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Business Practices business issues The Art of Hiring an Engineer

5 Ways to Secure Your Next Best Hire

By Jennifer Anderson

Based on over 18 years of experience, it has become evident that hiring an engineer takes finesse, patience, commitment, and creativity – it is more of an art than a science. For all of the left-brained engineers reading this right now, do not panic when hiring is referred to as an “art.” You do not need to get in touch with your inner poet, but you do need to evaluate how you are engaging candidates. It is the connection of one human being to another that makes or breaks the hiring process. For all of the potential job-seekers out there, read on. This information will help you to understand the perspective of your next hiring manager! As an engineer, you may be thinking that you do not want to mess around with all the “people stuff” of hiring. You want it to be easy, mathematical, like an equation – plug in accurate variables to get the right answer – every time. However, my friends, it is not that way. “People stuff” is real. Moreover, do not forget, you are a person too. So, you do have very real experience in how to engage with another human being. Presumably, your hiring process includes important steps like: • Asking rigorous engineering questions • Checking references • Evaluating past work samples • Ensuring that your hiring process is organized and efficient In addition to those key steps, here are five important ways to add finesse to the art of hiring an engineer: Seek to Understand Dr. Covey, of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People fame, was a champion of a habit that he coined as first seek to understand, then be understood. (If you have not read that book yet, do it. It will change your world – for the better. Promise.) When you are looking to understand a job candidate, it is important that you get to know that person. You do not need to invite them to your house for a dinner party, although that is an excellent way to get to know people. Seek to understand what is important about that person’s life. Questions to ask might include:

a) Tell me your “I became an engineer because…” story. b) While in college, what was the focus of your project’s team? How did you fit into the group dynamic? c) How do you spend your extra time? d) To what programs or organizations do you volunteer your time? Why are you involved? After asking those types of questions, share your own “I became an engineer because…” story. Help that candidate to connect with you as an individual. Remember, your goal is to get to know them on a personal level. Helping them understand your background will allow both of you to relax and enjoy the conversation more. Eat Together There is something sacred about eating together that goes back to the beginning of time. We all eat, although we do not necessarily like the same food. Connecting with a job candidate over a meal can be a fun and interesting way to get to know each other better. Invite the job candidate to a lunch interview, but only after the first in-office interview when you are pretty sure that you want to invest the time to get to know them better. Ask the job candidate to pick an interesting and different restaurant. You may be a steak-and-potatoes type of person, but now is the time to try something new and different. Ideally, have them pick a restaurant they have never been to either. Now, I understand that in some small markets, there are fewer restaurant options, so you may have to eat somewhere you have already been. However, the point is to think outside the box with this “normal” activity of eating. The importance of this alternate eating experience is that it will help you connect over something unique and interesting for both of you. Plus, you will get an idea how the candidate handles new and different experiences. Those natural (and often visceral) reactions will give you much insight into that candidate’s thinking, behavior, motivations, and more. The other benefit is that you will both be outside of your comfort zone, so no one has the upper hand. In the end, we all eat, but the experience of eating can help you to uncover characteristics about a job candidate that an interview would not have allowed you to discover. Spend the Day in the Office Invite the candidate to spend a day in the office with you. If they are too busy with their other full-time job, you may have to do a half day or an afternoon. An entire day is beneficial because people can be on their best behavior for a couple of hours. It is a lot harder to play nice in the sandbox when you have that afternoon sugar slump. The technique of inviting someone into the office all day is not something required for every applicant, rather when you are working to impress and win over a particular candidate. “Show me,” do not just “tell me.” Having a candidate in the office all day helps you to engage with them differently than the normal 1- to 2-hour interview. It is helpful for them and your firm.

Obviously, play it safe. Have the candidate sign a non-disclosure agreement so that they can interact openly and respectfully. Include opportunities for private conversations with key team members. As a manager, you may opt not to go to lunch with the job candidate, but rather send him/her to lunch with another engineer. Let them talk without the boss listening in – but, choose which engineer you send wisely. Network, Network, Network Th e best way to fi nd people to join your fi rm is through networking in-person. Find events that align with your sector of the industry and attend regularly. It is important to make this a priority so that you have the consistency of meeting and re-engaging with people associated with the events. One thing you need to remember about networking is that you are not likely to walk into a room, meet the perfect candidate, interview and hire them right there at the networking event. Rather, it is going to take time to connect with people. If you are going to get involved with networking, plan for a marathon, not a sprint. If you, or someone from your team, is attending regular networking events, be prepared for being out of the offi ce for a few hours. Do not think of networking as contrary to “getting work done.” Rather, embrace networking as one of your job responsibilities. It is very important! Little Things Matter Remember when your mom told you to write thank-you notes because a hand-written note means much more than a verbal thank you? Well, the same admonishment applies in business. Sending a meaningful, hand-written thank-you note to candidates who interview with your company will help you to stand out. Sure, emails are also great, not to mention easy to fi nish and send off quickly. However, if you want to make a strong human connection, send a hand-written note. Another example of the little things is business cards. It is always an amazing circumstance when someone does not have a business card for the company for which they work. Why would you not arm your employees with business cards? Th ey are inexpensive and may seem insignifi cant, but business cards rarely get thrown away. Th ink outside of the box when it comes to creating business cards too. An unusual and memorable card that the author was given was thin metal etched with a company logo, employee name, email, and cell number of the employee. Th at is one card that most people probably would never

