Irina Korobyina ”Architecture Gallery”. The

New stars of Ostozhenka – prestigious context more important than architectural. Residential complex at Molocniy lane, “Meganom,” 2000-2002

authors strive to speak about the better and higher side of the architecture and to oppose the total commercialization of the society and the profession. The first program presents such objects as the Millennium Dome in London and the revived Cathedral of the Savior in Moscow. The authors would like to stress that the Moscow contemporary architecture acquired the direction principally different from the world context.

Residential complex Stolnik does not even try to look contextual. Originality for those who understand. “A-B” bureau, 2000-2003

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2001, Institutions The Museum of Architecture (MUAR) embarked on the systematic stocking of the modern Russian architecture collection, which has been formed until now by the private will only. The project curators estimate the last years as critical in the post-Soviet architecture history: “The stylish, intelligent, European by the spirit works began to appear, and it’s a pity not to notice them.” Elena Gonsalez, Nicolay Malinin, Grigory Revzin 43

Amongst the collected objects are: The Center of rehabilitation of children with the early autism (1996, A.A. Chernikhov, N.V. Scherbakova), Novinsky boulevard building (1997-1999, Mosproekt-2, architect office №5), Shop with mini-bakery (1997- 2001, N. Lyzlov), Residential building at Malaya Filevskaya Street (2001, architect office of Vladimir Plotkin), Gvozd Trading Center (1997-2001, architecture bureau “Ostozhenka”), Residential building with underground parking at Zubovsky passage (19972001, S. Skuratov), “Patriarch” House (architect office of S. Tkachenko) and others. In general, 12 projects, the last is “Patriarch” House (architect office of S. Tkachenko).

New director of the Museum of Architecture (MUAR) – David Sarkisyan. He has risen the architecture at another cultural level

This event will repeat for the last time in 2004. In general, the main Museum events will be devoted to the fight against the disruption of the heritage, the review of the Western architect’s creative work and the retrospective of Moscow historical buildings. The increased activity of the Museum of Architecture lately is close to the name of the new director David Sarkisyan. The David’s personality is rather notable. The established scientist, worked out the medicine against the Alzheimer's sclerosis decease, since the 80-s he found himself in the movie industry, working particularly with the famous movie director Rustam Khandamov, and in 2000 he took a position of the Director of the Museum of Architecture. When in 1996 I visited Museum to learn more about the field I’d like to devote my life to, the entire enfilade of the Museum was piled with the elite Italian furniture – there was a shop in the Museum. With the David’s joining the Museum the architecture gained one more feature – the unbreakable connection with the arts. The held exhibitions often took place at the impalpable brink somewhere between. David Sarkisyan actively joins the fight against the heritage demolition and became a inspiring example for many social activists.

Everything is possible with the new director – even a squat. A young artist is living for a year in one of the buildings – the Ruin

TV program “Vesti-Moskva” has been launched. The program covers the Capital city events. The first caption shows MGU building, The Bolshoy Theatre, the renewed Manezhnaya Square and the restored Cathedral of the Savior.

The television, of course, is the best way to communicate with population. The Moscow construction deals with everybody already for a long time. And the housing construction is in the first turn. The television launched the “Apartment Question” show. Within one hour the amazed public instead of stenka44 piled up with crystal glass and the carpet on the wall, watches the miracle oasis of the modern design, full of the “surface patterns,” the “original solutions” and the “visually expanded space.” The people are going into ecstasies of design. The plastic windows, the gypsum plaster ceilings, the 43



typical Soviet wall unit

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TV news about Moscow – Vesti-Moscow. The main topic is the construction of the city. It becomes a mass popular topic

LED lamps, solid laminates and the Italian tiles. Those who are not that wealthy are watching TV, buying magazines, squirreling with the family members at the construction market places. Those who are richer employ a designer, “contradict themselves,” but ask to make it “more interesting” and “one more variant.” The dynamic women in the furniture salons are not customers but the staff; since this year the interior designing is the most popular woman’s profession.

TV show “Apartment Question.” Mass obsession for interior design

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2002 , The evil funnel More different typologies appear. Beside offices, trading centers and housing the theatres, stadiums, and churches are built: The Meyerhold Center and Dramatic Arts School, Center on the Red Hills, Locomotiv Stadium, and Borisovsky Ponds Church. The Moscow Government is proud of its achievements. “Nobody is left hurt.” “The A.M. Shilov and K.A. Vasiliev art galleries are established, the S.N. Andreyaka School Studio of watercolor paint , Petrovka picture gallery of modern arts, the “Maly Manezh” Exhibition complex, Modern arts Museum at Khodynka field, the Aviation and Astronautic Museum is created. The Pushkin Museum at Prechistenka is developed. The new premises for the Kremlin Museums are planned to be constructed at the Borovitsky Square.”45


The first MIBC City Bagration Tower construction was under completion. The next years are devoted to the dynamic development of the other areas. It is happened, that when I was a student, I found myself the direct witness and even the participant of this process. We were making the model of the whole complex in one the Mosproekt architect offices, which developed at that time the major City object – the central heart set; it was the giant model, divided into the areas where each department inserted the ready model of its object. Everyone was concerned


with the area of his site; everyone designed his “Unique part.” At the meeting of Building Council the model of the central heart core model was demonstrated where the office-hotel complex corresponded the overturned truncated cone. In the evening the upset head of the office informed that the Mayor commented “the image of funnel as the unfavorable and negative,” that it “swallows up,” and “it might be better to think about the star shape like form.” They say he even drawn up something. Since that moment all began to fiercely draw the “hedgehogs” and “crystals.” Collections of unique objects. The model of the MIBC City

The construction of the Triumph Palace by Donstroy has been commenced. The designers of the largest residential building in Europe uses the Stalin’s brand to attract the customers. The skyscrapers is a symbol of the Capital and the embodiment of the Soviet prestige, especially for guests. The apogee of anonymity – the new skyscraper has no the author architect of “the European largest residential building.” Amongst well known authors of seven Moscow skyscrapers one more was added: Duskin, Mezentsev, Posokhin, Rudnev, Gelfreih, Chechulin and JSC “APB TROMOS”!

The evil funnel was not approved. The model of the central core led by A.Asadov

Triumph Palace – the biggest anonymous complex. Donstroy, 2001-2006

The Inteco company headed by the Mayor’s wife Elena Baturina, acquired DSK-3. The


Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvi, № 5-6, 2001

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fastest and most profitable way to extract profit from the real estate is standard and scaled panel construction. The program “Residential housing” declared in 1995 planned the different development priorities. Instead of “the development of the small-storey and mixed build-up, the construction quality growth and the decrease of the industrial building,” the panel construction still employs 50% of the constructed housing, but with the extended

Extended height of new districts. Mariinsky Park district

number of storeys (in comparison with the plans to have “the built-up 10 % of 18-22storied buildings”). Despite the plenty of the new series, the production of which began in the 2000-s, the construction uses mainly several most popular: P-3M, I155, KOPE Parus, S 222. The average number of storeys is from 16 to 25.

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2003, Paul McCartney at the Red Square The foreign architects appeared in Moscow. The developing company Capital Group declared, that the design of the “Capitals town” complex in the City area will be performed by Dutch architect Erik van Egeraat. After that the names of the foreign architects begin to flicker in the media: Zakha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas. Ettore Sottsass, Frank Williams, Giovanni Bartoli, Massimiliano Fuksas, Bernard Tschumi. Jean-Michel Wilmot. The involvement is commented as a desire to build the “eternal” which will go down in history. In practice, the involvement of the famous name could significanltly raise the profit out of the object. “Many professional realtors share the opinion, that the loud name of the architect could increase the hosing cost at the initial stage by 30%.”46

The magazine advertizing shows the parti-colored bold, unprecedented forms. It’s hard to believe that the tear-shaped capsules will appear at the Moscow River banks, but if we are in the happy future by one leg, so why not? The Moscow architects received the signal “Go”! The boldest buildings were associated with such objects as the EGG-building or the Triumph Palace before. But now, with the coming of modern foreign architects one could be bolder in usage of the modern forms. The designing of such buildings as “Panorama” by A. Skokan, “Crystal House” by “Meganom” bureau, “Kitezh” by A. Bokov, “Metropolis” and “White Horse” be “ABD” bureau and “Ibitza Jack Pot” by A. Asadov.

Foreigners in Moscow. Another invasion on Moscow

In the same year the “implementation” of “the introduction, reconstruction and development” program also begins – the demolition of Hotel Moskva and Voentorg Trading Center. The invention made as far back as during the restoration of the Cathedral of the Savior was employed – the new replica is better than the archetype. The science-absurd term “demolition and restoration” describes the performing behind the high fence “dismantling.” This is the third phase of the Phoenix phenomenon development. The period of the “restoration” has shortened. Begun with the Iversky Gates and the Cathedral of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God restored maximally closed to the archetype, the second phase became the Cathedral of the Savior. Its version was added with the “indispensable” modern elements. The third phase shortens the terms – to be revived the building has been demolished. The revived replica is very remotely reminds the original. Partly it’s a break-through. The break-through of the specific Verity. Despite the mass protests of journalists, the community and even the Minister of culture, the Voentorg building has been demolished. And this does not confuse anybody more than usual, the Mayor is undefeatable, this is his territory, his domain. If in the 90-s the Mayor is at the city defense positions revived the history and defended the heritage, in 2000 he changes his tactics. The reality in a way of limited territories and grown resources enforces to operate aggressively and lay down his cards. There are almost no empty land plots, especially in the Center, and the “reconstruction” is a real magic wand. In the first time since the action against the Peter I monument, the public tries to express the insubordination against the authorities. But the meetings and protests do not work against the Mayor, who

Foreign architect Erik Van Egeraat designed Gorod Stolits – Capital City. Moscow – one step from the status of the capital of the world

now wishes not only to decorate the city to his taste, but also to transform it into the modern megalopolis. The change of the city planning policy for the development of the reclamation of the reserved territories leads to the appearance of the decree on the reconstruction of the Red October factory territory and the creation of the Zolotoy ostrov (Golden island) project within the frames of the Moscow Golden Ring grandiose tourist project.


http://www.russianrealty.ru/theme/100401.phtml, 15.11.2005

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Moscow architects are trying their forces dealing with new shapes and materials. Panorama house, A.Skokan, 2003-2005

“By the Yuri Luzhkov expression, the “Golden Island” is located at the “astonishing and most tasty Moscow place.” “By the expert opinion, the “Golden Island” will become the most expensive Moscow district, the price of one square meter will be there not less than 20 thousand US dollars. And the most prestigious flats having a view of the Kremlin stars will reach the limit of 30 thousand dollars and over.” 47

"Realization" of the program "reclaiming, reconstruction and development" had a different consequence. Demolition of Hotel Moscow

It’s planned to remain 3 historical buildings, the remaining rest is subject to the demolition. The industrial past of the island is planned to be “preserved,” for the first time a new term “loft” (always in brackets) appears. For some Russians this word is unknown, but it’s not really important. Those brackets in writing reflect the essence of Moscow reclamation of the industrial territories. The process of the reshaping of the non-residential premises happened in the West and was linked with the creation of the inexpensive studios and houses for artists. The transfer from the inexpensive studios to the fashionable districts like Soho, appeared gradually, thanks to the new fashion for modern arts and general popularization of the “creative” atmosphere. In Moscow it was planned to jump over the period with the artists and at once to take a dessert – the profit. The “lofts” were planned to be built. “By the opinion of the director of the department of the valuation and consulting of Colliers International Larissa Afansieva, it would be better to build at the “Golden Island” the “most expensive elite housing, the market of which is still not filled.”48

One of the consequences – “demolition and recreation.” Rebuilding the same building, close to the original. Demolition of Voentorg

Besides the Red October the Rosa Luxemburg factory was reshaped. The ArtPlay center appeared to be close to the Western prototype: the former factory allocates the architect offices and the galleries. The place immediately became popular and was regarded as a real breakthrough of the Western, “civilized” life into our post-Soviet world. Nevertheless, it must be noted, that the place was made “esthetic” initially, i.e. has the “designed” and completed look. The brick walls, back metal elements, skin sofas – the typical elements of the “loft” style, which later be a modern trend and often – too often! – is used for the expensive restaurants and clubs.

Another consequence is the appropriation of industrial areas. Artplay center

The creation of the Moscow Building Union in 2000, half consisting of the house-building plants producing panels has its own consequences. The volumes of the housing construction steadily grow. In 2000 by the Moscow government data 3 342 300 square meters of housing was built, and in 2003 already 4 274 000. In 2003 one of the panel buildings most popular series “Parus KOPE-M” appears. “The architects tried something proud: the variable number of storeys is possible, the different color design of the facades by the “marble like” tiles. Also the buildings’ facades are distinguished by the existence of two types of loggias: square and round… the glass shapes the KOPE-MPARUS buildings easiness….” 49

Red October factory is an ambitious project – Golden Island, opposite to the Golden Mile (Ostozhenka district). The price of the square meters there is literally golden

The producer of series is DSK-2 is belonged since 2001 to the largest developer (by 2010 rating) – the PIK group of companies, founded as far back as in 1994. The main type of the company activities is the “construction and implementation of the economic class housing mainly in the segment of industrial panel construction.” The panel construction is the accessible housing for people! By the public survey the popularity of the panel houses is in the direct dependency of their cost.

Model of the Golden Island


Abgaforov V. //http://www.irn.ru/articles/5857.html, 11.01.06


Kovaleva V. “Golden Island” of bad luck. Kommersant, “House” appendix, №133 (3217),

21.07.2005//http://www.kommersant.ru/doc/590706 49


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2004, In the Avant-garde The happy news – the Erik van Egeraat project “Avant-garde” has been endorsed. Everybody already talks about the construction in the very center of Moscow and suddenly: "Is this project interested in Moscow? Yes, it is! Is this project interested for architects? Yes, it is! This is somewhat unusual and new for the city, somehow is setting the character and the philosophy of Moscow. This project is far ahead of the avant-garde we see abroad. That’s must be this way. I would like to support this project, but in another place” Yuri Luzhkov. 50

The efforts of “Western invaders” to penetrate have been repulsed. Though, despite the problems with the Western architects, the certain breakthrough happens. In the same year the Capital Group declared the beginning of the cooperation with Zaha Hadid. She is designing the residential complex “Tower at Zhivopisnaya Street.” The “modern forms” begin to prevail in the architecture – the geometry, the entire solid glazing, new materials and their combination.

Avant-garde complex by Erick Van Egeraat was not built...

The construction of Barley Plaza, the Aerobus, the Silver Town, a complex at Botanichesky alley, Avenue 77. But the most important is that the fashion is changing – the developers return to the authors’ projects. Not just original architecture is in fashion, but namely the authoring one with the recognizable creative style: “By the design of…” The highest elitist grade is multi-storied. Possibly it is a particularly Moscow feature, linked with the skyscrapers which were always the Capital symbol, but to live in the elite house which is observed from any Moscow sight is more prestigious, than in a small, unnoticeable house even located in the elite block. The construction of the building at Mosfilm started, “our” author architect Sergey Skuratov, became famous by the buildings at Ostozhenka. The project depicts the modern Western architecture. His name shown under Donstroy project is also symbolic. Some time back when I was a student I attended his lecture and was astonished of the architecture strong civic position: in the design of Cooper House Skuratov refused to make windows looking to the Donstroy site in order to demonstrate his attitude towards the policy of the company which seized the town. A couple years later the architect designed the building at Mosfilm for the Donstroy Company. It was possibly connected with the change of the policy of the company itself, which decided to refuse the unnamed architecture. In the 2000-s the sharp change of this or that attitude at some extent was a characteristic feature, many public figures somehow changed their political views and the public was divided in those who support the United Russia, Putin’s political party, and those who are opposite. Some drift from one group to another, sometimes scandalous.

