On the Road to Libertyville No. 2

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Број22 Issue

Празник The Feast of theРођења NativityХристовог of Our Lord

ЉетаofГосподњег 2017. Year our Lord 2017

Missionary of St. SavaСветог Monastery, Gathering Place of Serbs in America Лист заPublication мисију манастира Саве,the зборног мјеста Срба у Америци

www.stsavamonastery.org www.stsavamonastery.org www.stsavamonastery.org www.stsavamonastery.org

CHRIST ISСЕ BORN! ХРИСТОС РОДИ! www.stsavamonastery.org www.stsavamonastery.org INDEED HE СЕ IS BORN! ВАИСТИНУ РОДИ!

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