Strictly Business Omaha - April 2023

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I n T h I s I ssue • Outdoor Living • Starting a Business • Unplanned Life Changes • Women-Owned Businesses ClIenT spoTlIghTs • BELFOR Property Restoration • FNIC STriCTlyBuSineSSOMaha.COM Omaha • aPRIL 2023 Tm Community Banking Made for You
Shaun Miller fotofunSpot
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Clinical Mental Health Counseling Degree Offers Skills and Career Path Opportunities for Omaha Co-Responder

Ashley Brugmann’s longstanding desire to help people by listening to them led the Gretna, Nebraska, native to a rewarding and fulfilling career in the mental health field. Brugmann, 28, enrolled in Bellevue University’s 60-credit Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) degree program to become better at her current job and qualify for career advancement opportunities.

“Growing up, and even in school, I never really felt heard. So, I’ve always wanted to make sure that others have someone there who will actively listen and give their full attention,” said Brugmann, one of six Mental Health Co-Responders attached to the Omaha Police Department’s (OPD) Behavioral Health and Wellness Unit. All but Brugmann are licensed counselors.

A Co-Responder since May 2021, Brugmann has been embedded in OPD’s Northwest Precinct, monitoring police radio dispatch and emergency 911 channels and responding to calls that have a mental health component. Wearing civilian clothing and a large-print ID vest or jacket covering her bullet-proof vest, she arrives equipped with basic first-aid training and her professional knowledge and experience.

“I love the crisis field and working with first responders, because it’s something new every single day. You’re able to connect with people in their worst moments,” said Brugmann, who plans to complete her degree in March 2024. Her resume so far, includes an Associate’s degree in Human Services; a Bachelor of Social Work degree; and a master’s in Criminal Justice degree (also from Bellevue University); and three-plus years as a child family and service specialist for Nebraska Child Protective Services.

Last year, Brugmann and Co-Responder Carolina Soto received OPD “Preservation of Life Ribbon” citations for de-escalating a potential suicide situation after a woman was reported standing outside the guardrail of a bridge crossing the Interstate-680 beltway in northwest Omaha. In a collaborative effort, OPD officers recruited several semitrailer drivers from the jammed Interstate traffic to move their rigs under the bridge while other officers shut down the street and on-ramps and Omaha firefighters climbed to the top of a trailer and used a ladder to rescue the distressed woman.

“Once we got the woman down off the bridge and she was safe, I was able to get with her and stay with her until we got her safely to the hospital. She was able to get connected to the appropriate resources,” Brugmann said.

This January, Brugmann and others responded to comfort distressed shoppers and employees at a west Omaha Target store shortly after a man entered the store and began firing an AR-15 rifle, sending frightened store occupants running for cover. Within minutes, the man was shot dead by an OPD officer after repeatedly refusing to put his weapon down. Brugmann commended the actions of first-responders and Target managers for their response, and said her work experiences have both complemented and affirmed what she is learning from her coursework.

The Master of Science in Clinical Counseling degree program now enrolls over 600 students, making it the University’s largest graduate program, according to Dr. Barb Daubenspeck, Program Director. Enrollment has more than doubled since 2017, when the program earned accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). More than 100 graduate students from throughout the U.S. now complete the program each year. Most pursue state licensure, often a required qualification for working as a counselor, and graduates’ job placement rate is 100 percent.

In addition to the M.S. CMHC program, Bellevue University offers several undergraduate programs in the Behavioral Sciences, including an new entrylevel 16-credit Mental Health Technician Certificate program.

April 2023 Strictly Business 1 #PrintProudDigitalSmart | 402.293.2000
Mental Health Co-Responders Ashley Brugmann and Carolina Soto (center left and right) received OPD’s “Preservation of Life Ribbon” awards for their actions in helping prevent a potential suicide. Also pictured are OPD Officer Joseph Wolf, left, and Sgt. Cody Baines.

Celebrating Local and Women-Owned Businesses

Now that spring has sprung, I have been thinking about all of the wonderful new businesses that have been blooming around our community. Starting a new business can be tough, but the best way to do this is with reliable people by your side. Luckily for us, the Omaha community is bursting with experts in every field that are ready to help you get your roots planted.

This month, take a look into our story on starting a business to see all of the resources our city has to offer. Your dreams are closer to becoming a reality with the help of these amazing professionals in every industry.

I want to welcome any new business owner to the area. Starting a business in Omaha is an amazing decision because of the richly connected community we have built. We have amazing Chambers of Commerce that provides resources, networking events and lifelong connections. Your colleagues are your customers, friends and family around you. In addition to the Chambers, there are a number of networking groups specific to every industry, and those like Center Sphere, who bring together a group of professionals that may not have much in common, but together they can help each other in ways they didn’t understand before.

The benefits of doing business locally transcend the convenience and ease of buying something online or from a big brand store. For 15 years, our magazine has been emphasizing the importance of buying local, so it makes me proud that that is the message we have been dedicated to getting across.

In addition to the importance of locally-owned business, this month we are highlighting the wonderful women-owned businesses in our area.

As a business owner myself, I applaud all women who take the risk and put themselves out there to achieve their dreams. Women-owned businesses are essential to economic stability and recovery. Empowering women and their business ventures can be the most powerful way to drive economic growth.

Nearly a third of working adults in the United States own their own businesses, a figure that amounts to 54.5 million people generating their own paychecks, according to Washington State University College of Business. While most entrepreneurs operate locally, women are less likely than men to be found running businesses at a national or international scale.

The Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs lists just three in ten entrepreneurs as women. On one hand, that’s good news: the gender gap between female and male entrepreneurs is at an all-time low of 1.7%, but there’s still plenty of room to grow.

I stand strongly as a woman and a business owner, and I am proud of the network of women that I have around me and in our community. Take time out of your day today to stop by a locally-owned/women-owned business and show your support for the wonderful work they do.

No matter what industry your business is in, it takes courage to start your own venture without knowing how successful it will be. Nothing makes me happier than seeing our local business owners and women-owned businesses in our community succeed, and I hope Strictly Business can be part of your clear pathway to success. When we lift each other up, we all rise. Here is to moving forward, together, and to welcoming even more local business owners and women-owned businesses in Omaha!


Director of Operations Cemre Lively -

Art Director Derek Nosbisch -

Writer Tessa Yeo -

Creative Intern Abby Gonzales -


President/Sales Paige Zutavern -

Publisher/Founder/Accounting Shayne Zutavern -

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2 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart XXXXXXXXXXXX lETTEr FrOM THE prESiDENT NEWS 4 21 24 Business Personnel Nonprofit SPOTLIGHTS 20 34 BELFOR Property Restoration FNIC FEATURE STORIES 35 37 43 45 Outdoor Living Starting a Business Unplanned Life Changes Women-Owned Businesses CONTENTS
products or services advertised. printed in the U.S.A. Copyright ©2023 by pZAK, inc. Third Class postage paid at lincoln, NE 68505 pAiGE ZUTAVErN - Omaha/lincoln - president (402) 730-0096 |
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Starting a business in Omaha is an amazing decision because of the richly connected community we have built.
Derek Cemre Tessa Abby

West Gate Bank relies on over 50 years of experience to provide the personal and commercial banking amenities of a large bank with the outstanding exclusive service of a small one. West Gate Bank is committed to building a strong foundation to serve its communities and empower customers and employees to achieve their dreams.

West Gate Bank is 100% invested in making your community better. Unlike many other banks, West Gate Bank reinvests your deposits back into the community which creates a ripple effect through the local economy.

West Gate Bank and its 220+ employees are proud to serve the Omaha and Lincoln communities in numerous ways that only a locally-owned bank can. West Gate Bank is represented on over 100 local nonprofit boards, charities and other philanthropic activities. Their commitment to leadership and giving back to the community has earned them a number of awards including the Federal Home Loan Bank Community Leader Award and the Better Business Bureau Integrity Award.

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West Gate Bank® is a family-owned community bank with 11 locations in Lincoln and Omaha.

The newest West Gate Bank branch is now open at 177th and W Maple Rd. in Omaha. This is the fourth location in Omaha for West Gate Bank. The location opened in September. The 7,000-square-foot branch began construction in April, 2021. The location includes a full-service retail branch and drive-thru with Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs), as well as commercial lending, mortgage lending and business banking solutions. Visit for more information.

What is a Community Bank?

A community bank is a depository or lending institution that primarily serves businesses and individuals in a geographic area. Community banks tend to emphasize personal relationships with their customers.

As a community bank, West Gate Bank is well positioned to serve its customers and community. They were chartered in 1968 and expect to serve their communities for generations to come.

As an FDIC-insured bank, deposits are automatically insured up to at least $250,000 per depositor and per ownership category (e.g. single, joint, trust, business, employee benefit and certain retirement accounts).

When you are a customer at West Gate Bank, you have access to their experienced team, and they stand ready to assist you at all times with any of your questions or concerns. West Gate Bank takes pride in their relationship-based business model focused on building longterm trust with their customers. After all, they live in your community too, and your success is their success.

Whether it's your first savings or checking account, or if you’ve decided to establish a vacation savings fund for your 25th wedding anniversary, West Gate Bank has the solution for you. They are happy to educate, consult and celebrate with you along the way!

From Completely Free Checking to savings accounts and CDs, they have the products and services to help you manage your finances. West Gate’s newest account, The Green Account, offers a debit card only account with no risk of an overdraft fee. They also offer mortgage lending, business banking solutions and commercial lending.

At West Gate Bank, their top priority is (and will always be) to operate in a safe and sound manner. Their assets and deposits are diversified across all types of Nebraska businesses, industries and individuals. West Gate’s disciplined risk management processes maintain ample liquidity at all times to fully serve the needs of their customers. They feel blessed to operate in Nebraska where they enjoy a healthy, stable and diversified economy. There is simply no better place for their customers to entrust their deposits. Nebraska community banks are strong and liquid. Despite the headlines, it is business as usual at West Gate Bank.

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April 2023 Strictly Business 3 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Community Banking Made for You STAY CONNECTED

Uniti Med Celebrates “2023 Best Staffing Firms to Work For” Win

Uniti Med is pleased to announce its inclusion in the Staffing Industry Analysts’

(SIA) 2023 Best Staffing Firms to Work

For list in the category of Staffing Firms with 51-200 Employees. This year, the program received applications from 450 firms, and Uniti Med is excited to be among the selected few.

As part of the selection process, internal employees were asked to complete an online survey that assessed engagement levels in various categories, including teamwork, trust in senior leadership, diversity and inclusion, manager effectiveness, compensation and benefits.

As part of the annual Executive Forum North America, a recognition event was held to honor the winning firms. COO Chris Sund and VP of Sales Chad Crawford were at the annual SIA conference to receive the good news of making the list for 2023.

Founded in 2021, Uniti Med is a medical staffing company committed to placing travelers in top-tier locations across the United States. What began as a small corporate office in the heart of Omaha has grown to include over 100 employees in just two years. They take great pride in being recognized as a Best of Omaha employer and are thrilled to have earned certification through Great Places to Work for 2023. For more information on Uniti Med, please visit their website at

Envoy, Inc. is Certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council

Envoy, Inc., a full-service advertising agency, is proud to announce national certification as a Women’s Business Enterprise by the Women’s Business Development Center Midwest, a regional certifying partner of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).

“As a 100% women-owned agency since 2015, my partner and I felt the WBENC certification would allow additional opportunities to connect, support and encourage other entrepreneurs on their journey,” said Kathy Broniecki, CEO of Envoy.

The WBENC standard of certification is a meticulous process, including an in-depth review of the business and site inspection. The process is designed to confirm that the business is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by a woman.

Penny Hatchell, president of Envoy, added, “What’s not to love? The WBENC is an organization whose sole focus is advancing womenowned businesses. The organization brings together strong women who truly support one another. The networking opportunities, resources and programs will help Envoy, Inc. grow our business.”

By including women-owned businesses among their suppliers, corporations and government agencies demonstrate commitment to fostering diversity and continued development of supplier diversity programs.

Envoy, Inc. is a women-owned Nebraska corporation offering full-service marketing, advertising and public relations. Established in 1988, Envoy provides its clients with bold communications strategies to move their brands forward. Their inspiration comes from creating lasting results from successful marketing. Agility and flexibility are keys to Envoy adapting to client’s changing needs while constantly innovating new, more creative ways to get things done. For more information, visit

Talus Pay Offers Payment Processing Solutions, Partners with AHV

Talus Pay provides payment processing services that are designed to grow your business. Your customers expect flexible payment options. Accepting every kind of payment from anywhere you do business, from your storefront to your website to even your mobile device or tablet should be seamless. Payment processing requires the right software solutions with the right hardware, and it should be setup with your business in mind.

Talus Pay provides transparent pricing, no long-term contracts and create custom-tailored solutions designed to drive efficiency and save your business money. Their in-house, US-based customer support team is available 24/7. The Talus Pay Advantage program can save your business up to 95% of your processing costs by passing the cost of acceptance back to customers who choose to pay with a credit card.

In addition, they are proud to partner with America’s Homeless Veterans (AHV). A percentage of Talus Pay’s revenue from every transaction by their participating members will be donated to AHV. These funds support AHV programs that provide sustainable job placement, housing, alcohol and drug treatment, sober living and access to medical, physical and mental health resources.

To learn more, please reach out to your local solution consultant, Jeff Becher at (402) 661-0436 or

Inclusion Analytics Expands Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Analytics Services

Inclusion Analytics (IA) is excited to announce a new suite of services.

IA is a small, 100% women-owned business that offers data-driven diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) support for businesses. New services in 2023 include inclusive policy reviews, pay gap/ pay equity analyses, workforce forecasting, program evaluations, differential analysis previously collected survey data, adverse impact assessments and speaking engagements focused on the use of data in DEI.

IA will continue to offer customized DEI assessments that help businesses explore their policies, practices and organizational culture to drive meaningful change. Their new services aim to expand the ways that businesses use data to maximize the impact of their DEI initiatives.

“Businesses often have a treasure trove of data but may not be staffed to optimize it. From workforce demographics stored in the HRIS to employee engagement survey results, we transform data into insights and clear next steps,” says IA Co-founder Laura Brooks Dueland. At Inclusion Analytics, their vision is to create workplaces that work for all. Using a foundation of the latest in DEI advancements and research-driven methods to understand where organizations are along their diversity, equity and inclusion journeys, they identify their next best step - or first step - to creating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. Co-founders Laura and Emily have developed and administered tools based on the best science and practices used by thousands of employees across more than 50 businesses. Reach out to Laura Brooks Dueland at or visit their website at for more information.

4 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart

FNIC Celebrates Second Year Named Best Places to Work in Omaha

FNIC is honored to be able to celebrate their second year as one of the Best Places to Work in Omaha.

It’s part of their company vision to be recognized by their employees as an employer of choice, and they are on a roll!

The Baird Holm LLP Best Places to Work in Omaha initiative is an annual program created by Baird Holm LLP which provides the opportunity for local employers of all sizes to learn more about employee engagement through an online employee survey. Each participating employer will receive customized survey results which provide important feedback. Companies with 25 or more employees will be entered into a competition with other local employers to be recognized as one of the “Best Places to Work in Omaha.” The top companies within their respective categories will be selected based on their employees’ responses. It means a lot to FNIC that their employees recognize their efforts in making their workplace an enjoyable one.

FNIC is a regional market leader for insurance and financial benefits. Their clients and company partners recognize their innovation and the lengths FNIC goes to understand their operations and risk initiatives. FNIC is headquartered in Omaha with branch locations across Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Illinois and Colorado. Their team of over 300 employees, supporting multiple insurance and risk management areas, truly operates as an extension of your business. Learn more at

Cox Communications Acquires Logicworks

Cox Communications has acquired New York-based Logicworks, a professional and managed cloud services company.

Cloud impacts every corner of the business world, including organizations of all sizes, needs and industries. Logicworks is a high-growth managed cloud services company that empowers customers to migrate, run and operate business applications on AWS and Azure platforms. By bringing together Logicworks with RapidScale, a Cox Business company, Cox will strengthen its offering to provide cutting edge cloud solutions to U.S.-based companies around the globe. Logicworks joins Cox’s portfolio of commercial businesses that work together to holistically serve commercial customers’ connectivity, telecom and IT needs.

“Cox and Logicworks share the same vision surrounding the underserved public cloud managed services space. This partnership creates a fantastic opportunity for us to step in and become a market leader. It enables us to continue to capitalize on the increasing demand in the market as well as broaden our opportunities for growth,” said Ken Ziegler, CEO of Logicworks.

The commercial services division of Cox Communications, Cox Business, provides fiber-based network and managed and cloud solutions that support applications and create connected environments for nearly 360,000 businesses nationwide, including health care providers, K-12 and higher education, financial institutions and government organizations. They also serve most of the top-tier wireless and wireline telecom carriers in the U.S. through their wholesale division. For more information, visit

Women’s Resale Store Clothes Mentor to Open in Northwest Omaha

Clothes Mentor, a new women’s resale store, will be opening in northwest Omaha this month. The end of April will be the open to buy date, and the grand opening is set for the beginning of June.

Clothes Mentor is a women's resale brand that offers a wide variety of gently-used clothing in all sizes including maternity as well as shoes, handbags, sunglasses and jewelry. Customers who accept Clothes Mentor’s offer for their items can receive cash on the spot or even more when choosing in-store credit. This can be a great way to declutter your closet and earn some extra money, while also allowing others to enjoy your gently-used clothing items. Clothes Mentor is a great place to find fresh, modern styles in designer apparel and accessories at affordable prices. By shopping at Clothes Mentor, you can help to reduce waste and support sustainable fashion, while still enjoying stylish and fashionable clothing. With a focus on providing great value and a sustainable shopping experience, Clothes Mentor is a great choice for anyone looking to update their wardrobe without breaking the bank. For more information, contact local owners Andrea McCarter an Marybeth Erps at (402) 658-5668 or go to

April 2023 Strictly Business 5 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
BuSINESS NEWS Regional Business Travel in and around Omaha Liz Kirchgatter Franchise Owner 866-Landjet

Ideal Heating & Air Conditioning Shares Referral Program

Ideal Heating & Air Conditioning (H&AC) wants you to know about their amazing Customer Referral Program. There is no better advertising than word of mouth, especially for something as important as home or business care. As home and business owners, you know the importance of quality heat and air conditioning in your space. You want someone you trust to get the job done.

Ideal H&AC wants to help all their customers meet their heating and cooling needs AND they want to spread the word to your family and friends. They put a lot of thought into their premier referral program to help reward their valued customer for telling others about them. If your referral books an appointment with Ideal H&AC’s team members, you will recieve a $50 gift certificate for equipment or accessories from Ideal OR $25 in cash to spend on anything you wish! If your referral makes the decision to buy a new or replacement unit from Ideal, they will send you a $100 check. This offer is only good on qualified installations and you may not refer yourself. Go over to to get started.

The Ideal Heating & Air Conditioning team are your trusted home service professionals. Contact Ideal at (402) 932-0649 or visit to learn more.

MBA Continues to Celebrate 20th Anniversary with Two Big Events

The 20th anniversary year for the Millard Business Association (MBA) is off to a busy start with two big events. Join the MBA on April 20 for the fourth annual Millard Business Association Expo at the Oakview Mall from 1-5 p.m. This location allows the MBA to bring you more ways to participate!

Booths are open to members and nonmembers and the event is free to attend. Put your business in the spotlight and make some great connections to expand your network. Special pricing is available for members and nonprofit organizations.

Prizes will be available throughout the day, and an epic after-hours event will follow the Expo. All sponsorship and booth information is available on the ‘Events’ page on

More MBA events, Ribstock and LagerFest are also returning, but now at a new location and time, The Granary in Ralston from 4-11 p.m. Join the Millard Business Association on July 22 to help celebrate their tenth year of the festival. Help the MBA vote for Omaha’s favorite BBQ! Sponsorships are available now. Please email for more information, or visit their website at

The Millard Business Association was established in 2003 and comprises of more than 200 area businesses members. They provide the catalyst for members to grow and prosper through a variety of events, opportunities, services and programs. Apply for membership at For more information, contact the MBA Admin at (402) 707-2827 or email

Cornhusker Bank Takes Part in Day Without Shoes with Stephen Center

Cornhusker Bank is excited to support the Stephen Center by organizing Day Without Shoes, a shoe collection campaign, from April 24-May 6.