The fashion on “lofts” continues to develop, simultaneously a sui generis creative underground forms. The industrial areas, the development of which was waived in the years of the “revolution” gain profit from renting the spaces. Inside the factories’ fences some 50

Milovzorova N. Russian Avant-garde not for


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...but the Russian version was. “Authors” were returned to the projects. Developers understood that architect’s name could be a profitable brand. Complex at Mosfilmovskaya street, S.Skuratov

interesting is really happening. The Arma plant allowed the first householders and in a year the fashionable private club “Gazgolder” is opened here. Without waiting the promised European life and having got conscious from the hypnosis of Yuri Dolgoruky51 and his bears, the mostly enterprising persons began to create the alternative culture by their own. The various creative associations and the fellowships are founded,

Alternative culture behind a brick wall. Arma factory

which are ignored by the Moscow Government, it decorates its fests ”in the style of district operation department” as usual. There is the tawdry graphic design on the posters, the inexplicable space compositions at the pavements and cross-roads, the fairy tale patriotic themes.

If in the 90-s everybody wanted to be the lawyers and the economists – the safe way to gain money, in the 2000-s each second wanted to be a graphic designer, the fashion designer, the photographer and the architect. Now the creative profession is not a sign of the marginality, it becomes prestigious.

Gazgolder club. Loft interiors – a new trend

The story of the “Western intervention” continues at all levels and even the first Moscow society for the preservation of the Moscow heritage MAPS was founded with a help of the foreign journalists, not indifferent to the Moscow heritage. Not many Muscovites care about the Moscow historic heritage, but the foreigners are against the Moscow unique landmarks demolition!

To be creative is prestigious. Designer Denis Simachev exploits Russian trends


Yuriy Vladimiroich Dolgorukiy – the founder of Moscow, built city with fortifications and stone (brick)

buildings on the site of the settlement

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2005, The world of arts or the artificial world The fashion on arts and the near-by arts life leads to the organization of the first Moscow Biennale of Modern Arts. The main ground is the former Lenin’s museum at the Red Square, closed for many years for public. In the very heart of Moscow in a February frosty night the gallery people, the photographers, the artist and just the strange looking people gathered. A new term is Curator. Instead of champagne is vodka, of course, outside is a blizzard. The modern arts are placed in the main repository of the Lenin’s artifacts. Rarely among the installations could one accidentally see the Lenin’s portrait made of straws. For many this a terrifically optimistic event – the modern arts are but in

1st moscow biennale of contemporary art in the Lenin’s Museum

the Kremlin. And even the first military parade for many years in the commemoration of the Victory held several months after under the same walls did not seem strange or depressive.

The Duma approved The General Plan for 2020, the development of which began in the end of the 90-s. This is the first General Plan lacking a definite town-plan strategy, taking into account only one ratio – the investments, in 2007 already led the city to the infrastructural crisis. The Mayor returns the General Plan for redesigning to actualize it. “In the beginning of XXI century the Moscow town-planners confidently and optimistically looked into the future, proving by their deeds, that all which was promised to Muscovites by the builders, architects, economists, sociologists, ecologists would be completed. The Moscow General Plan for the period up to 2020 obviously demonstrates the qualitative approach to the town-planning policy of the world largest Capital. The major strategic twofold objective here are the quality growth of the city environment and the provision of the stability of the city development.” “Continuing the glorious architectural and construction traditions of Moscow,” V.I.Resin.52 "Bump-pipi" by the group "Gelatin" in the 1st Biennale of Contemporary Art – stalactite made of urine right on the facade of Lenin’s Museum


Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvi, № 5-6, 2001

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2006, Metamorphosis Zaha Hadid designs for the City project. The Norman Foster exhibition in Pushkin Museum. Foster displays only models and photos, there are no drawings in the exposition. It’s the architecture in the accessible format. A new level of the popularity and the accessibility, the architecture for general public. The exhibition presents the Russia Tower – the skyscraper which will be the highest in Europe and the second in world. The disputes for and against – is it the dialogue with the history or the environment destruction? The tower must “be the symbol of Russia striving for the future, upward.” 53 The Ritz Carlton construction instead of the demolished Intourist Hotel was completed. Instead of “glass-faced building” of the 60-s appeared a building “inscribed into the context,” absolutely best example of the Capitalism triumph. In its case not the architecture itself is interesting, but the author behind and the changes happened to him with a lapse of time. The head of the architect’ office №22 Andrey Meerson was famous in the Soviet years mainly among the professionals by such buildings as the “residential house

Modernist building on pilotis – “House on legs” by A. Meerson, 80s

on legs” and the experimental complex White Swan in Zelenograd: all these were the brightest examples of the Soviet modernism. Then, in the end of the 80-s, at the turnover of the epochs, he designed the office complex at Palashevsky alley sticking to the “contextual approach.” The mansions are solved in so called “Moscow” style. In 1992 the reconstruction of the “National” Hotel and the construction of the residential building at Veskovsky alley have been commenced, demonstrating a new principle of the original author’s interpretation. The hotel at Tverskaya solemnly crowns the projects’ list. One of the office principles, published on their site, is the “connection with the space through Genius Loci.” But if the architecture of the “house on legs” reacts on the imagined future environment of Moscow, the Hotel at Tverskaya mainly reacts on the environment of Luzhkov’s era and the Genius Loci which is in this case Luzhkov himself. The transformation of architect Meerson’ creative works: from the modernist “house on legs” to the pseudo-historical Ritz unexpectedly reminds the transformation of the famous movie director Nikita Mikhalkov: from the “Unfinished piece for player-piano's “to the “Siberian barber” and the “Burned by the sun-2.” This example is not single; of course, such

Thу same architect two decades later. Ritz Carlton in place of the Intourist hotel, 2006

“transitions” are the part of this epoch.

“Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano,” a gentle masterpiece by M. Mikhalkov, 1977

The same director, 20 years later – “Siberian barber,” with imperial and patriotic mood, 1998



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2007, Moscow-London The capsule with the parchment was laid into the Russia Tower basement by the Moscow Mayor on 18.09. “We will not stop at the construction of this tower. The Great City will be constructed further, its buildings will be erected upstream the Moscow River,” the Mayor finished his speech. The project of Pushkin Museum reconstruction by the Foster design: the Museum settlement consists of 12 reconstructed mansions. There is the area for pedestrians, and the roadway will be hidden in the tunnel. The cultural-business center “Crystal Island” in Nagatiskaya floodplain. The height is 450 m. The building should become the most spacious in the world. Tower of Russia. Coming soon. N.Foster

"The new complex architecture offered by Norman Foster is a novelty of XXI century and not a flat mug which is often suggested to us by the architects,” the Mayor informed at the meeting of Moscow public town-planning council.” 54

The Modern Arts Center Vinzavod is opening. The modern arts are not an avant-garde any longer, but the modern activity style especially for those who don’t care about money any longer. Almost all Moscow galleries move to Vinzavod. The modern arts go meeting people. Vinzavod joins the line with the Zoo and “Manezhnaya” – the places of the weekend family recreation. The Center is extremely popular among the youth. The guests mocking pass the halls of the modern arts and take pictures against the background of the curved brick walls and industrial peculiarities; in the population mind

Crystal Island. N.Foster

bowing to the European repair standards with the plastic surfaces it’s a world of “funny freaks.” In the 2000-s the humor about the “freaks” is flourishing, the population watches non-stop swapping one by another humor shows about the guest workers (“gastarbeiter”), gays and blondes. The modern arts are one of the entertainment alternatives. The “Comedy Club” is one of the most popular TV shows, remains on the air for already two years.

The reconstruction of Tsaritsyno is completing. The professional community is shocked, the people rejoiced. This is one of the new variety of Phoenix – the revival of ”nonexisting” history. Tsaritsyno revived the way it has never been, completing the original project of Bazhenov from the XVIII century. Luzhkov immortalized himself for good. A“ new landmark” became popular as never among the city dwellers, being highly criticized by the professional community: “by the requests of the citizens it is open from November 2007 round-the-clock.” The complex also won the prize as “The best implemented project of 2007 in the field of investments and construction.” Literally it’s the

Art for fun. Visitor of Vinzavod art center

proof of the continuity of the gained result and commercial influence. “Farewell, the wistful ruin! Welcome, the revived Tsaritsyno!” 55

The lack of land for the “development” and the Mayor’s “faithfulness” as the expression of the self-will, demonstrated as far back as the Voentorg demolition continue during the scandal about the expulsion of the private owners from South Butovo. Ac-

Art as background. Visitor of Vinzavod art center

cording to the government Decree, the land with private houses was confiscated from their owners for the new complex construction. As compensation, the inhabitants should receive the apartments. But they refused, thinking that the compensation is not




Nikolskaya O. Farewell, a sad ruin! http://www.vmdaily.ru/article/24163.html

Art is mass popular. Vinzavod art center

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adequate, and the expulsion would be made by the Marshal Service and the special police squad. It’s a long story with daily reviews in the press became a real serial and last about a year. The conflict became a personal trial of the Mayor against the townspeople. The conflict was called political, Mayor weakens.

Moscow Government with the people. Reconstructed Tsaritsino

The Operative (!) Group on the Demolition of the Unauthorized Constructions and the vacation of the land under the City Government was created. “The group headed by the Mayor himself, will meet twice a month in order to provide an operative performing of the decisions on the demolition of the unauthorized constructions and the vacation of the land for their further use in accordance with the city territories development plan.”56

Moscow Government against the people. Expulsion from the South Butovo



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2008, “The world is not enough” The Moscow construction complex created by Luzhkov celebrates its jubilee. Its unchallenged heads in the face of Resin 57 proudly declare, that “in the last 20 years 80 million square meters have been built. 600 kinder gardens were opened, 420 modern schools and 60 hospitals have been constructed.” Every two years a new cultural establishment appears in the city. Within two decades new districts – Mitino, Strogino, Zhulebino, Kurkino, Maryino and Butovo have been built. The system built by Luzhkov demonstrates its achievements, attempts to bear up it and the others. Morally aged Central House of Artists

On the Cannes real estate exhibition the Luzhkov’s wife Elena Baturina, the head of the large developing company “Inteco,” presents the Orange project – a multi-functional complex, unifying a museum, offices, hotel and the housing block, developed by Norman Foster. “Once during Dubai trip the idea came to me to try creating a building of unusual architectural design. I even knock off its plasticine model later.”58

In her interview Baturina complains that Moscow is behind of such cities as Shanghai

The “Orange” complex by Foster. Shanghai will die from envy

and Dubai. On the question of where such object could be placed, Elena Baturina supposes, that the building could “become an effective successor of the House of Artists, the building of which is turned old morally and physically.” It’s the first time in Moscow architecture history the public, except for professionals with their own taste, unites in the struggle for the building of the 60-s and the 70-s “unloved” epoch, the public support could be less. But this issue is of principal nature. Director of ACH Vassily Bychkov establishes the Public Council for the Cultural Centers and unites the Museum supporters with him – anything could be done not to surrender the land and the ACH to “them.” The project was halted by the developing world crisis, but the precedent of the public unity has been already made. The changes will burst out in the next year.

In Russia there is a new President Dmitry Medvedev. And all over again “everybody is waiting for changes.” 59


V. Resin – first deputy mayer of Moscow


Maximov A. Russian Avant-garde, Rossiyskaya gazeta, 21.03.2008


Phrase from the song of Russian singer Victor Tsoy, the icon of the 90s

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Citizens united in opposition to demolition plans. Yet it is the latter crisis which will stop them

2009, The reverse point It was expected that the Russia Tower will become “the symbol of Russia striving for the future, upward.” But the financial crisis corrected these plans. First the offer to diminish the 600 meter tower up to 200 meters appeared… but later it was decided not to construct it at all. It is decided to erect the multi-storey parking lot at the tower place. The contrast between the initial plan and what has happened to it enraptures by its symbolism: the time to think about day-by-day life has come! The time without conquests, shocks, fantasies. Managing Partner of the Blackwood real estate company Konstantin Kovalev: “That is why the refusal to construct the tower as part of the Moscow City project, in my opinion, will influence the attractiveness of the entire project.”60

City – mirage!

The refusal to build as the positive factor is a paradox of Luzhkov’s era. The City project is sharply criticized by many professionals for the absence of solving a transport problem. By the estimations of many experts there is the lack of 10 000 parking places. Many leaseholders abandon of the City space. The Moscow transport problem, ignored since the construction of the third transportation ring, is presented in the City in a grotesque form: this is the quintessence of the building approach in Moscow in the last 20 years. So, let’s go in the numerical order. The ambitious construction of the Russia’s largest financial center from a zero point is, first of all, architecture as brand, which is not dealing with the actual tasks of the real town. The construction of the ultra-modern city districts requires the adequate ultra-modern technologies and strategies. In case of the City project it hardly differs from any office building or residential complex, but the density and height of these objects are principally different. The erection of such giant, not taking into account transport and pedestrian flows, the complex loads, the ecology and the comfort is the main utopia of the Luzhkov’s epoch. As a result of lack of the planned infrastructure objects the first stalls are already sticking under the toe of the Federation Tower in a “comfy wooden style,” and the pavement along the two-line road is like a greeting from 19 century – the only existing public space. The silhouettes of sizably dis-

A cosy Fungus which grew at the foot of the Federation tower

proportional high-rises change the Moscow panorama, and seem to be a giant banner stretched in the sky; in their essence, they appeared to be the self-advertising objects. Decorations, imitation, utopia. The reconstruction of this district must be started before the completion of its construction. If we take the characteristic modern feature of the pressed time, this is a kind of a record. Such undisguised failures are a part of Moscow reality. Nobody is surprised of the fact that the City is a fake. But either because of the long time patience, or there is a feeling of coming changes in the air, or the stars stand differently, but it is for the first time the public movement to support the historical heritage is founded – the Archnadzor. The fighters for history have always existed, but in this case they united for physical confrontation. The followed years Archnadzor will be struggling, fighting in the direct sense for the “Old Moscow.” Like the opposition to the established in the last year Operative Group on the Demolition of the Unauthorized Construction headed by Luzhkov, the Archnadzor begins its patrolling and immediate response: the war for Moscow.



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Archnadzor – a real power

2010, The end The State Duma approved the new General Plan. During the whole process of almost one year discussions, there were hot disputes about the Plan. The experiences of the last years not just showed the ignorance of public interests but the actual examples – the landmarks demolitions, the point build-up, the new town-planning policy, all for the single target, the profit. Truly, it must be said, that the target set in the end of the 90-s the investments attraction to Moscow was completed with a bang. The money in Moscow was invested literally in every millimeter. The other issue is who won from it and where all these investments came to. There are a lot of pretensions to the Plan – the legalizing of the point build-up, the absence of the conservation zones around the historical landmarks, the division into the stable zones and the zones “do what you want” (80%), but the most important thing is that the General plan doesn’t include people, they are not mentioned or counted there. There is somewhat complicated manipulating with the most valuable thing in the city – the land, but people who live, work and rest on it are excluded. 22-storied building at Mosfilmovskaya by Sergey Skuratov is considered to be the unauthorized construction and should be demolished. The RF President Dmitry Medvedev on September 28, 2010 dismissed Yuri Luzhkov from the position of the Mayor of Moscow held by him for 18 years, “based on the loss of the trust.” After the resignation Luzhkov headed the Faculty of large towns management of the International University in Moscow. Vladimir Resin, seemed to be even the more evil, as he was always under the Mayor’s shadow, temporally took the position of the acting Mayor, suddenly appeared as the entirely understanding person. First, he stops the construction of the last giant – the Depository of the Moscow Kremlin at the Borovitskaya Square ventured by Luzhkov. The simply unbelievable thing has happened, the fence is removed, and the lawn is renewed again. The criticism against Luzhkov does not leave the TV screens: it appeared that in all these years we suffered and hated him, but some obvious magic powers hindered to express.