ADVERTISEMENT–For Advertiser Information, visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org throw out. Th e reason you want all of your employees to have business cards is that you never know when they are going to cross paths with someone that could be a great hire. Th e simple, small token of handing off a business card shows that the company and the person care, and take their business seriously. Arm your people with the right tools as it will make a diff erence. In the end, you need an engineering candidate to have the technical skills necessary to get the job done. Vet those skills, put the applicants to the test, and uncover what they know. Beyond math and science, skills required to succeed in today’s business world also include communicating, listening, reading body language, courtesy, respect, and more. Give yourself, and the candidates, the opportunity to get to know one another by allowing the art of connecting on a personal level. Remember, you are both humans.▪ Born into a family of engineers, but focusing on the people side of engineering, Jennifer Anderson (www.CareerCoachJen.com) has nearly 20 years of experience helping companies hire and retain the right talent. She may be reached at jen@careercoachjen.com.

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ADAPT Corporation

Phone: 650-218-0008 Email: fl orian@adaptsoft.com Web: www.adaptsoft.com Product: PTRC Description: An indispensable production tool for the fast and easy design of concrete slabs of any form, beams, and beam frames. Uses equivalent frame method to design post-tensioned or conventionally reinforced projects. Easily switch between PT and RC modes. Updated with ACI 318-14 / IBC 2015. Product: Edge Tributary Load Takedown Description: Edge off ers fast and reliable gravity load takedown of concrete structures. Easily model buildings from scratch or import from Revit. No need for FEM solution or complicated analytical modeling; just simple and fast results. Integrates with comprehensive column design module. Product: Builder Shear Wall Design Description: Builder off ers the only fully integrated solution for the design of complete concrete buildings using one model: gravity design of reinforced concrete or post-tensioned fl oor systems, lateral analysis, column design, shallow foundation design, and automated inclusion of lateral frame actions in slab and foundation design. Soon with shear wall design!

American Wood Council

Phone: 202-463-2766 Email: info@awc.org Web: www.awc.org Product: Connection Calculator Description: Provides users with a web-based approach to calculating capacities for single bolts, nails, lag screws and wood screws per the 20 05 NDS. Both lateral (single and double shear) and withdrawal capacities can be determined. Wood-to-wood, wood-to-concrete, and wood-to-steel connections are possible.

Applied Science International, LLC

Phone: 919-645-4090 Email: support@appliedscienceint.com Web: www.extremeloading.com Product: Extreme Loading for Structures 5.0 Description: A new advanced level of nonlinear dynamic structural analysis. Allows users to effi ciently study structural failure from any number of actual or possible extreme events. Users can easily model highrise structures composed of reinforced concrete, steel composite and other structures with all as-built and as-damaged details. Product: SteelSmart System 8.0 Description: SSS provides construction professionals with an essential tool engineered for both fast and accurate design. Available design modules include: Curtain Wall, Load Bearing Wall, X-Brace Shear Wall, Floor Framing, Roof Framing, Roof Truss, and Moment-Resisting Short Wall.

All Resource Guide forms for 2017 are now available on the website, visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org. Autodesk®, Inc.

Phone: 415-580-3872 Email: vanessa.bertollini@autodesk.com Web: www.autodesk.com Product: Steel Connections for Revit® Description: Provides access to a variety of parametric steel connections in Revit software, enabling connections to be modeled with a higher level of detail. Th is helps bridge the gap between design and fabrication. Both members and connections can be synchronized between Revit and Advance Steel for detailing. Product: Advance Steel Description: Easy-to-use and comprehensive software for structural steel detailing built on the AutoCAD® platform. Intelligent 3D modeling tools help you accelerate more accurate design and detailing. Help speed time-to-fabrication by automatically generating shop drawings and deliverables. Interoperability with Autodesk® Revit® software supports a more connected BIM workfl ow.

CADRE Analytic

Phone: 425-392-4309 Email: jimhaynes@cadreanalytic.com Web: www.cadreanalytic.com Product: Zipwire Description: Classic single hanging cable application for point loads on taut cables or distributed loads on slack cables. Includes consideration of the slope and elasticity of the cable and fl exibility of the end supports. Product: Pro Description: Finite element structural analysis application. Loading conditions include discrete, pressure, hydrostatic, seismic, and dynamic response. Features for presenting displaying, plotting, and tabulating extreme loads and stresses across the structure and across multiple load cases simultaneously. Basic code checking for steel, wood, and aluminum.