Day Without Shoes began to help raise awareness of the impact a pair of shoes can have on a person’s life. During a campaign held every April, the community is encouraged to donate their new or used shoes or make a cash donation to help every struggling family get a pair of shoes.

A partnership, that began in 2011, benefiting People’s City Mission in Lincoln had reached such success that in 2020 a partnership was created with Stephen Center to provide support to the Omaha community as well. Since its inception, members of Lincoln, Omaha and the surrounding communities have collected over 235,000 pairs of shoes and monetary donations totaling over $102,000!

Cornhusker Bank remains locally-owned, demonstrating Nebraska values, stability, soundness and a commitment to the community and its residents. For more information, visit

Burns & McDonnell Foundation Opens STEM Learning Grant Applications

The Burns & McDonnell Foundation is partnering with schools to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders in the communities across the country where their employeeowners live and work. Schools are invited to apply for grants from up to $5,000 to enhance STEM learning in the classroom and school-based STEM programs. The application deadline for the 2023-24 school year is April 7.

Grant requests will be evaluated by Burns & McDonnell employeeowners based on their program priorities:

• Engage underrepresented and underserved students

• Benefit groups of students (e.g., extracurricular clubs/teams, classroom, grade, school)

• Support ongoing STEM project-based learning and design thinking throughout the academic year

All grantees will provide brief updates showing spending to date and sharing the impact of the grant in the academic year their grant is utilized. Grantees will be encouraged to share the impact of the grant via social media. Schools must be located within 75 miles of an eligible Burns & McDonnell community to be eligible, and applications must be submitted by a school staff member. Grant award notifications will be sent by May 5, and funds must be utilized within 12 months of the date of award. Go to info. for full details and to submit your application.

Burns & McDonnell is a family of companies bringing together an unmatched team of 10,000 engineers, construction and craft professionals, architects and more to design and build critical infrastructure. Learn more at .

6 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart BuSINESS NEWS


to Host Personal Defense Event with Rob Pincus June 30

DEGUNS is gearing up to host another personal defensefocused event with worldrenowned firearms trainer and second amendment activist Rob Pincus. The focus of this event is Home Defense Tactics. The event will take place on June 30 from 6 to 8 p.m. at DEGUNS, 252 N 134th St. in Lincoln.

This is your chance to hear from an industry expert on the latest home defense tactics and how easily they can be incorporated into your routine. Rob Pincus is a professional trainer, author and consultant. He and his staff at I.C.E. Training Company provide services to military, law enforcement, private security and students interested in self-defense.

DEGUNS aim to provide registered buyers with the best tools for shooting sports, hunting or whatever their firearm needs may be. The retail store is 110,000-square-feet standing on 34 acres of land. They have over 1,000 guns on display from all the top-tier brands and over 10,000 in stock. This spacious location gives DEGUNS the opportunity to offer customers thousands of new products, training classes, CHP (Concealed Handgun Permit) classes and the helpful knowledge to further their firearm experience.

D.E. Guns is Nebraska’s Largest Gunstore with an outdoor shooting complex, training rooms, large ammunition selection and thousands of guns to choose from. To get in touch, call (402) 875-6500 or email For more information, go to

ActionCOACH ExcelEDGE to Attend Business Excellence Conference in Nashville

ActionCOACH ExcelEDGE is excited to announce that they will be attending the Business Excellence Conference at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville from April 3-5.

“At ActionCOACH ExcelEDGE, we are thrilled when we get to spotlight and highlight business owners and business leaders that we work with to grow their businesses, get massive results, give back to their communities and get their lives back,” said Coach Linda Krei. “A way that we celebrate their great progress, is to submit their names for business awards at our regional, national and global conferences. This year we have invited them to our North America Conference, to continue to learn and grow as well embracing the opportunity to formally recognize their work.”

ActionCOACH will be taking 13 business owners to attend the conference and they recently learned that they have four finalists selected from over 390 nominated businesses to receive business awards. These will be announced and presented at a formal Black-Tie Gala on the last evening of the conference.

This year’s conference speakers will include Robbie Baxter, Amelia Rose Earhart, Scott McCain, Dr. Gray Sanchez and Brad Sugars, Founder of ActionCOACH.

ActionCOACH has been helping people and businesses to work through business issues for over 25 years. The knowledge and systems developed over that time have brought significant improvements to hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world. For more information, go to

April 2023 Strictly Business 7 #PrintProudDigitalSmart BuSINESS NEWS Omaha’s Concrete Coating Specialist @rswfloors Raimond Wojtalewicz 712.898.9027 Looking to upgrade your garage floor and other concrete surfaces? Reach out TODAY to learn how RSW can help you. Mortgage Rate Drop Special Limited-Time *Interest rate on refinance must reduce interest rate by a minimum of .50% from original loan rate and must have a net tangible benefit. Conditions and restrictions apply. Not all applicants will qualify. Loan approval is subject to final underwriting review and approval. Contact your loan officer for more information. Offer only eligible for secondary market loans. Rate drop* offer is valid for all loans closed between JANUARY 1, 2023 - APRIL 30, 2023. Must refi to the lower rate before 4/30/24 . 23_POG06_APRL_STRICTLYBUSINESS_DROPRATE_AD.indd 1 3/9/23 4:33 PM

Don’t let spring cleaning fall through

RSW Floors & More Announces 10% Off Special for Grad Families

RSW Floors & More wants to celebrate with families of the graduating class of 2023. They will be offering 10% off their services when you book with them to spruce up your spaceespecially for that upcoming graduation party! Whether you’re looking to upgrade your garage, patio, pool or another space in your home, RSW Owner Raimond Wojtalewicz is ready to take on your project. As Omaha’s concrete flooring specialist, they offer the highest quality of Polyaspartic and epoxy floor coatings. You can expect excellent customer service alongside the top tier work, with close attention to detail and a complementary check-in 7 to 10 days after completion. RSW is committed to showing you how tough and long-lasting their floors are with their 15-year warranty on residential work and five-year warranty on commercial projects. Installation is quick and you’ll be walking on your new floors in 48 hours. Contact Raimond for a quote today!

RSW Floors & More is a concrete floor coating specialist using premium Polyaspartic and epoxy products locally owned and operated by Raimond Wojtalewicz. After opening in November of 2022, they’ve already become a staple business in the Omaha community. With a focus on excellent customer service and attention to detail, they guarantee they can make any project come to life. Find out more by going to, and follow their Instagram @rswfloors.

Center Sphere Announces April Event Schedule and Annual Golf Tournament

Center Sphere is pleased to announce an upcoming Meet the Network on Tuesday, April 18. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to noon at The Boardroom Omaha, 17121 Marcy St. New member orientation will follow the event from noon to 12:45 p.m. All Center Sphere members and their guests are invited to gather for this event.

In addition, join fellow Center Sphere members and guests on April 13 from 7:30 to 9 a.m. for a Network-Wide Coffee and Connections hosted by Sarah Rotermund at LDM Attorneys at Law, 10306 Regency Parkway Dr.

On April 27, Center Sphere chapters in Bellevue will meet at Moran’s Grill, 3909 Twin Creek Dr., STE 105 from 4 to 6 p.m. for a Network-Wide Social.

Saturday, May 6 | 11 am - 9 pm

• Unlimited tastings of Nebraska wines, craft beers, and spirits

• Call 402-882-2448 to reserve lodging SCAN TO GET

Center Sphere recently announced that their Annual Charity Golf Tournament will tee off on Wednesday, July 26. Check-in for the golf tournament will start at 9:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. sharp! The event will be at Tiburon Golf Club, 10302 S 168th St., in Omaha and the cost is $300 per four-person team, with lunch included. They ask that at least one Center Sphere member be on each four-person team. Go to CenterSphereGolf. com to secure your team. All proceeds from the golf tournament will support Rejuvenating Women.

For more information about Center Sphere or to inquire about attending a complimentary meeting or event, visit www. or connect with Omaha Market President Martina Niemeyer at / (402) 536-0289.

8 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
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Greater Omaha Chapter of NAWIC Recaps WIC Week Celebration

From March 5-11 this year, the Greater Omaha Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) celebrated the 25th Annual Women in Construction (WIC) Week. WIC week serves to promote NAWIC’s core purpose to strengthen and amplify the success of women in the construction industry. The Greater Omaha Chapter of NAWIC participated in a week-long celebration recognizing achievements, giving back to the local community and supporting their members. Specific events included yoga, reading to elementary students, a suicide awareness seminar, a job site tour, a blood drive and a clean-up at one of the local parks. WIC week extends beyond the local chapter and was celebrated by NAWIC organizations nationwide, as well as many additional individuals, companies and organizations across the US.

Like NAWIC on Facebook – National Association of Women In Construction

Greater Omaha Chapter #116, or follow them on LinkedIn – NAWICGreater Omaha Chapter #116 to keep up with other NAWIC events!

NAWIC Chapter 116 is based in Omaha and encompasses Lincoln, Council Bluffs and the surrounding areas. The chapter was chartered in 1965, and currently has over 80 members. Membership includes women who own, or are employed by, companies who do business primarily in the construction industry. To learn more about the National Association of Women in Construction Chapter 116 please visit Reach out to Chapter President Jennifer Harris at (402) 618-1991 / jennifer.harris@ or NAWIC media contact Leslie Keane at (402) 306-0977 / with any additional questions.


The Better Business Bureau (BBB) has opened the applications for the 2023 BBB Torch Awards for Ethics and the 2023 BBB Spark Awards, the only accolades that don’t honor the profitability, popularity or growth of individuals or organizations, but rather those that put integrity into action and do right by the customers they serve. Applications are due by April 28.

The BBB Torch Awards for Ethics honors organizations whose leaders demonstrate a high level of personal character; ensure that the organization’s practices meet the highest standards of ethics; and consequently generate trust with its customers and the community. The Torch Award embodies BBB’s mission of advancing business trust. BBB has four separate Torch Awards competitions – Metro Omaha/Southwest Iowa, Lincoln/Greater Nebraska, South Dakota and the Kansas Plains.

The BBB Spark Awards honor entrepreneurs, startup founders and emerging business owners under the age of 45 who prioritize ethical decision-making. BBB has four separate Spark Awards competitions –Metro Omaha/Southwest Iowa, Lincoln/Greater Nebraska, South Dakota and the Kansas Plains.

Entries are evaluated by one of four independent, voluntary panels of judges from either Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux Falls or Wichita. Each panel is comprised of members from the business, nonprofit and academic sectors of their communities. For more information on how to apply, go to bbb. org/local/0714/torch-awards or

BBB is a nonprofit, business-supported organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. BBB services to consumers are free. Visit for more information.

April 2023 Strictly Business 9 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Strictly Business

Metro Omaha Builders Association Announces Two Major Spring Events

The Metro Omaha Builders Association (MOBA) will be hosting two popular events this spring.

The 2023 Spring Parade of Homes is open April 29 – 30 and May 6 – 7 and features newly built homes located throughout the metropolitan area. Homes are open to tour from noon to 5 p.m. every day. The tour showcases innovative workmanship from local home builders featuring everything from townhomes to estate homes. Download the Omaha Parade of Homes mobile app for driving directions or visit to learn about this free event.

MOBA will also be hosting the Remodel Omaha & Outdoor Living Tour throughout the Omaha metro area. The Remodel Omaha Tour is a multi-site event featuring projects completed by MOBA remodelers and landscapers. Projects range from remodeled kitchens, bathrooms and entire homes to an outdoor living area. The tour is happening May 6 – 7 and homes are open from noon to 5 p.m., free to the public.

The Metro Omaha Builders Association was chartered in 1946 and is a not-for-profit organization that was established to promote and protect various aspects of the home building industry. MOBA is well known for producing the Street of Dreams, Remodel Omaha & Outdoor Living Tour and the Spring & Fall Parade of Homes. For more information, visit

Landjet Omaha, LLC Settles Into New Location

Landjet Omaha, LLC opened their doors in January of this year, and they couldn’t be more excited to serve the Omaha community. They’re bringing mobile office transportation services for regional travel throughout the Midwest right to your door.

You can let Landjet do the driving while you get your work done. You and your team can attend meetings, check emails, pull reports and close deals all from the comfort of your seat. Currently, they have centrally located terminals in Quad Cities and Des Moines, IA, Kansas City, KS and Omaha, visit their website to schedule a tour.

Landjet Omaha, LLC is a one-of-a-kind experience for the travelling business person. They exceed all expectations while you ride in their vehicles. Customer safety and experience is highly prioritized, which speaks for itself when you book with them. Landjet believes that your work environment should be a first-class experience, no matter the type of travel. To start your mobile work journey, visit and fill out their reservation form today.

10 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart BuSINESS NEWS (303) 669-9808 Shop online at 7401 Main St. Ralston, NE 68127 Designer Lighting Interior + Exterior Custom Cabinetry High-Quality Furniture 20,000 sq ft showroom The Tiffany’s of Reclaimed Home Improvement Products Carrying Reclaimed Home Improvement Products, including:

Goodwill Omaha On the Search for Donation Drive Hosts

Goodwill Omaha is looking for companies and neighborhoods that want to host a Goodwill Donation Drive. Hosting a drive helps thousands of local individuals in our community with disabilities and other barriers discover independence.

The impact of participating can be seen immediately. Donated items are sold at Goodwill retail stores to fund their mission programs and provide hundreds of jobs in Omaha. 100% of donated items will either be sold or recycled. In 2022 alone, Goodwill recycled 5.7 million pounds of clothing and textiles.

This is a great way for our local companies and neighborhoods to give back. Getting started is simple, just contact Goodwill Omaha to coordinate a date and organize a pick-up. They make the process fun and easy by supplying you with tips for employee and local engagement. Call (402) 935-4554 to schedule your event, or go to goodwillomaha. org/host-a-donation-drive to learn more.

Goodwill Industries, Inc. in Omaha serves eastern Nebraska and southwest Iowa by providing a place to donate used clothing and household items, or find a great bargain. The true mission of the nonprofit, however, is to provide job training and placement services to people with disabilities and other disadvantages. For more information about Goodwill or their 18 regional locations, visit www. or follow them on Facebook (@goodwillomaha), Twitter (@goodwillomaha) and YouTube (@goodwillomahatv).

Sip Nebraska Announces Vendor and Entertainment Lineup for Spring Festival

Sip Nebraska is excited to announce the entertainment and activities lineup for its 10th Annual Spring Festival on May 6 at Mahoney State Park.

Attendees can enjoy a day full of entertainment, food and drink, with over 45 vendors, including over 20 wineries, breweries and distilleries with 100+ offerings of unlimited tastings. They can take home their favorite drinks by purchasing a glass, bottle or six-pack. In addition to the drinks, food lovers can explore the diverse range of food truck options available in the food truck alley.

Participants can join Goat Yoga with Lincoln Yoga Center and Shepherd’s Rest Goat & Sheep Rescue. They can get their yoga fix while interacting with friendly goats. They can also paint their wine glasses with Custom Creations, adding a personalized touch to their festival souvenir.

For those looking to dance the night away, there will be dance lessons by Amber Mero with Dance by Design, with live music by local bands throughout the day.

In addition to these exciting activities, there will be trolley tours around Mahoney State Park, lawn games, fire pits, and ample seating for relaxation and enjoyment. Attendees can also participate in the Best Sips Contest, where they can vote for their favorite wine or beer.

To reserve your stay at Mahoney State Park, contact Maggie at or (402) 882-2448. For sponsor and vendor opportunities, contact Stacy at or (402) 8822448.

Tickets for the 10th Annual Sip Nebraska Spring Festival are available for purchase now. For more information about the festival and to purchase tickets, visit Sip Nebraska’s website ( To stay updated on the latest news and activities, follow Sip Nebraska on Facebook (@ sipnebraska) and Instagram (@sipnebraska).

B&G Tasty Foods to Return to Nebraska Crossing This Summer

B&G Tasty Foods will return to the Omaha area this summer at Nebraska Crossing outlet mall near Gretna. The restaurant should open sometime in June or July.

It will open in the 4,500-square-foot former location of Local Beer, Patio and Kitchen right across from Voodoo Taco, with a dining room, takeout service accompanied by parking that will allow customers to run in and pick up their food and — unlike the original — a drive-thru. Through an app, shoppers will also be able to order at kiosks in the mall and skip the line when they arrive at the restaurant.

“It will be as old-school as it had been but with modern conveniences,” owner Nick Bartholomew said.

He bought rights to the name, logo, recipes and other materials in 2020 from owner Eddie Morin, who closed the 66-year-old restaurant in Beverly Hills Plaza near 79th and Dodge streets on Memorial Day 2019. Over the next several years, he hopes to place B&G outlets across the metro area. The Nebraska Crossing location should open sometime in June or July, he said, and a second location should follow in 2024 — either the one on 90th Street or at a different spot close to the site of the original.

Find out more about B&G Tasty Foods by going to Nebraska Crossing’s website at

April 2023 Strictly Business 11 #PrintProudDigitalSmart For All Life’s Milestones Centris Federal Credit Union is here for you. SINCE 1934 Scan to learn more! CHECKING, SAVINGS & LOANS MORTGAGE | AUTO | BUSINESS BANKING Strictly_centris_Mar2023.qxp_Layout 1 3/2/23 10:34 AM Page 1 BuSINESS NEWS

XP League Omaha Opens Youth Gamers Esports Arena

XP League Omaha, 2563 S. 171st Ct., celebrated a grand opening back in February. They now have their doors open to invite youth gamers, ages 8 to 17, of all skill levels to their prolevel and coach-led esports experience.

There are three different membership options for the youths ranging from $149 to $249 per month. Each membership includes at least one practice and scrimmage per week, a custom jersey, in-house events and a moderated team Discord.

Currently, the new gaming arena has 18 gaming stations and a shoutcasting booth to stream games. XP League Omaha offers eight different games including Rocket League, Fortnite, League of Legends, Minecraft, Overwatch and Valorant.

Along with the pro-level gaming systems, the league has four certified coaches who are well-rounded in esports. Each kid who enters the Lakeside Plaza location receives a free coaching session to understand what XP League is.

XP League is an esports league that is modeled after classic youth sports organizations, making it easy for kids to understand their programming. Through coach and player training—that is customtailored by the PCA, Aim Lab and their program directors— anyone can become a successful coach. No video game or esports experience required! For more information and to sign up for a membership, visit

City of Papillion Begins Summer 2023 Youth Talent Show Registration

The City of Papillion is hosting their Summer 2023 Youth Talent Show for ages 3-19 on Thursday, June 29 at 5:30 p.m. It will be held at the Sump Memorial Library at 222 N Jefferson St. in Papillion. Make sure to bring your family and friends for a night full of entertainment!

