Media Guidebook
About the SFU Faculty of Education
Mission Statement
Our Experts
How To Use This Guidebook
Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Education is committed to scholarly excellence, leading-edge pedagogy, innovative curriculum, engagement with teachers, differentiated staffing, and a participatory democratic culture. A global leader in educational research and a pathfinder in Canada’s teacher education, the Faculty of Education is committed to ethical practice, equity, social justice and diversity.
Our faculty members are dedicated to developing, advancing, and enacting knowledge that makes a difference to public education and have been recognized for their work locally, nationally, and internationally. Over the years, our faculty has grown in size and evolved in response to the ever-changing challenges and needs of the public we serve and in public education in general.
Education is an important and often controversial public issue. Whether it is a student or parent, teacher or administrator, or a concerned citizen, education affects everyone throughout one’s life-span. This Media Guidebook serves to assist media seeking an educated voice to comment on education-related issues.
The Simon Fraser University Faculty of Education – a diverse community of scholars – promotes a broad spectrum of scholarly and professional inquiry to advance theory, pedagogy and the practice of education. We look beyond precedents and categories to honour inquiry and imagination. The Faculty is committed to a culture that develops the individual and fosters social renewal. Our scope extends throughout the lifespan and celebrates human differences. A spirit of hope inspires our work.
Many of the professors in the Simon Fraser University Faculty of Education have dedicated their academic careers researching specific issues in the broader area of education. To arrange an interview with one of our education professors, please contact: Ruby Ng Associate Director of Communications Faculty of Education Simon Fraser University t: 778.782.7152 c: 604.828.9516 e:
AReas of expertise
2 Aboriginal education 2 Academic literacy 2 Adult and continuing education 3 Assessments and school measurements 4 Counselling 4 Diversity 5 Educational leadership 5 English as a Second Language (ESL) 6 French education 6 Health education 6 Imaginative education 7 International education 7 Mathematics education and numeracy 8 Teacher education
Aboriginal Education
Academic Literacy
Adult and continuing education
Dolores van der Wey
Dr. Steve Marshall
Dr. Deborah Bartlette
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Program Coordinator, M.Ed. Community Programs
Ph.D. (UBC) M.A. (SFU) B.GS (SFU)
Ph.D. (Institute of Education,
Specializations and Research Interests Coalition and reparative politics Aboriginal education Anti-oppression education Literacy Teacher education
B.A. (U. of Manchester)
Ph.D. (SFU) M.Ed. (Athabasca) B.A. (Open U.)
Specializations and Research Interests
Specialization and Research Interests
Sociolinguistics and education
Post-secondary/higher education
Academic literacy
Academic capitalism
Language, migration and identity 
Education and the public good
TESOL pedagogy
Corporate/market-like activities in post secondary education
U. of London) M.A. (U. of London)
Linguistic minorities
MEDIA CONTACT Ruby Ng t: 778.782.7152 c: 604.828.9516 e:
Assessments and school measurements
Dr. Paul Shaker
Dr. Phil Winne
Dr. John Nesbit
Dean of Education
Professor and Canada Research Chair
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Ohio State) M.A. (Ohio) B.A. (Ohio) Specializations and Research Interests During his time in the field of education, Dr. Shaker has been a teacher, as well as, a professor and administrator in higher education. In addition to a passionate interest in educational policy and community engagement, Dr. Shaker carries with him nearly 30 years experience in education in varying capacities and has been recognized with numerous awards, including a Fulbright Scholarship that led to his work evaluating basic education in seven Arab Gulf nations.