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Luzhkov – Genius Loci

Consequences Liquid city. Within the period 1990-2000 the new construction, reflected a mirror-like the construction of the new state, has begun in the center of Moscow and spread around the entire city and even spilled out to its borders. The new districts appeared, as well as new sightseeing, new landscapes. The new typologies met the new requirements: the various types of housing for the various social groups, the private banks and the corporate offices and the small companies for the new businesses, the night clubs, casinos, the trading centers and the multi-functional complexes for new kinds of leisure time. The market received the new materials and technologies: curtain walls, composite panels, double-glazing units and polymers. The new architects, the new customers and new relations appeared. By one word, practically all has been “new” in all those years, even the “old.” Now we can see the results of this unique experiment lasting 20 years. “The General Plan based on capabilities” developed in the end of the 90-s made an accent on the investment potential of the Moscow land, but did not take into account the infrastructure problems, the transport problems, and, in general, the usual people problems were not included also. The city, lacking the town-planning policy, obeyed the market rules. Left to itself, it became developing spontaneously. The commerce acquired the unprecedented power and oppressed the other functions of the city’s environment, and also those who was to control this process. The city look changed its spots – the city of the planned economy, gradually developed by the plans of industrialization of the 70-s and progressively tailed, began to chaotically transform. Through the city texture the almost different architecture germinated, extruding the obsolete structures, destructing the Moscow physical body. The major part of the architecture of the last 20 years was not initially proposed “for ages.” Its fragrant fluid essence implies the possibility of the constant cycling changeover of the fashions, tastes and the trends; it is the main task here to be the profit source, i.e. to be the product which exists till it is demanded. This architecture appeared at the moment of transition of one society into another, and that is why it bears the gene of the internal transformation in it.

The uncontrolled activities of private investors and the absence of the precise strategy of the city-wide space became the reason of the commercial functionalism in architecture. The Soviet “land without owner” was used only in one way – to gain profit. What were the main architectural typologies? Below, the most important typologies from my classification of the Luzhkov’s era Moscow architecture are shown. The most physically unstable but unprecedentedly model and typical architectural phenomenon, appeared in 1992, was the Fungus. Being an integral part of Moscow market economy establishment, the Fungus appeared in the places, where the active commercial construction was possible. The Fungus in most cases are anonymous, prefer to settle in the territories with the large flotation, in the vicinity of transport infrastructure. The variety of this phenomenon is wide, but the brightest types of it are the advertizing, the kiosks, the trading centers and the marketplaces. The Fungus architecture is of

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“commercial functionalism”, new typology, various scales, advertisment, kiosks, shoping malls, markets


the specific type: its main task is the customer attraction, resulting the bright colors, the shouting design; the construction costs are intentionally less than the profit hence the use of light materials, processibility (fast assembling-disassembling). The Fungus are hard to destroy, one specimen pulls up the others, hereof their inclination to the concentrated accumulation. I classify the Fungus by the type of distribution and the scale: the surface surface parasite mycelium parasite – advertising and signboards prefer to settle on the old buildings and the consymbiosis detached struction fences; myceliums are gathering of the kiosks group both above and under the surface; symbiotic could be both mutual and inimical – destroy or “defend” their “master”; detached, the smallest are the kiosks, the largest representatives are the trading molls and the marketplaces. The decrees of the new authorities are targeting to destroy this phenomenon.

The new residential massive became the most stable and closest to the city physical body – Massives. The phenomenon itself belongs to another epoch, but in the last twenty years it acquired the character feature reflecting the modern processes – the prefab panels are tried to be produced in the maximal diverse assortment. At the same time the modern versions similar to their prototypes do not fit the new society rules: the issues of the territory belonging remain unsolved. In spite of its “mass involvement” the massifs, perhaps, more than the other typologies are subject to vanish. Representing the panel construction, the consequences of which in the face of the “Khrushchev’s houses” are being destroyed; the future of this type is unpredictable. The Phoenix phenomenon was born simultaneously with the dialogue restarted by Gorbachev with the church representatives as far back as in 1987. The idea of the “revival” and the “repentance” mutates within the new history for the several times. The initial expression in a way of the restored Cathedral of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God at the Red Square from 1990 to 1993 was maximally close to the archetype, the sec-


ond, in a way of the Cathedral of the Savior from 1994 to 1997 had the series of novelties moving the object from the original, the third from 2003 to 2005 introduced the new form of the revival – through the direct demolition of the original – Voentorg and Moskva Hotel, and the fourth in a way of Tzarytzino “revived” the non-existent history. The rekey features: newed replicas of the destroyed buildings by their sense are doomed to the constant re- new typology, different scale 87

- dependance on market activity DGYHUWLVLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ ÀHOG - capture of the public space - shoping malls - amusement, multifunction, development, mutation - kiosks - endangered - uncontrolled (today tendency to establish controll) - anonymous

generation, their task to find the compromise between the history and the modern requirements, which could change.


The new ideology has brought the world of material values. In this world one of the stimulus became the potential possibility to express the self individuality at the expense of consumption of the special products. The buildings became different “products” with the main task to differ from the others. The buildings created to be Unique arbitrarily compile the stylistic elements to be more distinctive. The Unique trend also has its chronology: appeared as a reaction to the previous “faceless” Soviet years, they reached their first “flourishing” in 1994-1995, when the architects gained the capability to implement any particular architectural style. By the century turn-over, there is a surge of imitation of the historic styles mixed with the contextual approach so much supported by the Mayor personally, and as a result, the appearance of the plain absurd constructions as the Patriarch building and the Egg House literally demonstrating the boundlessness of the happening changes. The third phase is linked with the coming of the foreign colleagues and the grown fashion on the architecture related to this, neatly trying to be modern. The fashion on the styles passes fast, and the most original risk to be out of fashion faster than the others.

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The stylistic architecture also must transform constantly. Having begun as the opposition to the Soviet modernism of the last years, it became an embodiment of the new material values, developed faster, than the other basics of the Western society. From my point of view, the architecture of the Luzhkov’s era was not the stylistic phenomenon called by the critics as the “regional post-modernism” and there is its special feature. In the Soviet Union times the information sources were limited – there were extremely small number of books, particularly translated. The architecture was rather naïve, superficial, the adaptation of the spotted images. The architecture of modern Moscow did not invent its style, did not create the architectural master-pieces in the customary conception. But it fixed, reflected and stressed the most important events of the transformation epoch.

The preservation of the liquid city The rapid change of the environment due to the different reasons happened in some other cities a little bit faster than it was in Moscow. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the German unification, the government’s moving to Berlin, the German Capital since 1994 which is the large European construction site also. The new Berlin must demonstrate the priorities of the new unified democratic state. In China after Mao Zedong death, the new reforms performed by Dèng Xiaoping, revise the ideology and politics of China which leads to the appearance of the market relations and the diversion from the traditionalism in the architecture under the slogan of the “prosperity of the architectural creation works.” Within a few years one city space is changed by differently the other one as a consequence of radical changes in the society. The Moscow case is not exclusive, and it tells about the universal character. The heritage of the transformation period has a fragile structure. But besides, the transformation process itself could not be recorded. The classical preservation rejects the “not valuable” architecture. The construction, erected with the use of modern materials, could hardly overcome the 50 years period to pretend for preservation. The textual fixation is a possibility to describe what could vanish in five years. Such efforts have been already attempted: “Moscow 4” by Irina Korobyina, the traveler’s guide and the website by Nikolay Malinin, “Caprealism” by Bart Golfhoorn. Partly this is one of the preservation forms. This text is an effort to prove, that the architecture of 1990 to 2010 period, despite the absence of the obvious value from the point of view of the traditional preservation, is as nothing else, the most important mirror of the epoch, and it is its main merit. The question arises undoubtedly, what we have to do with all this? The discussions about the change of the concept appear more often. Many participants of this process express their apprehension that the replacement of the main principles could lead to the irreplaceable losses or to the catastrophic mess, when any object could pretend for the preservation. But at the same time it’s not taken into account that in modern society changed a great deal in the last decades, the phenomena which do not fit in the traditional frames of preservation, and accordingly are doomed to vanish, appear. At the first stage of work I performed the systematization of the architecture of the last years. In fact, the absence of the system, counting the phenomena not related to the architecture in the high sense of the word is one of the reasons for the disappearance of the important elements of modern epoch. The systematization of the architecture of the last twenty years suggested me the idea of some new available methods. Perhaps only they could be

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used for the preservation of that heritage which remained from the most disputable epoch in Moscow history – the Luzhkov’s era. First of all the modern preservation must be built on the assumption of the object specific character, i.e. each method must consider the main character features and parameters of the phenomenon or the object proposed for preservation. One of the character features of the Luzhkov’s era was the process of self-organization as a response to the absence of control from the authorities. Nowadays the control has been strengthened; the chaotic construction is disappearing along with the bright and spontaneous phenomena. One of them are Fungus which modern Moscow greatly suffers from. It is hard to imagine the comfortable city space, piled up with the nonaesthetically acceptable kiosks and draped by advertizing, as we could see it in the last years. From the other side, many of these objects due to the singularity of their solution, the parasite objects, for instance, are existing at the expense of other constructions are subject to research within the modern architecture schools concepts. Some of them in case of the Time Square or Piccadilly become the city remarkable sights if their level reaches the higher concentration and the aesthetic development. The Fungus phenomenon is endangered to completely vanish as the new authorities actively fight against it. If we really fix the Fungus presence in town, the method of the interaction with them, in my opinion, is rather regulative than prohibitive. In this case I propose to create the special permissibility zones. In these specially allocated zones the fungus could develop under the same rules they existed. I would call it the “Reservation” Method. Its principal difference from the preservation zones is that everything existing there lives under the same rules which were set by the object “nature.” Another principally different approach could be the inclusion the preservation into the designing process itself. It could be called the Planning Method. It means, that at the moment of making a design, the architects inscribe in the special conclusive opinion letter or in the object passport the methods of the object preservation along with the planned terms of its existence. In such case, the society could be saved from many stresses and discussions related to the construction of this or that object. The erected for 20 years with a view of gaining profit object will not become a matter for discussions, if everybody would know about it beforehand and it would not be a cause for disputes when its term of duty expires. From the other hand, in some cases, the society may change the parameters, to prolong the term, for instance, if the object will obtain the other factors of its relevance. Such phenomenon as the Massive, from one side, is doomed to vanish, as it is considered to be the extension of the architecture now admitted as unpromising. From the other side, the socialist-capitalist panel mutants are typical representatives of the dual nature of the Luzhkov’s era. The construction of the qualitative district with a view of its further preservation could save the society from the complicated moral problem “which one should be demolished and which - not.” Some objects from the previous decades epoch are the representatives of the phenomenon I call Phoenix. These objects are often the edited versions of their successors. Their erection in such appearance caused the hot discussions in the society. From the other hand, in the act of their “revival,” their ability to “regenerate” is initially inserted. The admission of object “regeneration” status could also be the methods of preservation. The Regeneration status remains the main feature of this phenomenon, resulting the appearance of the changed beyond the recognition or fabricated buildings such as Moskva Hotel or the Palace of Aleksey Michailovich in Kolomenskoye. The conception of cycles permits to review every 50 or 100 years the value of this or that expression of Phoenix phenomenon and if necessary again and again initiate the “regeneration act.”

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The prognosis in the literary style is an attempt to see which way the Luzkov’s architectural era could continue its existence in the future.

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2040, Press Revue The unique residential complex “Patriarch” is under demolition threat. In September the Arcnadzor organization held a series of round tables discussing the issue for the investments attraction for the complex reconstruction, which is the one of pioneers of the ironic trend of the commercial functionalism. The commercial functionalism or the commercialization has been composed for a period of 20 years from the beginning of the 90-s. Its appearance is inseparably linked to Yuri Luzhkov personality, a Mayor during those years. The main features of the commercialization are the random compilation of any architectural styles to gain the maximal profit per one square meter. In “Patriarch” the authors made seemingly impossible – in order to attract the attention to their object against the background of other bright architectural expressions, the building look united such trends as the classical order system of Vignola, the symbol of the avant-garde – the stylized tower of the Tatlin’s 3rd International and the sculptural element imitating the modern forms in the “High Tech” style. In the middle of the 2020-s this style went out of fashion fast. The critics blamed the style for the lack of imaginativeness, kitsch, and the Moscow Government considered that such architecture unfairly immortalizes the name of Luzhkov, and the Moscow Government got stuck in corruption under him. It was an undesirable memory for the city. The complex is located in once prestigious Moscow district – the Patriarchy Ponds. The collapse of the transport system and bad ecology enforced citizens with the high income to leave the Moscow central district as far back as in the middle of the 2030-s. The “Patriarch” was transferred to the municipal housing. But due the low quality materials and the technology infringements made during its construction which was customary at that time, the building is rapidly decaying. The Moscow Government is not interested in the expensive reconstruction of the unique complex, as the modern technologies permit to construct at this place a building which will not require the permanent expenses for it maintenance. The City Authorities made another attempt to oust the illegal tenants from empty MIBC City complex. The complex construction started as far back as in the 90-s continues up to now. The mistakes made during the designing of the complex infrastructure and the transport system still could not be solved. For years of the long-time construction related to decrease of the interest from the leaseholders and the low investment flow, some parts of the complex need the complete overhaul. The seizure of the becoming empty towers by the illegal immigrants started as far back as in the end of the 2020-s. At that time the city authorities decided to allow the non-occupied spaces for the numerous immigrant sellers ousted from the Moscow marketplaces and to use the gained profit for the reconstruction of the transportation nets system. But the intensity of the transportation flows resulted by the moving of the Moscow markets to the City, worsened the situation and the received funds became insufficient, and the tradesmen were ousted again, but not all of them. Many of them have waited till the oust wave was over and returned to the empty City now as the illegal tenants. For nowadays the City is the largest squat in the world. The Moscow Government declared the launching of the program on the districts reconstruction of the last phase of the industrial construction development. The panel construction, launched in the 70-s under Khrushchev starting from the 2000-s survived a new boom of development. A that times the investments strategy of Moscow resulted unbelievable real estate price growth. As a result, the production of the house-building plants became the fastest and the most effective method for the build-up of the available city territories. At that times the demolition of the first representatives of the industrial construction – the five-storey “Khrushchev’s” houses was actively held. To support the

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panel construction reputation and to attract buyers the new series were produced with the “individual” face. But the variety of décor and numerous combinations did not solve the technological and general house-planning issues. The only district that will remain after the reconstruction is the district of new Olympic village, built with a glance of the new Regulations on Preservation, inscribed into the House-planning Code in 2018. After the construction boom of the 90-s of the last century Moscow faced the numerous and low-quality construction congested the city. In the followed 30 years this architecture began to actively ruin, and the huge funds were spent for the demolition and restoration of some of them. In general, the most complicated issue appeared to be the establishment of status of each object and the definition of the relevant restoration methods. Particularly at that time the decree on the inclusion of the Preservation Strategy into the design project was issued. One of the obligatory articles is the estimation of the object service term. Thus, the Olympic village district, initially constructed with a glance, that this was a “model district of the panel construction at the turn of the century,” and therefore must be preserved in case if this type of construction will be under threat of disappearance. As it is seen from the current situation, the adoption of the law`s article greatly simplified the life of modern Muscovites, who could develop and change their city, not being concerned about the important historical evidences loss. Briefly: The notorious Egg-House was transferred to the kinder-garden for the establishing of the kinder-garden at the adjoining territory. After the 30 ears on sale the owner of the building has not been found. At the VDNH territory the exhibition of the retro-stalls, -kiosks and -”tonars” will be held from May 15 to August. The private collectors bring the kiosks together from around Russia. The New Arbat Street was included in the UNESCO list as the unique type of the city space. After the introduction of the “Permissibility Zones” during many years the prospect was transformed into real collection of the street design, where all epochs of development of Moscow decoration since the beginning of the century are present. The Ostozhenka district received the status of Federal architectural landmark. The district consists of the unique collection of houses of the contextual commercialization. This status must limit the unauthorized renovation of the buildings’ facades located in the district. By the opinion of the owners of once elite real-estate the only renovated after the latest fashion facades could return the fame to the district. At the turn of the century this region became the most popular particularly due to the usage of the most actual materials. The meeting against the participation of the foreign architects in the Capital city construction was permitted by the Moscow Mayor’s office. It will take place in the first Saturday of August in Gorky Park. Voentorg will get its new façade. This is already third façade since the reconstruction of the 2000-s. the Mosproekt architects are preparing the drafts, the new façade should return to the trading center the profit as in the bygone times.