Registration is now open! The competition is free and open to all performing arts disciplines. To register to be in the show, visit For questions about the event, you can contact Kaylea by email at

This event is a partnership between the Papillion Recreation Department and Papillion Public Library and is part of the Summer Reading Program, “All Together Now”. To learn more about that program, please visit

The City of Papillion’s vision is that they will be a model for a safe and vibrant community; a place that feels like home with a thriving economy and sense of community pride that values recreational, cultural and educational opportunities. Their mission is to preserve their small town feel and promote quality of life, while delivering exceptional services for residents, visitors and businesses and to sustain an environment (physical, social and economic) that people are proud to call “home”. For more information, visit

Experts in Building Control

As a leading

12 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart BuSINESS NEWS
Engineered Controls
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The Excellence in Construction© Awards honor the area’s most innovative and high quality construction projects and world-class safety, inclusion, diversity and equity programs. To read about the awarded projects, visit

Chairman’s Merit Award Watts Electric Offutt Runway Repair

Project of the Year Jung Electric Terminal Building Renovations

Excellence in Safety Award Kidwell

Omaha Public SchoolsWestview High Project

2023 Excellence in Construction© Eagle and Pyramid Projects

April 2023 Strictly Business 13 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Project Category Project Title Company Award
General Contractor > Public Works/Environmental > All Contract Amounts Up to $100 Million Saddle Creek RTB Hawkins Construction Company Eagle General Contractor > Federal Government / Military > More than $25 Million Offutt Runawy Repair Hawkins Construction Company Eagle General Contractor > Infrastructure: Heavy > All Contract Amounts Up to $100 Million 180th, Dodge to Maple Hawkins Construction Company Pyramid General Contractor > Infrastructure: Heavy > All Contract Amounts Up to $100 Million Eppley Airfield Terminal Drive Hawkins Construction Company Eagle Specialty Contractor > Electrical: Industrial > Less than $2 Million NIPCO J4 IES Commercial, Inc. Eagle Specialty Contractor > Specialty Construction - Industrial > Less than $10 Million Wholestone Snap Chill Refrigeration IES Commercial, Inc. Eagle Specialty Contractor > Electrical: Industrial > $2 to $10 Million Green Plains Wood River Protein IES Commercial, Inc. Eagle General Contractor > Commercial > Less than $5 Million Byrne Jones Construction Ironhide Construction Pyramid Specialty Contractor > Electrical: Commercial > $2 to $10 Million Robinson Elementary School Jung Electric Pyramid Specialty Contractor > Electrical: Commercial > Less than $2 Million Terminal Building Renovations Jung Electric Eagle Specialty Contractor > Electrical (all projects over $10 million) > Commercial: All Projects Over $10 Million Omaha Public SchoolsWestview High School Kidwell Pyramid General Contractor > Commercial > $5 to $10 Million Lost Rail Golf Club Lund-Ross Constructors Pyramid General Contractor > Historical Restoration/Renovation > Less than $25 Million The Cohen Building Lund-Ross Constructors Pyramid Specialty Contractor > Exteriors > All Other Exterior Finishes First Presbyterian Church McCoy Roofing, LLC Eagle General Contractor > Residential > Multi-family and condominium projects up to $100 Million Vivere Apartments Overland Constructors, Inc. Eagle General Contractor > Health Care > More than $25 Million Bryan Health East Campus Renovation Sampson Construction, Co., Inc. Eagle General Contractor > Health Care > $10 to $25 Million Merrick County Medical Center Sampson Construction, Co., Inc. Eagle Specialty Contractor > Electrical (all projects over $10 million) > Commercial: All Projects Over $10 Million Offutt Runway Repair Watts Electric Company Eagle Specialty Contractor > Electrical: Commercial > $2 to $10 Million NDCS Reception and Treatment Center Phase 1 Willmar Electric Service Eagle

West Gate Bank Has An Account For Everyone


Meet Lora Sladovnik, LIMHP, director of mental health services at Child Saving Institute (CSI).

Tell us a little about your business. - CSI has a rich history in the Omaha community, providing services to more than 2,500 children and families across all programs each year. For more than 130 years, CSI has been meeting the changing needs of local kids and their families. Specifically, CSI’s comprehensive mental health services program provides pediatric, adolescent and family therapeutic services to individuals ages three to young adults. In addition to individual and family therapy, the program provides psychiatric services and medication management.

How did you get started in the business? - I started as a foster care specialist at another Omaha nonprofit. I thoroughly enjoyed working with children and families and decided to obtain my master’s degree to do therapy.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? - The biggest challenge that I have faced professionally is seeing the increase in the demand of mental health services due to the COVID-19 pandemic along with the changes in the workforce and job market. At CSI, we are fortunate to continuously focus on investing resources to grow our mental health services program despite challenging times. No matter what, we remain dedicated to providing the highest quality mental health services to the young people in our community. We know that a child’s progress today will help lead them to success in the future.

What has been your most important achievement professionally?Working at CSI and building a team to try and meet the demand of the Omaha community. It’s an honor to mentor clinicians as they grow professionally, knowing that they too will help local children and families find mental health wellbeing.

Tell us a little about your family. - I have a supportive husband, Bart, my son Max, who is in the Scott Scholar program for construction engineering at UNO and my daughter Cece, who is a senior in high school and will be heading to Creighton University next year to be part of the Scott Scholar program. We also have a very small, but loud, dog named Mindy the Morkie.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? - When I had children, I discovered my strong desire to further help other children and families.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I love to spend time with my family and friends, run outside and cook and eat good food! What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? - Growing up, my dad was in the Air Force, and I went to six different grade schools in different states. I also lived in Germany for three years as well.

Who inspires you? - I am constantly inspired by my fellow employees at CSI and all the work they do each and every day to support children and families.

What is your favorite local restaurant? - Avoli in Dundee.

if you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? - I would love to have dinner with Julia Childs in France.

if our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? – You can find more information about CSI and our services, including mental health services, on our website at We can also be reached by phone at (402) 553-6000. Additionally, individuals can follow and engage with us on social media. We frequently provide updates, tips and more about mental health and other program areas via our

14 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
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Steve Law


Meet Steve Law, a superintendent at Cheever Construction Company.

Tell us a little about your business. - Cheever Construction is an employee owned, commercial general contracting company. We collaborate with an owner and design team to bring together the necessary trade professionals to make the design come to life. We build everything from educational facilities, medical facilities, religious facilities, research labs, offices, restaurants, etc.

How did you get started in the business? - As a kid, I always had an interest in the building industry. I thought that architecture was the direction I wanted to pursue, until I took a tour of the UNL architecture program in my senior year of high school. I realized that I wanted to be on the other end of the equation and help bring the design to life. I luckily had a friend that was going into the Construction Management program, and I jumped in with him and have had zero regrets.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally?Being fresh out of college and being tasked with leading men/ women that have more experience in the industry than I have years on this planet. What I found was that if you show you’re willing to do the work, and do your best to do so at a high level, they will have no problem following your lead.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? - Being brought onto the board of directors at Cheever Construction. Tell us a little about your family. - I was fortunate enough to get married this past July, to my wife Abby after over four years of dating. We met at UNL where she was studying architecture, and we luckily had a class together in my last semester. She currently is in the process of completing her architecture licensing exams, after which she will be a certified architect. We moved back to Omaha in 2021 and are now in the process of looking to purchase our first home. I was raised by my parents Martie and Steve, and am the oldest brother to my sister, Zoe and my brother, Sam.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? - Being a couple years out of college and realizing/ establishing a high level of self-confidence, both professionally and in my personal life.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I love starting the day by enjoying my Folgers coffee while it’s still dark out and enjoying the quiet. After that, any opportunity to enjoy the company of my friends and family, relaxing outdoors, is a great day.

Who inspires you? - Matt Risinger, Jamie and Erik Perkins and Tom Brady. The first three are builders I follow, and the latter needs no introduction. They all excel at their craft, exhibit excellence and push everyone around them to improve.

What is your favorite quote? - “A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night, and in between does what he wants to do.” – Bob Dylan.

if you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? - Great.

i f you had a theme song, what would it be? - It’s a Long Way to the Top (If you Wanna Rock ‘N’ Roll) by ACDC.

if you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? - Rodney Dangerfield.

i f our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? - (402) 450-8029;;

April 2023 Strictly Business 15 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
HEATING REPAIR KEEP YOUR HOME THE IDEAL TEMPERATURE. ALL YEAR LONG. COOLING 402-932-0649 HEATINGAIROMAHA.COM GIVE US A CALL! @ExSeptionalOnes We will provide each child with a safe, loving environment with engaging and stimulating learning. (531) 365-6805 NOW ENROLLING! HIRING WITH BONUS Nurture Your Mental Health Schedule Your Appointment Today! 308-210-8487 NEW LOCATION 12127 Pacific St. Omaha, NE 68154


Meet Justin Cox, the sales manager at Aradius Group.

Tell us a little about your business. - Aradius Group is the premier partner for Print, Direct Mail and Marketing. We will be celebrating our 165th year in business this summer and are a staple in the community. We are built on decades of experience, growing and adapting with the latest technology, providing our partners with the tools to enable them to best serve their goals. Our expert team works hard to show everyone the power of print, the impact of direct mail and how to connect with your customer on a deeper level. We Make Print Relevant.

How did you get started in the business? - I started in sales in the printer and office technology in 2014. I had the opportunity to work with office and production print systems, VoIP Phone Systems and IT Management before joining Aradius Group as the sales manager in 2021.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? - Supply chain issues the past few years have been challenging for everyone. Fortunately, Aradius Group has an amazing team, continually thinking ahead to position ourselves to stay ahead of those challenges. What has been your most important achievement professionally?

- The most important professional achievement for me would be the bonds that have been created between myself and my colleagues. Relationships are the foundation of success.

Tell us a little about your family. - I grew up in a small SW Iowa community as the oldest of three children and two amazing parents. My wife and I blended families almost four years ago and now have seven beautiful children at home and three grown children building families of their own. We are passionate about our faith in God and work hard to help those in need around us. Who inspires you? - My family. My children teach me something new every day. My wife is the epitome of perseverance and unconditional love, motivating me to be a better father, son and husband. My parents and their unwavering love and support through the years has been a beacon of light and my siblings, who’s constant love is inspiring. Jesus Christ is my inspiration, my teacher and the anchor of my faith.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I love to spend time with my family creating memories, watching our children participate in sports/activities and going golfing with friends. What local nonprofit organization are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? - I have the privilege of serving on the fundraising committee for The Paralyzed Veterans of America – Great Plains Chapter. We host an annual event to raise funds to support wheelchair athletics. My grandfather was a POW in WWII and I have the utmost respect for those who have served our country.

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read?My favorite book is The Bible, and the last good book I read was Atomic Habits by James Clear. This helped me to look at things through a different lens to acquire a positive and motivated mindset.

if you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? - Dean Cox, my grandfather. He may not be nationally famous, but he is to me. He is a true American Hero and unfortunately suffered from Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s so I was not able to have those conversations with him when I was young. if our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? - (402) 613-8218;;

16 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart

Syd N ey

Meet Sydney Kendle, the public relations coordinator with Brookestone Meadows.

Tell us a little about your business. - Brookestone Meadows is a skilled care and rehabilitation facility with one main focus, “Dignity in Life”. This to me means our team provides the best care to our residents whether that be through activities, therapy, spiritual enrichment and nursing care. How did you get started in the business? - I originally moved to Omaha from Normal, IL for a position with Brookestone Village. After six months I was promoted to the public relations position at Brookestone Meadows, and March marks one year of working with the best team ever!

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally?Being a “young” professional in a world where the workforce is predominantly dominated by “veteran” professionals, in the sense of being in their field for over ten years. Upon completion of my degree, I was excited to finally enter the workforce, but I was faced with a challenge. Almost all positions I was applying for required at least a minimum of five-seven years of experience… for an entry-level position. After sending hundreds of applications to PR Agencies in Chicago and numerous rejections due to not meeting their experience requirements, I finally got a yes.

Tell us a little about your family. - I am currently engaged and we are five months out from our wedding! My fiancé’s name is Curtis, and we have two fur babies, Cali, a German Shepard Malamute Mix and Wrigley, an Aussie with his tail. Any time we travel we make sure they have accommodations for dogs so they can join in on all the adventures.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life?

- One of the biggest turning points in my life was deciding to take an internship in Tampa, FL to broaden my horizons. Before the internship in my junior year of college, I would have described myself as shy and quiet. Now I am the complete opposite! I am an outgoing, social and high-energy person. It was the push I needed finally find my place!

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I love to be outdoors either hiking with my dogs or kayaking. I am currently trying to teach them how to sit on the paddle boards when we go out on the water so they can join us too!

What is the most unique or interesting thing about you that most people probably don’t know? - Before moving to Omaha, I ran and operated a training facility for athletes who aim to be on the TV show American Ninja Warrior . I created competition course layouts and was honored to train young athletes and even adults! I even got the opportunity to run my own dance training program from the facility for a year before moving.

What is your greatest talent that you don’t utilize in your daily work life? - My greatest talent that I don’t get to utilize is my dance ability. I have spent the majority of my life dancing on the competitive level and am now a judge at the collegiate level!

What is your favorite book or the last good book you read? - I currently have two favorite authors, Lisa Jewell and Coleen Hoover. Both authors write thrilling stories with twists you never see coming.

What is your favorite movie? - How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

What is your favorite local restaurant? - Lola’s Café in Dundee. Most Sunday mornings you can find me and my fiancé enjoying brunch and coffee there! It is our time to catch up and spend time relaxing unplugged together.

if our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so? - (402) 289.2696;

April 2023 Strictly Business 17 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
402.827.6958 | Investment products: Not FDIC Insured— No Bank Guarantee—May Lose Value Member FDIC Like UBT’s Wealth Management team, who are here to help you navigate ever-changing market environments, pursue your financial goals, and plan for your lasting legacy — all with personalized service you can trust. Ready to get started? Let’s talk. Your money has grow and preserve it people
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cH e LS e A

Meet Pastor Chelsea Salifou, CEO at Heartland Hope Mission.

Tell us a little about your business. -

Heartland Hope Mission a faith-based organization that is more than a pantry and is dedicated to helping families achieve selfsufficiency. We provide food along with clothing, diapers, job resources and community referrals to support families in need and empower them to make positive changes in their lives. We also offer case-management, senior pantry deliveries, a Job Paths Program and a Christmas program that provides around 4,000 children with new toys at Christmas! In addition to Omaha, our outreach pantries serve Valley, Macy and Walthill. We prioritize making clients, volunteers and donors feel loved. Feeling cared for and appreciated is crucial to building strong relationships and creating a sense of community. How did you get started in the business? - I started volunteering and fell in love with the organization. I came from a working poor family and loved that Heartland Hope Mission was focused on serving these families that work hard but struggle to feed their children. Heartland Hope Mission is a safety net that keeps families from becoming homeless while they work towards self-sufficiency.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced professionally? - Over the past several years, we have responded to several back-to-back challenges including the floods of 2019, COVID and government shutdowns in 2020, the power outages of 2021 and most recently, inflation rates that have set families in our community back. These events caused the need for our services to increase dramatically. We were able to make immediate decisions to be responsive to the needs of our neighbors in countless ways. We will continue to lead the way to ensure families don’t go to bed hungry and are given resources to become self-sufficient to plan for a better future.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? -

Being recognized by the Better Business Bureau Integrity Award, being a NAM best practice partner and achieving a platinum level on GuideStar are all great examples of how Heartland Hope Mission is dedicated to providing high-quality services and maintaining high standards of ethical and transparent practices.

Tell us a little about your family. - I am married and have two amazing sons. I love being a boy mom and soccer mom! My husband and I are entrepreneurs, and I love that my eight-year-old has already started his own business that he is passionate about.

What do you see as one of the biggest turning points in your life? - Developing a personal relationship with Jesus changed everything for me. It gave my life purpose and a strong moral compass that guides every decision I make.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I love spending time with my family! My kids are at a fun age to play board games with or take to the park. I also really enjoy interior design so I appreciate any opportunity to decorate.

What local nonprofit organizations are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? - I serve on the planning committee for Zion Academy which provides an affordable alternative Christian Education. For me it is important that parents have access to a strong, faith-based education that also inspires entrepreneurs, teaches critical thinking skills and equips children with financial literacy for success in life. Studies show that teaching character improves academic outcomes. Zion Academy accomplishes this at less than half the cost of many private schools. if our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so?

-;; (402) 733-1904 x12.

18 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
As a Total Small Business contractor, we understand the procedures, processes, and preferences to deliver successful projects for federal agencies.


Meet Shaun Miller, the production assistant at FotoFunSpot.

Tell us a little about your business.FotoFunSpot is a premier provider of photo and video booth experiences serving Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas. Our services are popular at weddings, galas, sporting and corporate events.

How did you get started in the business? - I started with FotoFunSpot years ago occasionally working as a photo booth assistant. Growing up making videos, I was certainly interested in working in the digital media field. Years later, in my job search, I’d find out that FotoFunSpot was looking for a full-time employee.

What has been your most important achievement professionally? - I was transferred to a lower performing store during my last job. In the first few months, I helped raise revenue by a double digit percentage and cemented a turning point from what was one of our lowest performing stores, to our highest grossing store in the Omaha area.

What is your favorite thing to do on a day off? - I truly love working on my music. When the stars align and I have the time and energy to focus, I can (and will) spend an entire day recording or just mixing a song. Who inspires you? - Oftentimes, I draw inspiration from music and film creators. Tom Morello inspired me to pick up a guitar as a child and Robert Zemekis inspired me to film a 1950’s style music video. Countless content creators and musicians have inspired me to simply continue and try to get my name and work out there.

if you could choose only one descriptive word to be remembered as, what would it be? - Spooky. It’s a fun one, and generally accurate. What is your favorite quote or the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? - “Don’t turn away, get in front of it” - Zach De la Rocha. It can be very general purpose, but I’ve always thought it had a certain “power” to it.

if you had a theme song, what would it be? - Oddly enough, probably “Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs” from Frasier. Occasionally, at the end of the day, I like to imagine I’m in the end sequence of an episode and that song will play in my head.

Which talent would you most like to have? - Bringing my ideas to paper, figuratively or literally. I envy people that can envision or hear something and get it fully expressed into their work.

What local nonprofit organization are you passionate about or involved with, and are there any special reasons why? -

The Omaha Conservatory of Music is a wonderful organization. I attended their summer program as a youth and gained wonderful knowledge, experience, connections, and importantly, passion for performance and music.

What is your favorite movie? - I consider myself a “movie person”, and enjoy a large variety of genres from horror, comedies, spaghetti westerns, sci-fi; really all over the place. So with this, I will give a general top three in no particular order: No Country for Old Men, Halloween (1978), and Pineapple Express.

What is your favorite TV show? - Frasier. It’s one of my mother’s favorite shows so a lot of my childhood consisted of watching that show most nights.

if you could have dinner with one famous person from the past or present, who would it be? - I’d have loved to get to know Neil Peart. He was a very calm and quiet enigma of musical genius. One of my bigger regrets is not having seen Rush during Neil’s life, so an opportunity to speak with him would certainly suffice.

if our readers would like to contact you, how should they do so?; (402) 915-1386;

15623 West Dodge Road Omaha, NE 68118

April 2023 Strictly Business 19 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Custom Arrangements for Everyday Celebrations Delivery & Pickup
(531) 466-3506
Shops of Legacy 16920 Wright Plz Your FREE stretch awaits... 1-on-1 assisted stretching natural pain relief regain your natural range of motion 402.885.8805 11102 Blondo Street | 402-671-0200 | | Member FDIC Scan to learn more about this important campaign.

BELFOR Property Restoration in Omaha provides disaster recovery and property restoration services to Omaha and surrounding areas throughout Nebraska. Homes and businesses damaged by fire, water, mold, or storms can contact BELFOR to get the clean-up and restoration job done. BELFOR believes in “restoring more than property” –they restore pride in communities and restore hope by making progress every day.

A flooded basement can leave even the handiest of homeowners feeling helpless and underwater, which is why BELFOR put together this list of steps for dealing with a flooded basement both safely and effectively.

Dangers Of A Flooded Basement

When a basement floods, there’s bound to be some damage - whether it’s furniture and other items being ruined by the water, or carpets and floors becoming waterlogged and generating mold growth. Property damage isn’t the only concern; flooded basements can also be dangerous to health and safety. Here are a few dangers that can occur when a basement floods:

1. The structural integrity of your home and foundation can become compromised due to severe flooding or untreated water damage.

2. Electrical shocks can occur if the floodwater comes into contact with wires or electrical components.

3. Floodwater can lead to system failure of appliances in the basement, such as HVACs, water heaters, and washers and dryers.

4. Unless the flooding comes from a broken supply line or another source of clean water, floodwater is often contaminated with harmful chemicals, bacteria, and other substances that can cause serious illness in humans and pets.