Concrete Masonry Association of California and Nevada (CMACN)

Phone: 916-722-1700 Email: info@cmacn.org Web: www.cmacn.org Product: CMD15 Design Tool for Masonry Description: Structural design of reinforced concrete and clay hollow unit masonry elements for design of masonry elements in accordance with provisions of Ch. 21 2010 through 2016 CBC or 2009 through 2015 IBC and 2008 through 2013 Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5).

Design Data

Phone: 402-441-4000 Email: sales@sds2.com Web: www.sds2.com Product: SDS/2 Description: Provides automatic detailing, connection design, and other data for the steel industry’s fabrication, detailing, and engineering sectors. SDS/2‘s data sharing between all project partners reduces the time required to design, detail, fabricate and erect steel.

DEWALT Engineered by Powers

Phone: 510-364-6263 Email: jacob.olsen@sbdinc.com Web: www.dewalt.com Product: HangerWorks plug-in Description: HangerWorks plug-in for Autodesk Revit is a tool that automates the placement and engineering design of hangers and seismic bracing for MEP systems such as duct, pipe, conduit, and cable tray. Prefabrication sheets, bill of materials, total station layout points, and engineering reports such as point load calculations are included.

Dlubal Software, Inc.

Phone: 267-702-2815 Email: info-us@dlubal.com Web: www.dlubal.com Product: SHAPE-THIN / SHAPE-MASSIVE Description: Calculates the section properties of custom open, closed, built-up, and non-connected thin-walled cross-sections consisting of one or more materials. Perform an elastic or plastic stress analysis including torsion eff ects. Determines section properties of thick-walled cross-sections and performs a full stress analysis. Optimal integration with RFEM for further structural analysis.

Product: RFEM Description: Structural analysis program which includes USA/International design codes for steel, concrete, timber, CLT, aluminum, glass, and fabric/ membranes. Capable of non-linear analysis of member, plate, and solid elements complete with code references and detailed design results. Direct interfaces with BIM and CAD software to incorporate seamless and bi-directional data exchange.

IES, Inc.

Phone: 800-707-0816 Email: info@iesweb.com Web: www.iesweb.com Product: VisualAnalysis 17.0 Description: IES introduces the new version 17.0! It is far easier. It is much faster. It is crazyaccurate. It is widely versatile. And, as it has for over 23-years, it will improve your bottom-line and your smile.

Integrity Software, Inc.

Phone: 866-372-8991 Email: sales@softwaremetering.com Web: www.softwaremetering.com Product: SofTrack Description: Save money on monthly, quarterly and annual Bentley® license fees! SofTrack provides automatic control to prevent over-usage of Bentley licenses. Ensure licensed applications are used within your license limits. SofTrack includes support for all Bentley licensing policiesand can automatically block usage of products you do not own.

Losch Software Ltd.

Phone: 323-592-3299 Email: LoschInfo@gmail.com Web: www.LoschSoft.com Product: LECWall Description: The industry standard for precast concrete sandwich wall design also handles multi-story columns. LECWall can analyze prestressed and/or mild reinforced wall panels with zero to 100 percent composite action. Flat, hollow-core, or double tee configurations are supported. Complete handling analysis is also included.

Opti-Mate, Inc.

Phone: 610-530-9031 Email: optimate@enter.net Web: www.opti-mate.com Product: Bridge Engineering Software Description: Merlin Dash software for analysis, design or rating of bridges with steel and prestressed concrete girders. Descus software for grid analysis and rating of bridges with horizontally curved plate or box girders. TRAP software for truss bridges and SABRE for sign structures. AASHTO specifications are included. RISA Technologies

Phone: 949-951-5815 Email: info@risa.com Web: www.risa.com Product: RISAFloor ES Description: RISA offers everything you need for concrete design. For concrete floors, including beams and two way slabs, nothing beats RISAFloor ES for ease of use and versatility. The design of columns and shear walls with RISA-3D offers total flexibility. Integration between RISA-3D and RISAFloor ES provides a complete building design.

S-FRAME Software

Phone: 604-273-7737 Email: info@s-frame.com Web: s-frame.com Product: S-FOUNDATION Professional 2017 Description: S-FOUNDATION Pro 2017 released! New pile features include soil definitions to calculate deflections, axial forces, compression, and tension along each pile length. Quickly and easily model, auto-detail, and optimize pile supported foundations. Seamlessly transfer model data Analysis or easily import support data from 3rd party analysis software.

All Resource Guide forms for 2017 are now available on the website, www.STRUCTUREmag.org.