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Picture credits 9 From the personal photo collection

20 http://citytower.ru

9 Thread:“Excursion in to the history,” forum.od.ua

20 Catologue cover

9 Thread: McDonalds in Moscow, www.cititowers.com

20 www.rb.ru

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21 photo Slusarev A.A., www.slusarev.livejournal.com

11 http:// www.rian.ru

23 Title page “Ptuch” magazine, 1993

13 http:// nude.kinox.ru

23 © Courtesy Gallery Marat Gelman, www.openspace.ru

13 Soviet Modernism 1955-1985, Tatlin publisher, 2010

23 Obozrevatel magazine, 1995

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25 http:// www.mir_na_karte.livejournal.com

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25 http:// www.drumsk.ru 25 photo by Andrey Usov, www.afisha.ru 27 Stolitsa magazine, 1995 27 http:// www.gzt.ru 27 http:// berkuttour.ru 27 http:// demotivators.ru 28 http:// www.mnevniki.info 28 http://mig-estate.ru/ 28 http:// www.drumsk.ru 28 http://vipflat.ru/news/131 29 http:// www.metkere.com

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35 photo: Dasha Paramonova

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35 photo: Dasha Paramonova

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“Obozrevatel” magazine, № 2, 1995 Arhitektura i Stroitelstvo Moskvi, № 5-6, 2001

APPENDIX 1 Database of Moscow architecture, 1990-2010

S t r e l k a I n s t i t u t e f o r M e d i a , A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d D e s i g n!

Luzhkov Era 83

o Lukoil office

Year of Authors constructio 1967 — Feliks Novikov, Dmitry 1993 Solopov (1993- 98)



Sretensky Blvd. 11 Office

Style (analogue) Type of construction Modernism+Postm New odernism construction



Articles №

Mayakovsky Museum

1987 — 1989

Mosproekt 4, Andrew Bokov, Lubyanskaya Sq., Museum Eugene Boudin, I. Ivanov, B. 3/6 Chernov, B. Kovalkov. T. Polyakov.


Reconstruction, Interior

Olga Kabanova, Yegor Larichev, Dmitry Ozerki Sergei Orekhov. The recent history of national cinema. 1986-2000. Film and context. T. IV. St. Petersburg, Session, 2002. http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1937

Restaurant "Atrium"


Alexander Brodsky, Ilya Utkin, Leninsky Prospekt Restaurant Konstantin Monakhov

«Paper architecture»


Prof. H. Klotz foreword to the German catalog Papierarchitektur http://www.walkingcity.ru/article.php?art_i d=17

Hotel “BalchugKempinsky”

1988 – 1991 Workshop 19 V.Kolosnicin, G.Berezin, H.Kossdrov

Balchug str., 1


«Moscow» style - Reconstruction, 1998 Moscow City Government as "Best hotel in Moscow 5 star. " In 1999 and 2000 the best hotel in «Postmodernism» New Russia, according to a poll conducted by Travel construction reconstruction Trade Gazette commissioned by ITE. In 1999, 2000 and 2001 an honorary award "Five Star Diamond", handed out annually by the American Academy of Hospitality.

Nikolai Malinin. Spitting into the sky. A short course on the history of Moscow turrets. "Headquarters", 2004, № 10 Website Moscow, that not exist. «Marsh memory»

Moscow State University Fundamental Library


Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27


Modernism+Postm New odernism construction

Nikolai Malinin. Godzilla KNOWLEDGE. 2 "Project Russia», № 35 Grigory Revzin. CHEST OF THE SPIRIT. Moscow mayor's office gave the University of Moscow a new library - a treasure pozdnebrezhnevskogo style. Kommersant, 26.01.2005

Office complex


Palashevskiy per


Contextual approach

New construction

Prospect 60-years Educational of October, 9


New construction

Russia Gosstroy Institute for Public Buildings Alexander Kuzmin, Yuri Grigoryev, Gleb Tsytovich, Svetlana Velyamidova, Svetlana Burmistrova, Elizabeth Reshetnyak, Viktor P A. Meerson, E. Serov A. Paley, T. Penskoi

International Research Institute of Management (MNIIP)


Mosproekt-2 Posokhin Workshop

MoscowMcDonald's Restaurant and Office

1989 – 1993 “ABV Group” Alexei Vorontsov, Yuri Grigoryev, N. Zeegofer, Kuznetsova, T. Vorontsov

Gazetniy per., 17/1 Office and restaurant

Contextual approach

New construction

Hotel Radisson Slavianskaya


Berezhkovskaya nab.


New construction

“Park-Place” Residential Complex

Leninsky Prospekt Residential 1990 – 1992 Mosproekt-1, Workshop 11 113 / 1 Jakov Belopol'skii, Leonid Vavakin, Nicholas Lyutomsky, Yuksel Erdemir

Residential Complex


JSC “Sovmortrans” Building

Rakhmanovsky 1991 – 1994 Workshop 19 Vladimir Kolosnitsyn, Mikhail Lane, 4 Okunev, IV Kochetov, Patrick Lyaybetzeder, P. Habrik (Austria)

International Moscow Bank on Prechistenskaya embankment


Prechistenskaya Alexander Skokan, Valery Bank embankment, 9 - 11 Kanyashin, Rais Baishev (Ostozhenka Arch. Bureau) J. Pallasmaa, Davidson & Lindeberg (Finland, InterStudio)

“Zenith” Business Center


Mosproekt-1 Workshop 11 James Belopol'skii, Nicholas Lyutomsky, Luciano Perini

Mitino District


Setun Residential Complex


Residential building on Veskovsky lane

Gazprom Building

Mosproekt Workshop 14 SK Shehoyan, VP Sokolov, V. Steyskal, V. Taraskin, VI Plotkin (Russia) S. Nikolic, D. Polyakovic, T. Petrinaak (Yugoslavia)


Yuri Grigoryev, «Architectural Journal», 1993, № 5 http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1968


Russian Federation State Prize 1994

Andrew Ikonnikov. ARCHITECTURE OF XX CENTURY. Volume 2. - Moscow, Progress-Tradition, 2002. Pp. 612-613. Nikolai Malinin http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1949


Contextual approach

New construction


New construction

Sixth place in the «Ranking of Moscow "- the first independent show of the best buildings of the city for 10 years.

http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1963


Contemporary, contextual

New construction

Russian Federation State Prize 1995 Professional community has recognized "the best building in the city" for the period 1987-1997

James McAdam. International Moscow Bank. "Project Russia», № 1 (September 1995) Andrew Ikonnikov. Buildings in OSTOZHE. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, February 23, 1996




New construction


Mitino District Mosproekt Workshop 16 Head Polovnikov AM Authors: arch: Polovnikov AM (leader), Soloviev VM, Romantsev AE, Yudakov AB Sidorov AA, Sorokin, MA Minskaya street Mosproekt Workshop 15 S. Mindrul, AI Murom, IV Peshkova



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. PEDAGOGY in stone. Nicholas Lyutomsky: "Taste me nobody was dictating. " "Headquarters", 2004, December-January Oleg Kuzminskii. Kommersant, 21.12.2000 lli / bli ti / hi i?&


Western village

New construction


Andrew Meerson

Veskovsky lane


Andrew Ikonnikov. HOUSE ANDREW Meerson. Moscow style as a professional principle. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, January 11, 1997



Mosproekt B. Havin, S. Tulupnikov, V. Mutafov, S. Izmailov, A. Havin; construction.: V. Karganov, Yu Goryainov, K.

Namyotkina Street, Office Cheryomushki

Mosproekt Workshop 3 RG Kananin, N. Kuznetsova, Vasiliev, T. Shishigina Eng: K. Svirin, G. Weinstein, A. Finogenov, V. Claus, A. Liang, A. Kalugin

Dolgorukovskaya Residential Street and Krasnoproletarskay a

«Konstruktivism», New «Brutalism», construction Posmodernism»


Prospect Vernadskogo, 82


New construction

Postmodernism, «contemporary», skyscraper

New construction

http://www.mosgid.ru/mesta/visotnoe-zdaniegazproma-1778.htmlMoscow guide

Reconstruction of the City Hall


M. Posokhin

Tverskaya St. 13


"Nostalgie" Restaurant


Empire Architects Michael Tumarkin, Dmitry Shelest

Chistoprudni Boulevard, 12-a




Mar'inskiy Park District


Mar'ino rayon Mosproekt Workshop 8 JV Yurov, L. Vavakin, Y. Grigoriev, Kuzmin, D. Ilish, V. Korotkov, E. Ressels, N. Makarov, B. Ustinkin


Prefab mutant

New construction

Galina Vishnevskaya's Opera Center


Mosproekt -2 Posokhin

Ostozhenka street, Mixed use — 25 theatre, offices, dwelling

«Luzhkov style»

New construction

1 Grigory Revzin. "Mayoral" style is presidential. «Kommersant» № 197 (1600) on 10/22/1998 http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?Doc sID=207380

Sberbank of Russia on Vavilov Street


Leonid Vavakin, Vladimir Steyskal, Nicholas Lyutomsky, Henry Hoos

Vavilova St.



New construction


Unicombank Building on Daev lane


Dmitry Solopov, Dmitry Pshenichnikov, Vladimir Kolosnitsyn, L. Ivanova, L. Altabaeva, Hans Kossdorf

Daev lane



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. PEDAGOGY in stone. Nicholas Lyutomsky: "Taste me nobody was dictating. " "Headquarters", 2004, December-January Vladimir Steyskal, Nicholas Lyutomsky. "modern " ARCHITECTURE ON THE ROAD TO REHABILITATION. Grigory Revzin. HOW TO GOTHIC virtual space. Building Unicombank in Daev lane. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 12.05.1997 Andrew Ikonnikov. "Magic Crystal" In Daev LANE. "Architectural Journal, 1997, № 3 (35) Andrew Ikonnikov. ARCHITECTURE OF XX CENTURY. Volume 2. - Moscow, Progress-Tradition, 2002. Pp. 617-621.

Infobank Building on Vernadsky Prospekt


Bavykin Architectural Workshop Alex Bavykin, Sergei Suetin, Sergei Bavykin, Lyudmila Sevastyanova

Vernadsky Pr-t


"Neo konstructivism"

New construction


"MoseENKA Park Towers" Office Complex


Sergey Tkachenko, Oleg Dubrovsky, Irina Dolinskaya, Nina Shabelnikov, Tatiana Revesz, Alexei Vasiliev, Tatiana Sukhova, Lyudmila Volkova

Taganskaya St 17- Office 23

Creative reconstruction


Office building on Nizhnaya Krasn oselskaya street


Mosproekt-2 Workshop 19 Alexander Asadov

Nizhnaya Office Krasnoselskaya St

Creative reconstruction


Sergei Merzhanov. Complex "Infobank" in development. "Architectural Vestnik, 1999, № 3 (48). Nikolai Malinin. Too sharp corners. Interview with Alexei Bavykina. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 09.06.2000 Alex Bavykin. 20 years later. Why is the triumph of the Russian "paper" architecture does not become a triumph of the stone. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 02.03.2001 Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk ru/arch/detail php?ID=2514 Maria Nashchokina. Taganskaya REFLECTIONS. Business Center Mosenka on Taganskaya Street. 'Architectural Journal, 1995, № 6 (26) Dmitry Fesenko. Rehabilitative ALLIANCE? Business Center Mosenka "Taganka. "Architectural Journal, 1996, № 5 (31) Sergei Sitar. "Mosenka Park Towers. " "Project Russia», № 3 (August 1996) Andrew Ikonnikov. ARCHITECTURE OF XX CENTURY. Volume 2. - Moscow, Progress-Tradition, 2002. Pp. 624. Nikolai Drozdov. Hi-tech with Russian prononsom? "Architectural Vestnik, 1996, № 3 (29). Andrew Kaftanov Factor is the context: two buildings Alexander Asadov. "Project Russia», № 3. Andrew Kaftanov Grigory Revzin. Asadov Architecture: a modern style in Moscow. "Project Russia», № 11. Grigory Revzin. Architect Asadov explodes Moscow. Kommersant, December 16, 1998.

Residential Complex

1994-1995 1996-1997

Mosproekt 2,

M.Posokhin Novoslobodskaya 28


Luzhkov style

New construction

Residential Complex

1994-1999 1999-2000

Mosproekt 2,

M.Posokhin Valovaya street



New construction

Christ the Saviour Cathedral


Mosproekt 2, Posokhin




Hals Tower Administrative Building


Mosproekt 2 , Workshop 14 Tverskaya Pavel Andreev, Sergei Pavlov, Yamskaya St 5 Vyacheslav Solonkin


Neo Stalinist

New construction

Iverskaya gate







Volkhonka St 15

The Red Square


Grigory Revzin. DIFFICULTY OF STANDARDS. At Chistoprudny Boulevard, 12a, in a building fund Rolan Bykov opened restaurant Nostalgie-café. The Newspaper Segodnya, September 8, 1994 http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1970

Russian Federation State Prize 1997

2 Nikolai Malinin. ARCHITECT Pavel Andreev: "Do not do ARCHITECTURE spite. " "Headquarters", 2004, № 6 Grigory Revzin. Campaigns on Tverskaya. Draft Classics, № IV-MMII (18.09.2002) http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 4_2002/04_classik_01a.htm




Julebino District


Mosproekt Workshop 8 YV Yurov, D. Ilish, H. Ismailov, L. Datskovskaya, T. Tagachina Mosproekt Workshop 6 AD Orlov, Vladimir Tulupov, N Bokov, G l i I.h Vinogradsky A. Kutuzovsky prospect



Victory Park


“Okhotny Ryad” Shopping Mall


Modernism history Continuation


M. Posokhin, Zurab Tsereteli, Manejnaya sq. N. Kancheli, S. Pankin, M. Malakhov


«Luzhkov style»

New construction

Residential Complex on Zoologicheskaya Street


Zoologocheskaya Mosproekt Workshop 16 AM Polovnikov, JP Pershin, street LA Ter-Saak, NV Sharapov, ER Feoktistov, IV Marchenkova, VM Soloviev, MA Sorovina, IV Fadeeva, ML Filasova, AI Bukharev



New construction

“Baltschug Plaza” Office-shopping Complex

1995-1997 2002-2004

Mosproekt-2 M.Posokhin

Sadovnicheskaya embankment 1

Commercial/O luzhkov ffice

New construction

Bank on Andronievskaya Square


Badanov Workshop Elena Badanov, Andrew Myznikov, Oleg Grigoras, Julius Badanov

Andronievskaya Sq.