If you are worried or uncertain about any of these potential dangers when dealing with a flooded basement, the safest course of action is to contact a professional water damage restoration service.

How To Deal With A Flooded Basement

Step 1 – Shut Off The Power

Even a small amount of water can reach sources of electricity such as cords, wires, and floor outlets. Therefore, before locating the source of the flooding, be sure to shut off all power to the basement. If you are unsure how to shut off your power or cannot do so safely, contact an electrician or your utility company.

Step 2 – Locate The Source of The Flooding

Once you are sure that the power in the basement is off, the next step is to locate the source of the flooding. Some flooding, such as a failed water heater, the homeowner can likely remedy themselves. However, if a pipe has burst or a drainage system has backed up, professional assistance will be required.

If you need to venture into the flooded area of the basement, be sure to wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE), such as protective rubber boots and gloves. If the flooding is higher than a pair of boots will protect against, it is best to contact a professional water extraction and drying service to handle your flooded basement cleanup.

Step 3 – Remove Water

If you’ve been able to locate and stop the source of the flooding safely, the next step is to begin removing any sitting water. Utility pumps and wet vacuums are great for removing smaller amounts of water from a basement floor.

20 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart CL IENT S POTLIGHT
(402) 891-1300 | belfOR.cOm Contact your local BELFOR office today and get started with professional flooded basement cleanup service to help limit damage to your property.

Omaha Exec leviJ.ScheppersBecomes ChairpersonforAHAHeart&StrokeWalk

Levi J. Scheppers, chief executive officer of OrthoNebraska has stepped into the role of Executives with Heart Chairperson for the 2023 Greater Omaha Heart & Stroke Walk with the American Heart Association (AHA) Nebraska.

Scheppers issued his challenge to more than 20 business leaders in the Greater Omaha community, asking them to make a personal commitment to donate or raise $5,000 for the Heart Walk. The executives who accept the challenge will be highlighted at this year’s Walk on May 20.

On Saturday, May 20 at 9 a.m., Walk participants and teams are invited to Miller’s Landing to celebrate heart and stroke survivors, raise lifesaving funds and encourage physical activity. This year’s theme, Why I Walk, invites participants to walk on the event path or to create a path of their own.

To register, visit From there, participants can stay up to date by downloading the Heart Walk mobile app and encourage friends and family to join in via e-mail or on social media.

The Greater Omaha Heart & Stroke Walk, hosted by the American Heart Association, is sponsored by media sponsor NRG Media. The funds raised from the Walk go toward research, advocacy, CPR training and to promote better health in support of the Association’s 2024 Health Equity Impact Goal, reducing barriers to health care access and quality. Visit to learn more.

FarrisEngineeringHiresChadMcCarthyas SeniorPlumbingDesigner

Farris Engineering welcomed Chad McCarthy as senior plumbing designer the beginning of this year. He brings over 17 years of experience to the mechanical engineering team. Chad earned his associates degree in architectural technology from Southeast Community College. Since then, he has been designing plumbing systems for health care, hospitality, and commercial projects. Most recently his projects have included senior living facilities, multi-use buildings and large multi-family projects.

Chad holds both a Certified Plumbing Design (CPD) and a Green Plumbing Design (GPD) certificate through the American Society of Plumbing Engineers. Those who attain these certifications are leaders within the industry and have advanced skills in the design and specification of plumbing systems.

“I came to work for Farris Engineering for the opportunity for new challenges and diversity of project types,” Chad said. “I’m excited to be a part of the engineering design team that bring your buildings to life.”

Aside from work, Chad enjoys riding motorcycles, 4 wheelers, going camping and spending time with his children, wife and grandkids. He also enjoys just hanging out at his house and using his Green Mountain smoker. Farris Engineering is an industry leader in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering with additional expertise in fire protection engineering, lighting design, building commissioning services, technology systems design, and life safety systems engineering. They look forward to tackling your projects head-on with this talented team of employee-owners as they Bring Your Buildings to Life. To learn more, visit

PediatricDentalSpecialistsWelcomesDr. NatalieBussardtoNewKearneyLocation

Pediatric Dental Specialists (PDS) is excited to welcome Dr. Natalie Bussard to their new facility in Kearney that will be opening soon.

Dr. Natalie is originally from North Platte. She attended Wayne State College and UNMC College of Dentistry and is now in her final year of pediatric residency at Ohio State. She will join the PDS team as the full-time pediatric dentist at the Kearney location in the fall. Please join PDS in welcoming Dr. Natalie!

Information about the new Kearney location will be released soon. You can follow Pediatric Dental Specialists on Facebook (@ pdsofkearney) to stay up-to-date on what’s next.

At Pediatric Dental Specialists, they strive to be a lifelong partner in dental care for families. They aim to create positive dental habits in children that will last a lifetime, so they can grow up to have healthy teeth and healthy lives. For more information, go to To contact the office, call (402) 397-3377 or email


Martinez and Susan Scheef

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank is excited to announce the promotions of two individuals: Yeny Martinez, assistant vice president/customer service supervisor; and Susan Scheef, assistant vice president/ customer service supervisor.

Martinez has worked at Lincoln Federal since 2020 as customer service supervisor at the Bank’s Fremont location. Her banking knowledge, community ties and customer service have led to her new role as assistant vice president/customer service supervisor. In this role, she will oversee deposit services at the Fremont location, create and attain goals for growth, and seek opportunities to get involved in the community.

Scheef has worked at Lincoln Federal since 1997 as a customer service representative. In 2022 she was promoted to customer service supervisor at the Bank’s Omaha location. Her wealth of experience, positive attitude and customer relationships have led her to her new role as assistant vice president/customer service supervisor. In this role, she will oversee deposit services at the Omaha location, create and attain goals for growth and seek opportunities to get involved in the community.

Lincoln Federal Savings Bank is a depositor-owned financial institution specializing in residential home loans, construction loans, home equity products, commercial real estate loans and deposit services. The Omaha branch is located at 673 N 132nd St. and can be reached at (402) 493-5599. The Fremont branch is located at 415 E 6th St. and can be reached at (402) 721-8696. Learn more at Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.

April 2023 Strictly Business 21 #PrintProudDigitalSmart PERSONNEl NEWS
Yeny Martinez Susan Scheef

HuffmanEngineering,Inc.PromotesGrant BensontoEngineer2

Huffman Engineering, Inc. (HEI) announces Grant Benson has been promoted to engineer 2. Benson joined the Huffman Engineering team after graduating from UNL with a mechanical engineering degree. Benson’s experience in pharmaceutical applications including boiler VFD experience and work with Single-Use Bioreactor technologies has made him a sought-after resource on a variety of projects here in the Midwest.

Most recently, he has been involved in vision system upgrades and a USP water system upgrade in a large pharmaceutical facility ensuring clean water practices for human health medicines. Additionally, he is now working with controls and automation upgrades on water irrigation systems that will ultimately help prevent corrosion on irrigation pivots across the heartland. HEI congratulates Grant on this well-deserved promotion.

Huffman Engineering, Inc. has over three decades of experience with a proven track record of delivering large-scale system integration projects with industrial customers and municipalities as an electrical control systems integrator with offices in Lincoln, Nebraska and Englewood, Colorado. They specialize in start to finish engineering projects in pharmaceuticals, water/wastewater, food and beverage, electrical utilities and manufacturing. Huffman Engineering designs and builds robust and reliable automation systems to meet stringent CDPHE, FDA, USDA and EPA regulations. Learn more at

NFL Player Turned Singer/Songwriter Zach Miller to Speak at Boys Town Booster Banquet

Boys Town has announced that singer/ songwriter and former NFL player Zach Miller will be the featured speaker at this year’s Boys Town Booster Banquet. After a successful NFL career ended by a serious injury, Miller has chased a new dream recording country music in Omaha. From performing live in local venues in Nebraska, to now climbing the ladder opening for famous artists like Brantley Gilbert, Chase Rice, Randy Houser and Jon Langston.

“We are honored to have Zach share his inspirational story and how he overcame a career-ending injury to chase a new dream. His philosophy to have a positive outlook on life, and the persistence to never give up will inspire the young boys and girls at Boys Town to remain unstoppable,” said Father Steven Boes, Boys Town president and national executive director.

The Booster Banquet, which benefits and honors Boys Town student athletes will be held on May 26 at the Embassy Suites Windsor Ballroom, 12520 Westport Parkway in La Vista.

The event is open to the public. Tickets are $120 each or tables of 10 can be purchased for $1,250.

For 100 years, Boys Town has been a beacon of hope for America’s children and families through its life-changing youth care and health care programs. In 2022, almost 500,000 children and families across the United States were impacted by Boys Town programs. You can find more information about Boys Town online at

LepaineSharp-McHenry,DNP,Named uNMC Collegeof NursingDean

Lepaine Sharp-McHenry, DNP, dean of the College of Natural, Behavioral and Health Sciences at Simmons University in Boston, has been named the next dean of the UNMC College of Nursing. She will join UNMC on July 3, pending approval of the University of Nebraska Board of Regents.

Dr. Sharp-McHenry was selected after an in-depth national search to replace retiring College of Nursing Dean Juliann Sebastian, PhD, who has served as dean for the past 12 years, overseeing UNMC College of Nursing divisions in several Nebraska cities. A practicing nurse since 1981, her educational background includes an associate of science in nursing at Southern Arkansas University, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Arkansas, a Master of Science in Nursing (clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric mental health) from the University of Oklahoma and a Doctorate in Nursing Practice in executive leadership from Union University. UNMC is proud to welcome her to the team.

Nebraska Medicine and the University of Nebraska Medical Center strive to lead the world in transforming lives to create a healthy future for all individuals and communities through premier educational programs, innovative research, and extraordinary patient care. Learn more at

MICAHHouseAnnouncesAshleyFlaterasNew Executive Director

MICAH House is pleased to announce the appointment of Ashley Flater as its new executive director. Ashley brings with her extensive experience and expertise in the nonprofit sector, particularly in working with marginalized populations. She has been serving as the interim executive director for MICAH House since October 2021, and during her time in the role, she has already made a significant positive impact on the organization.

During her time as interim executive director, Ashley worked diligently to improve MICAH House’s operations and expand the scope of services it offers. She has been instrumental in strengthening relationships with community partners and securing additional funding to support MICAH House’s mission.

“I am honored to have been selected as the executive director of MICAH House,” said Flater. “I look forward to continuing to work with our dedicated staff, volunteers and partners to provide critical services to families and women experiencing homelessness in our community.”

MICAH House is a vital resource in Council Bluffs, providing emergency shelter, case management and other support services to families and women experiencing homelessness. Under Flater’s leadership, the organization is poised to make an even greater impact on the community.

Founded in 1986, MICAH House is an emergency homeless shelter that serves women and families in the Omaha-Metro area and Southwest Iowa. MICAH House provides safe shelter, nutritious meals, intensive case management services, health care access and adult budgeting classes as individuals seek a better tomorrow. Learn more at

22 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart PERSONNEl NEWS

need to hire top talent?

Don’t miss this opportunity to tell your story to Omaha’s best talent and job seekers May


In the May 2023 issue of Strictly Business, we will run our quarterly “Employing Omaha” feature to highlight great places to work in Omaha.

This is a special opportunity for companies to get their name and branding in front of all our readers by sharing their mission statement, talking about their team culture, and highlighting employment opportunities.


Strictly Business is direct mailed to over 15,000 businesses every month!

We have a 4-6 month shelf life and a pass-along readership of 75,000

Don’t miss this


Includes: Company logo & 150

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April 2023 Strictly Business 23 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Featuring the
Best Companies & Best Jobs
MAY 14
2023 To
We are proud to have a strong online presence, with 100% of the magazine’s content posted online every month. All content is promoted on our social media channels!
Press Release, a $275 value!
participate, contact: (402) 466-3330 |

Down Syndrome Association for Families to Host Strokes of luck Golf Tournament May 10

Down Syndrome Association for Families (DSAF) is gearing up for their upcoming Strokes of Luck Golf Tournament, to be held on May 10 at Highlands Golf Course in Lincoln. The tournament will start with check-in at 8:30 a.m. and a shotgun start at 9:30 a.m. The tournament will feature an 18-hole game and a four-person scramble. Backswing will have a Golf Pro on Par three to challenge participants to “Beat the Pro”! Sponsorship is available and the sponsor will receive a Dormie Network Vacation Package! If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email

The Down Syndrome Association for Families formed in 1995 as a way for parents to network and share the accomplishments and challenges of their children. Many families who have, or are expecting a child with, Down syndrome don’t always have reliable support or have access to accurate information about Down syndrome. DSAF provides that support and information, along with a vision of what a blessing their child will be in their lives.

Down Syndrome Association for Families of Nebraska recognizes that every person with Down syndrome is an individual who has a unique purpose and set of abilities. It is their mission to provide support and a positive vision for the future for individuals with Down Syndrome and their families, friends, educators and professionals who share in their lives. For more information about the organization, visit or call (403) 421-1338.

Community Foundation for Western Iowa Selected as “Worthy Cause”

The Impact Fund at the Community Foundation for Western Iowa is currently the “Worthy Cause” nonprofit being recognized at Full Fledged Brewing Co. in Council Bluffs. The Community Foundation will receive a portion of taproom proceeds from Worthy Cause Amber Ale sales between the months of January through June to benefit the Impact Fund – a fund that supports projects and programming throughout Pottawattamie County.

The Impact Fund annually provides grants to nonprofits or governmental entities for creative or impactful projects that meet a clear, identifiable need in Pottawattamie County. Grants support projects in a variety of focus areas, such as: Arts & Culture, Community Betterment, Community Engagement, Education, Environment, Health, Human Services and Youth.

The Community Foundation celebrated its recognition as a “Worthy Cause” on February 23 with a small gathering, and will host two additional events at Full Fledged on May 9 and June 21 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. where community members are invited to attend. Learn more about the Impact Fund at nonprofits/community-grants and Full Fledged Brewing Co. at

The Community Foundation for Western Iowa is a tax-exempt public charity, 501(c)(3), that serves thousands of people who share a common interest in improving the quality of life in western Iowa. They are dedicated to creating a lasting legacy in our region by engaging our citizens and communities for durable change and fostering a culture of philanthropy. For more information, go to

Save the Next Girl to Host Human Trafficking Awareness Night April 13

Save the Next Girl: Nebraska will be hosting a Human Trafficking Awareness Night on Thursday, April 13 at the Waterford Building – Fountain Ridge Office Park East in Elkhorn. There will be a panel and Q&A portion of the evening featuring Julie Shrader from Rejuvenating Women, Peter Rutherford from Technical Crimes Unit and an Omaha mother of a human trafficking survivor. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. with the event to begin at 6:30 p.m. This event is free to the public but limited spots are available. In addition, multiple fitness studios around Omaha will be participating in the Workout Event Fundraiser on Saturday, April 15. Registration is $100 which includes a workout class and a swag bag. Times vary between participating locations, so check the full list on Save the Next Girl: Nebraska’s website.

To RSVP for either event, get more details or donate towards Save the Girl: Nebraska’s $30,000 fundraising goal, go to Nebraska. All proceeds go to Rejuvenating Women to help the prevention and recovery efforts for survivors of sex trafficking in Nebraska.

Save the Next Girl originated in Utah and will be entering their fifth year of the #savethenextgirl movement. Every year the number of participants triples and they need you to join the fight this year. Every human deserves the right to be free to make their own choices. Find out more at

Grand Marshal Nominations are Now Open for Cinco De Mayo Omaha Adelante Banquet

Cinco de Mayo Omaha (CDMO) is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Grand Marshals to honor outstanding Latina business owners in Omaha. This is your chance to honor and recognize the hard work and dedication of these business owners who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship. Nominations are due by April 5, and the winner will be announced at the Adelante Banquet on April 27. To submit a nomination, go to latina-business-nomination-omaha.

In celebration of the annual Cinco de Mayo festivities, the Latino Economic Development Council will present the Adelante Gala. The evening will begin with a networking reception featuring live entertainment, hors d'oeuvres, networking, redevelopment sketches and historic content.

The Gala will recognize CDMO and BSF scholarship recipients and conclude the evening with an awards ceremony. This culturallydiverse event will also present exciting news about a revitalization project that will serve South Omaha families, strengthen neighboring businesses and fortify the district’s economic future. For more information and to get tickets, go to adelante-gala. For questions, please email

Cinco De Mayo Omaha is a community-based nonprofit organization with a mission to present a culturally and historically significant celebration of ethnic diversity for residents of Omaha and surrounding areas. Cinco de Mayo Omaha celebrates equity, diversity and inclusiveness. The organization embraces these pillars of excellence as crucial to healthy people and healthy communities. Learn more at

24 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum to Host Spring Affair Plant Sale April 27-29

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA) will host their 2023 Spring Affair Plant Sale on April 27-29 at the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln. Spring Affair is the Great Plains’ largest plant sale, attracting more than 4,000 visitors and featuring more than 800 varieties of perennials, annuals, herbs, succulents and trees, in addition to gardening vendors and educational nonprofits.

A Preview Sale will be held on Thursday, April 27 from 7-9 p.m. Tickets to the Preview Sale are $20 for NSA members and $25 for non-members. Free general admission to Spring Affair will be held on Friday, April 28, from 2-6 p.m. and on Saturday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to noon.

To register for the Preview Party and Preview Sale or for more information about Spring Affair, visit

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum plants Nebraska for healthy people, vibrant communities and a resilient environment. The organization offer resources to help Midwest gardeners improve their home and community landscapes, encouraging plants and landscapes that are beautiful and beneficial for ourselves as well as the larger environment. To learn more, visit or contact the Arboretum staff at (402) 472-2971 /

Child Saving Institute to Break Ground on $46M Capital Campaign this Spring

Child Saving Institute (CSI) continues to make strides in its efforts to enhance the future of care in the Omaha community with expanded services and doubling its physical footprint through its $46 million capital campaign—Campaign for Hope.

The organization is ready to begin construction this spring at its centrally-located campus near 45th and Dodge Streets in Omaha.

CSI has diligently evaluated the evolving needs of local children and families including the rapidly growing need for pediatric and adolescent therapy, an expanded emergency shelter, supportive early education services and additional access to high-quality early childhood education. To expand these services, CSI will nearly double its physical building space. This two-year project will allow for an on-site mental health clinic to be added to the facility, a newly built emergency shelter housing 16 beds for youth, four additional early childhood education classrooms with a STEAM classroom and innovative treatment childcare classrooms added within its early childhood education center to address the needs of preschoolers unable to attend traditional school environments.

The Campaign for Hope will allow the organization to continue to meet the dynamic needs of those it serves today, and over the next 100 years. The Omaha community can join the effort in building a stronger community through Child Saving Institute’s Campaign for Hope initiative by visiting

Child Saving Institute (CSI) is dedicated to preventing, intervening and healing child abuse, neglect and trauma. For 130 years, CSI has been “Responding to the cry of a child” and meeting the changing needs of metro area children. CSI serves approximately 2,500 children and families each year. To learn more about CSI and the programs and services offered, please visit childsaving. org or follow CSI on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

BFF Omaha Announces the Benson All-Star Rumble Fundraiser

BFF Omaha is inviting everyone to barf it up in support of the organization on Saturday, May 13 from 2 to 6 p.m. in the Benson Creative District. B.A.R.F. is short for Benson All-Star Rumble: a Fundraiser!

BFF Omaha is partnering with area bars and businesses to raise money in support of their mission to build community through arts engagement.

Teams of four will compete in creative challenges at participating locations in hopes of winning prizes and capturing the title of the ULTIMATE BARF! The Benson Creative District will come to life with onstreet performers, live music, free pedi-cab rides, food and fun! Teams are encouraged to dress in costumes, engage with their fellow community members and ultimately have fun for a good cause. Kids are welcome to participate for free at the family-friendly location at Ted and Wally’s. Benson-located businesses are welcome to support BFF Omaha by hosting a creative challenge or becoming an event sponsor. BFF volunteers will be present at each location to monitor the challenge and participants. Event goers can also expect food and drink specials or special events and programming at participating locations.

