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I awoke each morning to birdsong and rose gold light peeking through the cracks in my curtains. My soft , warm sheets were easy to leave knowing you’d be getting back into them with me. I saw beauty in the vase on the kitchen counter that you always kept fi lled with red tulips. Th e books on your nightstand became my favorite, and I memorized the pages like scripture. Even cold, cloudy days fi lled the sky with silver linings and gave my cheeks a pretty, pink fl ush.

But those glasses I once wore are broken, you knocked them off me. Th e moments I witnessed in rosy hues now replay as icy memories.

I ignored that when the morning sun woke me, I’d pray you were in a good mood that day. I ignored that I had to fi rst fulfi ll my bedroom duty in order to sleep with the warmth of your body next to mine. I ignored that the fl owers smelled of guilt and the vase was only fi lled aft er we’d fought. I ignored that I was so desperate for your approval that I’d read books till my fi ngers turned blue. I ignored that the clouds blocked out the sun and the cold made my lips purple.

I see it all clearly now.

Quand il me prend dans ses bras Qu’il me parle tout bas Je vois la vie en rose Il me dit des mots d’amour Des mots de tous les jours Et ça me fait quelque chose Il est entré dans mon cœur Une part de bonheur Dont je connais la cause C’est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie Et dès que je l’aperçois Alors je sens en moi Mon cœur qui bat

Writer: Sarah Gibson Editors: Jayna O and Lexi Fernandez Shoot Staff ers: Rose Jackson, Lalo Ambris, Lexi Kreimeier, Isabella Dabage, Emma Edy Morris Beauty: Emma Edy Morris Models: Aleck Condon Photographer: Milena Shakhnazaryan, Lalo Ambris Videography: Joelle Stressler Layout: Eden Znaty

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