Sculpture — formalism

New construction

Drujba Trade Center

1995-1996 1997-1998

Mosproekt-2, M.Posokhin

Novoslobodsky Prospekt, 4


neo luzhkov

New construction

Office building on Milyutinsky Lan e


Lyzlov Architectural Bureau Nicholas Lyzlov, Olga Kaverina

Miliutinsky Ln



New construction

Residential complex on Vlasova Street


Mosproekt Workshop 11 BS Mesburg, VV Steyskal, GS Vinokourov

Vlasova st.


Individual complex New construction

Sberbank Branch on Volgogradsky Prospekt


"Kurortproyekt"; Khazanov Workshop Mikhail Khazanov, Lyudmila Topcheeva

Volgogradsky Prospekt



New construction

Residential Building


Mosproject-2 M.Posokhin

Tverskoy Boulevard, 14-16


Contextual Luzhkov

New construction

Residential Building


Mosproject-2 M.Posokhin

Orujeiniy per. 15/21


Creative reconstructiont

New construction

Blue Bird Residential Complex


Mosproekt Workshop 11 Lyutomsky NV, Terentyev GM, Lagunkov MY, Dobrovolskaya NL



Individual complex New construction

Gostiny Dvor


Sergei Tkachenko Architectural Studio

Ilynka street


Creative reconstruction


Office Building on Trubnaya Street


Trubnaya St


Contemporary, sculpture

New construction

School for Autistic Children


Ostozhenka Architectural Bureau, Alsop Architects A.Skokan, V. Kanyashin, I. Voronezh (Ostozhenka) J. McAdam, A.Khmelnitsky, M. Ayhner, O. Skobelev (Alsop) Chernikhov Workshop Andrei Chernikhov, Natalia Shcherbakova

Kashenkin Lug St Educational 7

Unique — irony

New construction

Tower "2000" and "Bagration" Bridge


Boris Thor, L. Kunitsyn

Krasnopresnenska Public ya nab.


New construction

Novinsky Passage


Mosproekt-2 M.Posokhin

Novinsky blv. 13

Office/Comme Luzhkov rcial

New construction

New construction

1 Vladislav Brick: "Children - not a luxury but a means of creative self-affirmation. " Interviews Nikolai Malinin. "Headquarters", 2004, № 5

Nikolai Malinin. YOUR WORD BANK COMRADE! Tipster as a constructivist. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October 16, 1999 Ivan Jeziorski. Capitalist constructivism. "Results", January 18, 2000 Eugene Mikulina. Two-stage construction of building complexes Savings Bank.


Eugene Mikulina. Iceberg for the Titanic. Architectural Digest, 2003, № 2 http://lyzlov.ru/portfolio/content/publication .html?id=1080159101Yegor Larichev. WHITE HOUSE AS CLEAN LIST.Obyavlyaetsya competition at visual consumption of the façade. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 16, 2002 Nikolai Malinin TOWER FIREWALL. TOWN PLANNING Casus on Myasnitskaya Nezavisimaya Gazeta, September 11 2001


Nikolai Malinin. BANK AS RUSSIAN ROCK. Mikhail Khazanov exhibition at the Central House of the architect. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 9, 1999 Dmitry Fesenko. Sberbank building at the Volgograd Prospekt. Integration into the world architectural process occurs gardens. "Architectural Journal, 1997, № 3 (35)


Nikolai Malinin. SILENT Modernism. OFFICE BUILDING. PIPE STREET, 12. "Results, " February 1, 2000 Alexey Shchukin, Dugin Eugene. MARKET ARCHITECTURE: HOW TO CHOOSE ARCHITECTS DEVELOPER. Nikolai Malinin. STONE pancakes maple syrup. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 6, 2001 Grigory Revzin. A masterpiece of help. Kommersant, 18.05.2001 Kasatkin. Architecture as a medicine. Yearbook of the MAAM. 2002 Grigory Revzin. HOLIDAY disobedience. "Kommersant-Weekend », July 7, 2008 http://kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=9 07877&NodesID=8


The project's author center "Moscow City" Boris Thor: City should have been a modern analogue Kremlin. "Interfax, November 25, 2005, 14:25.



Krasnopresnenska Office ya 16/1

The headquarters of Basic Element


Shabunin Architectural Workshop Boris Shabunin, Alla Feoktistova

Paveletskaya Plaza Office Complex


Paveletskaya Sq. 2 Office M.Posokhin, Sergei Tkachenko, Eugene Lyakisheva, Galina Kim, Boris Uborevich-Borovsky, Margarita Mamontov, Elena Aulova

Office building with a Sberbank Branch


ARTE+ Vladimir Yudintsev, Maya Burgandinov, Alexander Gagiyev

"Dominoes" Trade House


A-B bureau

Residential Building on Hvostov lane


Mosproekt 2, Workshop 5 Alexander Shchukin, Mikhail Leonov

Office Building on Balchug street


Residential Building

Tsvetnoy blvd, 32



New construction

Neo Stalinist

New construction

Context sculpture

New construction



New construction

Khvostov lane, 5

Mixed use — offices, residential

Postmodern — russian style — uzorochie

New construction

Mosproekt 2, M.Posokhin

Balchug str. 3/2



New construction


Don Stroy

st. Marshal Vasilevsky, 13, Bldg. 3


Individual complex New construction

Peter 1 Sculpture


Zurab Tsereteli

Bersenevskaya nab.


Office Building on Bolshoi Gnezdnikovsky


B. Gnezdnikovsky Office Mosproekt-4 Andrei Bokov, Alexei Sergeant s, Olga Makarova, Natalia Ser zhantova, NataliaYaprintseva

Reconstruction of the New Building Construction Property Department

1997-1998 1998-2006

Mosproekt 2 M.Posokhin

Sredniy Karetniy lane, 3


Youth Olympic Village


Sviatoslav Mindrul, Andrei Efimov



Prefab mutant

Office building on 3-th Zachatievsky Lane


“Ostozhenka” Alexander Skokan, Dmitry Gusev, Ivan Voronezh, Olga Friedland

Zachatievsky Ln


Sculpture, context New construction

Bank on Novinsky Boulevard


Novinsky Project organization: Mosproekt-2 , Workshop №5 Boulevard 3, Building 1 Architects: Dmitry Barkhin, Mikhail Leonov, Tamara Koroleva



“Blue Bird" Scool in Butovo


Mosproekt-1, Workshop 11 Nicholas Lyutomsky, Julia Bogayevsky, Gregory Sandomirsky

Office building on the 2nd Tverskaya Street


"ABV" Group: Nikita 2nd Tverskaya Str. Office Biryukov, Alexei Vorontsov, Natalia Bunkin, Olga Aleshin, Alexander Levinson

Office building on Schemilovskiy Lane


Sergey Kiselev & Partners, Sergei Skuratov, Sergei Kiselev, Galina Kharitonov


«architectural monument» - table on facade

COLOR. Magazine Made in Future, № 4 (September 2008) Maria Fadeeva. And what's around the corner? On colored avenue came home, painting the facade, echoing bend the Garden Ring. Vedomosti, May 7, 2008 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 08/04/25/12295 http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=2212




Anna Gardner. Postmodernism XVII century. Alexander Shchukin: BEAUTY RUSSIAN STYLE. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, February 8, 1997 Vladimir Sedov: http://www.drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID= 1995


Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1100 Grigory Revzin. ARCHITECTS effort to maintain PRESTIGE STATE PRIZE. Kommersant, February 4, 1999



Postmodernism unique

New construction



Schemilovsky Lane Office

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/ In autumn 2008 the building became a bronze DIPLOMA FESTIVAL "Architecture"in the"CONSTRUCTION" http://www.zodchestvo.com/

Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1108 Dmitry Fesenko. STARTING foothold? OFFICE BUILDING FOR Rochdelskaya Street. "Architectural Journal, 2002, № 5 (68) http://archvestnik.ru/0205_rus.htm # 03 Nikolai Malinin. Empire LIGHT. Why 4 "neostalinskaya" architecture does not mean the return of Stalinism. "Headquarters", 2004, № 6 E. Aulova OFFICE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE Paveletsky Station. Annual edition of the Moscow branch of the IMaria t ti l A Nikolai d f A hit CLASSIC t Fadeeva, Malinin.

New construction

Nikolai Malinin. HOUSE with glasses. Evening Club. September 18, 1999 Nikolai Malinin. Dictation Tyre Works. Architectural Bureau Ostozhenka - 10 years. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 11 June 1999


Nikolai Malinin. BANK OF PALLADIO. Classicism as ENVIRONMENTAL architecture. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 15.06.2001 Grigory Revzin. RETURN ZHOLTOVSKOGO. "Project Classic, 2002, № 1 (29/10/2001) Vladimir Sedov. To palladium and back. "Project Classic, 2002, № 1 (29/10/2001) Nikolai Malinin. PEDAGOGY in stone. Nicholas Lyutomsky: "Taste me nobody was dictating. " "Headquarters", 2004, № 12-01 (28-29) Olga Kabanova. Educational space. "Project Russia», № 12 (June 1999)


New construction

Catherine Ipatova. Respectable WITHOUT aplomb. Office building at 2 nd Tverskaya Street in Moscow. "Architectural Vestnik, 2000, № 4 (55) Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1098


New construction

Nikolai Malinin. BEAUTY AS THE ENEMY. "Itogi", May 2, 2000 "Tatlin. Sergei Skuratov. Special issue "Tatlin ". - Ekaterinburg, 2005. P. 42 Elena Gonzalez. TIME ARCHITECT Skuratov. "Tatlin. Sergei Skuratov. Special issue "Tatlin ". - Ekaterinburg, 2005. S. 3839


New construction

New construction

Sculpture, contemporary, context

Russian Federation State Prize in the field of social http://www.internirussia.ru/people/intervie facilities 1999 w/2010/6/177/

MUAR collection of contemporary architecture


Residential Building on 1st Zachatievsky Lane


AB Ostozhenka Alexander Skokan, Rais Baishev, Mikhail Skorokhod, Labutin

Zachatievsky Lane Office


New construction

Nikolai Malinin. HOUSE "AS IF". Utopia in a heroic anti-Utopical comment. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October 30, 1999


Residential Complex in Zubovsky passage


Sergey Kiselev & Partners Sergei Skuratov, Konstantin Khodnev, Elena Dedyulya, Eugene Anvaer, Mikhail Chirkov, A. Marchenko

Zubovsky Passage Residential


New construction


Office building on Kursov lane


Ostozhenka Architectural Bureau Alexander Skokan, Dmitry Gusev, Cyril Smooth, Ivan Voronezh

Kursov Lane

context, sculpture New construction

Nikolai Malinin. What do the newsmakers. "The project Classics»№ 1 (2001) http://www.projectclassica.ru/newsmake/0 1_2001/1_2001_14.htm Sergei Skuratov, Konstantin Savkin. The ring CONTEXT. TWO HOUSES FROM SC Ivan Jeziorski. ARCHITECT AS

"Gvozd" Shopping Center


MKAD Alexander Skokan, Andrew Yaralov, Vladimir Labutin, Ivan Voronezh, Mikhail Skorokhod


Sculpture, irony

New construction

Office Building on Dolgorukovskoj Street


Dolgorukovskaya Mosproekt 2, Workshop 14 Street Pavel Andreev, Vladimir Kovshel, Vyacheslav Solonkin


Ne Stalinist

New construction

Residential Complex on Bolshaya Polianka


Bolshaya Sergei Skuratov, Sergei Kiselev,Constantine Hodnev, Polyanka, 61-a Vsevolod Shabanov, Catherine Paley


Ssculpture, context New construction

Office Building on Tsvetnoi Bulvar


ACM «SIAS» Gennady Tsvetnoi Blvd Nadtochy, Alexei Vorontsov, Tatiana Krachevskaya, Andrei Smirnov, Mirijanyan



“Patriarch” Residential Complex


"SPAR" Sergey Tkachenko, Oleg Dubrovsky, with participation of: Ilya Voznesensky, Alexei Kononenko, Michael Lakin

Ermolaevskiy per. 15/44


Postmodern - irony New construction

Parking Garage parking Olympic Avenue


ACM "SIAS" Gennady Nadtochy, Alexei Vorontsov, Andrey Smirnov, Ahmed Naziraliev, Eugene Ptitsyn, Lyubov Yakovleva

Bolshaya Ekaterininskaya Street, 24



Smolensky Passage


Smolenskaya Mosproekt Workshop 14 Square SK Shehoyan VP Sokolov, JP Grigoriev, VV Steyskal

Lukoil Reception House on Bolshoi Afanasyevsky Lane


M. Filippov, ENITEK A. Gorelkin, I. Bratkovsky, Ponomarev

Office Complex on Lesnoy street


“Imperial” Shop


“Nautilus” Shopping Mall

1998 – 1999 "ABV" Group Alexei Vorontsov, Nikita Biryukov, VM Svistunov, MA Struchenevsky, Kuznetsova

Round House on Malaya Filevskaya


TPO "Reserve" Vladimir Plotkin, Vladimir Sudarikov, Irina Deeva, Ivan Sergei Kryuchkov

The Gorbachev Foundation Building


"ARS " Company Mospromstroi Alexander Loktev, Eugene Shurchkov, Evgeny Kovalev

Office building Shchepkina Street


Alexander Skokan, Valery Kanyashin, Demidov, Ivan Voronezh

Slavneft Headquarters


Group "ABV" Architects: Nikita Biryukov, Alexei Vorontsov, Alexander Tsimaylo, Alex Duk


Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1083 Bart Goldhoorn. Analyze This. "Project Russia»№ 23 (2002) Alexander Skokan: "We are trying to carve out a modest blouse. " Interviews Nikolai Malinin. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 11 June Eugene Mikulina. ABC Classics. "Project 3 Russia», № 24 (June 2002) Grigory Revzin. RETURN Deco. "The project Classics», № 7 (June 2003) http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 7_2003/07_classik_01c.htm ARCHITECT Pavel Andreev: "Do not do ARCHITECTURE spite " Interviews Sergei Skuratov. ENVIRONMENTAL Intentions remains dominant. Two houses from the company "SKIP. " "Architectural Journal, 2003, № 3 (72) http://archvestnik.ru/0303/frame_0303_ru s.htm

New construction

New construction


ethnographer. "Itogi, " February 6, 2001 Grigory Revzin. Ostozhenka IN RUSSIAN ARCHITECTURE. "The project Classics»№ 6 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 6_2003/06_classik_01a.htm


Nikolai Malinin. GOLDEN caesarean section. Moscow is ready to give birth to new styles. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, May 28, 1999 http://archi.ru/press/malinin/m13.htm MUAR collection of contemporary architecture

Grigory Revzin. CONSTRUCTION. HOUSE "Patriarch". "The project Classics», № 2 (2001) Alex Tarkhanov. STEPS HRYAKOSTROYA. HOUSE "Patriarch" found WORTHY OF THE MUSEUM. K t J l 2 2002 Nikolai Malinin. HELLO, GARAGE! HOUSE FOR MACHINES ALSO BE ELITE ARCHITECTURAL. "Headquarters", 2003, № 11 Constantine Savkin. ARCHITECTURE FOR LARGE WIND Catherine. Garage complex from the company, "SIAS". "A hit t l J l 2004 № 2 (77)



Commercial/O Creative ffice reconstruction phoenix

New construction



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. Dobuzhinsky who became Zholtovsky. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, December 18, 1998 Anna Gardner, exhibition catalog, "Mikhail Filippov. - Moscow, Museum of Architecture, 1998

Lesnoy St Mosproekt-1, Workshop 22 Andrew Meerson, T. Penskoi, O. Breslavtseva, K. Dorofeev



New construction






A.V. Ikonnokov «Architecture of XX century», volume II.