The “ULTIMATE BARF” team will be announced following the charitable competition at Petshop Gallery (2727 N 62nd St.) at 6 p.m., where the entire community is invited to celebrate all neighborhood all-stars with an award ceremony followed by special TBA performances.

For more information on BFF Omaha the Benson All-Star Rumble: a Fundraiser, please contact or

Red Cross Welcomed as Core Partner of National Weather Service

Leaders of NOAA’s National Weather Service and the American Red Cross signed a groundbreaking agreement that will enhance collaboration between the organizations before and during large-scale weather disasters.

This agreement designates the Red Cross as a National Weather Service core partner and reinforces that the agency can provide impact-based decision support services to the Red Cross at any level, including the local chapters supporting disaster preparedness and response. The Red Cross, which has a Congressional Charter to provide humanitarian and disaster relief services, is the first nonprofit organization to hold this formal designation.

A key part of the National Weather Service’s mission is supporting public safety officials who make key decisions to protect life and property in the face of extreme weather. Called “impact-based decision support services,” this assistance to core partners includes weather forecast advice and interpretations of the impacts a weather event will bring. Until now, “core partners” have consisted of local, state and federal governmental organizations. The Red Cross is often involved in formal response efforts, working closely with established public sector core partners to plan preparation and recovery efforts during weather disasters, making the organization uniquely positioned to receive weather support directly from the National Weather Service.

The mission of the American Red Cross is to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. Visit or call 1-(800) REDCROSS to support Red Cross efforts.

April 2023 Strictly Business 25 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS
Rendering courtesy of TACKarchitects

Mosaic in Omaha to Host Discover the Possibilities Tour Event April 12

Mosaic in Omaha will be hosting their April Discover the Possibilities event on April 12. Mosaic in Omaha hosts its monthly Discover the Possibilities Tour every second Wednesday of the month, at 9 to 10 a.m. and again at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. All are invited to come and learn about Mosaic’s mission to “love and serve” those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the nonprofit’s good works to lift up the community and its commitment to relentlessly pursue opportunities for people with diverse needs.

Join Mosaic for refreshments and a tour of Mosaic’s mission and work by those who know it best — the people they support, their families and those who serve. To RSVP for the event or to ask any questions, please contact Jessica Westerlin at jessica.

Mosaic in Omaha is part of Mosaic, which is a whole-person healthcare organization reaching across 13 states in more than 700 communities and providing supports to more than 4,900 people. Services empower people with disabilities, mental and behavioral health needs and autism, as well as aging adults to live their best life. Mosaic is an affiliated social ministry organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a member of Lutheran Services in America, and a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. To learn more about Mosaic, please visit

Kids Can Community Center Opens Doors On New Facility & Celebrates 115 Years

Kids Can Community Center is celebrating their 115-year anniversary in a big way –moving into a new building! On March 27, the doors opened to the new facility at 4768 Q Street. This facility, the former site of Ashland Park School, more than doubles the space now available to Kids Can Community Center and that increases the number of kids they can help. The new center fosters an environment truly suited to the needs of Kids Can families, including a STEM room, greater classroom and community capacity and infant childcare for the first time in their history.

According to CEO Robert Patterson, “As Social Settlement before and now Kids Can Community Center, we have always been here for our community. This new center was an investment by our supporters so that we can impact the future. That future is the kids. Our children today are the citizens of tomorrow. This building allows us to keep investing in our children, especially the littlest ones, because every child deserves an opportunity to a successful start in life.”

The new community center is a result of the “Get In Gear” capital campaign that raise funds necessary to complete the project. More details can be found at

At Kids Can Community Center, their mission is to educate, engage and inspire children through early childhood education and out of school experiences. Founded in 1908 as Social Settlement Association, the organization has evolved over the past century to meet the continually changing needs of children and families in the community. Learn more at

I’ve Got A Name ‘Walk for Freedom’ Registration to Close April 10

I’ve Got A Name, a nonprofit organization that fights sex trafficking in Lincoln and throughout Nebraska, will hold its annual Walk for Freedom on Saturday, April 22 at 11 a.m. before the Nebraska spring football game, and the registration deadline is coming up quickly.

Local research indicates at least 900 girls are sold in Nebraska each month. The Walk For Freedom is designed to create statewide awareness that sex trafficking exists where we live. Participants will disperse around Lincoln wherever Husker fans gather, wearing their “It Happens Here” Walk For Freedom t-shirt and passing out information cards. I’ve Got A Name encourages families, friends, businesses and community groups to register and walk together for greater impact.

Registration is $15 and includes the Walk t-Shirt. The deadline to register and guarantee your preferred shirt size is April 10. Learn more and about this year’s Walk For Freedom and register online at

I’ve Got A Name has a mission to protect and restore the lives of those who are vulnerable or victims of sex trafficking. To get behind their mission and raise local awareness, visit or email Paul Yates at

FAMILY, Inc. Awarded uNbelievable Workplaces for Third Consecutive Year

For the third year in a row FAMILY, Inc. is excited to announce that they are one of Council Bluffs’ 25 awarded UNbelievable Workplaces. UNbelievable Workplaces is an employee engagement and satisfaction program; developed and managed by the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce. The program focuses on ensuring their business is a human-centered workplace. Understanding the culture of their workplace is the best way to increase employee engagement and strengthen the workforce attraction and retention efforts.

“When we spend 40+ hours each week at work, that workplace should be UNbelievable!” commented Kimberly Kolakowski, executive director at FAMILY, Inc. “We are grateful to our team, who are the sole reason we have achieved this designation for three years. UNbelievable team members make UNbelievable workplaces!”

FAMILY’s leadership team works tirelessly to ensure they have a vibrant work environment where their associates feel engaged and empowered to fulfill the company’s mission. They are dedicated to continuing to operate an organization that is focused on the health and well-being of their associates.

The award was presented by the Council Bluffs Area Chamber of Commerce.

FAMILY, Inc. is an early childhood and public health organization that provides public health education, support and connection to resources for women, children and families in Pottawattamie and Mills counties. To learn more about how to support FAMILY’s mission, visit

26 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

At Ease uSA to Hold Yoga and Self Defense Classes for Veterans and Healthcare Workers

At Ease USA will be teaching Veteran trauma-informed yoga classes on Sundays from 2 to 3 p.m. from April 30 to May 21. The classes will be held at At Ease USA, 10605 Burt Circle in Omaha.

Trauma doesn’t just affect the mind; it can also be held in the body. Trauma-informed yoga is an approach that addresses the specific needs and symptoms of trauma survivors. A safe, secure and predictable environment surrounded by a like-minded community is the foundation for this type of practice.

In addition, Veteran and healthcare worker self-defense classes will be held the fourth Sunday afternoon of the month from noon to 1:30 p.m. The classes will take place April 23, May 21, June 25, July 23, and August 27. Classes are free for female veterans and frontline healthcare workers.

Those interested in either class should contact Beth Kramer at beth@ or (531) 247-4040 to register.

At Ease USA is committed to providing access to confidential trauma treatment to active military, veterans and their loved ones suffering from PTSD. AEU offers behavioral health services through an inhouse clinical manager and a network of trained PTSD professionals. For more information, contact Beth Kramer at or (531) 247-4040, or go to

limited Tickets Available for JDRF One Night Gala April 22

Tickets are selling fast for the JDRF One Night: Better Together set for April 22 at the CHI Health Center Omaha.

The event will help raise funds for critical life-changing type 1 diabetes (T1D) research to cure, treat, and prevent T1D. If you still haven’t purchased your ticket, what are you waiting for?

The gala begins at 6 p.m. featuring cocktails and silent and live auctions, signature Fund A Cure program, and live entertainment by Don Felder, former lead guitarist of the Eagles and co-writer of “Hotel California” and “Victim of Love”! JDRF is thankful for this year’s event co-chairs and Fund a Cure program families, Pam and Dan Beninato and Jill and Lou Rotella III.

Tickets and table sponsorships can be purchased on the JDRF website at Supporters can also directly contribute to T1D research by donating to Fund A Cure. For more information, contact JDRF Associate Executive Director Chris Dunn at (402) 397-2873 /

JDRF Nebraska-Iowa Chapter gratefully acknowledges this year’s event sponsors, Premier Dental and Rotella’s Italian Bakery.

JDRF has a mission to accelerate life-changing breakthrough to cure, prevent, and treat T1D and its complications. They do this by funding innovative research, advocating for government action, and providing a support structure for our community. For more information, please visit or follow JDRF on Twitter (@JDRFNEIA).

Youth Emergency Services Receives $160K Grant from BHECN

Youth Emergency Services (YES) has received a $160,000 grant from Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska (BHECN) providing a direct mental health therapy program to clients.

The BHECN grant will be used towards the development and implementation of a new mental health therapy program provided by YES. The grant will allow YES to be able to provide direct and consistent mental health services to those in their four major programs; Maternity Group Home, Street Outreach, Emergency Shelter and the Transitional Living Program. They are excited to be able to provide access to mental health and trauma informed care to their clients, opening up a pipeline to focus on prevention and breaking the cycle.

Youth Emergency Services assists youth experiencing homelessness and near homelessness by providing critically-needed resources which support them in their desire to be self-sufficient. It is their goal to help youth in crisis get back on their feet in whatever ways they can. After meeting their immediate needs for food, shelter, clothing and safety, they create a support system which helps them flourish. For more information, go to or @yesomahane1974 on Instagram.

Angel Guardians, Inc. Announces Two New Lines of Service

Angel Guardians, Inc. (AGI) is excited to announce that they will be opening two new lines of service this spring. This includes: Supported Family l ivingSupported Family Living is designed to provide long-term support for individuals with disabilities who live with their families. Activities in Supported Family Living promote independence for individuals, including assistance in areas such as budgeting, self-care and navigating the community.

p revocational Services - This introduction to employment will ensure individuals with disabilities gain the skills and experience to succeed in the workforce. Supports include workplace readiness training, skill building and defining career interests for individuals. Please feel free to reach out to Angel Guardians if you are interested in participating in or supporting these programs! They welcome visitors and would love to schedule a tour. For more information, email

Angel Guardians, Inc. serves individuals with intellectual/ developmental disabilities in the Omaha Metro. AGI has a goal of creating an inclusive environment where people with, and without, disabilities can live, work and play. AGI works to empower people with disabilities to make their own choices and create relationships in the Omaha Community. Programming for AGI includes day services, art programming, vocational training and respite services. If you’d like more information, please reach out to Executive Director Sam Comfort at

April 2023 Strictly Business 27 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

Bagsof FunOmahatoHostSecondAnnual Golf Tournament June 7

Bags of Fun Omaha is excited to be hosting their second annual Golf Tournament at The Club at Indian Creek on Wednesday, June 7. Check in begins at 9:30 a.m. with a shotgun start at 11 a.m. Every player receives greens fees and a cart, lunch, dinner, two drink tickets and swag!

Bags of Fun invites you to be a part of a great day fi lled with fi rst-class golf for a fi rst-rate cause. Foursomes, single players and sponsorships are available. Visit the Bags of Fun website at for more details and to register. All proceeds will benefit children served by Bags of Fun Omaha.

Bags of Fun Omaha believes in the power of play to bring a welcome distraction during times of difficulty. Bags of Fun bring a child and the parents hope, relief, a smile and the ability to focus on something other than their illness. Bags of Fun is a nonprofit organization. Each Bag of Fun is funded by grants, charitable contributions and fundraisers. The bags are essential tools that bring the power of play into the hospitals. To learn more, go online to

Open Door Mission Promotes National Volunteer Week April 16-22

Open Door Mission is acknowledging the hard work of all of their volunteers this month during National Volunteer Week, April 1622. While it is important to volunteer throughout the year, this is a special time dedicated to those who are giving their time to making our community a better place.

You can make a difference in the lives of people experiencing hunger and homelessness by volunteering a couple hours at Open Door Mission. Anyone interested in volunteering can register online and once approved can self-schedule where they would like to serve. Get started at

Open Door Mission also has Volunteer in Place opportunities where you volunteer from your home or work. You could make sack lunches, encouraging handmade cards, fleece blankets and more! Find out more volunteer-in-place.

Open Door Mission is a Gospel Rescue Mission that meets the needs of individuals and families while inspiring HOPE for lasting change. Each day, Open Door Mission’s campus offers 917 safe shelter beds to homeless men, women and children, serves over 4,747 nutritious meals and provides preventative measures to more than 1,000 people living in poverty. Learn more at www., or call (402) 829-1538 to get in touch with Open Door Mission.

Release to Host 2023 Imagine Gala April 28

Imagine, the 2023 Annual Release Gala with Honorary Chairs Dave and Courtney Martin, is scheduled for April 28 at the Hilton Omaha, 1001 Cass St. and promises to be an inspiring and memorable event.

The evening will be a night of exploration, using the guests combined imaginations to create a path through which people from all walks of life can life safe, together, healthy and free!

Psychiatrist Dr. Curt Thompson, author of The Soul of Shame and The Soul of Desire, will be the speaker, who, with his expertise in neurobiology, will speak about the power of the imagination. He will lead the audience on a journey of understanding current neuroscientific research and how it relates to our daily lives, and how beauty, goodness and truth beckon us to a deeper healing knowledge of ourselves, our neighbor, our society and, ultimately, of God. Expect the unexpected as well as immersive opportunities for imagination and joy. Join Release for a night that will empower the organization to continue growing beauty, goodness and truth throughout the community.

The funds raised at the 2023 Gala will bring hope to hurting youth and families in the community through the Foster Parent Training & Supprt program, mentoring, social work and mental health service. For information on purchasing a table or sponsorship, email Garth Hilton at or (303) 902-9417.

Learn more about Release and their services at

One Day Without Shoes Collection Drive to Benefit Stephen Center

Clean out your closets and find gently used shoes! It’s time for One Day Without Shoes, Cornhusker Bank’s annual shoe collection drive to benefit Stephen Center. The collection drive will take place April 24 through May 6.

One Day Without Shoes is a collaborative effort with local businesses who volunteer to help the bank collect new and wearable used shoes for free distribution by Stephen Center.

“The look on the faces of our clients when we provide them with shoes is priceless, providing them with joy they may not have felt in a very long time,” noted Michael Wehling, Stephen Center CEO.

One Day Without Shoes started in 2011 by Cornhusker Bank to benefit the Lincoln community. In 2020, the event expanded to Omaha, and a partnership was formed with the Stephen Center. In the three years of hosting this event in Omaha, Cornhusker Bank’s Omaha location and numerous business partners collected over 5,000 pairs of shoes and $750 in monetary donations. All shoes and any cash donations collected in Omaha will stay in Omaha for distribution.

Gently worn and new shoes can be dropped off at one of the collection sites during these two weeks. A complete list of collection sites can be found on Cornhusker Bank’s website, www.

Located in South Omaha, Stephen Center serves the homeless, addicted and those with mental health challenges. Learn more at

28 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS



CUES middle school students displayed their artwork for the first time during the entire month of February in a Benson First Friday art gallery. Artwork included watercolor paintings, color field drawings and threedimensional creations.

Support from generous donors like the Pape Foundation made it possible for CUES to develop an art program. With the instruction from the newly hired art teacher, Ms. Amanda Caillau, CUES students are building selfconfidence, expressing themselves through art and discovering their potential while better understanding the world around them. Dr. Amy Morris, UNO School of Arts Director, and her UNO students joined CUES and helped with art presentation. CUES students are gaining broad growth opportunities through art outside of academics. According to the Arts Education Partnership, art programs play a crucial role in a child’s life. Art skills help kids engage with school and reduce stress, develop social-emotional and people skills, enrich their experiences, manage constructive criticism, bolster academic achievement and improve focus.

CUES Schools – Sacred Heart, All Saints and Holy Name – support 574 students and anchor their Omaha neighborhoods. CUES provides a safe place for students to learn academic, social and interpersonal skills. CUES students thrive in a culture of love, kindness and excellence. Consider supporting CUES by investing in the next generation. Anyone can make a donation to CUES at

Santa Monica House to Host Fundraiser, Brunch and Auction to Celebrate 50 Years

Santa Monica House will be hosting their 9th annual Fundraiser, Brunch and Auction on April 22 at Scott Conference Center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. This years event will be in honor of Santa Monica House’s 50th year serving the Omaha community. To purchase tickets, donate auction items, make monetary donations and find out more information go to

Table sponsorships are also available. As a table sponsor, you will select a theme for your table of eight and you will get to decorate your table accordingly. Sponsorship declarations and donations must be submitted to Santa Monica House by April 14. Santa Monica House will provide a sponsorship packet for the event as soon as you register, including time frames and guidelines for table decorating.

Enjoy a delicious brunch, inspiring testimonial as well as a Piccadilly and Silent Auction all in support of the fantastic work done at Santa Monica. Founded in 1972, Santa Monica House has partnered with over 3,000 women on their journey to recovery from addiction and alcoholism. Santa Monica provides an Intermediate Residential program, Halfway House program with a step-down level of care to a ¾ way house and an 11 unit apartment building for women and children. Peer Support Recovery services are for the ¾ way and apartment programs. For more information, go to For further questions, please contact Heather at or (402) 558-7088.

CodeBlackTechnologyTrainingCoursesto BeginApril15andApril17

Code Black Technology will be starting two new training courses in April. Code Black Tech offers a range of programs and services designed to educate and empower individuals of all ages and backgrounds. From computer classes and coding workshops to hands-on technology projects and community events, the organization offers a variety of opportunities for individuals to learn, grow and give back to their communities.

The Intro to Technology Fundamentals (ITF+) with Intro to Cloud will be held Wednesdays from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. The ITF+ training course will run from April 17 to June 3, while the Intro to Cloud course runs from June 10 to July 29. From April 17 to October 9, Code Black will be hosting a Software Quality Assurance training course in-person on Mondays from 6 to 9 p.m., and Wednesdays from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Code Black Tech is a nonprofit organization based in Omaha with the mission of closing the digital divide and promoting technology education in underrepresented communities. The organization provides access to technology resources, training and support to individuals who might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn about and engage with technology. Their vision is to empower and make a transformative impact in diverse communities through technology. For more information, go to

ProjectHarmonyHighlightsChildAbuse Awareness Month

Saturday, April 1, marks the start of Child Abuse Awareness Month. Child abuse does not discriminate. It spans all racial, gender, socioeconomic and demographic boundaries. In 2022, Project Harmony provided services to over 8,000 children within the community. Of these cases, 37% were sexual abuse, 11% neglect, 7% physical abuse and 4% witness to violence.

Over 17,000 pinwheels are spinning all across the Metro Area throughout the month of April as part of Project Harmony’s Pinwheels for Prevention® campaign to raise awareness of this life-threatening issue. In 2008, Prevent Child Abuse America® introduced the blue pinwheel as the national symbol for child abuse prevention. The pinwheel represents the great childhood that every child deserves, and the role we each play in providing a loving and supportive environment for the children in our lives.

“April provides an opportunity for all of us, individuals and organizations alike, to take action by learning more about prevention and supporting organizations that support children,” said Project Harmony Executive Director Gene Klein. “A cause is only as strong as the people who support it and together we can end child abuse.”

You are an important part of the solution. Take the pledge to be someone in the life of a child today at

Project Harmony exists to provide effective, immediate and sensitive support to child abuse victims and their non-offending family members. To learn more, go to

April 2023 Strictly Business 29 #PrintProudDigitalSmart

SpaceLimitedforHeartlandCancerFoundation FreeOncologySymposiumApril19

Heartland Cancer Foundation (HCF) invites all healthcare professionals to attend their free Oncology Symposium on April 19 at Southeast Community College’s Jack Huck Continuing Education Center that will feature keynote speakers Dr. Matthew Lunning and Madison Kaltenberger. Registration and dinner will be from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., and the FREE CEU presentations will follow. This event is ideal for physicians, nurses, social workers and advanced care practitioners. Space is limited to 150 attendees.