ADVERTISEMENT–For Advertiser Information, visit www.STRUCTUREmag.org SCIA, Inc., a Nemetschek Company

Phone: 410-207-5501 Email: info@scia.net Web: www.scia.net Product: SCIA Engineer Description: Looking to migrate to or improve your 3D design workflows? SCIA Engineer offers an easy way to plug structural analysis and design into today’s BIM workflows. Tackle larger projects with advanced non-linear and dynamic analysis. Plug into BIM with IFC, and bi-directional links to Revit, Tekla, and others. Free demo!

Product: SCIA Design Forms Description: Integrate custom checks into your FEA workflow. Script custom calculations that can run as standalone checks or link to SCIA Engineer’s FEA workflow. Having the ability to write your own checks inside your FEA software is a real game changer. Try it for free!

Simpson Strong-Tie®

Phone: 800-925-5099 Email: web@strongtie.com Web: www.strongtie.com Product: Strong-Wall® Shearwall Selector Description: Helps Designers select the appropriate shearwall solution for a given application in accordance with the latest code requirements. continued on next page


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Simpson Strong-Tie®

Product: CFS Designer™ Software Description: Design cold-formed steel beam-column members according to AISI specifications. Analyze and design complex span and loading configurations, including system design for framed openings, shearwalls, x-braces, floor joists, and roof rafters.

Standards Design Group, Inc.

Phone: 806-792-5086 Email: info@standardsdesign.com Web: www.standardsdesign.com Product: Wind Loads on Structures Description: WLS4 software allows wind load computations for the ASCE 7-98, 02 or 05, Section 6 and ASCE 7-10, Chapters 26-31. WGD5 performs calculation to design window glass according to ASTM E 1300-09. BRDG 2007 finds its basis in the ASTM F 2248.

Strand7 Pty Ltd

Phone: 252-504-2282 Email: info@strand7.com Web: www.strand7.com Product: Strand7 Description: An advanced, general purpose, FEA system used for a wide range of structural analysis applications. Strand7 can be used as a standalone system, or with Windows applications such as CAD software. It comprises preprocessing, solvers (linear and nonlinear static and dynamic), and post-processing. StruMIS LLC

Phone: 610-280-9840 Email: j.hardy@strumis.com Web: www.strumis.com Product: STRUMIS Description: Steel estimating and fabrication management information software which provides unrivalled features and benefits globally. Our software is driven by our continuous collaboration and communication with our customers. Our customers speak; we listen, ensuring the best material and time savings, in turn reducing overheads and increasing efficiency and productivity.

Trimble Solutions USA, Inc.

Phone: 770-426-5105 Email: kristine.plemmons@Trimble.com Web: www.tekla.com Product: Tedds Description: Perform 2D frame analysis, access a large range of automated structural and civil calculations to US codes and speed up your daily structural calculations.

Product: Tekla Structural Designer Description: Fully automated and packed with many unique features for optimized concrete and steel design. Helps engineering businesses win more work and maximize profits. From the quick comparison of alternative design schemes through to cost-effective change management and seamless BIM collaboration, Tekla Structural Designer can transform your business. Product: Tekla Structures Description: Create and transfer constructible models throughout the design life. From concept to completion. Allows you to create accurate and information-rich models that reduce RFIs and enable structural engineers proven additional services. Models are used for drawing production, material take offs, and collaboration with disciplines like architects, consultants, fabricators, and contractors.

Veit Christoph GmbH

Phone: +49 711 518573-30 Email: info@vcmaster.com Web: www.vcmaster.com/en Product: VCmaster Description: The most comprehensive software application for digital technical documentation in the field of structural engineering. The dynamically calculated and reusable documents offer an excellent opportunity to increase efficiency for structural analysis.

All Resource Guide forms for the 2017 Editorial Calendar are now available on the website, www.STRUCTUREmag.org. Listings are provided as a courtesy. STRUCTURE® magazine is not responsible for errors.

SeCB ConCeptS An Upcoming Opportunity to Promote Your Credentials

Stakeholders is not a term frequently used by or familiar to the Structural Engineer. From the engineer’s perspective, a stakeholder is any individual, industry, business, or municipal entity that has an interest in what the engineer does. As SECB is a voice/representative for structural engineering practitioners, it can be thought of as having the same extended list of stakeholders that the practitioner has. Often, architects don’t acknowledge or appreciate the benefits they receive from the professionalism of their structural engineer consultants. SECB will be supporting a booth at the 2017 AIA Conference in Orlando, April 27th – 29th. This will be our [your] opportunity to present to architects and remind them of the importance of the SECB credentials – projects engineered by an SECB certified engineer are designed by a professional who is in compliance with the education, training, and experience required of SECB certificate holders. Perhaps you could use this opportunity as C T U RAL E NGI N E E a marketing platform with your architectural U T R R I N clients. Ask them to visit the SECB booth to S G learn more about the certification process. CERTIFICATION BOARD

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