Lubyanskaya Sq., Commercial


New construction


Malaya Filevskaya Residential


New construction

Nikolai Malinin. FROM CAMP IN FLIGHT Kicha. The last act Luzhkov style: "MOSCOW nonsense. " Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 11 June 1999 Alexei Vorontsov: "I build for people, NOT FOR ARCHITECTS. Interviews Nikolai Malinin. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, December Dmitry Fesenko. At the exit from the shadows. Bureau B. Plotkin - TPO "Reserve". "Architecture Bulletin, 1999, № 5 (50) http://archvestnik.ru/9911_rus.htm



New construction

Malinin, Nikolai. LAST BUILDING ADJUSTMENT. NEW HOUSE "Gorbachev Foundation: himself, and text and context. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 27 November 1999



Context, contemporary

New construction


Contemporary, context

New construction

Nikolai Malinin. TIT Titich AGAINST Tarantino. Hi-tech tank hit a mine Zamoskvoretskaya. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, December 25, 1999 Dmitry Fesenko. YOUR among friends. Administrative building at Pyatnitskaya street. "Architectural Vestnik, 1998, № 5 (44)


Afanasyevsky Ln

Tverskaya str.

hchepkina street



Residential Compl ex in Zagorski Passage


Vladimir Plotkin, Irina Deeva, Zagoskiy proezd Sergei Kryuchkov, Ivan Russkiy

Office building on Lesnaya


Bavykin Architecture Studio Alex Bavykin, Gregory Guryanov, Andrew Dolotov

House-egg on Mashkov Street


Street Mashkova, 1 Residential "NATAL" / 11 Sergey Tkachenko, Oleg Dubrovsky, Sergei Anufriyev, Vladimir Belsky, Svetlana Belyanina, Ilya Voznesensky, Elena Kapalin, Alexei

Muscovy Cultural Center


"ARS " Company Mospromstroi Alexander Loktev, Alexander Nikulin, Tatiana Markov

Business Center "Red Hills" Business Center and Music House


Yuri Gnedovskiy, V Krasilnikov, Dmitry Solopov, Margarita Gavrilova, Sergei Gnedovskiy

Kosmodamianskay Office/Music a embankment, 52 Hall


New construction

Pyatnitsky Fish Market


Ludmila Kazakova

Pyatnitskaya street Commercial


New construction

Office Building on Sadovnicheskaya Street


Mosproekt-2 Workshop 18 Michael Posokhin, Alexei Yerokhin, Alexander Titov

Sadovnicheskaya street


Luzhkov, context

New construction

Nikolai Malinin. NATURE OF THE REST. 1 On the background of his father - a great and terrible Posokhin Sr. - Posokhin Jr. looks small demon. However, very prolific. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, January 19, 2001

Office Building on Chayanova Street


Workshop 19 Vladimir Chayanova street Kolosnitsyn, Alexei Medvedev, O. Kolesov



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. LIKE THAT, I'm not "it ". Why is the new Moscow Art Nouveau worse than the old. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October 30, 1999


“Belgravia” Residential Building


Sergey Kiselev & Partners Sergei Skuratov Khodnev Konstantin and Elena Dedyulya, H. Haykin, I. Plotitsinoy, O. Marchenko

Ostozhenka street Residential

Context, sculpture New construction

Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1085 Marina Kaminarskaya. WHAT WOMEN WANT. "Domovoy", 2001, № 9. Full text here: http://skuratov-arch.ru/main_index.html


Pokrov Bridge Shop on Semyonovskaya


Nicholas Lyzlov, Alexander Krasnov, Sofia Kaverina

Semyonovskaya street


Contemporary, sculpture

New construction

Grigory Revzin. MEDITATION ON Semenovskaya. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 6, 2001 Grigory Revzin Shy modernists. Kommersant, June 20, 2001


Residential Building on Khachaturian Street


ARTE + Vladimir Yudintsev, Boris Shabunin, Svetlana Kaznacheyeva

Khachaturian street



New construction


Galler ZAR Trade Center



Rublevskoy shosse


Contemporary, sculpture

New construction

Residential Building on Pilyugin Street


Bavykin Architecture Studio Pilyugin street Alex Bavykin, Michael Marek, Lyudmila Zbarskaya, Gregory Guryanov


New construction

Nikolai Malinin. In encouraging gratifying. Comment curator of the exhibition "MUAR project. Building number 8. " Museum of Architecture, December 2001 http://www.muar.ru/exibitions/exibit81_str8 .htm Grigory Revzin. PIECE metropolitan area Bart Goldhoorn. Analyze This. "Project Russia»№ 23 (April 2002) Tatiana Pashintseva. SHOPPING CENTER GALLERY ZAR ». "Quality architecture 2006" (Special edition of the magazine "Technology construction") Nikolai Malinin. ArHitParad. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, June 6, 2002 Nikolai Malinin. Too sharp corners. Interview with Alexei Bavykina. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, June 15, 2001 http://www.archi.ru/events/news/news_cur rent_press.html?nid=1881&fl=1&sl=1 Constantine Savkin. A perimeter defense on the rules of architecture. "Architectural Journal, 2002, № 2 (65) http://archvestnik.ru/0202_rus.htm # 03

“Alie Parusa”





Individual complex New construction

"Tatarovskoy Floodplain" Residential Complex


TPO Reserve Vladimir Plotkin, Yuri Kuzin Alfred Kegler, Anatoly Sushkov, Yuri Zhuravlev, Tatiana Kvasov, Natalia Romishevskaya



Context, contemporary, west

New construction


“Europark” Retail and Entertainment Complex


Rublevskoy ABD Architects shosse Levyant Boris, Boris Stuchebryukov, Said Dzhabrailov, Elena Gavrilova, Darya Melnyk



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. VILLAGE OF MODEL MASTERPIECES. In Tatarovskoy floodplain building reserve of good architecture. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, June 6, 2002 Alexei Muratov. RESERVE OF ARCHITECTURE. "Project Russia", № 25 (June 2002) Nikolai Malinin. BOA with Rublevki. "Headquarters", May 2005 Elena Gonzalez. EUROPARC. "Project Russia", № 37 (September 2005)

Dental Hospital on Ostozhenka


Ostozhenka "Kurortproyekt", KhazanovWorkshop Anton Nagavitsyn, Sergei Pluzhnik, Ludmila Topcheeva, Mikhail Khazanov


Sculpture, contemporary

New construction

Nikolai Malinin. ArhHitParad. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, February 2, 2001 What do the newsmakers. Draft Nikolai Malinin. "The project Classics», № 1 (2001). http://www.projectclassica.ru/newsmake/0 1_2001/1_2001_12.htm


Moscow City Duma on Petrovka


Mosproekt-2 Workshop 18 Mikhail Posokhin, Vladimir Lapin, Talalaev


Contemporary, modern

New construction

Ivan Jeziorski. Constructivism in slippers. "Itogi", 2000, № 44 (230)


Lesnaya street


Sculpture, modern New construction


Context, contemporary

New construction

Irony! «Paper architecture»?

New construction


New construction


guide books — wikipedia

Ivan Jeziorski. Bond between town and countryside. "Itogi", June 27, 2000 Vladimir Plotkin: "The city must build dense. In the residential house building, slowly but surely coming Neomodernism Yegor Larichev. ERROR RESIDENT. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 06.04.2001 http://curtain.ng.ru/arch/2001-0406/6_mistake.html Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=1086


Grigory Revzin. EGGS FOR THE AVANTGARDE. "The project Classics»№ 7 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 7_2003/07_classik_06a.htm Yuri Arpishkin. Tourist-cultural studies. A young researcher in the 80 evaluated the S f BE Nikolai Malinin. ART TO




DIFFERENT. Moscow architecture takes shape. Times - the most unexpected. "New Model", 2003, № 5 Vladimir Zhdanov. STONE MUSIC AND CULTURAL CENTER. Crystal Dedal Awards

Russian Federation State Prize 2002

Nikolai Malinin. MUSICAL ARCHITECTURE. "Headquarters", 2003, № 12-01 (16-17) Grigory Revzin. It is with deep gratification. Kommersant, October 23, 2003 Vladimir Hite. Moscow International Music House. "Architecture and Construction of Moscow", 2004, № 1 Nikolai Malinin. FISHING DAY RUSSIAN 2 STYLE. "Results, " March 14, 2000 Yegor Larichev, Nikolai Malinin. FISHING DAY AS Judgement. "Pies" IN RUSSIAN STYLE. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, October 30, 1999





The Lyceum on Tikhvin Lane


Yuri Ilyin-Adayev, Alexander Loktev, Elena Safonova

Tikhvin Lane


Residential Complex on Kremenchug


Andrey Chernikhov

Kremenchug street Residential

Reconstruction of the building of the Central Election Commission


Mosproekt 2, Workshop 2, A.Asadov

Kurkino District



"Sokolinoye Gnezdo" Residential Complex


Residential Building on Molochniy Lane

Sculpture — formalism

New construction

Ivan Jeziorski. HI-TECH for toddlers. "Itogi", August 29, 2000 Dmitry Fesenko. PILOT STUDY OF SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION. "Architectural Vestnik, 2000, № 1 (52) http://archvestnik.ru/0002_rus.htm # 03



New construction

Ivan Jeziorski. Dipped their brushes in blue. "Itogi", April 4, 2000


Nikolai Malinin Bars without chocolate "New Model", 2003, № 2 Yegor Larichev, Bart Goldhoorn. FOUR FORMS OF THE VOID. "Project Russia»№ 20 Irina Kokkinaki, Anna Sergeytseva. Boiko SITE SHOPPING CENTER AS A Nikolai Malinin. COPPER, shale, dairy. "Bolshoi Capital Journal, 2006, № 1 Grigory Revzin. INSIDE - OUT. "The project Classics», № 5 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 5_2002/05_classik_01a.htm Grigory Revzin. END OF ERA. "Kommersant-


Nikolai Malinin. Rebel guards Levshinsky or a house out of nowhere. "Project Classic, 2002, № 7 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 7_2003/07_classik_07a.htm Sergei Sitar ART-fucking, Bakhtin and Rabelais "Project Russia" 1995 № 1


Natalie Samarin «Vedomosti» Annex Real Estate. The walls of Business, 10/18/2010 http://www.vedomosti.ru/newspaper/article /247859/mnogo_tehniki_i_roskoshi


Maria Fadeeva. JEWELLERY JOB. In the mirrored wall of an office building in Gagarinsky lane reflected houses of different eras: from the estate the beginning of XIX century until the Brezhnev "tower". «Vedomosti. Piatnica », № 45 (132), 5 December 2008 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 08/12/05/14091 Constantine Savkin Architectural Bulletin AB 5 (110) 2009, Marina Khrustalevahttp://www.sbtkachenko.com/ arch/main.nsf/publicall/05-2006-1-11895328.htmlGrigory Revzin. RETURN Deco. "Project-Classical»№ 7 http://www projectclassica ru/m classik/0 Bart Goldhorn. Capitalist Realism. Dom publishers. Nikolai Malinin. HELLO, GARAGE! HOUSE FOR MACHINES ALSO BE ELITE ARCHITECTURAL. "Headquarters", 2003, № 12-01 (16-17)


Nikolai Malinin. CONTINUOUS DECORATION. In Moscow, opened just three new theater. However, none of them in the theater did not like. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, June 1, 2001 Marina Timasheva, http://www.svoboda.org/archive/ll_cult/050 / Nikolai Malinin. ROOF. "Bill»,O№ 47, 2001




Mutant prefab

New construction

Ostozhenka Architectural Bureau Alexander Skokan, Valery Kanyashin, Mikhail Skorokhod



New construction


Molochniy lane Yuri Grigoryan, Alexandra Pavlova, Pavel Ivanchikov, Ilya Kuleshov, Tatiana Korotkova, Sergey Tkachenko



New construction

"Stolnik" House


Bureau A-B Architects: Andrew Savin, Michael Labazov, Andrew Cheltsov, Maxim Kogan, Alexander Weiss, Konstantin Pospelov


Sculpture, irony

New construction

Multi-functional Complex on Ordinka


Mosproekt-2 M.Posokhin

Office, Commercial, Residential

luzhkov neo

New construction

“Lotte” Hotel and Business Center


Mosproekt-2 M. Novinsky Boulevard, ow. 8Posokhin, V. Kolosnitsin, 10 Litvinov, T. Markov, M. Olshanskaya, A. Snastin

Hotel, Office


New construction

Office Building on Gagarinsky Lane


Gagarin's street, "Kurortproyekt" Studio 7 25 Dmitry Razmahnin, Sergei Pluzhnik, V. Mikhailov, E. Miles, T. Serebrennikova, M. Kalashnikov, R. Grigorevskii, K. Kuzmenko, LV Smirnov, Z. Mironov, Mikhail Khazanov


Sculpture, contemporary

New construction

Residential Building on Kozikhinskiy Lane


Sergei Tkachenko, Alexander Kozikhinskiy Lane Residential Kazakov, Valentina Kazakova, Larissa Shevchenko, Alexei Pereladov

Irony, neo

New construction

Multi-story Parking


Mosproekt -2 , Workshop 11

1-4 Golutvinskiy lane



New construction

Theatre-School of Dramatic Art


Anatoly Vasiliev and Igor Popov, Boris Thor, Sergei Gusarev

Sretenka sreet

Educational, Theatre


New construction

Vsevlold Meyerhold Theatre and Cultural Center


Yuri Gnedovskiy, Vladilen Novoslobodskaya Krasilnikov, Galina Savchenko street

Educational, Theatre

Contemporary, context

New construction

Residential House on Malaya Filevskaya


Malaya Filevskaya Residential TPO Reserve Vladimir Plotkin, Irina Deeva Borodushkina Alexei, Russkiy Ivan


New construction

Arch-Moscow Arministrative Building


TSNIIEP residential and public buildings V. Ostrecov, Vladimir Dunayev, Valentin Dzedushitsky


New construction

Lokomotiv Stadium


Mercedes Salon on Volgogradsky Prospekt


"Butikovskiy, 5" Residential Complex


Ostozhenka Sergei Skuratov Architects Sergei Skuratov, Konstantin Khodnev, Natalia Khaikin, Vsevolod Shabanov, Eugene Anvaer

“Airport" Gallery


Sergey Kiselev & Partners Sergey Kiselev, Daniel Lorenz, Natalia Sidorova, Konstantin Khodnev

Mosproekt-4 Andrei Bokov, Dmitry Bush, Sergei Chuklov, I. Babak, K. Lanin, NA Nikiforova, AI Afonin, O. Gak, E. Rudakov Mosproekt-2, Workshop 19 Alexander Asadov, Andrey Asadov



B.Ordinka street


Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya street

Sports Stadium


New construction

Volgogradsky Prospekt


Sculpture, contemporary

New construction


Context, sculpture New construction



Leningradskoe shosse

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/




Nicholas MILK, Andrei Nemzer, Alain Solntseva. Spirit Meyerhold prescribed in Moscow. In a respectable office complex at Novoslobodskaya. "Time News", 13.02.2001 Nikolai Malinin. Living became more cheerful. In the category "tenement house" finally smell architecture. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, March 23, 2001 Dmitry Fesenko. Feeding "AVERAGE"layer. Apartment house at M l Fil kHowi toMrevive old. Nikolai Malinin.