More than 11,000 Nebraskans will be diagnosed with cancer this year. The Heartland Cancer Foundation believes no cancer patient should fall behind on treatment because they struggle to afford their everyday expenses. HCF aspires to provide compassion and hope and remove barriers to care by covering home, auto and utility costs for local cancer patients in need of additional support during their treatment journey. This practical aid makes a big difference for people who are struggling with both a cancer diagnosis and financial hardship.

Heartland Cancer Foundation’s mission is to provide practical and immediate financial assistance to eligible cancer patients in the community so they can focus on what matters most: healing. Thank you to the Heartland Cancer Foundation’s wonderful circle of donors and supporters that come together to care for those in our community. For more information and to register for the Oncology Symposium, please visit

Registration Now Open for 45th Annual NESC April 20-21

The Nebraska Safety Council (NESC) will host its 45th annual conference on April 20 and April 21 in Lincoln. Safety, wellness and human resource professionals are encouraged to attend to earn up to three continuing education credit hours, enjoy an awards luncheon, tour Robber’s Cave, network with safety, wellness and HR professionals, as well as participate in educational workshops.

Day one will be held at Robber’s Cave from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and will feature guest keynote speaker, Richard Hawk, and three breakout sessions with a variety of topics to select from including leadership, safety, traffic, wellness and more. An awards luncheon will be held, and organizations and individuals will receive recognition for the Worker 360 wellness award, Nebraska Safety Council safety award and Legacy awards. Individuals are encouraged to stay for an afternoon of tours at Robber’s Cave followed by a networking reception and evening entertainment.

Day two will be held at the Nebraska Safety Council from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and will consist of feature workshops with an open exhibit hall over the lunch hour. The workshops will feature various safety talks and health training sessions.

Registration is open for day one, day two, or both days! Visit www. to register online. For questions or to register over the phone, contact Development Manager Samantha Gentry at (402) 483-2511 ext. 116.

To learn more about the Nebraska Safety Council, visit nesafetycouncil. org, call (402) 483-2511, or email

Abide Omaha Announces April Events for Volunteers

Abide Omaha will be hosting events throughout the month of April to further their mission of revitalizing the inner city, one neighborhood at a time. On April 8 from 9 a.m. to noon, Abide Omaha will host a Second Saturday Serve. This is Abide’s monthly community impact day that provides resources for the community. There are volunteer opportunities for all ages!

Then from April 18 to April 20, Abide will be taking part in Do Good Week. This includes events on Giving Tuesday, Wish List Wednesday and Volunteer Thursday. More information about Do Good Week and volunteer sign-up is available at AbideOmaha. org or on social media @abideomaha.

See what volunteer opportunities are available right now at Abide for your group, team and church. Groups of every size are welcome to come to the Better Together Campus to make a difference. Even groups of one or two can have a significant impact in the community. Go to abideomaha. org/getinthegame to see all upcoming volunteer opportunities.

The mission of Abide is to revitalize the inner city, one neighborhood at a time. Abide takes a grassroots, holistic approach that focuses on developing safer neighborhoods, stronger families and emerging leaders. To get in touch with Abide, contact them at and (402) 455-7807. For more information, go to

AIMInstituteOpensRegistrationforHeartland DevelopersConferenceOctober23-24

Leading Omaha tech nonprofit AIM Institute’s annual Heartland Developers Conference (HDC) has been the premier software development conference for tech professionals for over 15 years, providing world-class content to the Silicon Prairie developer community. Hosted by leading Omaha tech nonprofit AIM Institute, the annual Heartland Developers Conference will be held at the CHI Health Center on October 23-24.

Registration is now open to attend the 2023 Heartland Developers Conference at A ticket is required to attend and is free to currently-enrolled college students. Individuals interested in speaking at HDC can complete the online request form on the HDC website.

As the premier software development conference for tech professionals, the event will provide attendees with an immersive experience including keynote speakers, breakout sessions, an exhibitor hall and numerous networking opportunities.

A highly technical event, the conference attracts skilled individuals who are leading the industry forward. For two days, experts share the latest knowledge and demonstrate new techniques that build an understanding of the latest trends. Industry-leading experts will share insights on specified breakout topics.

For 30 years, Omaha-based AIM Institute has been the region’s leading nonprofit dedicated to growing a strong and diverse tech talent community and it remains committed to educating and inspiring individuals of all ages with innovative, effective programing and outreach initiatives. If you have questions, contact AIM at (402) 979-8324 or More information can be found at

30 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

American Lung Association Preparing for 42nd Annual Corporate Cup April 16

The American Lung Association invites you to join thousands of Nebraskans on April 16 for a legendary Nebraska tradition, the Corporate Cup. This is your opportunity to challenge yourself, impact your community and be a part of Omaha history. The Corporate Cup is a professionally-timed 10K and 5K run, and an untimed 5K and one-mile walk.

The 42nd annual Corporate Cup, powered by Green Plains, is returning to Aksarben Village. It features one-of-a-kind views of spring in Elmwood Park and the University of Nebraska at Omaha. It’s the perfect setting for a day of fun, challenge and camaraderie.

Hundreds of thousands of participants and more than 400 companies have participated in the past to raise nearly $1.8 million in support of the mission of the Lung Association. This year, you can join the challenge and raise money to help provide life-saving lung health research, patient education and public policy efforts. The routes may vary in their distances, but each offers an opportunity for teams and individuals to challenge themselves.

For more information about the Corporate Cup, visit

The American Lung Association saves lives right here in Nebraska through research, education and advocacy. They provide support and education for those living with asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and fighting threats to lung health such as tobacco, air pollution and more. To learn more, go to

MethodistJennieEdmundsonRecognizes VolunteersduringNationalVolunteerWeek

During the month of April, Methodist Jennie Edmundson (MJE) gives special recognition to their many volunteers at Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital for all they do every day throughout the year.

During National Volunteer Week, April 16 – 22, many organizations give tribute to these wonderful individuals. At MJE, they are no exception and proudly honor them for all they do. They thank their volunteers for their kind and caring manor and for being loyal to what they do as a Jennie volunteer.

MJE Volunteers add to the quality of services they provide to their patients, their families and the community. Every day, volunteers help improve a patient’s stay at the hospital, whether helping doctors and nurses, delivering newspapers and flowers, working in the gift shop or information desks.

Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital welcomes new volunteers to join this incredibly compassionate team who are the heart and soul of the hospital. As a volunteer you can choose days, evenings or weekends to fit into your schedule. There are also opportunities to volunteer at special events and fundraisers.

Find out more about MJE’s volunteer program by visiting jehfoundation. org and follow the ‘Get Involved’ tab, or call (712) 396-6040.

The Jennie Edmundson Foundation works to build a bridge between the community and the hospital to enhance the resources that support Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital in meeting the health care needs of the community. Their team believes in the power of philanthropy to save lives. For more information, go to

AAP and MMI World Autism Day Celebration to be Held April 2

Autism Action Partnership (AAP) and Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI) ask you to join in celebrating World Autism Day on April 2 from noon to 2 p.m. at Omaha’s Gene Leahy Mall.

The community celebration will include food trucks and face painting, as well as yard games and booths featuring community partners, friends and other champions for autism. The Rose, Special Olympics, The Omaha Children’s Museum and Why Arts are among the groups offering booths with fun activities. The Omaha Police Department’s mounted patrol will also make an appearance. GottaBeMe’s Heartlight Choir will perform at 12:30 p.m. on the stage.

The event is the kickoff for Autism Acceptance Month, and AAP and MMI also are collaborating on a billboard campaign, with this year’s theme being “Uniqueness Unites Us.”

The monthlong campaign to spread autism awareness and acceptance also will include an online toolbox, developed by MMI and hosted on the AAP website, for businesses, organizations and anyone who would like to learn more, promote and celebrate Autism Awareness Month. Autism Action Partnership aims to improve the quality of life of persons on the Autism Spectrum and their families though education, advocacy and support, thereby enabling them to be an integral part of the community. For more information, visit

BrainInjuryAllianceof NebraskaOffersFree ResourceFacilitationProgram

The Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska offers a free service that assists individuals with a brain injury, families and caregivers through its Resource Facilitation program. Resource facilitators serve as points of contact for individuals and families across the state seeking help with brain injury.

Additionally, resource facilitators network with community providers and service systems to educate others about the unique needs of people with brain injuries. Providing this education and awareness can then increase the support systems available for people living with brain injuries and reduce the stigma about brain injuries.

Brain injuries are often labeled an “invisible injury.” Often, it is the most extreme physical symptoms such as seizures, weakness and paralysis that tend to be associated with brain injuries. However, there are far more subtle symptoms that affect individuals who have experienced a brain injury.

Symptoms such as memory and reasoning impairments, social agitation, impulsiveness and lack of initiative often cause problems with completing daily tasks and maintaining productive employment and relationships. Without proper recognition and help in developing strategies to manage these symptoms, livelihoods and families are often negatively impacted.

To learn how you can partner with the Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska’s Resource Facilitation program, visit

The Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska was founded in 2009 to create better futures for all Nebraskans through brain injury prevention, education, advocacy and support. For more information, contact Peggy Reisher, MSW, executive director, at or (402) 890-0606.

April 2023 Strictly Business 31 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

NeighborGood Community Pantry Seeks Support as Grocery Support Needs Increase

NeighborGood located in Papillion has seen a large increase in those seeking grocery support. Rising food prices along with federal and state relief ending has increased the number of families needing assistance with food. In 2022, NeighborGood served 54% more families compared to 2021. The large increase in the number of people seeking assistance from NeighborGood has left the pantry running low on food. NeighborGood relies on donations from individuals, businesses and churches to continue providing food for those in the area in need.

When the pantry is running low on items to stock the shelves, they must purchase it to give to families. Groups that would like to host a drive or make a donation are encouraged to reach out to the executive director.

NeighborGood serves those in need in the greater Sarpy County and Ralston community. NeighborGood provides nonperishable groceries, pet food, paper products, hygiene items, diapers and more. For more information, go to or contact Executive Director Melissa Nelson at

Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska to Host Annual Walk to End Epilepsy May 13

The Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska will be hosting its annual Walk to End Epilepsy on Saturday, May 13, with registration beginning at 9 a.m. at Tri-Faith Initiative, 13136 Faith Plaza in Omaha. There will be a vendor area, kids zone, photo opportunities and more.

Advocates, healthcare professionals and supporters for epilepsy from across the state will come together to honor individuals dedicated to furthering awareness and recognizing achievements within the Nebraska epilepsy community.

Join the Epilepsy Foundation in-person to raise the awareness and funds to END EPILEPSY. With each step taken and dollar raised, they are closer to reaching their goal: a world free from epilepsy and free from fear of the next seizure. To receive a free event t-shirt prior to the event you will need to have raised $50 or more by April 14. For those who have not fundraised $50 or more by April 14, you will have 30 days post-event date to fundraise and have the official t-shirt shipped directly to you.

For more information on sponsorship or volunteer opportunities, please email Heather Bernard at

The Epilepsy Foundation is a national voluntary health agency dedicated solely to the welfare of the nearly 3.4 million people living with epilepsy in the U.S. and their families. The Foundation works to ensure that people with seizures are able to participate in all life experiences and to promote research for a cure. To contact Epilepsy Foundation Nebraska, email For more information, go to

Heartland Hope Mission Invites Business Leaders to Appreciation Luncheon

Heartland Hope Mission will host an Appreciation Luncheon to honor their donors, most dedicated volunteers and community supporters on Friday, April 14. Honorees receiving an award at this event are selected for their ongoing compassion, hard work and dedication to serving our neighbors in need.

Nominees for 2023 are Organization of the Year - F3 Omaha, Church of the Year - West Hills Church and Volunteer of the YearDiana Thomas. A special thank you goes to Hy-Vee, who will sponsor the food for the luncheon. Heartland Hope Mission would like to extend an invitation for business leaders to attend this event to learn about the impact they can make in our local community. With the increase of families needing assistance because of inflation, help from community leaders is crucial. Those who would like to RSVP to attend can visit or email Amanda@ with any questions.

Heartland Hope Mission operates one of the largest food pantries in the state, but they are More Than a Pantry since they help families work toward self-sufficiency. They primarily serve working poor families and those facing a crisis by providing a week’s supply of food, as well as clothing, diapers, job resources and community referrals. Like and follow Heartland Hope Mission on Facebook or follow them on LinkedIn and Instagram to stay up to date on all the important work they are doing in the community. For more information visit

Christian Record Services Receives Grant to Increase Braille Access Worldwide

Christian Record Services (CRS) has received $597,000 from the General Conference of Seventhday Adventists to increase its braille production capacity. Funding will enable the ministry to add additional production space at its headquarters in the Lincoln Trade Center, purchase additional braille embossing equipment and add one staff member to meet the increase in production.

After a three-year period, CRS expects to cover ongoing costs within its operating budget, which is primarily supported by faithful donors of the ministry.

“We are incredibly grateful to be the recipient of these funds, and are excited about the opportunity to expand our production capacity,” Diane Thurber, president of CRS, says. “With this expansion, we will contribute to braille literacy and address the book famine that currently exists, with less than 10% of published works available in accessible formats in developed countries and less than 1% in undeveloped countries.”

The ministry’s current production capacity enables it to fulfill member requests from within the United States and its territories. However, to meet the need of new braille requests, CRS will add production capacity for the existing library of braille books and resources that could be offered worldwide by special request through contracted service agreements. It is anticipated the expansion will be completed by late summer 2023. For more information about Christian Record Services or to donate to provide more braille resources in the United States and worldwide, visit, call (402) 488-0981 or email

32 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart NONPROFIT NEWS

Midlands Community Foundation to Host Annual Golf Tournament May 22

Midlands Community Foundation will host their annual golf tournament at Oak Hills Country Club on Monday, May 22 with a shotgun start at noon. Proceeds for the tournament will benefit Cass and Sarpy County D.A.R.E. programs. Last year, the event raised $60,000 for its chosen organizations. The tournament was sold out with 144 golfers participating, so be sure to get registered quick for this year’s tournament! Sponsorship opportunities for this event are available. The $150 participant registration fee includes golf, sack lunch, two chances to win a $250 gift card in a putting contest, two mulligans, two complimentary beverages and a steak dinner. To register or for more information, contact Midlands Community Foundation at (402) 991-8027.

The mission of Midlands Community Foundation is to be a catalyst for lasting impact in Sarpy and Cass counties and to give opportunities to organizations and individuals so that they can pursue their charitable goals. The Foundation has a strong commitment toward prevention and education in the areas of health, art, culture, community, education, economic development and human services. To learn more, visit

Angels Among us to Host Birds and Beers Fundraiser April 27

Angels Among Us is excited to bring back their popular fundraiser event, Birds and Beers for its fourth year. The Birds and Beers fundraiser will take place on April 27 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Angels Among Us provides financial and emotional support to families that have a child battling cancer and walking alongside them for the length of the treatment. The support that people give towards the cancer patients in need is priceless and the Birds and Beer event will allow people to do that while simultaneously having a great time!

The event has been called an extravaganza in the past, as there has been widespread excitement towards the local vendors that are showcased. Angels Among Us will be highlighting Nebraskan craft beer, cider and spirits that have always been a hit with the crowd. There will also be numerous local chicken sellers. Tickets include all-you-can-eat and unlimited drink samples, a commemorative beer glass and a unique item to take home.

To register for this event, visit or contact the team at (402) 672-3613.

Angels Among Us provides financial and emotional support to families that have a child battling cancer that lives in or is being treated in the state of Nebraska. They are able to support and pay these bills for the length of time that the child goes through cancer treatment (anywhere from 6-36 months). For more information, reach out to Amy Kent at (402) 934-0999 / amy@ or visit

April 2023 Strictly Business 33 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
YOUR ONLINE SEARCH RANKING – Google loves content that is –Original Relevant Well-written Backlinked Published from a Credible Source Optimized for Mobile & Desktop Viewing This is what Strictly Business excels at! And we want to do this for YOU. The numbers speak for themselves. In just the past year, Strictly Business articles and stories made over 6.57M impressions on Google. The content we create and publish for our clients is FREE with their advertising campaign. Strictly Business | 402-466-3330 DOMINATE Strictly Business Magazine







We’re more than just an insurance agency. We are a true insurance partner capable of delivering relevant insurance and risk management advice. Whether you’re a small business owner or a large corporation, we have the knowledge and resources to help you navigate the complex world of insurance.

We are dedicated to developing and nurturing meaningful client and carrier partnerships. We offer a comprehensive range of services to our clients while maintaining the personalized service that has made us a trusted partner for generations.


The FNIC team consists of dedicated professionals with experience and know-how. We provide our services on a local level, right here in Omaha, NE. We’re familiar with local trends and events while diligently monitoring national and global developments.

34 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart FNIC • 14010 FNB Parkway, Suite 300 • Omaha, NE 68154 • 402.861.7000 Not a deposit . Not FDIC insured . Not insured by any federal government agency . Not guaranteed by the bank . May go down in value CLIENT SPOTLIGHT

The only thing that can make great spring weather even better is a gorgeous landscape to enjoy it with. You might be a do-it-yourself landscaper, or perhaps you’d rather enlist some professionals to help you transform your property. Regardless of which route you’d like to take, Omaha has seasoned landscaping professionals that can offer their advice and/or labor to help you create the perfect landscape, just in time for summer – that is, the one that’s marked on the calendar.

Nothing runs like a Deere!

The very heart of a live landscape is the establishment of a healthy lawn. No matter how much you invest in fancy plants and trees, they always look their best when they are adjacent to green, lush grounds. Regardless of the size of your yard or your landscaping project, AKrS Equipment can provide an extensive array of John Deere equipment you need to get the job done right. AKRS offers John Deere turf, compact utility tractors and compact construction equipment, plus a host of attachments to accomplish any yard or acreage project.

It’s important to establish a healthy lawn as the base of your landscape. After all, no matter how much money you invest in retaining walls, perennials or trees, your lawn won’t be at its best without a green, lush grounding. Lawns should be kept between 2 3/4 and 3 3/4 inches in order to ensure root quality and reduce weeds. It’s easy to let lawns get out of hand, so your lawn should be mowed every two weeks.

When it comes to choosing a mower or keeping up with lawn maintenance, AKRS is in your corner. The John Deere equipment they sell offers the lowest cost of ownership in the industry, and their mowers have, over the years, proven to operate longer with fewer repairs and maintain their value better than any other product on the market. AKRS even has a service available to keep your equipment in top working order.

“AKRS Equipment offers a Ready to Mow Service in the Omaha and Lincoln communities, where we will come to your home or business and perform routine maintenance on-site and ensure that your equipment always performs well,” said Turf and Commercial Equipment Sales Professional Nick Wessel . “For larger repairs, we offer pickup and delivery to one of our AKRS locations.”

April 2023 Strictly Business 35 #PrintProudDigitalSmart If you’ve been thinking about a fiberglass pool, your weekend begins with Thursday! 402.770.7946 Contact us today for details on pricing/consultations Strawberry Springs Pool and Spa Taking Reservations For Thursday Pool Installs
Nick Wessel AKRS Equipment

For commercial mowing, one of the hottest trends in mowers is the John Deere QuikTrak Stand-on Mower, which AKRS offers. These stand-behind mowers serve up advanced maneuverability and speed to allow you to mow more and feel less fatigued at the end of the day. On the residential side, the John Deere line of Lawn Tractors provides mowing with a variety of attachments to make landscaping chores simple and easy.

“Customers can stop in at their convenience and learn what equipment best fits their needs,” Nick said. “The earlier they pay us a visit, the sooner we can get them up and running with the guidance and equipment they need to maintain the best lawn in the neighborhood. Come see us and take a test drive on any John Deere product. After all, Nothing Runs Like a Deere!”