Ph.D. (Stanford) M.S.Ed. (Bucknell U.) B.S.Ed. cum laude (Bucknell U.) Specializations and Research Interests
Ph.D. (U. of Alberta) M.Ed. (U. of Alberta) B.A. (UBC) Specializations and Research Interests
Study tactics
Self-regulated learning with multimedia resources
Measurements, assessments and evaluation
Research methodologies for log analysis
Education psychology
Learning from concept maps
Educational technology
Learning object evaluation
Quantitative data analysis
Collaborative evaluation Adaptive learning systems
Dr. Natalee Popadiuk
Dr. Charles Bingham
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (U. of Calgary) M.A. (UBC) B.Ed. (UBC) B.A. (UBC)
Ph.D. (U. Washington) M.A. (U. Washington) Teaching Certificate (U. Puget Sound) B.A. (Whitman College)
Specializations and Research Interests
Specializations and Research Interests
International students
Curriculum and education
Multicultural counselling
Multicultural practices
Suicide prevention counselling
Philosophies of language
MEDIA CONTACT Ruby Ng t: 778.782.7152 c: 604.828.9516 e:
Educational Leadership
English as a SECONd language (ESL)
Dr. Geoff Madoc-Jones
Dr. Dan Laitsch
Dr. Kelleen Toohey
Program Coordinator, Ed.D
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (SFU) M.A. (SFU) B.A. (U. of Wales)
Ph.D. (American U.) M.Ed. (U. of Virginia) B.A. (Virginia Tech)
Ph.D. (U. of Toronto) M.Ed. (U. of Alberta) Graduate Diploma (U. of Alberta) Professional Teaching Certificate
Specializations and Research Interests
Specializations and Research Interests
(U. of Calgary) B.A. (U. of Calgary)
Language arts education
Use and misuse of research in policy making
Specialization and Research Interests
Policy and market-based education reform
English as a second foreign language
History of literacy
High-stakes accountability and assessment programs
Native Indian education
B.C. Literature and contemporary Welsh literature
School health approaches to education reform
Hermeneutics Philosophy of education Poetry
Multicultural education
Bilingual education Bilingual education for minority language students
French Education
Health Education
Imaginative Education
Dr. Diane Dagenais
Dr. Sandra Vamos
Dr. Kieran Egan
Assistant Professor
Professor and Canada Research Chair
Ph.D. (U. of Montreal) M.A. (McGill) B.Ed (McGill)
Ed.D. (U. of Sarasota) Ed.S. (U. of Sarasota) Grad. Dip of Ed. (U. of
Specialization and Research Interests
M.Sc (Canisius College) B.PE (McMaster U.)
Ph.D. (Cornell) Ph.D. program (Stanford) Post Graduate Teaching Certificate (U. of London) B.A. (U. of London)
Second language education Bilingual education
Specialization and Research Interests
Specialization and Research Interests
Health education
Teacher preparation in health education
Imaginative Education Research Group (IERG)
Literacy and immigration
Health promoting schools
Western Sydney, Australia)
Health literacy Adolescent health Curriculum development for health education Integration of health and technology for both teaching and learning
MEDIA CONTACT Ruby Ng t: 778.782.7152 c: 604.828.9516 e:
International Education
Mathematics Education and Numeracy
Dr. Ian Andrews
Dr. Rina Zazkis
Dr. Peter Liljedahl
Director of External Programs and International Initiatives
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Israel Institute of Technology) M.A. (U. of Haifa) B.A. (U. of Haifa)
Ph.D. (SFU) B.Sc. (SFU)
Ph.D. (Bradford) M.A. (SFU) PDP (SFU) B.A. (SFU)
Specializations and Research Interests
Specialization and Research Interests
Undergraduate mathematics education
International teacher education
Teaching, learning, and understanding elementary number theory
Internationalization of Canadian teacher certification programs
Mathematical content knowledge of pre-service teachers
Specializations and Research Interests Mathematics education Problem solving Creativity Numeracy Professional growth of teachers Mathematical beliefs
Teacher Education
Dr. Peter Grimmett
Dr. Ann Chinnery
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (U. of Tempere) Ed.D. (UBC) M.Ed. (U. of Alberta) M.A. (U. of Alberta) B.Ed. (U. of Keele) B.A. (U. of Newscastle-Upon-Tyne)
Ph.D. (SFU) M.Ed. (U. of Alberta) B.Ed. (U. of Alberta)
Specializations and Research Interests Teacher education policy, governance and accreditation Teacher development Teacher knowledge and learning Reflective practice and inquiry
MEDIA CONTACT Ruby Ng t: 778.782.7152 c: 604.828.9516 e:
Specializations and Research Interests Educating for social justice Preparing teachers for work in diverse classrooms Ethics and moral education
ONLINE MEDIA ROOM We are always updating news and information about the work we do and the issues we inform. Visit our online media room for resources including: Recent News Recent Opinion Pieces Issues Sheets Research And Publications Research Centres Sfu Faculty Of Education Factsheet Key Personnel Media Kit (Pdf) Media Directory (Pdf)
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