Nezavisimaya Gazeta, April 6, 2001

Nikolai Malinin. CEO of the stadium. Interviews with the architect, Dmitry Bush. "Headquarters", 2004, № 7-8 (23-24) Grigory Revzin. RESTRUCTURING IN LONDON. Kommersant, March 7, 2002 Nikolai Malinin. Glamorous pan. "The new model, 2002, № 6 Eugene Mikulina. STAR HERO. «Architectural Digest», 2002, N4 Andrew Yagubskii. Three elements of his dominion MACHINE. "Headquarters", 2003, № 2 (6) Nikolai Malinin earthquake at a tuxedo. Sergei Skuratov. Residential complex in Butikovskiy lane. "Headquarters", 2003, №9


Nikolai Malinin. SHOPPING architecture. "Headquarters", 2005, № 5 (33) http://www.archi.ru/events/news/news_cur rent_press.html?nid=822&fl=1&sl=1 Elena Gonzalez. Shopping gallery "Airport " on the Leningrad Prospekt. "Project Russia», № 29 (October 2003) Nikita Petukhov. HOUSE Mirage. Sh i ll "Ai t " t th




"Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo" Apartment Building


B. Levshinsky Ilya Utkin, Mikhail Chirkov, Lane, 9 / 11 Sergey Kiselev, Olga Marchenko (Sergey Kiselev & Partners), Daria Nikolaeva, Ekaterina Peresvetov, Valery Fenogenov (Studio Utkin)


Neoclassical + eclecticism

New construction

Office Building on 1st Brestkoy Street


“Ostozhenka” Architectural Bureau Alexander Skokan, Valery Kanyashin, Maria Dekhtyar, with the participation of Kseniya Berdnikova


Contemporary, sculpture

New construction

Temple of the Holy Trinity at Borisov ponds


Mosproekt-2 M.Posokhin



New construction

Villa Ostozhenka


“Meganom” Architects Yuri Grigoryan, Alexander Pavlov, Pavel Ivanchikov, Ilya Kuleshov


Contemporary context

New construction

Vorobievy Gory



Voriobievy Gory District, Mosfilm St.


Individual complex New construction

“Aurora-II” Business Park


“Triumph Palace”


"Popov and Architects Project Service 1" Mikhail Leonov, Alexander Naidenov, Tamara Smirnova, N. Chebykina, O. Nazarenko (the "Project Service 1"), Oleg Popov, Maria Svirina (Popov ) Don story

Sadovnicheskaya street., 82, p. 1 and 4


Context contemporary

New construction


New construction

The Tax Inspection Building


Zemlianoy val, 9 “Reserve” Vladimir Plotkin, Irina Deeva, Natalia Anokhin Alexey Borodushkin, Dmitry Kazakov, Alexander Logvinova, Marina Shershova, Anna Romanova

Contemporary sculpture

New construction

Administrative and Residential Complex on Gnezdnikovsky Lane


Sergei Tkachenko Architectural Workshop Sergei Tkachenko (project leader), Nikita Rybin (GAP), Oleg Dubrovsky, L. Shevchenko

Residential, Bolshoy Office Gnezdnikovsky per. 3 / 5, building 2

Neo, irony, luzhkov New construction

Mixed-use Residentail Complex


Mosproekt-2, Workshop 18 M.Posokhin

B. Gruzinskaya street., ow. 69-71


New construction

Office Building on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya


Mikhail Khazanov, Sergey Pluzhnik, Anton Nagovitsyn, Victor Mukhin

Bolshaya Office Gruzinskaya street


“Novinsky Bulvar” Business Center


Mosproekt-2, M. Novinsky blv. 13 Posokhin, Alexei Yerokhin

Ararat Hayat Park Hotel


"Quadro" Shopping Center

“Copper House” Apartment Building

1st Brestskaya street

Malinin, Nikolai. Palazzo FOR Ragazzi. Ilya Utkin. Residential building in Levshinsky lane. "Headquarters", 2002, № 10 Vladimir Sedov. STUDY ON WEALTH. "The project Classics», X-MMIV (31.05.2004) http://www.architektor.ru/avtor/utkin/postro yki/postroyki_19952005/Levshinsky_2002_2004_image/pres sa/Levshinsky_PR_32.htmAlexei Muratov. APARTMENT IN THE BIG Nikolai Malinin.HOUSE PENGUIN arrived.



"Headquarters", 2004, № 2 (18) Object ". A collection of modern architecture. 2003-2004. - M., 2004, MUAR - "Draft Classic" Grigory Revzin. Nob. Kommersant, 02.08.2005

Muar collection of contemporary architecture

Nikolai Malinin. In the best houses. Top 5 private homes last year. "KommersantDesign", March 19, 2003 Elena Gonzalez:"Object". A collection of modern architecture. 2003-2004. - M., 2004, MUAR - "Draft Classics Sergei Khachaturov. As can be seen from this impasse. "Time News", May 17, 2004 http://www.gif.ru/themes/culture/architmoscow/looking-from/ Fedor Romer, Semyon Mikhailovsky. STASI sail. "The weekly magazine» № 122 (31 May 2004)


Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/

Nikolai Malinin. HI-TECH IN SAN MARCO. "Headquarters", 2006, № 6 (46) Xenia Axelrod. Loosening ENVIRONMENT. ARX, 2005, № 5 (6) http://arx.building.su/magazine/arx6_cont_ 3.shtml Constantine Savkin. COMPLETENESS OF CO S C O C C


http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008”

Julia Tarabarina. Strict but cute. Architectural News Agency, 22 January 2007 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=3124 Alla Pavlikova. Without breaking. ADMINISTRATIVE COMPLEX ON Zemlianom valu IN MOSCOW. "Architectural Journal 2008 № 4 (103) http://archi.ru/agency/biennale/news_curr ent.html?nid=8428


Evolution of characters. Multifunctional complex on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya. Architectural Vestnik 1 (112) 2010 No section COMPLEX AT Bolshoy Gruzinskoy Constantine Savkin http://archvestnik.ru/node/2128


New construction

Dmitry Fesenko. As a warm. Office Building at Bolshoi Gruzinskoi street in Moscow. "Architectural Journal, 2003, № 2 (71) Nikolai Malinin. ART TO BE DIFFERENT. Moscow architecture acquires new forms. Sometimes - most unexpected. "New Model", 2003, № 5



Luzhkov style, New historosm, context construction


Neglinnaia street Mosproekt Workshop 22 AD Meerson, E. Serov, V. Voronov, T. Penskoi, M. Shishkov, V. Krasnikov, O. Dryabzhinsky


Luzhkov style, neo, New context construction

http://www.rusarch.ru/attn_moscow7.htm Klimenko AA And these people? In the book.: One feature ranking. Periodical Directory. Vol. 6. M., 2002 Yegor Larichev. The strange and mental architecture. "Times ", November 8, 2000 htt // l / lt / i /20


Vladimir Plotkin, Irina Deeva, Rublevskoy shosse Alexei Borodushkin, Marina Shershova, Dmitry Kazakov, Natalya Anokhin


Future, contemporary

New construction



Ostozhenka Sergei Skuratov, Ryzhkov Valentin, Natalia Ishutina, Yulia Kovalev, A. Medvedev, P. Karpovsky, Pavel Shalimov, Nikita Demidov, V. Danilov


Context, contemporary, west

New construction

Dmitry Fesenko. MONOLITH. Shopping Centre "Quadro" at Aminevskom highway in Moscow. "Architectural Journal, 2003, № 6 (75) http://archvestnik.ru/0306/frame_0306_ru s.htm Elena Gonzalez. Shopping center "Quadro" on Kutuzov Prospekt. "Project Nikolai Malinin. Bronze Horseman. Sergei Skuratov. Residential complex Copper House. "Headquarters", 2004, № 7-8 Alexei Muratov. Residential Complex «Copper House». "The project Classics», XIII-MMV (March 2005) http://www.projectclassica.ru/building/13_ 2005/2004_13_01b.htm Irina Kokkinaki. CALLS HIT AND ANCIENT patina. "Architectural Journal, 2004, № 6 (81) http://archvestnik.ru/0406/frame_0406_ru s.htm

Chapaevsky per. 3 Residential


Office, Residential, Parking

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/



Office Building on Lesnaya Street


“Ostozhenka” Architectural Bureau

Office building on Vavilov Street


“Severnoye Siyanie” Business Center

Lesnaya street



New construction



Vavilov street DNA Daniel Lorenz, Natalia Sidorova, Konstantin Khodnev



New construction

Nikolai Malinin. Clouds in Brick. Office building. Architectural Group "DNA. " "Headquarters", 2005, № 7-8 (35-36) Elena Gonzalez. NON-RESIDENTIAL LOCATION. "The project Classics»№ 7 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/0 7_2003/07_classik_03a.htm



st. Pravda, 24 "Natal" Sergey Tkachenko, Sergey Anufriyev, Vladimir Belsky, E. Kapalin, M. Opryshko


Contemporary sculpture

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/

http://www.archi.ru/foreign/guide/object_c urrent.html?oid=4421&fl=2&sl=3 Administrative building at the street Pravda Russia Project № 27


Residential Building on Selskohozyastvenn aya Street


Bavykin Architectural Workshop

Selskohozyaystven Residential aya street

contemporary megapolis sculpture

New construction

http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008”


“Parus” (Sail) Apartment Building



Hodinka rayon


New construction

FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC INTERNET VOTING ON OUR SITE BUILDING FOUND http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008”

Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=4719 Julia Tarabarina. TOWER VDNKh Posted on the website of the Agency Architectural News October 25, 2006 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=2179 Elena Gonzalez. High-rise residential HOUSE FARM THE STREET. "project Russia», № 44 (June 2007) Constantine Savkin. Evolution of the warrant. Two houses WORKSHOP A. Bavykina. "Architectural Journal, 2007, № 3 (96) Malinin. MOBY DICK in the Ice Nikolai

“Hermitage Plaza” Office Center


"City Yacht" Apartment Building


Ritz-Karlton Hotel

2002-2006 opening 2007

Nikoil Bank

1994 (building)2003

«Grand Cru» Wine Shop


“Parus” series


“Golden Key” Apartment Buildings



"Ibiza" Jackpot in Strogino


Mosproekt-2 Alexander Asadov, Nikita Tsymbal, Andrew Asadov, Sergei Terekhov, Marina Schwan

“Absolut” Bank on Tsvetnoy Boulevard


NO "ArhFond" AM "ARTE +", Tsvetnoy blvd. JSC Mosproject Vladimir Yudintsev, Maya Burgandinov, Natalia Kuznetsova, Arcadia Glukhova


Sculpture, context New construction

"Ambassadorial House” Apartment Building


Ostozhenka Architectural Bureau



New construction

"Panorama " Apartment Building


Alexander Skokan, Valery Kanyashin, Maria Dekhtyar, M. Kudryashov, with participation of M. Muraviev


Sculpture, contemporary

New construction


Contemporary context

New construction

November 13, 2007 BUILDING was awarded ARX AWARDS 2007 In "Best OFFICE BUILDING, the Grand Prix Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/


contemporary, sculpture

New construction

http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008”


neo luzhkov



Hi-tech (real one)



New «elite» style — contemporary, cold, minimalistic



Mutant prefab

Minskaya street


Individual complex New construction


Entertainment Contemporary, sculpture

Lyzlov Architectural Workshop

Mosproekt Workshop 22 AD Meerson VV Voronov, NB Zajaczkowski, EA Kolesnikova


Tverskaya street

Bernaskoni Boris

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/

Palace. Magazine Made In Future, 2007, № 2 Grigory Revzin. EAR OF THE EARTH. "Kommersant-Weekend », № 31 (77), 15 August 2008 http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?Doc sID=1010308&NodesID=8 Constantine Julia Tarabarina. APOTHEOSIS MNOGOFASADNOSTI. "Architectural News Agency, 5 February 2007 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=3340 Irina Kokkinaki. APPLICATION WORK ON GLASS: Saint-Petersburg STONE M k "A hit t l Grigory Revzin. HORIZONTAL




skyscraper. Magazine «Weekend», № 10 (56), 21 March 2008 http://www.kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?Doc sID=868108 Eugene Mikulina. GREAT WALL. «AD», 2006, № 11 Victoria

Nikolai Malinin. PINK HAPPINESS. Entertainment center "Ibiza ". "Headquarters", 2005, February


Nikolai Malinin. CUBE IS NOT Rubik. "Headquarters", 2004, № 10


Nikolai Malinin. RHYME MYTH correction. "Headquarters", 2006, № 9 (49) Xenia Axelrod. TWO IN ONE. Journal of ARX, 2007, № 8 http://www.arx.su/magazine/arx9_cont_4. shtml Tatiana Pashintseva. TYPOLOGY OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. "Architectural Journal, 2007, № 3 (96) http://archvestnik.ru/ru/magazine/1040/ Grigory Revzin. DEVIATION FROM THE VERTICAL. "Kommersant-Weekend », April 4, 2008 http://kommersant.ru/doc.aspx?DocsID=8 73540&N d IDMondrian-aquarium. 8 Nikolai Malinin.


"Headquarters", 2004, № 11 Elena Gonzalez. The residential complex "Panorama " on Presnensky shaft in Moscow. "Project Russia», № 34 (25.01.2005) Anna Gladkova.


“Crystal House” Apartment Building



Office building on Sakharov Prospekt


Office building on Strastnoy Boulevard




New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/ The choice of professionals

Akademika ABV Group Sakharova Nikita Biryukov, Dmitry Temnikov Olga Aleshin, Paul Prospekt, 8 Zheleznov, Olga Morozova, Vera Sergeeva



New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/


Lyzlov Architectural Workshop Lyzlov

Strastnoy blvrd


Sculpture context

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/

Boarding school in Kozhukhovo




Educational, Residential

irony, sculpture

New construction

Residential building on Novocheriomushki nskaya Street


Sergey Kiselev & Partners

Novocheriomushki Residential nskaya Street

“White Square” Office Center


Belarusskaya sq. ABD Architects Levyant Boris, Boris Stuchebryukov, Alla Feoktistov, VA Shorin, D. Spivack, E. Batanova



New construction

“Elsinor “ Apartment Buildings




Fairy tale

New construction

“North Star” Apartment Buildings


Don Stroy



New construction

“Children's Theatre Stage” and “Elokhovskiy Passage”


Mosproekt-4 " Architects: Andrew Bokov, Alexander Taranenko, Vladimir Bespalko, Oksana Morozova, Yury Timofeev


New construction

Residential building on Bryusov lane


Alex Bavykin, Michael Marek, Bryusov lane, 19 Grigori Guryanov, with participation of Yu Wound and D. Travnikova


Unique — irony

New construction

The Arbitration Court of Moscow District




Sculpture, contemporary

New construction

http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008” The choice of professionals

Theatre "Workshop of Fomenko"


"Architecture and Cultural Policy PNKB"

Kutuzovsky prospect


Sculpture contemporary west, avangard

New construction

“Kitezh” Commerce and Business Center


Mosproekt-4 Workshop 6 Andrew Bokov, Dmitry Bush, Tatiana Kirdina, Elena Ivanova

Kievskaya Str. ow. Commercial 3 - 7, 17


New construction

Fall 2008 BUILDING won the Home National Architectural Award - "Crystal Daedalus" http://www.zodchestvo.com/ In autumn 2007, BUILDING nominated for ARX AWARDS («the best object culture or sport), AS WELL AS ON THE GRAND PRIX -"Best Building "House of the Year 2009” The winner of the popular vote http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

“Metropolis” Multifunctional Shopping and Entertainment Center and Business Park


Leningradskoe ABD Architects Levyant Boris, Boris Stuchebryukov, shosse, 16 Alla Feoktistov, VA Shorin, D. Spivack, E. Batanova

Commercial, Office

Sculpture contemporary

New construction

“Moscow” hotel

M. Manejnaia sq. 2003(demoli Mosproject-2 tion) 2005- Posokhin, V. Kolosnitsin, D. Sverdlov, Yu Cherepanov, V. 2010 Troyan, A. Smirnov,

Hotel, restructured




2003(demoli Mosproject-2 tion)-2008 M. Posokhin (leader), V. Kolosnitsin, D. Sverdlov, Yu Cherepanov, V. Troyan, A. Smirnov

Commerial, restructured



Theatre Spartakovskaya Str., 20-26, Baumanskaya Str. 30-36

Vozdvizhenka str.