Highlight Your Home

Are you tired of getting up on a ladder every year to hang your holiday lights? Are you interested in accenting your home differently? We have found a permanent, worry-free, hassle-free solution for you through Halo Custom l ighting . A sister company to Streamline Energy Solutions, they provide outdoor LED lighting that will last for 20+ years.

“They are maintenance-free and lowprofile with a discreet design, and can be controlled through a free mobile app and connected via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth,” said Owner Jen Keller . “Choose from 4,228,250,625 different color options, including warm white or cool white. You can even control each individual bulb, which allows for a complete customization for everyday accent lighting.”

Halo lights are designed to be a sleek, lowprofile, custom fit and color to your home. The waterproof, climate-tested lights are rated to last 55,000 hours and provide beautiful lighting to any property. Contact Halo Custom Lighting today to tie it all together with their gorgeous accent lighting!

pool p rep

Since 1998, Strawberry Springs has been serving the Lincoln and Omaha metro areas. They provide unmatched attention to detail, complete customer satisfaction and great service. Whether starting up a brand new pool or one that has been closed over the winter, a proper start-up will get you swimming faster and enjoying the pool more, and help prevent problems during the summer months.

1. Remove, clean and store pool cover with cover cleaner deodorizer and perform housekeeping chores such as brushing, vacuuming and emptying skimmer baskets of dirt and debris.

2. Add water. Water level should always be approximately half way up the skimmer opening.

3. Prepare equipment following manufacturer's recommendations.

4. Balance water by taking one quart of pool water to your professional OMNI dealer for a complete water analysis. Follow the dealer's instructions for balancing the water.

5. Continuous disinfection. Regular sanitation consists of using OMNI Chlorination Stix or one inch to three inch tablets in your skimmer or automatic chlorinator. At all times, maintain a free chlorine level of at least 1.0 ppm, to continuously kill bacteria. Strawberry Springs is your trusted partner in making your pool and spa environment work well. They can bring new and cuttingedge design and efficiency to your project. When they're done with your pool it will be perfectly clean, balanced and ready for the new season!

Spring has sprung, so what are you waiting for? reach out to these local landscaping and lawn care experts to create your perfect outdoor environment today!

36 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart 402-281-3922 MAKE YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS LOOK AMAZING YEAR ROUND! Never hang Christmas lights ever again!
Jen Keller Halo Custom Lighting

Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you have an idea that could add to the commerce and personality of the greater Omaha community? Do you feel empowered to take things into your own hands and seek out new opportunities? If so, you’ve probably dreamed of owning your own business and putting your spirit to the test. Is it a little intimidating? Sure it is, but if you have the dream and the spirit to follow through, why not test your ideas and give it a try? Just be certain that you are truly dedicated before taking the plunge, because starting a business can be a bit of an arduous and highly detailed process, but the rewards can cover the price of entry.

The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a ten-step plan for starting a business, which includes: conducting market research; writing a business plan; funding your business; selecting your business location; choosing a legal structure for your business; choosing your business name; registering your business; getting federal and state tax IDs; applying for licenses and permits; and opening a business bank account. As part of this entire process, we suggest working with a business coach who is a good match for you, hammer out some details and test your grit. We talked to some savvy business experts in the Omaha area to get some tips for walking the path to business ownership and outfitting your business and employees for success.

Starting your own business takes a lot of courage, and with adequate knowledge, preparation and the right group of supporters standing behind you, it can be the best decision of your life. American businessman and entrepreneur Nolan Bushnell once said, “The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It’s as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer.”

Are you ready to be a doer and take the plunge with your next great idea? Several local businesses shared their advice for up-

#PrintProudDigitalSmart DIRECT MAIL MARKETING. THROUGH SIMPLE & EFFECTIVE LOCAL CUSTOMERS Justin Cox Sales Manager 402-613-8218 jcox@aradiusgroup com Let ' s Connect! ATTRACT

and-coming entrepreneurs and how they can help you make your vision a reality. Read on to learn about their amazing services!

Content is King

At Hunter Web Group , they are committed to providing exceptional web design and development services to businesses of all sizes. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the latest trends and technologies in web design, they are your go-to partner for all of your web design needs.

Hunter Web Group offers a wide range of web design services to help businesses create a strong online presence. From custom web design and development to e-commerce solutions and content management systems, they have the expertise and experience to create a website that meets your unique needs. Their team of web design professionals is committed to creating websites that not only look great but also perform well. They focus on creating websites that are user-friendly, easy to navigate and optimized for search engines. They also offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your website is always up-to-date and running smoothly. “When it comes to web design, there's a common saying that ‘content is king.’ This is because the content of your website is what ultimately drives engagement and conversions,” said Tim Hunter from Hunter Web Group. “I want to help business owners learn why content is so important in web design, and how you can ensure that your website has high-quality, engaging content. Tim shared a few tips on creating quality content online.

1. Know Your Audience: The first step in creating quality content is to know your audience. Who are they? What are their interests and pain points? What questions do they have? By understanding your audience, you can create content that's relevant and valuable to them.

2. Create Original Content: While it's okay to draw inspiration from other sources, it's important to create original content

that's unique to your website. This can help to improve your search engine rankings, and also helps to build trust and authority with your audience.

3. Use a Variety of Content Formats: Don't just rely on written content - use a variety of content formats to engage your audience. This can include images, videos, infographics, podcasts and more.

4. Optimize Your Content for Search Engines: To improve your search engine rankings, it's important to optimize your content for your target keywords. This involves using your keywords in your headlines, subheadings and throughout your content in a natural way.

“In conclusion, content is king in web design. By creating highquality, engaging content that's optimized for your audience and search engines, you can drive more engagement, build trust and authority and improve your search engine rankings,” said Tim. “So if you're not already prioritizing content in your web design efforts, it's time to start.”

Your Built Environment

So you’ve made it through all the brainstorming, paperwork, strategizing, funding, locating, building and minutia to start your business. Now it’s time to make it a place that people want to work safely and happily and customers or clients want to frequent. We know the next step: Contact AOi Corporation to ace the built environment! They offer comprehensive services for new construction, renovations and expansion, provide furniture options that leverage environments to create greater value for businesses and offer an entire line of sustainable prefabricated modular interior construction.

38 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart Powering Your Merchant Services Dan “Rowdy” Rau 402.630.3472 CALL ROWDY TODAY
Johnston AOI

“AOI focuses on the built environment, whether that be in your private office, small business, or a corporate tower,” said Director of Marketing penny Johnston . “We have everything from MillerKnoll highly ergonomic task chairs to DIRTT (Doing It Right This Time) modularly constructed walls, and everything in between.”

Integrating technology needs for growth is crucial to starting a business. You’ll save a lot of time and effort down the road if you plan for long-term technology needs in spaces like huddle rooms or meeting spaces. AOI can help you strategize your built environment for now—and when you grow, considering your specific needs. “Every buyer’s situation is so different, which is why our furniture consultants are trained on things like ergonomics and warranty, to help you make the best product decisions,” Penny said. “Our design professionals are trained on local codes and life-safety issues within the built environment, as well. To that end, we also have online planning guides available through our various manufacturers, so if you do not need personal help just yet, we have other avenues for you. We help you make the most informed decision possible, whatever your situation.”

Among AOI’s newest products are Framery Pods, which are soundproof pods that make a perfect place to have meetings, brainstorming sessions and important one-on-one conversations in private without disturbing the entire office—or the office disturbing them. This is just one example of what they deliver as Nebraska’s authorized dealer for Framery, a globally-recognized brand known for offering innovative workplace solutions to many of the world’s leading companies, including Microsoft, Puma, LinkedIn and Tesla. AOI is also a certified dealer for MillerKnoll furniture, which transforms ordinary spaces into collaborative, innovative environments for the 21st century.

“AOI is the only full-service MillerKnoll dealer in the state of Nebraska,” Penny said. “As a company, AOI’s unique products and services will effectively achieve your future goals, creating an environment that fosters innovation and collaboration, while showcasing beautiful, design-driven furniture that will grow and change with your business!”

Branding Done r ight

l ittle Guy Branding is a full-service branding and digital marketing company. For those starting a new business, they can help from the very beginning. They will help you pick out a name and design a logo. From there, they help their clients examine their target audiences, outline marketing needs and design marketing collateral from business cards and email signatures to brochures and signage – and anything in between. They also offer website design and development services, photography, video production, social media management and consultations, search engine optimization and content creation.

The team at Little Guy Branding wants to make sure you are presenting your products or services in the best way possible, and sometimes that means taking a look at things from a different perspective.

“As important as it is for them to love their logo, colors, website and other things, the more important thing is that it resonates clearly with their target audiences. We want all of our clients to love the things we create and build for them, but more importantly, we want their clients and prospective customers to understand and easily interact and engage with them intuitively,” said Matt Stewart, founder and creator of Little Guy Branding. “New owners can get very wrapped up with the service or product personally and forget it should be mostly about their customers. For example, the new owner’s favorite color might be blue, but their product is a fire extinguisher, you will probably want to use reds so your audience can easily identify the product.”

April 2023 Strictly Business 39 #PrintProudDigitalSmart World-Class Administrative Support and Virtual Assistant Services From Anywhere in the World to Anyone in the World We Build Partnerships with EmErging TAlEnT And EmErging BusinEssEs (402) 639-0958 Classifying & reCording transaCtions Monthly reConCiliation of bank and Credit Card aCCounts aCCount reConCiliations Monthly finanCial reporting SOLUTIONS TO MEET YOUR BOOKKEEPING NEEDS
Little Guy Branding

In addition to the added creativity and ideas, working with a professional can ensure that everything you use to market your company looks clean, professional and eye-catching.

“We say that if you wouldn’t try to DIY yourself out of a legal, medical or financial challenge, why try to DIY your marketing efforts? Sometimes folks think of marketing as something unserious, undisciplined or unnecessary,” explained Matt. “This lack of awareness of the many marketing disciplines can hinder business owners from deploying the right tactics or result in them spending too much of their valuable time on marketing instead of the dayto-day work of their business.”

The world of marketing includes highly-creative fields along with deep data analytics expertise. Partnering with a branding and marketing firm like Little Guy Branding allows you to tap into all the various disciplines without needing to hire for every single one.

Work with Experts Who Care

Getting advice from your peers can be a great tool, but finding an expert that can see your goals and help you realize them takes things to another level.

Fiserv enables money movement for thousands of financial institutions and millions of people and businesses. They help you make smart decisions and set realistic goals financially. We spoke to National Senior Sales Advisor Dan rau , who everyone knows as Rowdy, to learn more about the services Fiserv has to offer, and the bits of advice you need to take your business to new heights.

“My greatest value add to a business is my vast network and expertise and experience in Financial Technology (FinTech) solutions,” explained Rowdy.

“My income and success is directly connected to the growth and success of my clients and portfolio. My network allows businesses easier opportunities to build long lasting partnership and vendor relationships.”

Finding the small ways that could be saving your business money is one of the things Rowdy knows best. He shared a tip with us for new businesses that are trying to save an extra buck.

“Businesses now more than ever can gain back all, some, or none of their fees with merchant processing,” Rowdy said. “Merchant processing fees are tax deductible operating costs, so passing the 3-4% fee to customers when inflation is set this time at 7.7% allows the business to increase deductions while paying less or zero in merchant processing fees.”

One thing Rowdy expressed is something that everyone can take with them, no matter what their next venture is.

“I will end with a quote from Muhammad Ali, ‘Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth,’” shared Rowdy. Remember to take care of the people around you!

p lanning for the Future

Running a business is no small task, and keeping it positioned for growth is even more difficult. As you go, you’ll need strategies to make more time, build better teams and increase money to your bottom line. It can be daunting, but ActionCOACH ExcelEdge is ready to help.

ActionCOACH ExcelEdge is an awardwinning business and executive coaching firm. As coaches, they partner with leaders to inspire innovative processes that continuously motivate them to reach their top leadership and professional potential. They work with businesses and

40 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart Because Your Business Should Give you More Life! Reach out today to learn more about how ActionCOACH can help YOU Entreprenuer Membership • Workshop Series • 1-2-1 Business and Executive Coaching Programs
Dan Rau Fiserv Linda Krei ActionCOACH ExcelEdge

individuals from start-ups to executives. Their coaching programs are designed to identify your challenges and to apply practical and results-driven solutions.

l inda Krei , the senior partner and CEO of ActionCOACH, heads up a team of certified business and executive coaches to help driven and energetic business owners and leaders increase their profits and their operating efficiencies. As your team of coaches and advisors, they will help you achieve more through the use of proven tools, methodologies and systems tested and perfected over tens of thousands of businesses worldwide over the past three decades.

“We begin our relationship with new clients with understanding their vision and what it is they are building,” said Linda. “We guide them through a process to “Start with the End in Mind” and help them to take that DREAM and develop the GOALS that define what they will need to LEARN to become the person to achieve their goals to then PLANNING and identify ACTION items to grow their business.”

It can never hurt to have a fresh set of eyes take a look over how you are running your business, and Linda and the ActionCOACH team can help you eliminate the extra steps you may be taking to reach success.

“We do see a tendency for business owners to work too many long hours for too long, before hinging a team of professionals to assist. The important step before that is to the get the systems and processes identified by the business owner, and often they just have things in their heads,” Linda explained. “By developing checklists and processes, the business owner is better positioned to train the team they hire, preparing them to resist the temptation to ‘just do it myself.’”

ActionCOACH has a proven systems and methodologies that guide business owners to develop a commercial profitable enterprise system that can work without them if they so choose. The coaches guide business owners to learn how to work “on” their business instead of “in” their business which consumes and exhausts many business owners, not just those starting a business. Linda and her team help them develop a different mindset to approach their business, to help them see that it shouldn’t be a job; they will likely need to learn different skill sets and ActionCOACH offers business education to do so.

Marketing Masterpieces

As a print, mail and marketing provider, Aradius Group can deliver your message to future customers, nationwide! After operating for more than 160 years, they continue to adapt and grow with the latest technology to provide their clients with the best solutions available in the industry today. Aradius Group’s award-winning team combines your marketing goals with their printing and mailing expertise so that you can expect a seamless customer experience from strategy and design to the final product. One of their most popular marketing solutions, ATTRACT, is a cost-effective way to promote your brand to your audience – no mailing list required. Just provide your artwork, pick your targeted locations on a map and they’ll do the rest!

rachel Wallace , the marketing manager at Aradius Group, shared with us some crucial advice for those beginning their entrepreneurial journey.

“Start by identifying the best target audience for your product or service, then create a marketing piece with copy and images that will resonate with your ideal customer group,” advised Rachel.

“Sometimes choosing the right way to distribute your marketing message can seem overwhelming, like there are too many options to choose from. By talking through your business goals, our team will recommend the best plan for you to simply promote your brand

and keep it top of mind.”

Whether you’re trying to grow in local areas or catch the attention of potential customers nationwide, Aradius Group has a marketing solution that will align with your business strategy and make your brand come to life! Their services include prepress, digital printing, offset printing, envelope printing and bindery and finishing. For direct mail services, they offer mailing lists, campaign consulting, personalization, fulfillment and postage audit.

Aradius Group wants to partner with your team to become a cornerstone in your marketing strategy. Once they get to understand your business and your company goals, they will propose the marketing strategy that they believe is the best fit for you and tailor it to suit your specific needs. Reach out to Aradius Group today to see how they can make your marketing dreams become reality.

Stick to the p lan

MA p S Business Coaching offers training to thousands of people every month and coaches business owners and entrepreneurs in weekly one-on-one sessions.

“If you don’t have a relationship with your goals, they mean nothing,” shared local franchise Owner Donald Kracke . “As a business coach, I hold clients accountable to what they want and what they say they’re going to do.”

Donald helps his clients by using models and systems such as the economic model, the budget model, organizational model and the lead generation model. These help him show the client what should be important to them to be able to reach their goals in a smart way.

April 2023 Strictly Business 41 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Primary Services: – Commercial and Residential Real Estate Affiliated Services: – Business Sales – Business Consulting Services – Financial Consulting Services 402-980-3526
JAMIE MORRISSEY Realtor® | The Shawn Ilg Team
Rachel Wallace Aradius Group Donald Kracke MAPS Business

“Business owners need to focus on the top 20% of what makes them money. By doing so, everything else becomes irrelevant. 20% of your activities generate 80% of income,” said Donald. “Don’t get caught up in the weeds. You can only do so many things well. Multi-tasking is a myth!”

MAPS Business Coaching helps businesses bring clarity to the different facets of business they have to deal with. The benefits are endless, and there are no limits to what you can accomplish with this kind of support!

Keep Track of What’s important

Forgetfulness is a trait we all can relate to at one point or another. Forgetting your keys before heading out the door, missing a dentist appointment or leaving an important item for the day at home are all things that can mess up your day, but overall don’t cause much harm. Forgetting to keep track of your business’s financials, on the other hand, will create a world of hassle for your business and a huge headache for you.

Omaha Bookkeeping is ready to help your new business succeed by keeping your business organized throughout each month with the financial transactions that occur. With their help, your business will be able to see a good financial picture and performance of the company at any given time throughout the year. Outsourcing bookkeeping duties may also save money in the long run by finding the partner that fits your business culture. Bookkeepers may also find ways to improve your process and identify areas where you may be overspending. They may also help to take advantage of bookkeeping software to help automate tasks, again saving time and money.

“I would make sure your business communicates with a tax professional and their accounting/bookkeeping department to make sure all of your tax-related expenses are accounted for,” said Jeff Doering, owner of Omaha Bookkeeping. “It is important to stay on top of account reconciliations and recording and classifying every financial transaction of the business. That’s where my services come in. Keeping and logging the proper backup documents of each financial transaction will make tax process go a lot smoother.”

You want to be ready for next year’s tax season when it rolls around again, and there is no better way to ensure your business is prepared than with the help of Omaha Bookkeeping. They are dedicated to keeping you on track financially, so that you can reach your goals with ease.

Comprehensive Consults

Over 200 online records are compromised every second, and 60% of small businesses don’t have a plan in the event of a cyberattack. This is a risk you cannot afford to take. Trumbo Corporation’s service includes a comprehensive consult to help identify gaps and opportunities within your IT Department. Then, they put a custom solution together to help meet those goals and take the stress off your IT department. They also offer a suite of quality products that will help keep your network safe and secure. Cybersecurity is incredibly important in our current society, and Trumbo wants to make sure your company is as safe and secure as possible.

Trumbo’s services include managed IT solutions, cybersecurity, website hosting, business phone services, disaster recovery and professional services. Whether you need PC or server maintenance, VPS hosting, onsite phone systems, graphic design, project planning or if you don’t understand what any of that means, Trumbo will be there to help. Save your business a big headache and feel cyber-secured with Trumbo!

Start with a Foundation

If you are looking into building or renovating a new space for your new business, consider starting from the ground up – literally. r SW Floors & More is your local resource for all things flooring. RSW Floors & More usually come into a building before all of the furniture, decorations and people move in, and they coat the concrete flooring with epoxy and flakes and can create decorative patterns if you choose. Commercially, they work with schools, locker rooms, bar backs, kitchen areas, industrial warehouses, restaurants, vet offices and more. Their floors are tough, longlasting and built for heavy-duty use. They also come with a fiveyear warranty on commercial flooring.

The installation takes about 48 hours, but RSW Floors & More suggest that business owners prep the space before hand to ensure that the process goes smoothly, and that no one has to move furniture or other things back and forth during the installation. When starting a new business, it may seem like a good idea to find any way to save money by trying to do everything yourself. Leave flooring to the professionals as you take on a lot of risk by doing it yourself without proper knowledge. If you want your floors to last in the long run, talk to a professional about what they can do for you. Remember, you get what you pay for!

RSW Floors & More is committed to making sure you have the best possible experience with their services. They are all about details and will make sure your project is done exactly how you want it. They will come do a courtesy check on the new flooring about a week to ten days after the job is complete. You can be sure you are getting the best possible work done on your flooring because there will be a manufacturer representative available to give a second opinion on any job that requests it. Owner and Operator Raimond Wojtalewicz schedules the job and comes to do it himself, so you know that no details will be forgotten.