Sculpture, surface New construction

Nikolai Malinin. CUBES IN peddlers. "Headquarters", 2006, № 3 (43) Julia Shaginurova. Long house on the waterfront. Journal of ARX, 2007, № 8 http://www.arx.su/magazine/arx8_cont_3. shtml Tatiana Pashintseva. TYPOLOGY OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. "Architectural Journal, 2007, № 3 (96) http://archvestnik.ru/ru/magazine/1040/ http://www.archnest.com/mainpage/blog/1 611/ Nikolai Malinin. EQUATION WITH Corbusier. Office building of "The Wave" at the prospect of Sakharov. "Headquarters", 2006, № 7-8 (47-48) What do the newsmakers? NIKITA Biryukov. Office building on Prospect Sakharov. "The project Classics», VIIIMMIII - 27.11.2003 http://www.projectclassica.ru/newsmake/0 8_2003/08_2003_04.htm

Nikolai Malinin. Stealing from the investigation. Nicholas Lyzlov. Office building at Strastnoy Boulevard. "Headquarters", 2006, № 5 (45) Alexei Muratov. Office building on Strastnoy Boulevard. "Project Russia», № 43 Tatiana Pashintseva. THREE IN ONE. OFFICE CENTER "Pushkin House" During Holy Boulevard. "Architectural Journal, 2007, № 1 (94) http://archvestnik.ru/ru/magazine/915/ November 13, 2007 BUILDING was awarded ARX Nikolai Malinin. BOARDING Internet era. AWARDS 2007 In "Best OBJECT culture or sport ' Magazine Made In Future, 2007, № 1 http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Veronica Zaitsev. DON-STORY "Raising Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008” a boarding school. Izvestia, 22 February 2007 To atone for sins. Boarding school for orphans in Kozhukhova. "Architectural Julia Tarabarina. COLOURFUL TOWER. Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” Posted on the website of the Agency http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/ Architectural News March 9, 2007 The winner of the popular vote http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? ARX AWARDS Best implementation with the position of Development: Sergey Kiselev. Apartment nid=3339 Tatiana Pashintseva. TYPOLOGY OF RESIDENTIAL house "Avangard " Cheryomushki. BUILDINGS. "Architectural Journal, 2007, № 3 (96) http://archvestnik.ru/ru/magazine/1040/ Grigory Revzin Monument Cheryomushki. "Kommersant-Weekend », № 23 (69), 20 June 2008 http://www.kommersant.ru:80/doc.aspx?fr omsearch=6073a85e-9762-4287-962dBest Building Awards 2010 Constantine Savkin Architectural Vestnik AB 6 (111) 2009 http://www.archvestnik.ru/node/2041 Maria Fadeeva Vedomosti № 24 (159), 10/07/2009 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 09/07/10/14840Kirill Ass

http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/ Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008”

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=4837 Maria Fadeeva. UNDER glass dome. The metro Baumanskaya a new street with shops, cafes, theater, and winning a view of the Elokhovskiy's Cathedral. GazetteFriday », № 41 (78), 26 October 2007 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 07/10/26/10860 Anna Bronovitskaya Project Russia № 47 p. 60-62 The complex of buildings at the Children's Variety Theater Spartakovskaya street in Moscow Dmitry Fesenko Architecture Newsletter № 4 (2007), 30 11 2007 By the mid level city planning Julia Tarabarina. MONUMENT Topola. In Bryusov lane constructed residential building with a unique facade of stone "trees" Posted on the website of the Agency Architectural News June 19, 2006 Nikolai Malinin. Modernism takes under visor. "project Russia», № 49 Julia Tarabarina. White and fluffy. Architectural News Agency, 30 July 2007 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=4132 Xenia Axelrod. Journal of ARX, 2007, № 10 Svetlana Duving. Outside of f Expert opinion editor of Alexei Muratov. the magazine "project Russia" within the Club of architectural criticism. Issue Three: PROMISING CRISIS. "News Time», № 233, December 16, 2008 http://www.vremya.ru/2008/233/13/21887 Alexander Zmeul. Merchant fleet. The huge reinforced concrete ship is almost ready to dock near the Moskva River embankment. Wallpaper, 2006, September http://www.stengazeta.net/article.for.printi ng.html?id=2247 Elena Petukhova. THE KEY TO START. Building ARX, 2008, № 3 (18) http://store.building.su/archive/arx18.php http://www.archinfo.ru/uploads/024027%20-Kiteg.pdf Nikolai Malinin http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=1304 Constantine Savkin Architectural Bulletin AB 6 (111) 2009 http://www.archvestnik.ru/node/2041 Alexander Zmeul Russia Project № 42, «ABD crossed "the Rubicon"» http://archi.ru/events/news/news_current_













“MTS” office


"Arhstroydizayn" ("ASD") Alexei Ivanov, Vladimir Balutin



New construction

Multifunctional complex on Prechistenskaya nab. (Barkley Plaza)


Sergei Skuratov Architects Sergei Skuratov, Nikita Demidov, Alexander Medvedev, Natalia Ishutina Pavel Shalimov

Prechistenskaya embankment, 17 — 19

Residential, Office

Context, west

New construction

Residential Building on Philippovsky lane


Michael Belov

Filippovskiy lane, 13


Pompey style

Residential Complex


Mosproekt-2 M.Posokhin

Noviy Arbat 27-29 Residential

“Airbus” Residential Complex "Airbus"


Reserve Vladimir Plotkin, Sergey Gusarov, Sergey Uspensky, Elena Kuznetsova, Aandrey Butusov

Kochnovskij proezd, 4

“Silver City” Office complex


Mixed-use Complex on 60th anniversary of October Avenuee

New construction

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2007” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2007/

Serebryanicheskay Office NBBJ(USA) and A-B a nab. 27 A-B: Andrey Savin, Andrew Cheltsov, Konstantin Fomin I. Akopov, V. Orion

Sculpture, contemporary

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2008” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2008/


60th anniversary of Residential, ABD Architects October Avenue Office Levyant Boris, Boris Stuchebryukov, Sergei Kryuchkov, Daria Ovodova, D. Barsukov, E. Batanova

Sculpture, contemporary

New construction

Administrative and Hotel Complex on Botanical Lane


Botanical lane, 3 Popov and Architects Oleg Popov, Dmitri Vershinsky, Nina Volkova, Ilya Navolochny, Alexei Pryakhin, Maria Tsaplina

Sculpture — formalism, contemporary

New construction

Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

“Avenue 77” Multifunctional Residential Complex


Reserve Vladimir Plotkin, Sergey Uspensky, Vadim Katsap, Elena Filipcheva, Sergey Senkevich, Natalia Tolmachev, Anton Chalov

North Chertanovo, Residential building. 1-a

Contemporary — megapolis

New construction


“House on Mosfilmovskaya”

2004-2011? Don-Stroy, Skuratov

Mosfilmovskaya St Residential

Individual complex New construction

"Roman House” Residential Complex


2-nd Kazachy Mikhail Filippov Workshop Lane, 4 – 6 Mikhail Filippov, Mikhail Leonov, Tamara Filippova, Alexander Filippov, Olga Mranova, Ekaterina Mihailova



New construction

“Et Cetera” Theatre


Mosproekt-4 Alexander Kuzmin, Andrei Bokov, Marina Belitsa



New construction

Office Building on Bolshoi Pochtovoy


Bolshaya Dmitry Barkhin, Nadezhda Pochtovaya St Basangova, Irina Gorelov, Ludmila Maksimova, with the participation of Andrei Barkhin



"Tupolev-Plaza” Office Complex


Architects: Dmitry Barkhin, N.Basangova,I. Gorelov, L. Maksimova, Barkhin Sakharov; Pins Vladimir, Atanas Ivanov,

Akademika Office Tupoleva St 15/22

Contemporary historical unique




Andropova Prospekt, 39


"Neskuchniy Sad” Apartment Building


Lyzlov Architectural Studio

Ordzhonikidze street, 13 / 2


Contemporary megapolis sculpture

New construction

"Fusion Park" Multifunctional Complex


st. Malaya Reserve Trubetskaya Vladimir Plotkin, Sergey building. 1 Uspensky, Vadim Katsap, Elena Filipcheva, Sergei Pospelov, Sergey Senkevich, Olga Tsalova, Natalia Tolmachev, Anton Chalov,

Office, Residential

Sculpture contemporary

New construction

“Danilovsky Fort” Business Center


Sergei Skuratov Architects Sergei Skuratov, Andrei Romanov, Yekaterina Kuznetsova


New construction

Hotel, Office

Novodanilovskaya Office embankment, 8

Agency, 13.08.2009, http://agency.archi.ru/agency/news_curre nt.html?nid=17679Anna Langley TATLIN № 3 | 51 | 1974 2009 Maria Fadeeva Grigory Revzin. The path to the front. "The project Classics»№ 7 http://www.projectclassica.ru/m_classik/07 _2003/07_classik_02a.htm Grigory Revzin. The path to the front-2. XIV-MMV (31.08.2005)




New construction

Contemporary, sculpture

Frolov Per. 2


Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” The choice of professionals http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

Nikolai Malinin. HOMESTEAD MOBILE AS. "Headquarters", 2004, № 6 (22) Dmitry Fesenko. Between the author and the background architecture. The administrative building of MTS in the 1 st Golutvinskiy Lane in Moscow. "A t l J Architectural l 2004 №News 1 (76) Juliahit Tarabarina,

Julia Tarabarina. CELL MEGAPOLIS Posted on the portal Arhi.ru 06/05/2006 Alexander Zmeul. On landing. Under construction giant Airbus - the romance of the sky in the form of the residential complex. "Wall newspaper, November 3, Nikolai Malinin http://drumsk.ru/arch/detail.php?ID=4862 Elena Petukhova. Orange mood. "Project Russia», № 46 (December 2007) Battle for Moscow-2 »- NBBJ. "Architectural Journal, 21 February 2007 http://archvestnik.ru/ru/news/800/


CRYSTAL rimmed: dialogue within constructivism. Boris Levyant presented a draft multi-purpose complex on the avenue 60 years of October 12. Posted on the website of the Agency Architectural News July 19, 2006 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=1305 Levyant Boris, Boris Stuchebryukov: "Interpretation - matter of the critics” Grigory Revzin Project Classics, 18/12/2005 Maria Fadeeva. Rock garden in the garden. At the site of garages in the alley grew Botanic administrative and hotel complex. Gazette-Friday », № 10 (145), March 20, 2009 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 09/03/20/14539


Nikolai Malinin. Cher / TANOVO / EMUSHKI "Russia Project” Complex "Avenue 77" in the Moscow area Chertanovo. Elena Gonzalez / / Project Russia № 51 Vladimir Plotkin. Residential Complex in Chertanovo. Alain Markarova / / Made in future № 4 Residential Complex "Avenue 77". Probability of 90% Alexander Zmeul /


Nikolai Malinin. Rome to the Third Rome. Mikhail Filippov. Dwelling house. "Headquarters", 2005, № 10 (38) Rustam Rakhmatullin. HOUSE EVENT IN LANE Cossack. Izvestia, 30.09.2005 http://www.izvestia.ru/moscow/ar Grigory Revzin. Count me classicist. Nikolai Malinin. THEATRE FOR YOUR aunt. "Headquarters", 2005, № 3 (31) Grigory Revzin. THEATRE BEGINS WITH ARCHITECT. ET CETERA In Search of an Author. Kommersant, 19.12.2005


New construction

Nikolai Malinin. THOUSAND AND ONE HOUSE. Dmitry Barkhin. Office building. "Headquarters", June 2005 Grigory Revzin. Conversation with myself. Dmitry Barkhin. Houses on the street, Pochtovaya and street Radio. "The project Classics», XV / XVI-MMV (18.12.2005).


New construction

Grigory Revzin. Conversation with myself. DMITRY Barkhin HOMES FOR POST STREET AND THE STREET RADIO. XV / XVI-MMV — 18.12.2005 Grigory Revzin. Unpredictable past. "Kommersant-Weekend », № 29 ( )


Fantasy on Modernism Posted on the website of the Agency architectural news October 9, 2006 http://agency.archi.ru/news_current.html? nid=2717 Residential complex on Ordzhonikidze Street in Moscow. Alexei Muratov / Project Russia № 51 Nikita Tokarev Architecture Bulletin № 1 (112) 2010 «By inertia. New buildings in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Moscow» Maria Fadeeva. TRICKS with steps. In Khamovniky grown "Fusion Park" - an entire block of housing, offices and even a museum. Vedomosti », № 37 (124), October 10, 2008 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 08/10/10/13760 Julia Tarabarina. MIXING


Nikolai Malinin, Maria Fadeeva. Laputa Skuratov. Architect fashioned office building of brick. Made in Future, 2008, № 3 (5) Constantine Savkin Architectural Bulletin AB 4 (109) 2009 http://archvestnik.ru/node/1954 Julia Tarabarina. HOUSE. Almost as alive. "Architectural News Agency, September 8, 2006 htt // hi / / t ht l?



Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/ Crystal Dedal Awards 2007-2009





Butikovskiy lane, 7 Office

Context, contemporary, west

New construction


Mutant prefab

New construction




New construction

Akademika Koroleva St 2/8



New construction

Office building on Butikovskiy Lane


Meganom Yuri Grigoryan, Alexander Pavlov, Ilya Kuleshov, Yulia Bychkova, Natalia Tatunashvili

Jubileiniy Distict in Khimki


Khimki rayon Mosproekt Workshop 20 YA Kubatsky, GG Klimenko, AI Bazhakina, VM Chemerys, MS Poroshin, Eng. AM Pyatetskii, NV Kuznetsova

"Pullman" Business Center


Mosproekt 2, Workshop 8

“Seventh Heaven”



Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

Maria Fadeeva. MIRAGE OF BLINDS. Building near the "Golden Mile" consists of a glass of verticals, as if dissolving into the sky. Vedomosti », № 22 (109), June 27, 2008 http://friday.vedomosti.ru/article.shtml?20 08/06/27/12976 Alla Pavlikova CLOUD


http://www.mosgid.ru/mesta/biznes-tsentr-pulman1368.htmlMoscow internet guide Shortlist Prize "House of the Year 2009” http://www.domgoda.com/vote/msk/2009/

Tatjana Hein Sobstvennik, 09.09.2009 “Strange building of Moscow: where, why and for whom?” http://sob.ru/issue-243912.html Stanislav Poshvykin. "Pullman" Made in future № 5 Maria Fadeeva Gazette № 26 (113), 25.07.2008


APPENDIX 2 Photos by Dasha Paramonova

S t r e l k a I n s t i t u t e f o r M e d i a , A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d D e s i g n!

Luzhkov Era 97

“Patriarch House,� arch. Workshop Tkachenko

“The Triumph Palace,” arch. unknown

“The Triumph Palace,” arch. unknown

Moscow International Business Center – “City”

“House at Mosfilmovskaya,” arch. S. Skuratov

“Zenith� business center, arch. Y. Belapolski

A kiosk

Taganskaya Square

Taganskaya Square

“Atrium� shopping center, arch. unknown

“Dom na Begovoy,” arch. unknown

The new development at Khodinskoye Polye

The new development at Khodinskoye Polye

“Aerobus,” arch. V. Plotkin

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