It’s an exciting time when your entrepreneurial spirit gives you that push to go forward with your dream of opening your own business. From flooring to coaching and tech needs and accounting, the Omaha community has your back. We encourage you to reach out to these local businesses and professionals to ensure your vision can be made a reality.

42 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart Omaha, NE 402.896.5520 | Lincoln, NE 402.476.0055 Committed to creating great places to work, learn and heal.
Jeff Doering Omaha Bookkeeping

Life Changes —

We are told to “expect the unexpected,” – but how does one do that, really? Unplanned life changes can be uncomfortable and come with a string of emotions, ranging from anger and fear to helplessness and worry. It’s common to feel a sense of loss that comes with unexpected changes, as we are pulled away from what is familiar and comfortable. For seniors and their loved ones who find themselves in these situations, life can be challenging for some time as adjustments are made. Local individuals offered some words of wisdom and encouragement for us to share with our readers, seniors and their loved ones who want to prepare for the event of unexpected changes – or those who may be going through unforeseen changes right now.

Specialized Memory Care

Alzheimer’s and other dementias progress differently in each individual diagnosed. For some, the decline may be very rapid and sudden. In the event your loved one with dementia unexpectedly needs additional care, prairie Meadows Alzheimer’s Special Care Center is a wonderful option, providing exceptional person-centered holistic care to residents with cognitive impairment. This goes far beyond the minimal regulations of eight hours a day, and it eliminates any stress and anxiety a family may have when placing their loved one in memory care. Prairie Meadows is a homelike and freestanding memory care facility that specializes in memory care, secured courtyards, restaurant style dining and 24/7 on-site nursing.

“Prairie Meadows partners with The Alzheimer’s Association by offering support groups for families with those in need of memory care,” said Marketing Director Don Woods. “The journey of memory care can be challenging. We are available to meet with families and share resources that will benefit families as they are on this journey alongside their loved one.”

Finding specialized care for those living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia-related illness is an incredibly intricate and personal process. Prairie Meadows Alzheimer’s Special Care Center offers freestanding memory care and assisted living services with a team specially-trained in memory care. Prairie Meadows also utilizes the SPARK program.

SPARK was inspired by the teachings and research of Maria Montessori and Dr. Cameron Camp and provides meaningful and life-enhancing experiences for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

“The program engages their residents with proven rehabilitative strategies that strive to heighten interaction, optimize cognitive skills as well as promote a sense of purpose and accomplishment,” Don said. “SPARK uses tailor-fit assessment tools to evaluate each resident’s capabilities and strengths, so the program can best meet their specific needs.”

Specialized care like the kind provided at Prairie Meadows is crucial for anyone experiencing memory loss or a memory disease. Living comfortably while staying active and social can keep you or your loved one in good spirits during a difficult transition. Prairie Meadows Alzheimer’s Care Center is ready to welcome you or your loved one into their connected community.

Keep Moving

According the CDC, adults 65 years of age and older who are generally fit and do not have limiting health conditions should get 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week, and work on musclestrengthening at least twice a week. This aims to prevent many of the health problems that seem to come with age, as well as grow one’s muscles to allow them to continue to perform their day-today activities without becoming dependent on others.

Injuries come when you least expect them, and as you age, the healing process often becomes longer, leading to difficulties in living your dayto-day life. To get yourself or your loved one back into their pre-injury health and strength, visit See The Trainer.

April 2023 Strictly Business 43 #PrintProudDigitalSmart 402.391.2790 | 13208 Meredith Ave Omaha, NE 68164 Designed for Comfort, Care, and Quality of Life. Specialized Memory Care | SPARK! Programming 24/7 Specialized Nursing Care Omaha Best 100 – Memory Care - 3x – Best Senior Care Award A Place for Mom – Best Senior Care Award Omaha’s Choice Award – Best for Memory Care WINNER UNPLANNED
Don Woods Prairie Meadows Alzheimer’s Special Care Center

See The Trainer has a variety of sports medicine products that can help seniors who want to live an active lifestyle protect themselves from aggravating a past injury or a weak part of the body. They also offer exercise products, such as exercise balls, shoulder pulleys, foam rollers and more, so you can stay fit right from your home.

In the event that you or your loved one finds themselves going into surgery, See The Trainer can help guide you through the rehabilitation process.

“We have a variety of helpful products that can assist someone going through rehabilitation after a major surgery or injury so that they can safely get back to their normal routine as soon as possible,” shared Owner Kristie Egan . “We understand that it would be challenging to have to adjust your daily routine for weeks or months due to something unexpected. Our products can help you through your recovery to ensure everything heals properly and you can get back to your pre-injury routine.”

Kristie has been with See The Trainer for 14 years and started out with intentions to keep it temporary, but it turned into a life-long career that she is very passionate about. She has since bought the company from the previous owner and is excited to carry on the journey. Not only is See The Trainer locally- and women-owned and operated, but it is also locally sourced. See The Trainer has been partnering with Nebraska Cancer Specialists’ Occupational Therapy program in Legacy and has become their new “go-to” for sending patients to get medical compression garments.

Visit See The Trainer today to see how they can help you or your loved one continue to stay active and live comfortably at home.

road to recovery

Brookestone Meadows offers short-term rehab and long-term skilled care. Designed specifically for resident-centered care, the short-term rehabilitation facility provides an extensive range of rehabilitative services and 24-hour skilled nursing care. The goal is to return home or to a residential care environment. For long-term skilled care, there are options for medical care, nursing and rehabilitation care and personal care. The Vetter Senior Living facility has five households for long-term care and three for rehabilitation.

“We provide short-term rehabilitation to seniors following a hospitalization after an accident, illness or injury. Seniors at our facility receive skilled nursing care and therapy to increase their strength and independence. Planning for the transition back to the community starts at admission,” said Molly Skidmore from the Brookestone Meadows social work department. “If there is an increased need for care in their home environment, we assist in making those community resource connections. Brookestone Home Health Care also assists with this transition to the community by providing therapy and nursing in the home setting. We also provide long-term care for those who are unable to return to their prior living arrangements who need 24-hour skilled nursing care.” Molly has seen many people experience unexpected changes in their lives and oftentimes they are left lost and unsure where to go next.

“Start making phone calls! There are many resources in our community such as private care giving companies, care facilities that provide a variety of levels of care, senior living advisors and programs through the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging,” advised Molly.

“If the senior happens to currently be in an acute care setting like the hospital, visit with the social worker for information on resources that may be helpful to their specific situation.”

At Brookestone Meadows, they provide quality care to restore and maintain the independence of both short-term patients and long-term residents. Their mission is to provide Dignity in Life, no matter the circumstance. With a senior’s dignity as their focus, they look to maximize the senior’s quality of life whether they plan to return to the community or remain with Brookestone for long-term care. Brookestone Meadows approaches care concentrated on the wellbeing of the whole person, not just the senior’s physical or medical needs.

For those who may be experiencing an unexpected situation with their family members or themselves, Molly shared one last piece of advice. “Don’t give up! Although the life changes or difficult challenges at hand seem new or overwhelming, seniors have often faced many difficult situations throughout their lives and have been successful in navigating them,” Molly said. “They’ve often helped their friends and families through challenges too. Seniors are resilient! Although independence is highly valued, but don’t be afraid to accept the help of others. I hear from many seniors that they don’t want to burden their family members by asking for help. For family members and caregivers alike, it’s an honor to help the seniors of our community.”

As scary as it is to think about the obstacles that may occur with aging, the best course of action is to be prepared. Check into community resources before there is an immediate need if possible, such as care giving companies or care facilities. Having legal documents like health care directives in place prior to an emergency is helpful, so converse with family members and those in your support system about your wishes if the unexpected were to occur. Proactive planning often affords seniors the opportunity make choices based on their preferences instead of being stuck with what is emergently available.

We recommend reaching out to these local businesses to help you get through unplanned changes and adjust to the next chapter of life.

44 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
Kristie Egan See The Trainer Molly Skidmore Brookestone Meadows

Weare once again inspired by the group in this month's Women-Owned Businesses feature. It's an honor to be able to highlight female leaders in our community and influence other women with entrepreneurial ambitions. As a women-owned and run business ourselves, there is a certain pride we take in seeing so many other women leaders emerging in Omaha. When women rally behind each other, amazing things happen. All women are powerful—stay-at-home moms and business owners alike. So please join us in celebrating the following woman powerhouses in Omaha. If you are a women-owned business and want to be included in the next feature, please contact us, we'd love to have you.

This group of Women-Owned Businesses is much more than what meets the eye - each one has a story with hundreds of women behind them in their families, friends and communities, rooting for them to meet their goals. Take a moment to read a snippet about who they are and more importantly, where their motivation and drive comes from.

Here in our Omaha community, we take pride in celebrating these amazing women. Join us by sharing their stories with your friends, supporting their work and doing business with them.

April 2023 Strictly Business 45 #PrintProudDigitalSmart

Women-owned Goosmann l aw Firm is Legal for People who Lead.

In 2009, Founder Jeana Goosmann defied the risks and left an established 100-year-old firm to start the Goosmann Law Firm with only one lawyer and an assistant. With her leadership and R.E.D. philosophy over the past 14 years the firm has grown to be the largest women-owned law firm in the Midwest with four locations and 65+ team members.

In 2015, the firm became certified by Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and the National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF). Goosmann Law Firm helps clients in a variety of matters including estate planning, real estate, trials and disputes.

The firm has been recognized as a Best Law Firm by U.S. News - Best Lawyers ® for two consecutive years and has been named on the Law Firm 500 list as one of the fastest growing law firms in America for the past six years. Learn more at www.

Yellow Brick r oad Early Childhood Development Center is led by two of the most influential women in the childcare industry. Jessica Johnsen, CEO, and Kylie Schrader, COO, work together to inspire their employees to be the best teachers their students could ask for each day. Having worked as teachers, directors and regional directors themselves, Jessica and Kylie understand the importance of professional development and support in the classroom. Jessica’s personal goal going into the childcare industry was to create a space where preschool teachers were seen and respected as professionals and experts in the field. She and Kylie have succeeded in their efforts by adding additional professional development opportunities and benefits annually!

Keele Taylor, PHR, SHRM-CP, is the owner and founder of HrMinded Consulting Services. Established in 2019, Taylor has been supporting business owners across the US and in Canada by providing them with a one-stop shop HRM (HR Management) solution. Taylor has an impactful passion for human resources, safety and leadership development, so much so that she has held senior level positions in HR throughout her career. Taylor has been an integral part of the Omaha business community and also serves as a certified OSHA Trainer, an Executive Board Member for the Nebraska National Safety Council and a Steering member for Methodist Health System’s Women’s Connect Committee.

Taylor has been in HR for nearly 20 years. She graduated with a master’s degree in organizational leadership and development in 2009 from Bellevue University. Taylor has several credentials that speak to her commitment and passion for people, including OSHA Authorized Trainer certification, SHRM and HRCI certifications, Fred Pryor Instructor license and Clifton Strength’s Executive Coaching certification.

“An organization’s greatest assets are the knowledge, skills and abilities of its existing staff,” says Taylor. “Successful leaders recognize the value in human capital.” How can HRMinded Consulting Services help you? Taylor offers several services including Executive Coaching, Compliance & Auditing, HR Document creation/ revision, Policy Writing and Leadership training.

Receive experienced and customized support to meet your HR needs, giving you protection and peace of mind. While you wear multiple hats for your business, let HRMinded wear the HR hat for you. Reach out to Keele Taylor by emailing her at keeletaylor@ or visit the website:

Kylie helped to found Yellow Brick Road in 2006. Her vision for the schools has always been to create an environment that fosters professional development. Kylie’s goal is to build a community of the strongest teachers through training and opportunities for growth. Working side by side, these two ladies are determined and unstoppable. They set out together at Yellow Brick Road in 2019 with combined ambitions, shared experience and a lot of passion to create our communities’ highest-quality preschool programs!

Zen Coffee Company is a beloved Omaha coffee shop, first opened in 2017, founded and owned by Abby Mcleay. Abby has always loved coffee and the fast-pasted atmosphere of working in the industry. She started her undergrad journey in counseling, but quickly fell in love with idea of owning her own business and changed her path to an MBA. Luckily for her employees, her initial education has contributed to her relationships with teammates and customers, bringing compassion to her work.

After discovering an amazing roaster in Cannon Beach, Oregon, Abby knew she had to bring the “zen” back to Omaha. “We had a goal to create an inclusive and positive work environment while also merging the traditional specialty type shop with what Omaha has grown to love - all the flavorful concoctions and fancy beverages,” says Abby. Now, with a total of three locations, a bakery and plans to go mobile, the team maintains their focus of growth while continuing to be Green Certified.

The motivation behind Zen is the people - Zen supports nonprofits continuously within their business model. They prioritize giving back to the community by working with several local nonprofits monthly. By switching up who they work with, their reach goes far and more people get exposure to different organizations.

Visit Zen Coffee Company to try their nationally-viral Coffee and Toast flights, over 40 drink options and their full pastry menu. They have two walk in locations at 133rd and Center and 25th and Farnam, and a drive through is located next to Trader Joes. Visit zencoffeecompany. com for more information!

46 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart

Founded by two stylists in 2004, nationally-recognized Seven Salon + Boutique quickly grew to a well-known salon in the Omaha area. Nikki Okun and Shannon Bingham had a dream to create one of the strongest education-based salon environments where creativity could thrive, with a desire to have a positive impact on the community through donations and philanthropic endeavors.

In 2009, they received the Salon Today magazine’s Top 200 Fastest Growing Salons in the US. The salon has been recognized for numerous awards including the Midlands Business Journal for community involvement after organizing several fundraisers for various causes. Seeing this dream of growth come to fruition has afforded them the opportunity to expand the salon in 2022 into a boutique, photography studio and education hub. These women entrepreneurs continue to grow strong salon professionals, create jobs and maintain a positive relationship with the community of Omaha.

Bark Avenue Grooming and Daycare was established in 2000 by Suzanne Wilke of Omaha. With a passion for dogs and an expertise in grooming, Sue quickly gained the trust of her clients by creating an experience for dogs that upheld the highest standard. As the business flourished, Bark Avenue expanded to include a second location and offer boarding as a service to her loyal client base.

Kimmylea Konsel-Taylor established l ime l ight Expressions in 2007 for one reason: to help people! With over 20 years of experience in the event planning industry, she has created a business model that is more unique than most because she prioritizes building relationships with her clients and establishing trust through consistent communication. From multimillion-dollar international events to local events, LimeLight Expressions’ approach to serving the needs of their clients by building a relationship that feels more like family.

LimeLight staff takes pride in guiding their clients through the entire process so they can be confident the event will exceed their own expectations.

“We love helping people!” said Kimmylea, “We truly enjoy the process of taking our clients’ vision and creating an atmosphere that not only wows our client but impresses all those in attendance. To us, it is about making the entire event an incredible experience that places our client in the LimeLight.”

LimeLight Expressions is family owned and operated with over 22 awards in the industry. To learn more, go online to or contact (402) 915-3534 /

In the time since starting her business, dog daycare has gone from being an exclusive luxury service to a common necessity for pet owners. Particularly during the pandemic, the daycare and boarding services have been bursting at the seams. As much as our furry friends can be great companions, they are experts at interrupting Zoom calls.

Outside of work Sue is a grandmother of six, mother and a great friend to many in our community. One of her great friendships, that later blossomed into family, was with her daughter-in-law, Meghan. The two got to know each other well while working together at Bark Avenue during the years when Meghan and Clint were dating. After college, Meghan’s career took her to the financial services industry for almost 15 years.

In the summer of 2022 when Sue was contemplating retirement, Meghan was considering business ownership. Even though the news wasn’t official until January of this year, for months both Sue and Meghan have beamed with the pride of knowing that the legacy of Bark Avenue will continue in the family for another generation, at least.

Bark Avenue is Omaha’s leading daycare facility that currently offers full service grooming and boarding for their clients. As the organization grows under Meghan’s leadership they aspire to offer enrichment and memberships for their VIP clients as well as training for dogs and owners of all experience levels. Visit their site at for more information.

April 2023 Strictly Business 47 #PrintProudDigitalSmart
“Rarely are opportunities presented to you in a perfect way. In a nice little box with a yellow bow on top. ‘Here, open it, it’s perfect. You’ll love it.’ Opportunities – the good ones –are messy, confusing and hard to recognize. They’re risky. They challenge you.”
- Susan Wojcicki

Natalie Kotrc and Brenda Tharp are two female entrepreneurs who own Elegant Edge Events and Catering They started it in 2018 and have a passion for helping people make their special events perfect. Their menu is totally customizable, but specialize in comfort foods, like roast beef au jus and cheesy mac ‘n’ cheese. No event is too big or too small!

Natalie and Brenda are both natives to Omaha, and love to support nonprofits and special interests. Together they have a combined total of over 35 years in the event industry. They also own the Fireside Banquet Room in Papillion, a great place for meetings, small weddings, showers, birthday and grad parties etc.

They have just opened up their new kitchen in Papillion. It will soon offer a carry-out option, Elegant Edge To Go. You can check out their website to see a full downloadable menu, or call (402) 871-5708.

Envoy is a certified women-owned advertising agency in Omaha. Founded in 1988, they execute creative, proactive and results-oriented communication strategies that propel their clients’ brands forward.

Dr. Amillionara Davis , D.C. has owned and operated Chiro l ife since October 2022.

She saw a need for chiropractic care to be accessible to the minority community, especially the black community, and decided to fill that need. She started ChiroLife through the help of the Evoke Chiropractic Coaching group, she was introduced to these amazing doctors at the American Black Chiropractic Association Conference during her second trimester of chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences University in 2018.

ChiroLife’s mission is simple - supporting individuals in achieving extraordinary life through the vehicle of chiropractic. The vision is to change the perception that health is the absence of disease and pain. “I’m passionate about keeping and getting people to move without pain,” says Dr. Davis. “Oftentimes, when we have pain, especially chronic pain, we tend to adapt pain avoidance movement in order to continue on with our lives instead of learning how to get back to the pain free range of motion.”

If you have goals to get back to your physical activities, get better sleep or just live life pain-free, ChiroLife is your new go-to. With a team effort mentality, you’ll see how your hard work pays off when you work with Dr. Davis.

When Dr. Davis isn’t at ChiroLife, she’s pouring herself into the Omaha community. You can find her at Aksarben Senior Living Facility every Sunday leading seniors in stretch classes! She has also worked closely with The Simple Foundation, and has recently become involved with Abide Omaha as well.

Dr. Amillionara Davis started ChiroLife with the people of Omaha in mind. To reach out to her, you can call (402) 551-5353 or email chirolifeofomaha@

Envoy specializes in the consumer-packaged goods and healthcare industries, creating marketing for brands that positively impact the health of our communities. They are inspired by their dedicated team of creative thinkers that produce lasting results with successful marketing solutions. Envoy’s size means they are agile and flexible, the keys to adapting to their client’s changing needs while constantly innovating newer, more creative ways to achieve their goals. They believe the best way to communicate a brand’s value to consumers is by taking an integrated and inclusive approach to marketing. While they are all about the success of their clients’ marketing, Envoy also enjoys the industry accolades that come along with creating effective campaigns. Most recently, a commercial they filmed and animated for Belfonte Dairy won a Silver Award in the 18th Annual Davey Awards, selected by The Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts for Craft: Best Use of Animation. Envoy also received four Paper Anvil Awards of Excellence at the PRSA Gala held in December.

They strongly believe in community service, and many Envoyers serve on nonprofit boards and volunteer their time and talents generously. Visit or the CPG division site for more information about them.

48 Strictly Business April 2023 #PrintProudDigitalSmart DON’T MISS OUT! This is an excellent opportunity for women-owned businesses and leaders to share their stories! The next feature will be in October 2023. Please call (402) 466-3330 or email if you are interested in participating!
“Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you’ll be criticized anyway.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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